ANNOUNCE: [MAINT] unplanned reboot of code yesterday

Derek Atkins warlord at MIT.EDU
Tue May 17 09:18:00 EDT 2016


tl;dr: I had to reboot code, the gnucash-win32 build server, and indeed
the whole VM system yesterday.  It took a few hours to get everything
shut down, and then several more hours for the system to come back up.
If you think something is still broken please let me know.

Long Version:

I started having issues on one of my VM guest systems (in partcular, a
mail server) where it was failing to properly connect to itself.
Response was being very slow, the VM host had a load of over 15, and
other VM guests were also starting to misbehave.  I was also having
issues getting into the VM Admin Interface.

In order to recover I decided to perform a full theraputic reboot of the
complete VM system (which, by the way, had had an uptime over 200 days).
To that end I slowly shut down each VM Guest.  The GnuCash Win32 builder
took a long time to shut down (much longer than expected) because it
wanted to install an update..  Yay Windows.  I think it took an hour to
shut down.

Anyways, once everything shut down I rebooted the VM Host, and then
everything came back up.  At this point I believe everything back up and
is working correctly.  If you see something not working please let me


PS: The VM system does seem to be much more responsive now.  Perhaps I
should reboot more often?  :)
       Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
       Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
       URL:    PP-ASEL-IA     N1NWH
       warlord at MIT.EDU                        PGP key available

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