[Gnucash-changes] r14265 - htdocs/branches/published - Publish htdocs. Merge trunk -> branches published 13755:14264

Derek Atkins warlord at cvs.gnucash.org
Tue May 30 19:11:50 EDT 2006

Author: warlord
Date: 2006-05-30 19:11:40 -0400 (Tue, 30 May 2006)
New Revision: 14265
Trac: http://svn.gnucash.org/trac/changeset/14265

Publish htdocs.  Merge trunk -> branches published 13755:14264

Modified: htdocs/branches/published/.htaccess
--- htdocs/branches/published/.htaccess	2006-05-30 21:45:42 UTC (rev 14264)
+++ htdocs/branches/published/.htaccess	2006-05-30 23:11:40 UTC (rev 14265)
@@ -1,2 +1,3 @@
+Options MultiViews
 DirectoryIndex index.phtml index.php index.html
+AddType application/x-httpd-php .phtml

Copied: htdocs/branches/published/Makefile (from rev 14264, htdocs/trunk/Makefile)

Modified: htdocs/branches/published/README
--- htdocs/branches/published/README	2006-05-30 21:45:42 UTC (rev 14264)
+++ htdocs/branches/published/README	2006-05-30 23:11:40 UTC (rev 14265)
@@ -1,77 +1,107 @@
-# Notes for those editing these pages.
-# all pages must call emulate_globals_on.php to bring in
-# gettext support.
-# Within content, the absolute rules are:
-# 1. If you OPEN a tag, YOU are responsible for closing it
-# 2. Escape all entities: use & < > - watch those
-# Bugzilla or SourceForge URL links: all query strings need to
-# use &
-# Setup
-# =====
-# This section will be improved as more mirrors come into use.
-# Your DocumentRoot should be <path to checkout>/htdocs/www
-# Files in htdocs/ should NOT be visible on your website!
+# -*- rst -*-
-# i18n and l10n:
-# =============
-# The server needs to be configured for the underlying locales
-# before PHP can use gettext to translate them. On Debian,
-# install and configure 'locales' for each supported language
-# and use 'dpkg-reconfigure locales' to add new ones later.
-# The test server at http://gnucash.neil.williamsleesmill.me.uk/
-# supports: C POSIX de_DE de_DE.iso88591 de_DE.utf8 deutsch dutch
-# en_AU en_AU.iso88591 en_AU.utf8 en_BW en_BW.iso88591 en_BW.utf8
-# en_CA en_CA.iso88591 en_CA.utf8 en_GB en_GB.iso88591 en_GB.utf8
-# en_US en_US.iso88591 en_US.utf8 es_ES es_ES.iso88591 es_ES.utf8
-# fr_FR fr_FR.iso88591 fr_FR.utf8 français french german it_IT
-# it_IT.iso88591 it_IT.utf8 italian nl_NL nl_NL.iso88591 nl_NL.utf8
-# portuguese pt_BR pt_BR.iso88591 pt_BR.utf8 pt_PT pt_PT.iso88591
-# pt_PT.utf8 spanish
+- atom (/rss) generator
+- re-work page content for new-style translations (one big block)
+  - re-flow existing po-file content.
+- get gettext working on www.gnucash.org
+- update features screenshots
+- revise docs.phtml
+- pull mail-search into htdocs
-# The aim is that all translatable content is in either www/ or news/
-# and all translation files are in htdocs/ and po/. Other directories will be
-# gradually removed. In particular, www/ and news/ will not need
-# to contain separate directories for each supported language. Scripts will
-# then update the gnucash-htdocs.pot file, merge updated messages with available
-# translations and create binary translation files in relevant LC_MESSAGES locations
-# ready for a commit.
-# Preparing translations:
-# =======================
-# ./create-potfiles.pl > po/POTFILES
-# ./make-pot.sh
+Notes about multi-lingual gnucash website content
-# Now merge the new content into your translation, substituting the name of 
-# your po file in the command:
+- all pages must call lang.php to bring in gettext support.
+- It would be nice to use the same containing structure for all translations.
+- Phrase content can probably be po-style translated well.
+- Body/paragraph content probably wants to be block-replaced.
+- We're fine not doing auto-language negotiation.
-# msgmerge po/en_GB.po po/gnucash-htdocs.pot -o po/en_GB.po
+www.gnucash.org coding conventions/notes
-# Finally, see the size of the task ahead:
+There are three main classes of links:
-# msgfmt -c --statistics po/en_GB.po
+- external resources [$top_dir[/externals]]
+  - www: relative
+  - !www: relative
-# Whilst editing the translation, run the msgfmt command from time to time to catch
-# errors and let you know how much is left to do.
+- translations [$top_dir/[«lang»]]
+  - www: relative
+  - !www: relative
-# When you come across fuzzy markers: (#, fuzzy), remove them.
+- navigation [$home]
+  - www: relative
+  - !www: url-prefixed ("http://www.gnucash.org/file.phtml")
-# When you have no fuzzy and no untranslated messages, update the binary translation file:
+                        | www.gnucash.org  |  lists.gnucash.org        |
+                        +------------------+---------------------------+
+           external (C) |   ./[externals/] |  ./[externals/]           | \
+        external (lang) |  ../[externals/] | ../[externals/]           |  \,- $top_dir
+        translation (C) |   ./[lang]       |  ./[lang]                 |  / 
+     translation (lang) |  ../[lang]       | ../[lang]                 | /
+         navigation (C) |   ./             | http://www.[...]/         |  \,- $home
+      navigation (lang) |   ./             | http://www.[...]/[lang]/  |  /
+                        +------------------+---------------------------+
-msgfmt po/en_GB.po -o en_GB/LC_MESSAGES/gnucash-htdocs.mo
+As such:
-# Again, substitute your language in the name of the po file and the installed directory.
+  $top_dir := the relative reference to the top of the relative website; this
+    should be used for language-independent resources (stylesheets, images, php
+    includes), but not for links...
+  $home := a prefix for navigational URLs; for everything but
+    lists.gnucash.org, this'll be ".", but for lists.gnucash.org it'll
+    be "http://www.gnucash.org/".
+As well, the following variables should be set:
+...per directory:
+  $locale := the LANG to use for gettext.
+...per file:
+  $title := the text of the page.
+  $homepage := if the file is the homepage; controls RSS feed linkage.
+Preparing translations
+    $ make po/POTFILES
+    $ make po/gnucash-htdocs.pot
+Now merge the new content into your translation, substituting the name of 
+your po file in the command:
+    $ msgmerge po/en_GB.po po/gnucash-htdocs.pot -o po/en_GB.po
+Finally, see the size of the task ahead:
+    $ msgfmt -c --statistics po/en_GB.po
+Whilst editing the translation, run the msgfmt command from time to time to catch
+errors and let you know how much is left to do.
+When you come across fuzzy markers: (#, fuzzy), remove them.
+When you have no fuzzy and no untranslated messages, update the binary translation file:
+    $ msgfmt po/en_GB.po -o en_GB/LC_MESSAGES/gnucash-htdocs.mo
+    $ make de [fr nl ...]
+Which will build an individual translation, or:
+    $ make mos
+Which will make all the known translations.

Deleted: htdocs/branches/published/create-potfiles.pl
--- htdocs/branches/published/create-potfiles.pl	2006-05-30 21:45:42 UTC (rev 14264)
+++ htdocs/branches/published/create-potfiles.pl	2006-05-30 23:11:40 UTC (rev 14265)
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-# This perl script is used to make po/POTFILES, the list
-# of PHP and phtml files to be searched for translatable strings.
-# Author: Dave Peticolas <dave at krondo.com>
-# Adapted for PHP by Neil Williams <linux at codehelp.co.uk>
-use strict;
-use File::Basename;
-my @cvsignores = `find . -name '.cvsignore'`;
-my @phtml_files = `find www -name '*.php' -o -name '*.phtml'`;
-my @news_files = `find news -name '*.phtml'`;
-#my @news_files = ();
-my @possible_files = (@phtml_files, @news_files);
-chomp(my $cwd = `pwd`);
-my %ignores;
-foreach my $one_ignore (@cvsignores) {
-  chomp($one_ignore);
-  my ($name, $path) = fileparse($one_ignore);
-  $path =~ s/^\.\///;
-  open (IG, $one_ignore);
-  chdir ("$path");
-  foreach my $fl (<IG>) {
-    chomp $fl;
-    next unless $fl;
-    my @matches = glob ($fl);
-    foreach my $match (@matches) {
-      chomp($match);
-      next unless $match;
-      $ignores{$path . $match} = 1;
-    }
-  }
-  close (IG);
-  chdir $cwd;
-foreach my $file (@possible_files) {
-  chomp($file);
-  my ($name, $path) = fileparse($file);
-  $path =~ s/^\.\///;
-  next if $ignores{$path . $name};
-  print $path . $name . "\n";

Copied: htdocs/branches/published/de/.htaccess (from rev 14264, htdocs/trunk/de/.htaccess)

Copied: htdocs/branches/published/de/LC_MESSAGES (from rev 14264, htdocs/trunk/de/LC_MESSAGES)

Copied: htdocs/branches/published/de/docs.phtml (from rev 14264, htdocs/trunk/de/docs.phtml)

Copied: htdocs/branches/published/de/features.phtml (from rev 14264, htdocs/trunk/de/features.phtml)

Deleted: htdocs/branches/published/de/index.html
--- htdocs/branches/published/de/index.html	2006-05-30 21:45:42 UTC (rev 14264)
+++ htdocs/branches/published/de/index.html	2006-05-30 23:11:40 UTC (rev 14265)
@@ -1,193 +0,0 @@
- "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd"><HTML>
-<!--  index, noindex, follow, nofollow -->
-<META NAME="robots" CONTENT="index, follow">
-<BODY TEXT="#000000" ALINK="#000000" LINK="#AA5522" VLINK="#772200" BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF">
-<NOBR><A HREF="http://www.hthoma.de/index.html">HOME</A>-&gt;<A HREF="http://www.hthoma.de/projekte/index.html">Projekte</A>-&gt;GnuCash</NOBR>
-<A HREF="http://www.gnucash.org/">
-<IMG SRC="http://www.hthoma.de/projekte/gnucash/gnu_bill.gif" HEIGHT="147" WIDTH="350" ALIGN="right" ALT="Gnu bill" BORDER="0"></A>
-<H1><A HREF="http://www.gnucash.org/">GnuCash</A></H1>
-<P>GnuCash ist ein Programm zur Verwaltung pers&ouml;nlicher Finanzen.
-Eine scheckbuch&auml;hnliche Oberfl&auml;che erlaubt die Eingabe und
-das Verfolgen von Bankkonten, Aktien und sogar W&auml;hrungshandel.
-Die Oberfl&auml;che ist einfach und leicht zu bedienen, verwendet aber
-das Prinzip der doppelten Buchf&uuml;hrung.</P>
-<P>Die aktuelle Version von GnuCash ist <A HREF="http://www.hthoma.de/projekte/gnucash/gnucash-1.8.html">
-Gnucash 1.8</A>.</P>
-<H2>Funktionen von GnuCash sind:</H2>
-  <LI>
-    Ein einfaches Benutzerinterface: Wer einen Kontoauszug
-    versteht, kann GnuCash verwenden.
-  </LI>
-  <LI>
-    QuickFill: wenn ein Beschreibungstext für eine Buchung
-    mit einem vorangehenden Text identisch ist, kann er
-    mit &lt;TAB&gt; automatisch komplettiert werden (z.B. f&uuml;r
-    regelm&auml;&szlig;ige Buchungen wie das Gehalt).
-  </LI>
-  <LI>
-    Terminierte Buchungen: Automatisch regem&auml;&szlig;ig
-    wiederkehrende Buchungen einf&uuml;gen
-  </LI>
-  <LI>
-    Handhabung von Aktien- und Fondsportfolios: der
-    aktuelle Stand kann einzeln (eine Aktie = ein Konto)
-    oder als Portfolio (alle Aktien = ein Konto)
-    verwaltet werden.
-  </LI>
-  <LI>
-    Verschiedene W&auml;hrungen und Devisenhandel:
-    Mehrere W&auml;hrungen werden unterst&uuml;tzt und k&ouml;nnen
-    ge- und verkauft werden. W&auml;hrungsbewegungen auf
-    den Konten werden ausgeglichen.
-  </LI>
-  <LI>
-    Funktionen f&uuml;r kleinere Gewerbebetriebe: Verwaltung von
-    Kunden und Lieferanten sowie von Rechnungen, Fristen und Steuern.
-  </LI>
-  <LI>
-    Import von Dateien im Quicken Interchange Format (QIF).
-  </LI>
-  <LI>
-    Online-Banking durch OFX und HBCI.
-  </LI>
-  <LI>
-    Berichte: Anzeigen von Gewinn &amp; Verlust oder Portfolios, 
-    grafische Darstellungen, z. B. Tortengrafik
-  </LI>
-  <LI>
-    Hierarchie von Konten: Ein Haupt-Konto kann eine Hierarchie
-    von Unter-Konten haben. Das macht es m&ouml;glich, &auml;hnliche
-    Konten (Bargeld, Spar-, Aktien-Konten) in einem Hauptkonto
-    zusammenzufassen.
-  </LI>
-  <LI>
-    Split-Buchungen: Eine einzelne Buchung kann in mehrere Teile
-    zerlegt werden, wie z.B. Steuern, Geb&uuml;hren, usw.
-  </LI>
-  <LI>
-    Erlaubt das Aktualisieren von Aktien- und Fonds-Kursen &uuml;ber das
-    Internet, auch automatisch.
-  </LI>
-  <LI>
-    XML Dateiformat, Dateien im alten Bin&auml;rformat werden automatisch
-    konvertiert.
-  </LI>
-  <LI>
-    Geschrieben in "C" mit eingebetteter Unterst&uuml;tzung von Scheme
-    durch "guile".
-  </LI>
-  <LI>
-    GnuCash steht unter der <A HREF="http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html">GPL 
-    (GNU General Public License)</A>
-  </LI>
-<A HREF="http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-software-for-freedom.html">
-<IMG SRC="http://www.hthoma.de/projekte/gnucash/mtsbwy.jpg" HEIGHT="180" WIDTH="178" ALIGN="right" ALT="May the Source be with you" BORDER="0"></A>
-<H2><A NAME="gnc_links">Links</A></H2>
-<H3>GnuCash Homepage</H3>
-  <LI><A HREF="http://www.gnucash.org/">http://www.gnucash.org</A></LI>
-<P>Quelltext- und ausf&uuml;hrbare Programmpakete sind unter
-folgenden URLs erh&auml;ltlich. Die derzeitigen stabilen
-Versionen haben Versionsnummern 1.8.x, die Entwicklungsversionen
-haben Versionsnummern 1.9.x.</P>
-  <LI><A HREF="ftp://ftp.gnucash.org/pub/gnucash/">
-      ftp://ftp.gnucash.org/pub/gnucash/</A></LI>
-  <LI><A HREF="http://download.sourceforge.net/gnucash/">
-       http://download.sourceforge.net/gnucash/</A></LI>
-<P>Die jeweils aktuellste Entwicklungsversion kann vom 
-GnuCash CVS Server bezogen werden. Dazu mu&szlig; man sich
-zuerst am CVS Server anmelden:</P>
-  <LI>cvs -d :pserver:cvs at cvs.gnucash.org:/home/cvs/cvsroot login</LI>
-<P>Das Passwort ist 'guest'. Den Quellcode bekommt man dann mit:</P>
-  <LI>cvs -d :pserver:cvs at cvs.gnucash.org:/home/cvs/cvsroot checkout 
-      gnucash</LI>
-<P>Eine einmal ausgecheckte Version von GnuCash bringt man
-folgenderma&szlig;en auf den neuesten Stand:</P>
-  <LI>cd &lt;GnuCash-Verzeichnis&gt;</LI>
-  <LI>cvs up -Pd</LI>
-<P>F&uuml;r GnuCash existieren die folgenden Mailinglisten:</P>
-  <LI><A HREF="mailto:gnucash-de at gnucash.org">
-       gnucash-de at gnucash.org</A></LI>
-  <LI><A HREF="mailto:gnucash-announce at gnucash.org">
-       gnucash-announce at gnucash.org</A></LI>
-  <LI><A HREF="mailto:gnucash-user at gnucash.org">
-       gnucash-user at gnucash.org</A></LI>
-  <LI><A HREF="mailto:gnucash-devel at gnucash.org">
-       gnucash-devel at gnucash.org</A></LI>
-  <LI><A HREF="mailto:gnucash-patches at gnucash.org">
-       gnucash-patches at gnucash.org</A></LI>
-<P>N&auml;here Informationen zu den Listen und wie man sie
-abonniert gibt es unter:</P>
-  <LI><A HREF="http://www.gnucash.org/en/lists.phtml">
-      http://www.gnucash.org/en/lists.phtml</A></LI>
-<P>GnuCash ist eine Gnome Applikation, l&auml;uft aber selbstverst&auml;ndlich
-auch unter KDE oder jedem anderen Windowmanager. N&auml;here Informationen
-zu Gnome unter folgenden Links.</P>
-  <LI><A HREF="http://www.gnome.org/">http://www.gnome.org</A></LI>
-  <LI><A HREF="http://developer.gnome.org/">http://developer.gnome.org</A></LI>
-  <LI><A HREF="http://www.gtk.org/">http://www.gtk.org</A></LI>
-<H3>Scheme / guile</H3>
-<P>Die Erweiterungs- / Konfigurations- / Scriptsprache von GnuCash ist
-Scheme realisiert durch guile.</P>
-  <LI><A HREF="http://www.schemers.org/">http://www.schemers.org</A></LI>
-  <LI><A HREF="http://www.gnu.ai.mit.edu/software/guile/guile.html">
-       http://www.gnu.ai.mit.edu/software/guile/guile.html</A></LI>
-  <LI><A HREF="http://swissnet.ai.mit.edu/~jaffer/SLIB.html">
-       http://swissnet.ai.mit.edu/~jaffer/SLIB.html</A></LI>
-<P>Um Onlinebanking mit HBCI zu nutzen sind folgende Pakete zus&auml;tzlich
-  <LI>OpenHBCI (<A HREF="http://www.openhbci.de/">http://www.openhbci.de</A>)</LI>
-  <LI>Libchipcard (<A HREF="http://sourceforge.net/projects/libchipcard">http://sourceforge.net/projects/libchipcard</A>)</LI>
-<NOBR><A HREF="http://www.hthoma.de/index.html">HOME</A>-&gt;<A HREF="http://www.hthoma.de/projekte/index.html">Projekte</A>-&gt;GnuCash</NOBR>
-<NOBR>&copy; 2000 - 2003 <A HREF="mailto:herbie at hthoma.de">Herbert Thoma, 
-herbie at thtoma.de</A>, last changed 02. Feb. 2003</NOBR>
\ No newline at end of file

Copied: htdocs/branches/published/de/index.phtml (from rev 14264, htdocs/trunk/de/index.phtml)

Copied: htdocs/branches/published/de/local.php (from rev 14264, htdocs/trunk/de/local.php)

Copied: htdocs/branches/published/de/promote.phtml (from rev 14264, htdocs/trunk/de/promote.phtml)

Copied: htdocs/branches/published/de/rss-feed.phtml (from rev 14264, htdocs/trunk/de/rss-feed.phtml)

Copied: htdocs/branches/published/de/sizing.phtml (from rev 14264, htdocs/trunk/de/sizing.phtml)

Copied: htdocs/branches/published/docs.phtml (from rev 14264, htdocs/trunk/docs.phtml)

Modified: htdocs/branches/published/emulate_globals_on.php
--- htdocs/branches/published/emulate_globals_on.php	2006-05-30 21:45:42 UTC (rev 14264)
+++ htdocs/branches/published/emulate_globals_on.php	2006-05-30 23:11:40 UTC (rev 14265)
@@ -10,28 +10,4 @@
         extract($superglobal, EXTR_SKIP);
-$fullname = $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"];
-$topdir= dirname($fullname)."/";
-$toppath= getcwd()."/";
-# test gettext support
-# Set the language as 'en_GB' for testing
-# note that gettext in php requires the entire
-# string in one line, one quote.
-$langs=array('nl_BE.ISO-8859-15','nl_BE.UTF-8','en_GB.UTF-8','en_GB','en_US.UTF-8', 'en_US');
-$locale=al2gt($langs, 'text/html');
-# if/when we support non-Latin-1 languages, add some logic to modify this line.
-$mimeline = "<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=iso-8859-15\">\n";
-# allow user override.
-$language = $_GET["lang"];
-if(isset($language)) { $locale = $language; }
-if($locale == "") { $locale = 'en_US'; }
-setlocale(LC_MESSAGES, $locale);
-$domain = "gnucash-htdocs";
-bindtextdomain("$domain", "$toppath");

Copied: htdocs/branches/published/es (from rev 14264, htdocs/trunk/es)

Copied: htdocs/branches/published/externals (from rev 14264, htdocs/trunk/externals)

Copied: htdocs/branches/published/favicon.ico (from rev 14264, htdocs/trunk/favicon.ico)

Copied: htdocs/branches/published/features.phtml (from rev 14264, htdocs/trunk/features.phtml)

Copied: htdocs/branches/published/fr/.htaccess (from rev 14264, htdocs/trunk/fr/.htaccess)

Copied: htdocs/branches/published/fr/LC_MESSAGES (from rev 14264, htdocs/trunk/fr/LC_MESSAGES)

Deleted: htdocs/branches/published/fr/contribute.phtml
--- htdocs/branches/published/fr/contribute.phtml	2006-05-30 21:45:42 UTC (rev 14264)
+++ htdocs/branches/published/fr/contribute.phtml	2006-05-30 23:11:40 UTC (rev 14265)
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-<?php $title = "Contribuer"; ?>
-<?php if (!ini_get('register_globals')) {
- include("../emulate_globals_on.php");
-<?php include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/fr/components/header.phtml"); ?>
-<?php include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/fr/menu/menu-main-general.phtml"); ?>
-<td valign=top>
-<h1>Comment contribuer</h1>
-<div class='text' align='justify'>
-GnuCash est un projet de développement de logiciel gratuit et la dynamique de contribution
-est comme pour les autres projets. Ce a quoi vous contribuez dépend beaucoup de
-votre compétence, du temps que vous avez de disponible, et de ce que vous prenez plaisir à faire.
-GnuCash recherche des bêta-testeurs, des programmeurs, des rédacteurs, des animateurs
-(répondant aux questions sur irc, forums ou mailing-list),
-des traducteurs et de tout un tas d'autres personnes sympas.
-<b>Choisissez votre compétence pour voir en quoi vous pourriez aider : </b></td>
-<form method="post" action="/fr/contribute.phtml">
-<select name=contribute>
-  <option value=programmer
-   <?php if ($contribute == "programmer") { echo ("selected"); } ?>
-  >Je  suis un programmeur</option>
-  <option value=translator
-   <?php if ($contribute == "translator") { echo ("selected"); } ?>
-  >Je suis un traducteur</option>
-  <option value=fan
-   <?php if ($contribute == "fan") { echo ("selected"); } ?>
-  >Je suis un fan</option>
-  <option value=webmaster
-   <?php if ($contribute == "webmaster") { echo ("selected"); } ?>
-  >Je suis webmaster</option>
-  <option value=writer
-   <?php if ($contribute == "writer") { echo ("selected"); } ?>
-  >Je suis redacteur/journaliste</option>
-<input type=submit value=Go>
-<hr noshade>
-  if ($contribute != "") { 
-		include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/fr/contribute/contribute-".$contribute.".phtml");
-  }
-<?php include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/fr/components/footer.phtml"); ?>

Copied: htdocs/branches/published/fr/docs.phtml (from rev 14264, htdocs/trunk/fr/docs.phtml)

Deleted: htdocs/branches/published/fr/features.phtml
--- htdocs/branches/published/fr/features.phtml	2006-05-30 21:45:42 UTC (rev 14264)
+++ htdocs/branches/published/fr/features.phtml	2006-05-30 23:11:40 UTC (rev 14265)
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-<?php $title = "Fonctionnalités"; ?>
-<?php if (!ini_get('register_globals')) {
- include("../emulate_globals_on.php");
-<?php include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/fr/components/header.phtml"); ?>
-<?php include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/fr/menu/menu-main-general.phtml"); ?>
-<script language=javascript>
-  function newWin(url) {
-    newLoc=window.open("","","height=480,width=640,scrollbars=yes")
-    newLoc.location=url
-  }
-// -->
-<td valign=top>
-<font size=-1>
-GnuCash a longtemps eu beaucoup de fonctionnalités pour supporter les besoins de base de la
-comptabilité personnelle et familiale, en commençant par une méthode facile à utiliser
-de livre-registre de compte, et le support de diverses opérations de réconciliation 
-des relevés bancaires, les portefeuilles Actions/Fonds et de nombreux rapports/graphiques.
-  <BR>
-Mais le dévelopement de GnuCash ne s'arrête pas là,
-et les versions les plus récentes ajoutent un support sur les comptabilités des petites
-Les résidants allemands apprécieront également la fonctionnalité de gestion des opérations
-bancaires en ligne (désolé, la gestion en ligne n'est pas
-supportée aux USA; ne nous blâmez pas, blâmez votre banque. Dites-leur de nous dire
-les URL de  leurs serveurs  OFX  tiers, au lieu de les cacher comme des secrets d'état).
-<font size=-1>
-Faites une visite visuelle des fonctionnalités du noyau de GnuCash.
-<!-- <a href="javascript:newWin('/en/features_1.phtml')"> -->
-<a href="/en/features_1.phtml">
-<img border=0 src=/images/features/features_start_the_tour.png></a>
-<font size=-1>
-Ou plongez vous dans la
-<b><a href="/fr/features_5.phtml">Liste Complete des Fonctionalités</a></b>.
-<?php include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/fr/components/footer.phtml"); ?>

Copied: htdocs/branches/published/fr/features.phtml (from rev 14264, htdocs/trunk/fr/features.phtml)

Property changes on: htdocs/branches/published/fr/features.phtml
Name: svn:special
   + *

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+++ htdocs/branches/published/fr/features_5.phtml	2006-05-30 23:11:40 UTC (rev 14265)
@@ -1,220 +0,0 @@
-<?php $title = "Fonctionnalités: Quoi de nouveau"; ?>
-<?php if (!ini_get('register_globals')) {
- include("../emulate_globals_on.php");
-<?php include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/fr/components/header.phtml"); ?>
-<?php include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/fr/menu/menu-main-general.phtml"); ?>
-<td valign=top>
-<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width=100%>
-  <td><img src=/images/features/features_title.png></td>
-  <td align=right><a href="javascript:window.close();"><img border=0 src=/images/close_window.png></a></td>
-<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width=100%>
-<tr><td bgcolor=#000000><img src=/images/spacer.png height=1></td></tr>
-<table cellpadding=4 cellspacing=0 border=0 width=100%>
-<td valign=top>
-  <img src=/images/features/features_5_text.png><br><br>
-<h2>Quoi de nouveau pour GnuCash 1.8.0?</h2>
-La série de versions stables 1.8.x présentent beaucoup 
-de nouvelles fonctionnalités inconnues dans les version antérieures gnucash-1.6.8 :
-    <br><br>
-<dt><b>Transactions Planifiées</b>
- Vous pouvez maintenant créer des transactions se récurrente, 
- y compris des rappels automatiques quand une transaction est due, 
- la capacité de remettre une transaction sans annuler la planification, 
- et la capacité d'indiquer un nombre limité de transactions.
- <br><br>
-<dt><b>Assistant D'Hypothèque &amp; De Remboursement De Prêt</b></dt>
-Un assistant vous guide pour mettre en place des remboursements de prêt
-en tant que transactions planifiées. 
-<dt><b>Fonctionnalité  De Comptabilité De Petite Entreprise</b>
-Simplifiez le contrôle d'une petite entreprise avec le suivi du client et 
-du fournisseur, le paiement et le recouvrement de la facturation, et 
-les échéances d'impôts et de factures.
-<dt><b>Importation d'OFX </b>
-GnuCash est la première application libre à soutenir le 
-protocole d'échange financier ouvert que beaucoup de banques et services 
-financiers commencent à utiliser. 
-<dt><b>Support de HBCI</b>
-GnuCash est la première application libre à soutenir le 
-protocole allemand  d'information d'opérations bancaires personnelles 
-, permettant aux utilisateurs allemands d'exécuter des virements 
-bancaires et d'initier des débits directs. 
-<dt><b>Améliorations de la Réconciliation de Transaction Importées</b>
-Le développement d'OFX et de HBCI a également eu comme conséquence 
-l'améliorations du  système de réconciliation des transactions qui identifie 
-plus exactement des transactions en doubles pendant l'importation des fichiers de comptes. 
-<dt><b>Un Nouveau Manuel et  de l'Aide Utilisateur</b>
-Un nouveau sous-système d'aide qui se concentre sur comment exécuter 
-différentes actions est maintenant disponible, en plus d'un tutorial 
-et d'un guide de concepts qui fournit à l'utilisateur les informations 
-de base sur les règles de comptabilité et comment elles sont gérées par 
-    <br><br>
-<dt><b>Nouvelle Gestion Des Transaction Multidevise</b>
-GnuCash n'exige plus des comptes séparés en devises pour manipuler des transferts 
-en devise multiples. Des transactions peuvent être faites directement entre 
-les comptes libellés  dans différentes devises. 
- <br><br>
-<dt><b>Menus Redessiné</b>
-Les menus de GnuCash ont été remodelés pour se conformer davantage aux 
-nouvelles directives de l'interface GNOME. 
- <br><br>
-<h2>Anciennes Fonctionnalités</h2>
-Et naturellement, quelques fonctionnalités des versions précédentes  : 
-<dt><b>Rapport De Réconciliation</b>
-Une fenêtre de réconciliation avec la liste des transactions
-  encore non réconciliées et celles marquées afin d'équilibrer 
-  facilement vos comptes avec vos relevés bancaires. 
-<dt><b>Portefeuille De Fonds (FCP,sicav)/Actions</b> 
-Vous pouvez suivre vos actions individuellement (une par compte)
- ou dans un portefeuille de comptes (un groupe de comptes qui peuvent être 
-visualisé ensemble). 
-<dt><b>Importation de fichier QIF</b>
-Les fichiers Intuit<sup>&reg;</sup> Quicken<sup>&reg;</sup>
-    QIF peuvent être importé, et sont automatiquement fusionné 
-    pour éliminer des transactions doubles. 
-Support des formats de dates et devises internationalisées. 
-Les menus et les dialogues de Gnucash ont été traduits en 21 langues, 
-y compris le Chinois, le danois, le Français, l'Allemand, le Hongrois, 
-l'Italien, le Japonais, le Norvégien, le polonais, le Portugais, le Russe, 
-l'Espagnol, le Suédois, le Turc, l'ukrainiens, et l'anglais britannique. 
-La documentation est disponible en anglais, français, Portugais et en 
-Affiche le bilan, les bénéfices et les pertes, l'évaluation du portefeuille, 
-et bien d'autres. Les rapports peuvent être sauvés en HTML ou postscript, 
-ou être imprimés. 
-<dt><b>Système de Recherche De Transaction </b>
-Un puissant dialogue de requêtes sur les transactions 
-peut vous aider à localiser rapidement une aiguille dans une meule de foin. 
-<dt><b>La Double Entrée</b>
-Une fois permise, chaque transaction doit créditer un compte et débiter 
-un autre d'un montant équivalent. Ceci assure à cela l'"équilibre du 
-registre" : la différence entre les revenus et les dépenses égale 
-exactement la somme de tous les capitaux et capitaux propres. 
-<dt><b>Types De Compte De Revenus/Dépenses 
-Les types (catégories) de compte De Revenus/Dépenses  vous permettent de classer 
-vos flux financiers. Lorsque cela est utilisés correctement, la fonctionnalités  
-de double entrée et les comptes de capitaux propres,ceux-ci vous permettent de 
-produire des rapports, tels que les perte et profits , que les systèmes classique 
-ne peuvent pas manipuler. 
-<dt><b>Registre Général de comptes</b>
-Des comptes multiples peuvent être affichés en même temps dans une fenêtre de registre. 
-Ceci peut soulager les problèmes de dépistage des erreurs de frappes/saisie. 
-Il fournit également une manière commode de regarder un portefeuille contenant 
-beaucoup d'actions, en montrant toutes les transactions de ce portefeuille. 
-<dt><b>Cotations d'Actions En ligne &amp; de Fonds commun de placement  
-Obtenez des Cotations des fonds commun de placement et des actions
-a partir de divers site Internet, et la mise à jour du portefeuille automatique. 
-De nouvelles sources de cotations sont ajoutées régulièrement. 
-<dt><b>Impression de cheques</b>
-Les chèques peuvent être imprimés dans des formats standard.
-Une personnalisation de l'interface utilisateur permet de développer différentes dispositions.
-<dt><b>Devises Multiple</b>
-Différents comptes peuvent être dénommés dans différentes devises. Les mouvements de devise 
-entre les comptes sont entièrement équilibrés quand on permet la comptabilité en double entrée.  
-<dt><b>Support de requêtes SQL Multi utilisateurs</b>
-Les utilisateurs multiples peuvent maintenant simultanément accéder et mettre à jour des données 
-de GnuCash stockées dans une base SQL Postgres principale. Postgres doit être installé et configuré 
-pour utiliser cette option. 
-<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width=100%>
-<tr><td bgcolor=#000000><img src=/images/spacer.png height=1></td></tr>
-<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width=100% align=center>
-  <td align=center>
-	  <a href=/en/features_4.phtml><img border=0 src=/images/features/features_previous.png></a>
-		 |
-	  <img border=0 src=/images/features/features_next_disabled.png>
-	</td>
-<?php include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/fr/components/footer.phtml"); ?>

Deleted: htdocs/branches/published/fr/index.phtml
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@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-<?php $title = "Logiciel de Gestion comptable Open Source"; ?>
-<?php if (!ini_get('register_globals')) {
- include("../emulate_globals_on.php");
-<?php include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/fr/components/header.phtml"); ?>
-<?php include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/fr/menu/menu-main.phtml"); ?>
-	</td>
-  <td valign="top" width="98%">
-<h1>Bienvenue Sur GnuCash.org</h1>
-<font size=-1>
-Si vous recherchez un moyen de gérer vos finances personnelles en utilisant un logiciel gratuit
-Vous l'avez trouvé ! Etudié pour être simple à utiliser, puissant et flexible, GnuCash vous permet
-de suivre vos comptes bancaires, portefeuilles action, revenus et dépenses.
-Aussi rapide et intuitif à utiliser qu'un registre de compte papier, il est basé sur des principes
-de comptabilité professionnelle pour assurer l'équilibre des comptes et des rapports fiables.
-GnuCash est soutenu par une communauté de développement active et s'épanouit dans un véritable plan comptable.
-Développé sous la licence GPL, vous n'avez aucune raison  de vous inquiéter de son l'obsolescence :
-GnuCash sera là pour vous.
-Ce site Web est consacré à favoriser le projet de développement de Gnucash.org.
-Nous sommes impliqué dans le développement d'outils financiers et de comptabilité au top
-pour les utilisateurs de GNU/Linux et d'Unix.
-Ceci inclut le développement de programmes de gestion des api, des bibliothèques et des composants qui peuvent
-être employés pour créer des applications client ou serveur pour une utilisation personnelle ou professionnelle.
-En se concentrant sur la facilité d'utilisation, la conception modulaire, des interfaces architecturées et
-du code bien documenté, nous espérons que GnuCash et ses bibliothèques financières associées
-seront le choix d'une génération de programmeurs GNU et d'utilisateurs.
-Oui, GnuCash tourne maintenant du MAX OSX aussi bien que sur  GNU/Linux, *BSD, et les
-autres Unix Traditionnels : Solaris, AIX, etc ...
-<b>Cette page est en cours de traduction</b> de l'anglais vers le français.
-Il est possible que certains liens vous emmènent sur le site Anglais de GnuCash,
-cela signifie que nous n'avons pas terminé la traduction complète du site.
-Si vous constatez une erreur ou une omission sur cette page, n'hésitez pas a me
-contacter pour pouvoir la corriger au plus vite. Merci de votre indulgence.
-$lang_newspath = $toppath . "/news/fr/";
-$en_newspath = $toppath . "/news/en/";
-<font size=-2>
-<a href="/surf/guppi-pie-demo.html">test</a>
-<a href="/surf/short.gml">test2</a>
-<a href="/surf/demo.gml">test3</a>
-  </td>
-<?php include($toppath."/fr/components/footer.phtml"); ?>

Copied: htdocs/branches/published/fr/index.phtml (from rev 14264, htdocs/trunk/fr/index.phtml)

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Name: svn:special
   + *

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+++ htdocs/branches/published/fr/irc.phtml	2006-05-30 23:11:40 UTC (rev 14265)
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-<?php $title = "GnuCash on IRC"; ?>
-<?php if (!ini_get('register_globals')) {
- include("../emulate_globals_on.php");
-<?php include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/fr/components/header.phtml"); ?>
-<?php include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/fr/menu/menu-main-help.phtml"); ?>
-<td valign=top>
-<h1>GnuCash on IRC</h1>
-Juste pour le plaisir ou pour obtenir simplement de l'aide sur GnuCash ( utilisation et installation)
-en discutant du développement de GnuCash avec les développeurs et les utilisateurs , sur l'IRC.
-rejoignez le canal #gnucash sur irc.gnome.org. 
-<?php include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/fr/components/footer.phtml"); ?>

Deleted: htdocs/branches/published/fr/links.phtml
--- htdocs/branches/published/fr/links.phtml	2006-05-30 21:45:42 UTC (rev 14264)
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@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-<?php $title = "Related Financial Software"; ?>
-<?php if (!ini_get('register_globals')) {
- include("../emulate_globals_on.php");
-<?php include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/fr/components/header.phtml"); ?>
-<?php include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/fr/menu/menu-main-other.phtml"); ?>
-<td valign=top>
-<h1>Logiciels financier associés</h1>
-<b>Choississez une rubrique :</b></td>
-<form method=post>
-<select name=linkpage>
-  <option value=general
-  <?php if ($linkpage == "general") { echo ("selected"); } ?>
-  >References Generales</option>
-  <option value=utilities
-  <?php if ($linkpage == "utilities") { echo ("selected"); } ?>
-  >Utilitaires</option>
-  <option value=palm
-  <?php if ($linkpage == "palm") { echo ("selected"); } ?>
-  >Ordinateur Palm,PDA</option>
-  <option value=stock
-  <?php if ($linkpage == "stock") { echo ("selected"); } ?>
-  >Trading Action & Analyse Technique</option>
-  <option value=quote
-  <?php if ($linkpage == "quote") { echo ("selected"); } ?>
-  >Sources de Cotations, Outils</option>
-  <option value=money
-  <?php if ($linkpage == "money") { echo ("selected"); } ?>
-  >Monnaies Electroniques</option>
-  <option value=erp
-  <?php if ($linkpage == "erp") { echo ("selected"); } ?>
-  >Professionels, projets ERP</option>
-  <option value=xml
-  <?php if ($linkpage == "xml") { echo ("selected"); } ?>
-  >XML et Autre Format de Données </option>
-  <option value=misc
-  <?php if ($linkpage == "misc") { echo ("selected"); } ?>
-  >Divers</option>
-  <option value=obsolete
-  <?php if ($linkpage == "obsolete") { echo ("selected"); } ?>
-  >References Historiques</option>
-  <option value=review
-  <?php if ($linkpage == "review") { echo ("selected"); } ?>
-  >Revue de Gnucash & Sites de notation</option>
-<input type=submit value=Go>
-  if ($linkpage != "") { 
-	include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/fr/links/links-".$linkpage.".phtml");
-  } else {
-	include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/fr/links/links-general.phtml");
-  }
-<?php include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/fr/components/footer.phtml"); ?>

Copied: htdocs/branches/published/fr/local.php (from rev 14264, htdocs/trunk/fr/local.php)

Deleted: htdocs/branches/published/fr/oldnews.phtml
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@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-<?php $title = "Accounting Software for Linux"; ?>
-<?php if (!ini_get('register_globals')) {
- include("../emulate_globals_on.php");
-<?php include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/fr/components/header.phtml"); ?>
-<?php include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/fr/menu/menu-main.phtml"); ?>
-	</td>
-  <td valign=top width=98%>
-<h1>Older Announcements</h1>
-<font size=-1>
-Actuelles .... 
-This is an archive of announcements that once appeared on the 
-GnuCash home page.
-    # indicate where to get translated news from ... 
-    $native_newspath  =  "news/old/";
-    $alt_newspath  =  "../news/old/";
-    include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/php-scripts/news-script.php");
-    ?>  
-  </td>
-<?php include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/fr/components/footer.phtml"); ?>

Copied: htdocs/branches/published/fr/oldnews.phtml (from rev 14264, htdocs/trunk/fr/oldnews.phtml)

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Name: svn:special
   + *

Copied: htdocs/branches/published/fr/promote.phtml (from rev 14264, htdocs/trunk/fr/promote.phtml)

Deleted: htdocs/branches/published/fr/required.phtml
--- htdocs/branches/published/fr/required.phtml	2006-05-30 21:45:42 UTC (rev 14264)
+++ htdocs/branches/published/fr/required.phtml	2006-05-30 23:11:40 UTC (rev 14265)
@@ -1,275 +0,0 @@
-<?php $title = "Logiciels/Package requis"; ?>
-<?php if (!ini_get('register_globals')) {
- include("../emulate_globals_on.php");
-<?php include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/fr/components/header.phtml"); ?>
-<?php include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/fr/menu/menu-main-general.phtml"); ?>
-<td valign=top>
-<h1>Logiciels/Package requis</h1>
-GnuCash dépend d'un  nombre important de technologies 
-afin de mettre en application ses fonctions principales. Si vous voulez 
-compiler et travailler avec GnuCash, vous devrez installer une version récente 
-de ces bibliothèques. 
-Sans bon manager de paquet  (<i>par exemple.</i> Debian <tt>apt-get</tt>), 
-il peut être tout à fait pénible de trouver, télécharger et installer tous les 
-paquets exigés (<i>cauchemar</i> est un mot qui a été utilisé). 
-Par conséquent, si vous n'êtes pas un programmeur, et vous voulez juste <b>utiliser</b> 
-GnuCash, vous devriez coller à la version fournie par votre distribution 
-préférée de Linux ( <i>par exemple.</i> par l'installation du CDROM de votre 
-fournisseur), et vous devriez l'installer en utilisant les méthodes standard de cette 
-distribution. Si vous décidez que vous ne pouvez pas vivre avec la  version 
-qui est livrée avec votre distribution,  et vous n'avez pas <tt>apt-get</tt> 
-ou un outil équivalent, alors préparez vous pour un procédure  
-d'installation/mise a jour plutôt longue et compliquée. Notez que même avec 
-<tt>apt-get</tt>,  vous aurez peut etre besoin d'installer quelques paquets 
-La majorité des dépendances de GnuCash 1.6.x sont satisfaites par  
-l'installation des librairies standard <a href="http://www.gnome.org/">Gnome 1.4</a>. 
-Les seules dépendances supplémentaires  à l'installation de  Gnome sont 
-<a href="#guppi">Guppi</a>, <a
-href="#guile">Guile</a>, <a href="#slib">slib</a> et <a
-<table border=0 cellpadding=1 cellspacing=0 width="100%">
-  <tr>
-  <td valign=middle align=center bgcolor=#666699>
-   <table border=0 cellpadding=5 cellspacing=1 bgcolor=#cacaf7 width="100%">
-   <tr>
-     <td bgcolor=#666699 width=25%><font color=#ffffff><b>Nom</b></td>
-     <td bgcolor=#666699 width=50%><font color=#ffffff><b>Description</b></td>
-     <td bgcolor=#666699 width=25%><font color=#ffffff><b>Lien</b></td>
-   </tr>
-   <tr>
-           <td colspan=3>
-<B>Outils de l'interface utilisateur:</B><BR>
-     </td>
-         </tr>
-   <tr bgcolor=#ececff>
-     <td valign=top>
-       <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
-       <tr>
-         <td valign=top><img src=/images/icons/document.txt.gif width=16 height=16 border=0>&nbsp;</td>
-         <td valign=top>Gtk+</td>
-       </tr>
-       </table>
-     </td>
-     <td valign=top>les outils de "The Gimp"</td>
-     <td valign=top><a href="http://www.gtk.org/">http://www.gtk.org/</a></td>
-   </tr>
-   <tr bgcolor=#ececff>
-     <td valign=top>
-       <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
-       <tr>
-         <td valign=top><img src=/images/icons/document.txt.gif width=16 height=16 border=0>&nbsp;</td>
-         <td valign=top>Gnome</td>
-       </tr>
-       </table>
-     </td>
-     <td valign=top>infrastructure de l'application </td>
-     <td valign=top><a href="http://www.gnome.org">http://www.gnome.org</a></td>
-   </tr>
-   <tr bgcolor=#ececff>
-     <td valign=top>
-       <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
-       <tr>
-         <td valign=top><img src=/images/icons/document.txt.gif width=16 height=16 border=0>&nbsp;</td>
-         <td valign=top>Glade</td>
-       </tr>
-       </table>
-     </td>
-     <td valign=top>Constructeur d'interface utilisateur en GTK+ - c'est avec lui que la plupart des fenêtres Gnucash sont faites.</td>
-     <td valign=top><a href="http://glade.gnome.org">http://glade.gnome.org</a></td>
-   </tr>
-   <tr>
-           <td colspan=3>
-       <B>Interface de Scripts :</B><BR>
-     </td>
-         </tr>
-   <tr bgcolor=#ececff>
-     <td valign=top>
-       <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
-       <tr>
-         <td valign=top><img src=/images/icons/document.txt.gif width=16 height=16 border=0>&nbsp;</td>
-         <td valign=top><a name="guile">Guile</a></td>
-       </tr>
-       </table>
-     </td>
-     <td valign=top>Un interpréteur de Scheme  avec des interfaces de programmation en  C   - C'est grâce à cela que gnucash peu fournir des "extensions" et une implémentation rapide de nouvelles fonctionnalités.</td>
-     <td valign=top><a href="http://www.gnu.org/software/guile/guile.html">http://www.gnu.org/software/guile/guile.html</a> -   Vous aurez besoin au moins de la version 1.3, et la  1.6 est fortement recommandée.</td>
-   </tr>
-   <tr bgcolor=#ececff>
-     <td valign=top>
-       <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
-       <tr>
-         <td valign=top><img src=/images/icons/document.txt.gif width=16 height=16 border=0>&nbsp;</td>
-         <td valign=top><a name="gwrap">G-wrap</a></td>
-       </tr>
-       </table>
-     </td>
-     <td valign=top>Un outil pour générer automatiquement des liaisons entre Scheme et des fonctions en langage C, des structures & enum.</td>
-     <td valign=top><a href="http://www.gnucash.org/pub/g-wrap/">http://http.gnucash.org/pub/g-wrap/</a> - Vous préférerez les dernières version dans la série 1.3 (1.3.4 ou supérieur).</td>
-   </tr>
-   <tr bgcolor=#ececff>
-     <td valign=top>
-       <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
-       <tr>
-         <td valign=top><img src=/images/icons/document.txt.gif width=16 height=16 border=0>&nbsp;</td>
-         <td valign=top><a name="slib">slib</a></td>
-       </tr>
-       </table>
-     </td>
-     <td valign=top>librairie Scheme - Diverses fonctions scheme utilisées par GnuCash.</td>
-     <td valign=top><a href="http://www-swiss.ai.mit.edu/~jaffer/SLIB.html">http://www-swiss.ai.mit.edu/~jaffer/SLIB.html</a></td>
-   </tr>
-   <tr>
-           <td colspan=3>
-       <B>Infrastructure Internet:</B><BR>
-     </td>
-         </tr>
-   <tr bgcolor=#ececff>
-     <td valign=top>
-       <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
-       <tr>
-         <td valign=top><img src=/images/icons/document.txt.gif width=16 height=16 border=0>&nbsp;</td>
-         <td valign=top>GtkHTML</td>
-       </tr>
-       </table>
-     </td>
-     <td valign=top>Le moteur gtk html  - utilisé par gnucash pour afficher l'aide,la documentation, les rapports et les graphs.</td>
-     <td valign=top><a href="http://www.advogato.org/proj/GtkHTML/">http://www.advogato.org/proj/GtkHTML/</a></td>
-   </tr>
-   <tr bgcolor=#ececff>
-     <td valign=top>
-       <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
-       <tr>
-         <td valign=top><img src=/images/icons/document.txt.gif width=16 height=16 border=0>&nbsp;</td>
-         <td valign=top>libghttp</td>
-       </tr>
-       </table>
-     </td>
-     <td valign=top>La librairie HTTP  - utilisée par gnucash pour discuter en utilisant le protocole HTTP pour accéder aux serveurs Webs.</td>
-     <td valign=top><a href="http://www.gnome.org/">http://www.gnome.org/</a></td>
-   </tr>
-   <tr bgcolor=#ececff>
-     <td valign=top>
-       <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
-       <tr>
-         <td valign=top><img src=/images/icons/document.txt.gif width=16 height=16 border=0>&nbsp;</td>
-         <td valign=top>Gnome XML</td>
-       </tr>
-       </table>
-     </td>
-     <td valign=top>La librairie de lecture XML - utilisée par gnucash pour lire les fichiers dans ce format.</td>
-     <td valign=top><a href="http://xmlsoft.org/">http://xmlsoft.org/</a></td>
-   </tr>
-   <tr>
-           <td colspan=3>
-       <B>Other:</B><BR>
-     </td>
-         </tr>
-   <tr bgcolor=#ececff>
-     <td valign=top>
-       <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
-       <tr>
-         <td valign=top><img src=/images/icons/document.txt.gif width=16 height=16 border=0>&nbsp;</td>
-         <td valign=top>Finance::Quote</td>
-       </tr>
-       </table>
-     </td>
-     <td valign=top>Un module en perl qui récupère les prix des actions et les taux des devises a partir d'Internet - c'est grâce a cela que gnucash accède aux données de cotations sur le net. Vous pouvez utiliser le script 'update-finance-quote' inclus dans votre distribution pour en obtenir une version récente (Vous aurez besoin de CPAN).</td>
-     <td valign=top><a href="http://finance-quote.sourceforge.net/">http://finance-quote.sourceforge.net/</a></td>
-   </tr>
-   <tr bgcolor=#ececff>
-     <td valign=top>
-       <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
-       <tr>
-         <td valign=top><img src=/images/icons/document.txt.gif width=16 height=16 border=0>&nbsp;</td>
-         <td valign=top>Finance::QuoteHist</td>
-       </tr>
-       </table>
-     </td>
-     <td valign=top>Un module en perl qui récupère  l'historique de cotations d'une action.</td>
-     <td valign=top><a href="http://sourceforge.net/project/?group_id=2403">http://sourceforge.net/project/?group_id=2403</a></td>
-   </tr>
-   <tr bgcolor=#ececff>
-     <td valign=top>
-       <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
-       <tr>
-         <td valign=top><img src=/images/icons/document.txt.gif width=16 height=16 border=0>&nbsp;</td>
-         <td valign=top>LibOFX</td>
-       </tr>
-       </table>
-     </td>
-     <td valign=top>Librairie pour lire les données au format OFX (Open Financial Exchange). Utilisé par beaucoup de banques américaines.</td>
-     <td valign=top><a href="http://libofx.sourceforge.net/">http://libofx.sourceforge.net/</a> 
-     </td>
-   </tr>
-   <tr bgcolor=#ececff>
-     <td valign=top>
-       <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
-       <tr>
-         <td valign=top><img src=/images/icons/document.txt.gif width=16 height=16 border=0>&nbsp;</td>
-         <td valign=top>OpenHBCI</td>
-       </tr>
-       </table>
-     </td>
-     <td valign=top>Librairie permettant la connexion aux banques allemandes supportant le protocole HBCI.</td>
-     <td valign=top><a href="http://openhbci.sourceforge.net/">http://openhbci.sourceforge.net/</a> 
-     Facultatif; nécessaire seulement  si vous souhaitez vous connecter au banques utilisant HBCI.</td>
-   </tr>
-   <tr bgcolor=#ececff>
-     <td valign=top>
-       <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
-       <tr>
-         <td valign=top><img src=/images/icons/document.txt.gif width=16 height=16 border=0>&nbsp;</td>
-         <td valign=top><a name="guppi">Guppi</a></td>
-       </tr>
-       </table>
-     </td>
-     <td valign=top>Un outil pour tracer des graphiques et faire de l'analyse - utilisé pour générer et afficher les dessins et graphiques de gnucash.</td>
-     <td valign=top><a href="http://www.gnome.org/guppi/">http://www.gnome.org/guppi/</a> - N'importe quelle version récente fonctionnera, mais la 0.35.5 ou supérieure est nécessaire pour toutes les fonctionnalités.</td>
-   </tr>
-   <tr bgcolor=#ececff>
-     <td valign=top>
-       <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
-       <tr>
-         <td valign=top><img src=/images/icons/document.txt.gif width=16 height=16 border=0>&nbsp;</td>
-         <td valign=top>Gnome Print</td>
-       </tr>
-       </table>
-     </td>
-     <td valign=top>Architecture d'impression de gnome - Utilisé par gnucash les impressions.</td>
-     <td valign=top><a href="http://www.sourceforge.net/projects/gnome-print/">http://www.sourceforge.net/projects/gnome-print/</a></td>
-   </tr>
-   </table>
-<?php include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/fr/components/footer.phtml"); ?>

Deleted: htdocs/branches/published/fr/roadmap.phtml
--- htdocs/branches/published/fr/roadmap.phtml	2006-05-30 21:45:42 UTC (rev 14264)
+++ htdocs/branches/published/fr/roadmap.phtml	2006-05-30 23:11:40 UTC (rev 14265)
@@ -1,200 +0,0 @@
-<?php $title = "Orientations du projet"; ?>
-<?php if (!ini_get('register_globals')) {
- include("../emulate_globals_on.php");
-<?php include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/fr/components/header.phtml"); ?>
-<?php include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/fr/menu/menu-main-developer.phtml"); ?>
-<td valign=top>
-<h1>Orientations du projet</h1>
-Gnucash approche le point où il supportera bientôt la plupart des fonctionnalités
-de base que prévoit une application de comptabilité/finance. Quand il y arrivera,
-bientot si tout va bien, nous devrons contempler le futur. Qu'y a t il devant nous ?
-Il y a plusieurs directions dans  lesquelles le projet peut se aller. Ces
-directions sont données par les différents collège de devellopeurs, les différentes
-communautés des utilisateurs.
-Beaucoup de ces dernieres semblent incompatibles,et les tensions doivent être résolues, 
-ou un choix doit être fait. La liste
-ci-dessous est ordonnées selon les lignes directrices 'du plus évident' à 'loin de nous'.
-Nous vous avons demandé vos avis sur ces problèmes en 2001 dans le 
-<a href="/en/quiz.phtml">sondage utilisateurs</a>.
- Les réponses sont <a href="/en/quiz-results/phtml">resumées ici</a>.
-<dt><b>Version Pour Petite Entreprise</b>
-C'est probablement le numero 1, le 'perfectionnement ' le plus demandé pour GnuCash.
-L'utilisation de GNU/Linux monte en flèche dans les petites entreprises; pourtant 
-il y a aucune "facilité-à-installer", ni "facilité-à-administrer" pour les programmes de
-comptabilité de petite entreprise, au moins pas de solution ouverte. La liste des
-fonctionnalités désirées remonte à l'aube du calcul par ordinateur il y a un siècle et demi : 
-livre de paie, compte des revenus &amp; depenses, facturation.
-Il y a quelques réels problèmes à aller dans cette direction, et pas des moindres,
-A moins d'oublier les princpaux constituant du noyau Gnucash : les utilisateurs occasionnels/ 
-personnels. Si nous développons des fonctionalités "extra" , l'utilisateur occasionnel 
-peut conclure que l'application est trop complexe, trop dure à utiliser , 
-trop dure à comprendre. Ils iront voir ailleurs, et sans le faire exprès, nous 
-aurons rendu à GNU/Linux (et *BSD) un mauvais service. L'adoption de GNU/Linux 
-par les utilisateurs d'ordinateur moyens (pour une utilisation personnelle) est déclenchée 
-par la disponibilité des applications ayant un rôle de pierres angulaires de bureau. 
-La gestion personnelle des finances est une de ces pierres angulaires. 
-Nous devons avoir un gestionnnaire financier personnel simple,
-facile à installer, facile à utiliser.
-<dt><b>Investisseur Sophistiqué</b>
-GnuCash télécharge les cours des actions et les taux de change à partir du réseau. 
-La version courante a quelques capacités graphiques de base. Quelle fantaisie devrait 
-il se permettre ? La nouvelle structure de rapport GnuCash devrait rendre cela plus 
-facile, ou moins compliqué, pour créer une grande variété de graphiques sophistiqués, 
-de diagrammes et de rapports. Ceux-ci pourraient s'étendre de la simple analyse technique 
-telle qu'une moyenne mobile 90-jours du volume d'échange et ainsi que le bêta, aux 
-indicateurs mystérieux comme le 'Bolton-Tremblay ', le 'Zweig poussé 'ou l'oscillateur 
-de McClellan'. 
-Un autre point de vue ? La communauté des 'investisseurs' est plus petite que la communauté 
-des utilisateurs personnels. Et le stockage de l'analyse technique n'a pas nécessairement 
-besoin des fonctionnalités comptable. De plus, de tels besoins peuvent être mieux servis 
-par d'autres systèmes: et il en existe 
-<a href="http://www.gnucash.org/en/links.phtml?linkpage=stock">une grande  variété</a>.  
-GnuCash devrait il rejeter les fonctionnalités orientées vers les actions ? Non. 
-Les développeurs du noyau devraient-ils se concentrer sur le trading action? Probablement pas.
-<dt><b>Le navigateur financier, L'Expérience ultime de l'utilisateur personnel</b>
-Pendant que l'interface utilisateur devient plus fluide, et les assistants deviennent 
-de plus en plus pratique en guidant l'utilisateur débutant, l'orientation évidente de 
-GnuCash devrait être de devenir l'expérience financière ultime pour l'utilisateur personnel. 
-C'est-à-dire, pour devenir 'le browser financier pour Internet ', le ''Nautilus des 
-transactions financières '. Pour les débutants, ceci signifie utiliser OFX et supporter 
-le paiement et l'encaissement des factures en ligne. Dans un lointain futur, cela signifie 
-l'intégration des achats en ligne, de sorte que vos d'achats apparaissent dans GnuCash 
-sans que vous ayez à saisir manuellement toutes ces transactions. 
-Une partie de cette intégration est faisable : par exemple en utilisant un livre de pointage 
-pour montrer les prochaines factures et lignes budgétaires, ou en utilisant un calendrier 
-pour écrire les factures dans GnuCash. Plus largement, fournir un ensemble d'interfaces 
-comptable tels que n'importe quel autre package (par exemple, un package d'analyse technique 
-pour les actions) doit pouvoir intégrer des données, et extraire des données de GnuCash: le 
-saint graal de l'intégration au poste de travail. 
-<dt><b> Le Navigateur Financier, Partie II: le PDA</b>
-GnuCash, le bureau Gnome, et le bureau de KDE avaient convolé vers 'un espoir commun': la prochaine 
-extinction du PC "généraliste". Selon cette théorie, les petits PC, les PDA, les portables 
-rendront le PC non adapté. Naturellement, cette théorie n'est pas réaliste : un grand clavier 
-et un grand écran donnent une facilité d'utilisation qu'aucun PDA ne peut fournir. Néanmoins, 
-nous devons regarder au dessus de nos épaules. GnuCash peut-il être aminci et adapté sur 
-un de ces Linux portable, par exemple  YOPI? En ce moment, cela dépend intimement d'un 
-grand nombre de paquets pour beaucoup de fonctionnalités, et ainsi il est difficile d'imaginer 
-un exercice d'amaigrissement. Cependant,si un manager financier est une pierre angulaire d'un poste 
-de travail, il en est également ainsi pour les PDA. Un jour, pas trop lointain, le browser 
-financier sans fil tenu dans la main sera aussi omniprésent qu'un portefeuille.
-<dt><b>Le Navigateur Financier, Partie III: ASP</b>
-Gnucash a un navigateur Web intégré. Ce navigateur peut non seulement montrer les pages 
-standard du Web, mais il comprend également des balises spéciales pour les graphiques 
-interactifs, et les registres de comptes améliorés (par exemple, jetez un oeil sur  
-<a href="/surf/guppi-pie-demo.html">cette page</a> créée avec une version récente de GnuCash). 
-GnuCash emploie ces fonctionnalités pour créer et afficher des rapports. Il n'y a aucune 
-raison pour que ces rapport soient locaux à la machine : ils pourraient être sur 'n'importe 
-quel site Web, n'importe quel serveur. 
-GnuCash emploie du XML comme format de fichier, mais ce XML pourrait facilement être fourni 
-par un script CGI fonctionnant sur un serveur Web. Il y a un prototype de code de démonstration 
-sur <tt>src/experimental/cgi-bin</tt>,ou vous pouvez essayer de charger 
-<a href="/surf/demo.gml">ce lien</a>avec GnuCash. En d'autres termes, GnuCash peut offrir une 
-intégration Web sympa, fluide, associée à un serveur financier basé sur ASP. 
-Une intégration qui donne une sacrée gifle à n'importe quel autre serveur financier ASP existant. 
-Quels sont les problèmes avec des ASP traditionnels? Hum Hum, laissez moi vous les compter. 
-(1)Une Attente Mondiale. Aucune application de bureau, sauf sur quelques vieux 386, n'a jamais 
-pris 15 secondes pour répondre lorsque vous frappez la touche 'entrée'. 
-(2) ces beaux formulaires Web. Ils pourraient être assez beau pour interroger les informations 
-d'une ligne aérienne ou en compléter votre nom et adresse, (oui, le CSS rend les pages Web 
-plus belles), mais elle ne fond pas le poids face a une application de bureau spécifiques. 
-Imaginez pouvoir employer <a href="/images/gnome-1.5/savings-journal.gif">une véritable
-interface</a> de registre de compte pour travailler avec de l'information financière sur un 
-site Web. (3) La déconnection du réseau. Même si votre ASP ne plante jamais, et même si vous 
-ne perdez jamais votre connections au réseau, il est encore concevable que vous vouliez 
-récupérer vos informations financière sur votre portable quelque part où il n'y a aucune 
-possibilité de connections à Internet. Nous pensons savoir comment faire travailler GnuCash 
-en mode 'déconnecté', en utilisant des données en cache , qui peuvent alors être synchronisée 
-avec un serveur on line quand ils reviendra une fois de plus sur le réseau. Et c'est pour cela 
-qu'est conçu le noyau de GnuCash. (Bientôt en Démo?) 
-De nos jours, il est impossible de parler de comptabilité professionnelle sans mentionner 
-également la communication ERP. GnuCash n'est pas, et ne sera probablement jamais un système 
-d'ERP, mais il pourrait devenir le composant de l'un d'eux. L'idée fondamentale derrière les 
-ERP est que les différentes entreprises ont différentes pratiques de gestion: personne ne fait 
-les choses tout à fait de la même manière. Et donc, il n'existe pas une seule application pour 
-tous ; au lieu de cela, nous espérons un cadre de travail extensible, avec une l'intégration 
-facile, et des fonctionnalités en développement rapide. L'espoir est que l'on puisse rapidement 
-connecter ce tout nouveau package d'e-commerce à cette application de facturation vieille d'une 
-décennie. GnuCash ne le fait pas.GnuCash n'est pas non plus facile à modifier, à étendre, ou à 
-améliorer. Il est considérablement sophistiqué d'ajouter de nouvelles fonctionnalités à GnuCash. 
-En particulier, cela signifie qu'il est difficile d'intégrer GnuCash dans les processus de votre 
-entreprise: vous ne pouvez pas simplement lui dire de pomper l'information financière ici, et 
-de la videz là. Si vous voulez le faire, regardez  <a href="http://www.gnue.org/">GnuE sur 
-http://www.gnue.org/</a> ça a été spécifiquement conçu pour cela. 
-D'autre part, l'infrastructure de GnuCash devient suffisamment généraliste pour qu'il ne soit 
-pas difficile de le mouler dans une variété d'autres d'outils financiers. Et si GnuCash doit 
-vraiment réussir dans le monde de la comptabilité d'entreprise, il devra communiquer facilement 
-avec d'autres systèmes. 
-<dt><b>Napster pour la finance</b>
-Si vous pensiez l'industrie musicale a détesté Napster, attendez de voir 
-<a href="http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=01/03/30/1953235&mode=thread">
-comment la banque fédérale et les banques réagissent a son équivalent financier</a>.  
-Supposez qu'il y ait vraiment une infrastructure sécurisée pour deposer de l'eCash anonymement 
-dans votre portefeuille électronique.Ou plutôt, si vous en donniez à votre ami ou associé, 
-et qu'eux respectivement puissent le dépenser pour de vraies marchandises ou des services. 
-Attention, ne confondez pas l'idée d'un portefeuille électronique avec l'idée d'argent 
-digitale "e-Money". Il y a bon nombre d'efforts en cours pour créer l'e-Money : certains 
-avec du "faux-argent", tel que le flooz, ou les miles (points offert par les compagnie aériennes),
-certains avec du véritable argent, tel que 
-<a href="http://www.e-gold.com/e-gold.asp?cid=281678">l'e-Gold</a>, pay-pal, ou les dernières 
-inventions de commerce électronique de la compagnie s'occupant de votre carte de crédit. 
-Toutes ces offres exigent un serveur centralisé (traditionnellement appelé une 'banque'). 
-Ce serveur centralisé valide votre identité. Et confirme que vous avez l'argent que vous 
-prétendez avoir.Et déplace réellement cet argent pour vous.Et mènent des travaux de concert 
-avec les "IRS"(ndt: le fisc ?) pour s'assurer vous n'avez pas de revenu imposable non déclaré. 
-Et avec le DEA (ndt : encore eux, le fisc ?), ils s'assurent que vous ne blanchissez pas votre 
-argent.Et ils s'assurent que... en fait, c'est une question de sécurité nationale.
-En comparaison, mon portefeuille est une "banque" dans le sens où il contient de l'argent; 
-c'est juste qu'il ne me facture pas de frais pour cela. Et lorsque je l'utilise pour quelque 
-échanges anonymes de particulier a particulier comme payer un gosse du quartier pour tondre 
-la pelouse, il n'indique pas au fisc que le gosse leur doit désormais de l'argent pas plus 
-que gnutella ne divulgue à Metallica les téléchargements de leur chanson. 
-Donc, où en étions-nous? Ah oui, essayez maintenant d'imaginer un portefeuille électronique... 
-Maintenant, GnuCash ne sera probablement jamais le Gnutella de l'argent. Pour plusieurs raisons. 
-Quoi que ce soit que vous échangiez en ligne, juste du faux-argent , l'équivalent électronique 
-des bons de réduction de supermarchés, tant que vous n'aurez pas un courtier, un garant, un 
-teneur de marché qui garantira l'échange de votre e-Cash contre un autre genre d'argent les 
-banques ne l'accepterons pas. Et comme vous pouvez le deviner, l'économie cachée résultante 
-inciterait la banque centrale (fédérale) à arrêter ledit garant plus rapidement qu'Alan Greenspan 
-peut dire 'l'expansion de l'index de la masse monétaire M2'. Néanmoins, les cyberpunks ont promis 
-en 1995 qu'un jour, chacun aurait  un vrai portefeuille électronique, et ce concept est toujours 
-intéressant et drôle à imaginer même s'il demeure futuriste. 
-<h1>Un dernier mot ?</h1>
-Ce qui est au dessus est juste une suite d'orientation possible pour le futur. Plus réellement, 
-en gardant les pieds sur terre, la liste des projets peu être lue sur la 
-<a href="http://www.linas.org/linux/gnucash/projects.html">page des projets GnuCash</a>.
-<?php include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/fr/components/footer.phtml"); ?>

Copied: htdocs/branches/published/fr/rss-feed.phtml (from rev 14264, htdocs/trunk/fr/rss-feed.phtml)

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@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-<?php $title = "Screenshots"; ?>
-<?php if (!ini_get('register_globals')) {
- include("../emulate_globals_on.php");
-<?php include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/fr/components/header.phtml"); ?>
-<?php include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/fr/menu/menu-main-general.phtml"); ?>
-<td valign=top>
-<h1>Capture d'Ecran</h1>
-<table border=0 cellpadding=1 cellspacing=0 width="100%">
-  <tr>
-  <td valign=middle align=center bgcolor=#666699>
-   <table border=0 cellpadding=5 cellspacing=1 bgcolor=#cacaf7 width="100%">
-   <tr>
-     <td bgcolor=#666699 width=25%><font color=#ffffff><b>Capture d'Ecran</b></td>
-     <td bgcolor=#666699 width=75%><font color=#ffffff><b>Description</b></td>
-     <td bgcolor=#666699 width=75%><font color=#ffffff><b>Previsualisation</b></td>
-   </tr>
-	$d = dir($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/images/gnome-1.6/");
-	while($entry=$d->read()) {
-	  if(ereg("-thumb", $entry)) { continue; }
-	  if(!ereg("gif$", $entry)) { continue; }
-		$file_clean = explode(".", $entry);
-		$entry = $file_clean[0]."-thumb";
-	  $description = implode("", file($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/images/gnome-1.6/".$entry.".gif.description")); 
-		$name = implode("", file($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/images/gnome-1.6/".$entry.".gif.name"));
-   <tr bgcolor=#ececff>
-     <td valign=top>
-       <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
-       <tr>
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Deleted: htdocs/branches/published/news/1.9.0.phtml
--- htdocs/branches/published/news/1.9.0.phtml	2006-05-30 21:45:42 UTC (rev 14264)
+++ htdocs/branches/published/news/1.9.0.phtml	2006-05-30 23:11:40 UTC (rev 14265)
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-<div class="newsborder">
-<div class="newsheader"><img alt="news panel" 
-<?php echo _("<b>Announcement:</b> GnuCash 1.9.0 Release");?>
-<b> (
-2006-02-09   05:19:32
-</div><div class="newsinner">
-<br><?php echo _("The GnuCash development team proudly announces GnuCash 1.9.0 aka \"We're gonna make it!\", the first of several unstable 1.9.x releases of the GnuCash Open Source Accounting Software which will eventually lead to the stable version 2.0.0. This release is the very first of the gtk2-based GnuCash series, and is intended for developers and adventurous testers who want to help tracking down all those bugs that are still in there.");?>
-<b><big><?php echo _("What's New in GnuCash 1.9.0?");?></big></b><br>
-echo " o " . _("Welcome to GnuCash 1.9.0 aka \"We're gonna make it!\" the first of several unstable releases of the GnuCash Open Source Accounting Software which will eventually lead to the stable version 2.0.0. This release is the very first of the gtk2-based GnuCash series and is intended for developers and adventurous testers who want to help tracking down bugs.") . "<br>";
-echo " o " . _("WARNING WARNING WARNING - Make sure you make backups of any files used in testing versions of GnuCash in the 1.9.x series. Although the developers go to great lengths to ensure that no data will be lost we cannot guarentee that your data will not be affected if for some reason GnuCash crashes in testing these releases.") . "<br>";
-echo " o " . _("PLEASE TEST TEST AND TEST SOME MORE any and all features important to you. Then post any bugs you find to bugzilla http://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=GnuCash") . "<br>";
-echo " o " . _("If you have the urge to help beyond testing please get involved in the discussions on the GnuCash mailing lists which you will find at http://www.gnucash.org. We especially need people to help with updating the documentation as all texts refer currently to the 1.8.x series. Please see http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Development on how to get involved.") . "<br>";
-echo " o " . _("PS I'm not going to list the many features changed or updated in this release because obviously there is so much that has changed.") . "<br>";?>
-<h2><?php echo _("Caveats");?></h2>
-<p><?php echo _("Caveats for testers:");?></p>
-<ul><li><?php echo _("Any 1.9.x version might <i>crash unexpectedly at any point</i> during runtime. If you test some serious work in a 1.9.x release, make sure you hit \"Save\" after ever non-trivial workstep.");?>
-</li><li><?php echo _("Keep in mind that features which are not used in everyday work might crash unexpectedly at all times. This includes but is not limited to: graphical reports, scheduled transaction editor, price editor, financial calculator, OFX/QIF/HBCI import.");?>
-</li><li><?php echo _("Especially all the <i>new features</i> might crash instantly on testing. This applies in particular to any of the budget-related features. We may always decide to disable such new features for the initial 2.0.0 release, and re-enable them in a later release.");?>
-</li><li><?php echo _("The <i>documentation is completely outdated</i>. All help texts usually only refer to the 1.8.x series; please expect all descriptions in the help texts to be totally wrong when applied to the upcoming 1.9.x series. Everyone is invited to help improve the documentation; see <a href=\"http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Development\" title=\"http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Development\">http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Development</a> on how to get
-<h2><?php echo _("How can you help?");?></h2>
-<ul><li><?php echo _("Testing: Test it and help us discover all bugs that might show up in there. Please enter each and every bug into bugzilla at ");?>
-<a href="http://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=GnuCash" title="http://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter bug.cgi?product=GnuCash">http://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=GnuCash</a>
-</li><li><?php echo _("Translating: The new release comes with plenty of new translation strings. If you consider contributing a translation, we invite you to test this release already, but please keep in mind that we are not yet in our string freeze phase. Please check <a
-href=\"http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Translation_Status\" title=\"http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Translation Status\">http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Translation_Status</a> for updates on this, as we recommend to wait for the string freeze phase for the serious translation work.");?>
-<?php echo _("Available at the usual places!");?>
-<b><a href="http://www.gnucash.org/pub/gnucash/">http://www.gnucash.org</a></b>

Deleted: htdocs/branches/published/news/1.9.0.txt
--- htdocs/branches/published/news/1.9.0.txt	2006-05-30 21:45:42 UTC (rev 14264)
+++ htdocs/branches/published/news/1.9.0.txt	2006-05-30 23:11:40 UTC (rev 14265)
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-Announcement: GnuCash 1.9.0 Release 
-2006-02-09   05:19:32
-<p>The GnuCash development team proudly announces GnuCash 1.9.0 aka "We're gonna make it!", the first of several unstable 1.9.x releases of the GnuCash Open Source Accounting Software which will eventually lead to the stable version 2.0.0. This release is the very first of the gtk2-based GnuCash series, and is intended for developers and adventurous testers who want to help tracking down all those bugs that are still in there.</p>
-<h2>What's New in GnuCash 1.9.0?</h2>
-<p> o Welcome to GnuCash 1.9.0 aka "We're gonna make it!" the first of several unstable releases of the GnuCash Open Source Accounting Software which will eventually lead to the stable version 2.0.0. This release is the very first of the gtk2-based GnuCash series and is intended for developers and adventurous testers who want to help tracking down bugs.</p>
-<p> o WARNING WARNING WARNING - Make sure you make backups of any files used in testing versions of GnuCash in the 1.9.x series. Although the developers go to great lengths to ensure that no data will be lost we cannot guarentee that your data will not be affected if for some reason GnuCash crashes in testing these releases.</p>
-<p> o PLEASE TEST TEST AND TEST SOME MORE any and all features important to you. Then post any bugs you find to bugzilla http://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=GnuCash</p>
-<p> o If you have the urge to help beyond testing please get involved in the discussions on the GnuCash mailing lists which you will find at http://www.gnucash.org. We especially need people to help with updating the documentation as all texts refer currently to the 1.8.x series. Please see http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Development on how to get involved.</p>
-<p> o PS I'm not going to list the many features changed or updated in this release because obviously there is so much that has changed.</p>
-<p>Caveats for testers:</p>
-<p> Any 1.9.x version might crash unexpectedly at any point during runtime. If you test some serious work in a 1.9.x release, make sure you hit "Save" after ever non-trivial workstep. </p>
-<p> Keep in mind that features which are not used in everyday work might crash unexpectedly at all times. This includes but is not limited to: graphical reports, scheduled transaction editor, price editor, financial calculator, OFX/QIF/HBCI import. </p>
-<p> Especially all the new features might crash instantly on testing. This applies in particular to any of the budget-related features. We may always decide to disable such new features for the initial 2.0.0 release, and re-enable them in a later release. </p>
-<p> The documentation is completely outdated. All help texts usually only refer to the 1.8.x series; please expect all descriptions in the help texts to be totally wrong when applied to the upcoming 1.9.x series. Everyone is invited to help improve the documentation; see http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Development on how to get involved. </p>
-<h3> How can you help? </h3>
-<p> Testing: Test it and help us discover all bugs that might show up in there. Please enter each and every bug into bugzilla at http://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=GnuCash </p>
-<p> Translating: The new release comes with plenty of new translation strings. If you consider contributing a translation, we invite you to test this release already, but please keep in mind that we are not yet in our string freeze phase. Please check http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Translation_Status for updates on this, as we recommend to wait for the string freeze phase for the serious translation work. </p>
-<h2> Available at the usual places! </h2>
-<a href="http://www.gnucash.org">http://www.gnucash.org</a>
-<a href="http://download.sourceforge.net/gnucash">http://download.sourceforge.net/gnucash</a>

Deleted: htdocs/branches/published/news/1.9.1.phtml
--- htdocs/branches/published/news/1.9.1.phtml	2006-05-30 21:45:42 UTC (rev 14264)
+++ htdocs/branches/published/news/1.9.1.phtml	2006-05-30 23:11:40 UTC (rev 14265)
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-<div class="newsborder">
-<div class="newsheader"><img alt="news panel"
-<?php echo _("<b>Announcement</b>: GnuCash 1.9.1 Release ");?>
-<b> (
-2006-02-20   04:29:24
-</div><div class="newsinner">
-<p><?php echo _("The GnuCash development team proudly announces GnuCash 1.9.1 aka \"So we meet again\", the second of several unstable 1.9.x releases of the GnuCash Open Source Accounting Software which will eventually lead to the stable version 2.0.0. This release contains many bugfixes since the first release but is still only intended for developers and adventurous testers who want to help tracking down bugs.");?> 
-<h2><?php echo _("What's New in GnuCash 1.9.1");?>?</h2>
-<p> o <?php echo _("WARNING WARNING WARNING - Make sure you make backups of any files used in testing versions of GnuCash in the 1.9.x series. Although the developers go to great lengths to ensure that no data will be lost we cannot guarantee that your data will not be affected if for some reason GnuCash crashes in testing these releases.");?></p>
-<p> o <?php echo _("PLEASE TEST TEST AND TEST SOME MORE any and all features important to you. Then post any bugs you find to bugzilla http://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=GnuCash");?></p>
-<p> o <?php echo _("If you have the urge to help beyond testing please get involved in the discussions on the GnuCash mailing lists which you will find at http://www.gnucash.org. We especially need people to help with updating the documentation as all texts refer currently to the 1.8.x series. Please see http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Development on how to get involved.");?></p>
-<p> o <?php echo _("Major bugfixes include");?> -</p><ul>
-<li> <?php echo _("Register fixes");?></li>
-<li> <?php echo _("Finance::Quote issues");?></li>
-<li> <?php echo _("Correctly open an account and its sub-accounts.");?></li>
-<li> <?php echo _("Change the reports from using a hard-coded fiscal year to using the global accounting period set in the preferences. Both the start date and the end date are used, so the user is free to choose any arbitrary period.");?></li>
-<li> <?php echo _("Use the price nearest to midday to get the value in the default currency.");?></li>
-<li> <?php echo _("Make the desktop more HIG-compliant.");?></li>
-<li> <?php echo _("Patch to prevent crash when voiding a transaction.");?></li>
-<li> <?php echo _("Aqbanking updates");?></li>
-<li> <?php echo _("Report fixes");?></li>
-<li> <?php echo _("Autodetect OFX and use it if we find it.");?></li>
-<li> <?php echo _("Qof fixes");?></li></ul>
-<h2><?php echo _("Caveats");?> </h2>
-<h3><?php echo _("Caveats for testers");?>: </h3>
-<p><?php echo _("Any 1.9.x version might crash unexpectedly at any point during runtime. If you test some serious work in a 1.9.x release, make sure you hit \"Save\" after ever non-trivial workstep.");?> </p>
-<p><?php echo _("Keep in mind that features which are not used in everyday work might crash unexpectedly at all times. This includes but is not limited to: graphical reports, scheduled transaction editor, price editor, financial calculator, OFX/QIF/HBCI import.");?> </p>
-<p><?php echo _("Especially all the new features might crash instantly on testing. This applies in particular to any of the budget-related features. We may always decide to disable such new features for the initial 2.0.0 release, and re-enable them in a later release.");?> </p>
-<p>i<?php echo _("The documentation is completely outdated. All help texts usually only refer to the 1.8.x series; please expect all descriptions in the help texts to be totally wrong when applied to the upcoming 1.9.x series. Everyone is invited to help improve the documentation; see http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Development on how to get involved.");?> </p>
-<h2><?php echo _("How can you help?");?> </h2>
-<p><?php echo _("<b> Testing</b>: Test it and help us discover all bugs that might show up in there. Please enter each and every bug into bugzilla at <a href=\"http://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=GnuCash\">http://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=GnuCash</a>.");?></p>
-<p><?php echo _("<b>Translating</b>: The new release comes with plenty of new translation strings. If you consider contributing a translation, we invite you to test this release already, but please keep in mind that we are not yet in our string freeze phase. Please check <a href=\"http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Translation_Status\">http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Translation_Status</a> for updates on this, as we recommend to wait for the string freeze phase for the serious translation work.");?></p>
-<p><?php echo _("Available at the usual places!");?></p>
-<p><a href="http://www.gnucash.org">http://www.gnucash.org</a></p>
-<p><a href="http://download.sourceforge.net/gnucash">http://download.sourceforge.net/gnucash</a></p>

Deleted: htdocs/branches/published/news/1.9.1.txt
--- htdocs/branches/published/news/1.9.1.txt	2006-05-30 21:45:42 UTC (rev 14264)
+++ htdocs/branches/published/news/1.9.1.txt	2006-05-30 23:11:40 UTC (rev 14265)
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-Announcement: GnuCash 1.9.1 Release 
-2006-02-20   04:29:24
-<p>The GnuCash development team proudly announces GnuCash 1.9.1 aka "So we meet again", the second of several unstable 1.9.x releases of the GnuCash Open Source Accounting Software which will eventually lead to the stable version 2.0.0. This release contains many bugfixes since the first release but is still only intended for developers and adventurous testers who want to help tracking down bugs. 
-<h2> What's New in GnuCash 1.9.1?</h2>
-<p> o WARNING WARNING WARNING - Make sure you make backups of any files used in testing versions of GnuCash in the 1.9.x series. Although the developers go to great lengths to ensure that no data will be lost we cannot guarantee that your data will not be affected if for some reason GnuCash crashes in testing these releases.</p>
-<p> o PLEASE TEST TEST AND TEST SOME MORE any and all features important to you. Then post any bugs you find to bugzilla http://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=GnuCash</p>
-<p> o If you have the urge to help beyond testing please get involved in the discussions on the GnuCash mailing lists which you will find at http://www.gnucash.org. We especially need people to help with updating the documentation as all texts refer currently to the 1.8.x series. Please see http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Development on how to get involved.</p>
-<p> o Major bugfixes include -</p><ul>
-<li> Register fixes</li>
-<li> Finance::Quote issues</li>
-<li> Correctly open an account and its sub-accounts.</li>
-<li> Change the reports from using a hard-coded fiscal year to using the global accounting period set in the preferences. Both the start date and the end date are used, so the user is free to choose any arbitrary period.</li>
-<li> Use the price nearest to midday to get the value in the default currency.</li>
-<li> Make the desktop more HIG-compliant.</li>
-<li> Patch to prevent crash when voiding a transaction.</li>
-<li> Aqbanking updates</li>
-<li> Report fixes</li>
-<li> Autodetect OFX and use it if we find it.</li>
-<li> Qof fixes</li></ul>
-<h2> Caveats </h2>
-<h3>Caveats for testers: </h3>
-<p> Any 1.9.x version might crash unexpectedly at any point during runtime. If you test some serious work in a 1.9.x release, make sure you hit "Save" after ever non-trivial workstep. </p>
-<p> Keep in mind that features which are not used in everyday work might crash unexpectedly at all times. This includes but is not limited to: graphical reports, scheduled transaction editor, price editor, financial calculator, OFX/QIF/HBCI import. </p>
-<p> Especially all the new features might crash instantly on testing. This applies in particular to any of the budget-related features. We may always decide to disable such new features for the initial 2.0.0 release, and re-enable them in a later release. </p>
-<p> The documentation is completely outdated. All help texts usually only refer to the 1.8.x series; please expect all descriptions in the help texts to be totally wrong when applied to the upcoming 1.9.x series. Everyone is invited to help improve the documentation; see http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Development on how to get involved. </p>
-<h2> How can you help? </h2>
-<p><b> Testing</b>: Test it and help us discover all bugs that might show up in there. Please enter each and every bug into bugzilla at <a href="http://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=GnuCash">http://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=GnuCash</a>.</p>
-<p><b>Translating</b>: The new release comes with plenty of new translation strings. If you consider contributing a translation, we invite you to test this release already, but please keep in mind that we are not yet in our string freeze phase. Please check <a href="http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Translation_Status">http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Translation_Status</a> for updates on this, as we recommend to wait for the string freeze phase for the serious translation work.</p>
-<p>Available at the usual places!</p>
-<p><a href="http://www.gnucash.org">http://www.gnucash.org</a></p>
-<p><a href="http://download.sourceforge.net/gnucash">http://download.sourceforge.net/gnucash</a></p>

Copied: htdocs/branches/published/news/de (from rev 14264, htdocs/trunk/news/de)

Deleted: htdocs/branches/published/news/es/031107-gnucash-es.txt
--- htdocs/branches/published/news/es/031107-gnucash-es.txt	2006-05-30 21:45:42 UTC (rev 14264)
+++ htdocs/branches/published/news/es/031107-gnucash-es.txt	2006-05-30 23:11:40 UTC (rev 14265)
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-<b>gnucash-es Nueva lista de distribución en español.</b>
-Como respuesta a la creciente comunidad hispanoparlante de gnucash se ha
-creado la lista gnucash-es, cuyo objetivo es permitir el contacto entre
-usuarios, traductores y desarrolladores de GnuCash de habla hispana.
-Para inscribirse a la lista visite la página 
-<a href="https://lists.gnucash.org/mailman/listinfo/gnucash-es">

Deleted: htdocs/branches/published/news/fr/030924-gnucash-fr.txt
--- htdocs/branches/published/news/fr/030924-gnucash-fr.txt	2006-05-30 21:45:42 UTC (rev 14264)
+++ htdocs/branches/published/news/fr/030924-gnucash-fr.txt	2006-05-30 23:11:40 UTC (rev 14265)
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-<b>gnucash-fr</b>:  nouvelle liste de diffusion en français
-Vous avez essayé GnuCash. Cela vous plaît vraiment mais vous aimeriez
-obtenir de l'aide dans votre langue pour encore plus de simplicité pour
-pouvoir poser des questions et comprendre les réponses.
-Cette mailing liste est faite pour vous. Elle va permettre de rester en
-contact avec des personnes francophones utilisant GnuCash qui pourront vous
-guider dans son utilisation quotidienne aussi bien que pour une utilisation
-professionnelle. Elle permettra aussi aux personnes réfractaire à la langue
-de shakespeare de rester au courant des derniers développements du
-Grâce a cela nous allons pouvoir améliorer l'internationalisation du
-logiciel, établir un réseau fiable d'utilisateurs francophone et ainsi faire
-progresser toute la communauté.
-Pour vous inscrire à la liste visitez la page suivante :
-<a href="https://lists.gnucash.org/mailman/listinfo/gnucash-fr">https://lists.gnucash.org/mailman/listinfo/gnucash-fr</a>

Deleted: htdocs/branches/published/news/it/030923-gnucash-it.txt
--- htdocs/branches/published/news/it/030923-gnucash-it.txt	2006-05-30 21:45:42 UTC (rev 14264)
+++ htdocs/branches/published/news/it/030923-gnucash-it.txt	2006-05-30 23:11:40 UTC (rev 14265)
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-<b>gnucash-it</b>: nuova lista di distribuzione in italiano
-GnuCash sta guadagnando sempre pi&ugrave; interesse anche da parte
-della realt&agrave; italiana. Per questo motivo si &egrave; deciso di
-creare una nuova lista di distribuzione, 
-<a href="http://www.gnucash.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/gnucash-it">gnucash-it</a>,
-tutta in italiano, al fine di permettere, in una prima fase, il
-coordinamento della localizzazione (l10n) ed internazionalizzazione
-(i18n) italiana del programma e, successivamente, la traduzione del
-sito. In questo modo si spera di ampliare ulteriormente la base degli
-utenti così da poter dar vita alla seconda fase di questo progetto:
-creare una nutrita comunità di utenti che siano in grado di aiutarsi
-Per iscriversi alla lista, visitare la pagina
-<a href="https://lists.gnucash.org/mailman/listinfo/gnucash-it">https://lists.gnucash.org/mailman/listinfo/gnucash-it</a>

Modified: htdocs/branches/published/news/news-script.php
--- htdocs/branches/published/news/news-script.php	2006-05-30 21:45:42 UTC (rev 14264)
+++ htdocs/branches/published/news/news-script.php	2006-05-30 23:11:40 UTC (rev 14265)
@@ -1,127 +1,119 @@
-    // This PHP script automatically scans the news directory
-    // and posts news items on the gnucash home page, using the
-    // gnucash html page style.  This script supports the display
-    // of translated news items by getting news articles from 
-    // directories for each language.  A news article from 'en'
-    // is displayed only if there is'nt a matching news article
-    // for the selected language
-    //
-    // originally by Jeremy Collins, heavily modified by Linas Vepstas
-    // Restructured by Neil Williams
-    //
-    //  they  should  be  plain  ASCII  text  files  with  extension  ".txt"
-    //  The FIRST line is the title of the news panel, including <b></b>
-    //  tags.
-    //  The SECOND line is the DATE of the news panel (as the date of modification
-    //  of these files is unreliable now that they are under version control).
-    //  Use a UNIX timestamp: any string parseable by 'date' is sufficient:
-    //  e.g. Jan 21 18:35
-    //  If the second line does not create a valid timestamp, the 
-    //  inode change time of file is used.
-    //  Text messages are later converted to .phtml with translatable strings
-    //  marked up in PHP. (You can follow the example of other files to do this
-    //  yourself, e.g. when updating your translation.)
+    // This PHP script automatically scans the news directory
+    // and posts news items on the gnucash home page, using the
+    // gnucash html page style.  This script supports the display
+    // of translated news items by getting news articles from 
+    // directories for each language.  A news article from 'en'
+    // is displayed only if there is'nt a matching news article
+    // for the selected language
+    //
+    // originally by Jeremy Collins, heavily modified by Linas Vepstas
+    // Restructured by Neil Williams
+    // Significantly modified by Derek Atkins
+    //
-    //  These phtml files will replace the alternative of separately translated
-    //  files in bespoke language directories. Once created, the .phtml file
-    //  replaces the .txt version. This automatically enables the translated
-    //  text or uses en_US if the new strings have not been translated yet.
+    //  News files should be HTML-marked files with extension ".news"
+    //  The FIRST line is the title of the news panel, including
+    //  <b></b> tags.
+    //  The SECOND line is the DATE of the news panel (as the date of
+    //  modification of these files is unreliable now that they are
+    //  under version control).  Use a UNIX timestamp: any string
+    //  parseable by 'date' is sufficient: e.g. Jan 21 18:35 If the
+    //  second line does not create a valid timestamp, the inode
+    //  change time of file is used.
-    //  Indicate the sequence for the phtml files here: Most recent last.
-    //  Use the original timestamps as values for the array.
+    # Be sure to define the following path to newsdirs
+    if (!$en_newspath) { exit;  }
+    if (!$lang_newspath) { exit;  }
-$translated_news = array(
-"1.9.0" => "2006-02-09   05:19:32", 
-"1.9.1" => "2006-02-20   04:29:24"    );
+    // This is how many news items to display on the main page.
+    // Everything after this is displayed on the "oldnews" page.
+    $cutoff = 10;
-    //  If the entry in translated_news is omitted, the script will try to use
-    //  the seventh line of the phtml which should consist of just the
-    //  timestamp, without the tags or brackets.
-    # Be sure to define the following path to newsdirs
-    if (!$en_newspath) { exit;  }
-    if (!$lang_newspath) { exit;  }
-    // array of displayed filenames is indexed with filenames, holds timestamps.
-    $newsfile  =  array();
-    // ------------------------------------------
-    // array holding native-language news articles.
-    $native_files = array();
-    $hd  =  dir($lang_newspath);
-    //  Get all translatable files in the news directory
-    while(  $filename  =  $hd->read()  )  {
-        $s=strtolower($filename);
-        if  (strstr($s, ".phtml"))  {
-                $stump = str_replace("phtml", "txt", $filename);
-                $lang_files[$stump]  =  $lang_newspath.$filename;
+    // array of displayed filenames is indexed with filenames, holds timestamps.
+    $newsfile = array();
+    // array of translated news files.  Holds filenames of translated news.
+    $lang_files = array();
+    // a little debugging
+    echo("<!-- in news/news-script.php: top_dir = $top_dir -->\n");
+    echo("<!-- lang-path: $lang_newspath ; en-path: $en_newspath -->\n");
+    // ------------------------------------------
+    // check for the translated articles
+    $hd = dir($lang_newspath);
+    //  Get all translated files in the translated-news directory
+    while( $filename = $hd->read() )  {
+        $s=strtolower($filename);
+        if (strstr($s, ".news"))  {
+                $lang_files[$filename] = $lang_newspath.$filename;
                 $display_filename = $lang_newspath.$filename;
-                $lastchanged=$translated_news[$stump];
-                if(!$lastchanged)
-                {
-                       $about = file($display_filename);
-                       $lastchanged=$about[6];
-                }
+		//echo("<!-- found locale news: $display_filename -->\n");
+                $about = file($display_filename);
+                $lastchanged=$about[1];
+	        if($lastchanged == "\n")
+	        {
+			$lastchanged = date("Y-m-d H:m:s", filectime($display_filename));
+	        }
                 $newsfile[$display_filename] = $lastchanged;
-        }
-    }
-    $hd->close();
-    // ------------------------------------------
-    // Are there english language articles to display?
-    $hd  =  dir($en_newspath);
-    //  Get all the alternate-language files, and display them
-    // only if there isn't a matching native language article.
-    while(  $filename  =  $hd->read()  )  {
-        $s=strtolower($filename);
-        if  (strstr($s, ".txt"))  {
-	    // display english only if there isn't a translated version
-	    if (!$lang_files[$filename]) {
-	       $display_filename = $en_newspath.$filename;
-	       $lastchanged="";
-	       $about = file($display_filename);
-               $lastchanged=$about[1];
-	       if($lastchanged == "\n")
-	       {
-			$lastchanged = date("Y-m-d H:m:s", filectime($display_filename));
-	       }
-               $newsfile[$display_filename]  =  $lastchanged;
-	    }
-        }
-    }
-    $hd->close();
-    // ------------------------------------------
-    //  Sort  files  in  descending  date order
-    arsort($newsfile);
-    //  Output  files  to  browser
-    for(reset($newsfile);  $key  =  key($newsfile);  next($newsfile))
-    {
-        $fa  =  file($key);
-        $n=count($fa);
+        }
+    }
+    $hd->close();
-        if  (strstr($key, ".phtml"))  {
-              include $key;
+    // ------------------------------------------
+    // Are there english language articles to display?
+    $hd  =  dir($en_newspath);
+    // Get all the english-language files, and display them
+    // only if there isn't a matching native language article.
+    while( $filename = $hd->read() )  {
+        $s=strtolower($filename);
+        if (strstr($s, ".news"))  {
+	    //echo("<!-- found english file: $s -->\n");
+	    if (! array_key_exists($filename, $lang_files)) {
+	       $display_filename = $en_newspath.$filename;
+	       //echo("<!-- using untranslated english file: $display_filename -->\n");
+	       $about = file($display_filename);
+               $lastchanged=$about[1];
+	       if($lastchanged == "\n")
+	       {
+			$lastchanged = date("Y-m-d H:m:s", filectime($display_filename));
+	       }
+               $newsfile[$display_filename] = $lastchanged;
+	    }
-        else {
-             echo ("<div class=\"newsborder\"><div class=\"newsheader\">");
-             echo("<img alt=\"news panel\" src=\"images/icons/document.txt.gif\">&nbsp;");
-             print $fa[0];
-             print  " - <b>" . $newsfile[$key] . "</b>\n</div>";
-             echo "<div class=\"newsinner\">";
-             for  ($i=2;  $i<$n;  $i++)  {
-                 print $fa[$i];
-             }
-             echo "</div>";
-             echo "</div>";
-        }
-    }
+    }
+    $hd->close();
+    // ------------------------------------------
+    //  Sort  files  in  descending  date order
+    arsort($newsfile);
+    //  Output  files  to  browser
+    $filecount = 0;
+    for(reset($newsfile); $key = key($newsfile); next($newsfile))
+    {
+        $filecount++;
+	if ( ($oldnews && $filecount > $cutoff) ||
+	     (! $oldnews && $filecount <= $cutoff) )
+	{
+	    $fa = file($key);
+	    $n=count($fa);
+	    echo ("<div class=\"newsborder\"><div class=\"newsheader\">");
+	    echo("<img alt=\"news panel\" src=\"${top_dir}/images/icons/document.txt.gif\">&nbsp;");
+	    print $fa[0];
+	    print  " - <b>" . $newsfile[$key] . "</b></div>\n";
+	    echo "<div class=\"newsinner\">";
+	    for  ($i=2;  $i<$n;  $i++)  {
+	      print $fa[$i];
+	    }
+	    echo "</div>";
+	    echo "</div>";
+	}
+    }

Copied: htdocs/branches/published/nl/.htaccess (from rev 14264, htdocs/trunk/nl/.htaccess)

Copied: htdocs/branches/published/nl/LC_MESSAGES (from rev 14264, htdocs/trunk/nl/LC_MESSAGES)

Deleted: htdocs/branches/published/nl/architecture.phtml
--- htdocs/branches/published/nl/architecture.phtml	2006-05-30 21:45:42 UTC (rev 14264)
+++ htdocs/branches/published/nl/architecture.phtml	2006-05-30 23:11:40 UTC (rev 14265)
@@ -1,276 +0,0 @@
-<?php $title = "Architectuur"; ?>
-<?php if (!ini_get('register_globals')) {
- include("../emulate_globals_on.php");
-<?php include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/nl/components/header.phtml"); ?>
-<?php include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/nl/menu/menu-main-developer.phtml"); ?>
-<td valign=top width=75%>
-<h1>Overzicht Architectuur</h1>
-<font size=-1>
-GnuCash is geschreven in twee programmeertalen: C en Scheme.  
-Voor de snelheid, portabiliteit, en vanwege historische redenen 
-is de engine/server is geschreven in C. 
-Vanwege de kracht, expressiveness@, en gebruikersgemak, 
-zijn de verschillende onderdelen om 
-alles aan elkaar te plakken geschreven in Scheme. 
-De gebruikersinterface maakt gebruik van de GTK/Gnome widget@ set, en 
-is ontworpen met de  
-<a href="http://glade.pn.org">Glade</a>
-GUI designer tool. Het file format is in XML, and multi-user
-support is verkregen middels de Postgres SQL backend.
-Het rapportage subsysteem, geschreven in Scheme, genereerd HTML
-De opbouw van GnuCash is modulair, hetgeen afzonderlijke individuen in staat stelt 
-om bepaalde modules te onderhouden en te verbeteren zonder de algehele ontwikkeling 
-te verstoren. 
-De interfaces tussen de modules zijn gedocumenteerd, en grotendeels stabiel en unchanging at .
-<a href="/images/diagrams/components.png">Dit blockdiagram toont de belangrijkste componenten.</a>
-GnuCash bestaat momenteel uit de volgende modules:</b>
-<table border=0 cellpadding=1 cellspacing=0 width="100%">
-  <tr>
-  <td valign=middle align=center bgcolor=#666699>
-   <table border=0 cellpadding=5 cellspacing=1 bgcolor=#cccccc width="100%">
-   <tr>
-     <td bgcolor=#666699 width=25%><font color=#ffffff><b>Module</b></td>
-     <td bgcolor=#666699 width=50%><font color=#ffffff><b>Beschrijving</b></td>
-   </tr>
-   <tr bgcolor=#ececff>
-     <td valign=top>
-       <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
-       <tr>
-         <td valign=top><img src=/images/icons/document.txt.gif width=16 height=16 border=0>&nbsp;</td>
-         <td valign=top><b>Engine</b></td>
-       </tr>
-       </table>
-     </td>
-     <td valign=top>
-<p>De <dfn>Engine</dfn> (te vinden in de <code>src/engine/</code> 
-folder in de
-GnuCash codebase@) zorgt voor een interface om vijf basale financiele entiteiten te creeren, te manipuleren en te verwijderen: Rekeningen, Transacties (boekhoudkundig bekend als Ledger Entries@), Splits (known as Journal
-Entries), Prices@ en Lots at .  Deze vijf entiteiten vormen de centrale datastructuut van het financiele GnuCash data model,
-<a href="/images/diagrams/structures.png">als weergegeven in dit schema.</a>
-<p>De Engine code bevat geen GUI code of iets dergelijks en is in essentie 
-OS-neutraal. De code is volledig geschreven in C.
-		 </td>
-   </tr>
-   <tr bgcolor=#ffffff>
-     <td valign=top>
-       <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
-       <tr>
-         <td valign=top><img src=/images/icons/document.txt.gif width=16 height=16 border=0>&nbsp;</td>
-         <td valign=top><b>Query</b></td>
-       </tr>
-       </table>
-     </td>
-     <td valign=top>
-<p>De <dfn>Query</dfn> module (also in <code>src/engine/</code>) 
-zorgt voor de mogelijkheid om complexe, gestructureerde 
-queries uit te voeren. GnuCash gebruikt bijvoorbeeld  
-queries om transacties te vinden op basis van een set critiria opgegeven door de gebruiker,
-zoals de beschrijving, datum, etc. Eenvoudige 
-queries kunnen gecombineerd worden met standaard boolean operators. Het query
-subsysteem is een generiek object-query systeem, onafhankelijk van de 
-financiele structuur van GnuCash en ontwikkeld zich langzaam aan tot een 
-stand-alone component op 
-<a href="http://qof.sourceforge.net">qof.sourceforge.net</a>.  
-Let op dat Querynauw samenwerkt met de data storage backend, dus dat de 
-lokale verzameling van objecten in GnuCash functioneerd als een 'cache'
-voor mogelijkerwijs vele malen grotere datasets in de SQL backend.  Het idee is om GnuCash 'scalable' te houden: de runtime size kan klein blijven, zonder de performance aan te tasten, zelfs wanneer  
-gebruik gemaakt wordt van grote, remote@ databases.
-		 </td>
-   </tr>
-   <tr bgcolor=#ececff>
-     <td valign=top>
-       <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
-       <tr>
-         <td valign=top><img src=/images/icons/document.txt.gif width=16 height=16 border=0>&nbsp;</td>
-         <td valign=top><b>Data Opslag Backend</b></td>
-       </tr>
-       </table>
-     </td>
-     <td valign=top>
-<p>De <dfn>Data Opslag Backend</dfn> module (<code>src/backend/</code>) 
-definieerd een generieke interface voor de opslag van GnuCash data (in bestanden of databases) 
-of voor communicatie met een remote GnuCash opslag server
-(door gelijkwelk server-gedefineerd protocol).
-Momenteel zijn de volgende backends geimplementeerd en ondersteund: de XML file backend, voor opslag van GnuCash data in het oorspronkelijke XML bestandsformaat en de Postgres SQL
-backend, welke meerdere gebruikers tegelijkertijd met GnuCash laat werken.  
-Daarnaast zijn er een aantal experimentele backends (momenteel  
-broken/unsupported@): een voor de communicatie met een GnuCash data opslag 
-server via RPC, en een andere die, via XML over HTTP, communiceerd met een GnuCash server.
-		 </td>
-   </tr>
-   <tr bgcolor=#ffffff>
-     <td valign=top>
-       <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
-       <tr>
-         <td valign=top><img src=/images/icons/document.txt.gif width=16 height=16 border=0>&nbsp;</td>
-         <td valign=top><b>Register</b></td>
-       </tr>
-       </table>
-     </td>
-     <td valign=top>
-<p>Het <dfn>Register</dfn> (<code>src/register/</code>) implementeerd een ledger-achtige
-GUI die de gebruiker in staat stelt dynamisch data, prijzen, memo's, omschrijvingen, etc. in te voeren op een intuitieve manier die vanzelfsprekend is voor iedereen bekend is met het kasboek registerr. De code is eenvoudig te configureren,
-laat toe om de ledger kolommen en rijen zonder restricties te modeleren. Zo kan bijvoorbeeld de ene ledger drie velden met datum definieren, een een prijs veld, en vier andere een memo veld. 
-Cell handling objects support and automatically validate date entry, memo entry, 
-prijzen, combo-boxes (pull-down menus), en multi-state check-boxes. Cells can be marked read-write, or
-output-only. Cellen kunnen aangegeven worden met een unieke kleur. Ook het actieve ledger rijenblok kan geaccentueerd worden met een unieke kleur.
-<p>De register code is volledig onafhankelijk van de engine code, weet niets van boekhouden of een van de andere GnuCash subsystemen. daarom kan het ook gebruikt worden voor andere projecten die niets met boekhouden te maken hebben.
-		 </td>
-   </tr>
-   <tr bgcolor=#ececff>
-     <td valign=top>
-       <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
-       <tr>
-         <td valign=top><img src=/images/icons/document.txt.gif width=16 height=16 border=0>&nbsp;</td>
-         <td valign=top><b>Rapporten &amp; Grafieken</b></td>
-       </tr>
-       </table>
-     </td>
-     <td valign=top>
-<p>De <dfn>Raporten &amp Grafieken</dfn> module (<code>src/report/</code>)
-is a schema gebasseerd (guile) systeem om balance tabellen, winst &amp; 
-verlies rekeningen, staafdiagrammen, taartdiagrammen, <i>etc.</i> te produceren. Het maakt gebruik van de Query API om data op te halen en et verwerken, welke vervolgens geconverteerd worden naar  HTML weergegeven worden middels de gtkhtml widget.  Grafieken worden afgebeeld met behulp van Guppi,
-and en worden direct in html ingebed (als live graphs).
-		 </td>
-   </tr>
-   <tr bgcolor=#ffffff>
-     <td valign=top>
-       <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
-       <tr>
-         <td valign=top><img src=/images/icons/document.txt.gif width=16 height=16 border=0>&nbsp;</td>
-         <td valign=top><b>Prijs Quotes@</b></td>
-       </tr>
-       </table>
-     </td>
-     <td valign=top>
-<p>De <dfn>Prijs Quotes@</dfn> module (<code>src/quotes</code>) is 
-een wrapper@ rond de Finance::Quote Perl module, gebruikt om prijzen van aandelen van Internet binnen te halen naar de GnuCash
-Engine. De Finance::Quote module is beschikbaar op SourceForge (of 
-via CPAN). Deze module kan price quotes binne halen van verschillende bronnen, waaronder Yahoo, Yahoo Europe, en een aantal internationale beurzen. Voordat nieuwe gegevens door GnuCash kunnen worden verwerkt, moeten ze eerst aan Finance::Quote worden toegevoegd.
-<p>De Finance::Quote module ondersteund ook het binnenhalen van wisslekoersen. GnuCash zal geschikt gemaakt worden om deze wisselkoersen te kunnen verwerken.
-		 </td>
-   </tr>
-   <tr bgcolor=#ececff>
-     <td valign=top>
-       <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
-       <tr>
-         <td valign=top><img src=/images/icons/document.txt.gif width=16 height=16 border=0>&nbsp;</td>
-         <td valign=top><b>Gebruikers Instellingen</b></td>
-       </tr>
-       </table>
-     </td>
-     <td valign=top>
-<p>De <dfn>Gebruikers Instellingen</dfn> module (<code>src/app-utils/</code>)
-verschaft een infrastructuur voor de definite van interne, tevens door de gebruiker te definieren instellingen. De instellingen zijn gedefinieerd in een schema met verscheidene standaard instellingen zoals boolean, string, datum, etc. De instellingen worden geeffectueerd via een GUI
-die de gebruiker in staat stelt de instellingen uit te lezen en te wijzigen. Een API, welke aangeroepn wordt wanneer de instellingen wijzigen,
-zoekt de ingestelde waarden en registeerd callbacks.
-<p>Instellingen die afwijken van de standaardinstellingen worden opgeslagen 
-in een schematisch formulier in een gebruikers-specifiek bestand 
-(<code>~/.gnucash/config.auto</code>). Dit bestand wordt automatisch geladen tijdens het opstarten.
-		 </td>
-   </tr>
-   <tr bgcolor=#ffffff>
-     <td valign=top>
-       <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
-       <tr>
-         <td valign=top><img src=/images/icons/document.txt.gif width=16 height=16 border=0>&nbsp;</td>
-         <td valign=top><b>Data Importeren &amp; Exporteren</b></td>
-       </tr>
-       </table>
-     </td>
-     <td valign=top>
-<p>De <dfn>Import</dfn> module (<code>src/import-export/</code>) maakt het importeren
-van QIF (Quicken Interchange Format) bestanden en
-OFX (Open Financial Exchange) bestanden in GnuCash mogelijk. Een van de moeilijke aspenten
-van het importeren van gegevens uit een bestand is wat te doen als het bestand gedeeltelijk gegevens bevat die al in GnuCash aanwezig zijn. dit kan bijvoorbeeld voorkomen wanneer de te importeren gegevens afkomstig zijn uit een bestand van een website die periodiek bijgewerkt wordt: iedere keer dat het binnengehaald wordt kunnen er transacties in zitten die al eerder gerapporteerd waren. 
-Om een bestand correct te importeren moet er daarom een tamelijk goede transactie matcher aanwezig zijn, die dubbele transacties kan detecteren en negeren.
-Een dergelijk matching patroon is algemeen toepasbaar en wordt gebruikt door 
-het HCBI subsystem.  (HCBI is een online banking systeem dat ter beschikking staat tot alle inwoners van Duitsland).
-		 </td>
-   </tr>
-   <tr bgcolor=#ececff>
-     <td valign=top>
-       <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
-       <tr>
-         <td valign=top><img src=/images/icons/document.txt.gif width=16 height=16 border=0>&nbsp;</td>
-         <td valign=top><b>Small Business Features@</b></td>
-       </tr>
-       </table>
-     </td>
-     <td valign=top>
-<p>GnuCash kent een aantal implementaties voor het midden- en kleinbedrijf 
-     (Moet nog geschreven worden: Leg uit hoe het werkt.)
-		 </td>
-   </tr>
-   <tr bgcolor=#ffffff>
-     <td valign=top>
-       <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
-       <tr>
-         <td valign=top><img src=/images/icons/document.txt.gif width=16 height=16 border=0>&nbsp;</td>
-         <td valign=top><b>Periodieke Transacties</b></td>
-       </tr>
-       </table>
-     </td>
-     <td valign=top>
-<p>Geplande transacties zorgen voor een mechanisme om een set van periodiek financiele 
-transacties te beschrijven, dusdaig dat de GnuCash gegevens automatisch bij het verstrijken van de tijd automatisch bijgewerkt worden.
-     (Moet nog geschreven worden: Leg uit hoe het werkt.)
-		 </td>
-   </tr>
-   <tr bgcolor=#ececff>
-     <td valign=top>
-       <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
-       <tr>
-         <td valign=top><img src=/images/icons/document.txt.gif width=16 height=16 border=0>&nbsp;</td>
-         <td valign=top><b>GnuCash</b></td>
-       </tr>
-       </table>
-     </td>
-     <td valign=top>
-<p>De GnuCash module (<code>src/gnome</code> en andere folders)
-is de belangrijkste GUI applicatie. De module bevat een verzameling van 
-miscellaneous GUI code om alle hierboven beschreven delen te bundelen
-tot een coherent, intuitief geheel. Het is bedoeld om eenvoudig te zijn in gebruik voor nieuwe gebruikers, zonder in te boeten aan kracht en flexibiliteit die de professionele gebruiker verwacht. Als men zegt dat GnuCash probeert een "Quicken of MS Money look/work/act-alike" te zijn, dan wordt verwezen naar deze module. 
-Het is bedoeld als persoonlijke financiele manager met voldoende kracht voor de ervaren gebruiker en eenvoudig genoeg voor beginners.
-<p>Momenteel is de Gnome interface de enige operationele interface. 
-Een niet-werkende Motif interface kan opgevist worden uit oude CVS;
-maar deze interface is verwijderd uit de huidige CVS.
-		 </td>
-   </tr>
-   </table>
-<?php include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/nl/components/footer.phtml"); ?>

Deleted: htdocs/branches/published/nl/articles.phtml
--- htdocs/branches/published/nl/articles.phtml	2006-05-30 21:45:42 UTC (rev 14264)
+++ htdocs/branches/published/nl/articles.phtml	2006-05-30 23:11:40 UTC (rev 14265)
@@ -1,339 +0,0 @@
-<?php $title = "GnuCash in het Nieuws"; ?>
-<?php if (!ini_get('register_globals')) {
- include("../emulate_globals_on.php");
-<?php include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/nl/components/header.phtml"); ?>
-<?php include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/nl/menu/menu-main-other.phtml"); ?>
-<td valign=top>
-<b>GnuCash in het Nieuws!</b>
-Een verzameling persberichten van over de gehele wereld.
-      <dt>
-      <b><a href="http://www.golem.de/0302/23786.html">GnuCash-Finanzverwaltung für Linux unterstützt HBCI</a></b> (<a href="/press-archive/golem.de-2003-02/23786.html">archival copy</a>) (golem.de, 3 Feb 2003) 
-      </dt>
-      <dd>
-      Das GnuCash-Entwicklerteam hat jetzt die Version 1.8 von GnuCash veröffentlicht, einer Open-Source-Finanzverwaltung für Linux/Unix, die sich an Privatanwender und Kleinbetriebe richtet. In der neuen stabilen Version wird erstmals das Online-Banking über HBCI unterstützt. 
-      <br><br>
-      </dd>
-      <dt><b><a href="http://www.linux-community.de/Neues/story?storyid=6378">GnuCash 1.8.0 jetzt mit HBCI-Unterstützung </a></b> 
-      (<a href="/press-archive/linux-community.de-2003-02/story.storyid-6378.html">archival copy</a>) (Linux Community, 3 Feb 2003)
-      </dt>
-      <dd>
-      Das GnuCash Entwicklerteam meldet die Veröffentlichung von GnuCash 1.8.0, der OpenSource-Finanzverwaltung für Linux/Unix. 
-      "Wozu braucht man jetzt noch Windows? Online-Banking mit HBCI und die private Kontoverwaltung ist nun vollständig auf Linux möglich," meint Christian Stimming vom Entwicklerteam. 
-      <br><br>
-      </dd>
-      <dt>
-      <b>
-      <a href="http://heise.de/newsticker/data/anw-09.12.02-006/">HBCI-Bibliothek für Linux/Unix</a> </b>(<a href="/press-archive/heise.de-2002-12/index.html">archival copy</a>) (heise online, 9 Dec 2002)
-      </dt>
-      <dd>
-      Das OpenHBCI-Entwicklerteam stellt die nach eigenen Angaben erste freie OpenSource-Implementierung des Homebanking-Standards HBCI (Home Banking Computer Interface) für Linux/Unix
-      <br><br>
-      </dd>
-      <dt>
-      <b>
-      <a href="http://www.pro-linux.de/news/2002/4975.html">GnuCash mit HBCI-Unterstützung erschiene</a></b>
-      (<a href="/press-archive/pro-linux-2002-12/4975.html">archival copy</a>)
-      (Pro-Linux, 2 Dec 2002)
-      </dt>
-      <dd>
-      Das »GnuCash«-Entwickler-Team kündigte heute die Verfügbarkeit von GnuCash 1.7.4 mit HBCI-Unterstützung (Home Banking Computer Information) an.
-      <br><br>
-      </dd>
-      <dt>
-      <b>
-      <a href="http://www.linuxworld.com/go.cgi?id=740992">Balancing your books? GnuCash is the answer</a></b>
-      (<a href="/press-archive/linuxworld-2002-09/0916.gnucash.html">archival copy</a>)
-      (Linux World, 16 Sept 2002)
-      </dt>
-      <dd>Joe Barr walks us through his experience with GnuCash personal-accounting software. His conclusion? GnuCash is good enough to trust with his miniature donkey farm?s bookkeeping. (1,200 words) 
-      <br><br>
-      </dd>
-      <dt>
-      <b>
-      <a href="http://www.linuxjournal.com/article.php?sid=5669&mode=thread&order=0">
-      Keep Track of Your Money</a></b>
-      (<a href="/press-archive/linuxjournal-2002-06/article.php?sid=6559">archival copy</a>)
-      (Linux Journal, 8 June 2002)
-      </dt>
-      <dd>Recently, I took the big step: I became a freelancer. It's great, 
-      but even after a short while, I began to realize that there were some 
-      changes in my behavior concerning finances and spending money. So I 
-      thought decided to start keeping track of my personal accounts, 
-      especially with having more time to go shopping. I never thought 
-      I would do this, but now I do, and I'm feeling more secure knowing 
-      exactly how I spend my income.      
-      <br><br>
-      </dd>
-      <dt>
-      <b><a href="http://www.lwn.net/2001/0621/">
-      GnuCash and library dependencies, again</a></b>
-      (<a href="/press-archive/lwn.net-2001-0621/index.html">archival copy</a>)
-      (LWN.net, June 21 2001)
-      </dt>
-      <dd> 
-      Last week's item about the GnuCash 1.6 release and its many 
-      library dependencies drew more than the usual amount of mail, 
-      including this response from the GnuCash project itself. We 
-      seem to have hit a bit of a nerve there. So this week we'll 
-      follow up with two more articles; this one looks at the 
-      library dependency issue again, and the following one is a
-      quick review of the 1.6 release itself. 
-      <br><br>
-      </dd>
-      <dt>
-      <b><a href="http://www.lwn.net/2001/0614/">
-      gnucash 1.6 and the dependency nightmare</a></b>
-      (<a href="/press-archive/lwn.net-2001-0614/index.html">archival copy</a>)
-      (LWN.net, June 14 2001)
-      </dt>
-      <dd> The release of gnucash 1.6 was announced on June 11. 
-      gnucash is an important application - it is the only free 
-      package which provides comprehensive personal and business 
-      finance functionality. Your editor has been using it for 
-      over a year, and has been anxiously waiting for it to catch
-      up to what the commercial finance packages can do. 
-      <br><br>
-      </dd>
-      <dt>
-      <b>Gerer ses comptes personnels</b>
-      (archive: <a href="/press-archive/maximum-linux-2000-12/p1.jpg">page 1</a>,
-      <a href="/press-archive/maximum-linux-2000-12/p2.jpg">page 2</a>,
-      <a href="/press-archive/maximum-linux-2000-12/p3.jpg">page 3</a>,
-      <a href="/press-archive/maximum-linux-2000-12/p4.jpg">page 4</a>)
-      (MaximumLinux France, December 2000)
-      </dt>
-      <dd>
-      L'ordinateur prend une place de plus en plus importante 
-      dans les foyers, notamment en ce qui concrne la gestion 
-      des finances personnelles. Petit tour d'horizon des 
-      differents logiciels pour vous aider a faire le bon choix.
-      <br><br>
-      [editors note: gnucash-1.4.8 gets five stars from this French magazine!]
-      <br><br>
-      </dd>
-      <dt>
-      <b><a href="http://www.linuxgram.com/newsitem.phtml?sid=109&aid=10365">
-      Guns along the Gnome</a></b>
-      (<a href="/press-archive/linuxgram-2000-12/newsitem.html">archival copy</a>)
-      (Linuxgram, December 2000)
-      </dt>
-      <dd>
-      Guns along the Gnome: It Ain't Paranoia If They're Really Out To Get You
-      Nautilus (Eazel) = MS Explorer File Manager 
-      <br><br>
-      </dd>
-      <dt>
-      <b><a href="http://www.linuxorbit.com/features/newbie10.php3">
-      The Newbie test drives GnuCash</a></b>
-      (<a href="/press-archive/linuxorbit-2000-12/features-newbie10.php3.html">archival copy</a>)
-      (Linux Orbit, December 2000)
-      </dt>
-      <dd>
-      I'd been looking around for something that might interest a 
-      Linux neophyte like myself and with a little coaching from 
-      the head honcho at Linux Orbit, I decided to try out GnuCash 
-      and give you the newbie perspective. Although I've always 
-      used spreadsheets to keep track of finances, I figured, what 
-      the heck.
-      <br><br>
-      </dd>
-      <dt>
-      <b><a href="http://www.linuxnews.com/stories.php?story=526">
-      What's New with GnuCash</a></b>
-      (<a href="/press-archive/linuxnews-2000-10/stories.html">archival copy</a>)
-      (LinuxNews, October 2000)
-      </dt>
-      <dd>GnuCash, the open source accounting and finance system, is 
-      gearing up to become the premier accounting package on Linux--and 
-      is rapidly finding the means to do it. 
-      Rob Browning, one of GnuCash's developers, explained that the 
-      project has been expanding of late. "Right now we have four 
-      full-time developers, and we're about to hire a few more," he said,
-      attributing the growth of the staff--and the project--to financial 
-      backing from Gnumatic Incorporated, announced August 14, 2000. 
-      <br><br>
-      </dd>
-      <dt>
-      <b>
-      <a href="http://slashdot.org/articles/00/06/19/1721237.shtml">
-      Gnucash v1.4.0 Released</a></b>
-      (<a href="/press-archive/slashdot-2000-06/slashdot.org.articles.">archival copy</a>)
-      (Slashdot, June 2000)
-      </dt>
-      <dd>
-      Ur at eus writes: "The Gnucash team has released the
-      1.4.0 version of their wonderful Quicken-like personal
-      finance manager. This is the first stable release since the move from
-      Motif to GNOME. You find Gnucash 1.4.0 at Gnucash.org" This plugs
-      a major gaping hole in Linux software: I've been using gnucash for a
-      year now, and it's made great leaps in terms of features and stability. It
-      isn't quicken, but its close enough for most of us. If you're having
-      problems with the main link, try this mirror. 
-      <br><br>
-      </dd>
-      <dt>
-      <b><a href="http://linux.davecentral.com/bol_20000612.html">
-      Best of Linux Winner</a></b>
-      (<a href="/press-archive/davecentral-2000-06/bol_20000612.html">archival copy</a>)
-      (Dave Central, June 2000)
-      </dt>
-      <dd>
-      Computer finance management: it isn't just
-      for Quicken anymore. In my continuing effort
-      to move my checkbook balancing routine from
-      disorganized receipts to clean Linux
-      automation, I've enlisted the help of GnuCash.
-      If this program can put my scattered financial
-      house in order, imagine what it can do for an
-      organized individual like you.
-      <br><br>
-      </dd>
-      <dt>
-      <b><a href="http://www.lwn.net/2000/0504/devel.phtml">
-      Another look at gnucash</a></b>
-      (<a href="/press-archive/lwn.net-2000-0504/devel.html">archival copy</a>)
-      (LWN.net, May 2000)
-      </dt>
-      <dd>
-      Last December we ran a review of gnucash that concluded 
-      that the program - a free personal and small business finance 
-      package - was not quite ready for prime time.  Inspired by 
-      meeting the developers at the Linux Business Expo, LWN took 
-      another look at gnucash. Conclusion: it has come a long way.  
-      Your editor is pleased to announce a complete transition to 
-      gnucash, thus getting rid of the last Windows application on 
-      his system. Time to reclaim that partition. 
-      <br><br>
-      </dd>
-      <dt>
-      <b><a href="http://www.linuxworld.com/linuxworld/lw-2000-04/f_lw-04-vcontrol_4.html">
-      There's no accounting for Linux</a></b>
-      (<a href="/press-archive/linuxworld-2000-04/f_lw-04-vcontrol_4.html">archival copy</a>)
-      (LinuxWorld, April 2000)
-      </dt>
-      <dd>
-      Is Linux getting mainstream? Not if you base your conclusion 
-      on the search results I just got at Freshmeat when I entered 
-      "accounting" as my search term. I got geek soup: packet accounting, 
-      multirouting traffic accounting, ISDN monitoring, network traffic 
-      accounting meter, and, at the top of the list, a patch for the net 
-      accounting daemon. 
-      <br><br>
-      </dd>
-      <dt>
-      <b><a href="http://www.linuxmall.com/news/?1,2">
-      The GNUCash Project: Focusing on Money Management for Linux</a></b>
-      (<a href="/press-archive/linuxmall/linuxmall.com,news,1,2,index.html">archival copy</a>) 
-      (LinuxMall, March 2000)
-      </dt>
-      <dd>
-      Five years ago, Linas Vepstas was working "with a .com. We were with 
-      it, we were hip, we knew which side of our bread was buttered, we 
-      were building this web site with NT... back then, NT was the once 
-      and future king. It was crazy to bet against Microsoft." Then he
-      discovered Linux--and launched the GNUCash Project, aimed at 
-      developing stable, easy-to-use, flexible financial accounting 
-      software for GNU/Linux. 
-      <br><br>
-      </dd>
-      <dt>
-      <b><a href="http://slashdot.org/articles/00/02/28/0945240.shtml">
-      Gnucash 1.3.0 Beta Released</a></b> 
-      (<a href="/press-archive/slashdot-2000-02/slashdot.org.articles.">archival copy</a>)
-      (Slashdot, February 2000)
-      </dt>
-      <dd>
-      Jeremy Collins wrote in to tell us that Gnucash 1.3.0 Beta
-      is out. We keep the software release announcements to a
-      minimum and let more appropriate sites handle them,
-      but this is pretty significant. Gnucash is the best quickenesque program
-      under Linux today, and as we all know: it's those pesky end user apps
-      that we lag behind other OSs. We've already got several word
-      processors, spreadheets and image manipulation coming along nicely,
-      but seeing development happen in the financial package area (also
-      games and video) is important. Anyway, I'd suggest checking this one
-      out: I've been using it since xacc and it's good if you're anal. Check out
-      the ftp.gnucash.org and report bugs if you see 'em. 
-      <br><br>
-      </dd>
-      <dt>
-      <b><a href="http://lwn.net/1999/features/GnuCash/">
-      A look at GnuCash 1.2.5</a></b>
-      (<a href="/press-archive/lwn.net-1999-features/lwn.net,1999,features,GnuCash,index.html">archival copy</a>)
-      (LWN.net, December 1999)
-      </dt>
-      <dd>
-      Here is an unpleasant confession for an LWN author to make: 
-      I actually still use Windows.  I boot it to run exactly one 
-      program - an old, proprietary personal finance application. 
-      It's the only thing I have ever found useful on Windows. 
-      Occasionally I look around for a free replacement so that 
-      I can recover that one last, small partition on my disk. 
-      This article is the result of my latest attempt - driven, 
-      additionally, by the sinking feeling that my current 
-      application probably won't handle the next century very well...
-      <br><br>
-      </dd>
-      <dt>
-      <b><a href="http://www2.linuxjournal.com/articles/currents/008.html">
-      Dispelling the Great "There Aren't Any Applications" Myth</a></b>
-      (<a href="/press-archive/linuxjournal-1999-09/www2.linuxjournal.com,articles,currents,008.html">archival copy</a>)
-      (Linux Journal, September 1999)
-      </dt>
-      <dd>
-      Windows users say, "I'd love to run Linux, but the applications 
-      just aren't there." Prove them wrong!  I'm sure you've heard the 
-      following from your Windows-using friends: "According to what 
-      I've been reading, Linux software is all server stuff and there 
-      just aren't enough easy-to-use applications for desktop use." 
-      So they keep using Windows. 
-      <br><br>
-      </dd>
-      <dt>
-      <b><a href="http://www.32bitsonline.com/article.php3?file=issues/199902/lj-19990208&page=1">Personal Finance Software</a></b>
-      (<a href="/press-archive/32bitsonline-1999-02/lj-19990208.html">archival copy</a>)
-      (32BitsOnline.com February 1999)
-      </dt>
-      <dd>
-      Availability of specialized applications is one of the weaknesses of Linux
-      compared to its operating system counterparts. In the realm of personal
-      finance, none of the well-known software packages are available for Linux.
-      Hopefully, Intuit will port their popular Quicken and QuickBooks line of
-      products to the Linux platform someday. Until then, here are a few personal
-      finance applications to get you balancing your checkbooks in the Linux
-      environment.
-      <br><br>
-      </dd>
-      </dl>
-<?php include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/nl/components/footer.phtml"); ?>

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-<?php $title = "GnuCash Bug Rapportage"; ?>
-<?php if (!ini_get('register_globals')) {
- include("../emulate_globals_on.php");
-<?php include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/nl/components/header.phtml"); ?>
-<?php include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/nl/menu/menu-main-help.phtml"); ?>
-<td valign=top>
-<h1>GnuCash Bugs via GNOME Bugzilla</h1>
-Het GnuCash bug rapportage systeem is nu ondergebracht bij GNOME bugzilla.
-Dit geeft het GnuCash project de mogelijkheid bug reports te ontvangen die gegenereerd zijn door  
-Bug Buddy en tevens kan gebruik gemaakt worden van de voordelen van het  GNOME bug 
-team en haar overall administratie van GNOME bugs.
-Wilt u het GNOME bug system gebruiken om een GnuCash bug door te geven,
-gaat u dan naar <a href="http://bugzilla.gnome.org">bugzilla.gnome.org</a> 
-en gebruik de formulieren voor uw verslagt.<br>
-<li><a href="http://bugzilla.gnome.org/buglist.cgi?product=GnuCash">Klik hier</a> 
-voor een volledige lijst met GnuCash Bugs (waaronder oude reeds opgeloste bugs)</li>
-<li><a href="http://bugzilla.gnome.org/buglist.cgi?product=GnuCash&bug_status=UNCONFIRMED&bug_status=NEW&bug_status=ASSIGNED&bug_status=NEEDINFO&bug_status=REOPENED&chfieldto=Now&cmdtype=doit&namedcmd=nautilus-backgrounds&order=Reuse+same+sort+as+last+time&form_name=query">Klik Hier</a>
-   om de openstaande bugs te bekijken.</li>
-<?php include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/nl/components/footer.phtml"); ?>

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@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-<?php $title = "Draag bij!"; ?>
-<?php if (!ini_get('register_globals')) {
- include("../emulate_globals_on.php");
-<?php include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/nl/components/header.phtml"); ?>
-<?php include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/nl/menu/menu-main-general.phtml"); ?>
-<td valign=top>
-<h1>Hoe kunt u bijdragen?</h1>
-GnuCash is een Free Software project en de  
-dynamiek van bijdragen lijkt erg op die van andere.
-Wat u bijdraagt hangt af van uw kennis, 
-de beschikbare tijd, en van wat u leuk vindt om te doen.
-GnuCash zoekt beta-testers, programmeurs, schrijvers, 
-mensen die vragen kunnen beantwoorden, vertalers en gewoon aardige mensen.   
-<b>Selecteer uw talent om te zien waar u in past:</b></td>
-<form method=post>
-<select name=contribute>
-  <option value=programmer
-   <?php if ($contribute == "programmer") { echo ("selected"); } ?>
-  >Ik ben een programmeur</option>
-  <option value=translator
-   <?php if ($contribute == "translator") { echo ("selected"); } ?>
-  >Ik ben een vertaler</option>
-  <option value=fan
-   <?php if ($contribute == "fan") { echo ("selected"); } ?>
-  >Ik ben een  fan</option>
-  <option value=webmaster
-   <?php if ($contribute == "webmaster") { echo ("selected"); } ?>
-  >Ik ben een webmaster</option>
-  <option value=writer
-   <?php if ($contribute == "writer") { echo ("selected"); } ?>
-  >Ik ben een schrijver/verslaggever</option>
-<input type=submit value=Go>
-  if ($contribute != "") { 
-		include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/nl/contribute/contribute-".$contribute.".phtml");
-  }
-<?php include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/nl/components/footer.phtml"); ?>

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-U kunt de ontwikkeling van GnuCash ondersteunen of uw sympathie betuigen for wat al gedaan is  
-middels een financiele gift aan de GnuCash community.
-cbbrowne's fsex
-christmas cards
-You can make your appreciation know by supporting the gnucash project financially through donations
-GnuCash is Free Software developed
-Christian Stimminbg  Street address http://info.cstim.de
-Conrad Canterford (conrad at mail.watersprite.com.au)
-GPO Box 355
-Canberra, ACT 2601
-Foreign (non-Australian) currency is acceptable, though Australian
-currency is much preferred. Note that I loose a significant portion of
-foreign currency to the bank in conversion fees.

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-  function newWin(url) {
-    newLoc=window.open("","","height=480,width=640,scrollbars=yes")
-    newLoc.location=url
-  }
-// -->
-<td valign=top>
-<font size=-1>
-If you've been looking for a way to manage your personal finances 
-under GNU/Linux, you've found it!  Designed to be easy to use,
-yet powerful and flexible, GnuCash allows you to track
-bank accounts, stocks, income and expenses.   As quick and intuitive
-to use as a checkbook register, it is based on professional
-accounting principles to ensure balanced books and accurate reports.
-GnuCash is backed by an active development community and is blossoming
-into a full-fledged accounting system.  Developed under the GPL, 
-you have no need to worry about obsolescence, vendor lock-in,
-and high-priced support: GnuCash will be there for you.
-This web site is devoted to promoting the Gnucash.org software
-development project.  We are committed to developing top-notch 
-financial tools for GNU/Linux and Unix users.  This includes the 
-development of programming API's and components that can be used 
-to create both server and personal applications for home and business use.
-By focusing on ease-of-use, modular design, architected interfaces
-and well-documented code, we hope that GnuCash and its associated 
-financial libraries become the choice of a GNU generation of
-programmers and users.
-<!-- <a href="javascript:newWin('/nl/features_1.phtml')"> -->
-<a href="/nl/features_1.phtml">
-<img border=0 src=/images/features/features_start_the_tour.png></a>
-<font size=-1>
-or view the <a href="/nl/features_5.phtml">Complete Features List</a>
-<?php include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/nl/components/footer.phtml"); ?>

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-<td valign=top>
-<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width=100%>
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-  <td align=right><a href="javascript:window.close();"><img border=0 src=/images/close_window.png></a></td>
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-<table cellpadding=4 cellspacing=0 border=0 width=100%>
-<td valign=top>
-  <img src=/images/features/features_1_text.png><br><br>
-  Als u weet how het register achter in uw kasboek werkt, dan kunt u ook werken met Gnucash. Voor de gegevens direct in in het register, gebruikt tab om van veld te wisselen, en gebruik 'quick-fill' om de transactie automatisch compleet te maken. 
-<td valign=middle>
-  <img src=/images/features/features_1_small.png>
-<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width=100%>
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-		 |
-	  <a href="/nl/features_2.phtml"><img border=0 src=/images/features/features_next.png></a>
-	</td>
-<?php include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/nl/components/footer.phtml"); ?>

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-<?php $title = "Features:Ease of Use"; ?>
-<?php if (!ini_get('register_globals')) {
- include("../emulate_globals_on.php");
-<?php include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/nl/components/header.phtml"); ?>
-<?php include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/nl/menu/menu-main-general.phtml"); ?>
-<td valign=top>
-<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width=100%>
-  <td><img src=/images/features/features_title.png></td>
-  <td align=right><a href="javascript:window.close();"><img border=0 src=/images/close_window.png></a></td>
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-<tr><td bgcolor=#000000><img src=/images/spacer.png height=1></td></tr>
-<table cellpadding=4 cellspacing=0 border=0 width=100%>
-<td valign=top>
-  <img src=/images/features/features_2_text.png><br><br>
-  Een master account kan een hierarchie hebben met gedetaileerde rekeningen eronder. Dit maakt het mogelijk gelijksoortige rekeningen (b.v. Kas, Bank, Aandelen) te groeperen in een hoofdrekening ( b.v. Activa). 
-<td valign=middle>
-  <img src=/images/features/features_2_small.png>
-<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width=100%>
-<tr><td bgcolor=#000000><img src=/images/spacer.png height=1></td></tr>
-<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width=100% align=center>
-  <td align=center>
-	  <a href=/nl/features_1.phtml><img border=0 src=/images/features/features_previous.png></a>
-		 |
-	  <a href=/nl/features_3.phtml><img border=0 src=/images/features/features_next.png></a>
-	</td>
-<?php include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/nl/components/footer.phtml"); ?>

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@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-<?php $title = "Features: Ease of Use"; ?>
-<?php if (!ini_get('register_globals')) {
- include("../emulate_globals_on.php");
-<?php include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/nl/components/header.phtml"); ?>
-<?php include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/nl/menu/menu-main-general.phtml"); ?>
-<td valign=top>
-<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width=100%>
-  <td><img src=/images/features/features_title.png></td>
-  <td align=right><a href="javascript:window.close();"><img border=0 src=/images/close_window.png></a></td>
-<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width=100%>
-<tr><td bgcolor=#000000><img src=/images/spacer.png height=1></td></tr>
-<table cellpadding=4 cellspacing=0 border=0 width=100%>
-<td valign=top>
-  <img src=/images/features/features_3_text.png><br><br>
-  Sneltoetsen, automatisch verhogen van het afschriftnummer, transactie auto-completion en transactie knip-en-plak maken het invoeren van transacties snel een eenvoudig.
-<td valign=middle>
-  <img src=/images/features/features_3_small.png>
-<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width=100%>
-<tr><td bgcolor=#000000><img src=/images/spacer.png height=1></td></tr>
-<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width=100% align=center>
-  <td align=center>
-	  <a href=/nl/features_2.phtml><img border=0 src=/images/features/features_previous.png></a>
-		 |
-	  <a href=/nl/features_4.phtml><img border=0 src=/images/features/features_next.png></a>
-	</td>
-<?php include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/nl/components/footer.phtml"); ?>

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@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-<?php $title = "Features: Ease of Use"; ?>
-<?php if (!ini_get('register_globals')) {
- include("../emulate_globals_on.php");
-<?php include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/nl/components/header.phtml"); ?>
-<?php include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/nl/menu/menu-main-general.phtml"); ?>
-<td valign=top>
-<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width=100%>
-  <td><img src=/images/features/features_title.png></td>
-  <td align=right><a href="javascript:window.close();"><img border=0 src=/images/close_window.png></a></td>
-<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width=100%>
-<tr><td bgcolor=#000000><img src=/images/spacer.png height=1></td></tr>
-<table cellpadding=4 cellspacing=0 border=0 width=100%>
-<td valign=top>
-  <img src=/images/features/features_4_text.png><br><br>
-  Een enkele transactie kan opgesplitst worden in verschillende delen om gegevens als b.t.w., toeslagen, en andere gegevens op te slaan.
-<td valign=middle>
-  <img src=/images/features/features_4_small.png>
-<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width=100%>
-<tr><td bgcolor=#000000><img src=/images/spacer.png height=1></td></tr>
-<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width=100% align=center>
-  <td align=center>
-	  <a href=/nl/features_3.phtml><img border=0 src=/images/features/features_previous.png></a>
-		 |
-	  <a href=/nl/features_5.phtml><img border=0 src=/images/features/features_next.png></a>
-	</td>
-<?php include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/nl/components/footer.phtml"); ?>

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@@ -1,163 +0,0 @@
-<?php $title = "Features: What's New"; ?>
-<?php if (!ini_get('register_globals')) {
- include("../emulate_globals_on.php");
-<?php include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/nl/components/header.phtml"); ?>
-<?php include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/nl/menu/menu-main-general.phtml"); ?>
-<td valign=top>
-<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width=100%>
-  <td><img src=/images/features/features_title.png></td>
-  <td align=right><a href="javascript:window.close();"><img border=0 src=/images/close_window.png></a></td>
-<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width=100%>
-<tr><td bgcolor=#000000><img src=/images/spacer.png height=1></td></tr>
-<table cellpadding=4 cellspacing=0 border=0 width=100%>
-<td valign=top>
-  <img src=/images/features/features_5_text.png><br><br>
-<h2>Wat Is Nieuw in GnuCash 1.8.0?</h2>
-De stabiele 1.8.x serie introduceert vele nieuwe onderwerpen die niet aanwezig waren in de oudere  gnucash-1.6.8 versie:
-    <br><br>
-<dt><b>Periodieke Transacties</b>
-<dd>U kunt nu periodieke transacties invoeren, met een automatische herinnering op het moment dat de termijn verstreken is, met de mogelijkheid een transactie uit te stellen zonder de periodieke transactie te annuleren, en met de mogelijkheid om een beperkt aantal transacties op te geven.
-    <br><br>
-<dt><b>Hypotheek &amp; Lening Aflossings Druide</b></dt>
-<dd>Een geleide dialoog om aflossingen op te zetten als periodieke transactie.
-    <br><br>
-<dt><b>Boekhouden voor midden- en kleinbedrijf</b>
-<dd>Vereenvoudig het managen van eenklein bedrijf met behulp van de Klant- en Leverancier tracking@, Rekeningenoverzichten, en Belasting en Nota Terijnen.
-    <br><br>
-<dt><b>OFX Import</b>
-<dd>GnuCash is de eerste gratis software applicatie die het Open Financial Exchange protocol ondersteund waarvan steeds meer en meer banken gebruik maken. 
-    <br><br>
-<dt><b>HBCI ondersteuning</b>
-<dd>GnuCash is de eerste gratis software application die het Duitse Home Banking Computer Information protocol ondersteund. Dit stelt Duitse gebruikers in staat lijsten binnen te halen en overboekingen te doen.
-    <br><br>
-<dt><b>Verbeterde Import Transactie Matching</b>
-<dd>De ontwikkeling van OFX en HBCI support heeft ook geresulteerd in 
-een verbeterd transactie matching systeem dat betrouwbaarder is in het herkennen van duplicaten in  geimporteerde bestanden.
-    <br><br>
-<dt><b>Nieuwe Gebruikershandleiding en Help</b>
-<dd>Een nieuw help-subsystem dat zich richt op hoe welke taken uit te voeren is nu beschikbaar. 
-    Daarnaast is er een handleiding die de gebruiker achtergrondinformatie geeft over boekhoudprincipes en hoe die in GnuCash werken.
-    <br><br>
-<dt><b>Nieuwe Verwerking van Valuta Transacties</b>
-<dd>In GnuCash is het niet langer noodzakelijk apparte rekeningen aan te maken voor iedere individuele muntsoort. Transacties kunnen direct gemaakt worden tussen rekeningen in diverse valuta.
-    <br><br>
-<dt><b>Nieuwe Vormgeving Menus</b>
-<dd>De GnuCash menus zijn opnieuw vormgegeven om beter te voldoen aan de GNOME Human Interface Richtlijnen.
-    <br><br>
-<h2>Oude Favorieten</h2>
-En natuurlijk zijn er een aantal favorieten uit eerdere versies beschikbaar:
-	<br><br>
-<dt><b>Statement Reconciliation</b>
-<dd>A reconcile window with running reconciled and cleared balances 
-    makes balancing against bank statements easy. 
-<dt><b>Stock/Mutual Fund Portfolios</b> 
-<dd>Track stocks individually (one per account) or in portfolio 
-    of accounts (a group of accounts that can be displayed together). 
-<dt><b>QIF Import</b>
-<dd>Intuit<sup>&reg;</sup> Quicken<sup>&reg;</sup>
-    QIF bestanden kunnen geimporteerd worden en worden automatisch zodanig samengevoegd dat duplicaten verwijderd worden. 
-<dt><b>Internationale Eigenschappen</b>
-<dd>GnuCash kan internationale valuta en data gebruiken. Bovendien zijn de menus vertaald naar 21 talen, waaronder
-    Chinees, Deens, Frans, Duits, Hongaars, Italiaans, Japans, Nederlands, Noors, Pools, Portugees, Russisch, Spaans, Zweeds, Turks, en Engels.  
-    Documentatie is beschikbaar in Engels, Frans, Portugees, en Spaans.
-<dd>Druk Balans Overzichten, Winst- en Verliesrekeningen, en dergelijke af. De rapporten kunnen opgeslagen als HTML of postscript, of worden geprint.
-<dt><b>Transactie Zoeker</b>
-<dd>Een krachtigen transactie zoeker dialoog kan behulpzaam zijn bij het snel vinden van de naald in de hooiberg.
-<dt><b>Dubbele Invoer</b>
-<dd>Wanneer ingeschakeld, moet iedere afboeking van een rekening gepaard gaan met een gelijkwaardige bijschrijving op een andere rekening. Dit zorgt er voor dat de boeken in balans zijn en blijven.
-<dt><b>Inkomsten/Uitgaven Rekening Types</b>
-<dd>Inkomsten/Uitgaven Rekening Types (Categorien) maken het mogelijk de geldstroom te  
-    categoriseren. Wanneer juist toegepast in combinatie 
-    met de dubbele invoer controle, kunnen eenvoudig rapporten gegenereerd worden,
-    zoals Winst & Verlies rapporten.
-<dt><b>Algemeen Register</b>
-<dd>Meerdere rekeningen kunnen tegelijkertijd afgebeeld worden in een enkel registervenster. 
-    Dit vergemakkelijkt het opsporen van invoerfouten.
-<dt><b>Online Aandelen &amp; Fondsen</b>
-<dd>Koersen van Aandelen & Fondsen kunnen binnengehaald worden van websites en automatisch bijgewerkt worden.
-<dt><b>Afdrukken van Cheques</b>
-<dd>Cheques kunnen afgedrukt worden in standaard formaten of gangbare cheques.
-    Middels een GUI kunt u uw eigen formaat aanmaken.
-<dd>Verschillende rekeningen kunnen werken met verschillende valuta.
-    Valuta verschuivingen tussen rekeningen worden volledig in balans gebracht wanneer de Dubble Invoer optie ingeschakeld is.  
-<dt><b>Multi-User SQL Ondersteuning</b>
-<dd>Meerder gebruikers hebben nu tegelijkertijd
-    toegang tot GnuCash data die opgeslagen ligt in een Postgres SQL backend.
-    Postgres moet geinstalleerd zijn voor deze optie.
-<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width=100%>
-<tr><td bgcolor=#000000><img src=/images/spacer.png height=1></td></tr>
-<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width=100% align=center>
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-	  <a href=/nl/features_4.phtml><img border=0 src=/images/features/features_previous.png></a>
-		 |
-	  <img border=0 src=/images/features/features_next_disabled.png>
-	</td>
-<?php include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/nl/components/footer.phtml"); ?>

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-<?php $title = "Hacking"; ?>
-<?php if (!ini_get('register_globals')) {
- include("../emulate_globals_on.php");
-<?php include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/nl/components/header.phtml"); ?>
-<?php include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/nl/menu/menu-main-developer.phtml"); ?>
-<td valign=top>
-<h1>Hacking GnuCash</h1>
-Er zijn een aantal stappen die doorlopen moeten worden om gnucash te hacken. 
-U moet de development (<tt>*-devel-*</tt>) 
-versies van de pakketten installeren zolas weergegeven op de <a href="/nl/required.phtml">tools page</a>.  De laatste development versies van gnucash kunnen afhankelijk zijn van bleeding edge 
-versies van sommige gnome tools (b.v. <tt>gnome-print</tt>).  Het kan ook nodig zijn om ongebruikelijke of speciale versies van g-wrap en guppi te gebruiken.
-<b>De meest recente bronnen via CVS:</b><br>
-   De laatste broncode, alsmede verscheidene oudere
-   versies, worden onderhouden in een publiekelijk toegankelijke 
-   CVS broncode magazijn.  De toegang is eenvoudig,
-   en als u van plan bent actief mede te ontwikkelen, dan is er 
-   geen betere manier om broncode te verkrijgen.  De CVS tree
-   is niet publiekelijk te beschrijven; maakt u patches, 
-   dan moeten die ingezonden worden naar de  
-   <a href=/nl/lists.phtml>gnucash-patches at gnucash.org</a>
-   mailing lijst.  Aanpassingen in de documentatie kunnen op dezelfde wijze verstuurd worden.
-Als u nieuw bent m.b.t. CVS is het verstandig <a href="http://www.cvshome.org/"> te bezoeken, de
-Concurrent Versions System Home Page</a>, en in het bijzonder de 
- <a href="http://www.cvshome.org/docs/">documentatie pagina</a>.
-CVS maakt het mogelijk dat meerdere gebruikers de broncode van GnuCash kunnen wijzigen,
-zonder op elkaars tenen te trappen.
-Hoewel CVS in eerste instantie overweldigend lijkt te zijn, is het dat niet:
-het is eenvoudig te leren en gemakkelijk in het gebruik.
-   Voor toegang tot de CVS tree, log eerst als volgt in: 
-<table bgcolor=#000000 cellpadding=10><tr><td>
-<font color=#aaaaaa>
-cvs -d :pserver:cvs at cvs.gnucash.org:/home/cvs/cvsroot login
-Het wachtwoord is &quot;guest&quot; ; na invoer van het wachtwoord 
-komt u direct bij de commandprompt uit. U 
-kunt nu de CVS commando's gebruiken om de broncode te bekijken.
-Om een kopie van de laatste/beta development versie te krijgen, 
-(momenteelwhich versie 1.9.x), type de opfracht: 
-<table bgcolor=#000000 cellpadding=10><tr><td>
-<font color=#aaaaaa>
-cvs -d :pserver:cvs at cvs.gnucash.org:/home/cvs/cvsroot checkout gnucash 
-<b>Building GnuCash:</b><br>
-Een complete set met instructies voor het builden van GnuCash uit de broncode, kan gevonden worden in het  
-<a href="http://www.gnucash.org/lxr/gnucash/source/README"><tt>README</tt></a>
-bestand in de hoofdfolder. Voor de ongeduldigen onder ons kunnen de volgende instructies behulpzaam zijn:
-Start met een gedistribueerde binaire versie van GnuCash, om alle  
-dependencies op te lossen.  Bijvoorbeeld Redhat 8.0
-zorgt voor <tt>gnome-desktop-devel-2.0.6-4.i386.rpm</tt>, maar GnuCash ondersteund momenteel gnome2 nog niet (January 2003).  Om uw weg te vinden door de "dependencies hell" kunt u de volgende procedure volgen:
-<li>Probeer de gnucash binary van uw distrbutie te installeren.  Bijvoorbeeld <tt>gnucash-1.6.6-7.i386.rpm</tt>
-<li>Noteer de ontbrekende dependencies.
-<li>Installeer deze dependencies en de geassocieerde -devel pakketten (als die er zijnany).
-<li>Ga naar stap 1.
-<li>Wanneer GnuCash geinstalleerd is, verwijder het. :-)
-<li>Haal de broncode binnen voor de laatste gnucash development versie van
-    CVS.  Alle dependecies behalve voor <tt>g-wrap</tt> zijn identiek voor  
-    GnuCash 1.6.x en 1.8.x
-<li>Verwijder g-wrap, indien nodig.
-<li>Download </tt>g-wrap-1.3.4</tt> van 
-    <a href="http://www.gnucash.org/pub/g-wrap/">http://www.gnucash.org/pub/g-wrap/</a>
-<li>Build g-wrap en gnucash
-<li>Installeer additionele </tt>-devel</tt> pakketten wanneer de configuratie problemen geeft.
-Als een van deze stappen u niet duidelijk is, heeft u misschien wat meer achtergrond informatie nodig. Begin met het
-<a href="http://www.gnucash.org/lxr/gnucash/source/README"><tt>README</tt></a>
-bestnad in de bron tree.
-N.B. de GnuCash broncode wordt dagelijks geconverteerd naar  
-<a href="http://www.gnucash.org/lxr/">LXR hyperlinked web pages</a>.
-U kunt het echter ook snel tussen uw eigen bestanden terugvinden met <tt>ctags</tt>.
-<b>Oudere Versies van GnuCash in CVS:</b><br>
-Toegang tot oudere versies en afleidingen kunt u vinden met tags. 
-De tak met de laatste versie van de stabiele 
-gnucash-1.6.x code is gemarkeerd met de tag <tt>gnucash-1-6-branch</tt> . Dus om de laatste in de 
-gnucash-1.6.x serie te vinden handelt u als volgt:
-<table bgcolor=#000000 cellpadding=10><tr><td>
-<font color=#aaaaaa>
-cvs -d :pserver:cvs at cvs.gnucash.org:/home/cvs/cvsroot checkout -r gnucash-1-6-branch gnucash
-Uitgebrachte versies zijn getagged met een nummer. Dus de tag
- <tt>gnucash-1-6-0</tt> levert u een kopie op van de bron zoals die was in 
- version 1.6.0.  Als programmeur moet u waarschijnlijk werken in  
-of de hoofdtak (<tt>HEAD</tt>) 
-van de laatste beta/development code, or in de 
-<tt>gnucash-1-6-branch</tt>, de overblijvende bugs in de 
-huidige stabiele versie vernietigend.
-Andere tags die (meestal om historische redenen) interessant zijn, zijn:
-<dd>Robin Clark's originele broncode van October 1997.  Voor de historici onder ons.: de broncode is inmiddels volledig herschreven.
-<dd>versie 1.0.17 (een van de laatste stabiele versies van xacc, voordat de naam veranderde in 
-    gnucash).
-<dd>de top van de tak van de stabiele versie 1.0.x serie.
-<dd>versie 1.1.6 (een instabiele ontwikkelingversie van gnucash)
-<dd>Het einde van de 1.2 tak. Dit is de laatste tak met 
-    motif code.  Latere versies zijn herschreven in gtk/gnome.
-<dd>versie 1.2.4, een van de laatste in de 1.2.x serie.
-<dd>de top van de 1.4.x tak, de vorige stabiele tak.
-<dd>de top van de  1.6.x tak, welke de huidige stabiele tak is.
-Om CVS snel te laten functioneren, is ouder materiaal verwijderd
-(ouder dan half 2000, en ook wat nieuwer materiaal) en bepaalde takken zijn verwijderd uit de hoofdstam 
-van de CVS tree. Mocht u geinteresseerd zijn in het opgraven van deze historische bestanden uit de CVS tree m te zien hoe het was, dan kunt u simpelweg een oudere tak tag loslaten op:
-<table bgcolor=#000000 cellpadding=10><tr><td>
-<font color=#aaaaaa>
-cvs -d :pserver:cvs at cvs.gnucash.org:/home/cvs/cvsroot checkout -r &lt;some-tag&gt; gnucash-archive
-<b>De meest recente broncode via FTP:</b><br>
-Ziet u door de CVS takken het bos niet meer, 
-dan is het ook mogelijk via FTP een aantal recente bestanden 
-van de CVS tree binnen te halen.
-N.B. wilt u patches en updates bijdragen aan GnuCash, dan wordt sterk geadviseerd CVS te leren en te gebruiken.
-Wij moedigen dit aan, omdat de FTP bestanden soms wat gedateerd zijn, waardoor het mogelijk is dat u een fout probeert te verbeteren die al verwijderd is.
-<a href="http://www.linas.org/pub/gnucash/gnucash/sources/">http://www.linas.org/pub/gnucash/gnucash/sources/</a>
-<a href="http://www.gnucash.org/pub/gnucash/sources/">http://www.gnucash.org/pub/gnucash/sources/</a>
-<?php include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/nl/components/footer.phtml"); ?>

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-<?php $title = "History"; ?>
-<?php if (!ini_get('register_globals')) {
- include("../emulate_globals_on.php");
-<?php include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/nl/components/header.phtml"); ?>
-<?php include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/nl/menu/menu-main-other.phtml"); ?>
-<td valign=top>
-<b>Historie & Krediet</b><br><br>
-   Wiens bloed zweet en tranen zitten er eigenlijk in?
-<BR><BR><font size="+2"><b>Hoofdontwikkelaars</b></font>
-(In Chronologische Volgorde)
-  <dt>
-  <b>Robin Clark</b>
-  </dt>
-  <dd>
-    schreef het originele programma X-Accountant in Motif als een school project, 
-    bracht het naar versie 0.9 in October 1997.  Hoewel elke regel code herschreven is, komt zijn naam in vrijwel elk bestand voor. Dat is de magie van  copyrights.
-  </dd>
-  <dt>
-  <b>Linas Vepstas</b>
-  </dt>
-  <dd>
-    vond aardig wat hij zag: de GUI was prima, de code was gedocumenteerden goed gestructureerd, en alles was onder GPL. En daarom herschreef hij het: 
-    voegde cell-widgets toe aan XbaeMatrix, zodat de combobox en pijlen de GUI nog chiquer werden, herschreef de X-Accountant internals 
-    om dubbele invoer mogelijk te maken, een rekekning hierarchie, splitste de transaction mini-engine, voegde ondersteuning toe voor aandelen, en verfraaide de help menus. Dit was versie  1.0 van January 1998. Voor version 1.1 &amp;
-    1.2 werd de engineuitgebreid en verfijnd, en de registervenster 
-    code werd volledig herontworpen en bijna volledig onafhankelijk gemaakt van  Motif (en GUI).
-    Linas is nu actief binnen Gnumatic Incorporated, een bedrijf dat onstaan is ter versterking en ondersteuning van GnuCash voor iedereen, van thuisgebruiker tot commerciele en professionele accountants.
-  </dd>
-  <dt>
-  <b>Jeremy Collins</b> 
-  </dt>
-  <dd>
-    publiceerde het GnoMoney project en veranderde later de naam naar  GnuCash.   (Eigelijk was dat het resultaat van een stemming). Democratie is <b>niet</b>
-    de manier om een naam te kiezen.) 
-    Jeremy registreede de domainnaam en creerde en onderhield jarenlang de gnucash.org web site. uiteindelijk kreeg hij de initiele GTK/gnome code aan de praat.  
-    Het nieuwste design is ook van Jeremy's hand.
-  </dd>
-  <dt>
-  <b>Rob Browning</b> (<a href="/images/people/browning.srl.jpg">photo</a>)
-  </dt>
-  <dd>
-    beledigde iedereen die geen Perl gebruikte, en toen we Perl support toevoegden dumpte hij Perl ten gunste van  Guile/Scheme support. Rob zette de infrastructuur op en onderhield die een tijdje, voegde gebruikersinstellingen toe, 
-    en herschreef de rapporten in scheme. Een van Rob's laatste bijdragen is 
-    overstap naar XML bestandformaat.
-    Momenteel draagt hij bij aan scheme performance.  He is de g-wrap
-    guile wrapper maintainer.
-    <br><Br>
-    Rob Browning komt uit Dallas en is momenteel een vluchteling van zijn
-    doctoraal studie op het UT Computer Science department, waar hij gespecialiseerd is in robotics en computer vision. 
-  </dd>
-  <dt>
-  <b>Yannick Le Ny</b>
-  </dt>
-  <dd>
-    Onze Franse vertaler.
-    Hij heeft de menus, berichten, README en documentatie vertaald naar het Frans.
-    Hetzelfde deed hij met de franse vertaling voor de GnuCash website, hard werkend om het up to date te houden.
-    Maakte patches voor de Yahoo Europe updates.
-  </dd>
-  <dt>
-  <b>Dave Peticolas</b> (<a href="/images/people/peticolas.jpg">photo</a>)
-  </dt>
-  <dd>
-    hackt gedreven GnuCash. Maar hij kan stoppen wanneer hij wil. Echt waar. 
-    (Omdat hij de gatekeeper van de GnuCash CVS tree is, moet je wel aardig tegen hem blijven,
-    anders stopt hij misschien wel met hacken midden in jouw patch).
-  </dd>
-  <dt>
-  <b>Bill Gribble</b>
-  </dt>
-  <dd>
-    is niet beascheiden. Dus blijf niet bescheiden wanneer je een fout vindt in  
-    zijn code: QIF import, query API en transactie search, check-printing,
-    commodity en valuta support, gtkhtml integratie en rapport printing,
-    pgp support, guppi integratie, en de layout van het hoofdscherm.
-  </dd>
-  <dt>
-  <b>Robert Graham Merkel</b>
-  </dt>
-  <dd>
-    Rapportage, gnome, en config patches
-  </dd>
-  <dt>
-  <b>James LewisMoss</b>
-  </dt>
-  <dd>
-    XML Refactoring. Automatische test suite.
-  </dd>
-<dt><b>Carol Champagne</b></dt>
-<dd>Eerste versie van de GnuCash gebruikershandleiding</dd>
-  <dt>
-  <b>Christian Stimming</b> (<a href="/images/people/cstim.jpg">photo</a>)
-  </dt>
-  <dd>
-    leverde de belangrijkste bijdragen aan de huidige rapport infrastructuur, 
-    creeerde vele belangrijke rapporten.  Hij is momenteel de 
-    internationaliseringsguru, als supervisor over de vertalingen van gnucash in 
-    21 verschillende talen. He speelde een belangrijke rol in het ontwikkelen van HBCI voor Duitse gebruikers.
-  </dd>
-<dt><b>Derek Atkins</b> (<a href="/images/people/warlord8.tif">photo</a>) 
-    (<a href="/images/people/warlord.jpg">photo</a>) </dt>
-<dd>Krijgsheer die de RPC backend voor beginners maakte, en is heeft de leiding in de ontwikkeling van de small business features.</dd>
-<dt><b>Joshua Sled</b></dt>
-<dd>jsled creeerde de totale transactie-planning infrastructuur.</dd>
-<dt><b>Chris Lyttle</b> (<a href="/images/people/wilddev.jpg">photo</a>) </dt>
-<dt><b>David Hampton</b> (<a href="/images/people/hampton.jpg">photo</a>) </dt>
-<dt><b>Benoit Gregoire</b></dt>
-<dd>schreef libOFX, waarmee GnuCash het
-    OFX (Open Financial Exchange) protocol and bestandformaat kan begrijpen.</dd>
-<font size="+2"><b>Fixers en Patchers</b></font>
-(In Alphabetical Order)
-<dt><b>Andrew Arensburger</b> &lt;<i>arensb at cfar.umd.edu</i>&gt; </dt><dd> voor FreeBSD &amp; andere patches</dd>
-<dt><b>Matt Armstrong</b> &lt;<i>matt_armstrong at bigfoot.com</i>&gt; </dt><dd> voor diverse correcties</dd>
-<dt><b>Fred Baube</b> &lt;<i>fred at moremagic.com</i>&gt; </dt><dd> voor poging tot Java port/MoneyDance</dd>
-<dt><b>Dennis Björklund</b> &lt;<i>dennisb at cs.chalmers.se</i>&gt; </dt><dd> Zweedse vertaling</dd>
-<dt><b>Per Bojsen</b> &lt;<i>bojsen at worldnet.att.net</i>&gt; </dt><dd> verschilledne core dump correcties</dd>
-<dt><b>Terry Boldt</b> &lt;<i>tboldt at attglobal.net</i>&gt; </dt><dd> financiele calculator en expressie parser</dd>
-<dt><b>Simon Britnell</b> &lt;<i>simon.britnell at peace.com</i>&gt; </dt><dd> patch voor RPM spec</dd>
-<dt><b>Christopher B. Browne</b> &lt;<i>cbbrowne at hex.net</i>&gt; </dt><dd> voor perl, veel van de schema's en documentatie</dd>
-<dt><b>Conrad Canterford</b> &lt;<i>conrad at mail.watersprite.com.au</i>&gt; </dt><dd> register bug correctie</dd>
-<dt><b>Bill Carlson</b> &lt;<i>wwc at wwcnet.nu</i>&gt; </dt><dd>verbetering performance</dd>
-<dt><b>Graham Chapman</b> &lt;<i>grahamc at zeta.org.au</i>&gt; </dt><dd> voor het xacc-rpts addon pakket</dd>
-<dt><b>George Chen</b> &lt;<i>georgec at sco.com</i>&gt; </dt><dd> voor MS-Money QIF's &amp; correcties</dd>
-<dt><b>Albert Chin-A-Young</b> &lt;<i>china at thewrittenword.com</i>&gt; </dt><dd> configure.in patch</dd>
-<dt><b>Kenneth Christiansen</b> &lt;<i>kenneth at gnome.org</i>&gt; </dt><dd> Deense vertaling</dd>
-<dt><b>Jeremey Collins</b> &lt;<i>jcollins at gnucash.org</i>&gt; </dt><dd> voor GnoMoney &amp; GTK port</dd>
-<dt><b>Matthew Condell</b> &lt;<i>mcondell at bbn.com</i>&gt; </dt><dd> FreeBSD patch</dd>
-<dt><b>Patrick Condron</b> &lt;<i>pcondon at rackspace.com</i>&gt; </dt><dd> voor webserver en T1 verbinding van rackspace.com</dd>
-<dt><b>Raphael Dechenaux</b> &lt;<i>raphael.dechenaux at worldonline.fr</i>&gt; </dt><dd> register patch</dd>
-<dt><b>Ciaran Deignan</b> &lt;<i>Ciaran.Deignan at bull.net</i>&gt; </dt><dd> voor AIX binaire versie</dd>
-<dt><b>Glen Ditchfield</b> &lt;<i>gjditchfield at acm.org</i>&gt; </dt><dd> aangepaste documentatie</dd>
-<dt><b>Tyson Dowd</b> &lt;<i>tyson at tyse.net</i>&gt; </dt><dd> voor config/make patches &amp; debian maint</dd>
-<dt><b>Koen D'Hondt</b> &lt;<i>ripley at xs4all.nl</i>&gt; </dt><dd> voor Solaris patches naar XmHTML</dd>
-<dt><b>Bob Drzyzgula</b> &lt;<i>bob at mostly.com</i>&gt; </dt><dd> voor budgeting design notes</dd>
-<dt><b>Paul Fenwick</b> &lt;<i>pjf at schools.net.au</i>&gt; </dt><dd> ASX ondersteuning, Finance::Quote</dd>
-<dt><b>Hubert Figuiere</b> &lt;<i>hfiguiere at teaser.fr</i>&gt; </dt><dd> patch naar gnc-prices</dd>
-<dt><b>Valek Filippov</b> &lt;<i>frob at df.ru</i>&gt; </dt><dd> Russische vertaling</dd>
-<dt><b>Jan-Uwe Finck</b> &lt;<i>jufi at nerdnet.de</i>&gt; </dt><dd> voor Duitse message vertaling</dd>
-<dt><b>Kevin Finn</b> &lt;<i>kevinfinn at mediaone.net</i>&gt; </dt><dd> auto-decimale punt patch, opties patch</dd>
-<dt><b>Ron Forrester</b> &lt;<i>rjf at aracnet.com</i>&gt; </dt><dd> voor gnome patches</dd>
-<dt><b>Dave Freese</b> &lt;<i>DFreese at osc.uscg.mil</i>&gt; </dt><dd> voor schrikkeljaar correctie</dd>
-<dt><b>John Goerzen</b> &lt;<i>jgoerzen at complete.org</i>&gt; </dt><dd> file i/o fix voor 64-bit architecturen</dd>
-<dt><b>Hans de Graaff</b> &lt;<i>hans at degraaff.org</i>&gt; </dt><dd> xml patches</dd>
-<dt><b>Bill Gribble</b> &lt;<i>grib at billgribble.com</i>&gt; </dt><dd> qif importering code</dd>
-<dt><b>Mitsuo Hamada</b> &lt;<i>mhamada at redhat.com</i>&gt; </dt><dd> Japanse vertalings</dd>
-<dt><b>Otto Hammersmith</b> &lt;<i>otto at bug.redhat.com</i>&gt; </dt><dd> voor RedHat RPM version</dd>
-<dt><b>Eric Hanchrow</b> &lt;<i>offby1 at blarg.net</i>&gt; </dt><dd> updated currency documentation</dd>
-<dt><b>Alexandru Harsanyi</b> &lt;<i>haral at codec.ro</i>&gt; </dt><dd> voor core dumps, lockups, gtk work</dd>
-<dt><b>John Hasler</b> &lt;<i>john at dhh.gt.org</i>&gt; </dt><dd> engine patch</dd>
-<dt><b>Jon KÃ¥re Hellan</b> &lt;<i>hellan at acm.org</i>&gt; </dt><dd> misc core dump correcties</dd>
-<dt><b>Claus Hindsgaul</b> &lt;<i>claus_h at image.dk</i>&gt; </dt><dd> Deense vertaling</dd>
-<dt><b>Miquel Jordana Vilamitjana</b> &lt;<i>jjvmjv at mundomail.net</i>&gt; </dt><dd> Spaanse vertaling van handleiding</dd>
-<dt><b>Prakash Kailasa</b> &lt;<i>PrakashK at bigfoot.com</i>&gt; </dt><dd> voor gnome build correcties</dd>
-<dt><b>Alexey Kakunin</b> &lt;<i>small at arcadia.spb.ru</i>&gt; </dt><dd> quickfill patch voor cyrillisch</dd>
-<dt><b>Ben Kelly</b> &lt;<i>ben.kelly at ieee.org</i>&gt; </dt><dd> voor motif menu bug fix, core dump correcties</dd>
-<dt><b>Tom Kludy</b> &lt;<i>tkludy at csd.sgi.com</i>&gt; </dt><dd> voor SGI Irix port</dd>
-<dt><b>Sven Kuenzler</b> &lt;<i>sk at xgm.de</i>&gt; </dt><dd> voor SuSE README bestand</dd>
-<dt><b>Bryan Larsen</b> &lt;<i>blarsen at ada-works.com</i>&gt; </dt><dd> guile budget rapport</dd>
-<dt><b>Graham Leggett</b> &lt;<i>minfrin at sharp.fm</i>&gt; </dt><dd> voor plossen van een crash probleem</dd>
-<dt><b>Ted Lemon</b> &lt;<i>mellon at andare.fugue.com</i>&gt; </dt><dd> voor NetBSD port</dd>
-<dt><b>Grant Likely</b> &lt;<i>glikely at nortelnetworks.com</i>&gt; </dt><dd> gnome en engine patches</dd>
-<dt><b>Duarte Loreto</b> &lt;<i>happyguy_pt at hotmail.com</i>&gt; </dt><dd> Portugese vertalingen</dd>
-<dt><b>Heath Martin</b> &lt;<i>martinh at pegasus.cc.ucf.edu</i>&gt; </dt><dd> gnome patches, belangrijk register werk</dd>
-<dt><b>Matt Martin</b> &lt;<i>mgmartin at abacusnet.net</i>&gt; </dt><dd> guile foutafhandelingscode</dd>
-<dt><b>Robert Graham Merkel</b> &lt;<i>rgmerk at mira.net</i>&gt; </dt><dd> reporting, gnome, en config patches</dd>
-<dt><b>Juan Manuel García Molina</b> &lt;<i>juanmagm at mail.com</i>&gt; </dt><dd> spanse vertaling</dd>
-<dt><b>Christopher Molnar</b> &lt;<i>molnarc at mandrakesoft.com</i>&gt; </dt><dd> maakte systeem patch</dd>
-<dt><b>Tim Mooney</b> &lt;<i>mooney at dogbert.cc.ndsu.NoDak.edu</i>&gt; </dt><dd> port naar alpha-dec-osf4.0f</dd>
-<dt><b>G. Allen Morris III</b> &lt;<i>gam3 at ann.softgams.com</i>&gt; </dt><dd> voor QIF core dump</dd>
-<dt><b>James LewisMoss</b> &lt;<i>dres at debian.org</i>&gt; </dt><dd> design doc patches, xml, test suite</dd>
-<dt><b>Steven Murdoch</b> &lt;<i>sjmurdoch at linuxfan.com</i>&gt; </dt><dd> gnc-prices fix voor beurs van Londen</dd>
-<dt><b>Brent Neal</b> &lt;<i>brent at baton.phys.lsu.edu</i>&gt; </dt><dd> TIAA-CREF ondersteuning.</dd>
-<dt><b>Johnny Ernst Nielsen</b> &lt;<i>j.e.nielsen at iname.com</i>&gt; </dt><dd> Deense vertaling</dd>
-<dt><b>Stefan Nobis</b> &lt;<i>stefan-ml at snobis.de</i>&gt; </dt><dd> Duitse vertaling patch</dd>
-<dt><b>Peter Norton</b> &lt;<i>spacey at inch.com</i>&gt; </dt><dd> voor poging tot een GTK port</dd>
-<dt><b>OmNiBuS</b> &lt;<i>webmaster at obsidian.uia.net</i>&gt; </dt><dd> web site graphics &amp; inhoud</dd>
-<dt><b>Gordon Oliver</b> &lt;<i>gordo at pincoya.com</i>&gt; </dt><dd> multiple valuta status lijn patch</dd>
-<dt><b>Myroslav Opyr</b> &lt;<i>mopyr at IPM.Lviv.UA</i>&gt; </dt><dd> voor misc patches</dd>
-<dt><b>Dave Peticolas</b> &lt;<i>dave at krondo.com</i>&gt; </dt><dd> extensive intelligent patches</dd>
-<dt><b>Laurent P'elecq</b> &lt;<i>laurent.pelecq at wanadoo.fr</i>&gt; </dt><dd> i18n patches met gettext</dd>
-<dt><b>Alain Peyrat</b> &lt;<i>Alain.Peyrat at nmu.alcatel.fr</i>&gt; </dt><dd> voor configure.in patches</dd>
-<dt><b>Peter Pointner</b> &lt;<i>peter at wuzel.m.isar.de</i>&gt; </dt><dd> QIF import correcties, Qt patches</dd>
-<dt><b>Gavin Porter</b> &lt;<i>maufk at csv.warwick.ac.uk</i>&gt; </dt><dd> voor euro stijl data</dd>
-<dt><b>Tomas Pospisek</b> &lt;<i>tpo at spin.ch</i>&gt; </dt><dd> debian patches</dd>
-<dt><b>Ron Record</b> &lt;<i>rr at sco.com</i>&gt; </dt><dd> voor SCO Unixware &amp; OpenServer binaries</dd>
-<dt><b>Keith Refson</b> &lt;<i>Keith.Refson at earth.ox.ac.uk</i>&gt; </dt><dd> Solaris correcties</dd>
-<dt><b>Dirk Schoenberger</b> &lt;<i>schoenberger at signsoft.com</i>&gt; </dt><dd> Qt/KDE werk</dd>
-<dt><b>Jan Schrage</b> &lt;<i>jan.schrage at urz.uni-heidelberg.de</i>&gt; </dt><dd> documentatie patches</dd>
-<dt><b>Christopher Seawood</b> &lt;<i>cls at seawood.org</i>&gt; </dt><dd> voor XbaeMatrix core dump</dd>
-<dt><b>Alessandro Seveso</b> &lt;<i>aleseveso at tiscalinet.it</i>&gt; </dt><dd> Italiaanse vertalingen</dd>
-<dt><b>Mike Simons</b> &lt;<i>msimons at fsimons01.erols.com</i>&gt; </dt><dd> misc configure.in patches</dd>
-<dt><b>Keld Simonsen</b> &lt;<i>keld at dkuug.dk</i>&gt; </dt><dd> Deense vertaling</dd>
-<dt><b>Richard Skelton</b> &lt;<i>rich at brake.demon.co.uk</i>&gt; </dt><dd> voor Solaris cleanup</dd>
-<dt><b>Henning Spruth</b> &lt;<i>spruth at bigfoot.com</i>&gt; </dt><dd> voor Duitse text &amp; euro datum rework</dd>
-<dt><b>Ben Stanley</b> &lt;<i>bds02 at uow.edu.au</i>&gt; </dt><dd> test infrastructure</dd>
-<dt><b>Robby Stephenson</b> &lt;<i>robby.stephenson at usa.net</i>&gt; </dt><dd> register &amp; bestandshistorie patches</dd>
-<dt><b>Christian Stimming</b> &lt;<i>stimming at uclink.berkeley.edu</i>&gt; </dt><dd> rapport patch</dd>
-<dt><b>Bartek Szady</b> &lt;<i>bszx at bszxdomain.edu.eu.org</i>&gt; </dt><dd> engine en build systeem patches</dd>
-<dt><b>Herbert Thoma</b> &lt;<i>tma at iis.fhg.de</i>&gt; </dt><dd> gnome register &amp; euro support patches</dd>
-<dt><b>Diane Trout</b> &lt;<i>detrout at earthlink.net</i>&gt; </dt><dd> scheme qif import patch</dd>
-<dt><b>Richard -Gilligan- Uschold</b> &lt;<i>uschold at cs.ucf.edu</i>&gt; </dt><dd> tax rapport &amp; txf export</dd>
-<dt><b>Richard Wackerbarth</b> &lt;<i>rkw at dataplex.net</i>&gt; </dt><dd> patch voor gnc-prices, qif import correcties</dd>
-<dt><b>Rob Walker</b> &lt;<i>rob at valinux.com</i>&gt; </dt><dd> guile en register patches</dd>
-<dt><b>David Woodhouse</b> &lt;<i>dwmw2 at infradead.org</i>&gt; </dt><dd> Engelse (UK) vertalingen</dd>
-<dt><b>Ken Yamaguchi</b> &lt;<i>gooch at ic.EECS.Berkeley.EDU</i>&gt; </dt><dd> QIF import correcties; MYM import</dd>
-<dt><b>Shimpei Yamashita</b> &lt;<i>shimpei at gol.com</i>&gt; </dt><dd> Japanse vertaling</dd>
-<?php include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/nl/components/footer.phtml"); ?>

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-<?php $title = "Open Source Accounting Software"; ?>
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-<?php include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/nl/menu/menu-main.phtml"); ?>
-	</td>
-  <td valign=top width=98%>
-<h1>Welkom op GnuCash.org</h1>
-<font size=-1>
-Als u op zoek bent geweest naar een manier om uw persoonlijke financien bij te houden met Gratis Software, ben u op de juiste plek! Eenvoudig in gebruik, maar toch krachtig en flexibel stelt GnuCash u in staat bankrekeningen, aandelen, inkomsten en uitgaven bij te houden. Net zo eenvoudig te gebruiken als een kasboek register, gebasseerd op profesionele boekhoud principes om accuraatheid te garanderen. GnuCash wordt ondersteund door een actieve ontwikkelingsgroep en bloeit op tot een volwaardig boekhoudsysteem. Ontwikkeld onder de GPL hoeft u zich geen zorgen te maken dat het programma verouderd: GnuCash zal er voor u zijn.. 
-Op deze website is ter bevordering van het Gnucash.org software ontwikkelingsproject. Wij zijn toegewijd in het ontwikkelen van prima financiele software voor GNU/Linux en Unix 
-gebruikers. Hierbij zijn inbegrepen de ontwikkeling van programming API's, libraries en componenten die gebruikt kunnen worden voor thuisgebruik en voor zakelijk gebruik.
-Door de nadruk te leggen op aspecten als eenvoud in gebruik, modulair ontwerp, goed-ontworpen  interfaces en een goed-gedocumenteerde code, hopen we dat GnuCash en de bijbehorende financiele libraries de keuze worden voor een GNU generatie van programmeerders en gebruikers.
-Inderdaar, GnuCash werkt nu op Mac OSX, alsook onder GNU/Linux, *BSD, en de 
-traditionele Unixes: Solaris, AIX, en andere.
-$en_newspath = $toppath . "/news/en/";
-$lang_newspath = $toppath . "/news/nl/";
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-<font size=-2>
-<a href="/surf/guppi-pie-demo.html">test</a>
-<a href="/surf/short.gml">test2</a>
-<a href="/surf/demo.gml">test3</a>
-  </td>
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-<?php $title = "GnuCash op IRC"; ?>
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-<?php include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/nl/menu/menu-main-help.phtml"); ?>
-<td valign=top>
-<h1>GnuCash op IRC</h1>
-Maak plezier (of zoek hulp bij het installeren of gebruiken van GnuCash) 
-en bespreek de ontwikkeling van GnuCash met programmeurs en gebruikers op IRC.
- Kom naar kanaal #gnucash op irc.gnome.org.
-<?php include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/nl/components/footer.phtml"); ?>

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-<?php $title = "Related Financial Software"; ?>
-<?php if (!ini_get('register_globals')) {
- include("../emulate_globals_on.php");
-<?php include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/nl/components/header.phtml"); ?>
-<?php include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/nl/menu/menu-main-other.phtml"); ?>
-<td valign=top>
-<h1>Gerelateerde Financiele Programma's</h1>
-<b>Selecteer eem sectie:</b></td>
-<form method=post>
-<select name=linkpage>
-  <option value=general
-  <?php if ($linkpage == "general") { echo ("selected"); } ?>
-  >Algemene Referenties</option>
-  <option value=utilities
-  <?php if ($linkpage == "utilities") { echo ("selected"); } ?>
-  >Utilities</option>
-  <option value=palm
-  <?php if ($linkpage == "palm") { echo ("selected"); } ?>
-  >Palm Computing</option>
-  <option value=stock
-  <?php if ($linkpage == "stock") { echo ("selected"); } ?>
-  >Aandelen handel & Technische Analyse</option>
-  <option value=quote
-  <?php if ($linkpage == "quote") { echo ("selected"); } ?>
-  >Quote Sources, Tools</option>
-  <option value=money
-  <?php if ($linkpage == "money") { echo ("selected"); } ?>
-  >Electronisch Valuta</option>
-  <option value=erp
-  <?php if ($linkpage == "erp") { echo ("selected"); } ?>
-  >Business, ERP Projecten</option>
-  <option value=xml
-  <?php if ($linkpage == "xml") { echo ("selected"); } ?>
-  >XML en Overige Data Formaten</option>
-  <option value=misc
-  <?php if ($linkpage == "misc") { echo ("selected"); } ?>
-  >Diverse</option>
-  <option value=obsolete
-  <?php if ($linkpage == "obsolete") { echo ("selected"); } ?>
-  >Historische Referenties</option>
-  <option value=review
-  <?php if ($linkpage == "review") { echo ("selected"); } ?>
-  >Gnucash Reviews & Beoordelingen</option>
-<input type=submit value=Go>
-  if ($linkpage != "") { 
-	include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/nl/links/links-".$linkpage.".phtml");
-  } else {
-	include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/nl/links/links-general.phtml");
-  }
-<?php include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/nl/components/footer.phtml"); ?>

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+++ htdocs/branches/published/nl/lists.phtml	2006-05-30 23:11:40 UTC (rev 14265)
@@ -1,204 +0,0 @@
-<?php $title = "Mailing Lijsten"; ?>
-<?php if (!ini_get('register_globals')) {
- include("../emulate_globals_on.php");
-<?php include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/nl/components/header.phtml"); ?>
-<?php include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/nl/menu/menu-main-help.phtml"); ?>
-<td valign=top>
-<h1>GnuCash Mailing Lijsten</h1>
-Er zijn een aantal GnuCash mailing lijsten voor verschillende soorten doelgroepen: 
-sommige zijn gericht op gebruikers, andere op ontwikkelaars.  Klik op de vette tekst voor 
-instructies hoe in en uit te schrijven.
-<table border=0 cellpadding=1 cellspacing=0 width="100%">
-  <tr>
-  <td valign=middle align=center bgcolor=#666699>
-   <table border=0 cellpadding=5 cellspacing=1 bgcolor=#cacaf7 width="100%">
-   <tr>
-     <td bgcolor=#666699 width=25%><font color=#ffffff><b>Mailing Lijst</b></td>
-     <td bgcolor=#666699 width=75%><font color=#ffffff><b>Beschrijving</b></td>
-   </tr>
-   <!-------------------------------------------------------------->
-   <tr bgcolor=#ececff>
-     <td valign=top>
-       <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
-       <tr>
-         <td valign=top><img src="/images/icons/document.txt.gif" width=16 height=16 border=0>&nbsp;</td>
-         <td valign=top><A HREF="https://lists.gnucash.org/mailman/listinfo/gnucash-announce"> gnucash-announce at gnucash.org</A></td>
-       </tr>
-       <tr>
-         <td valign=top><img src="/images/icons/document.txt.gif" width=16 height=16 border=0>&nbsp;</td>
-         <td valign=top><A HREF="/pipermail/gnucash-announce"> Archives</A></td>
-       </tr>
-       </table>
-     </td>
-     <td valign=top>Aankondiging mailing lijst: Post naar deze moderated lijst, kondigt belangrijke gebeurtenissen en nieuws aan omtrent GnuCash. Dit is een kleine mailing lijst (1 of minder berichten per week).</td>
-   </tr>
-   <!-------------------------------------------------------------->
-   <tr bgcolor=#ffffff>
-     <td valign=top>
-       <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
-       <tr>
-         <td valign=top><img src="/images/icons/document.txt.gif" width=16 height=16 border=0>&nbsp;</td>
-         <td valign=top><A HREF="https://lists.gnucash.org/mailman/listinfo/gnucash-user"> gnucash-user at gnucash.org</A></td>
-       </tr>
-       <tr>
-         <td valign=top><img src="/images/icons/document.txt.gif" width=16 height=16 border=0>&nbsp;</td>
-         <td valign=top><A HREF="/pipermail/gnucash-user"> Archives</A></td>
-       </tr>
-       </table>
-     </td>
-     <td valign=top>
-    Gebruikers mailing lijst: Discussies hoe GnuCash te installeren, af te stellen en te gebruiken, en discussies zoals basale boekhoudprincipes.
-    Dit is bij tijd en wijle een mailing lijst met veel berichten (2 tot 30 berichten per dag).
-	   </td>
-   </tr>
-   <!-------------------------------------------------------------->
-   <tr bgcolor=#ececff>
-     <td valign=top>
-       <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
-       <tr>
-         <td valign=top><img src="/images/icons/document.txt.gif" width=16 height=16 border=0>&nbsp;</td>
-         <td valign=top><A HREF="https://lists.gnucash.org/mailman/listinfo/gnucash-devel"> gnucash-devel at gnucash.org</A></td>
-       </tr>
-       <tr>
-         <td valign=top><img src="/images/icons/document.txt.gif" width=16 height=16 border=0>&nbsp;</td>
-         <td valign=top><A HREF="/pipermail/gnucash-devel"> Archives</A></td>
-       </tr>
-       </table>
-     </td>
-     <td valign=top>
-    Developer's mailing lijst: Discussies over de huidige en toekomstige features
-    en functies, en hoe ze geimplementeerd moeten owrden.  
-    Dit is een high-volume mailing lijst (2 tot 30 berichten per dag).
-		 </td>
-   </tr>
-   <!-------------------------------------------------------------->
-   <tr bgcolor=#ffffff>
-     <td valign=top>
-       <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
-       <tr>
-         <td valign=top><img src="/images/icons/document.txt.gif" width=16 height=16 border=0>&nbsp;</td>
-         <td valign=top><A HREF="https://lists.gnucash.org/mailman/listinfo/gnucash-de"> gnucash-de at gnucash.org</A></td>
-       </tr>
-       <tr>
-         <td valign=top><img src="/images/icons/document.txt.gif" width=16 height=16 border=0>&nbsp;</td>
-         <td valign=top><A HREF="/pipermail/gnucash-de"> Archives</A></td>
-       </tr>
-       </table>
-     </td>
-     <td valign=top>
-     Dies ist die Mailingliste für deutsche GnuCash-Benutzer. 
-     Die Sprache auf dieser Liste ist Deutsch.
-	   </td>
-   </tr>
-   <!-------------------------------------------------------------->
-   <tr bgcolor=#ececff>
-     <td valign=top>
-       <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
-       <tr>
-         <td valign=top><img src="/images/icons/document.txt.gif" width=16 height=16 border=0>&nbsp;</td>
-         <td valign=top><A HREF="https://lists.gnucash.org/mailman/listinfo/gnucash-es"> gnucash-es at gnucash.org</A></td>
-       </tr>
-       <tr>
-         <td valign=top><img src="/images/icons/document.txt.gif" width=16 height=16 border=0>&nbsp;</td>
-         <td valign=top><A HREF="/pipermail/gnucash-es"> Archives</A></td>
-       </tr>
-       </table>
-     </td>
-     <td valign=top>
-     gnucash-es es la lista de distribución del proyecto GnuCash en español.
-     Está lista está pensada para usuarios finales y colaboradores en la
-     traducción y localización de GnuCash.
-	   </td>
-   </tr>
-   <!-------------------------------------------------------------->
-   <tr bgcolor=#ffffff>
-     <td valign=top>
-       <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
-       <tr>
-         <td valign=top><img src=/images/icons/document.txt.gif width=16 height=16 border=0>&nbsp;</td>
-         <td valign=top><A HREF="https://lists.gnucash.org/mailman/listinfo/gnucash-fr"> gnucash-fr at gnucash.org</A></td>
-       </tr>
-       <tr>
-         <td valign=top><img src="/images/icons/document.txt.gif" width=16 height=16 border=0>&nbsp;</td>
-         <td valign=top><A HREF="/pipermail/gnucash-fr"> Archives</A></td>
-       </tr>
-       </table>
-     </td>
-     <td valign=top>
-     Vous avez essayé GnuCash. Cela vous plaît vraiment mais vous aimeriez
-     obtenir de l'aide dans votre langue pour plus de simplicité. Cette mailing
-     liste est faite pour vous. Elle va permettre de rester en contact avec des
-     personnes francophones utilisant GnuCash qui pourront vous guider dans son
-     utilisation quotidienne aussi bien que pour une utilisation professionnelle.
-     Elle permettra aussi aux personnes réfractaire à la langue de shakespeare
-     de rester au courant des derniers développements du logiciels.
-	   </td>
-   </tr>
-   <!-------------------------------------------------------------->
-   <tr bgcolor=#ececff>
-     <td valign=top>
-       <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
-       <tr>
-         <td valign=top><img src=/images/icons/document.txt.gif width=16 height=16 border=0>&nbsp;</td>
-         <td valign=top><A HREF="https://lists.gnucash.org/mailman/listinfo/gnucash-it"> gnucash-it at gnucash.org</A></td>
-       </tr>
-       <tr>
-         <td valign=top><img src="/images/icons/document.txt.gif" width=16 height=16 border=0>&nbsp;</td>
-         <td valign=top><A HREF="/pipermail/gnucash-it"> Archives</A></td>
-       </tr>
-       </table>
-     </td>
-     <td valign=top>
-     gnucash-it è la lista di distribuzione per il progetto GnuCash in lingua
-     italiana. Quando la propria lingua madre è l'italiano e l'inglese
-     rappresenta un ostacolo, quando si ha intenzione di contribuire alla
-     localizzazione (l10n) ed internazionalizzazione (i18n) italiana del
-     progetto, quando si vuole incontrare qualche italiano per parlare di
-     GnuCash, questa lista di distribuzione è il luogo adatto per inviare i
-     propri messaggi.
-     <p>
-     gnucash-it è nata per offrire ai traduttori di GnuCash un valido mezzo
-     di comunicazione.  Successivamente spera di diventare il punto
-     d'incontro per tutti coloro i quali vogliano contribuire al progetto sia
-     in qualità traduttori, revisori e programmatori per la realtà italiana,
-     sia di esperti in grado di aiutare chi si trova alle prime armi.
-	   </td>
-   </tr>
-   <!-------------------------------------------------------------->
-   <tr bgcolor=#ffffff>
-     <td valign=top>
-       <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
-       <tr>
-         <td valign=top><img src="/images/icons/document.txt.gif" width=16 height=16 border=0>&nbsp;</td>
-         <td valign=top><A HREF="https://lists.gnucash.org/mailman/listinfo/gnucash-patches"> gnucash-patches at gnucash.org</A></td>
-       </tr>
-       </table>
-     </td>
-     <td valign=top>
-    Developer's mailing lijst: Insturen en discussie van patches, 
-    en aankondiging van CVS tree updates.  
-    Patches moeten in <tt>makepatch</tt> formaat zijn.
-    Patches mogen ingaan tegen de broncode, documentatie, of vertalingen.
-    Dit is een high-volume mailing lijst (2 tot 30 berichten per dag).
-	   </td>
-   </tr>
-   <!-------------------------------------------------------------->
-   </table>
-<?php include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/nl/components/footer.phtml"); ?>

Copied: htdocs/branches/published/nl/local.php (from rev 14264, htdocs/trunk/nl/local.php)

Deleted: htdocs/branches/published/nl/oldnews.phtml
--- htdocs/branches/published/nl/oldnews.phtml	2006-05-30 21:45:42 UTC (rev 14264)
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@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-<?php $title = "Accounting Software voor Linux"; ?>
-<?php if (!ini_get('register_globals')) {
- include("../emulate_globals_on.php");
-<?php include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/nl/components/header.phtml"); ?>
-<?php include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/nl/menu/menu-main.phtml"); ?>
-	</td>
-  <td valign=top width=98%>
-<h1>Older Announcements</h1>
-<font size=-1>
-Dit is een archief van de aankondigingen die ooit op de  
-GnuCash home page hebben gestaan.
-    # indicate where to get translated news from ... 
-    $native_newspath  =  "news/old/";
-    $alt_newspath  =  "../news/old/";
-    include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/php-scripts/news-script.php");
-    ?>  
-  </td>
-<?php include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/nl/components/footer.phtml"); ?>

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Name: svn:special
   + *

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+++ htdocs/branches/published/nl/promote.phtml	2006-05-30 23:11:40 UTC (rev 14265)
@@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
-<?php $title = "Promote GnuCash"; ?>
-<?php if (!ini_get('register_globals')) {
- include("../emulate_globals_on.php");
-<?php include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/nl/components/header.phtml"); ?>
-<?php include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/nl/menu/menu-main-other.phtml"); ?>
-<td valign=top>
-<b>Promoot GnuCash</b><br><br>
-Wilt u uw support voor GnuCash niet onder stoelen of banken steken??  Plaats een van deze  
-banners op uw site.
-<a href="/images/banners/control_your_finan.jpg">
-<img src="/images/banners/control_your_finan.jpg"
-     alt="[Control your Finances with the Power of Open Source - GnuCash]">
-<br clear>
-125 x 125 pixels</a>
-<a href="/images/banners/gnucash_dollar_button.jpg">
-<img src="/images/banners/gnucash_dollar_button.jpg"
-     alt="[Gnucash Personal Finance Software]">
-<br clear>
-125 x 125 pixels</a>
-<a href="/images/banners/GnuCash_Long.jpg">
-<img src="/images/banners/GnuCash_Long.jpg"
-     alt="[Gnucash Personal Finance Software]">
-<br clear>
-470 x 62 pixels</a>
-<a href="/images/banners/gnu_bill.gif">
-<img src="/images/banners/gnu_bill.gif"
-     alt="[US. Dollar Bill w/Stallman's Gnu]">
-<br clear>
-350 x 147 pixels</a>
-<a href="/images/banners/gnucash-green.png">
-<img src="/images/banners/gnucash-green.png"
-     alt="[Name in Bouncing Green]">
-<br clear>
-394 x 123 pixels</a>
-<a href="/images/banners/gnucash-flying-win.png">
-<img src="/images/banners/gnucash-flying-win.png"
-     alt="[Flying Screenshots of GnuCash Screens]">
-<br clear>
-304 x 179 pixels</a>
-<a href="/images/banners/gnucash.jpg">
-<img src="/images/banners/gnucash.jpg"
-     alt="[white typewriter letters on black background]">
-<br clear>
-256 x 53 pixels</a>
-<a href="/images/banners/gnucash_brown.jpg">
-<img src="/images/banners/gnucash_brown.jpg"
-     alt="[black typewriter letters w/ drop shadow on brown background]">
-<br clear>
-256 x 53 pixels</a>
-<a href="/images/banners/gnucash_light.jpg">
-<img src="/images/banners/gnucash_light.jpg"
-     alt="[black typewriter letters on light brown background]">
-<br clear>
-256 x 53 pixels</a>
-<a href="/images/banners/gnucash_white.jpg">
-<img src="/images/banners/gnucash_white.jpg"
-     alt="[black typewriter letters on white background]">
-<br clear>
-256 x 53 pixels</a>
-<a href="/images/banners/gnucash_techno.gif">
-<img src="/images/banners/gnucash_techno.gif"
-     alt="[modern techno/scifi font on clear background]">
-<br clear>
-400 x 100 pixels</a>
-<a href="/images/banners/logo_beatnik.gif">
-<img src="/images/banners/logo_beatnik.gif"
-     alt="[black throbbing beatnik font w/ dropshadow on brown background]">
-<br clear>
-287 x 88 pixels</a>
-<a href="/images/banners/logo_elegant.jpg">
-<img src="/images/banners/logo_elegant.jpg"
-     alt="[black elegante font on brown background]">
-<br clear>
-287 x 88 pixels</a>
-<?php include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/nl/components/footer.phtml"); ?>

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Name: svn:special
   + *

Deleted: htdocs/branches/published/nl/quiz-results.phtml
--- htdocs/branches/published/nl/quiz-results.phtml	2006-05-30 21:45:42 UTC (rev 14264)
+++ htdocs/branches/published/nl/quiz-results.phtml	2006-05-30 23:11:40 UTC (rev 14265)
@@ -1,2817 +0,0 @@
-<?php $title = "Survey"; ?>
-<?php if (!ini_get('register_globals')) {
- include("../emulate_globals_on.php");
-<?php include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/nl/components/header.phtml"); ?>
-<?php include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/nl/menu/menu-main-other.phtml"); ?>
-<td valign=top>
-<h1>GnuCash User Survey Results</h1>
-The first GnuCash user survey has ended, and the results are 
-shown below.  For those too busy to read through the results, we 
-preface the results with a summary.
-It has 45 questions, and its broken into 
-six sections:
-<li>Commercializing GnuCash
-<li>Using GnuCash
-<li>Future Features
-<li>Online Banking
-<li>Personal Profile
-The summary results and conclusions are below, by section.
-<dt><b>General and Personal Profile</b>
-There were 828 respondents during the 67 days that the survey 
-was active.  Of these, 415 responded in the first 13 days.
-The later respondents mirrored the early responses almost exactly
-(see <a href="/nl/quiz-results-early.phtml">the early results 
-here</a>), and thus this summary is identical to the one before.
-The fact that the averages changed so little seems to indicate 
-that there was no ballot stuffing, or that the stuffers were 
-very very clever.
-Respondents are overwhelmingly male (97%), with a median age in 
-late-20's, early-30's. They are highly educated: more than 80%
-have college or post-grad degrees.  They're highly technical:
-better than 2/3rds are programmers, engineers or scientists.
-And they are old-hands at GNU/Linux/BSD: more than 2/3rds have 
-been using Linux for over 3 years.  This sample is very, very 
-far from what one finds for the average Internet/computer user, 
-nearly half of which is a woman (the left half, presumably), 
-and most of which is non-technical (no surprise here, the 
-brain weighs much less than the muscles, guts and bones).
-At a later date, I hope to publish the results as they would 
-look if we surgically removed the geek elements.
-Nearly 90% have used accounting programs before.  Less then
-20% find that GnuCash meets all their needs.  Nearly half wish it
-had more features, and about 25% can't use GnuCash because its 
-missing critical features.
-<dt><b>Commercializing GnuCash</b>
-Half of all respondents would buy a cdrom and a book. $20USD is
-the sweet spot for the CDROM price.  Support is not an issue.
-There is little interest in a 'GnuCash magazine' or in a 
-general-financial-advice website.
-<dt><b>Using GnuCash</b>
-About 80% use gnucash for core accounting, 10% for incidentals,
-and 10% for small-business.  25% would use an MS Windows version.
-<dt><b>Future Features</b>
-Top requests: more features, better documentation, all aimed 
-squarely at the home user.  Top picks for each feature
-category are below:
-<li><b>Home users</b>: scheduled transactions (integrated into 
-    dayplanner/calendar), budgeting, more reports, online banking.
-<li><b>Financial</b>: interest-bearing accounts, better general stock & 
-    bond support.
-<li><b>Interop</b>: export reports to spreadsheet.
-<li><b>Online banking</b>: 80% of respondents want to do this. Top picks:
-    view balances, reconcile accounts, pay bills.  Little demand 
-    for alternative payment systems, and of those, paypal is the winner.
-    25% have used quicken/msmoney for online banking.
-    Security, privacy and reliability are all hot issues.
-<li><b>Business Accounting</b>: support invoicing/billing, accounts-payable, 
-    receivable.  However, the results are sort of bizarre: users
-    are not that interested in an integrated address-book/contact 
-    manager/to-do list.  I find this is bizarre, since things like
-    billing/invoicing/checkprinting is almost useless if you don't 
-    have addresses and phone numbers to go with your invoice system.   
-    And accounts-payable is basically a fancy to-do-list, rendered
-    all-the-more useless without good checkprinting (i.e. print 
-    address on check) support.  So I'm tempted to conclude that
-    respondents have little/no actual experience in using a 
-    small-business accounting package. Indeed, we should filter results
-    for those who have actually used Peachtree/quickbooks or other
-    business package.
-<li><b>dot-com accounting</b>: there is little interest in GnuCash as a 
-    back-end/tie-in to merchant systems. Again, maybe that's because
-    the respondents are primarily home users.
-          <TD>
-<table bgcolor="#ffffff" border="1" width="95%"><tr><td>
-<h2>GnuCash Features Survey</h2>
-<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%">
-	<tr xbgcolor="#eeeeee">
- 		<td>
-			<A NAME="Q1">1.</A>
-			<b>I've been using GnuCash since</b>
-<br>(pick one only)
-			<blockquote>
-<table width="90%" border="0">
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td>-- version 0.9/1.0</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">81</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(9.8%)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
-		<td>-- version 1.2</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">131</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(15.8%)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td>-- version 1.4</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">274</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(33.1%)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
-		<td>-- version 1.6</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">88</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(10.6%)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td>-- never used GnuCash</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">247</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(29.8%)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
-		<td><b>TOTAL</b></td>
-		<td align="right"><b>828</b></td>
-		<td align="right"><b>(99.2%)</b></td>
-	</tr>
-			</blockquote>
-		</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr xbgcolor="#ffffff">
- 		<td>
-			<A NAME="Q2">2.</A>
-			<b>I've bee using Linux for about</b>
-<br>(pick one only)
-			<blockquote>
-<table width="90%" border="0">
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td>-- 6 months or less</td>
-		<td align="left">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9 width=18><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>&nbsp;9.3%		</td>
-		<td align="right">(77)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
-		<td>-- 1 year</td>
-		<td align="left">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9 width=16><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>&nbsp;8.2%		</td>
-		<td align="right">(68)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td>-- 2 years</td>
-		<td align="left">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9 width=34><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>&nbsp;17.3%		</td>
-		<td align="right">(143)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
-		<td>-- more than 3 years</td>
-		<td align="left">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9 width=126><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>&nbsp;63.4%		</td>
-		<td align="right">(525)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td><b>TOTAL</b></td>
-		<td width="40%"><b>&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9 width=196><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>&nbsp;98.2%</b></td>
-		<td width="10%" align="right"><b>828</b></td>
-	</tr>
-			</blockquote>
-		</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr xbgcolor="#eeeeee">
- 		<td>
-			<A NAME="Q3">3.</A>
-			<b>Other Accounting Packages</b>
-<br>(check all that apply)
-			<blockquote>
-<table width="90%" border="0">
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td>-- I have never used accounting software before</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">114</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(13.8%)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
-		<td>-- I use a spreadsheet for my accounting</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">137</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(16.5%)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td>-- I use Quicken or MSMoney regularly</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">229</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(27.7%)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
-		<td>-- I used to use Quicken/MSMoney but stopped</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">258</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(31.2%)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td>-- I use Peachtree, QuickBooks or another MSWindows accounting package</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">73</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(8.8%)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
-		<td>-- I GnuCash almost exclusively</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">271</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(32.7%)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td>-- I use another Linux/Unix-based accounting package</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">28</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(3.4%)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
-		<td><b>TOTAL</b></td>
-		<td align="right"><b>828</b></td>
-		<td align="right"><b>(134.1%)</b></td>
-	</tr>
-			</blockquote>
-		</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr xbgcolor="#ffffff">
- 		<td>
-			<A NAME="Q4">4.</A>
-			<b>My Favorite Accounting Package of all time is</b>
-<br>(check all that apply)
-			<blockquote>
-<table width="90%" border="0">
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td>-- GnuCash</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">357</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(43.1%)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
-		<td>-- Kapital</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">6</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(0.7%)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td>-- MoneyDance</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">7</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(0.8%)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
-		<td>-- Quicken</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">219</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(26.4%)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td>-- MSMoney</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">92</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(11.1%)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
-		<td>-- QuickBooks</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">32</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(3.9%)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td>-- Peachtree</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">7</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(0.8%)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
-		<td>-- AppGen</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">2</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(0.2%)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td>-- Great Plains</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">3</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(0.4%)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
-		<td>-- ACCPAC</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">5</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(0.6%)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td>-- Other (write in below)
-		<td align="right" width="60">53</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(6.4%)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
-		<td><b>TOTAL</b></td>
-		<td align="right"><b>828</b></td>
-		<td align="right"><b>(94.6%)</b></td>
-	</tr>
-			</blockquote>
-		</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr xbgcolor="#eeeeee">
- 		<td>
-			<A NAME="Q5">5.</A>
-			<b>Did we miss your favorite accounting program?
-Write it in!</b>
-			<blockquote>
-<table width="90%" border="0" cellpadding="1">
-	<tr><th align="left">#</th><th>Response</th></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">1</th><td>a cardboard box and a spouse with a knack for organizing ;-}</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">1</th><td>a pen and a piece of paper... it's amazing what modern technology can do :)</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">1</th><td>all the ones i've used suck!</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">1</th><td>also liked cbb</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">1</th><td>Any good spreadsheet</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">1</th><td>BankVX : Freeware for OS/2</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">1</th><td>BasisPro (GLOWS)</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">1</th><td>BMS</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">1</th><td>Cashbook</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">1</th><td>Catagories</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">2</th><td>cbb</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">1</th><td>checkfree software</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">1</th><td>Davicash</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">1</th><td>Davilex and abcmuis</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">1</th><td>Electronic Teller for OS/2</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">1</th><td>Emma</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">1</th><td>gcalc.  no, seriously.</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">1</th><td>Geldprofi</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">1</th><td>gnofin</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">1</th><td>harmony</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">1</th><td>I don't like any</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">1</th><td>I wrote my own some time ago using MSAccess</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">1</th><td>InCharge</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">1</th><td>InCharge on OS/2</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">1</th><td>It isn't a PC package!</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">1</th><td>Manage Your Money (Mac)</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">4</th><td>managing your money</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">1</th><td>Mind Your Own Business (aka MYOB - yes, it's an accounting package)</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">1</th><td>MoneyCounts</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">1</th><td>MoneyCounts (Bob Parsons)</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">1</th><td>MoneyPlex</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">1</th><td>MoneySmith</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">1</th><td>Morningstar Portfolio Manager</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">1</th><td>msmoney 96</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">5</th><td>MYOB</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">1</th><td>MYOB (Australian)</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">1</th><td>MYOB - it's available in australia</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">1</th><td>MYOB Accountedge for the MAC</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">1</th><td>never used one</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">1</th><td>No - good job so long</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">1</th><td>No favorite, but would prefer using GnuCash.</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">1</th><td>None</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">1</th><td>none yet</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">1</th><td>Notebook and Pen hidden under my pillow :o)</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">1</th><td>one that works, is intuitive, and doesn't lose data files</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">1</th><td>Pastell</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">1</th><td>pencil and notebook</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">1</th><td>postgresql</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">1</th><td>Quicken about 5 years ago</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">1</th><td>quicken before all the garbage features.</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">1</th><td>Quickpay--not that good but simple and fast</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">1</th><td>Real World</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">1</th><td>RMRBank on Psion PDA</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">1</th><td>SQL-Ledger</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">2</th><td>StarMoney</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">1</th><td>TIMS</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">1</th><td>UltraSoft Money (Palm)</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">1</th><td>Xinvest</td></tr>
-			</blockquote>
-		</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr xbgcolor="#ffffff">
- 		<td>
-			<A NAME="Q6">6.</A>
-			<b>How Good is GnuCash?</b>
-<br>(check one only)
-			<blockquote>
-<table width="90%" border="0">
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td>-- GnuCash is overkill for my accounting needs.
-		<td align="left">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9 width=6><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>&nbsp;3.4%		</td>
-		<td align="right">(28)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
-		<td>-- All of my accounting needs are met by GnuCash.
-		<td align="left">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9 width=23><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>&nbsp;12.0%		</td>
-		<td align="right">(99)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td>-- I use GnuCash but wish it had a few more features.
-		<td align="left">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9 width=99><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>&nbsp;49.6%		</td>
-		<td align="right">(411)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
-		<td>-- I wish I could use GnuCash, except that it doesn't
- have a feature that is really important to me.
-		<td align="left">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9 width=51><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>&nbsp;26.0%		</td>
-		<td align="right">(215)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td>-- GnuCash is really just not right for my accounting needs,
- and I just don't see how it ever could be.
-		<td align="left">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9 width=1><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>&nbsp;0.7%		</td>
-		<td align="right">(6)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
-		<td><b>TOTAL</b></td>
-		<td width="40%"><b>&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9 width=183><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>&nbsp;91.7%</b></td>
-		<td width="10%" align="right"><b>828</b></td>
-	</tr>
-			</blockquote>
-		</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr xbgcolor="#eeeeee">
- 		<td>
-			<A NAME="Q7">7.</A>
-			<h2>Commercializing GnuCash</h2>
-<b>If GnuCash came on a CDROM, with an easy-to-install interface,
-would you buy a copy?</b>
-			<blockquote>
-<table width="90%" border="0">
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td>Yes</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">423</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(51.1%)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
-		<td>No</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">383</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(46.3%)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td><b>TOTAL</b></td>
-		<td align="right"><b>828</b></td>
-		<td align="right"><b>(97.3%)</b></td>
-	</tr>
-			</blockquote>
-		</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr xbgcolor="#ffffff">
- 		<td>
-			<A NAME="Q8">8.</A>
-			<b>What is the most you'd be willing to pay for an easy-to-install
-CDROM version of GnuCash?
-			<blockquote>
-<table width="90%" border="0">
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td>   $5  US
-		<td align="right" width="60">134</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(16.2%)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
-		<td>   $10 US
-		<td align="right" width="60">180</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(21.7%)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td>   $20 US
-		<td align="right" width="60">260</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(31.4%)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
-		<td>   $40 US
-		<td align="right" width="60">106</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(12.8%)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td>   $80 US
-		<td align="right" width="60">18</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(2.2%)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
-		<td><b>TOTAL</b></td>
-		<td align="right"><b>828</b></td>
-		<td align="right"><b>(84.3%)</b></td>
-	</tr>
-			</blockquote>
-		</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr xbgcolor="#eeeeee">
- 		<td>
-			<A NAME="Q9">9.</A>
-			<b>Would you buy a book on how to use GnuCash?
-			<blockquote>
-<table width="90%" border="0">
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td>Yes</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">391</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(47.2%)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
-		<td>No</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">408</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(49.3%)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td><b>TOTAL</b></td>
-		<td align="right"><b>828</b></td>
-		<td align="right"><b>(96.5%)</b></td>
-	</tr>
-			</blockquote>
-		</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr xbgcolor="#ffffff">
- 		<td>
-			<A NAME="Q10">10.</A>
-			<b>Would you buy commercial support for GnuCash?
-			<blockquote>
-<table width="90%" border="0">
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td>Yes</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">68</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(8.2%)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
-		<td>No</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">732</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(88.4%)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td><b>TOTAL</b></td>
-		<td align="right"><b>828</b></td>
-		<td align="right"><b>(96.6%)</b></td>
-	</tr>
-			</blockquote>
-		</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr xbgcolor="#eeeeee">
- 		<td>
-			<A NAME="Q11">11.</A>
-			<b>Which of these support options would be reasonable?
-			<blockquote>
-<table width="90%" border="0">
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td>-- $50 per incident</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">34</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(4.1%)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
-		<td>-- $50 per month flat rate</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">20</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(2.4%)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td>-- $50 per hour till problem resolved</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">13</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(1.6%)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
-		<td>-- $300 retainer with per incident billing</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">7</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(0.8%)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td>-- $300 retainer with per hour billing</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">4</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(0.5%)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
-		<td>-- $300/year with 3 incident maximum</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">8</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(1.0%)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td>-- some other kind of pricing that is more reasonable for home users</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">194</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(23.4%)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
-		<td>-- I wouldn't buy support</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">552</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(66.7%)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td><b>TOTAL</b></td>
-		<td align="right"><b>828</b></td>
-		<td align="right"><b>(100.5%)</b></td>
-	</tr>
-			</blockquote>
-		</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr xbgcolor="#ffffff">
- 		<td>
-			<A NAME="Q12">12.</A>
-			<b>I would purchase confidential/secure data  backup for my files
-			<blockquote>
-<table width="90%" border="0">
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td>Yes</td>
-		<td align="left">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9 width=32><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>&nbsp;16.3%		</td>
-		<td align="right">(135)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
-		<td>No</td>
-		<td align="left">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9 width=157><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>&nbsp;78.7%		</td>
-		<td align="right">(652)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td><b>TOTAL</b></td>
-		<td width="40%"><b>&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9 width=190><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>&nbsp;95.0%</b></td>
-		<td width="10%" align="right"><b>828</b></td>
-	</tr>
-			</blockquote>
-		</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr xbgcolor="#eeeeee">
- 		<td>
-			<A NAME="Q13">13.</A>
-			<b>I would hire an accountant who knows GnuCash</b>
-			<blockquote>
-<table width="90%" border="0">
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td>Yes</td>
-		<td align="left">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9 width=70><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>&nbsp;35.0%		</td>
-		<td align="right">(290)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
-		<td>No</td>
-		<td align="left">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9 width=116><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>&nbsp;58.3%		</td>
-		<td align="right">(483)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td><b>TOTAL</b></td>
-		<td width="40%"><b>&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9 width=186><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>&nbsp;93.4%</b></td>
-		<td width="10%" align="right"><b>828</b></td>
-	</tr>
-			</blockquote>
-		</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr xbgcolor="#ffffff">
- 		<td>
-			<A NAME="Q14">14.</A>
-			<b>I would purchase custom (state-by-state, national) tax schedules</b>
-			<blockquote>
-<table width="90%" border="0">
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td>Yes</td>
-		<td align="left">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9 width=98><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>&nbsp;49.0%		</td>
-		<td align="right">(406)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
-		<td>No</td>
-		<td align="left">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9 width=91><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>&nbsp;45.8%		</td>
-		<td align="right">(379)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td><b>TOTAL</b></td>
-		<td width="40%"><b>&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9 width=189><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>&nbsp;94.8%</b></td>
-		<td width="10%" align="right"><b>828</b></td>
-	</tr>
-			</blockquote>
-		</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr xbgcolor="#eeeeee">
- 		<td>
-			<A NAME="Q15">15.</A>
-			<b>I would buy a monthly subscription to 'GnuCash Magazine'</b>
-			<blockquote>
-<table width="90%" border="0">
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td>Yes</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">128</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(15.5%)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
-		<td>No</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">660</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(79.7%)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td><b>TOTAL</b></td>
-		<td align="right"><b>828</b></td>
-		<td align="right"><b>(95.2%)</b></td>
-	</tr>
-			</blockquote>
-		</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr xbgcolor="#ffffff">
- 		<td>
-			<A NAME="Q16">16.</A>
-			<h2>Using GnuCash</h2>
-<b>My main interest in GnuCash is for:
-			<blockquote>
-<table width="90%" border="0">
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td>-- Keeping track of occasional miscellaneous   expenses only (e.g. business travel reimbursements,   cost of personal hobby, personal loans to friends,   treasurer for small club/society, etc.)</td>
-		<td align="left">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9 width=3><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>&nbsp;1.8%		</td>
-		<td align="right">(15)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
-		<td>-- Keeping track of online shopping expenses.</td>
-		<td align="left">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9 width=0><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>&nbsp;0.2%		</td>
-		<td align="right">(2)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td>-- Preparing a quarterly or annual networth or cashflow or   income-expense report only.</td>
-		<td align="left">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9 width=0><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>&nbsp;0.5%		</td>
-		<td align="right">(4)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
-		<td>-- Getting records straight to make tax filing easier.</td>
-		<td align="left">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>&nbsp;2.4%		</td>
-		<td align="right">(20)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td>-- Keeping track of all personal/home finances/budgets in detail.</td>
-		<td align="left">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9 width=158><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>&nbsp;79.1%		</td>
-		<td align="right">(655)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
-		<td>-- Keeping track of Portfolio Value (Stocks/Mutual Funds/Bonds)</td>
-		<td align="left">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>&nbsp;2.4%		</td>
-		<td align="right">(20)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td>-- Small Business Accounting.</td>
-		<td align="left">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9 width=24><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>&nbsp;12.3%		</td>
-		<td align="right">(102)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
-		<td><b>TOTAL</b></td>
-		<td width="40%"><b>&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9 width=197><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>&nbsp;98.8%</b></td>
-		<td width="10%" align="right"><b>828</b></td>
-	</tr>
-			</blockquote>
-		</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr xbgcolor="#eeeeee">
- 		<td>
-			<A NAME="Q17">17.</A>
-			<b>Areas I would like to see GnuCash to evolve into:
-			<blockquote>
-<table width="90%" border="0">
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td>-- Easier to use for average home user</td>
-		<td align="left">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9 width=69><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>&nbsp;34.9%		</td>
-		<td align="right">(289)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
-		<td>-- More features for the home user</td>
-		<td align="left">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9 width=135><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>&nbsp;67.8%		</td>
-		<td align="right">(561)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td>-- Small Business Features</td>
-		<td align="left">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9 width=57><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>&nbsp;28.6%		</td>
-		<td align="right">(237)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
-		<td>-- Better Investment (Stock/Mutual Fund/Bond/Option/Futures) support</td>
-		<td align="left">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9 width=59><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>&nbsp;30.0%		</td>
-		<td align="right">(248)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td>-- Better PDA (PalmPilot/etc) integration</td>
-		<td align="left">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9 width=61><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>&nbsp;30.9%		</td>
-		<td align="right">(256)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
-		<td>-- The ultimate web-integrated online banking/shopping/billpay   tool.</td>
-		<td align="left">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9 width=67><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>&nbsp;33.9%		</td>
-		<td align="right">(281)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td>-- Technically cutting edge (eWallet, MicroPayments etc).</td>
-		<td align="left">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9 width=23><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>&nbsp;12.0%		</td>
-		<td align="right">(99)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
-		<td><b>TOTAL</b></td>
-		<td width="40%"><b>&nbsp;</b></td>
-		<td width="10%" align="right"><b>828</b></td>
-	</tr>
-			</blockquote>
-		</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr xbgcolor="#ffffff">
- 		<td>
-			<A NAME="Q18">18.</A>
-			<b>I would use a version of GnuCash for Microsoft Windows if it was available
-			<blockquote>
-<table width="90%" border="0">
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td>Yes</td>
-		<td align="left">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9 width=54><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>&nbsp;27.1%		</td>
-		<td align="right">(224)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
-		<td>No</td>
-		<td align="left">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9 width=142><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>&nbsp;71.3%		</td>
-		<td align="right">(590)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td><b>TOTAL</b></td>
-		<td width="40%"><b>&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9 width=196><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>&nbsp;98.3%</b></td>
-		<td width="10%" align="right"><b>828</b></td>
-	</tr>
-			</blockquote>
-		</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr xbgcolor="#eeeeee">
- 		<td>
-			<A NAME="Q19">19.</A>
-			<b>If you are interested in Windows, which version?
-			<blockquote>
-<table width="90%" border="0">
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td>-- MS Windows 98 base edition</td>
-		<td align="left">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9 width=8><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>&nbsp;4.2%		</td>
-		<td align="right">(35)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
-		<td>-- MS Windows 98 second edition</td>
-		<td align="left">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9 width=25><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>&nbsp;12.9%		</td>
-		<td align="right">(107)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td>-- MS Windows NT </td>
-		<td align="left">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9 width=10><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>&nbsp;5.2%		</td>
-		<td align="right">(43)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
-		<td>-- MS Windows 2000 </td>
-		<td align="left">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9 width=39><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>&nbsp;19.7%		</td>
-		<td align="right">(163)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td>-- MS Windows ME (Millenium Edition)</td>
-		<td align="left">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9 width=7><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>&nbsp;4.0%		</td>
-		<td align="right">(33)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
-		<td><b>TOTAL</b></td>
-		<td width="40%"><b>&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9 width=92><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>&nbsp;46.0%</b></td>
-		<td width="10%" align="right"><b>828</b></td>
-	</tr>
-			</blockquote>
-		</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr xbgcolor="#ffffff">
- 		<td>
-			<A NAME="Q20">20.</A>
-			<h2>Future Features</h2>
-Features I would most like to see in GnuCash
-(sorted by category)
-<br>(1==very important 3==nice to have 5==don't need this)
-			<blockquote>
-<table border="0">
-	<tr>
-		<td></td>
-		<td align="center" colspan="7">Average rank</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr>
-		<td></td>
-		<td align="right" width="44">1</td>
-		<td align="right" width="40">2</td>
-		<td align="right" width="40">3</td>
-		<td align="right" width="40">4</td>
-		<td align="right" width="36">5</td>
-		<td width="20"></td>
-		<td></td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td align="right">Easier to Use</td>
-		<td align="left" width="220" colspan="6">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9
-				width=107><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>		</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(2.7)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
-		<td align="right">Better Documentation</td>
-		<td align="left" width="220" colspan="6">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9
-				width=89><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>		</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(2.2)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td align="right">Better Support</td>
-		<td align="left" width="220" colspan="6">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9
-				width=140><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>		</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(3.5)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
-		<td align="right">More Features</td>
-		<td align="left" width="220" colspan="6">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9
-				width=84><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>		</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(2.1)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td align="right">Easier Installation</td>
-		<td align="left" width="220" colspan="6">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9
-				width=114><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>		</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(2.9)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
-		<td align="right">Monthly (Paper) Newsletter/Magazine</td>
-		<td align="left" width="220" colspan="6">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9
-				width=170><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>		</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(4.3)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td align="right">Financial Advice and Information on GnuCash Website</td>
-		<td align="left" width="220" colspan="6">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9
-				width=153><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>		</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(3.8)</td>
-	</tr>
-			</blockquote>
-		</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr xbgcolor="#eeeeee">
- 		<td>
-			<A NAME="Q21">21.</A>
-			<b>Home</b>
-<br>(1==very important 3==nice to have 5==don't need this)
-			<blockquote>
-<table border="0">
-	<tr>
-		<td></td>
-		<td align="center" colspan="7">Average rank</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr>
-		<td></td>
-		<td align="right" width="44">1</td>
-		<td align="right" width="40">2</td>
-		<td align="right" width="40">3</td>
-		<td align="right" width="40">4</td>
-		<td align="right" width="36">5</td>
-		<td width="20"></td>
-		<td></td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td align="right">More basic/overview reports for home use</td>
-		<td align="left" width="220" colspan="6">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9
-				width=87><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>		</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(2.2)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
-		<td align="right">Home Inventory</td>
-		<td align="left" width="220" colspan="6">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9
-				width=124><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>		</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(3.1)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td align="right">Insurance Records Organizer</td>
-		<td align="left" width="220" colspan="6">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9
-				width=130><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>		</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(3.3)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
-		<td align="right">Scanner/photo support (for attached photos/images   of home inventory, or scanned paper receipts/invoices)</td>
-		<td align="left" width="220" colspan="6">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9
-				width=145><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>		</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(3.6)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td align="right">Vital Records Organizer (bank account and investment account   names, addresses, numbers, passport number, D/L number,   insurance policy names, numbers)</td>
-		<td align="left" width="220" colspan="6">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9
-				width=123><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>		</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(3.1)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
-		<td align="right">Income Tax Return preparation support</td>
-		<td align="left" width="220" colspan="6">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9
-				width=104><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>		</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(2.6)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td align="right">Online banking (statement review, account reconciliation)</td>
-		<td align="left" width="220" colspan="6">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9
-				width=86><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>		</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(2.2)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
-		<td align="right">Online billpay (pay bills/ authorize transfers)</td>
-		<td align="left" width="220" colspan="6">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9
-				width=103><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>		</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(2.6)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td align="right">Better integration with online shopping venues (e.g. amazon.com)</td>
-		<td align="left" width="220" colspan="6">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9
-				width=148><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>		</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(3.7)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
-		<td align="right">Better support for online payment methods (e.g. paypal, Qchex, egold)</td>
-		<td align="left" width="220" colspan="6">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9
-				width=135><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>		</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(3.4)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td align="right">Budgeting and budget reports for home use</td>
-		<td align="left" width="220" colspan="6">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9
-				width=82><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>		</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(2.1)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
-		<td align="right">Scheduled/regular/recurring transactions</td>
-		<td align="left" width="220" colspan="6">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9
-				width=73><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>		</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(1.8)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td align="right">Use of calendar/dayplanner type interface for   scheduled transactions</td>
-		<td align="left" width="220" colspan="6">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9
-				width=90><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>		</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(2.3)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
-		<td align="right">Support for alerts/popups for upcoming transactions</td>
-		<td align="left" width="220" colspan="6">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9
-				width=98><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>		</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(2.5)</td>
-	</tr>
-			</blockquote>
-		</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr xbgcolor="#ffffff">
- 		<td>
-			<A NAME="Q22">22.</A>
-			<b>Financial/Investment</b><br>(1==very important 3==nice to have 5==don't need this)
-			<blockquote>
-<table border="0">
-	<tr>
-		<td></td>
-		<td align="center" colspan="7">Average rank</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr>
-		<td></td>
-		<td align="right" width="44">1</td>
-		<td align="right" width="40">2</td>
-		<td align="right" width="40">3</td>
-		<td align="right" width="40">4</td>
-		<td align="right" width="36">5</td>
-		<td width="20"></td>
-		<td></td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td align="right">Improved support for international currencies</td>
-		<td align="left" width="220" colspan="6">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9
-				width=127><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>		</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(3.2)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
-		<td align="right">Better support for stock/bond info</td>
-		<td align="left" width="220" colspan="6">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9
-				width=117><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>		</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(2.9)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td align="right">Support for bonds, mortgages, interest   bearing instruments and accounts.</td>
-		<td align="left" width="220" colspan="6">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9
-				width=108><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>		</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(2.7)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
-		<td align="right">Support for Business-oriented budgets</td>
-		<td align="left" width="220" colspan="6">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9
-				width=137><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>		</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(3.4)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td align="right">Support for graphs of prices, moving averages, etc.</td>
-		<td align="left" width="220" colspan="6">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9
-				width=119><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>		</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(3.0)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
-		<td align="right">Support for volume, beta, buy/sell indicators.</td>
-		<td align="left" width="220" colspan="6">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9
-				width=144><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>		</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(3.6)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td align="right">Support for real-time trading abilities</td>
-		<td align="left" width="220" colspan="6">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9
-				width=157><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>		</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(3.9)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
-		<td align="right">Support for on-line/breaking news access</td>
-		<td align="left" width="220" colspan="6">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9
-				width=162><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>		</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(4.1)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td align="right">Support for financial research (reports on companies,   historical price graphs, etc).</td>
-		<td align="left" width="220" colspan="6">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9
-				width=152><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>		</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(3.8)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
-		<td align="right">Investment (Buy/Sell) alerts, limit-order alerts</td>
-		<td align="left" width="220" colspan="6">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9
-				width=153><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>		</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(3.8)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td align="right">Cost-basis/FIFO accounting</td>
-		<td align="left" width="220" colspan="6">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9
-				width=144><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>		</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(3.6)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
-		<td align="right">Simplified split/spinoff/merger support</td>
-		<td align="left" width="220" colspan="6">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9
-				width=147><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>		</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(3.7)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td align="right">Enhanced split/spinoff/merger support</td>
-		<td align="left" width="220" colspan="6">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9
-				width=148><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>		</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(3.7)</td>
-	</tr>
-			</blockquote>
-		</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr xbgcolor="#eeeeee">
- 		<td>
-			<A NAME="Q23">23.</A>
-			<b>Interoperability</b><br>(1==very important 3==nice to have 5==don't need this)
-			<blockquote>
-<table border="0">
-	<tr>
-		<td></td>
-		<td align="center" colspan="7">Average rank</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr>
-		<td></td>
-		<td align="right" width="44">1</td>
-		<td align="right" width="40">2</td>
-		<td align="right" width="40">3</td>
-		<td align="right" width="40">4</td>
-		<td align="right" width="36">5</td>
-		<td width="20"></td>
-		<td></td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td align="right">Ability to Import IIF Files (Intuit Interchange Format)</td>
-		<td align="left" width="220" colspan="6">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9
-				width=134><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>		</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(3.4)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
-		<td align="right">Ability to Export IIF Files (Intuit Interchange Format)</td>
-		<td align="left" width="220" colspan="6">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9
-				width=140><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>		</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(3.5)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td align="right">Ability to Export QIF Files (Quicken Interchange Format)</td>
-		<td align="left" width="220" colspan="6">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9
-				width=110><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>		</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(2.8)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
-		<td align="right">Ability to Import QFX Files (Quicken OFX Format)</td>
-		<td align="left" width="220" colspan="6">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9
-				width=114><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>		</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(2.9)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td align="right">Ability to Export QFX Files (Quicken OFX Format)</td>
-		<td align="left" width="220" colspan="6">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9
-				width=121><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>		</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(3.0)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
-		<td align="right">Ability to Import Peachtree/comma-delimited files</td>
-		<td align="left" width="220" colspan="6">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9
-				width=136><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>		</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(3.4)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td align="right">Ability to Export reports to spreadsheet</td>
-		<td align="left" width="220" colspan="6">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9
-				width=98><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>		</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(2.5)</td>
-	</tr>
-			</blockquote>
-		</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr xbgcolor="#ffffff">
- 		<td>
-			<A NAME="Q24">24.</A>
-			<b>Other Import/Export Function</b>
-(write in)
-			<blockquote>
-<table width="90%" border="0" cellpadding="1">
-	<tr><th align="left">#</th><th>Response</th></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">1</th><td>Ability to atore report in some word processor format (e.g. AbiWord, OpenOffice, ...) and presentation programs (e.g. impress, MagicPoint, OpenOffice). This  allows for better formating and give it the look you like. Company sometimes have strict design rules for presentations.
-This gives the end user a last chance to 'correct' the data, of course ;-)</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">1</th><td>Ability to automatically connect to a bank and import QFX files like Quicken does for Discover.  Better QIF import functionality.  For example, allowing keyboard navigation to pick an account when importing.</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">1</th><td>Ability to connect to SQL backends on accounting databases like Great Plains</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">1</th><td>Ability to export .TXF files.  Or any other method to export tax related information</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">1</th><td>Ability to export data to comma delimited and export to gnumeric</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">1</th><td>Ability to export in some sort of column delimited format to load to databases and also to ability of gnucash to operate with a database in the backend.</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">1</th><td>Ability to export reports to plain text files or to html files.</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">1</th><td>Ability to handle weird QIF formats (downloaded from bank for account reconciliation).  Version 1.4 can't handle my bank's files.</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">1</th><td>Ability to import archival data in Quicken backup data sets</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">1</th><td>Ability to Import From Microsoft Money</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">1</th><td>Ability to Import MYOB Accounting file format</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">1</th><td>Ability to Import/Export MYOB files</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">1</th><td>Ability to read/write a Quicken file from a Windows/DOS partition (provided, of course, that your system was properly set up with both DOS &amp; Linux partitions)... so that I could manage my finances from 'either side of the fence', so to speak, at any moment I chose.</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">1</th><td>Ability to synchronize with PocketQuicken</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">1</th><td>Able to export to a format TurboTax can read.</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">1</th><td>All Import/Export functionality is of a high priority.  If everyone can use GnuCash seamlessly from their old product, then GnuCash will become standard.</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">1</th><td>All Linux-based programs</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">1</th><td>All major format import/export is important.</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">1</th><td>Anything remotely Microsoft related!!</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">1</th><td>Barclays Bank Online Export Format</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">1</th><td>Being able to import directly from MS Money would be nice.</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">1</th><td>better support for deleting redundant transactions
-imported by QIF</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">1</th><td>Better, more colorful, easier to use GUI.  I love the software but it is not pretty to look at.</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">1</th><td>Bug fixes</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">1</th><td>CBB  (gnucash 1.6 can't read the qif files I get from cbb 0.8.1)
-I want to merge two gnucash files</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">1</th><td>Check printing!
-Quicker updated from Ximian for GnuCash (they still don't have 1.6 available yet)</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">1</th><td>client list, vendor list, inventory list, </td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">1</th><td>Converting actuel Currency to EURO!!! All my entries are DEM, switching to EURO does not change the value!</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">1</th><td>CSV, common database formats</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">1</th><td>Easy &quot;envelope style&quot; budgeting.  So you can allocate $X/month for purpose foo and if you don't spend the full $X, it carries over to the next month.  At any time, you can see how much is in your envelope.  (kindof like savings goals in Quicken)</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">1</th><td>Excel format, MS Money and MYOB.</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">1</th><td>Export graphs/reports.  I can't get this function to work.  It exports the html, but not with the Guppi plots.  </td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">1</th><td>Export to comma-delimited would be very nice</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">1</th><td>export to gnumeric on account basis with an extra sheet for destination accounts (booking categories) one per account</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">1</th><td>Export to HTML. Maybe 1.6 allows this but I haven't searched for this feature in 1.6 yet.</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">1</th><td>export to text</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">1</th><td>Export to text files for simple scanning by Perl (or other) scripts.</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">1</th><td>Export/import (tab,comma) delimited files.</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">1</th><td>External Program to Import/convert an MSMoney file into GNUCash format.</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">1</th><td>Exxport of accounts to a file
-Re-Import of those accounts into a different GNU-Cash file!!!</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">1</th><td>from and into MS Money</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">1</th><td>Generally be able to import/export data to/from delimited files (.CSV and likes), ability to exchange data with and use RDBMs to
-store data, for example DB2, Oracle, ODBC sources. </td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">1</th><td>german BTX / HBCI</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">1</th><td>Get my credit card transcation information from those websites.</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">1</th><td>Get zlib compiled in and out for the main xml file, no need to take up 2.8 megs instead of 200k.  You gzip -d it if you need to go into it by hand. Also, gnucash doesn't seem to have an autobackup cleaner.  Perhaps something similar to the logrotate commands would be ideal.  (I am a sysadmin so perhaps this should not be a default).</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">1</th><td>Girotel (Dutch online banking system)</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">1</th><td>Gnumeric spreadsheet support specifically</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">1</th><td>Graphing the effects of scheduled/re-occuring transactions on accounts.</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">1</th><td>I am *desperate* to find a Linux alternative to Peachtree Complete Accounting, which is just too costly on multiple Windows stations. I absolutely will go with GnuCash if you allow easy import!</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">1</th><td>I am not really sure of the name of the interchange format
-I need, I need to exchange with the home version of quicken
-going back about 5 years.</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">1</th><td>I see no reason to abandon QIF, but, generally speaking, it doesn't matter which format you use. The most important thing for me is to mate gnucash with my palm in an easy fashion. Why not write gnucash for palmOS?</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">1</th><td>I want a view like the Portfolio Manager Performance view of the Morningstar.com
-And I do want the function to get Japanese stock and mutual fund information from Yahoo.japan automatically. </td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">1</th><td>I would like to have msmoney-96 interface... The lists of accounts make me unsure of how much do I have :-) (Maybe I didn't explore the interface too much , lol)</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">1</th><td>I would really dig a quick fill function to make entering transactions easier.</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">1</th><td>I'd like to see some sort of export to an open exchange format.
-This is really critical.  I'm not sure if QFX is it (I don't know
-enough about it).</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">1</th><td>I've got 8 years of personal data in Quicken now in about 40 accounts. Importing with QIF means generating
-40 different files. It'd be wonderful if Gnucash would inhale the actual quicken data file.</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">1</th><td>If the data was saved in a more human-readable type of ascii than the xml .xac file, that would be nice.  Say straight scheme lists, pretty-printed.  However this is very low in priority.</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">1</th><td>implementing some kind of scripting would allow many more formats
-based on text files in a traditional *NIX sense. I'd really like to be able to do e.g. a &quot;cat myexpenses | awk -f prog.awk | gnucashimport&quot;. This would be real fun!</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">1</th><td>import account statements designed for use with Quicken</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">1</th><td>Import crash logs ;-)
-Import online banking data</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">1</th><td>Import from Managing Your Money for Windows.</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">1</th><td>Import MS Money</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">1</th><td>Import MS Money files</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">1</th><td>Import MS Money files.</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">1</th><td>Import MSMoney .mny Files</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">1</th><td>Import MSMoney97 files</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">1</th><td>Import old gnucash files, i can open file but i have this error:
-Error: gnc_mbstowcs: bad multi-byte conversion
-Error: gnc_mbstowcs: bad multi-byte conversion
-so my old file is not useable :((((</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">1</th><td>Import Quickbooks</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">1</th><td>Import/Export to Emma files(http://rainbow.mimuw.edu.pl/~la181249/emma/home.php3)</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">1</th><td>Import/Export to sql backend
-(can be handled via csv files also...)</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">1</th><td>importing accounts from a gnucash file</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">1</th><td>Improved QIF import
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">1</th><td>Integration with PocketMoney (Palm Pilot)</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">1</th><td>It would be nice to support automatic downloads from online banking institutes - specifically sites like etrade that have alliances with Microsoft Money and Quicken, and don't support simple QIF downloads.</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">1</th><td>M$Money and Business</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">1</th><td>Maybe even some sort of 'live update' with Gnumeric.  So if I wanted some feature that wasn't in Gnucash I could have it automatically put certian data into a Gnumeric sheet, and then generate the report from there.  I think that most people understand a spreadsheet better than Scheme (even though personally I really like Scheme)</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">1</th><td>Microsoft Money</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">1</th><td>Microsoft Money 2000</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">1</th><td>Moneydance, kapital</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">1</th><td>More reports. More detailed reports. More complete reports. Easier-to-customize reports. More reports!
-Note, I haven't yet use 1.6, so I'm sure these are already better than what I'm using now.</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">5</th><td>MS Money</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">1</th><td>MS Money .dat import and export ability.</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">2</th><td>MSMoney</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">1</th><td>MsMoney can export QIF/QFX as I remember, so QIF/QFX seems to be enough...</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">1</th><td>MSN Money</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">1</th><td>Musr be able to universaly inmport/export data</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">1</th><td>My online bank has no functionality at this time to export data - it would be nice to have some ability to define how to extract it from a saved html page.</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">1</th><td>MYOB</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">1</th><td>MYOB
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">1</th><td>MySQL database integration to the same level as the PostgreSQL integration</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">1</th><td>mysql import/export--very important</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">1</th><td>NACHA Presumably this might be part of an online system</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">1</th><td>No ultra-deep chains of dependencies.  I stopped downloading/building/installing dependencies after about 4 levels.   Come on!
-I want source, but package up all the dependent source with it please.</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">1</th><td>Not familiar with above-mentioned formats, but it's essential I can export my data as plain text, or preferably XML. I don't want my data locked up in some binary format.</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">1</th><td>OFX OFX OFX OFX OFX OFX OFX  (not just quicken, banks, too!)
-(getting the picture? :)</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">1</th><td>OFX support.. for bank reconciliation</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">1</th><td>OFX...</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">1</th><td>Once off Quicken, don't need it!</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">1</th><td>Palm Intergration / Multiple Users or Accounts</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">1</th><td>Palm Pilot Conduit</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">1</th><td>PalmOS Integration!
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">1</th><td>Pay more attention to (and try to fix) the array of Quickens. I have been trying to import data from Mac versions of Quicken and
-it is a futile task!</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">1</th><td>PDA Module for Palm Pilot/Handspring Visor</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">1</th><td>PDA Sync. Freecoins (PalmCoins).</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">1</th><td>perhaps export tax information for whatever format turbotax reads. 
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">1</th><td>Perhaps not an import function ... but better report writing tools
-(keep in mind: I am running the first copy od GnuCash I ever received - the Debian Stable 1.3.4-3 version (which I now see as being quite dated).</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">1</th><td>Perl interface for writing custom import/export filters.</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">1</th><td>Quattro Pro &amp; Star Office 5.x</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">1</th><td>Quickbooks</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">1</th><td>Reports to PDF</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">1</th><td>Sales transactions in XML-RPC</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">1</th><td>Some form of XML (or eventually structured text)
-and please! an Euro converter for proprietary file format</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">1</th><td>SQL Database connectivity via unixODBC or better yet Gnome-DB</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">1</th><td>sql databases i.e. postgresql, Interbase</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">1</th><td>SQL import/ export</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">1</th><td>StarMoney</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">1</th><td>Subsets of data far managing your current month's worth of data on a Palm or other PDA.</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">1</th><td>Support for Gnumeric and Excel exports.  A really easy way of me transfering all my Small Business accounts from Quickbooks Pro to Gnucash.</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">1</th><td>Support for mortgages and loans generally, along with recurring transactions and preentry of bills are by far the most important &quot;must haves&quot;.</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">1</th><td>Support for on-line banking. ie I can pay bills and transfer money between accounts on-line at Royal Bank of Canada.</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">1</th><td>Sync with Palm apps or gnucash mini-app for Palm</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">1</th><td>The ability to export back to quicken has been missing for some time.  If users knew they could export their data back to quicken if they did not like gnucash then I think more people would give gnucash a chance!  This is the one feature I long for!</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">1</th><td>The ability to import/sync with other Schedual/organizer/contactmanagement type programs. on PDA or Windows platform. So payments due and can be entered on the road and imported/synced at home.</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">1</th><td>The thing that is holding me back is that windows based software can integrate databases with a palm pilot.  This is important for the reason that I use the windows based software as my main bd, but when I travel I like to have a mobile version that is easily updated when I come back to the main db.</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">1</th><td>This is for Q25:  The addressbook/contact/todo stuff should be able to use teh stuff from evolutiuon.  I think this is why bonobo was first started. time to make use of it.</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">1</th><td>Tool for automatic conversion of existing transaction from one currency to another (i.e. ITL -&gt; EUR).</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">1</th><td>True MSMoney file and not qif. Qif sucks with MSMoney. </td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">1</th><td>Use arbitrary gnc-prices Stock sources (like vwd, not only the ones offered from the gui in gnucash 1.4).</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">1</th><td>Use of or export/import to/from SQL data base so I can write my own code in SQL instead
-of your scheme interface (looks like that is beta in 1.6).</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">1</th><td>Web Interface</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">1</th><td>whatever makes it possible to work with people using mainstream systems.
-Otherwise, they will tell you what to use, and you may have to consider
-switching to MicroSoft products.</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">1</th><td>When Standard formats are supported my bank will be likely to provide its import/export functionality</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">1</th><td>Why no QIF import listed?</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">1</th><td>Wizard to import an entire Quicken Database &quot;intact&quot; from an existing quicken directory.</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">1</th><td>Write the XML standard for Home Accounting Programs.  Be the lead that other programs want to follow.</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">1</th><td>XML</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">1</th><td>XML/ HTML</td></tr>
-			</blockquote>
-		</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr xbgcolor="#eeeeee">
- 		<td>
-			<A NAME="Q25">25.</A>
-			<b>Traditional Business Accounting:
-</b><br>(1==very important 3==nice to have 5==don't need this)
-			<blockquote>
-<table border="0">
-	<tr>
-		<td></td>
-		<td align="center" colspan="7">Average rank</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr>
-		<td></td>
-		<td align="right" width="44">1</td>
-		<td align="right" width="40">2</td>
-		<td align="right" width="40">3</td>
-		<td align="right" width="40">4</td>
-		<td align="right" width="36">5</td>
-		<td width="20"></td>
-		<td></td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td align="right">Integrated/interoperable addressbook</td>
-		<td align="left" width="220" colspan="6">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9
-				width=141><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>		</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(3.5)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
-		<td align="right">Integrated/interoperable contact manager</td>
-		<td align="left" width="220" colspan="6">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9
-				width=146><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>		</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(3.7)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td align="right">Integrated todo list</td>
-		<td align="left" width="220" colspan="6">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9
-				width=142><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>		</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(3.6)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
-		<td align="right">Integrated time-tracker/bill-by-the-hour feature</td>
-		<td align="left" width="220" colspan="6">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9
-				width=138><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>		</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(3.5)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td align="right">Accounts Payable</td>
-		<td align="left" width="220" colspan="6">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9
-				width=119><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>		</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(3.0)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
-		<td align="right">Accounts Receivable</td>
-		<td align="left" width="220" colspan="6">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9
-				width=119><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>		</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(3.0)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td align="right">Invoicing/Billing (basic)</td>
-		<td align="left" width="220" colspan="6">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9
-				width=120><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>		</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(3.0)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
-		<td align="right">Invoicing/Billing (sophisticated)</td>
-		<td align="left" width="220" colspan="6">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9
-				width=132><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>		</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(3.3)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td align="right">Shipping/Receiving</td>
-		<td align="left" width="220" colspan="6">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9
-				width=144><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>		</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(3.6)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
-		<td align="right">Job Cost Estimation/Bids</td>
-		<td align="left" width="220" colspan="6">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9
-				width=145><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>		</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(3.6)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td align="right">Job Cost Tracking</td>
-		<td align="left" width="220" colspan="6">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9
-				width=142><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>		</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(3.6)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
-		<td align="right">Sales Orders/Job Orders/Pick Lists/Packing Lists</td>
-		<td align="left" width="220" colspan="6">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9
-				width=149><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>		</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(3.7)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td align="right">Purchase Orders</td>
-		<td align="left" width="220" colspan="6">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9
-				width=143><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>		</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(3.6)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
-		<td align="right">Inventory Management</td>
-		<td align="left" width="220" colspan="6">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9
-				width=146><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>		</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(3.7)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td align="right">Assembly/Manufacturing Inventory</td>
-		<td align="left" width="220" colspan="6">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9
-				width=158><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>		</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(4.0)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
-		<td align="right">US Payroll</td>
-		<td align="left" width="220" colspan="6">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9
-				width=155><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>		</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(3.9)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td align="right">European Payroll</td>
-		<td align="left" width="220" colspan="6">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9
-				width=158><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>		</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(4.0)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
-		<td align="right">South American/Asian/Other/Generic Payroll</td>
-		<td align="left" width="220" colspan="6">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9
-				width=167><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>		</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(4.2)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td align="right">Bill of Materials</td>
-		<td align="left" width="220" colspan="6">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9
-				width=157><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>		</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(3.9)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
-		<td align="right">US Depreciation/Amortization Schedules</td>
-		<td align="left" width="220" colspan="6">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9
-				width=158><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>		</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(4.0)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td align="right">European Depreciation/Amortization Schedules</td>
-		<td align="left" width="220" colspan="6">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9
-				width=159><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>		</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(4.0)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
-		<td align="right">Generic Depreciation/Amortization Schedules</td>
-		<td align="left" width="220" colspan="6">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9
-				width=153><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>		</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(3.8)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td align="right">US Tax Modules</td>
-		<td align="left" width="220" colspan="6">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9
-				width=143><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>		</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(3.6)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
-		<td align="right">European/Other Tax Modules</td>
-		<td align="left" width="220" colspan="6">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9
-				width=143><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>		</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(3.6)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td align="right">Accrual Accounting</td>
-		<td align="left" width="220" colspan="6">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9
-				width=143><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>		</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(3.6)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
-		<td align="right">Cost Accounting</td>
-		<td align="left" width="220" colspan="6">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9
-				width=143><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>		</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(3.6)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td align="right">Fund Accounting</td>
-		<td align="left" width="220" colspan="6">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9
-				width=149><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>		</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(3.7)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
-		<td align="right">Audit Trails</td>
-		<td align="left" width="220" colspan="6">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9
-				width=138><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>		</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(3.5)</td>
-	</tr>
-			</blockquote>
-		</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr xbgcolor="#ffffff">
- 		<td>
-			<A NAME="Q26">26.</A>
-			<b>Modern Business Accounting:
-</b><br>(1==very important 3==nice to have 5==don't need this)
-			<blockquote>
-<table border="0">
-	<tr>
-		<td></td>
-		<td align="center" colspan="7">Average rank</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr>
-		<td></td>
-		<td align="right" width="44">1</td>
-		<td align="right" width="40">2</td>
-		<td align="right" width="40">3</td>
-		<td align="right" width="40">4</td>
-		<td align="right" width="36">5</td>
-		<td width="20"></td>
-		<td></td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td align="right">Credit Card Processing</td>
-		<td align="left" width="220" colspan="6">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9
-				width=139><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>		</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(3.5)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
-		<td align="right">Online credit card verification/authorization/debit</td>
-		<td align="left" width="220" colspan="6">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9
-				width=144><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>		</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(3.6)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td align="right">Interfaces to other data sources (e.g. ISP customer bandwidth usage)</td>
-		<td align="left" width="220" colspan="6">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9
-				width=151><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>		</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(3.8)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
-		<td align="right">Streamlined data entry by multiple users</td>
-		<td align="left" width="220" colspan="6">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9
-				width=142><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>		</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(3.6)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td align="right">Ability to handle large (>50K transactions) datasets</td>
-		<td align="left" width="220" colspan="6">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9
-				width=142><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>		</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(3.6)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
-		<td align="right">Sophisticated Reports/Projections</td>
-		<td align="left" width="220" colspan="6">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9
-				width=129><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>		</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(3.2)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td align="right">Better multi-user support</td>
-		<td align="left" width="220" colspan="6">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9
-				width=130><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>		</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(3.3)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
-		<td align="right">Support for SQL databases other than Postgres</td>
-		<td align="left" width="220" colspan="6">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9
-				width=132><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>		</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(3.3)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td align="right">Support for on-line purchasing/delivery/billing protocols</td>
-		<td align="left" width="220" colspan="6">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9
-				width=146><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>		</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(3.7)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
-		<td align="right">ASP-like Web-based client-server system</td>
-		<td align="left" width="220" colspan="6">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9
-				width=155><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>		</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(3.9)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td align="right">MS Windows Support</td>
-		<td align="left" width="220" colspan="6">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9
-				width=155><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>		</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(3.9)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
-		<td align="right">Macintosh Support</td>
-		<td align="left" width="220" colspan="6">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9
-				width=165><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>		</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(4.1)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td align="right">Integration with web shopping carts (e.g. Zelerate/OpenSales)</td>
-		<td align="left" width="220" colspan="6">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9
-				width=164><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>		</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(4.1)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
-		<td align="right">Automated e-mail or web-based bill presentment</td>
-		<td align="left" width="220" colspan="6">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9
-				width=147><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>		</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(3.7)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td align="right">Merchant support for paypal/checkfree/banking</td>
-		<td align="left" width="220" colspan="6">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9
-				width=149><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>		</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(3.7)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
-		<td align="right">Integration with document scanners/image handling features</td>
-		<td align="left" width="220" colspan="6">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9
-				width=155><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>		</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(3.9)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td align="right">Integration with Point-of-Sale systems</td>
-		<td align="left" width="220" colspan="6">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9
-				width=156><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>		</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(3.9)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
-		<td align="right">Modular, reusable components that can be used in other apps</td>
-		<td align="left" width="220" colspan="6">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9
-				width=133><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>		</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(3.3)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td align="right">ERP features (e.g. integration with gnuE)</td>
-		<td align="left" width="220" colspan="6">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9
-				width=152><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>		</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(3.8)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
-		<td align="right">Workflow</td>
-		<td align="left" width="220" colspan="6">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9
-				width=153><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>		</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(3.8)</td>
-	</tr>
-			</blockquote>
-		</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr xbgcolor="#eeeeee">
- 		<td>
-			<A NAME="Q27">27.</A>
-			<h2>Online Banking</h2>
-<b>Would you like to do Online Banking with GnuCash?
-			<blockquote>
-<table width="90%" border="0">
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td>Yes</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">673</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(81.3%)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
-		<td>No</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">140</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(16.9%)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td><b>TOTAL</b></td>
-		<td align="right"><b>828</b></td>
-		<td align="right"><b>(98.2%)</b></td>
-	</tr>
-			</blockquote>
-		</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr xbgcolor="#ffffff">
- 		<td>
-			<A NAME="Q28">28.</A>
-			<b>Do you know the name of the online banking interface
-you would like to see supported?
-			<blockquote>
-<table width="90%" border="0">
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td>-- OFX (US)
-		<td align="right" width="60">240</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(29.0%)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
-		<td>-- HBCI (Germany -- Home Banking Computer Interface)
-		<td align="right" width="60">85</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(10.3%)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td>-- Don't know
-		<td align="right" width="60">424</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(51.2%)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
-		<td><b>TOTAL</b></td>
-		<td align="right"><b>828</b></td>
-		<td align="right"><b>(90.5%)</b></td>
-	</tr>
-			</blockquote>
-		</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr xbgcolor="#eeeeee">
- 		<td>
-			<A NAME="Q29">29.</A>
-			<b>Other banking interface</b>
-<br>(write in)
-			<blockquote>
-<table width="90%" border="0" cellpadding="1">
-	<tr><th align="left">#</th><th>Response</th></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">1</th><td>(don't know - but I'd be willing to move to a bank[UK] that you did support)</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">1</th><td>ABN Amro, Netherlands</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">1</th><td>ABSA - South Africa</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">1</th><td>Australian</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">1</th><td>Bank of Ameria (I dont know what they use)</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">1</th><td>bank of america &amp; bank of Austria (unknown interfaces)</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">1</th><td>Bank of America's</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">1</th><td>Barclay Bank (UK)</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">1</th><td>Barclays.com  - if it's possible to integrate with it.</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">1</th><td>BofA -- QIF, unknown OFX support</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">1</th><td>BroadwayBank.com</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">2</th><td>BTX</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">1</th><td>BTX (DATEX-J, T-Online)</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">1</th><td>BTX (German)</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">3</th><td>BTX (Germany)</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">1</th><td>Check Free</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">3</th><td>CheckFree</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">1</th><td>Commerce Bank, U.S.</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">1</th><td>Commonwealth Bank of Australia Netbank(www.netbank.com.au) it's a web browser interface that works on all browsers and OS's</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">1</th><td>Dutch Postbank (Girotel) and Belgian BBL or UN/EDIFACT</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">1</th><td>ESP-Link</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">1</th><td>ETradeBank</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">1</th><td>Existing web-based interfaces</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">1</th><td>File download not supported - would have to parse HTML</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">1</th><td>fortis pcbanking (France, Belgium, Netherlands) http://www.fortisbank.be &amp; webbanking</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">1</th><td>France - Banque Populaire</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">1</th><td>Föreingssparbanken (sweden), and SEB (sweden too). But they are web interfaces...</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">1</th><td>German T-Online?</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">1</th><td>Girotel(Dutch)</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">1</th><td>HTML Form Scraping</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">2</th><td>https</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">1</th><td>I don't think my bank supports online banking yet :-(</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">1</th><td>I would like to like on download for Quicken and have gnucash receive my accounting information. Like Quicken would.</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">1</th><td>I would like to see integration with Swiss Banks, some allow download of SWIFT type files for transactions. UBS is used by Quicken Swiss Edition via http for Stock price infromation (it doesn't work though...)</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">1</th><td>interface into the checkfree system</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">1</th><td>Internet PIN/TAN</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">1</th><td>Interpay / AbnAmro</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">1</th><td>KeyBank</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">1</th><td>My current bank do not yet have this functionality</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">1</th><td>NACHA</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">1</th><td>new zealand ones</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">1</th><td>No sure of the name, it's used by Canadian credit unions</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">1</th><td>Not sure precisely, but my bank (The Bank of Ireland) would be a useful</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">1</th><td>Not Sure with current institution</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">1</th><td>OFX (EU)</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">1</th><td>PFM</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">1</th><td>PIN/TAN Germany</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">1</th><td>QIF</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">1</th><td>QIF downloads</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">2</th><td>Quicken</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">1</th><td>Quicken's QXF (related to OFX I think)</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">1</th><td>Rabobank (Netherlands)</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">1</th><td>Royal Bank</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">1</th><td>See www.westpac.com.au</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">1</th><td>SSL</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">1</th><td>ssl-support like in StarMoney</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">1</th><td>Suncorp (Australia)</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">1</th><td>t-online (German BTX)</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">1</th><td>t-online (germany), web formulars</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">1</th><td>use Royal Bank of Scotland</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">1</th><td>used in Switzerland (UBS-CS,etc.)Consors</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">1</th><td>Using PIN/TAN numbers</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">1</th><td>Wachovia Bank</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">1</th><td>Web based forms</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">1</th><td>Web interface (HTTPS)</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">1</th><td>webdox</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">1</th><td>Wells Fargo</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">1</th><td>Whatever Barclays Bank (UK) use</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">1</th><td>Whatever Chase Online is</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">1</th><td>Whatever CIBC uses.</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">1</th><td>whatever UK uses</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">1</th><td>whatever university federal credit union uses</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">1</th><td>Whatever used in UK</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">1</th><td>www.dcu.org</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">1</th><td>yellownet (swiss post)</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">1</th><td>ZKA(Germany)</td></tr>
-			</blockquote>
-		</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr xbgcolor="#ffffff">
- 		<td>
-			<A NAME="Q30">30.</A>
-			<b>Online Banking features that you would most like to see
-in GnuCash
-			<blockquote>
-<table width="90%" border="0">
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td>-- View bank balances
-		<td align="right" width="60">671</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(81.0%)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
-		<td>-- Reconcile bank statements
-		<td align="right" width="60">611</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(73.8%)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td>-- Review credit card statements
-		<td align="right" width="60">548</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(66.2%)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
-		<td>-- Transfer funds within one bank
-		<td align="right" width="60">510</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(61.6%)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td>-- Wire funds between banks
-		<td align="right" width="60">330</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(39.9%)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
-		<td>-- Pay bills online
-		<td align="right" width="60">538</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(65.0%)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td>-- Transfer funds between brokerage/mutual fund and bank
-		<td align="right" width="60">231</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(27.9%)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
-		<td>-- Buy/sell mutual funds
-		<td align="right" width="60">150</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(18.1%)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td>-- Buy/sell/place (limit) orders for stocks/options/futures
-		<td align="right" width="60">161</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(19.4%)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
-		<td>-- Integrated with retail online shopping (amazon.com, etc).
-		<td align="right" width="60">135</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(16.3%)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td><b>TOTAL</b></td>
-		<td align="right"><b>828</b></td>
-		<td align="right"><b>(469.2%)</b></td>
-	</tr>
-			</blockquote>
-		</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr xbgcolor="#eeeeee">
- 		<td>
-			<A NAME="Q31">31.</A>
-			<b>Would you be willing to pay a fee for these some of
-these services? How much?</b>
-(Yes, we would all like it to be free, of course, but
-if there was a service charge, what is the most you would pay?)
-			<blockquote>
-<table width="90%" border="0">
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td>-- no</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">278</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(33.6%)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
-		<td>-- $3 US/month</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">306</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(37.0%)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td>-- $10 US/month</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">161</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(19.4%)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
-		<td>-- $20 US/month</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">15</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(1.8%)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td><b>TOTAL</b></td>
-		<td align="right"><b>828</b></td>
-		<td align="right"><b>(91.8%)</b></td>
-	</tr>
-			</blockquote>
-		</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr xbgcolor="#ffffff">
- 		<td>
-			<A NAME="Q32">32.</A>
-			<b>Who would you be willing to engage for such a for-fee service?
-			<blockquote>
-<table width="90%" border="0">
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td>-- A dot-com </td>
-		<td align="left">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9 width=34><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>&nbsp;17.4%		</td>
-		<td align="right">(144)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
-		<td>-- A large, well-known, name-brand company</td>
-		<td align="left">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9 width=62><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>&nbsp;31.3%		</td>
-		<td align="right">(259)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td>-- My immediate bank/credit card provider only</td>
-		<td align="left">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9 width=113><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>&nbsp;56.5%		</td>
-		<td align="right">(468)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
-		<td><b>TOTAL</b></td>
-		<td width="40%"><b>&nbsp;</b></td>
-		<td width="10%" align="right"><b>828</b></td>
-	</tr>
-			</blockquote>
-		</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr xbgcolor="#eeeeee">
- 		<td>
-			<A NAME="Q33">33.</A>
-			<b>I would like to see GnuCash interfaces for the following
-'non-traditional' payment systems:
-			<blockquote>
-<table width="90%" border="0">
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td>-- PayPal</td>
-		<td align="left">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9 width=61><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>&nbsp;30.6%		</td>
-		<td align="right">(253)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
-		<td>-- E-Gold</td>
-		<td align="left">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9 width=8><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>&nbsp;4.2%		</td>
-		<td align="right">(35)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td>-- Qchex</td>
-		<td align="left">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9 width=3><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>&nbsp;1.9%		</td>
-		<td align="right">(16)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
-		<td>-- Achex</td>
-		<td align="left">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9 width=3><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>&nbsp;1.6%		</td>
-		<td align="right">(13)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td>-- Checkfree</td>
-		<td align="left">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9 width=20><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>&nbsp;10.3%		</td>
-		<td align="right">(85)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
-		<td><b>TOTAL</b></td>
-		<td width="40%"><b>&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9 width=97><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>&nbsp;48.6%</b></td>
-		<td width="10%" align="right"><b>828</b></td>
-	</tr>
-			</blockquote>
-		</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr xbgcolor="#ffffff">
- 		<td>
-			<A NAME="Q34">34.</A>
-			<b>Other payment system</b>
-<br>(write in)
-			<blockquote>
-<table width="90%" border="0" cellpadding="1">
-	<tr><th align="left">#</th><th>Response</th></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">1</th><td>
-Any anonymous, e-cash system.</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">1</th><td>bartering</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">1</th><td>Bidpay</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">1</th><td>Billpoint (it's a good replacement for paypal that supports Canadian users better)</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">1</th><td>BPay</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">1</th><td>BPay (Used in Australia)</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">1</th><td>BPay. It's used in Australia. See bpay.com.au I think.</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">1</th><td>chek by phone</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">1</th><td>Dutch and Belgian payment systems</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">1</th><td>eBucks</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">1</th><td>fatshoe.com</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">1</th><td>GnuCash ... err... GnuDigiCash ... errr... GNU community-backed funny-money.</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">1</th><td>I desperately want an anonymous or psuedononymous payment system to protect my privacy.  I'll gladly pay anyone who can provide such a solution.</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">1</th><td>I didn't understand question #32.
-And #38 - I don't use all the features because there are extra charges when I can easily do it on the web for free.</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">1</th><td>I don't know much about this stuff</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">1</th><td>I'm writing here because there's no box later on. I'm running gnome 1.4 on a linuxPPC box, but I bet this goes for x86 users as well. The *first* time gnucash tells me I need to download additional libraries, you've lost half your potential users. A lot of this is caused by the mess that is RPM, and a good bit by Gnome being out of control.
-The only solution I see is to sell CDs of gnucash with ALL the needed cruft. A static package. I promise you, whatever faults Quicken has, It never expected me to spend hours chasing down ridiculous, circular RPM dependencies. As a mac/linux user, I'm also pretty much stuck with Ximian for gnome stuff-a bad thing indeed: defacto proprietary, actually.
-That having been said, gnucash is looking pretty good. There needs to be docs that don't teach double entry bookkeeping first, but just tell the user how to think Quicken-&gt;gnucash. Something like:
-Expenses = Catagories
-thanks for reading,
-Rloef at interfold.com</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">1</th><td>international payments, as a means of short-circuiting the current bank
-rip-off policies allowed by their respective monopolies.</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">1</th><td>Kagi</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">1</th><td>mybills.com</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">1</th><td>Not familiar with</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">1</th><td>Not sure</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">1</th><td>Paybox</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">1</th><td>Print on Quicken 0r MS Money checks</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">1</th><td>SET</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">1</th><td>swiss postcheque
-In Europe many national post offices also offer a kind of banking which is usually very good and cheap for small amounts.</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">1</th><td>There has got to be an XML standard for this typ of thing.  If not., GNUCash should start it.</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">1</th><td>This is actually answering q 38: i do use online banking and bill pay with my bank, not intuit or ms money</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><th align="left">1</th><td>We use PayPal for our website since we feel our customers already trust it. If we could manage our PayPal account with a small/mid-sized business version of GnuCash, I would love you forever and recommend GnuCash to every business owner I meet!!!</td></tr>
-<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee"><th align="left">1</th><td>Yahoo Bill Pay</td></tr>
-			</blockquote>
-		</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr xbgcolor="#eeeeee">
- 		<td>
-			<A NAME="Q35">35.</A>
-			<b>Have you used Quicken/MSMoney for bill pay or online banking?
-			<blockquote>
-<table width="90%" border="0">
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td>Yes</td>
-		<td align="left">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9 width=52><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>&nbsp;26.4%		</td>
-		<td align="right">(219)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
-		<td>No</td>
-		<td align="left">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9 width=139><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>&nbsp;69.6%		</td>
-		<td align="right">(576)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td><b>TOTAL</b></td>
-		<td width="40%"><b>&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9 width=192><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>&nbsp;96.0%</b></td>
-		<td width="10%" align="right"><b>828</b></td>
-	</tr>
-			</blockquote>
-		</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr xbgcolor="#ffffff">
- 		<td>
-			<A NAME="Q36">36.</A>
-			<b>If you use the online banking features in Quicken/MSMoney or
-through a Web interface, how often do you check account balances?
-			<blockquote>
-<table width="90%" border="0">
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td>-- daily
-		<td align="left">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9 width=28><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>&nbsp;14.0%		</td>
-		<td align="right">(116)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
-		<td>-- weekly
-		<td align="left">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9 width=53><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>&nbsp;26.7%		</td>
-		<td align="right">(221)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td>-- monthly
-		<td align="left">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9 width=11><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>&nbsp;5.6%		</td>
-		<td align="right">(46)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
-		<td>-- never
-		<td align="left">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9 width=26><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>&nbsp;13.4%		</td>
-		<td align="right">(111)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td><b>TOTAL</b></td>
-		<td width="40%"><b>&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9 width=119><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>&nbsp;59.7%</b></td>
-		<td width="10%" align="right"><b>828</b></td>
-	</tr>
-			</blockquote>
-		</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr xbgcolor="#eeeeee">
- 		<td>
-			<A NAME="Q37">37.</A>
-			<b>If you use the online banking features in Quicken/MSMoney or
-through a Web interface, how often do you pay bills or transfer funds?
-			<blockquote>
-<table width="90%" border="0">
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td>-- daily
-		<td align="left">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9 width=7><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>&nbsp;3.7%		</td>
-		<td align="right">(31)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
-		<td>-- weekly
-		<td align="left">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9 width=44><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>&nbsp;22.1%		</td>
-		<td align="right">(183)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td>-- monthly
-		<td align="left">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9 width=28><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>&nbsp;14.5%		</td>
-		<td align="right">(120)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
-		<td>-- never
-		<td align="left">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9 width=35><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>&nbsp;17.5%		</td>
-		<td align="right">(145)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td><b>TOTAL</b></td>
-		<td width="40%"><b>&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9 width=115><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>&nbsp;57.9%</b></td>
-		<td width="10%" align="right"><b>828</b></td>
-	</tr>
-			</blockquote>
-		</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr xbgcolor="#ffffff">
- 		<td>
-			<A NAME="Q38">38.</A>
-			<b>If you don't use online banking features now, which of the following
-are your reasons?
-			<blockquote>
-<table width="90%" border="0">
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td>-- I didn't know I could do that
-		<td align="right" width="60">28</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(3.4%)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
-		<td>-- I don't care for it/ just plain not interested.
-		<td align="right" width="60">62</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(7.5%)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td>-- My bank does not offer online banking
-		<td align="right" width="60">68</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(8.2%)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
-		<td>-- I haven't gotten around to trying it, but would like to.
-		<td align="right" width="60">121</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(14.6%)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td>-- Ease of use (these systems are too complex, not worth the effort).
-		<td align="right" width="60">41</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(5.0%)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
-		<td>-- Security concerns (hackers/crackers/theft/fraud)
-		<td align="right" width="60">132</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(15.9%)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td>-- Privacy concerns (others accessing my financial records)
-		<td align="right" width="60">126</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(15.2%)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
-		<td>-- Reliability concerns (lost records, late payments, mistakes, confused billing)
-		<td align="right" width="60">120</td>
-		<td align="right" width="60">(14.5%)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td><b>TOTAL</b></td>
-		<td align="right"><b>828</b></td>
-		<td align="right"><b>(84.3%)</b></td>
-	</tr>
-			</blockquote>
-		</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr xbgcolor="#eeeeee">
- 		<td>
-			<A NAME="Q39">39.</A>
-			<b>Would you use an online-banking feature inside of GnuCash,
-in the future (next 6-24 months) if the above concerns concerns were fixed?
-			<blockquote>
-<table width="90%" border="0">
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td>Yes</td>
-		<td align="left">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9 width=133><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>&nbsp;66.7%		</td>
-		<td align="right">(552)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
-		<td>No</td>
-		<td align="left">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9 width=20><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>&nbsp;10.0%		</td>
-		<td align="right">(83)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td><b>TOTAL</b></td>
-		<td width="40%"><b>&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9 width=153><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>&nbsp;76.7%</b></td>
-		<td width="10%" align="right"><b>828</b></td>
-	</tr>
-			</blockquote>
-		</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr xbgcolor="#ffffff">
- 		<td>
-			<A NAME="Q40">40.</A>
-			<b>If you do use online banking features, do you still have
-some nagging concerns about it?
-			<blockquote>
-<table width="90%" border="0">
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td>-- Security concerns (hackers/crackers/theft/fraud)
-		<td align="left">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9 width=63><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>&nbsp;31.5%		</td>
-		<td align="right">(261)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
-		<td>-- Privacy concerns (other accessing my financial records)
-		<td align="left">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9 width=56><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>&nbsp;28.0%		</td>
-		<td align="right">(232)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td>-- Reliability concerns (lost records, late payments, mistakes, confused billing)
-		<td align="left">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9 width=58><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>&nbsp;29.5%		</td>
-		<td align="right">(244)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
-		<td>-- Ease of use (website/special client are confusing/hard to use).
-		<td align="left">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9 width=32><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>&nbsp;16.4%		</td>
-		<td align="right">(136)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td><b>TOTAL</b></td>
-		<td width="40%"><b>&nbsp;</b></td>
-		<td width="10%" align="right"><b>828</b></td>
-	</tr>
-			</blockquote>
-		</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr xbgcolor="#eeeeee">
- 		<td>
-			<A NAME="Q41">41.</A>
-			<h2>Personal Profile</h2>
-OK, this is the end of this long survey.
-Tell us about yourself.
-			<blockquote>
-<table width="90%" border="0">
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td>Male</td>
-		<td align="left">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9 width=191><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>&nbsp;95.5%		</td>
-		<td align="right">(791)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
-		<td>Female</td>
-		<td align="left">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>&nbsp;2.2%		</td>
-		<td align="right">(18)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td><b>TOTAL</b></td>
-		<td width="40%"><b>&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9 width=195><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>&nbsp;97.7%</b></td>
-		<td width="10%" align="right"><b>828</b></td>
-	</tr>
-			</blockquote>
-		</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr xbgcolor="#ffffff">
- 		<td>
-			<A NAME="Q42">42.</A>
-			<b>Age</b>
-			<blockquote>
-<table width="90%" border="0">
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td>< 26</td>
-		<td align="left">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9 width=53><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>&nbsp;26.9%		</td>
-		<td align="right">(223)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
-		<td>26<36</td>
-		<td align="left">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9 width=95><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>&nbsp;47.6%		</td>
-		<td align="right">(394)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td>36<50</td>
-		<td align="left">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9 width=37><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>&nbsp;18.7%		</td>
-		<td align="right">(155)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
-		<td>50<</td>
-		<td align="left">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9 width=9><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>&nbsp;4.6%		</td>
-		<td align="right">(38)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td><b>TOTAL</b></td>
-		<td width="40%"><b>&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9 width=195><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>&nbsp;97.8%</b></td>
-		<td width="10%" align="right"><b>828</b></td>
-	</tr>
-			</blockquote>
-		</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr xbgcolor="#eeeeee">
- 		<td>
-			<A NAME="Q43">43.</A>
-			<b>Education</b>
-			<blockquote>
-<table width="90%" border="0">
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td>Grade School/Lycee</td>
-		<td align="left">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9 width=1><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>&nbsp;1.0%		</td>
-		<td align="right">(8)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
-		<td>High School/Diplomat</td>
-		<td align="left">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9 width=21><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>&nbsp;10.5%		</td>
-		<td align="right">(87)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td>College/Univeristy</td>
-		<td align="left">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9 width=115><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>&nbsp;57.7%		</td>
-		<td align="right">(478)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
-		<td>Grad School/Doctorate</td>
-		<td align="left">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9 width=57><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>&nbsp;28.5%		</td>
-		<td align="right">(236)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td><b>TOTAL</b></td>
-		<td width="40%"><b>&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9 width=195><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>&nbsp;97.7%</b></td>
-		<td width="10%" align="right"><b>828</b></td>
-	</tr>
-			</blockquote>
-		</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr xbgcolor="#ffffff">
- 		<td>
-			<A NAME="Q44">44.</A>
-			<b>Occupation</b>
-			<blockquote>
-<table width="90%" border="0">
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td>Student</td>
-		<td align="left">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9 width=31><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>&nbsp;15.6%		</td>
-		<td align="right">(129)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
-		<td>Homemaker</td>
-		<td align="left">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9 width=1><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>&nbsp;0.7%		</td>
-		<td align="right">(6)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td>Administrative/Sales/Service</td>
-		<td align="left">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9 width=2><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>&nbsp;1.2%		</td>
-		<td align="right">(10)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
-		<td>Professional (doctor/lawyer/architect/etc)
-		<td align="left">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9 width=46><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>&nbsp;23.1%		</td>
-		<td align="right">(191)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td>Scientist
-		<td align="left">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9 width=17><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>&nbsp;8.6%		</td>
-		<td align="right">(71)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
-		<td>Work in startup/small business
-		<td align="left">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9 width=33><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>&nbsp;16.7%		</td>
-		<td align="right">(138)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td>Salaried Employee of midsize/large business
-		<td align="left">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9 width=54><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>&nbsp;27.3%		</td>
-		<td align="right">(226)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
-		<td>Executive</td>
-		<td align="left">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9 width=7><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>&nbsp;3.7%		</td>
-		<td align="right">(31)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td><b>TOTAL</b></td>
-		<td width="40%"><b>&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9 width=193><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>&nbsp;96.9%</b></td>
-		<td width="10%" align="right"><b>828</b></td>
-	</tr>
-			</blockquote>
-		</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr xbgcolor="#eeeeee">
- 		<td>
-			<A NAME="Q45">45.</A>
-			<b>Computer/Technical Skills
-			<blockquote>
-<table width="90%" border="0">
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td>None/Beginer</td>
-		<td align="left">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9 width=0><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>&nbsp;0.2%		</td>
-		<td align="right">(2)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
-		<td>Ordinary user
-		<td align="left">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9 width=2><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>&nbsp;1.3%		</td>
-		<td align="right">(11)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td>Knowledgeable 'power user'/ h4><0r
-		<td align="left">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9 width=20><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>&nbsp;10.3%		</td>
-		<td align="right">(85)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
-		<td>Computer hobbyist/Technology enthusiast
-		<td align="left">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9 width=30><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>&nbsp;15.3%		</td>
-		<td align="right">(127)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td>Scientist/Engineer</td>
-		<td align="left">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9 width=42><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>&nbsp;21.3%		</td>
-		<td align="right">(176)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
-		<td>Software Programmer
-		<td align="left">
-&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9 width=99><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>&nbsp;49.9%		</td>
-		<td align="right">(413)</td>
-	</tr>
-	<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
-		<td><b>TOTAL</b></td>
-		<td width="40%"><b>&nbsp;<img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_l.gif" height=9 width=4><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar.gif" height=9 width=196><img src="/phpESP/images/hbar_r.gif" height=9 width=4>&nbsp;98.3%</b></td>
-		<td width="10%" align="right"><b>828</b></td>
-	</tr>
-			</blockquote>
-		</td>
-	</tr>
-          </TD>
-        </TR>
-      </TABLE>
-<?php include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/nl/components/footer.phtml"); ?>

Deleted: htdocs/branches/published/nl/quiz.phtml
--- htdocs/branches/published/nl/quiz.phtml	2006-05-30 21:45:42 UTC (rev 14264)
+++ htdocs/branches/published/nl/quiz.phtml	2006-05-30 23:11:40 UTC (rev 14265)
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-<?php $title = "Survey"; ?>
-<?php if (!ini_get('register_globals')) {
- include("../emulate_globals_on.php");
-<?php include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/nl/components/header.phtml"); ?>
-<?php include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/nl/menu/menu-main-general.phtml"); ?>
-<td valign=top>
-<h1>GnuCash Enquete</h1>
-De GnuCash Enquete is gesloten.  De resultaten kunt u 
-<a href="/nl/quiz-results.phtml">hier</a> bekijken.
-GnuCash is op een cruciaal punt gekomen in haar ontwikkeling.  De meeste implementaties die verwacht 
-mogen worden van een basaal boekhoudprogramma zijn aanwezig, en de paar die nog niet aanwezig zijn, zullen snel verwerkt worden.   Daarna zijn er 
-<a href="/nl/roadmap.phtml">
-verschillende kanten waar GnuCash heen kan gaan</a>.
-Maar waarheen?  Deze enquete zal helpen in de beslissing hierover.  Uiteraard is GnuCash
-een project dat gedragen wordt door vrijwilligers en iedere programmeur kan met een beetje goede wil elke applicatie implementeren die hij wil.   Maar misschien zal deze enquete helpen in het sturen van deze discussie. Dit is uw kans om uw wensen kenbaar te maken.
-Opgelet: dit is een grote enquete. Er zijn 45 vragen, onderverdeeld in 6 secties:
-<li>Commercialisering van GnuCash
-<li>GnuCash gebruiken
-<li>Toekomstige implementaties
-<li>Online Bankieren
-<li>Persoonlij Profiel
-Sla gerust de vragen over die u niet begrijpt, of waar u geen mening over heeft.
-Maar a.u.b.: slechts een formulier per persoon.
-<?php $sid=2;
-       include("/home/httpd/tools/phpESP-1.2beta3/public/handler.php");?> 
-<?php include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/nl/components/footer.phtml"); ?>

Deleted: htdocs/branches/published/nl/required.phtml
--- htdocs/branches/published/nl/required.phtml	2006-05-30 21:45:42 UTC (rev 14264)
+++ htdocs/branches/published/nl/required.phtml	2006-05-30 23:11:40 UTC (rev 14265)
@@ -1,296 +0,0 @@
-<?php $title = "Software Requirements"; ?>
-<?php if (!ini_get('register_globals')) {
- include("../emulate_globals_on.php");
-<?php include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/nl/components/header.phtml"); ?>
-<?php include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/nl/menu/menu-main-general.phtml"); ?>
-<td valign=top>
-<h1>Software Dependencies</h1>
-GnuCash depends on a number of important contributing technologies 
-in order to implement its major functions.  If you want to compile
-and work on GnuCash, you will need to install a recent version of 
-these libraries.
-Without a good package manager (<i>e.g.</i> Debian <tt>apt-get</tt>),
-it can be quite tedious to find, download and install all of the 
-required packages (<i>nightmare</i> is a word that has been used).
-Therefore, if you are not a programmer, and just want to <b>use</b> 
-GnuCash, you should stick to the version supplied by your favorite
-Linux distribution (<i>e.g.</i> by installing from the vendor's CDROM),
-and install using that distribution's standard installation methods.
-If you decide that you cannot live with the version that came with your 
-distro, and you don't have <tt>apt-get</tt> or a similar tool, then 
-be prepared for a rather long and involved install/upgrade proceedure.
-Note that even with <tt>apt-get</tt>, some packages may still need 
-to be installed manually.
-The majority of the GnuCash 1.6.x dependencies are satisfied by installing 
-standard <a href="http://www.gnome.org/">Gnome 1.4</a> core libraries. 
-The only dependencies beyond a standard Gnome 1.4 installation are 
-<a href="#guppi">Guppi</a>, <a
-href="#guile">Guile</a>, <a href="#slib">slib</a> and <a
-<table border=0 cellpadding=1 cellspacing=0 width="100%">
-  <tr>
-  <td valign=middle align=center bgcolor=#666699>
-   <table border=0 cellpadding=5 cellspacing=1 bgcolor=#cacaf7 width="100%">
-   <tr>
-     <td bgcolor=#666699 width=25%><font color=#ffffff><b>Name</b></td>
-     <td bgcolor=#666699 width=50%><font color=#ffffff><b>Description</b></td>
-     <td bgcolor=#666699 width=25%><font color=#ffffff><b>Link</b></td>
-   </tr>
-   <tr>
-           <td colspan=3>
-<B>GUI Toolkits:</B><BR>
-     </td>
-         </tr>
-   <tr bgcolor=#ececff>
-     <td valign=top>
-       <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
-       <tr>
-         <td valign=top><img src=/images/icons/document.txt.gif width=16 height=16 border=0>&nbsp;</td>
-         <td valign=top>Gtk+</td>
-       </tr>
-       </table>
-     </td>
-     <td valign=top>The Gimp Toolkit</td>
-     <td valign=top><a href="http://www.gtk.org/">http://www.gtk.org/</a></td>
-   </tr>
-   <tr bgcolor=#ececff>
-     <td valign=top>
-       <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
-       <tr>
-         <td valign=top><img src=/images/icons/document.txt.gif width=16 height=16 border=0>&nbsp;</td>
-         <td valign=top>Gnome</td>
-       </tr>
-       </table>
-     </td>
-     <td valign=top>The application infrastructure</td>
-     <td valign=top><a href="http://www.gnome.org">http://www.gnome.org</a></td>
-   </tr>
-   <tr bgcolor=#ececff>
-     <td valign=top>
-       <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
-       <tr>
-         <td valign=top><img src=/images/icons/document.txt.gif width=16 height=16 border=0>&nbsp;</td>
-         <td valign=top>Glade</td>
-       </tr>
-       </table>
-     </td>
-     <td valign=top>GTK+ User Interface Builder - This is how many of the gnucash GUI's are designed.</td>
-     <td valign=top><a href="http://glade.gnome.org">http://glade.gnome.org</a></td>
-   </tr>
-   <tr>
-           <td colspan=3>
-       <B>Scripting Interface:</B><BR>
-     </td>
-         </tr>
-   <tr bgcolor=#ececff>
-     <td valign=top>
-       <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
-       <tr>
-         <td valign=top><img src=/images/icons/document.txt.gif width=16 height=16 border=0>&nbsp;</td>
-         <td valign=top><a name="guile">Guile</a></td>
-       </tr>
-       </table>
-     </td>
-     <td valign=top>A Scheme interpreter with C programming interfaces - This is how gnucash provides 'extension' and rapid implementation capabilities.</td>
-     <td valign=top><a href="http://www.gnu.org/software/guile/guile.html">http://www.gnu.org/software/guile/guile.html</a> -   You'll need at least 1.3, and 1.6 is strongly recommended.</td>
-   </tr>
-   <tr bgcolor=#ececff>
-     <td valign=top>
-       <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
-       <tr>
-         <td valign=top><img src=/images/icons/document.txt.gif width=16 height=16 border=0>&nbsp;</td>
-         <td valign=top><a name="gwrap">G-wrap</a></td>
-       </tr>
-       </table>
-     </td>
-     <td valign=top>A tool for autogenerating scheme bindings for C lanugage functions, structures & enums.</td>
-     <td valign=top><a href="http://www.gnucash.org/pub/g-wrap/">http://http.gnucash.org/pub/g-wrap/</a> - You'll want the latest in the 1.3 series (1.3.4 or newer)</td>
-   </tr>
-<!-- Scheme isn't really a dependency, like ... there's nothing to
-download and install for end-users, except guile, which is seperately
-		-- jsled, 2001.06.11. -->
-   <!-- tr bgcolor=#ececff>
-     <td valign=top>
-       <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
-       <tr>
-         <td valign=top><img src=/images/icons/document.txt.gif width=16 height=16 border=0>&nbsp;</td>
-         <td valign=top>Scheme</td>
-       </tr>
-       </table>
-     </td>
-     <td valign=top>The Scheme Language</td>
-     <td valign=top><a href="http://www.scheme.org/">http://www.scheme.org/</a></td>
-   </tr -->
-   <tr bgcolor=#ececff>
-     <td valign=top>
-       <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
-       <tr>
-         <td valign=top><img src=/images/icons/document.txt.gif width=16 height=16 border=0>&nbsp;</td>
-         <td valign=top><a name="slib">slib</a></td>
-       </tr>
-       </table>
-     </td>
-     <td valign=top>Scheme library - Miscellaneous scheme functions used by GnuCash.</td>
-     <td valign=top><a href="http://www-swiss.ai.mit.edu/~jaffer/SLIB.html">http://www-swiss.ai.mit.edu/~jaffer/SLIB.html</a></td>
-   </tr>
-   <tr>
-           <td colspan=3>
-       <B>Web Infrastructure:</B><BR>
-     </td>
-         </tr>
-   <tr bgcolor=#ececff>
-     <td valign=top>
-       <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
-       <tr>
-         <td valign=top><img src=/images/icons/document.txt.gif width=16 height=16 border=0>&nbsp;</td>
-         <td valign=top>GtkHTML</td>
-       </tr>
-       </table>
-     </td>
-     <td valign=top>The gtk html layout engine - used by gnucash to display help documentation, reports and graphs.</td>
-     <td valign=top><a href="http://www.advogato.org/proj/GtkHTML/">http://www.advogato.org/proj/GtkHTML/</a></td>
-   </tr>
-   <tr bgcolor=#ececff>
-     <td valign=top>
-       <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
-       <tr>
-         <td valign=top><img src=/images/icons/document.txt.gif width=16 height=16 border=0>&nbsp;</td>
-         <td valign=top>libghttp</td>
-       </tr>
-       </table>
-     </td>
-     <td valign=top>The HTTP library - used by gnucash to chat the http protocol to access web servers.</td>
-     <td valign=top><a href="http://www.gnome.org/">http://www.gnome.org/</a></td>
-   </tr>
-   <tr bgcolor=#ececff>
-     <td valign=top>
-       <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
-       <tr>
-         <td valign=top><img src=/images/icons/document.txt.gif width=16 height=16 border=0>&nbsp;</td>
-         <td valign=top>Gnome XML</td>
-       </tr>
-       </table>
-     </td>
-     <td valign=top>The XML parsing library - used by gnucash to read its file format.</td>
-     <td valign=top><a href="http://xmlsoft.org/">http://xmlsoft.org/</a></td>
-   </tr>
-   <tr>
-           <td colspan=3>
-       <B>Other:</B><BR>
-     </td>
-         </tr>
-   <tr bgcolor=#ececff>
-     <td valign=top>
-       <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
-       <tr>
-         <td valign=top><img src=/images/icons/document.txt.gif width=16 height=16 border=0>&nbsp;</td>
-         <td valign=top>Finance::Quote</td>
-       </tr>
-       </table>
-     </td>
-     <td valign=top>A perl module to get stock price quotes and currency exchange rates from off the net - This is how gnucash accesses price data on the net. You can use the 'update-finance-quote' script included with the distribution to obtain a recent version (CPAN is required).</td>
-     <td valign=top><a href="http://finance-quote.sourceforge.net/">http://finance-quote.sourceforge.net/</a></td>
-   </tr>
-   <tr bgcolor=#ececff>
-     <td valign=top>
-       <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
-       <tr>
-         <td valign=top><img src=/images/icons/document.txt.gif width=16 height=16 border=0>&nbsp;</td>
-         <td valign=top>Finance::QuoteHist</td>
-       </tr>
-       </table>
-     </td>
-     <td valign=top>A perl module to fetch historical stock prices.</td>
-     <td valign=top><a href="http://sourceforge.net/project/?group_id=2403">http://sourceforge.net/project/?group_id=2403</a></td>
-   </tr>
-   <tr bgcolor=#ececff>
-     <td valign=top>
-       <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
-       <tr>
-         <td valign=top><img src=/images/icons/document.txt.gif width=16 height=16 border=0>&nbsp;</td>
-         <td valign=top>LibOFX</td>
-       </tr>
-       </table>
-     </td>
-     <td valign=top>Library for parsing OFX (Open Financial Exchange) data. Used by many American banks.</td>
-     <td valign=top><a href="http://libofx.sourceforge.net/">http://libofx.sourceforge.net/</a> 
-     </td>
-   </tr>
-   <tr bgcolor=#ececff>
-     <td valign=top>
-       <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
-       <tr>
-         <td valign=top><img src=/images/icons/document.txt.gif width=16 height=16 border=0>&nbsp;</td>
-         <td valign=top>OpenHBCI</td>
-       </tr>
-       </table>
-     </td>
-     <td valign=top>Library for connecting to German banks that support HBCI.</td>
-     <td valign=top><a href="http://openhbci.sourceforge.net/">http://openhbci.sourceforge.net/</a> 
-     Optional; required only if you want to connect to HBCI banks.</td>
-   </tr>
-   <tr bgcolor=#ececff>
-     <td valign=top>
-       <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
-       <tr>
-         <td valign=top><img src=/images/icons/document.txt.gif width=16 height=16 border=0>&nbsp;</td>
-         <td valign=top><a name="guppi">Guppi</a></td>
-       </tr>
-       </table>
-     </td>
-     <td valign=top>A graphical plotting and analysis tool - used to generate and display gnucash charts and plots.</td>
-     <td valign=top><a href="http://www.gnome.org/guppi/">http://www.gnome.org/guppi/</a> - Any recent version will work, but 0.35.5 or later is required for full functionality.</td>
-   </tr>
-   <tr bgcolor=#ececff>
-     <td valign=top>
-       <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
-       <tr>
-         <td valign=top><img src=/images/icons/document.txt.gif width=16 height=16 border=0>&nbsp;</td>
-         <td valign=top>Gnome Print</td>
-       </tr>
-       </table>
-     </td>
-     <td valign=top>gnome printing architecture - used by gnucash for check printing & general printing.</td>
-     <td valign=top><a href="http://www.sourceforge.net/projects/gnome-print/">http://www.sourceforge.net/projects/gnome-print/</a></td>
-   </tr>
-   </table>
-<?php include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/nl/components/footer.phtml"); ?>

Deleted: htdocs/branches/published/nl/roadmap.phtml
--- htdocs/branches/published/nl/roadmap.phtml	2006-05-30 21:45:42 UTC (rev 14264)
+++ htdocs/branches/published/nl/roadmap.phtml	2006-05-30 23:11:40 UTC (rev 14265)
@@ -1,229 +0,0 @@
-<?php $title = "Toekomst"; ?>
-<?php if (!ini_get('register_globals')) {
- include("../emulate_globals_on.php");
-<?php include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/nl/components/header.phtml"); ?>
-<?php include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/nl/menu/menu-main-developer.phtml"); ?>
-<td valign=top>
-<h1>De Toekomst</h1>
-Gnucash nadert het punt waarop het snel de meeste basale eigenschappen ondersteund  
-die u mag verwachten van een financieel/boekhoudprogramma. Wanneer dat bereikt zal worden, en dat is hopelijk snle het geval, zullen de toekomstplannen bijgesteld moeten worden. wat ligt er voor ons?
-Het project kan zich in diverse richtingen ontwikkelen. Deze 
-richtingen dienen verschillende clientele, verschillende gebruikersgroepen.
-Vele van deze groepen hebben verschillende belangen, en daarom moeten er keuzes gemaakt worden.
-De lijst hieronder is geordend van 'meest voor de hand liggend' naar 'nonsense'.
-Wij vroegen uw mening hierover in 2001 in een 
-<a href="/nl/quiz.phtml">Gebruikers Enquete</a>.  De responsen zijn <a href="/nl/quiz-results/phtml">hier weergegeven.</a>.
-<dt><b>Versie voor het Kleinbedrijf</b>
-<dd>This is probably the #1 most requested 'enhancement' to GnuCash.
-    The use of GNU/Linux is sky-rocketing in small businesses; yet there
-    are no easy-to-install, easy-to-administer small-business accounting 
-    programs, at least not of the 'open' kind.  The list of desired features 
-    dates back to the dawn of computing half a century ago: payroll, 
-    accounts-payable &amp; receivable, invoicing, billing.   
-    <p>
-    There are some real problems with moving in this direction.
-    Not the least of these is alienating GnuCash's core constituency: 
-    the casual/home user.  If we build something with whiz-bang features,
-    the home user may conclude that this is an application that is too 
-    complex,  too hard to use, too hard to understand.   They'll go 
-    looking elsewhere, and meanwhile, we will have done GNU/Linux (and *BSD)
-    a dis-service.  The adoption of GNU/Linux by average (home) computer users
-    is gated by the availability of the basic desktop cornerstones.
-    Personal Finance Management is one of those cornerstones.
-    We've got to have a simple, easy-to-install, easy-to-use personal
-    financial manager.
-    <p>
-<dt><b>Sophisticated Investor</b>
-<dd>GnuCash downloads stock prices and currency exchange rates from
-    off the net.   The current version has some basic graphing 
-    capabilities.  How fancy should one get?  The new GnuCash reporting 
-    structure should make it easy, or at least straightforward, to create 
-    a variety of sophisticated graphs, charts and reports.  These might
-    range from simple technical analysis such as 90-day moving averages 
-    trading volume and beta, to arcane indicators like 'Bolton-Tremblay', 
-    'Zweig Thrust' or 'McClellan Oscillator'.
-    <p>
-    Downside?  The 'investor' community is smaller than the home user
-    community.  And stock technical analysis doesn't necessarily require
-    accounting features.  Thus, such needs may be best served by other
-    systems: and there's a 
-    <a href="http://www.gnucash.org/nl/links.phtml?linkpage=stock">
-    variety</a> of these to choose from.  Should GnuCash reject 
-    stock-oriented patches? No. Should core developers focus on stock 
-    trading?  Probably not.
-    <p>
-<dt><b>The Financial Browser/The Ultimate Home User Experience</b>
-<dd>As the user interface gets slicker, and the druids become more and 
-    more helpful in guiding the novice user, a natural direction for
-    GnuCash would be to become the ultimate home user financial experience. 
-    That is, to build the 'Financial Browser for 
-    the Web', the 'Nautilus of Financial Transactions'.   For starters,
-    this means using OFX and supporting on-line bill-pay and banking.
-    In some distant future, this means integrating with on-line shopping,
-    so that your shopping spree shows up in GnuCash without your having 
-    to hand-enter all those transactions. 
-    <p>
-    Some of this integration is mundane: e.g. using an appointment book
-    to show upcoming bills and budget items, or using a calendar 
-    to enter bills into GnuCash.  
-    More broadly, providing a set of accounting interfaces 
-    such that any other package (for example, a stock technical analysis
-    package) can push data into, and get data out of GnuCash: the holy 
-    grail of desktop integration.
-    <p>
-<dt><b>The Financial Browser, Part II: the PDA</b>
-<dd>GnuCash, the Gnome Desktop, and the KDE desktop have been flying in 
-    the face of 'common wisdom': the coming extinction of the 
-    general-purpose PC.  According to this theory, lithe, portable,
-    special-purpose hand-held devices will make PC's irrelevant. 
-    Of course, the theory is flawed:  a large keyboard and a large screen
-    provide convenience that no small palm-top can provide.  None-the-less,
-    one must look over ones shoulder.   Can GnuCash be slimed down
-    and fit onto one of those Linux hand-helds, e.g. the YOPI?
-    Right now, it depends intimately on a large number of packages for 
-    many features, and so a sliming exercise is hard to imagine. 
-    But then, a financial manger is a cornerstone application for 
-    the desktop, it is equally so for the palm-top.  Someday, not
-    too long from now, wireless, hand-held 'financial browser' will
-    be as ubiquitous as the wallet.
-    <p>
-<dt><b>The Financial Browser, Part III: the ASP</b>
-<dd>Gnucash has a built-in web browser.  This browser can not only 
-    show standard web pages, but it also understands special markup
-    for interactive graphs, and even embedded checkbook registers
-    (for example, take a look <a href="/surf/guppi-pie-demo.html">
-    this page</a> with a recent build of GnuCash).  GnuCash uses
-    these features to create and display reports.  There is no reason
-    to have these reports be local to the desktop machine: they could
-    be on 'any' website, any server.
-    <p>
-    GnuCash uses XML as a file-format, but this XML could just as 
-    easily be served up by a cgi-bin running on a web server.  
-    There's some prototype demo code in <tt>src/experimental/cgi-bin</tt>,
-    or you can try loading <a href="/surf/demo.gml">this link</a>
-    with GnuCash.  In other words, GnuCash can offer a nice, slick,
-    web-integrated front-end to a web-based financial ASP server. 
-    A front-end that spanks any other financial ASP out there.
-    <p>
-    What's wrong with traditional ASP's?  Hmm, let me count the ways.
-    (1) World Wide Wait.  No desktop app on some old 386 ever took  
-    15 seconds to respond when you hit the 'enter' key.  (2) Those
-    'beautiful' web forms.  They might be pretty enough for asking 
-    you about airline flight info or filling in your name and address,
-    (yes, CSS makes web pages prettier), but they still don't hold
-    a candle to desktop-specific apps.  Imagine being able to use
-    <a href="/images/gnome-1.5/savings-journal.gif">a real ledger 
-    interface</a> for working financial info in a web site.
-    (3) Disconnect from the net.  Even if your ASP never crashes, 
-    and you never lose your network connection, its still conceivable
-    that you might want to fiddle with financial info on your laptop
-    somewhere where there's no handy Internet connection.  
-    We think we know how to make GnuCash work in 'disconnected' mode,
-    using cached data, which can then sync up with the big 'ol server 
-    when it gets back on the net again.  That's what the GnuCash engine
-    is designed to do.  (Demo soon?)
-    <p>
-<dd>These days, it's inappropriate to talk about business accounting
-    without also mentioning ERP in the conversation.   GnuCash is not,
-    and probably will never be an ERP system, but might become the 
-    component of one.  The basic idea behind ERP is that different
-    businesses have different business practices: no one does things
-    in quite the same way.  And so, there is no 'one-size-fits-all'
-    application; instead, one hopes for a framework with extensibility, 
-    easy integration, and rapid-development features.  The hope is that
-    one can 
-    quickly hook up that brand-new ecommerce package to that decades-old
-    billing application.  GnuCash doesn't do this.  Nor is GnuCash easy
-    to modify, extend, or enhance.  It takes some considerable 
-    sophistication to add new features to GnuCash.  In particular, this
-    means that it's hard to integrate GnuCash into your business processes:
-    you can't just tell it to suck out financial info from here, and 
-    dump it to there.  If you want to do this, go check out 
-    <a href="http://www.gnue.org/">GnuE at http://www.gnue.org/</a>:
-    it was specifically designed for this.
-    <p>
-    On the other hand, the GnuCash infrastructure is becoming general 
-    enough that it wouldn't be hard to mold it into a variety of 
-    related financial tools.  And if GnuCash really is to succeed in the
-    business accounting world, it will have to become savvy in talking to 
-    other systems.
-    <p>
-<dt><b>Napster for Money</b>
-<dd>If you thought the music industry hated Napster, just wait till 
-    you see 
-    <a href="http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=01/03/30/1953235&mode=thread">
-    how the feds and the banks react to its financial equivalent</a>.  
-    Suppose there
-    really were an infrastructure for putting secure, anonymous eCash
-    into your eWallet.  Or rather, of giving it to your friend or business
-    partner, and they in turn could spend it on real goods and services.
-    Now, don't confuse the idea of an eWallet with the idea of eMoney.
-    There are any number of efforts underway to create eMoney: some
-    with pretend-money, such as flooz, or frequent flyer miles, some with
-    real money, such as 
-    <a href="http://www.e-gold.com/e-gold.asp?cid=281678">e-Gold</a>,
-    pay-pal, or the latest ecommerce scheme from 
-    your credit-card company.  All of these schemes require a centralized 
-    server (traditionally called a 'Bank').  This centralized server
-    validates your identity, and confirms that you have the money you 
-    claim to have.  And actually moves that money around.  And works
-    in concert with the IRS to make sure you don't have unreported, 
-    taxable income.  And with the DEA, to make sure you're not 
-    money-laundering.  And with... well, that's a matter of 
-    national security.
-    <p>
-    By contrast, my wallet is a 'bank' in the sense of holding money; 
-    it just doesn't charge me a service fee for doing so.  And
-    when I use it for some anonymous peer-to-peer money sharing,
-    such as paying the kid down the block to mow the lawn, it 
-    doesn't tell the IRS that the kid owes 'em money any more than 
-    gnutella tells Metallica about song downloads.  So, where 
-    were we?  Oh yes, now try to imagine an 'eWallet'.   
-    <p>
-    Now, GnuCash will probably never be the Gnutella for money.  
-    For several reasons.  Whatever it is that you exchange on-line, 
-    its just funny-money, the electronic equivalent of chain-store 
-    coupons, until you have a broker, an under-writer, a market-maker 
-    who will guarantee the exchange of your eCash for that other 
-    kind of money that banks accept.  And as you may guess, the 
-    resulting shadow economy would prompt the Federal Reserve Bank
-    to shut down said underwriter faster than Alan Greenspan can say 
-    'the expansion in the M2 Money Supply Index'.  None-the-less,
-    the cypherpunks made a promise in 1995 that someday, everyone
-    really would have an e-Wallet, and this concept is still fun to 
-    think about even as it remains futuristic.
-    <p>
-<h1>Het Laatste Woord?</h1>
-The above is just a sketch of possible future
-directions.  A more practical, down-to-earth, detailed list
-of planned work items can be reviewed on the 
-<a href="http://www.linas.org/linux/gnucash/projects.html">
-GnuCash Projects</a> page.
-<?php include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/nl/components/footer.phtml"); ?>

Copied: htdocs/branches/published/nl/rss-feed.phtml (from rev 14264, htdocs/trunk/nl/rss-feed.phtml)

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@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-<?php $title = "Afbeeldingen"; ?>
-<?php if (!ini_get('register_globals')) {
- include("../emulate_globals_on.php");
-<?php include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/nl/components/header.phtml"); ?>
-<?php include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/nl/menu/menu-main-general.phtml"); ?>
-<td valign=top>
-<table border=0 cellpadding=1 cellspacing=0 width="100%">
-  <tr>
-  <td valign=middle align=center bgcolor=#666699>
-   <table border=0 cellpadding=5 cellspacing=1 bgcolor=#cacaf7 width="100%">
-   <tr>
-     <td bgcolor=#666699 width=25%><font color=#ffffff><b>Afbeelding</b></td>
-     <td bgcolor=#666699 width=75%><font color=#ffffff><b>Beschrijving</b></td>
-     <td bgcolor=#666699 width=75%><font color=#ffffff><b>Ikoon</b></td>
-   </tr>
-	$d = dir($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/images/gnome-1.6/");
-	while($entry=$d->read()) {
-	  if(ereg("-thumb", $entry)) { continue; }
-	  if(!ereg("gif$", $entry)) { continue; }
-		$file_clean = explode(".", $entry);
-		$entry = $file_clean[0]."-thumb";
-	  $description = implode("", file($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/images/gnome-1.6/".$entry.".gif.description")); 
-		$name = implode("", file($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/images/gnome-1.6/".$entry.".gif.name"));
-   <tr bgcolor=#ececff>
-     <td valign=top>
-       <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
-       <tr>
-         <td valign=top><a href="/images/gnome-1.6/<?php echo $file_clean[0].".gif"; ?>"><img src=/images/icons/search_icon.gif width=16 height=16 border=0></a>&nbsp;</td>
-         <td valign=top><a href="/images/gnome-1.6/<?php echo $file_clean[0].".gif"; ?>"><?php echo $name; ?></a></td>
-       </tr>
-       </table>
-     </td>
-     <td valign=top><?php echo $description; ?></td>
-     <td valign=top><a href="/images/gnome-1.6/<?php echo $file_clean[0].".gif"; ?>"><img border=0 src="/images/gnome-1.6/<?php echo $file_clean[0]."-thumb.gif"; ?>"></a></td>
-   </tr>
-  }
-  $d->close();
-   </table>
-<?php include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/nl/components/footer.phtml"); ?>

Deleted: htdocs/branches/published/nl/search.phtml
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+++ htdocs/branches/published/nl/search.phtml	2006-05-30 23:11:40 UTC (rev 14265)
@@ -1,145 +0,0 @@
-<?php $title = "Accounting Software for Linux"; ?>
-<?php if (!ini_get('register_globals')) {
- include("../emulate_globals_on.php");
-<?php include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/nl/components/header.phtml"); ?>
-<?php include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/nl/menu/menu-main-search.phtml"); ?>
-	</td>
-  <td valign=top width=98%>
-print "Search results for <b>$words</b>";
-$HTSEARCH_PROG = "./htdig.sh";
-# $swords = $words;
-$swords = EscapeShellCmd(UrlEncode($words));
-# $swords = UrlEncode(EscapeShellCmd($words));
-# $config = "htdig";
-# $format = "htdig";
-$matchesperpage = 10;
-# $sort = "time";
-#   $query = "config=$config&format=$format&words=$swords&restrict=$restrict&matchesperpage=$matchesperpage&sort=$sort&exclude=$exclude";
-    $query = "words=$swords&restrict=$restrict&matchesperpage=$matchesperpage&sort=$sort&exclude=$exclude";
-#    $query = "words=$swords&matchesperpage=$matchesperpage";
-    $page = 1; 
-#    $query = "config=$config&format=$format&words=$swords&restrict=$restrict&matchesperpage=$matchesperpage&page=$page&sort=$sort&exclude=$exclude";
-    $query = "words=$swords&restrict=$restrict&matchesperpage=$matchesperpage&page=$page&sort=$sort&exclude=$exclude";
-#    $query = "words=$swords&matchesperpage=$matchesperpage&page=$page";
-/**** FUNCTIONS ****/
-# function page_list($page, $matches)
-# {
-#    global $matchesperpage, $restrict, $words;
-#    $TotalPages = (int)($matches / $matchesperpage);
-#    if($matches % $matchesperpage) $TotalPages++;
-#    print "<center>\n";
-#    if($page > 1)
-#    {
-#        print "<a href=\"/search.php3?restrict=".urlencode($restrict)."&words=".urlencode($words)."";
-#        print "&page=".($page-1)."\">"; 
-#        print "<img src=\"/images/prev-yes.jpg\" border=\"0\"></a>\n";
-#    }
-#    else
-#        print "<img src=\"/images/prev-no.jpg\" border=\"0\">";
-#    if($page < $TotalPages)
-#    {
-#        print "<a href=\"/search.php3?restrict=".urlencode($restrict)."&words=".urlencode($words)."";
-#        print "&page=".($page+1)."\">";
-#        print "<img src=\"/images/next-yes.jpg\" border=\"0\"></a>\n";
-#    }
-#    else
-#        print "<img src=\"/images/next-no.jpg\" border=\"0\">";
-#    print "</center>\n";
-# }
-$command="$HTSEARCH_PROG \"$query\"";
-$rc = count($result);
-# if ($rc<3):
-#     echo "There was an error executing this query.  Please try later.\n";
-# elseif ($result[2]=="NOMATCH"):
-#     echo "There were no matches for <B>$words</B> found on the website.<P>&nbsp;";
-#     echo "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;\n";
-# elseif ($result[2]=="SYNTAXERROR"):
-#     echo "There is a syntax error in your search for <B>$words</B>:<BR>";
-#     echo "<PRE>" . $result[3] . "</PRE>\n";
-# else:
-#     $matches = $result[2];
-#     $firstdisplayed = $result[3];
-#     $lastdisplayed = $result[4];
-#     $words = $result[5];
-#     $pagelist = $result[6];
-#     echo "<center><h3>Zoek naar <B>'$words'</B> geeft <B>$matches</B> result";
-#     echo ($matches==1) ? "aat" : "aten";
-#     echo "</h3></center>";
-#     //page_list($page, $matches);
-#     $i=7;
-#     print "<br><br>";
-    $i=1;
-    while($i<$rc) 
-    {
-        echo $result[$i] . "\n";
-        $i = $i + 1;
-    }
-#this is broken
-#     while($i<$rc) 
-#     {
-#         # grab the match information
-#         $title = $result[$i];
-#         $url = $result[$i+1];
-#         $percent = $result[$i+2];
-#         $excerpt = $result[$i+3];
-#         # output the match information
-#         # append session id if necessary!
-# echo "<hr>Duude<hr>\n";
-# echo $title . $url . $percent . $excerpt . "\n";
-# #        echo "<font size=-1><A HREF=\"$url\">$title</A>\n";
-# #        echo "<font size=-2><b>(" . $percent . "% match)</b></font><BR>\n";
-# #        echo "<blockquote>" . $excerpt . "</blockquote><BR>\n";
-#         # move to the next match
-#         $i = $i + 4;
-#     }
-# endif;
-# page_list($page, $matches);
-  </td>
-<?php include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/nl/components/footer.phtml"); ?>

Deleted: htdocs/branches/published/nl/sizing.phtml
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+++ htdocs/branches/published/nl/sizing.phtml	2006-05-30 23:11:40 UTC (rev 14265)
@@ -1,438 +0,0 @@
-<?php $title = "Sizing"; ?>
-<?php if (!ini_get('register_globals')) {
- include("../emulate_globals_on.php");
-<?php include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/nl/components/header.phtml"); ?>
-<?php include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/nl/menu/menu-main-other.phtml"); ?>
-<td valign=top>
-Het is vaak interessant om de broncode te bestuderen achter een software  project in ontwikkeling. Geen raar idee; het gaat per slot van rekening allemaal om calculaties.  GnuCash is gedurende de jaren gegroeid van een klein electronisch kasboek tot een tamelijk grote desktop applicatie met vele mogelijkheden.  
-GnuCash bestaat op het moment uit meer dan 3 miljoen programmaregels verspreid over meer dan 1000 bestanden. Het is vertaald naar 23 talen met dank aan 139 auteurs.
-De tabel hieronder wat zien van de historie van het <SPAN CLASS="APPLICATION">GnuCash</SPAN>
-development project.  Bedenk dat niet alle bestanden hierin opgenomen zijn: bijvoorbeeld de Make bestanden, configure.in en autogen.sh worden niet meegerekend. 
-Ook de bestanden die automatisch gegenereerd worden, worden buiten beschouwing gelaten, zoals ook bestanden die 'geleend' zijn uit andere projecten. Dit geldt ook voor experimental bestanden, perl scripts, en diverse converters,
-addons en utilities.  Tenslotte worden ook de <tt>glade<tt> bestanden niet geteld, 
-ondanks dat grote gedeeltes van de GUI in <tt>glade</tt> geschreven zijn.
-KLOC's zijn geen goede maatstaf voor productiviteit van een programmeur,
-zoals ook <SPAN CLASS="APPLICATION">wc</SPAN > geen goede manier is om 
-KLOC's te tellen. Betere maatstaven zijn de complexiteitsmaastaven die bijvoorbeeld het aantal en de grootte van de if-then-else blocken tellen, of de grootte en het totale aantal blocken, of het aantal mathematische operators per 
-statement. Misschien laten we al deze berekeningen op een dag eens los op de huidige code. 
-Het onderstaande is wat we nu hebben. We hebben geprobeerd om alleen de handgeschreven code mee te tellen; dat betekent bestanden die direct door mensen zijn ge-edit. Dit is om overschatting van het aantal KLOC's door  automatisch gegenereerde code te voorkomen (daarom worden de glade bestanden niet meegeteld: ze zijn groot en worden automatisch gegenereerd).
-<P><B >Table 1.  Historische Ontwikkelingsstatistieken</B></P>
-><TH ALIGN="LEFT" VALIGN="TOP" >backend</TH
-><TH ALIGN="LEFT" VALIGN="TOP" >register</TH
-><TH ALIGN="LEFT" VALIGN="TOP" >grootboek</TH
-><TH ALIGN="LEFT" VALIGN="TOP" >misc apps</TH
-><TH ALIGN="LEFT" VALIGN="TOP" >import export</TH
-><TH ALIGN="LEFT" VALIGN="TOP" >raporten</TH
-><TH ALIGN="LEFT" VALIGN="TOP" >business</TH
-><TH ALIGN="LEFT" VALIGN="TOP" >gebruikers docs</TH
-><TH ALIGN="LEFT" VALIGN="TOP" >internal txt</TH
-<TH ALIGN="LEFT" VALIGN="TOP" >Auteur Credits</TH >
-<td>xacc-0.9 Sept 97</td>
-<td>34 bestanden (7.5+0.9)</td>
-<td>5 bestanden (0.4)</td>
-<td>1 bestand (0.1)</td>
-<td>40 bestanden (8.8)</td>
-<td>xacc-0.9w Dec 97</td>
-<td>51 bestanden (13.8+1.5)</td>
-<td>9 bestanden (0.8)</td>
-<td>1 bestand (0.1)</td>
-<td>61 bestanden (16.2)</td>
-<td>xacc-1.0.17 Feb 98</td>
-<td>52 bestanden (14.8+1.8)</td>
-<td>12 bestanden (1.4)</td>
-<td>4 bestanden (0.3)</td>
-<td>68 bestanden (18.3)</td>
-<td>gnucash-1.1.15 Aug 98</td>
-<td>24 bestanden (6.2+1.5)</td>
-<td>31 bestanden (6.1+1.7)</td>
-<td>5 bestanden (1.4+0.4)</td>
-<td>30 bestanden (7.4+0.7)</td>
-<td>17 bestanden (3.4+0.5)</td>
-<td>3 bestanden (0.3)</td>
-<td>16 bestanden (1.9)</td>
-<td>17 bestanden (1.8)</td>
-<td>159 bestanden (34.7)</td>
-<td>1 (0.17)</td>
-<td>gnucash-1.2.2 Aug 99</td>
-<td>41 bestanden (10.2+3.6)</td>
-<td>28 bestanden (5.5+1.7)</td>
-<td>14 bestanden (2.4+0.6)</td>
-<td>26 bestanden (8.7+0.5)</td>
-<td>14 bestanden (1.4)</td>
-<td>30 bestanden (2.6)</td>
-<td>15 bestanden (1.8)</td>
-<td>168 bestanden (39.0)</td>
-<td>3 (0.54)</td>
-<td>gnucash-1.3.6 April 2000</td>
-<td>41 bestanden (12.9+4.0)</td>
-<td>32 bestanden (6.8+2.1)</td>
-<td>19 bestanden (4.0+0.8)</td>
-<td>78 bestanden (32.2+3.0)</td>
-<td>74 bestanden (4.0+0.7+12.3)</td>
-<td>33 bestanden (7.8)</td>
-<td>25 bestanden (4.5)</td>
-<td>302 bestanden (95.1)</td>
-<td>5 (4.3) </td>
-<td>gnucash-1.4.6 Sept 2000</td>
-<td>43 bestanden (13.0+3.6)</td>
-<td>27 bestanden (5.9+2.0)</td>
-<td>24 bestanden (5.4+1.8)</td>
-<td>82 bestanden (33.8+3.0)</td>
-<td>68 bestanden (4.0+0.7+15.5)</td>
-<td>36 bestanden (9.3)</td>
-<td>36 bestanden (4.8)</td>
-<td>316 bestanden (101.9)</td>
-<td>7 (6.0)</td>
-<td>gnucash-1.4.12 April 2001</td>
-<td>43 bestanden (13.1+3.6)</td>
-<td>27 bestanden (5.9+2.0)</td>
-<td>24 bestanden (5.4+1.8)</td>
-<td>82 bestanden (33.5+3.0)</td>
-<td>73 bestanden (4.0+0.7+17.7)</td>
-<td>43 bestanden (11.5)</td>
-<td>39 bestanden (6.0)</td>
-<td>331 bestanden (108.2)</td>
-<td>12 (17.8)</td>
-<td>gnucash-1.5.2 Sept 2000</td>
-<td>46 bestanden (14.9+3.7)</td>
-<td>29 bestanden (6.3+2.0)</td>
-<td>25 bestanden (5.7+1.8)</td>
-<td>83 bestanden (35.8+2.9)</td>
-<td>73 bestanden (4.6+0.8+16.8)</td>
-<td>37 bestanden (10.7)</td>
-<td>48 bestanden (8.2)</td>
-<td>341 bestanden (114.2)</td>
-<td>8 (7.8)</td>
-<td>gnucash-1.6.0 Juni 2001</td>
-<td>139 bestanden (42.8+8.3)</td>
-<td>28 bestanden (5.7+2.0) </td>
-<td>23 bestanden (10.1+1.5)</td>
-<td>132 bestanden (60.0+4.2)</td>
-<td>102 bestanden (6.2+0.8+27.3)</td>
-<td>64 bestanden (12.1)</td>
-<td>69 bestanden (12.9)</td>
-<td>455 bestanden (193.9)</td>
-<td>11 (18.7)</td>
-<td>gnucash-1.7.2 November 2002</td>
-<td>104 bestanden (28.7+7.8+3.3)</td>
-<td>89 bestanden (30.0+3.3)</td>
-<td>34 bestanden (5.2+2.0) <hr> 29 bestanden (10.5+1.2)</td>
-<td>17 bestanden (9.4+0.7)</td>
-<td>143 bestanden (56.0+4.7+0.9)</td>
-<td>75 bestanden (17.0+2.5+5.1)</td>
-<td>78 bestanden (11.1+1.5+7.3)</td>
-<td>38 bestanden (2.4+0.1+14.2)</td>
-<td>17 bestanden (3.4)</td>
-<td>94 bestanden (19.9+1.9+4.5)</td>
-<td>72 bestanden (7.9+0.1+0.7)</td>
-<td>83 bestanden (22.2)</td>
-<td>62 bestanden (11.6)</td>
-<td>935 bestanden (297.1)</td>
-<td>21 (56.1)</td>
-<td>gnucash-1.8.4 Juni 2003</td>
-<td>100 bestanden (29.7+8.3+3.4)</td>
-<td>89 bestanden (30.1+3.3)</td>
-<td>35 bestanden (5.3+2.0) <hr> 31 bestanden (10.7+1.2)</td>
-<td>17 bestanden (10.2+0.8)</td>
-<td>151 bestanden (58.7+5.1+1.1)</td>
-<td>71 bestanden (16.9+2.6+5.2)</td>
-<td>86 bestanden (13.3+1.8+7.5)</td>
-<td>52 bestanden (2.4+0.2+15.1)</td>
-<td>17 bestanden (4.1)</td>
-<td>98 bestanden (21.5+2.0+5.1)</td>
-<td>76 bestanden (8.6+0.2+0.7)</td>
-<td>24 bestanden (13.8) <hr> 199 bestanden (80.3)</td>
-<td>69 bestanden (14.3)</td>
-<td>1115 bestanden (385.5)</td>
-<td>23 (62.4)</td>
-</TBODY ></TABLE ></DIV >
- </P ><P >
- Iedere cel geeft het volgende weer:
-     aantal *c, *.h en *.scm bestanden
-     (KLOCS in *.c + KLOCS in *.h + KLOCS in *.scm)
-     Als er geen *.scm bestanden zijn in de folder, dan worden alleen de (KLOCS in *.c + KLOCS in *.h)
-     weergegeven.  Als er alleen een nummer tussen haakjes staat, is dat het juiste aantal KLOC's voor de betreffende statistiek.
- </P ><P >
- KLOC == kilo-lines-of-code, zoals gerapporteerd door
-   <SPAN CLASS="APPLICATION" >wc</SPAN >.  Zoals hierboven vermeld is wc geen verschrikkelijk goede maatstaf, maar het is wat we voor handen hebben.
-    <P></P>
-<b>Tabel Kolom Legend</b><br><br>
-    <P></P>
- <DL>
-    <DT><B>engine</B></DT>
-    <DD>Inhoud van de src/engine en de include folders.
-        De 'engine' is gesplitst van de motief code in versie 1.1.  
-        De data opslag backend (bestand-io, sql) is gesplitst in de loop van versie 1.5
-	<P></P>
-        </DD>
-    <DT><B>backend</B></DT>
-    <DD>Inhoud van de src/backend folder (versie 1.7 en later)
-        of src/engine/bestand, src/engine/sql (versie 1.6 en eerder)
-	<P></P>
-        </DD>
-    <DT><B>register</B></DT>
-    <DD>Inhoud van de src/register folder (versie 1.6 en eerder)
-        of src/register/register-core (versie 1.7 en later).  Het register
-        is gesplitst van een aparte componentvan de motief code in versie 1.1.
-        zoals uit de statistieken kan worden afgeleid, is de register code tamelijk stabiel gebleven.
-        Vanaf versie 1.7 en later komt er een tweede getal bij: het aantal regels code in src/register/register-gnome (voorheen gezien als onderdeel van gnome)
-	<P></P>
-        </DD>
-    <DT><B>grootboek</B></DT>
-    <DD>*.c, *.h bestanden in de src folder (versie 1.6 en eerder)
-          of src/register/ledger-core (versie 1.7 en later)
-	<P></P>
-    </DD>
-    <DT><B>motief</B></DT>
-    <DD>Inhoud van de src/motif folder (versie 1.2 en eerder). De motief
-        versie van de code is niet voortgezet na versie 1.2, nadat het grootste gedeelte van de non-gui code was verplaatst naar of de engine, het register of het grootboek.
-	<P></P>
-    </DD>
-    <DT><B>gnome</B></DT>
-    <DD>Inhoud van src/gnome plus src/register/gnome (versie 1.6 en eerder).  Voor
-        versie 1.7 en later bestaat deze uit src/gnome, src/gnome-search en src/gnome-util
-	<P></P>
-    </DD>
-    <DT><B>misc app</B></DT>
-    <DD>Inhoud van miscellanous applicatie gerelateerde folders (versie 1.7 en later):
-        src/app-bestand, src/app-utils, src/calculation, src/core-utils, src/gnc-module,
-        src/network-utils, src/tax/us
-	<P></P>
-    </DD>
-    <DT><B>import export</B></DT>
-    <DD>Code voor import en export van diverse bestand formaten: inhoud van de src/import-export
-        folder.
-	<P></P>
-     </DD>
-    <DT><B>rapporten</B></DT>
-    <DD>Code voor het genereren van rapporten en grafieken: inhoud van de src/reports
-        folder.
-	<P></P>
-     </DD>
-    <DT><B>schema</B></DT>
-    <DD>scheme en guile code in folders src/scm plus src/guile (versie 1.6 en eerder).
-        In versie 1.7 en later is veel van deze code verplaatst naar reports, import/export, en naar individuele modules; dus alleen de miscellaneous code blijft over.
-	<P></P>
-    </DD>
-    <DT><B>business</B></DT>
-    <DD>Code om small-busines features teimplementeren: inhoud van de src/business
-        folder.
-	<P></P>
-     </DD>
-    <DT><B>test</B></DT>
-    <DD>Code automatische regressie testen uit te voeren: inhoud van de src/*/test folders.
-	<P></P>
-     </DD>
-    <DT><B>docs</B></DT>
-    <DD>English-language-only gebruikersdocumentatie, waaronder on-line help en handleiding
-        (html, sgml of xml). Voor versie 1.8.4 en later, geeft het number onder de balk de vertaalde niet engelse documenten (momenteel
-	de, es, fr, pt_PT). Beide getallen zijn moeilijk te tellen, onder andere vanwege de meerdere competerende versies.
-	<P></P>
-    </DD>
-    <DT><B>interne txt</B></DT>
-    <DD>Het aantal design documenten en README bestanden bedoeld voor ontwikkelaars.
-        Hieronder *.txt bestanden, *.texinfo bestanden en README.* bestanden
-     in alle subfolders.  Voor versie 1.7 en later worden alleen diegene in de  src subfolder meegeteld.
-	<P></P>
-     </DD>
-    <DT><B>Talen</B></DT>
-    <DD>Het aantal talen waarin de applicatieberichten zijn vertaald (het aantal  <tt>po/*.po</tt> bestanden). 
-      Tussen haakjes staat het aantal berichten in de berichtbestanden 
-      (<tt>grep msgstr po/*.po |wc</tt>), in duizendtallen.
-	<P></P>
-    </DD>
-    <DT><B>Auteurs</B></DT>
-    <DD>Het aantal mensen dat genoemd wordt in het AUTHORS bestand (versie 1.6 en later)
-        of het README bestand (eerdere versies).  hieronder zijn de hoofdontwikkelaars,
-	patch submitters en vertalers. Het bevat ook de auteurs die opgesomd zijn in het gnucash-docs/AUTHORS bestand
-	maar niet in de gnucash/AUTHORS hoofdbestand.
-	<P></P>
-    </DD>
-<?php include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/nl/components/footer.phtml"); ?>

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@@ -15,112 +15,342 @@
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-#: www/donations.phtml:1 www/externals/menu-documentation.phtml:27
-msgid "Donations"
-msgstr "Donations"
+#: features.phtml:22
+msgid "Checkbook-Style Register"
+msgstr ""
-#: www/donations.phtml:9
-msgid "Donating to the GnuCash Project"
-msgstr "Donating to the GnuCash Project"
+#: features.phtml:30
+msgid "Double Entry"
+msgstr "Double Entry"
-#: www/donations.phtml:11
+#: features.phtml:32
+#, fuzzy
 msgid ""
-"You can support the continued development of GnuCash, or simply show your "
-"appreciation for what we've already done, by making a financial gift to the "
-"GnuCash Project.  The GnuCash Project is an unincorporated entity, a loose "
-"association of the authors and developers who are involved with maintaining, "
-"extending and promoting the GnuCash software, documentation and website."
+"Every transaction must debit one account and credit others by an equal "
+"amount. This ensures that the \"books balance\": that the difference between "
+"income and outflow exactly equals the sum of all assets and equity."
 msgstr ""
-"You can support the continued development of GnuCash, or simply show your "
-"appreciation for what we have already done, by making a financial gift to "
-"the GnuCash Project.  The GnuCash Project is an unincorporated entity, a "
-"loose association of the authors and developers who are involved with "
-"maintaining, extending and promoting the GnuCash software, documentation and "
+"When enabled, every transaction must debit one account and credit others by "
+"an equal amount. This ensures that the \"books balance\": that the "
+"difference between income and outflow exactly equals the sum of all assets "
+"and equity."
-#: www/donations.phtml:13
+#: features.phtml:36 index.phtml:24
+msgid "Reports, Graphs"
+msgstr "Reports, Graphs"
+#: features.phtml:39
 msgid ""
-"Show your appreciation by donating to the GnuCash Project today! Currently, "
-"we can only accept PayPal donations made through the "
+"GnuCash has an integrated reporting and graphing module, and comes complete "
+"with a full suite of standard and customizeable reports, such as Balance "
+"Sheet, Profit &amp; Loss, Portfolio Valuation, and many others."
 msgstr ""
-"Show your appreciation by donating to the GnuCash Project today! Currently, "
-"we can only accept PayPal donations made through the "
-#: www/donations.phtml:15
-msgid "SourceForge donation system"
-msgstr "SourceForge donation system"
+#: features.phtml:43
+msgid "Income/Expense Account Types"
+msgstr "Income/Expense Account Types"
-#: www/donations.phtml:16
-msgid "If you wish to make a donation in another form, please contact the "
-msgstr "If you wish to make a donation in another form, please contact the "
+#: features.phtml:44
+msgid ""
+"Income/Expense Account Types (Categories) allow you to categorize your cash "
+"flow.  When used properly with the double-entry feature and equity accounts, "
+"these enable you to generate reports, such as Profit &amp; Loss, that plain-"
+"vanilla systems cannot handle."
+msgstr ""
+"Income/Expense Account Types (Categories) allow you to categorize your cash "
+"flow.  When used properly with the double-entry feature and equity accounts, "
+"these enable you to generate reports, such as Profit &amp; Loss, that plain-"
+"vanilla systems cannot handle."
-#: www/donations.phtml:18
+#: features.phtml:48
+msgid "Multiple Currencies"
+msgstr "Multiple Currencies"
+#: features.phtml:49
 msgid ""
-"mailing list.  Please note that the donation system is anonymous; The PayPal "
-"registration info is not sent to us, and so we typically don't know who made "
-"a donation, and thus can't mail out a thank-you note. Feel free to announce "
-"your donation publicly on the mailing list, or in private.  We thank you "
-"now, in advance. Registered SourceForge Users who are logged in when they "
-"make a donation will see their names emblazoned in electrons on the "
+"Different accounts can be denominated in different currencies. Currency "
+"movements between accounts are fully balanced when double-entry is enabled."
 msgstr ""
-"mailing list.  Please note that the donation system is anonymous; The PayPal "
-"registration info is not sent to us, and so we typically don't know who made "
-"a donation, and thus can't mail out a thank-you note. Feel free to announce "
-"your donation publicly on the mailing list, or in private.  We thank you "
-"now, in advance. Registered SourceForge Users who are logged in when they "
-"make a donation will see their names emblazoned in electrons on the "
+"Different accounts can be denominated in different currencies. Currency "
+"movements between accounts are fully balanced when double-entry is enabled."
-#: www/donations.phtml:22
-msgid "GnuCash donation website"
-msgstr "GnuCash donation website"
+#: features.phtml:53
+msgid "Stock/Mutual Fund Portfolios"
+msgstr "Stock/Mutual Fund Portfolios"
-#: www/donations.phtml:22
-msgid "Amounts are not shown."
-msgstr "Amounts are not shown."
+#: features.phtml:54
+msgid ""
+"Track stocks individually (one per account) or in portfolio of accounts (a "
+"group of accounts that can be displayed together)."
+msgstr ""
+"Track stocks individually (one per account) or in portfolio of accounts (a "
+"group of accounts that can be displayed together)."
-#: www/donations.phtml:25
+#: features.phtml:57
+msgid "Small Business Accounting Features"
+msgstr "Small Business Accounting Features"
+#: features.phtml:59
+#, fuzzy
 msgid ""
-"In the spirit of openness an public responsibility, we present a summary of "
-"current finances below.  Announcements will be made when funds are "
-"disbursed; we will keep this web page updated periodically."
+"Simplify managing a small business with Customer and Vendor tracking, "
+"Invoicing and Bill Payment, and Tax and Billing Terms."
 msgstr ""
-"In the spirit of openness an public responsibility, we present a summary of "
-"current finances below.  Announcements will be made when funds are "
-"disbursed; we will keep this web page updated periodically."
+"Simplify managing a small business with Customer and Vendor tracking,    "
+"Invoicing and Bill Payment, and Tax and Billing Terms."
-#: www/donations.phtml:31
-msgid "Date"
-msgstr "Date"
+#: features.phtml:62
+msgid "QIF Import"
+msgstr "QIF Import"
-#: www/donations.phtml:32
-msgid "Description"
-msgstr "Description"
+#: features.phtml:63
+msgid ""
+"Intuit<sup>&reg;</sup> Quicken<sup>&reg;</sup> QIF files can be imported, "
+"and are automatically merged to eliminate duplicate transactions."
+msgstr ""
+"Intuit<sup>&reg;</sup> Quicken<sup>&reg;</sup> QIF files can be imported, "
+"and are automatically merged to eliminate duplicate transactions."
-#: www/donations.phtml:33
-msgid "Amount"
-msgstr "Amount"
+#: features.phtml:66
+msgid "OFX Import"
+msgstr "OFX Import"
-#: www/donations.phtml:34 www/donations.phtml:44
-msgid "Current Balance"
-msgstr "Current Balance"
+#: features.phtml:67
+msgid ""
+"GnuCash is the first free software application to support the Open Financial "
+"Exchange protocol that many banks and financial services are starting to use."
+msgstr ""
+"GnuCash is the first free software application to support the Open Financial "
+"Exchange protocol that many banks and financial services are starting to use."
-#: www/donations.phtml:37 www/donations.phtml:43
-msgid "22-June-2004"
-msgstr "22-June-2004"
+#: features.phtml:70
+msgid "HBCI Support"
+msgstr "HBCI Support"
-#: www/donations.phtml:38
-msgid "Donations Received, March 2004 to 22 June 2004"
-msgstr "Donations Received, March 2004 to 22 June 2004"
+#: features.phtml:71
+msgid ""
+"GnuCash is the first free software application to support the German Home "
+"Banking Computer Information protocol, allowing German users to perform "
+"statement download and initiate bank transfers and direct debits."
+msgstr ""
+"GnuCash is the first free software application to support the German Home "
+"Banking Computer Information protocol, allowing German users to perform "
+"statement download and initiate bank transfers and direct debits."
-#: www/index.phtml:2
+#: features.phtml:74
+msgid "Improved Import Transaction Matching"
+msgstr "Improved Import Transaction Matching"
+#: features.phtml:75
+msgid ""
+"The development of OFX and HBCI support has also resulted in an improved "
+"transaction matching system that more accurately recognizes duplicate "
+"transactions during file import."
+msgstr ""
+"The development of OFX and HBCI support has also resulted in an improved "
+"transaction matching system that more accurately recognizes duplicate "
+"transactions during file import."
+#: features.phtml:78
+msgid "Statement Reconciliation"
+msgstr "Statement Reconciliation"
+#: features.phtml:79
+msgid ""
+"A reconcile window with running reconciled and cleared balances makes "
+"balancing against bank statements easy."
+msgstr ""
+"A reconcile window with running reconciled and cleared balances makes "
+"balancing against bank statements easy."
+#: features.phtml:82
+msgid "Localization"
+msgstr "Localisation"
+#: features.phtml:83
+msgid ""
+"Handles internationalized dates and currencies.  The Gnucash menus and "
+"popups have been translated to 21 languages, including Chinese, Danish, "
+"French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, "
+"Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish, Ukrainian, and British English. "
+"Documentation is available in English, French, Portuguese and Spanish."
+msgstr ""
+"Handles internationalised dates and currencies.  The Gnucash menus and "
+"popups have been translated to 21 languages, including Chinese, Danish, "
+"French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, "
+"Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish, Ukrainian and British English. "
+"Documentation is available in English, French, Portuguese and Spanish."
+#: features.phtml:86
+msgid "Transaction Finder"
+msgstr "Transaction Finder"
+#: features.phtml:89
+msgid ""
+"A powerful transaction query dialogue can help you quickly locate a needle "
+"in a haystack."
+msgstr ""
+"A powerful transaction query dialogue can help you quickly locate a needle "
+"in a haystack."
+#: features.phtml:92
+msgid "General Ledger"
+msgstr "General Ledger"
+#: features.phtml:93
+msgid ""
+"Multiple accounts can be displayed in one register window at the same time. "
+"This can ease the trouble of tracking down typing/entry errors. It also "
+"provides a convenient way of viewing a portfolio of many stocks, by showing "
+"all transactions in that portfolio."
+msgstr ""
+"Multiple accounts can be displayed in one register window at the same time. "
+"This can ease the trouble of tracking down typing/entry errors. It also "
+"provides a convenient way of viewing a portfolio of many stocks, by showing "
+"all transactions in that portfolio."
+#: features.phtml:96
+msgid "Online Stock &amp; Mutual Fund Quotes"
+msgstr "Online Stock &amp; Mutual Fund Quotes"
+#: features.phtml:97
+msgid ""
+"Get Stock &amp; Mutual Fund quotes from various web sites, update portfolio "
+"automatically. Additional pricing sources are added regularly."
+msgstr ""
+"Get Stock &amp; Mutual Fund quotes from various web sites, update portfolio "
+"automatically. Additional pricing sources are added regularly."
+#: features.phtml:100
+msgid "Check Printing"
+msgstr "Cheque Printing"
+#: features.phtml:101
+msgid ""
+"Checks may be printed in standard formats on common check stocks. A "
+"customization GUI allows custom check layouts to be developed."
+msgstr ""
+"Cheques may be printed in standard formats on common cheque stocks. A "
+"customisation GUI allows custom cheque layouts to be developed."
+#: features.phtml:105 index.phtml:25
+msgid "Scheduled Transactions"
+msgstr "Scheduled Transactions"
+#: features.phtml:106
+msgid ""
+"You can now create recurring transactions, including automatic reminders "
+"when a transaction is due, the ability to postpone a scheduled transaction "
+"without canceling it, and the ability to specify only a limited number of "
+msgstr ""
+"You can now create recurring transactions, including automatic reminders "
+"when a transaction is due, the ability to postpone a scheduled transaction "
+"without canceling it, and the ability to specify only a limited number of "
+#: features.phtml:109
+msgid "Mortgage &amp; Loan Repayment Druid"
+msgstr "Mortgage &amp; Loan Repayment Druid"
+#: features.phtml:110
+msgid ""
+"A guided dialogue for setting up loan payments as scheduled transactions."
+msgstr ""
+"A guided dialogue for setting up loan payments as scheduled transactions."
+#: features.phtml:114
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Budgets"
+msgstr "Budgeting "
+#: features.phtml:115
+msgid "Plan your income and expenses, then compare your budget with reality."
+msgstr ""
+#: features.phtml:120
+msgid "New User Manual and Help"
+msgstr "New User Manual and Help"
+#: features.phtml:121
+msgid ""
+"A new help subsystem that focuses on how to do tasks is now available, in "
+"addition to a Tutorial and Concepts guide that gives the user background "
+"information on accounting principles and how they are reflected in GnuCash."
+msgstr ""
+"A new help subsystem that focuses on how to do tasks is now available, in "
+"addition to a Tutorial and Concepts guide that gives the user background "
+"information on accounting principles and how they are reflected in GnuCash."
+#: promote.phtml:11
+msgid "Promote GnuCash"
+msgstr "Promote GnuCash"
+#: promote.phtml:13
+msgid ""
+"Want to demonstrate your support for GnuCash?  Exhibit one of these banners "
+"on your site."
+msgstr ""
+"Want to demonstrate your support for GnuCash?  Exhibit one of these banners "
+"on your site."
+#: promote.phtml:19
+msgid "Control your Finances with the Power of Open Source - GnuCash"
+msgstr "Control your Finances with the Power of Open Source - GnuCash"
+#: promote.phtml:27 promote.phtml:35
+msgid "Gnucash Personal Finance Software"
+msgstr "Gnucash Personal Finance Software"
+#: promote.phtml:43
+msgid "US. Dollar Bill w/Stallman's Gnu"
+msgstr "US. Dollar Bill w/Stallman's Gnu"
+#: promote.phtml:51
+msgid "Name in Bouncing Green"
+msgstr "Name in Bouncing Green"
+#: promote.phtml:59
+msgid "Flying Screenshots of GnuCash Screens"
+msgstr "Flying Screenshots of GnuCash Screens"
+#: promote.phtml:67
+msgid "white typewriter letters on black background"
+msgstr "white typewriter letters on black background"
+#: promote.phtml:75
+msgid "black typewriter letters w/ drop shadow on brown background"
+msgstr "black typewriter letters w/ drop shadow on brown background"
+#: promote.phtml:83
+msgid "black typewriter letters on light brown background"
+msgstr "black typewriter letters on light brown background"
+#: promote.phtml:91
+msgid "black typewriter letters on white background"
+msgstr "black typewriter letters on white background"
+#: promote.phtml:99
+msgid "modern techno/scifi font on clear background"
+msgstr "modern techno/scifi font on clear background"
+#: promote.phtml:107
+msgid "black throbbing beatnik font w/ dropshadow on brown background"
+msgstr "black throbbing beatnik font w/ dropshadow on brown background"
+#: promote.phtml:115
+msgid "black elegante font on brown background"
+msgstr "black elegante font on brown background"
+#: index.phtml:3 oldnews.phtml:2
 msgid "Open Source Accounting Software"
 msgstr "Open Source Accounting Software"
-#: www/index.phtml:11
+#: index.phtml:13
 msgid "Welcome to GnuCash.org"
 msgstr "Welcome to GnuCash.org"
-#: www/index.phtml:13
+#: index.phtml:15
 msgid ""
 "GnuCash is personal and small-business financial-accounting software, freely "
 "licensed under the GNU GPL and available for GNU/Linux, *BSD, Solaris and "
@@ -130,7 +360,7 @@
 "licensed under the GNU GPL and available for GNU/Linux, *BSD, Solaris and "
 "Mac OSX."
-#: www/index.phtml:15
+#: index.phtml:17
 msgid ""
 "Designed to be easy to use, yet powerful and flexible, GnuCash allows you to "
 "track bank accounts, stocks, income and expenses.  As quick and intuitive to "
@@ -142,50 +372,435 @@
 "use as a chequebook register, it is based on professional accounting "
 "principles to ensure balanced books and accurate reports. "
-#: www/index.phtml:21
+#: index.phtml:23
 msgid "QIF/OFX/HBCI Import, Transaction Matching"
 msgstr "QIF/OFX/HBCI Import, Transaction Matching"
-#: www/index.phtml:22
-msgid "Reports, Graphs"
-msgstr "Reports, Graphs"
-#: www/index.phtml:23 www/features_5.phtml:24 www/oldnews.phtml:711
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1103 www/oldnews.phtml:1154 www/oldnews.phtml:1263
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1330 www/oldnews.phtml:1408 www/oldnews.phtml:1506
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1547 www/oldnews.phtml:1682 www/oldnews.phtml:1773
-msgid "Scheduled Transactions"
-msgstr "Scheduled Transactions"
-#: www/index.phtml:24
+#: index.phtml:26
 msgid "Budgeting "
 msgstr "Budgeting "
-#: www/index.phtml:29
+#: index.phtml:30
 msgid "Double-Entry Accounting"
 msgstr "Double-Entry Accounting"
-#: www/index.phtml:30
+#: index.phtml:31
 msgid "Stock/Bond/Mutual Fund Accounts"
 msgstr "Stock/Bond/Mutual Fund Accounts"
-#: www/index.phtml:31
+#: index.phtml:32
 msgid "Small-Business Accounting"
 msgstr "Small-Business Accounting"
-#: www/index.phtml:32
+#: index.phtml:33
 msgid "Customers, Vendors, Jobs, <br>Invoices, A/P, A/R"
 msgstr "Customers, Vendors, Jobs, <br>Invoices, A/P, A/R"
-#: www/index.phtml:38
+#: index.phtml:39
 msgid "News"
 msgstr "News"
-#: www/docs.phtml:9
+#: oldnews.phtml:11
+msgid "Older Announcements"
+msgstr "Older Announcements"
+#: oldnews.phtml:14
+msgid ""
+"This is an archive of announcements that once appeared on the GnuCash home "
+msgstr ""
+"This is an archive of announcements that once appeared on the GnuCash home "
+#: sizing.phtml:14
+msgid ""
+"It can often be quite interesting to study the source code metrics behind a "
+"software development project.   Not a surprising interest: its accounting "
+"afterall.  GnuCash has grown, over the years, from a small handy electronic "
+"checkbook to a rather large and multi-featured desktop app."
+msgstr ""
+"It can often be quite interesting to study the source code metrics behind a "
+"software development project. Not a surprising interest: it is accounting "
+"afterall. GnuCash has grown, over the years, from a small handy electronic "
+"chequebook to a rather large and multi-featured desktop app."
+#: sizing.phtml:17
+msgid ""
+"GnuCash currently consists of over a third of a million lines of code spread "
+"over more than a thousand files.  It has been translated into twenty-three "
+"languages and credits over 139 authors and contributors."
+msgstr ""
+"GnuCash currently consists of over a third of a million lines of code spread "
+"over more than a thousand files. It has been translated into twenty-three "
+"languages and credits over 139 authors and contributors."
+#: sizing.phtml:23
+msgid ""
+"If you've had trouble swimming through that mass of source code, think of it "
+"this way: printed out on paper, and bound into volumes, it would amount to "
+"several dozen copies of Tolstoy's \"War and Peace\", roughly a bookshelf-"
+"width's worth of source code."
+msgstr ""
+"If you've had trouble swimming through that mass of source code, think of it "
+"this way: printed out on paper, and bound into volumes, it would amount to "
+"several dozen copies of Tolstoy's \"War and Peace\", roughly a bookshelf-"
+"width's worth of source code."
+#: sizing.phtml:26
+msgid ""
+"Mind you, this is source code (and docs) crafted and debugged by actual "
+"humans, this is *not* autogenerated code.  Tools (such as glade or g-wrap) "
+"can generate gaziilions of lines of code automatically; I'm not counting "
+"those.  Every last line counted here was typed in, edited, indented, "
+"tweaked, multiple times, by human hands."
+msgstr ""
+"Mind you, this is source code (and docs) crafted and debugged by actual "
+"humans, this is *not* autogenerated code.  Tools (such as glade or g-wrap) "
+"can generate gaziilions of lines of code automatically; I'm not counting "
+"those.  Every last line counted here was typed in, edited, indented, "
+"tweaked, multiple times, by human hands."
+#: sizing.phtml:29
+msgid ""
+"Given that we have about 400 outstanding bugs in bugzilla, that works out to "
+"about one bug per thousand lines of code, or one bug per 50 pages of "
+"printout.  This bug count is actually not atypical for software projects; "
+"its near the norm."
+msgstr ""
+"Given that we have about 400 outstanding bugs in bugzilla, that works out to "
+"about one bug per thousand lines of code, or one bug per 50 pages of "
+"printout.  This bug count is actually not atypical for software projects; "
+"its near the norm."
+#: sizing.phtml:32
+msgid ""
+"The table below shows some historical lines-of-code and number-of-files "
+"metrics for the GnuCash development project.  Note that not all of the code "
+"is counted: for instance, the Makefiles and configure.in and autogen.sh are "
+"not counted. Also, files that are automatically generated are not counted, "
+"nor are files that have been 'borrowed' from other projects. Also not "
+"counted are experimental files, miscellaneous perl scripts, various "
+"converters, addons and utilities.  Finally, <tt>glade</tt> files are not "
+"counted, although large parts of the overall GUI are described in <tt>glade</"
+"tt> files."
+msgstr ""
+"The table below shows some historical lines-of-code and number-of-files "
+"metrics for the GnuCash development project.  Note that not all of the code "
+"is counted: for instance, the Makefiles and configure.in and autogen.sh are "
+"not counted. Also, files that are automatically generated are not counted, "
+"nor are files that have been 'borrowed' from other projects. Also not "
+"counted are experimental files, miscellaneous perl scripts, various "
+"converters, addons and utilities.  Finally, <tt>glade</tt> files are not "
+"counted, although large parts of the overall GUI are described in <tt>glade</"
+"tt> files."
+#: sizing.phtml:35
+msgid ""
+"Note also that KLOC's are not a good metric of programmer productivity, nor "
+"even that <code>wc</code> is a good way of counting KLOC's.  Much better "
+"measures are complexity metrics, which, for example, count the number and "
+"size of if-then-else blocks, or the number and size of all blocks, or the "
+"number of math operators per statement.  Maybe someday we'll run one of "
+"those tools on this code. For now, this is what we have.  On the other hand, "
+"we've attempted to count only those files that contain human-edited code, "
+"that is, files that are directly edited by humans.  The point of doing this "
+"is to avoid artificially inflating the KLOC counts by counting automatically "
+"generated code (which is why the glade files are not counted: they are large "
+"and automatically generated)."
+msgstr ""
+"Note also that KLOC's are not a good metric of programmer productivity, nor "
+"even that <code>wc</code> is a good way of counting KLOC's.  Much better "
+"measures are complexity metrics, which, for example, count the number and "
+"size of if-then-else blocks, or the number and size of all blocks, or the "
+"number of math operators per statement.  Maybe someday we'll run one of "
+"those tools on this code. For now, this is what we have.  On the other hand, "
+"we've attempted to count only those files that contain human-edited code, "
+"that is, files that are directly edited by humans.  The point of doing this "
+"is to avoid artificially inflating the KLOC counts by counting automatically "
+"generated code (which is why the glade files are not counted: they are large "
+"and automatically generated)."
+#: sizing.phtml:39
+msgid "Table 1.  Historical Development Stats"
+msgstr "Table 1.  Historical Development Stats"
+#: sizing.phtml:43
+msgid "Version"
+msgstr "Version"
+#: sizing.phtml:44 sizing.phtml:330
+msgid "engine"
+msgstr "engine"
+#: sizing.phtml:45 sizing.phtml:334
+msgid "backend"
+msgstr "backend"
+#: sizing.phtml:46 sizing.phtml:338
+msgid "register"
+msgstr "register"
+#: sizing.phtml:47
+msgid "ledger"
+msgstr "ledger"
+#: sizing.phtml:48 sizing.phtml:346
+msgid "motif"
+msgstr "motif"
+#: sizing.phtml:49 sizing.phtml:350
+msgid "gnome"
+msgstr "gnome"
+#: sizing.phtml:50 sizing.phtml:355
+msgid "misc app"
+msgstr "misc app"
+#: sizing.phtml:51 sizing.phtml:360
+msgid "import export"
+msgstr "import export"
+#: sizing.phtml:52 sizing.phtml:365
+msgid "reports"
+msgstr "reports"
+#: sizing.phtml:53
+msgid "scheme (misc)"
+msgstr "scheme (misc)"
+#: sizing.phtml:54
+msgid "business"
+msgstr "business"
+#: sizing.phtml:55 sizing.phtml:380
+msgid "test"
+msgstr "test"
+#: sizing.phtml:56
+msgid "user docs"
+msgstr "user docs"
+#: sizing.phtml:57 sizing.phtml:390
+msgid "internal txt"
+msgstr "internal txt"
+#: sizing.phtml:58
+msgid "Total"
+msgstr "Total"
+#: sizing.phtml:59 sizing.phtml:395
+msgid "Languages"
+msgstr "Languages"
+#: sizing.phtml:60 sizing.phtml:400
+msgid "Author Credits"
+msgstr "Author Credits"
+#: sizing.phtml:319
+msgid "Each cell displays the following:"
+msgstr "Each cell displays the following:"
+#: sizing.phtml:321
+msgid ""
+"number of *c and *.h and *.scm files (KLOCS in *.c + KLOCS in *.h + KLOCS in "
+"*.scm).  If there are no *.scm files in the directory, then only (KLOCS in *."
+"c + KLOCS in *.h) are displayed.  If there is only one number in the "
+"parenthesis, it is the approriate KLOC count for that statistic."
+msgstr ""
+"number of *c and *.h and *.scm files (KLOCS in *.c + KLOCS in *.h + KLOCS in "
+"*.scm).  If there are no *.scm files in the directory, then only (KLOCS in *."
+"c + KLOCS in *.h) are displayed.  If there is only one number in the "
+"parenthesis, it is the approriate KLOC count for that statistic."
+#: sizing.phtml:324
+msgid ""
+"where KLOC == kilo-lines-of-code, as reported by <code>wc</code>. As noted "
+"above, wc is not a terribly good code metric, but its what we have handy."
+msgstr ""
+"where KLOC == kilo-lines-of-code, as reported by <code>wc</code>. As noted "
+"above, wc is not a terribly good code metric, but its what we have handy."
+#: sizing.phtml:327
+msgid "Table Column Legend"
+msgstr "Table Column Legend"
+#: sizing.phtml:331
+msgid ""
+"Contents of the src/engine and the include directories. The engine was split "
+"out from the motif code in version 1.1. The data storage backend (file-io, "
+"sql) was split out in the course of version 1.5"
+msgstr ""
+"Contents of the src/engine and the include directories. The engine was split "
+"out from the motif code in version 1.1. The data storage backend (file-io, "
+"sql) was split out in the course of version 1.5"
+#: sizing.phtml:335
+msgid ""
+"Contents of the src/backend directory (version 1.7 and later) or of src/"
+"engine/file, src/engine/sql (version 1.6 and earlier)"
+msgstr ""
+"Contents of the src/backend directory (version 1.7 and later) or of src/"
+"engine/file, src/engine/sql (version 1.6 and earlier)"
+#: sizing.phtml:339
+msgid ""
+"Contents of the src/register directory (version 1.6 and earlier) or src/"
+"register/register-core (version 1.7 and later).  The register was split out "
+"as a separate component from the motif code in version 1.1. As can be seen "
+"from the stats, the register code has been fairly stable. At version 1.7 and "
+"later, this cell shows a second count: the number of lines of code in src/"
+"register/register-gnome (previously counted as part of gnome)"
+msgstr ""
+"Contents of the src/register directory (version 1.6 and earlier) or src/"
+"register/register-core (version 1.7 and later).  The register was split out "
+"as a separate component from the motif code in version 1.1. As can be seen "
+"from the stats, the register code has been fairly stable. At version 1.7 and "
+"later, this cell shows a second count: the number of lines of code in src/"
+"register/register-gnome (previously counted as part of gnome)"
+#: sizing.phtml:343
+msgid ""
+"*.c, *.h files in the src directory only (version 1.6 and earlier) or src/"
+"register/ledger-core (version 1.7 and later)"
+msgstr ""
+"*.c, *.h files in the src directory only (version 1.6 and earlier) or src/"
+"register/ledger-core (version 1.7 and later)"
+#: sizing.phtml:347
+msgid ""
+"Contents of the src/motif directory (version 1.2 and earlier).  The motif "
+"version of the code was discontinued after version 1.2, after most of the "
+"non-gui code was moved to either the engine, the register or the ledger."
+msgstr ""
+"Contents of the src/motif directory (version 1.2 and earlier).  The motif "
+"version of the code was discontinued after version 1.2, after most of the "
+"non-gui code was moved to either the engine, the register or the ledger."
+#: sizing.phtml:351
+msgid ""
+"Contents of src/gnome plus src/register/gnome (version 1.6 and earlier). For "
+"version 1.7 and later, this consists of src/gnome, src/gnome-search and src/"
+msgstr ""
+"Contents of src/gnome plus src/register/gnome (version 1.6 and earlier). For "
+"version 1.7 and later, this consists of src/gnome, src/gnome-search and src/"
+#: sizing.phtml:356
+msgid ""
+"Contents of miscellanous application-related directories (version 1.7 and "
+"later): src/app-file, src/app-utils, src/calculation, src/core-utils, src/"
+"gnc-module, src/network-utils, src/tax/us"
+msgstr ""
+"Contents of miscellanous application-related directories (version 1.7 and "
+"later): src/app-file, src/app-utils, src/calculation, src/core-utils, src/"
+"gnc-module, src/network-utils, src/tax/us"
+#: sizing.phtml:361
+msgid ""
+"Code to import and export various file formats: contents of the src/import-"
+"export directory."
+msgstr ""
+"Code to import and export various file formats: contents of the src/import-"
+"export directory."
+#: sizing.phtml:366
+msgid ""
+"Code to generate reports and graphs: contents of the src/reports directory."
+msgstr ""
+"Code to generate reports and graphs: contents of the src/reports directory."
+#: sizing.phtml:370
+msgid "scheme"
+msgstr "scheme"
+#: sizing.phtml:371
+msgid ""
+"scheme and guile code in directories src/scm plus src/guile (version 1.6 and "
+"earlier). In version 1.7 and later, much of this code went into reports, "
+"import/export, and into indiovidual modules; thus only miscellaneous code "
+msgstr ""
+"scheme and guile code in directories src/scm plus src/guile (version 1.6 and "
+"earlier). In version 1.7 and later, much of this code went into reports, "
+"import/export, and into indiovidual modules; thus only miscellaneous code "
+#: sizing.phtml:376
+msgid ""
+"Code to add small-business features: contents of the src/business directory."
+msgstr ""
+"Code to add small-business features: contents of the src/business directory."
+#: sizing.phtml:381
+msgid ""
+"Code to peform automated regression tests: contents of the src/*/test "
+msgstr ""
+"Code to peform automated regression tests: contents of the src/*/test "
+#: sizing.phtml:385
+msgid "docs"
+msgstr "docs"
+#: sizing.phtml:386
+msgid ""
+"English-language-only user documentation, including on-line help and manual "
+"(html, sgml or xml). For version 1.8.4 and later, the number below the bar "
+"counts the translated, non-english docs (currently de, es, fr, pt_PT).  Both "
+"of these numbers are somewhat hard to count, because of fairly large format "
+"churns, and multiple competing versions."
+msgstr ""
+"English-language-only user documentation, including on-line help and manual "
+"(html, sgml or xml). For version 1.8.4 and later, the number below the bar "
+"counts the translated, non-english docs (currently de, es, fr, pt_PT).  Both "
+"of these numbers are somewhat hard to count, because of fairly large format "
+"churns, and multiple competing versions."
+#: sizing.phtml:391
+msgid ""
+"The number of design documents and README files aimed at developers. This "
+"includes *.txt files, *.texinfo files and README.* files in all "
+"subdirectories.  For version 1.7 and later, only those in the src "
+"subdirectory are counted (leaving out some half-dozen scattered elsewhere)"
+msgstr ""
+"The number of design documents and README files aimed at developers. This "
+"includes *.txt files, *.texinfo files and README.* files in all "
+"subdirectories.  For version 1.7 and later, only those in the src "
+"subdirectory are counted (leaving out some half-dozen scattered elsewhere)"
+#: sizing.phtml:396
+msgid ""
+"The number of languages that the application messages have been translated "
+"to (the number of <tt>po/*.po</tt> files). In parenthesis, the number of "
+"messages in the message files (<tt>grep msgstr po/*.po |wc</tt>), in "
+msgstr ""
+"The number of languages that the application messages have been translated "
+"to (the number of <tt>po/*.po</tt> files). In parenthesis, the number of "
+"messages in the message files (<tt>grep msgstr po/*.po |wc</tt>), in "
+#: sizing.phtml:401
+msgid ""
+"The number of people credited in the AUTHORS file (version 1.6 and later) or "
+"the README file (earlier versions).  These include lead developers, patch "
+"submitters and national-language translators.  This includes additional "
+"credits listed in the gnucash-docs/AUTHORS file that are not listed in the "
+"main gnucash/AUTHORS file."
+msgstr ""
+"The number of people credited in the AUTHORS file (version 1.6 and later) or "
+"the README file (earlier versions).  These include lead developers, patch "
+"submitters and national-language translators.  This includes additional "
+"credits listed in the gnucash-docs/AUTHORS file that are not listed in the "
+"main gnucash/AUTHORS file."
+#: docs.phtml:11
 msgid "GnuCash Documentation Project"
 msgstr "GnuCash Documentation Project"
-#: www/docs.phtml:11
+#: docs.phtml:13
 msgid ""
 "This page is the home of the Gnucash Documentation Project, our goal is to "
 "maintain a community of people working towards creation of high quality "
@@ -195,7 +810,7 @@
 "maintain a community of people working towards creation of high quality "
 "documentation for GnuCash."
-#: www/docs.phtml:13
+#: docs.phtml:15
 msgid ""
 "Everything you need concerning GnuCash documentation should be here, if you "
 "notice something missing, email <a href='mailto:gnucash-devel at lists.gnucash."
@@ -205,11 +820,11 @@
 "notice something missing, email <a href='mailto:gnucash-devel at lists.gnucash."
 "org'>gnucash-devel</a> and we will add it."
-#: www/docs.phtml:19
+#: docs.phtml:20
 msgid "GnuCash v1.8 (current stable release)"
 msgstr "GnuCash v1.8 (current stable release)"
-#: www/docs.phtml:22
+#: docs.phtml:23
 msgid ""
 "If you have a question about how to use GnuCash, you are in the right place. "
 "The first thing you should do is read the Help Manual and the Concepts "
@@ -219,7 +834,7 @@
 "The first thing you should do is read the Help Manual and the Concepts "
 "Guide, most of your questions can probably be answered by these documents."
-#: www/docs.phtml:23
+#: docs.phtml:24
 msgid ""
 "The Help Manual is designed to be a quick reference of how to accomplish "
 "specific tasks and how to use the features in GnuCash. The Concepts Guide is "
@@ -231,24 +846,23 @@
 "designed to be an in depth guide to the concepts behind using GnuCash with a "
 "tutorial to show how to put those concepts into practice."
-#: www/docs.phtml:28
+#: docs.phtml:29
 msgid "Help Manual"
 msgstr "Help Manual"
-#: www/docs.phtml:30 www/docs.phtml:34 www/docs.phtml:38 www/docs.phtml:40
-#: www/docs.phtml:85
+#: docs.phtml:31 docs.phtml:35 docs.phtml:39 docs.phtml:41 docs.phtml:84
 msgid "English"
 msgstr "English"
-#: www/docs.phtml:32 www/docs.phtml:86
+#: docs.phtml:33 docs.phtml:85
 msgid "Deutsch"
 msgstr "Deutsch"
-#: www/docs.phtml:36
+#: docs.phtml:37
 msgid "Concepts Guide"
 msgstr "Concepts Guide"
-#: www/docs.phtml:43
+#: docs.phtml:44
 msgid ""
 "Please send an email to the <a href='mailto:gnucash-user at lists.gnucash."
 "org'>gnucash-user</a> mailing list if you cannot find a satisfactory answer "
@@ -262,13 +876,14 @@
 "<b>want</b> feedback from you, it is only through your comments that we know "
 "how to modify the documentation."
-#: www/docs.phtml:45
+#: docs.phtml:46
+#, fuzzy
 msgid ""
 "Additionally, you can talk to someone via IRC at irc.gnome.org channel "
-"\"gnucash\" about your question.  Another resource is the <a href='http://"
-"gnomesupport.org/wiki/index.php/GnuCash'>English</a> or <a href='http://"
-"linuxwiki.de/GnuCash'>Deutsch</a> GnuCash wikis. A wiki is an interactive "
-"website where registered users can ask and answer questions."
+"\"#gnucash\" about your question.  Another resource is the <a href='http://"
+"wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/'>English</a> or <a href='http://linuxwiki.de/"
+"GnuCash'>Deutsch</a> GnuCash wikis. A wiki is an interactive website where "
+"registered users can ask and answer questions."
 msgstr ""
 "Additionally, you can talk to someone via IRC at irc.gnome.org channel "
 "\"gnucash\" about your question.  Another resource is the <a href='http://"
@@ -276,11 +891,11 @@
 "linuxwiki.de/GnuCash'>Deutsch</a> GnuCash wikis. A wiki is an interactive "
 "website where registered users can ask and answer questions."
-#: www/docs.phtml:55
+#: docs.phtml:55
 msgid "User Contributed Documentation"
 msgstr "User Contributed Documentation"
-#: www/docs.phtml:58
+#: docs.phtml:58
 msgid ""
 "Some people have written HOWTO guides or tutorials. Note: the information "
 "presented in these sources may or may not be updated to the most recent "
@@ -292,31 +907,31 @@
 "version of GnuCash. If you are interested in doing development work on these "
 "documents, you should contact the original authors."
-#: www/docs.phtml:61
+#: docs.phtml:61
 msgid "Neil Williams GnuCash documentation"
 msgstr "Neil Williams GnuCash documentation"
-#: www/docs.phtml:63
+#: docs.phtml:63
 msgid "GnuCash for Business Users"
 msgstr "GnuCash for Business Users"
-#: www/docs.phtml:64
+#: docs.phtml:64
 msgid "mirror"
 msgstr "mirror"
-#: www/docs.phtml:66
+#: docs.phtml:66
 msgid "Joe Mack's Tutorial"
 msgstr "Joe Mack's Tutorial"
-#: www/docs.phtml:68
+#: docs.phtml:68
 msgid "Dave Gilbert's User Guide (PDF)"
 msgstr "Dave Gilbert's User Guide (PDF)"
-#: www/docs.phtml:79
+#: docs.phtml:78
 msgid "Older GnuCash Documentation"
 msgstr "Older GnuCash Documentation"
-#: www/docs.phtml:82
+#: docs.phtml:81
 msgid ""
 "This section contains all the older GnuCash documentation. If you are using "
 "one of these old versions of GnuCash, it is highly recommended that you "
@@ -326,27 +941,27 @@
 "one of these old versions of GnuCash, it is highly recommended that you "
 "upgrade to the latest stable version."
-#: www/docs.phtml:87
+#: docs.phtml:86
 msgid "Espagnol"
 msgstr "Espagnol"
-#: www/docs.phtml:88
+#: docs.phtml:87
 msgid "Portugu&ecirc;s"
 msgstr "Portugu&ecirc;s"
-#: www/docs.phtml:92
+#: docs.phtml:91
 msgid "Fran&ccedil;ais"
 msgstr "Fran&ccedil;ais"
-#: www/docs.phtml:103
+#: docs.phtml:101
 msgid "Documentation Development"
 msgstr "Documentation Development"
-#: www/docs.phtml:106
+#: docs.phtml:104
 msgid "Interesting Links"
 msgstr "Interesting Links"
-#: www/docs.phtml:107
+#: docs.phtml:105
 msgid ""
 "The following links are for further sites that can help with the "
 "documentation and review process."
@@ -354,11 +969,11 @@
 "The following links are for further sites that can help with the "
 "documentation and review process."
-#: www/docs.phtml:112
+#: docs.phtml:110
 msgid "For both reviewers and documentation writers"
 msgstr "For both reviewers and documentation writers"
-#: www/docs.phtml:113
+#: docs.phtml:111
 msgid ""
 "Please read the following guides. The new docs are based on the GNOME2 XML "
 "docbook system. Everyone wishing to help please follow these guides where "
@@ -368,15 +983,15 @@
 "docbook system. Everyone wishing to help please follow these guides where "
 "possible when reviewing and/or writing docs."
-#: www/docs.phtml:118
+#: docs.phtml:116
 msgid "We suggest also subscribing to "
 msgstr "We suggest also subscribing to "
-#: www/docs.phtml:119
+#: docs.phtml:117
 msgid "Reviewers"
 msgstr "Reviewers"
-#: www/docs.phtml:120
+#: docs.phtml:118
 msgid ""
 "Please check out the documentation module from the GnuCash svn - gnucash-"
 "docs. For those not familiar with svn, the GnuCash wiki has a <a "
@@ -390,7 +1005,7 @@
 "change to get the docs is to change the checkout gnucash to checkout gnucash-"
 "docs. You can also start from the current docs tarball."
-#: www/docs.phtml:121
+#: docs.phtml:119
 msgid ""
 "The best way of retaining comments about docs in an easy to find way for "
 "everyone would be to use <a href='http://bugzilla.gnome.org/'>bugzilla.gnome."
@@ -402,15 +1017,16 @@
 "org</a> to file the bugs under documentation. This can also be done using "
-#: www/docs.phtml:122
+#: docs.phtml:120
 msgid "Writers"
 msgstr "Writers"
-#: www/docs.phtml:123
+#: docs.phtml:121
+#, fuzzy
 msgid ""
 "Also checkout the docs svn as above. The usual procedure for contributors to "
 "GnuCash is to initially submit patches to the <a href='mailto:gnucash-"
-"patches at lists.gnucash.org'>gnucash-patches</a> mailing list. We will handle "
+"devel at lists.gnucash.org'>gnucash-devel</a> mailing list. We will handle "
 "getting the patches added into svn until you are given an account. You can "
 "also add the patch to a bug report in bugzilla if you wish."
 msgstr ""
@@ -420,7 +1036,7 @@
 "getting the patches added into svn until you are given an account. You can "
 "also add the patch to a bug report in bugzilla if you wish."
-#: www/docs.phtml:124
+#: docs.phtml:122
 msgid ""
 "Please let other writers know which section you wish to tackle. Please "
 "forward this to <a href='mailto:gnucash-devel at lists.gnucash.org'>gnucash-"
@@ -432,7 +1048,7 @@
 "devel</a> so that people can say 'hey I'm doing that already' or 'go ahead "
 "and do it'."
-#: www/docs.phtml:125
+#: docs.phtml:123
 msgid ""
 "You may also want to retain a local copy of the old documentation to refer "
 "to when writing. This still has a lot of useful information in it which "
@@ -442,7748 +1058,6624 @@
 "to when writing. This still has a lot of useful information in it which "
 "hasn't been transferred to the new docs"
-#: www/features_1.phtml:22
-msgid ""
-"If you can use the register in the back of your checkbook, you can use "
-"Gnucash. Type directly into the register, tab between fields, and use quick-"
-"fill to automatically complete the transaction."
+#: externals/footer.phtml:5
+msgid "Server &amp; email outage reports to: "
 msgstr ""
-"If you can use the register in the back of your chequebook, you can use "
-"Gnucash. Type directly into the register, tab between fields, and use quick-"
-"fill to automatically complete the transaction."
-#: www/features_1.phtml:31 www/features_2.phtml:30 www/features_3.phtml:30
-#: www/features_4.phtml:30
-msgid "next slide"
-msgstr "next slide"
-#: www/features_2.phtml:21
+#: externals/footer.phtml:6 search/templates/NMZ.foot.php_tmpl:15
 msgid ""
-"A master account can have a hierarchy of detail accounts underneath it. This "
-"allows similar accounts types ( e.g. Cash, Bank, Stock ) to be grouped into "
-"one master account ( e.g. Assets )."
+"Translation problems? Contact: <a href=\"mailto:gnucash-devel at gnucash.org"
+"\"><b>gnucash-devel at gnucash.org</b></a>"
 msgstr ""
-"A master account can have a hierarchy of detail accounts underneath it. This "
-"allows similar accounts types ( e.g. Cash, Bank, Stock ) to be grouped into "
-"one master account ( e.g. Assets )."
-#: www/features_2.phtml:27
-msgid "back to first slide"
-msgstr "back to first slide"
+#: externals/header.phtml:25
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Language"
+msgstr "Languages"
-#: www/features_3.phtml:21
-msgid ""
-"With keyboard accelerators, check number auto-increment, transaction auto-"
-"completion and transaction cut-n-paste make entering transactions quick and "
+#: externals/header.phtml:32
+msgid "Continent"
 msgstr ""
-"With keyboard accelerators, cheque number auto-increment, transaction auto-"
-"completion and transaction cut-n-paste make entering transactions quick and "
-#: www/features_3.phtml:27
-msgid "back to slide 2"
-msgstr "back to slide 2"
+#: externals/menu.phtml:11
+msgid "Information"
+msgstr "Information"
-#: www/features_4.phtml:21
-msgid ""
-"A single transaction can be split into several pieces to record taxes, fees, "
-"and other journal entries."
+#: externals/menu.phtml:14
+msgid "About / News"
+msgstr "About / News"
+#: externals/menu.phtml:15
+msgid "Features"
+msgstr "Features"
+#: externals/menu.phtml:16
+msgid "How to help"
+msgstr "How to help"
+#: externals/menu.phtml:22
+msgid "Documentation"
+msgstr "Documentation"
+#: externals/menu.phtml:24
+msgid "FAQ"
+msgstr "FAQ"
+#: externals/menu.phtml:25
+msgid "Wiki"
+msgstr "Wiki"
+#: externals/menu.phtml:27
+msgid "Tutorial and Help"
 msgstr ""
-"A single transaction can be split into several pieces to record taxes, fees, "
-"and other journal entries."
-#: www/features_4.phtml:27
-msgid "back to slide 3"
-msgstr "back to slide 3"
+#: externals/menu.phtml:37
+msgid "Mailing Lists"
+msgstr "Mailing Lists"
-#: www/features_5.phtml:19 www/oldnews.phtml:1152
-msgid "What's New in GnuCash 1.8.0?"
-msgstr "What's New in GnuCash 1.8.0?"
+#: externals/menu.phtml:39
+msgid "Search"
+msgstr "Search"
-#: www/features_5.phtml:20
-msgid ""
-"The 1.8.x series of stable releases introduce many new features not found in "
-"the older gnucash-1.6.8."
+#: externals/menu.phtml:41
+msgid "Bug Reports"
+msgstr "Bug Reports"
+#: externals/menu.phtml:42
+msgid "IRC (Chat)"
+msgstr "IRC (Chat)"
+#: externals/menu.phtml:43
+msgid "Donations"
+msgstr "Donations"
+#: externals/menu.phtml:53
+msgid "USA (master site)"
 msgstr ""
-"The 1.8.x series of stable releases introduce many new features not found in "
-"the older gnucash-1.6.8."
-#: www/features_5.phtml:25
-msgid ""
-"You can now create recurring transactions, including automatic reminders "
-"when a transaction is due, the ability to postpone a scheduled transaction "
-"without canceling it, and the ability to specify only a limited number of "
+#: externals/menu.phtml:54
+msgid "Europe"
 msgstr ""
-"You can now create recurring transactions, including automatic reminders "
-"when a transaction is due, the ability to postpone a scheduled transaction "
-"without canceling it, and the ability to specify only a limited number of "
-#: www/features_5.phtml:28 www/oldnews.phtml:715 www/oldnews.phtml:1106
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1156 www/oldnews.phtml:1332 www/oldnews.phtml:1410
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1508 www/oldnews.phtml:1549
-msgid "Mortgage &amp; Loan Repayment Druid"
-msgstr "Mortgage &amp; Loan Repayment Druid"
+#: externals/menu.phtml:55
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "SourceForge"
+msgstr "Source Docs"
-#: www/features_5.phtml:29
-msgid ""
-"A guided dialogue for setting up loan payments as scheduled transactions."
+#: externals/menu.phtml:56
+msgid "Australia"
 msgstr ""
-"A guided dialogue for setting up loan payments as scheduled transactions."
-#: www/features_5.phtml:33 www/oldnews.phtml:717 www/oldnews.phtml:1109
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1158 www/oldnews.phtml:1267 www/oldnews.phtml:1334
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1412 www/oldnews.phtml:1510 www/oldnews.phtml:1551
-msgid "Small Business Accounting Features"
-msgstr "Small Business Accounting Features"
+#: externals/menu.phtml:63
+msgid "Developer Information"
+msgstr "Developer Information"
-#: www/features_5.phtml:34
-msgid ""
-"Simplify managing a small business with Customer and Vendor tracking,    "
-"Invoicing and Bill Payment, and Tax and Billing Terms."
-msgstr ""
-"Simplify managing a small business with Customer and Vendor tracking,    "
-"Invoicing and Bill Payment, and Tax and Billing Terms."
+#: externals/menu.phtml:66
+msgid "Source Docs"
+msgstr "Source Docs"
-#: www/features_5.phtml:37 www/oldnews.phtml:719 www/oldnews.phtml:1112
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1160 www/oldnews.phtml:1269 www/oldnews.phtml:1337
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1414 www/oldnews.phtml:1512 www/oldnews.phtml:1553
-msgid "OFX Import"
-msgstr "OFX Import"
+#: externals/menu.phtml:67
+msgid "Browse Source Code"
+msgstr "Browse Source Code"
-#: www/features_5.phtml:38
-msgid ""
-"GnuCash is the first free software application to support the Open Financial "
-"Exchange protocol that many banks and financial services are starting to use."
+#: externals/menu.phtml:68
+msgid "Subversion Access"
+msgstr "Subversion Access"
+#: externals/menu.phtml:69
+msgid "Language Translations"
+msgstr "Language Translations"
+#: externals/menu.phtml:76
+msgid "Other Information"
+msgstr "Other Information"
+#: externals/menu.phtml:79
+msgid "GnuCash Banners!"
+msgstr "GnuCash Banners!"
+#: externals/menu.phtml:80
+msgid "Sizing"
+msgstr "Sizing"
+#: search/templates/NMZ.tips.php_tmpl:4
+msgid "Tips on searching"
 msgstr ""
-"GnuCash is the first free software application to support the Open Financial "
-"Exchange protocol that many banks and financial services are starting to use."
-#: www/features_5.phtml:41 www/oldnews.phtml:721 www/oldnews.phtml:1114
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1162 www/oldnews.phtml:1271 www/oldnews.phtml:1339
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1416 www/oldnews.phtml:1514 www/oldnews.phtml:1555
-msgid "HBCI Support"
-msgstr "HBCI Support"
+#: search/templates/NMZ.tips.php_tmpl:7
+msgid "If you have trouble with searching, you can check the following tips."
+msgstr ""
-#: www/features_5.phtml:42
+#: search/templates/NMZ.tips.php_tmpl:11
 msgid ""
-"GnuCash is the first free software application to support the German Home "
-"Banking Computer Information protocol, allowing German users to perform "
-"statement download and initiate bank transfers and direct debits."
+"Check a spelling of your keyword<br>\n"
+"Namazu can't find anything with wrong spelling."
 msgstr ""
-"GnuCash is the first free software application to support the German Home "
-"Banking Computer Information protocol, allowing German users to perform "
-"statement download and initiate bank transfers and direct debits."
-#: www/features_5.phtml:45
-msgid "Improved Import Transaction Matching"
-msgstr "Improved Import Transaction Matching"
+#: search/templates/NMZ.tips.php_tmpl:15
+msgid "Add keywords"
+msgstr ""
-#: www/features_5.phtml:46
+#: search/templates/NMZ.tips.php_tmpl:17
 msgid ""
-"The development of OFX and HBCI support has also resulted in an improved "
-"transaction matching system that more accurately recognizes duplicate "
-"transactions during file import."
+"If you gained no results or too few results, you can add one\n"
+"or more related keywords with <code\n"
+"class=\"operator\">or</code> operator.  You should get more results.\n"
 msgstr ""
-"The development of OFX and HBCI support has also resulted in an improved "
-"transaction matching system that more accurately recognizes duplicate "
-"transactions during file import."
-#: www/features_5.phtml:49 www/oldnews.phtml:723 www/oldnews.phtml:1116
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1164 www/oldnews.phtml:1273 www/oldnews.phtml:1341
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1418 www/oldnews.phtml:1516 www/oldnews.phtml:1557
-msgid "New User Manual and Help"
-msgstr "New User Manual and Help"
-#: www/features_5.phtml:50
+#: search/templates/NMZ.tips.php_tmpl:23
 msgid ""
-"A new help subsystem that focuses on how to do tasks is now available, in "
-"addition to a Tutorial and Concepts guide that gives the user background "
-"information on accounting principles and how they are reflected in GnuCash."
+"If you gained too many results, you can add one or more\n"
+"related keywords with <code class=\"operator\">and</code>\n"
+"operator. It makes your search more limited. e.g.,"
 msgstr ""
-"A new help subsystem that focuses on how to do tasks is now available, in "
-"addition to a Tutorial and Concepts guide that gives the user background "
-"information on accounting principles and how they are reflected in GnuCash."
-#: www/features_5.phtml:53 www/oldnews.phtml:725 www/oldnews.phtml:1118
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1166 www/oldnews.phtml:1275 www/oldnews.phtml:1343
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1420 www/oldnews.phtml:1518 www/oldnews.phtml:1559
-msgid "New Multi-Currency Transaction Handling"
-msgstr "New Multi-Currency Transaction Handling"
+#: search/templates/NMZ.tips.php_tmpl:29
+msgid "Try substring matching"
+msgstr ""
-#: www/features_5.phtml:54
+#: search/templates/NMZ.tips.php_tmpl:31
 msgid ""
-"GnuCash no longer requires separate currency exchange accounts to handle "
-"multiple currency transfers.  Transactions can be made directly between "
-"accounts denominated in different currencies."
+"If you gained no results or too few results, you can try\n"
+"substring matching."
 msgstr ""
-"GnuCash no longer requires separate currency exchange accounts to handle "
-"multiple currency transfers.  Transactions can be made directly between "
-"accounts denominated in different currencies."
-#: www/features_5.phtml:57 www/oldnews.phtml:727 www/oldnews.phtml:1120
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1168 www/oldnews.phtml:1277 www/oldnews.phtml:1345
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1422 www/oldnews.phtml:1520 www/oldnews.phtml:1561
-msgid "Redesigned Menus"
-msgstr "Redesigned Menus"
-#: www/features_5.phtml:58
+#: search/templates/NMZ.tips.php_tmpl:34
 msgid ""
-"The GnuCash menus have been redesigned to conform more with the new GNOME "
-"Human Interface Guidelines."
+"You can specify <code class=\"example\">tex*</code> to\n"
+"search for terms which begin with\n"
+"<code>tex</code> (e.g., <code>tex</code>,\n"
+"<code>texindex</code>, <code>text</code>)."
 msgstr ""
-"The GnuCash menus have been redesigned to conform more with the new GNOME "
-"Human Interface Guidelines."
-#: www/features_5.phtml:62
-msgid "Old Favorites"
-msgstr "Old Favourites"
-#: www/features_5.phtml:63
-msgid "And of course, some favorite features from earlier versions:"
-msgstr "And of course, some favourite features from earlier versions:"
-#: www/features_5.phtml:67
-msgid "Statement Reconciliation"
-msgstr "Statement Reconciliation"
-#: www/features_5.phtml:68
+#: search/templates/NMZ.tips.php_tmpl:41
 msgid ""
-"A reconcile window with running reconciled and cleared balances makes "
-"balancing against bank statements easy."
+"You can specify <code class=\"example\">*tex</code> to\n"
+"search for terms which terminated with <code>tex</code> (e.g.,\n"
+"<code>jlatex</code>, <code>latex</code>,\n"
+"<code>platex</code>, <code>ptex</code>, <code>vertex</code>)."
 msgstr ""
-"A reconcile window with running reconciled and cleared balances makes "
-"balancing against bank statements easy."
-#: www/features_5.phtml:71
-msgid "Stock/Mutual Fund Portfolios"
-msgstr "Stock/Mutual Fund Portfolios"
-#: www/features_5.phtml:72
+#: search/templates/NMZ.tips.php_tmpl:48
 msgid ""
-"Track stocks individually (one per account) or in portfolio of accounts (a "
-"group of accounts that can be displayed together)."
+"You can specify <code class=\"example\">*tex*</code> to\n"
+"search for terms which contain <code>tex</code> (many)."
 msgstr ""
-"Track stocks individually (one per account) or in portfolio of accounts (a "
-"group of accounts that can be displayed together)."
-#: www/features_5.phtml:75
-msgid "QIF Import"
-msgstr "QIF Import"
-#: www/features_5.phtml:76
+#: search/templates/NMZ.tips.php_tmpl:53
 msgid ""
-"Intuit<sup>&reg;</sup> Quicken<sup>&reg;</sup> QIF files can be imported, "
-"and are automatically merged to eliminate duplicate transactions."
+"You tried phrase searching but it hit documents which\n"
+"didn't contain your phrase."
 msgstr ""
-"Intuit<sup>&reg;</sup> Quicken<sup>&reg;</sup> QIF files can be imported, "
-"and are automatically merged to eliminate duplicate transactions."
-#: www/features_5.phtml:79
-msgid "Localization"
-msgstr "Localisation"
-#: www/features_5.phtml:80
+#: search/templates/NMZ.tips.php_tmpl:56
 msgid ""
-"Handles internationalized dates and currencies.  The Gnucash menus and "
-"popups have been translated to 21 languages, including Chinese, Danish, "
-"French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, "
-"Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish, Ukrainian, and British English. "
-"Documentation is available in English, French, Portuguese and Spanish."
+"It's a defect of Namazu. Precision of phrase searching is\n"
+"not 100%, so it cause wrong results occasionally."
 msgstr ""
-"Handles internationalised dates and currencies.  The Gnucash menus and "
-"popups have been translated to 21 languages, including Chinese, Danish, "
-"French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, "
-"Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish, Ukrainian and British English. "
-"Documentation is available in English, French, Portuguese and Spanish."
-#: www/features_5.phtml:83
-msgid "Reports"
-msgstr "Reports"
-#: www/features_5.phtml:84
+#: search/templates/NMZ.tips.php_tmpl:60
+#: search/templates/NMZ.body.php_tmpl:182
 msgid ""
-"Display Balance Sheet, Profit &amp; Loss, Portfolio Valuation, and others. "
-"Reports can be saved as HTML or postscript, or printed."
+"If you want to use <code class=\"operator\">and</code>,\n"
+"<code class=\"operator\">or</code> or <code\n"
+"class=\"operator\">not</code> as ordinary keywords<br>\n"
+"You can surround them respectively with double quotes like <code\n"
+"class=\"operator\">\"...\"</code> or braces like <code\n"
 msgstr ""
-"Display Balance Sheet, Profit &amp; Loss, Portfolio Valuation, and others. "
-"Reports can be saved as HTML or postscript, or printed."
-#: www/features_5.phtml:87
-msgid "Transaction Finder"
-msgstr "Transaction Finder"
+#: search/templates/NMZ.body.php_tmpl:4 search/templates/NMZ.head.php_tmpl:27
+msgid "Query"
+msgstr ""
-#: www/features_5.phtml:88
+#: search/templates/NMZ.body.php_tmpl:6
+msgid "Single term query"
+msgstr ""
+#: search/templates/NMZ.body.php_tmpl:8
 msgid ""
-"A powerful transaction query dialogue can help you quickly locate a needle "
-"in a haystack."
+"This query specifies only one term for retrieving all of the\n"
+"documents which contain that term, for example:"
 msgstr ""
-"A powerful transaction query dialogue can help you quickly locate a needle "
-"in a haystack."
-#: www/features_5.phtml:91
-msgid "Double Entry"
-msgstr "Double Entry"
+#: search/templates/NMZ.body.php_tmpl:16
+msgid "AND query"
+msgstr ""
-#: www/features_5.phtml:92
+#: search/templates/NMZ.body.php_tmpl:19
 msgid ""
-"When enabled, every transaction must debit one account and credit others by "
-"an equal amount. This ensures that the \"books balance\": that the "
-"difference between income and outflow exactly equals the sum of all assets "
-"and equity."
+"This query specifies two or more terms for retrieving all of the\n"
+"documents which contain both terms. Insert the\n"
+"<code class=\"operator\">and</code> operator between the terms, e.g."
 msgstr ""
-"When enabled, every transaction must debit one account and credit others by "
-"an equal amount. This ensures that the \"books balance\": that the "
-"difference between income and outflow exactly equals the sum of all assets "
-"and equity."
-#: www/features_5.phtml:95
-msgid "Income/Expense Account Types"
-msgstr "Income/Expense Account Types"
-#: www/features_5.phtml:96
+#: search/templates/NMZ.body.php_tmpl:29
 msgid ""
-"Income/Expense Account Types (Categories) allow you to categorize your cash "
-"flow.  When used properly with the double-entry feature and equity accounts, "
-"these enable you to generate reports, such as Profit &amp; Loss, that plain-"
-"vanilla systems cannot handle."
+"You can omit the <code class=\"operator\">and</code> operator.  Terms which "
+"separated by one or more spaces are assumed to be an AND query."
 msgstr ""
-"Income/Expense Account Types (Categories) allow you to categorize your cash "
-"flow.  When used properly with the double-entry feature and equity accounts, "
-"these enable you to generate reports, such as Profit &amp; Loss, that plain-"
-"vanilla systems cannot handle."
-#: www/features_5.phtml:99
-msgid "General Ledger"
-msgstr "General Ledger"
+#: search/templates/NMZ.body.php_tmpl:33
+msgid "OR query"
+msgstr ""
-#: www/features_5.phtml:100
+#: search/templates/NMZ.body.php_tmpl:35
 msgid ""
-"Multiple accounts can be displayed in one register window at the same time. "
-"This can ease the trouble of tracking down typing/entry errors. It also "
-"provides a convenient way of viewing a portfolio of many stocks, by showing "
-"all transactions in that portfolio."
+"This query specifies two or more terms for retrieving all\n"
+"documents which contain any one term. Insert the\n"
+"<code class=\"operator\">or</code> operator between the terms,\n"
 msgstr ""
-"Multiple accounts can be displayed in one register window at the same time. "
-"This can ease the trouble of tracking down typing/entry errors. It also "
-"provides a convenient way of viewing a portfolio of many stocks, by showing "
-"all transactions in that portfolio."
-#: www/features_5.phtml:103
-msgid "Online Stock &amp; Mutual Fund Quotes"
-msgstr "Online Stock &amp; Mutual Fund Quotes"
+#: search/templates/NMZ.body.php_tmpl:45
+msgid "NOT query"
+msgstr ""
-#: www/features_5.phtml:104
+#: search/templates/NMZ.body.php_tmpl:47
 msgid ""
-"Get Stock &amp; Mutual Fund quotes from various web sites, update portfolio "
-"automatically. Additional pricing sources are added regularly."
+"This query specifies two or more terms for retrieving all of the\n"
+"documents which contain a first term but do not contain the\n"
+"following terms. Insert the <code class=\"operator\">not</code>\n"
+"operator between the terms, for example:"
 msgstr ""
-"Get Stock &amp; Mutual Fund quotes from various web sites, update portfolio "
-"automatically. Additional pricing sources are added regularly."
-#: www/features_5.phtml:107
-msgid "Check Printing"
-msgstr "Cheque Printing"
+#: search/templates/NMZ.body.php_tmpl:58
+msgid "Grouping"
+msgstr ""
-#: www/features_5.phtml:108
+#: search/templates/NMZ.body.php_tmpl:60
 msgid ""
-"Checks may be printed in standard formats on common check stocks. A "
-"customization GUI allows custom check layouts to be developed."
+"You can group queries by surrounding them by\n"
+"parentheses. The parentheses should be separated by one or\n"
+"more spaces. e.g."
 msgstr ""
-"Cheques may be printed in standard formats on common cheque stocks. A "
-"customisation GUI allows custom cheque layouts to be developed."
-#: www/features_5.phtml:111
-msgid "Multiple Currencies"
-msgstr "Multiple Currencies"
+#: search/templates/NMZ.body.php_tmpl:69
+msgid "Phrase searching"
+msgstr ""
-#: www/features_5.phtml:112
+#: search/templates/NMZ.body.php_tmpl:71
 msgid ""
-"Different accounts can be denominated in different currencies. Currency "
-"movements between accounts are fully balanced when double-entry is enabled."
+"You can search for a phrase that consists of two or more terms\n"
+"by surrounding them with double quotation marks or braces such as\n"
+"<code class=\"operator\">\"...\"</code> and <code class=\"operator\">{...}</"
+"In Namazu, the precision of phrase searching is not 100%,\n"
+"so wrong results may occasionally occur.  Example:"
 msgstr ""
-"Different accounts can be denominated in different currencies. Currency "
-"movements between accounts are fully balanced when double-entry is enabled."
-#: www/features_5.phtml:115
-msgid "Multi-User SQL Support"
-msgstr "Multi-User SQL Support"
+#: search/templates/NMZ.body.php_tmpl:88
+msgid "Substring matching"
+msgstr ""
-#: www/features_5.phtml:116
-msgid ""
-"Multiple users can now simultaneously access and update GnuCash data stored "
-"in a Postgres SQL backend. Postgres must be installed and configured to use "
-"this option."
+#: search/templates/NMZ.body.php_tmpl:90
+msgid "There are three types of searching by substring matching."
 msgstr ""
-"Multiple users can now simultaneously access and update GnuCash data stored "
-"in a Postgres SQL backend. Postgres must be installed and configured to use "
-"this option."
-#: www/features_5.phtml:122
-msgid "back to slide 4"
-msgstr "back to slide 4"
+#: search/templates/NMZ.body.php_tmpl:94
+msgid "Prefix matching"
+msgstr ""
-#: www/features_5.phtml:125
-msgid "end of slides"
-msgstr "end of slides"
+#: search/templates/NMZ.body.php_tmpl:95
+msgid "(terms which begin with <code>inter</code>)"
+msgstr ""
-#: www/features.phtml:9 www/externals/menu-general.phtml:8
-msgid "Features"
-msgstr "Features"
+#: search/templates/NMZ.body.php_tmpl:96
+msgid "Inside matching"
+msgstr ""
-#: www/features.phtml:11
-msgid ""
-"GnuCash has long had many features that support basic accounting needs for "
-"individuals and families, starting with an easy-to-use checkbook-register-"
-"style layout, and supporting things like bank statement reconciliation, "
-"stock/fund portfolios and numerous reports/graphs.  But GnuCash development "
-"doesn't stand still, and the newest versions add support for small business "
-"accounting as well.  German residents will also enjoy its on-line banking "
-"features (Sorry, on-line banking is not supported in the US; don't blame us, "
-"blame your bank.  Tell them to tell us the URL for their OFX servers, "
-"instead of hiding it like state secrets.)."
+#: search/templates/NMZ.body.php_tmpl:97
+msgid "(terms which contain <code>text</code>)"
 msgstr ""
-"GnuCash has long had many features that support basic accounting needs for "
-"individuals and families, starting with an easy-to-use chequebook-register-"
-"style layout, and supporting things like bank statement reconciliation, "
-"stock/fund portfolios and numerous reports/graphs.  But GnuCash development "
-"doesn't stand still, and the newest versions add support for small business "
-"accounting as well.  German residents will also enjoy its on-line banking "
-"features (Sorry, on-line banking is not supported in the US; don't blame us, "
-"blame your bank.  Tell them to tell us the URL for their OFX servers, "
-"instead of hiding it like state secrets.)."
-#: www/features.phtml:14
-msgid "Take a graphical tour of some of the core GnuCash features!"
-msgstr "Take a graphical tour of some of the core GnuCash features!"
+#: search/templates/NMZ.body.php_tmpl:98
+msgid "Suffix matching"
+msgstr ""
-#: www/features.phtml:20
-msgid "Complete Features List"
-msgstr "Complete Features List"
+#: search/templates/NMZ.body.php_tmpl:100
+msgid "(terms which terminated with <code>net</code>)"
+msgstr ""
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:9
-msgid "Older Announcements"
-msgstr "Older Announcements"
+#: search/templates/NMZ.body.php_tmpl:104
+msgid "Regular expressions"
+msgstr ""
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:12
+#: search/templates/NMZ.body.php_tmpl:107
 msgid ""
-"This is an archive of announcements that once appeared on the GnuCash home "
+"You can use regular expressions for pattern matching. The\n"
+"regular expressions must be surrounded by slashes like <code\n"
+"class=\"operator\">/.../</code>. Namazu uses <a\n"
+"href=\"http://www.ruby-lang.org/\">Ruby</a>'s regular\n"
+"regular expressions engine. It generally offers a <a\n"
+"href=\"http://www.perl.com/\">Perl</a> compatible flavor.\n"
 msgstr ""
-"This is an archive of announcements that once appeared on the GnuCash home "
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:18
-msgid "<b>Announcement:</b> GnuCash 1.8.12 Release"
-msgstr "<b>Announcement:</b> GnuCash 1.8.12 Release"
+#: search/templates/NMZ.body.php_tmpl:121
+msgid "Field-specified searching"
+msgstr ""
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:21
+#: search/templates/NMZ.body.php_tmpl:123
 msgid ""
-"The GnuCash development team proudly announces a new stable release of the "
-"GnuCash Open Source Accounting Software version 1.8.12, which is expected to "
-"be the very last release of the gtk1-based gnucash-1.8.x series. The next "
-"release series of gnucash will be based on gtk2/gnome2, and the first pre-"
-"release packages are expected to be released this December."
+"You can limit your search to specific fields such as\n"
+"<code>Subject:</code>, <code>From:</code>,\n"
+"<code>Message-Id:</code>. This feature is especially convenient for\n"
+"Mail/News documents, for example:"
 msgstr ""
-"The GnuCash development team proudly announces a new stable release of the "
-"GnuCash Open Source Accounting Software version 1.8.12, which is expected to "
-"be the very last release of the gtk1-based gnucash-1.8.x series. The next "
-"release series of gnucash will be based on gtk2/gnome2, and the first pre-"
-"release packages are expected to be released this December."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:25 www/oldnews.phtml:60
+#: search/templates/NMZ.body.php_tmpl:131
 msgid ""
-"FAQ: \"Is this a gnome2 application?\" A: \"No.\" This release still belongs "
-"to GnuCash's 1.8.x series which is not yet ported to gtk2/gnome2. Read more "
+"(Retrieves all documents which contain <code>Linux</code>\n"
+"in a <code>Subject:</code> field)"
 msgstr ""
-"FAQ: \"Is this a gnome2 application?\" A: \"No.\" This release still belongs "
-"to GnuCash's 1.8.x series which is not yet ported to gtk2/gnome2. Read more "
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:27
-msgid "What's New in GnuCash 1.8.12?"
-msgstr "What's New in GnuCash 1.8.12?"
+#: search/templates/NMZ.body.php_tmpl:136
+msgid ""
+"(Retrieves all documents which contain <code>GNU Emacs</code>\n"
+"in a <code>Subject:</code> field)"
+msgstr ""
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:29
+#: search/templates/NMZ.body.php_tmpl:141
 msgid ""
-"Online Banking/HBCI improvements: Debit notes are fixed again; Bank-internal "
-"money transfers are now supported, if the HBCI bank offers them; Setup "
-"wizard can now works with HBCI, OFX-Connect, and other AqBanking backends; "
-"Fix character encoding issues in utf-8 locales; Fix date interval in the "
-"import transaction matcher for OFX and HBCI import; Fix PIN entry bug."
+"(Retrieves all documents which contain <code>foo at bar.jp</code>\n"
+"in a <code>From:</code> field)"
 msgstr ""
-"Online Banking/HBCI improvements: Debit notes are fixed again; Bank-internal "
-"money transfers are now supported, if the HBCI bank offers them; Setup "
-"wizard can now works with HBCI, OFX-Connect, and other AqBanking backends; "
-"Fix character encoding issues in utf-8 locales; Fix date interval in the "
-"import transaction matcher for OFX and HBCI import; Fix PIN entry bug."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:30
-msgid "New currencies added: Romanian Leu, Bulgarian Lev, Malagasy Ariary"
-msgstr "New currencies added: Romanian Leu, Bulgarian Lev, Malagasy Ariary"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:31
-msgid "Fix problem with long date formats in some locales"
-msgstr "Fix problem with long date formats in some locales"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:32
+#: search/templates/NMZ.body.php_tmpl:147
 msgid ""
-"Add configure macros for mips, mipsel, arm, and m68k; Fix compilation on "
-"OpenBSD 64bit architectures"
+"(Retrieves a certain document which contains specified\n"
 msgstr ""
-"Add configure macros for mips, mipsel, arm, and m68k; Fix compilation on "
-"OpenBSD 64bit architectures"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:33
-msgid "Updated translations: German, Italian, Kinyarwanda"
-msgstr "Updated translations: German, Italian, Kinyarwanda"
+#: search/templates/NMZ.body.php_tmpl:152
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Notes"
+msgstr "test"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:35 www/oldnews.phtml:70
-msgid "FAQ: \"Is this a gnome2 application?\""
-msgstr "FAQ: \"Is this a gnome2 application?\""
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:36 www/oldnews.phtml:71
+#: search/templates/NMZ.body.php_tmpl:155
 msgid ""
-"A: \"No.\" This release still belongs to GnuCash's 1.8.x series which is not "
-"yet ported to gtk2/gnome2. In other words, this release is still based on "
-"gtk1.2/gnome1. The developers are working on a gtk2/gnome2 version of "
-"GnuCash, but it still takes a lot of time."
+"In any queries, Namazu ignores case distinctions of\n"
+"alphabet characters; i.e. Namazu does\n"
+"case-insensitive pattern matching."
 msgstr ""
-"A: \"No.\" This release still belongs to GnuCash's 1.8.x series which is not "
-"yet ported to gtk2/gnome2. In other words, this release is still based on "
-"gtk1.2/gnome1. The developers are working on a gtk2/gnome2 version of "
-"GnuCash, but it still takes a lot of time."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:37 www/oldnews.phtml:72
+#: search/templates/NMZ.body.php_tmpl:160
 msgid ""
-"See http://gnomesupport.org/wiki/index.php/GnuCashPortingStatus for the "
-"status of the Gtk2 port. GnuCash makes use of several custom widgets as well "
-"as the Guppi graphing library. To port to gtk2 involves rewriting those "
-"widgets (e.g. the ledger, or the account hierarchy which uses GtkCTree) into "
-"the appropriate GTK2 widgets and would require the changing of the graphing "
-"code to probably use Jody's new gnome-office-graph code in Gnumeric (Guppi "
-"was never ported to gtk2 and is a dead project). But given that the GnuCash "
-"team is extremely short on programmers, the process has to exist in parallel "
-"to existing product improvements, resulting in a very gradual porting "
+"Japanese phrases are automatically segmented into\n"
+"morphemes and are handled as <a\n"
+"href=\"#query-phrase\">phrase searching</a>. This process occasionally\n"
+"causes invalid segmentation."
 msgstr ""
-"See http://gnomesupport.org/wiki/index.php/GnuCashPortingStatus for the "
-"status of the Gtk2 port. GnuCash makes use of several custom widgets as well "
-"as the Guppi graphing library. To port to gtk2 involves rewriting those "
-"widgets (e.g. the ledger, or the account hierarchy which uses GtkCTree) into "
-"the appropriate GTK2 widgets and would require the changing of the graphing "
-"code to probably use Jody's new gnome-office-graph code in Gnumeric (Guppi "
-"was never ported to gtk2 and is a dead project). But given that the GnuCash "
-"team is extremely short on programmers, the process has to exist in parallel "
-"to existing product improvements, resulting in a very gradual porting "
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:38 www/oldnews.phtml:73
+#: search/templates/NMZ.body.php_tmpl:166
 msgid ""
-"If you can code C, by all means, volunteer your time, see http://"
+"Letters, numbers or parts of symbols (duplicated in\n"
+"ASCII) which are defined in JIS X 0208 (Japanese\n"
+"Industrial Standards) are handled as ASCII characters."
 msgstr ""
-"If you can code C, by all means, volunteer your time, see http://"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:40 www/oldnews.phtml:75 www/oldnews.phtml:142
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:410 www/oldnews.phtml:496 www/oldnews.phtml:611
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:640 www/oldnews.phtml:666 www/oldnews.phtml:691
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:748 www/oldnews.phtml:836 www/oldnews.phtml:968
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1029 www/oldnews.phtml:1134 www/oldnews.phtml:1193
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1218 www/oldnews.phtml:1312 www/oldnews.phtml:1378
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1453 www/oldnews.phtml:1528 www/oldnews.phtml:1581
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1627 www/oldnews.phtml:1663 www/oldnews.phtml:1687
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1709 www/oldnews.phtml:1738 www/oldnews.phtml:1798
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1819 www/oldnews.phtml:1855 www/oldnews.phtml:1879
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1920 www/oldnews.phtml:1975 www/oldnews.phtml:2096
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2124 www/oldnews.phtml:2159 www/oldnews.phtml:2182
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2208 www/oldnews.phtml:2234 www/oldnews.phtml:2272
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2297 www/oldnews.phtml:2321 www/oldnews.phtml:2363
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2389 www/oldnews.phtml:2427 www/oldnews.phtml:2475
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2515 www/oldnews.phtml:2532 www/oldnews.phtml:2553
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2573 www/oldnews.phtml:2591 www/oldnews.phtml:2606
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2639 www/oldnews.phtml:2659 www/oldnews.phtml:2735
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2754 www/oldnews.phtml:2790 news/1.9.0.phtml:37
-#: news/1.9.1.phtml:38
-msgid "Available at the usual places!"
-msgstr "Available at the usual places!"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:52
-msgid "<b>Announcement:</b> GnuCash 1.8.11 Release"
-msgstr "<b>Announcement:</b> GnuCash 1.8.11 Release"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:56
+#: search/templates/NMZ.body.php_tmpl:171
 msgid ""
-"The GnuCash development team proudly announces a new stable release of the "
-"GnuCash Open Source Accounting Software version 1.8.11."
+"Namazu can handle a term which contains symbols like\n"
+"<code>TCP/IP</code>.  Since this method of handling isn't complete,\n"
+"you can also describe the term as <code>TCP and IP</code> instead of\n"
+"<code>TCP/IP</code>, but it may cause noisy results."
 msgstr ""
-"The GnuCash development team proudly announces a new stable release of the "
-"GnuCash Open Source Accounting Software version 1.8.11."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:62
-msgid "What's New in GnuCash 1.8.11?"
-msgstr "What's New in GnuCash 1.8.11?"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:64
-msgid "Business invoices: Properly accumulate splits (bug #165053)"
-msgstr "Business invoices: Properly accumulate splits (bug #165053)"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:65
+#: search/templates/NMZ.body.php_tmpl:178
 msgid ""
-"Fix backup file naming; now existing files will no longer be accidentally "
-"overwritten (bug #164875)"
+"Substring matching and field-specified searching takes\n"
+"more time than other methods."
 msgstr ""
-"Fix backup file naming; now existing files will no longer be accidentally "
-"overwritten (bug #164875)"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:66
-msgid "HBCI: enable debit notes again"
-msgstr "HBCI: enable debit notes again"
+#: search/templates/NMZ.foot.php_tmpl:9
+msgid "This search system is powered by:"
+msgstr ""
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:67
-msgid "HBCI initialization problems fixed"
-msgstr "HBCI initialization problems fixed"
+#: search/templates/NMZ.head.php_tmpl:29
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Search!"
+msgstr "Search"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:68
-msgid "Fix the last-day-of-month computation for leap years."
-msgstr "Fix the last-day-of-month computation for leap years."
+#: search/templates/NMZ.head.php_tmpl:31
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "[How to search]"
+msgstr "How to help"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:87
-msgid "<b>Announcement:</b> GnuCash 1.8.10 Release"
-msgstr "<b>Announcement:</b> GnuCash 1.8.10 Release"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:92
-msgid ""
-"The GnuCash team is pleased to announce the release of stable version 1.8.10."
+#: search/templates/NMZ.head.php_tmpl:34
+msgid "Display"
 msgstr ""
-"The GnuCash team is pleased to announce the release of stable version 1.8.10."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:94
-msgid "What's New in GnuCash 1.8.10?"
-msgstr "What's New in GnuCash 1.8.10?"
+#: search/templates/NMZ.head.php_tmpl:42
+msgid "Description"
+msgstr "Description"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:97
-msgid ""
-"Don't use C++/C99 declarations.  Declare variables at the top of the "
+#: search/templates/NMZ.head.php_tmpl:44
+msgid "normal"
 msgstr ""
-"Don't use C++/C99 declarations.  Declare variables at the top of the "
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:98
-msgid ""
-"Updated British English, Czech, Italian, Russian, German, Brazilian "
-"Portugese, Dutch, French, Spanish, translations."
+#: search/templates/NMZ.head.php_tmpl:45
+msgid "short"
 msgstr ""
-"Updated British English, Czech, Italian, Russian, German, Brazilian "
-"Portugese, Dutch, French, Spanish, translations."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:99
-msgid ""
-"Fabien COELHO's zero-balance patch to remove accounts of zero balance from "
-"the report."
+#: search/templates/NMZ.head.php_tmpl:47
+msgid "Sort"
 msgstr ""
-"Fabien COELHO's zero-balance patch to remove accounts of zero balance from "
-"the report."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:100
-msgid ""
-"Fix a broken recursion problem.  Don't call show-acct? from use-acct? so we "
-"don't recurse ad flictum.  This recursive call isn't necessary, just have "
-"use-acct? recurse unto itself."
+#: search/templates/NMZ.head.php_tmpl:49
+msgid "by score"
 msgstr ""
-"Fix a broken recursion problem.  Don't call show-acct? from use-acct? so we "
-"don't recurse ad flictum.  This recursive call isn't necessary, just have "
-"use-acct? recurse unto itself."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:101
-msgid "look in ${srcdir} for build-config.scm.in"
-msgstr "look in ${srcdir} for build-config.scm.in"
+#: search/templates/NMZ.head.php_tmpl:50
+msgid "by date in late order"
+msgstr ""
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:102
-msgid "Work around problems with libltdl3."
-msgstr "Work around problems with libltdl3."
+#: search/templates/NMZ.head.php_tmpl:51
+msgid "by date in early order"
+msgstr ""
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:103
-msgid ""
-"don't automatically try to (require 'format), so gnucash will build on an "
-"slib-3 system."
+#: search/templates/NMZ.head.php_tmpl:52
+msgid "by title in ascending order"
 msgstr ""
-"don't automatically try to (require 'format), so gnucash will build on an "
-"slib-3 system."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:104
-msgid "Added quote sources for Indian Mutual Funds."
-msgstr "Added quote sources for Indian Mutual Funds."
+#: search/templates/NMZ.head.php_tmpl:53
+msgid "by title in descending order"
+msgstr ""
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:105
-msgid ""
-"Skip the case when a token is the empty string. This caused many warnings "
-"about a NULL kvp_frame lookup."
+#: search/templates/NMZ.head.php_tmpl:54
+msgid "by author in ascending order"
 msgstr ""
-"Skip the case when a token is the empty string. This caused many warnings "
-"about a NULL kvp_frame lookup."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:106
-msgid "Luigi Ballabio's automake patch to gnucash.m4"
-msgstr "Luigi Ballabio's automake patch to gnucash.m4"
+#: search/templates/NMZ.head.php_tmpl:55
+msgid "by author in descending order"
+msgstr ""
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:107
-msgid "guile-1.6 complains about string-&gt;symbol when passed a symbol."
-msgstr "guile-1.6 complains about string-&gt;symbol when passed a symbol."
+#: search/templates/NMZ.head.php_tmpl:56
+msgid "by size in ascending order"
+msgstr ""
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:108
-msgid ""
-"applied Vasil's patch to improve the transaction report for HTML export "
+#: search/templates/NMZ.head.php_tmpl:57
+msgid "by size in descending order"
 msgstr ""
-"applied Vasil's patch to improve the transaction report for HTML export "
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:109
-msgid ""
-"Backport of CVS-head changes to improve register open performance when "
-"working with large account trees (&gt;500 accounts).  The new code caches "
-"the quickfill tree so that it is shared by all register windows."
+#: search/templates/NMZ.head.php_tmpl:58
+msgid "by URI in ascending order"
 msgstr ""
-"Backport of CVS-head changes to improve register open performance when "
-"working with large account trees (&gt;500 accounts).  The new code caches "
-"the quickfill tree so that it is shared by all register windows."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:110
-msgid ""
-"create gnc:current-saved-reports, as the file to store saved reports from "
-"cstim.  Autoload the saved-reports file at startup (after config.user/config."
-"auto is loaded)."
+#: search/templates/NMZ.head.php_tmpl:59
+msgid "by URI in descending order"
 msgstr ""
-"create gnc:current-saved-reports, as the file to store saved reports from "
-"cstim.  Autoload the saved-reports file at startup (after config.user/config."
-"auto is loaded)."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:111
-msgid ""
-"Added gnc:report-generate-saved-forms that will generate the scheme code "
-"necessary to create a new report from the saved options of an old report."
+#: search/templates/NMZ.head.php_tmpl:64
+msgid "Lists to Search"
 msgstr ""
-"Added gnc:report-generate-saved-forms that will generate the scheme code "
-"necessary to create a new report from the saved options of an old report."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:112
-msgid ""
-"Added example Menu item \"File -&gt; Save all reports\" that will call the "
-"new report saving function for all reports. This would need more work so "
-"that not all reports are saved but only the currently selected one -- any "
-"volunteer may feel free to add that."
+#: search/templates/NMZ.result.short.php_tmpl:4
+#: search/templates/NMZ.result.normal.php_tmpl:4
+msgid "score"
 msgstr ""
-"Added example Menu item \"File -&gt; Save all reports\" that will call the "
-"new report saving function for all reports. This would need more work so "
-"that not all reports are saved but only the currently selected one -- any "
-"volunteer may feel free to add that."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:113
-msgid ""
-"Fix saving of report: It now appends to ~/.gnucash/saved-reports-1.8 "
-"Statusbar tip is now more verbose."
+#: search/templates/NMZ.result.short.php_tmpl:6
+#: search/templates/NMZ.result.normal.php_tmpl:9
+msgid "(${size} bytes)"
 msgstr ""
-"Fix saving of report: It now appends to ~/.gnucash/saved-reports-1.8 "
-"Statusbar tip is now more verbose."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:114
-msgid "Add toolbar element for saving the current report."
-msgstr "Add toolbar element for saving the current report."
+#: search/templates/NMZ.result.normal.php_tmpl:5
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Author"
+msgstr "Author Credits"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:115
-msgid ""
-"Add function for saving one particular report to the ~/.gnucash/saved-"
-"reports-1.8 file. Add extra menu only for customized reports."
-msgstr ""
-"Add function for saving one particular report to the ~/.gnucash/saved-"
-"reports-1.8 file. Add extra menu only for customized reports."
+#: search/templates/NMZ.result.normal.php_tmpl:6
+msgid "Date"
+msgstr "Date"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:116
-msgid ""
-"Remove the previous function for saving all reports since it is no longer "
-msgstr ""
-"Remove the previous function for saving all reports since it is no longer "
+#~ msgid "Donating to the GnuCash Project"
+#~ msgstr "Donating to the GnuCash Project"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:117
-msgid "Apply David Reiser's patch for Quicken(tm) cheques with stub."
-msgstr "Apply David Reiser's patch for Quicken(tm) cheques with stub."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "You can support the continued development of GnuCash, or simply show your "
+#~ "appreciation for what we've already done, by making a financial gift to "
+#~ "the GnuCash Project.  The GnuCash Project is an unincorporated entity, a "
+#~ "loose association of the authors and developers who are involved with "
+#~ "maintaining, extending and promoting the GnuCash software, documentation "
+#~ "and website."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "You can support the continued development of GnuCash, or simply show your "
+#~ "appreciation for what we have already done, by making a financial gift to "
+#~ "the GnuCash Project.  The GnuCash Project is an unincorporated entity, a "
+#~ "loose association of the authors and developers who are involved with "
+#~ "maintaining, extending and promoting the GnuCash software, documentation "
+#~ "and website."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:118
-msgid "Apply David Grant's patch to add TD Efunds."
-msgstr "Apply David Grant's patch to add TD Efunds."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Show your appreciation by donating to the GnuCash Project today! "
+#~ "Currently, we can only accept PayPal donations made through the "
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Show your appreciation by donating to the GnuCash Project today! "
+#~ "Currently, we can only accept PayPal donations made through the "
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:119
-msgid "make the desktop file HIG compliant."
-msgstr "make the desktop file HIG compliant."
+#~ msgid "SourceForge donation system"
+#~ msgstr "SourceForge donation system"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:120
-msgid ""
-"change the gtkhtml order to search for >= 1.1 before < 1.1, in order to try "
-"to fix #84707 on systems with multiple versions of gtkhtml."
-msgstr ""
-"change the gtkhtml order to search for >= 1.1 before < 1.1, in order to try "
-"to fix #84707 on systems with multiple versions of gtkhtml."
+#~ msgid "If you wish to make a donation in another form, please contact the "
+#~ msgstr "If you wish to make a donation in another form, please contact the "
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:121
-msgid ""
-"Perry Smith's Null Account Patch.  Make sure the security is a real string "
-"before appending an account separator, so we don't try to create a \"null\" "
-msgstr ""
-"Perry Smith's Null Account Patch.  Make sure the security is a real string "
-"before appending an account separator, so we don't try to create a \"null\" "
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "mailing list.  Please note that the donation system is anonymous; The "
+#~ "PayPal registration info is not sent to us, and so we typically don't "
+#~ "know who made a donation, and thus can't mail out a thank-you note. Feel "
+#~ "free to announce your donation publicly on the mailing list, or in "
+#~ "private.  We thank you now, in advance. Registered SourceForge Users who "
+#~ "are logged in when they make a donation will see their names emblazoned "
+#~ "in electrons on the "
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "mailing list.  Please note that the donation system is anonymous; The "
+#~ "PayPal registration info is not sent to us, and so we typically don't "
+#~ "know who made a donation, and thus can't mail out a thank-you note. Feel "
+#~ "free to announce your donation publicly on the mailing list, or in "
+#~ "private.  We thank you now, in advance. Registered SourceForge Users who "
+#~ "are logged in when they make a donation will see their names emblazoned "
+#~ "in electrons on the "
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:122
-msgid "Add option to include zero-amount splits in computations."
-msgstr "Add option to include zero-amount splits in computations."
+#~ msgid "GnuCash donation website"
+#~ msgstr "GnuCash donation website"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:123
-msgid ""
-"fix xaccAccountGetBalanceAsOfDate() to properly compute the balance at the "
-"end of the split list."
-msgstr ""
-"fix xaccAccountGetBalanceAsOfDate() to properly compute the balance at the "
-"end of the split list."
+#~ msgid "Amounts are not shown."
+#~ msgstr "Amounts are not shown."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:124
-msgid ""
-"Major change for HBCI, back-ported from HEAD. The HBCI online banking is no "
-"longer based on the openhbci library but instead on the aqbanking library "
-"http://sf.net/projects/aqbanking which is Martin Preuss' successor of "
-"openhbci. This means that now aqbanking-0.9.5 is required instead of any "
-"openhbci package."
-msgstr ""
-"Major change for HBCI, back-ported from HEAD. The HBCI online banking is no "
-"longer based on the openhbci library but instead on the aqbanking library "
-"http://sf.net/projects/aqbanking which is Martin Preuss' successor of "
-"openhbci. This means that now aqbanking-0.9.5 is required instead of any "
-"openhbci package."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "In the spirit of openness an public responsibility, we present a summary "
+#~ "of current finances below.  Announcements will be made when funds are "
+#~ "disbursed; we will keep this web page updated periodically."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "In the spirit of openness an public responsibility, we present a summary "
+#~ "of current finances below.  Announcements will be made when funds are "
+#~ "disbursed; we will keep this web page updated periodically."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:125
-msgid "Fixes for x86_64"
-msgstr "Fixes for x86_64"
+#~ msgid "Amount"
+#~ msgstr "Amount"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:126
-msgid ""
-"Update for new LibOfx, this among other things, gives gnucash Microsoft OFC "
-msgstr ""
-"Update for new LibOfx, this among other things, gives gnucash Microsoft OFC "
+#~ msgid "Current Balance"
+#~ msgstr "Current Balance"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:127
-msgid "Duplicate match tweaks in import code"
-msgstr "Duplicate match tweaks in import code"
+#~ msgid "22-June-2004"
+#~ msgstr "22-June-2004"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:128
-msgid "Andreas Rottmann's patch to support g-wrap 1.9."
-msgstr "Andreas Rottmann's patch to support g-wrap 1.9."
+#~ msgid "Donations Received, March 2004 to 22 June 2004"
+#~ msgstr "Donations Received, March 2004 to 22 June 2004"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:129
-msgid ""
-"provide a default account name so we don't crash when someone imports a "
-"broken QIF that has a !Account without an account name."
-msgstr ""
-"provide a default account name so we don't crash when someone imports a "
-"broken QIF that has a !Account without an account name."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "If you can use the register in the back of your checkbook, you can use "
+#~ "Gnucash. Type directly into the register, tab between fields, and use "
+#~ "quick-fill to automatically complete the transaction."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "If you can use the register in the back of your chequebook, you can use "
+#~ "Gnucash. Type directly into the register, tab between fields, and use "
+#~ "quick-fill to automatically complete the transaction."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:130
-msgid ""
-"Daniel Lindenaar's patch to implement a check-box in the Invoice Post Dialog "
-"(with a default in the File Preferences) to choose to accumulate splits when "
-"posting an invoice, or post a 1:1 mapping."
-msgstr ""
-"Daniel Lindenaar's patch to implement a check-box in the Invoice Post Dialog "
-"(with a default in the File Preferences) to choose to accumulate splits when "
-"posting an invoice, or post a 1:1 mapping."
+#~ msgid "next slide"
+#~ msgstr "next slide"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:131
-msgid "Phil Longstaff's patch to prevent duplicate pricedb entries."
-msgstr "Phil Longstaff's patch to prevent duplicate pricedb entries."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "A master account can have a hierarchy of detail accounts underneath it. "
+#~ "This allows similar accounts types ( e.g. Cash, Bank, Stock ) to be "
+#~ "grouped into one master account ( e.g. Assets )."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "A master account can have a hierarchy of detail accounts underneath it. "
+#~ "This allows similar accounts types ( e.g. Cash, Bank, Stock ) to be "
+#~ "grouped into one master account ( e.g. Assets )."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:132
-msgid "Heath Martin's x86_64 patch"
-msgstr "Heath Martin's x86_64 patch"
+#~ msgid "back to first slide"
+#~ msgstr "back to first slide"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:133
-msgid ""
-"Mark search criteria for translation -- somehow this had been missed all the "
-msgstr ""
-"Mark search criteria for translation -- somehow this had been missed all the "
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "With keyboard accelerators, check number auto-increment, transaction auto-"
+#~ "completion and transaction cut-n-paste make entering transactions quick "
+#~ "and smooth."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "With keyboard accelerators, cheque number auto-increment, transaction "
+#~ "auto-completion and transaction cut-n-paste make entering transactions "
+#~ "quick and smooth."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:134
-msgid ""
-"Change currency mnemonic for \"New Israeli Shekel\" from \"ILS\" to \"NIS\"."
-msgstr ""
-"Change currency mnemonic for \"New Israeli Shekel\" from \"ILS\" to \"NIS\"."
+#~ msgid "back to slide 2"
+#~ msgstr "back to slide 2"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:135
-msgid "Identified and fixed several places with untranslated strings."
-msgstr "Identified and fixed several places with untranslated strings."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "A single transaction can be split into several pieces to record taxes, "
+#~ "fees, and other journal entries."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "A single transaction can be split into several pieces to record taxes, "
+#~ "fees, and other journal entries."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:136
-msgid ""
-"Add configure check for libofx version 0.7.0 and respective error message. "
-"Update docs."
-msgstr ""
-"Add configure check for libofx version 0.7.0 and respective error message. "
-"Update docs."
+#~ msgid "back to slide 3"
+#~ msgstr "back to slide 3"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:137
-msgid ""
-"Improve importer performance by matching imported transactions only against "
-"transactions in the proper time interval."
-msgstr ""
-"Improve importer performance by matching imported transactions only against "
-"transactions in the proper time interval."
+#~ msgid "What's New in GnuCash 1.8.0?"
+#~ msgstr "What's New in GnuCash 1.8.0?"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:138
-msgid ""
-"send an event when a payment is processed so the invoice gets updated as "
-"\"paid\" in the search window."
-msgstr ""
-"send an event when a payment is processed so the invoice gets updated as "
-"\"paid\" in the search window."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The 1.8.x series of stable releases introduce many new features not found "
+#~ "in the older gnucash-1.6.8."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "The 1.8.x series of stable releases introduce many new features not found "
+#~ "in the older gnucash-1.6.8."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:139
-msgid ""
-"Make sure we set the proper search-type when we create the query, otherwise "
-"the search will fail later."
-msgstr ""
-"Make sure we set the proper search-type when we create the query, otherwise "
-"the search will fail later."
+#~ msgid "New Multi-Currency Transaction Handling"
+#~ msgstr "New Multi-Currency Transaction Handling"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:154 www/oldnews.phtml:562
-msgid "<b>DWI</b>:  Data With Interaction"
-msgstr "<b>DWI</b>:  Data With Interaction"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "GnuCash no longer requires separate currency exchange accounts to handle "
+#~ "multiple currency transfers.  Transactions can be made directly between "
+#~ "accounts denominated in different currencies."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "GnuCash no longer requires separate currency exchange accounts to handle "
+#~ "multiple currency transfers.  Transactions can be made directly between "
+#~ "accounts denominated in different currencies."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:159
-msgid ""
-"DWI, at <a href=\"http://dwi.sourceforge.net\"> http://dwi.sourceforge.net</"
-"a>, is a framework for simplifying the development of data-driven SQL "
-"applications for the Gnome/Gtk GUI system. DWI should be interesting to "
-"GnuCash developers for the following reason: DWI includes a simple Object-to-"
-"Relational Mapping (ORM) that is being integrated into <a href=\"http://qof."
-"sourceforge.net\">QOF</a>, so as to form a full-featured QOF backend.  QOF "
-"is in turn the object system underlying GnuCash, so what this really means "
-"is that work is continuing on one of the core pieces of GnuCash."
-msgstr ""
-"DWI, at <a href=\"http://dwi.sourceforge.net\"> http://dwi.sourceforge.net</"
-"a>, is a framework for simplifying the development of data-driven SQL "
-"applications for the Gnome/Gtk GUI system. DWI should be interesting to "
-"GnuCash developers for the following reason: DWI includes a simple Object-to-"
-"Relational Mapping (ORM) that is being integrated into <a href=\"http://qof."
-"sourceforge.net\">QOF</a>, so as to form a full-featured QOF backend.  QOF "
-"is in turn the object system underlying GnuCash, so what this really means "
-"is that work is continuing on one of the core pieces of GnuCash."
+#~ msgid "Redesigned Menus"
+#~ msgstr "Redesigned Menus"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:161
-msgid ""
-"DWI-0.6.0 includes a restructuring of the makefile system to use automake, "
-"which makes DWI easy to install for the first time. This version also "
-"includes a new QOF integration layer, and several new QOF example programs."
-msgstr ""
-"DWI-0.6.0 includes a restructuring of the makefile system to use automake, "
-"which makes DWI easy to install for the first time. This version also "
-"includes a new QOF integration layer, and several new QOF example programmes."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The GnuCash menus have been redesigned to conform more with the new GNOME "
+#~ "Human Interface Guidelines."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "The GnuCash menus have been redesigned to conform more with the new GNOME "
+#~ "Human Interface Guidelines."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:167
-msgid "Convert GnuCash Data Files to QIF"
-msgstr "Convert GnuCash Data Files to QIF"
+#~ msgid "Old Favorites"
+#~ msgstr "Old Favourites"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:171
-msgid ""
-"If you have to convert all your GnuCash data to QIF, then try the <a href="
-"\"http://gnucashtoqif.sourceforge.net/\">GnuCash to QIF</a> Java Applet.  It "
-"handles all GnuCash file formats from 1.6.0 onwards (excluding business "
-msgstr ""
-"If you have to convert all your GnuCash data to QIF, then try the <a href="
-"\"http://gnucashtoqif.sourceforge.net/\">GnuCash to QIF</a> Java Applet.  It "
-"handles all GnuCash file formats from 1.6.0 onwards (excluding business "
+#~ msgid "And of course, some favorite features from earlier versions:"
+#~ msgstr "And of course, some favourite features from earlier versions:"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:178
-msgid "Source Code Documentation"
-msgstr "Source Code Documentation"
+#~ msgid "Reports"
+#~ msgstr "Reports"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:182
-msgid ""
-"A decent set of source code documentation can be generated by using <a href="
-"\"http://www.stack.nl/~dimitri/doxygen/\">Doxygen</a>. We've cleaned up the "
-"core engine documentation <a href=\"https://cvs.gnucash.org/docs/HEAD/"
-"modules.html\"> and put it online</a>.  We hope you are suitably impressed."
-msgstr ""
-"A decent set of source code documentation can be generated by using <a href="
-"\"http://www.stack.nl/~dimitri/doxygen/\">Doxygen</a>. We've cleaned up the "
-"core engine documentation <a href=\"https://cvs.gnucash.org/docs/HEAD/"
-"modules.html\"> and put it online</a>.  We hope you are suitably impressed."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Display Balance Sheet, Profit &amp; Loss, Portfolio Valuation, and "
+#~ "others. Reports can be saved as HTML or postscript, or printed."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Display Balance Sheet, Profit &amp; Loss, Portfolio Valuation, and "
+#~ "others. Reports can be saved as HTML or postscript, or printed."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:184
-msgid ""
-"(Note there are additional developer docs in plain text and in texinfo "
-"formats.  What's online are just the Doxygen docs generated from what's "
-"embedded in the source.)"
-msgstr ""
-"(Note there are additional developer docs in plain text and in texinfo "
-"formats.  What's online are just the Doxygen docs generated from what's "
-"embedded in the source.)"
+#~ msgid "Multi-User SQL Support"
+#~ msgstr "Multi-User SQL Support"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:193 www/oldnews.phtml:421 www/oldnews.phtml:1389
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1889
-msgid "Gnome Time Tracker"
-msgstr "Gnome Time Tracker"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Multiple users can now simultaneously access and update GnuCash data "
+#~ "stored in a Postgres SQL backend. Postgres must be installed and "
+#~ "configured to use this option."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Multiple users can now simultaneously access and update GnuCash data "
+#~ "stored in a Postgres SQL backend. Postgres must be installed and "
+#~ "configured to use this option."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:197
-msgid ""
-"The Gnome Time Tracker is a to-do list/diary/journal tool that can track the "
-"amount of time spent on projects, and, among other things, generate reports "
-"and invoices based on that time. I've used it to keep shopping lists, "
-"organize ideas, track bug reports, keep a diary of activities, provide "
-"weekly status reports to management, and even as a consultant billing system."
-msgstr ""
-"The Gnome Time Tracker is a to-do list/diary/journal tool that can track the "
-"amount of time spent on projects, and, among other things, generate reports "
-"and invoices based on that time. I've used it to keep shopping lists, "
-"organize ideas, track bug reports, keep a diary of activities, provide "
-"weekly status reports to management, and even as a consultant billing system."
+#~ msgid "back to slide 4"
+#~ msgstr "back to slide 4"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:199
-msgid ""
-"Version 2.1.9 is now available; it fixes a number of bugs from 2.1.8 and "
-"earlier versions:"
-msgstr ""
-"Version 2.1.9 is now available; it fixes a number of bugs from 2.1.8 and "
-"earlier versions:"
+#~ msgid "end of slides"
+#~ msgstr "end of slides"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:201
-msgid "Keyboard events were not resetting the timeout"
-msgstr "Keyboard events were not resetting the timeout"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "GnuCash has long had many features that support basic accounting needs "
+#~ "for individuals and families, starting with an easy-to-use checkbook-"
+#~ "register-style layout, and supporting things like bank statement "
+#~ "reconciliation, stock/fund portfolios and numerous reports/graphs.  But "
+#~ "GnuCash development doesn't stand still, and the newest versions add "
+#~ "support for small business accounting as well.  German residents will "
+#~ "also enjoy its on-line banking features (Sorry, on-line banking is not "
+#~ "supported in the US; don't blame us, blame your bank.  Tell them to tell "
+#~ "us the URL for their OFX servers, instead of hiding it like state "
+#~ "secrets.)."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "GnuCash has long had many features that support basic accounting needs "
+#~ "for individuals and families, starting with an easy-to-use chequebook-"
+#~ "register-style layout, and supporting things like bank statement "
+#~ "reconciliation, stock/fund portfolios and numerous reports/graphs.  But "
+#~ "GnuCash development doesn't stand still, and the newest versions add "
+#~ "support for small business accounting as well.  German residents will "
+#~ "also enjoy its on-line banking features (Sorry, on-line banking is not "
+#~ "supported in the US; don't blame us, blame your bank.  Tell them to tell "
+#~ "us the URL for their OFX servers, instead of hiding it like state "
+#~ "secrets.)."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:202
-msgid "Fix Help system so that help actually starts up."
-msgstr "Fix Help system so that help actually starts up."
+#~ msgid "Take a graphical tour of some of the core GnuCash features!"
+#~ msgstr "Take a graphical tour of some of the core GnuCash features!"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:203
-msgid "Fix old, multiple scheme bugs affecting billing reports."
-msgstr "Fix old, multiple scheme bugs affecting billing reports."
+#~ msgid "Complete Features List"
+#~ msgstr "Complete Features List"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:204
-msgid "Provides 'infinite undo' for cut projects."
-msgstr "Provides 'infinite undo' for cut projects."
+#~ msgid "<b>Announcement:</b> GnuCash 1.8.12 Release"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Announcement:</b> GnuCash 1.8.12 Release"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:205
-msgid ""
-"Keyboard cut (ctrl-x) fixed so that it cuts only if project window has focus."
-msgstr ""
-"Keyboard cut (ctrl-x) fixed so that it cuts only if project window has focus."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The GnuCash development team proudly announces a new stable release of "
+#~ "the GnuCash Open Source Accounting Software version 1.8.12, which is "
+#~ "expected to be the very last release of the gtk1-based gnucash-1.8.x "
+#~ "series. The next release series of gnucash will be based on gtk2/gnome2, "
+#~ "and the first pre-release packages are expected to be released this "
+#~ "December."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "The GnuCash development team proudly announces a new stable release of "
+#~ "the GnuCash Open Source Accounting Software version 1.8.12, which is "
+#~ "expected to be the very last release of the gtk1-based gnucash-1.8.x "
+#~ "series. The next release series of gnucash will be based on gtk2/gnome2, "
+#~ "and the first pre-release packages are expected to be released this "
+#~ "December."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:206
-msgid ""
-"Can now specify day-of-week for the start of a new week. Also, end-of-day "
-"need not be midnight - its now configurable."
-msgstr ""
-"Can now specify day-of-week for the start of a new week. Also, end-of-day "
-"need not be midnight - its now configurable."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "FAQ: \"Is this a gnome2 application?\" A: \"No.\" This release still "
+#~ "belongs to GnuCash's 1.8.x series which is not yet ported to gtk2/gnome2. "
+#~ "Read more below."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "FAQ: \"Is this a gnome2 application?\" A: \"No.\" This release still "
+#~ "belongs to GnuCash's 1.8.x series which is not yet ported to gtk2/gnome2. "
+#~ "Read more below."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:207
-msgid "Remove obsolete menu entries (clear daily counters)"
-msgstr "Remove obsolete menu entries (clear daily counters)"
+#~ msgid "What's New in GnuCash 1.8.12?"
+#~ msgstr "What's New in GnuCash 1.8.12?"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:208
-msgid "Fix flyover help on HTML reports"
-msgstr "Fix flyover help on HTML reports"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Online Banking/HBCI improvements: Debit notes are fixed again; Bank-"
+#~ "internal money transfers are now supported, if the HBCI bank offers them; "
+#~ "Setup wizard can now works with HBCI, OFX-Connect, and other AqBanking "
+#~ "backends; Fix character encoding issues in utf-8 locales; Fix date "
+#~ "interval in the import transaction matcher for OFX and HBCI import; Fix "
+#~ "PIN entry bug."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Online Banking/HBCI improvements: Debit notes are fixed again; Bank-"
+#~ "internal money transfers are now supported, if the HBCI bank offers them; "
+#~ "Setup wizard can now works with HBCI, OFX-Connect, and other AqBanking "
+#~ "backends; Fix character encoding issues in utf-8 locales; Fix date "
+#~ "interval in the import transaction matcher for OFX and HBCI import; Fix "
+#~ "PIN entry bug."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:209
-msgid "Fix order of yesterday/today columns."
-msgstr "Fix order of yesterday/today columns."
+#~ msgid "New currencies added: Romanian Leu, Bulgarian Lev, Malagasy Ariary"
+#~ msgstr "New currencies added: Romanian Leu, Bulgarian Lev, Malagasy Ariary"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:210
-msgid "Improve checks for Guile during builds"
-msgstr "Improve checks for Guile during builds"
+#~ msgid "Fix problem with long date formats in some locales"
+#~ msgstr "Fix problem with long date formats in some locales"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:211
-msgid "New whiz-bang SQL for reports."
-msgstr "New whiz-bang SQL for reports."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Add configure macros for mips, mipsel, arm, and m68k; Fix compilation on "
+#~ "OpenBSD 64bit architectures"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Add configure macros for mips, mipsel, arm, and m68k; Fix compilation on "
+#~ "OpenBSD 64bit architectures"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:213
-msgid ""
-"The <a href=\"http://gttr.sourceforge.net\">GnoTime website is here</a> and "
-"is \n"
-"<a href=\"http://www.linas.org/linux/gtt/gtt.html\">mirrored here</a>. "
-"Sources and CVS access is at the <a href=\"http://sourceforge.net/projects/"
-"gttr/\">sourceforge project site</a>. Most major distributions now carry "
-"GnoTime, so look to your distro first for a binary."
-msgstr ""
-"The <a href=\"http://gttr.sourceforge.net\">GnoTime website is here</a> and "
-"is \n"
-"<a href=\"http://www.linas.org/linux/gtt/gtt.html\">mirrored here</a>. "
-"Sources and CVS access is at the <a href=\"http://sourceforge.net/projects/"
-"gttr/\">sourceforge project site</a>. Most major distributions now carry "
-"GnoTime, so look to your distro first for a binary."
+#~ msgid "Updated translations: German, Italian, Kinyarwanda"
+#~ msgstr "Updated translations: German, Italian, Kinyarwanda"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:220
-msgid "<b>QOF-0.4.1:</b> The Query Object Framework"
-msgstr "<b>QOF-0.4.1:</b> The Query Object Framework"
+#~ msgid "FAQ: \"Is this a gnome2 application?\""
+#~ msgstr "FAQ: \"Is this a gnome2 application?\""
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:223
-msgid ""
-"Version 0.4.1 of QOF is now available. QOF allows C programmers to perform "
-"SQL searches on a collection of objects without having to use an SQL "
-"database to get the results.  This is nice in several ways: first, there's a "
-"lot of work needed to take a plain-old app and make it into a database app; "
-"QOF helps avoid that work. Secondly, even if one did have an SQL app, the "
-"query is happening at 'the wrong place': most programmers want to get back "
-"pointers to their own objects, rather than lists of raw data from the "
-"database.  QOF solves this second problem very well, making it a lot easier "
-"for aps to include search and report abilities in their applications. QOF "
-"consists of a number of other features as well: basically, QOF consists of "
-"all of those parts of the GnuCash engine that aren't about accounting."
-msgstr ""
-"Version 0.4.1 of QOF is now available. QOF allows C programmers to perform "
-"SQL searches on a collection of objects without having to use an SQL "
-"database to get the results.  This is nice in several ways: first, there's a "
-"lot of work needed to take a plain-old app and make it into a database app; "
-"QOF helps avoid that work. Secondly, even if one did have an SQL app, the "
-"query is happening at 'the wrong place': most programmers want to get back "
-"pointers to their own objects, rather than lists of raw data from the "
-"database.  QOF solves this second problem very well, making it a lot easier "
-"for aps to include search and report abilities in their applications. QOF "
-"consists of a number of other features as well: basically, QOF consists of "
-"all of those parts of the GnuCash engine that aren't about accounting."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "A: \"No.\" This release still belongs to GnuCash's 1.8.x series which is "
+#~ "not yet ported to gtk2/gnome2. In other words, this release is still "
+#~ "based on gtk1.2/gnome1. The developers are working on a gtk2/gnome2 "
+#~ "version of GnuCash, but it still takes a lot of time."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "A: \"No.\" This release still belongs to GnuCash's 1.8.x series which is "
+#~ "not yet ported to gtk2/gnome2. In other words, this release is still "
+#~ "based on gtk1.2/gnome1. The developers are working on a gtk2/gnome2 "
+#~ "version of GnuCash, but it still takes a lot of time."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:225
-msgid "QOF-0.4.1 features several improvements over earlier versions:"
-msgstr "QOF-0.4.1 features several improvements over earlier versions:"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "See http://gnomesupport.org/wiki/index.php/GnuCashPortingStatus for the "
+#~ "status of the Gtk2 port. GnuCash makes use of several custom widgets as "
+#~ "well as the Guppi graphing library. To port to gtk2 involves rewriting "
+#~ "those widgets (e.g. the ledger, or the account hierarchy which uses "
+#~ "GtkCTree) into the appropriate GTK2 widgets and would require the "
+#~ "changing of the graphing code to probably use Jody's new gnome-office-"
+#~ "graph code in Gnumeric (Guppi was never ported to gtk2 and is a dead "
+#~ "project). But given that the GnuCash team is extremely short on "
+#~ "programmers, the process has to exist in parallel to existing product "
+#~ "improvements, resulting in a very gradual porting process."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "See http://gnomesupport.org/wiki/index.php/GnuCashPortingStatus for the "
+#~ "status of the Gtk2 port. GnuCash makes use of several custom widgets as "
+#~ "well as the Guppi graphing library. To port to gtk2 involves rewriting "
+#~ "those widgets (e.g. the ledger, or the account hierarchy which uses "
+#~ "GtkCTree) into the appropriate GTK2 widgets and would require the "
+#~ "changing of the graphing code to probably use Jody's new gnome-office-"
+#~ "graph code in Gnumeric (Guppi was never ported to gtk2 and is a dead "
+#~ "project). But given that the GnuCash team is extremely short on "
+#~ "programmers, the process has to exist in parallel to existing product "
+#~ "improvements, resulting in a very gradual porting process."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:227
-msgid "A real SQL parser."
-msgstr "A real SQL parser."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "If you can code C, by all means, volunteer your time, see http://"
+#~ "gnomesupport.org/wiki/index.php/GnuCashDevelopment"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "If you can code C, by all means, volunteer your time, see http://"
+#~ "gnomesupport.org/wiki/index.php/GnuCashDevelopment"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:228
-msgid ""
-"An example demo of using QOF with GLib GObjects (the example finds a "
-"particular Gtk Widget out of a collection)."
-msgstr ""
-"An example demo of using QOF with GLib GObjects (the example finds a "
-"particular Gtk Widget out of a collection)."
+#~ msgid "Available at the usual places!"
+#~ msgstr "Available at the usual places!"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:229
-msgid ""
-"Support for pkg-config makes using QOF in your app just a little bit easier."
-msgstr ""
-"Support for pkg-config makes using QOF in your app just a little bit easier."
+#~ msgid "<b>Announcement:</b> GnuCash 1.8.11 Release"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Announcement:</b> GnuCash 1.8.11 Release"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:309
-msgid "How to Install GnuCash on OSX"
-msgstr "How to Install GnuCash on OSX"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The GnuCash development team proudly announces a new stable release of "
+#~ "the GnuCash Open Source Accounting Software version 1.8.11."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "The GnuCash development team proudly announces a new stable release of "
+#~ "the GnuCash Open Source Accounting Software version 1.8.11."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:313
-msgid "A very nice site &amp set of instructions for Mac OSX can be found at"
-msgstr "A very nice site &amp set of instructions for Mac OSX can be found at"
+#~ msgid "What's New in GnuCash 1.8.11?"
+#~ msgstr "What's New in GnuCash 1.8.11?"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:321
-msgid "New Support Links"
-msgstr "New Support Links"
+#~ msgid "Business invoices: Properly accumulate splits (bug #165053)"
+#~ msgstr "Business invoices: Properly accumulate splits (bug #165053)"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:325
-msgid ""
-"I've added two new links to the GnuCash website menus: The <a href='http://"
-"gnomesupport.org/wiki/index.php/GnuCash'>User Wiki</a> and the <a "
-"href='http://linuxwiki.de/GnuCash_2fDevelTexts'>Devel Wiki</a>. If you have "
-"questions about how to use GnuCash, including problems with installation, "
-"using, or general accounting questions, please review the <a href='http://"
-"gnomesupport.org/wiki/index.php/GnuCash'>User Wiki</a> before posting to the "
-"mailing lists.  If you figure out the answer to your questions, then please "
-"<b>edit</b> the <a href='http://gnomesupport.org/wiki/index.php/"
-"GnuCash'>User Wiki</a> to add the answer.  Yes, that's right, edit: that's "
-"what a Wiki does; it allows anyone to add, update and correct the content.  "
-"If you like GnuCash, and want to help, but don't know how, then please "
-"consider helping others by updating the Wiki."
-msgstr ""
-"I've added two new links to the GnuCash website menus: The <a href='http://"
-"gnomesupport.org/wiki/index.php/GnuCash'>User Wiki</a> and the <a "
-"href='http://linuxwiki.de/GnuCash_2fDevelTexts'>Devel Wiki</a>. If you have "
-"questions about how to use GnuCash, including problems with installation, "
-"using, or general accounting questions, please review the <a href='http://"
-"gnomesupport.org/wiki/index.php/GnuCash'>User Wiki</a> before posting to the "
-"mailing lists.  If you figure out the answer to your questions, then please "
-"<b>edit</b> the <a href='http://gnomesupport.org/wiki/index.php/"
-"GnuCash'>User Wiki</a> to add the answer.  Yes, that's right, edit: that's "
-"what a Wiki does; it allows anyone to add, update and correct the content.  "
-"If you like GnuCash, and want to help, but don't know how, then please "
-"consider helping others by updating the Wiki."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Fix backup file naming; now existing files will no longer be accidentally "
+#~ "overwritten (bug #164875)"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Fix backup file naming; now existing files will no longer be accidentally "
+#~ "overwritten (bug #164875)"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:327
-msgid ""
-"The <a href='http://linuxwiki.de/GnuCash_2fDevelTexts'>Devel Wiki</a> "
-"contains various development notes and status.  Some developers use it, and "
-"some don't.  Tough development questions?  This is one place to look."
-msgstr ""
-"The <a href='http://linuxwiki.de/GnuCash_2fDevelTexts'>Devel Wiki</a> "
-"contains various development notes and status.  Some developers use it, and "
-"some don't.  Tough development questions?  This is one place to look."
+#~ msgid "HBCI: enable debit notes again"
+#~ msgstr "HBCI: enable debit notes again"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:336
-msgid "Christian Stimming writes:"
-msgstr "Christian Stimming writes:"
+#~ msgid "HBCI initialization problems fixed"
+#~ msgstr "HBCI initialization problems fixed"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:338
-msgid ""
-"I am happy to announce a presentation about GnuCash that will be held this "
-"weekend by myself at the German Linuxtag in Karlsruhe"
-msgstr ""
-"I am happy to announce a presentation about GnuCash that will be held this "
-"weekend by myself at the German Linuxtag in Karlsruhe"
+#~ msgid "Fix the last-day-of-month computation for leap years."
+#~ msgstr "Fix the last-day-of-month computation for leap years."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:341
-msgid "The presentation is scheduled for this saturday (2004-06-26) 4pm MEST,"
-msgstr "The presentation is scheduled for this saturday (2004-06-26) 4pm MEST,"
+#~ msgid "<b>Announcement:</b> GnuCash 1.8.10 Release"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Announcement:</b> GnuCash 1.8.10 Release"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:344
-msgid ""
-"The language of this presentation will be German. I will put the slides "
-"online shortly after the event, but they will be in German, too. :-)"
-msgstr ""
-"The language of this presentation will be German. I will put the slides "
-"online shortly after the event, but they will be in German, too. :-)"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The GnuCash team is pleased to announce the release of stable version "
+#~ "1.8.10."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "The GnuCash team is pleased to announce the release of stable version "
+#~ "1.8.10."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:351
-msgid "<b>Announcement:</b> GnuCash 1.8.9 Release"
-msgstr "<b>Announcement:</b> GnuCash 1.8.9 Release"
+#~ msgid "What's New in GnuCash 1.8.10?"
+#~ msgstr "What's New in GnuCash 1.8.10?"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:356
-msgid ""
-"The GnuCash team is pleased to announce the release of stable version 1.8.9."
-msgstr ""
-"The GnuCash team is pleased to announce the release of stable version 1.8.9."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Don't use C++/C99 declarations.  Declare variables at the top of the "
+#~ "function."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Don't use C++/C99 declarations.  Declare variables at the top of the "
+#~ "function."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:357
-msgid "What's New in GnuCash 1.8.9?"
-msgstr "What's New in GnuCash 1.8.9?"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Updated British English, Czech, Italian, Russian, German, Brazilian "
+#~ "Portugese, Dutch, French, Spanish, translations."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Updated British English, Czech, Italian, Russian, German, Brazilian "
+#~ "Portugese, Dutch, French, Spanish, translations."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:360
-msgid ""
-"Updated Polish translation by GNOME PL Team, updated French, Czech,   "
-"Spanish, Russian, Dutch, German and Italian translations.<br>"
-msgstr ""
-"Updated Polish translation by GNOME PL Team, updated French, Czech,   "
-"Spanish, Russian, Dutch, German and Italian translations.<br>"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Fabien COELHO's zero-balance patch to remove accounts of zero balance "
+#~ "from the report."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Fabien COELHO's zero-balance patch to remove accounts of zero balance "
+#~ "from the report."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:361
-msgid "dump-finance-quote - Be more explicit when a lookup fails."
-msgstr "dump-finance-quote - Be more explicit when a lookup fails."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Fix a broken recursion problem.  Don't call show-acct? from use-acct? so "
+#~ "we don't recurse ad flictum.  This recursive call isn't necessary, just "
+#~ "have use-acct? recurse unto itself."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Fix a broken recursion problem.  Don't call show-acct? from use-acct? so "
+#~ "we don't recurse ad flictum.  This recursive call isn't necessary, just "
+#~ "have use-acct? recurse unto itself."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:362
-msgid "log-replay - Increase read buffer size."
-msgstr "log-replay - Increase read buffer size."
+#~ msgid "look in ${srcdir} for build-config.scm.in"
+#~ msgstr "look in ${srcdir} for build-config.scm.in"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:363
-msgid ""
-"Make sure to verify that the items in the reconcile hash are still around "
-"after a refresh."
-msgstr ""
-"Make sure to verify that the items in the reconcile hash are still around "
-"after a refresh."
+#~ msgid "Work around problems with libltdl3."
+#~ msgstr "Work around problems with libltdl3."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:364
-msgid ""
-"When the commodity is changed, then set the currency to the currency of the "
-"last price entered for this commodity."
-msgstr ""
-"When the commodity is changed, then set the currency to the currency of the "
-"last price entered for this commodity."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "don't automatically try to (require 'format), so gnucash will build on an "
+#~ "slib-3 system."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "don't automatically try to (require 'format), so gnucash will build on an "
+#~ "slib-3 system."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:365
-msgid "Add Hungarian account templates by Sulyok Peter"
-msgstr "Add Hungarian account templates by Sulyok Peter"
+#~ msgid "Added quote sources for Indian Mutual Funds."
+#~ msgstr "Added quote sources for Indian Mutual Funds."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:366
-msgid "Patch by Geoff Kassel to work on OpenBSD (allow user to set diffcmd)."
-msgstr "Patch by Geoff Kassel to work on OpenBSD (allow user to set diffcmd)."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Skip the case when a token is the empty string. This caused many warnings "
+#~ "about a NULL kvp_frame lookup."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Skip the case when a token is the empty string. This caused many warnings "
+#~ "about a NULL kvp_frame lookup."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:367
-msgid ""
-"Don't test double KVPs, on the theory that they will soon be deprecated."
-msgstr ""
-"Don't test double KVPs, on the theory that they will soon be deprecated."
+#~ msgid "Luigi Ballabio's automake patch to gnucash.m4"
+#~ msgstr "Luigi Ballabio's automake patch to gnucash.m4"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:368
-msgid ""
-"When computing the aging report, ignore splits that belong to closed lots.  "
-"This way we wont get the wrong values when the invoice falls outside the 360-"
-"day window but its payment falls inside the window."
-msgstr ""
-"When computing the aging report, ignore splits that belong to closed lots.  "
-"This way we wont get the wrong values when the invoice falls outside the 360-"
-"day window but its payment falls inside the window."
+#~ msgid "guile-1.6 complains about string-&gt;symbol when passed a symbol."
+#~ msgstr "guile-1.6 complains about string-&gt;symbol when passed a symbol."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:369
-msgid ""
-"Add gnc_getline() function to read an unlimited line-length from a file (so "
-"you're not limited to a buffer size with fgets() and the like). It is "
-"similar to the getline(3) on Linux except the API is different and it will "
-"always set the return string."
-msgstr ""
-"Add gnc_getline() function to read an unlimited line-length from a file (so "
-"you're not limited to a buffer size with fgets() and the like). It is "
-"similar to the getline(3) on Linux except the API is different and it will "
-"always set the return string."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "applied Vasil's patch to improve the transaction report for HTML export "
+#~ "purposes."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "applied Vasil's patch to improve the transaction report for HTML export "
+#~ "purposes."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:370
-msgid "Add workaround code for openhbci/chipcard problem."
-msgstr "Add workaround code for openhbci/chipcard problem."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Backport of CVS-head changes to improve register open performance when "
+#~ "working with large account trees (&gt;500 accounts).  The new code caches "
+#~ "the quickfill tree so that it is shared by all register windows."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Backport of CVS-head changes to improve register open performance when "
+#~ "working with large account trees (&gt;500 accounts).  The new code caches "
+#~ "the quickfill tree so that it is shared by all register windows."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:371
-msgid "Add gnc_lookup_date_option() function."
-msgstr "Add gnc_lookup_date_option() function."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "create gnc:current-saved-reports, as the file to store saved reports from "
+#~ "cstim.  Autoload the saved-reports file at startup (after config.user/"
+#~ "config.auto is loaded)."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "create gnc:current-saved-reports, as the file to store saved reports from "
+#~ "cstim.  Autoload the saved-reports file at startup (after config.user/"
+#~ "config.auto is loaded)."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:372
-msgid "Add gnc_ui_account_get_balance_in_currency() function."
-msgstr "Add gnc_ui_account_get_balance_in_currency() function."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Added gnc:report-generate-saved-forms that will generate the scheme code "
+#~ "necessary to create a new report from the saved options of an old report."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Added gnc:report-generate-saved-forms that will generate the scheme code "
+#~ "necessary to create a new report from the saved options of an old report."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:373
-msgid "Add preferences for summarybar."
-msgstr "Add preferences for summarybar."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Added example Menu item \"File -&gt; Save all reports\" that will call "
+#~ "the new report saving function for all reports. This would need more work "
+#~ "so that not all reports are saved but only the currently selected one -- "
+#~ "any volunteer may feel free to add that."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Added example Menu item \"File -&gt; Save all reports\" that will call "
+#~ "the new report saving function for all reports. This would need more work "
+#~ "so that not all reports are saved but only the currently selected one -- "
+#~ "any volunteer may feel free to add that."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:374
-msgid "Add xaccAccountConvertBalanceToCurrencyAsOfDate() function"
-msgstr "Add xaccAccountConvertBalanceToCurrencyAsOfDate() function"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Fix saving of report: It now appends to ~/.gnucash/saved-reports-1.8 "
+#~ "Statusbar tip is now more verbose."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Fix saving of report: It now appends to ~/.gnucash/saved-reports-1.8 "
+#~ "Statusbar tip is now more verbose."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:375
-msgid ""
-"Summarybar can now display a grand total of all commodities, profits of a "
-"period of time and net assets at the end of the period; summarybar can be "
-"configured with some options under edit->preferences."
-msgstr ""
-"Summarybar can now display a grand total of all commodities, profits of a "
-"period of time and net assets at the end of the period; summarybar can be "
-"configured with some options under edit->preferences."
+#~ msgid "Add toolbar element for saving the current report."
+#~ msgstr "Add toolbar element for saving the current report."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:376
-msgid "Create two new functions to centralize date-selection option creation."
-msgstr "Create two new functions to centralize date-selection option creation."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Add function for saving one particular report to the ~/.gnucash/saved-"
+#~ "reports-1.8 file. Add extra menu only for customized reports."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Add function for saving one particular report to the ~/.gnucash/saved-"
+#~ "reports-1.8 file. Add extra menu only for customized reports."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:377
-msgid "Export the new scheme functions."
-msgstr "Export the new scheme functions."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Remove the previous function for saving all reports since it is no longer "
+#~ "necessary."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Remove the previous function for saving all reports since it is no longer "
+#~ "necessary."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:378
-msgid "Modify Herbert's patch to centralize the date-selection option code."
-msgstr "Modify Herbert's patch to centralize the date-selection option code."
+#~ msgid "Apply David Reiser's patch for Quicken(tm) cheques with stub."
+#~ msgstr "Apply David Reiser's patch for Quicken(tm) cheques with stub."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:379
-msgid "Use the new centralized date-selection option-creation code."
-msgstr "Use the new centralized date-selection option-creation code."
+#~ msgid "Apply David Grant's patch to add TD Efunds."
+#~ msgstr "Apply David Grant's patch to add TD Efunds."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:380
-msgid "Fix a typo in the help (was --diable-gui)."
-msgstr "Fix a typo in the help (was --diable-gui)."
+#~ msgid "make the desktop file HIG compliant."
+#~ msgstr "make the desktop file HIG compliant."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:381
-msgid "Add db-4.2 to the list of databases we search."
-msgstr "Add db-4.2 to the list of databases we search."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "change the gtkhtml order to search for >= 1.1 before < 1.1, in order to "
+#~ "try to fix #84707 on systems with multiple versions of gtkhtml."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "change the gtkhtml order to search for >= 1.1 before < 1.1, in order to "
+#~ "try to fix #84707 on systems with multiple versions of gtkhtml."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:382
-msgid "Fix a problem with opt style installs."
-msgstr "Fix a problem with opt style installs."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Perry Smith's Null Account Patch.  Make sure the security is a real "
+#~ "string before appending an account separator, so we don't try to create a "
+#~ "\"null\" account."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Perry Smith's Null Account Patch.  Make sure the security is a real "
+#~ "string before appending an account separator, so we don't try to create a "
+#~ "\"null\" account."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:383
-msgid ""
-"Rename from_xxx and to_xxx account tree widgets to left_xxx and right_xxx."
-msgstr ""
-"Rename from_xxx and to_xxx account tree widgets to left_xxx and right_xxx."
+#~ msgid "Add option to include zero-amount splits in computations."
+#~ msgstr "Add option to include zero-amount splits in computations."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:384
-msgid ""
-"If in &quot;accountant mode&quot; call &quot;transfer from&quot; &quot;"
-"credit account&quot; and &quot;transfer to&quot; &quot;debit account&quot; "
-"and interchange account trees."
-msgstr ""
-"If in &quot;accountant mode&quot; call &quot;transfer from&quot; &quot;"
-"credit account&quot; and &quot;transfer to&quot; &quot;debit account&quot; "
-"and interchange account trees."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "fix xaccAccountGetBalanceAsOfDate() to properly compute the balance at "
+#~ "the end of the split list."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "fix xaccAccountGetBalanceAsOfDate() to properly compute the balance at "
+#~ "the end of the split list."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:385
-msgid "Remove the RECN cell from payable/receivable to stop confusing people."
-msgstr "Remove the RECN cell from payable/receivable to stop confusing people."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Major change for HBCI, back-ported from HEAD. The HBCI online banking is "
+#~ "no longer based on the openhbci library but instead on the aqbanking "
+#~ "library http://sf.net/projects/aqbanking which is Martin Preuss' "
+#~ "successor of openhbci. This means that now aqbanking-0.9.5 is required "
+#~ "instead of any openhbci package."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Major change for HBCI, back-ported from HEAD. The HBCI online banking is "
+#~ "no longer based on the openhbci library but instead on the aqbanking "
+#~ "library http://sf.net/projects/aqbanking which is Martin Preuss' "
+#~ "successor of openhbci. This means that now aqbanking-0.9.5 is required "
+#~ "instead of any openhbci package."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:386
-msgid "Change Ukrainian &quot;UAG&quot; into &quot;UAH&quot;"
-msgstr "Change Ukrainian &quot;UAG&quot; into &quot;UAH&quot;"
+#~ msgid "Fixes for x86_64"
+#~ msgstr "Fixes for x86_64"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:387
-msgid ""
-"Commented out setting the memo always to &quot;Auto-created split&quot; due "
-"to popular request."
-msgstr ""
-"Commented out setting the memo always to &quot;Auto-created split&quot; due "
-"to popular request."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Update for new LibOfx, this among other things, gives gnucash Microsoft "
+#~ "OFC support."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Update for new LibOfx, this among other things, gives gnucash Microsoft "
+#~ "OFC support."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:388
-msgid ""
-"Fix for part of bug only allow auto-create SXes which have splits to be "
-msgstr ""
-"Fix for part of bug only allow auto-create SXes which have splits to be "
+#~ msgid "Duplicate match tweaks in import code"
+#~ msgstr "Duplicate match tweaks in import code"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:389
-msgid "HBCI transfer template management GUI added by Bernd Wagner."
-msgstr "HBCI transfer template management GUI added by Bernd Wagner."
+#~ msgid "Andreas Rottmann's patch to support g-wrap 1.9."
+#~ msgstr "Andreas Rottmann's patch to support g-wrap 1.9."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:390
-msgid "Added instructions about running under valgrind."
-msgstr "Added instructions about running under valgrind."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "provide a default account name so we don't crash when someone imports a "
+#~ "broken QIF that has a !Account without an account name."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "provide a default account name so we don't crash when someone imports a "
+#~ "broken QIF that has a !Account without an account name."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:391
-msgid "Added a large set of valgrind suppressions for both guile and gnucash."
-msgstr "Added a large set of valgrind suppressions for both guile and gnucash."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Daniel Lindenaar's patch to implement a check-box in the Invoice Post "
+#~ "Dialog (with a default in the File Preferences) to choose to accumulate "
+#~ "splits when posting an invoice, or post a 1:1 mapping."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Daniel Lindenaar's patch to implement a check-box in the Invoice Post "
+#~ "Dialog (with a default in the File Preferences) to choose to accumulate "
+#~ "splits when posting an invoice, or post a 1:1 mapping."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:392
-msgid "Change the reg_type to SEARCH_LEDGER so all the 'action' types appear."
-msgstr "Change the reg_type to SEARCH_LEDGER so all the 'action' types appear."
+#~ msgid "Phil Longstaff's patch to prevent duplicate pricedb entries."
+#~ msgstr "Phil Longstaff's patch to prevent duplicate pricedb entries."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:393
-msgid "Remove unused 'ledger_status' widget."
-msgstr "Remove unused 'ledger_status' widget."
+#~ msgid "Heath Martin's x86_64 patch"
+#~ msgstr "Heath Martin's x86_64 patch"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:394
-msgid ""
-"At least be consistent about the background coloring of the month labels, "
-"even if we're still not using GTK themeage correctly."
-msgstr ""
-"At least be consistent about the background colouring of the month labels, "
-"even if we're still not using GTK themeage correctly."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Mark search criteria for translation -- somehow this had been missed all "
+#~ "the time."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Mark search criteria for translation -- somehow this had been missed all "
+#~ "the time."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:395
-msgid "Destroy the transient window when the widget is destroyed."
-msgstr "Destroy the transient window when the widget is destroyed."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Change currency mnemonic for \"New Israeli Shekel\" from \"ILS\" to \"NIS"
+#~ "\"."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Change currency mnemonic for \"New Israeli Shekel\" from \"ILS\" to \"NIS"
+#~ "\"."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:396
-msgid "Make the advance and remind spin-buttons editable."
-msgstr "Make the advance and remind spin-buttons editable."
+#~ msgid "Identified and fixed several places with untranslated strings."
+#~ msgstr "Identified and fixed several places with untranslated strings."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:397
-msgid ""
-"Change the upper bound on the advance and remind spins to 365 [days], with a "
-"page-size of 30 [days]."
-msgstr ""
-"Change the upper bound on the advance and remind spins to 365 [days], with a "
-"page-size of 30 [days]."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Add configure check for libofx version 0.7.0 and respective error "
+#~ "message. Update docs."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Add configure check for libofx version 0.7.0 and respective error "
+#~ "message. Update docs."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:398
-msgid ""
-"Disallow the Scheduling of being-editing transactions in the Register, "
-"preventing a class of unbalanced SX template transactions from being entered "
-"and propogated through the system."
-msgstr ""
-"Disallow the Scheduling of being-editing transactions in the Register, "
-"preventing a class of unbalanced SX template transactions from being entered "
-"and propogated through the system."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Improve importer performance by matching imported transactions only "
+#~ "against transactions in the proper time interval."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Improve importer performance by matching imported transactions only "
+#~ "against transactions in the proper time interval."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:399
-msgid ""
-"Fix nasty memory-corruption issue; insufficent bounds checking on array "
-msgstr ""
-"Fix nasty memory-corruption issue; insufficent bounds checking on array "
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "send an event when a payment is processed so the invoice gets updated as "
+#~ "\"paid\" in the search window."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "send an event when a payment is processed so the invoice gets updated as "
+#~ "\"paid\" in the search window."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:400
-msgid "Better handling of various error cases in transaction-creation."
-msgstr "Better handling of various error cases in transaction-creation."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Make sure we set the proper search-type when we create the query, "
+#~ "otherwise the search will fail later."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Make sure we set the proper search-type when we create the query, "
+#~ "otherwise the search will fail later."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:401
-msgid ""
-"When we have a problem parsing a credit/debit cell, indicate to the user "
-"what occurred."
-msgstr ""
-"When we have a problem parsing a credit/debit cell, indicate to the user "
-"what occurred."
+#~ msgid "<b>DWI</b>:  Data With Interaction"
+#~ msgstr "<b>DWI</b>:  Data With Interaction"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:402
-msgid ""
-"Use the account-list filtering capability of the GncAccountSel to only show/"
-"allow-creation-of valid account-types in the loan-druid."
-msgstr ""
-"Use the account-list filtering capability of the GncAccountSel to only show/"
-"allow-creation-of valid account-types in the loan-druid."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "DWI, at <a href=\"http://dwi.sourceforge.net\"> http://dwi.sourceforge."
+#~ "net</a>, is a framework for simplifying the development of data-driven "
+#~ "SQL applications for the Gnome/Gtk GUI system. DWI should be interesting "
+#~ "to GnuCash developers for the following reason: DWI includes a simple "
+#~ "Object-to-Relational Mapping (ORM) that is being integrated into <a href="
+#~ "\"http://qof.sourceforge.net\">QOF</a>, so as to form a full-featured QOF "
+#~ "backend.  QOF is in turn the object system underlying GnuCash, so what "
+#~ "this really means is that work is continuing on one of the core pieces of "
+#~ "GnuCash."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "DWI, at <a href=\"http://dwi.sourceforge.net\"> http://dwi.sourceforge."
+#~ "net</a>, is a framework for simplifying the development of data-driven "
+#~ "SQL applications for the Gnome/Gtk GUI system. DWI should be interesting "
+#~ "to GnuCash developers for the following reason: DWI includes a simple "
+#~ "Object-to-Relational Mapping (ORM) that is being integrated into <a href="
+#~ "\"http://qof.sourceforge.net\">QOF</a>, so as to form a full-featured QOF "
+#~ "backend.  QOF is in turn the object system underlying GnuCash, so what "
+#~ "this really means is that work is continuing on one of the core pieces of "
+#~ "GnuCash."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:403
-msgid "Add ':' to the token list of allowable characters in the formula cell."
-msgstr "Add ':' to the token list of allowable characters in the formula cell."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "DWI-0.6.0 includes a restructuring of the makefile system to use "
+#~ "automake, which makes DWI easy to install for the first time. This "
+#~ "version also includes a new QOF integration layer, and several new QOF "
+#~ "example programs."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "DWI-0.6.0 includes a restructuring of the makefile system to use "
+#~ "automake, which makes DWI easy to install for the first time. This "
+#~ "version also includes a new QOF integration layer, and several new QOF "
+#~ "example programmes."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:404
-msgid "Fix precedence bug screwing up loan review page."
-msgstr "Fix precedence bug screwing up loan review page."
+#~ msgid "Convert GnuCash Data Files to QIF"
+#~ msgstr "Convert GnuCash Data Files to QIF"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:405
-msgid ""
-"Don't need to require format; main.scm handles it, and the default &quot;"
-"format&quot; (simple-format) is sufficient to handle everything we need. "
-"This allows gnucash to work with slib3."
-msgstr ""
-"Don't need to require format; main.scm handles it, and the default &quot;"
-"format&quot; (simple-format) is sufficient to handle everything we need. "
-"This allows gnucash to work with slib3."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "If you have to convert all your GnuCash data to QIF, then try the <a href="
+#~ "\"http://gnucashtoqif.sourceforge.net/\">GnuCash to QIF</a> Java Applet.  "
+#~ "It handles all GnuCash file formats from 1.6.0 onwards (excluding "
+#~ "business features)."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "If you have to convert all your GnuCash data to QIF, then try the <a href="
+#~ "\"http://gnucashtoqif.sourceforge.net/\">GnuCash to QIF</a> Java Applet.  "
+#~ "It handles all GnuCash file formats from 1.6.0 onwards (excluding "
+#~ "business features)."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:406
-msgid ""
-"Add code to remove &quot;intl/Makefile po/Makefile&quot; from AC_OUTPUT in   "
-"configure.in prior to calling gettextize to make sure that you can build "
-"from CVS with recent versions of gettextize.  Tested with both RH9 and RH7.3 "
-"to make sure it works with both old and new."
-msgstr ""
-"Add code to remove &quot;intl/Makefile po/Makefile&quot; from AC_OUTPUT in   "
-"configure.in prior to calling gettextize to make sure that you can build "
-"from CVS with recent versions of gettextize.  Tested with both RH9 and RH7.3 "
-"to make sure it works with both old and new."
+#~ msgid "Source Code Documentation"
+#~ msgstr "Source Code Documentation"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:407
-msgid "Move variable declaration to the top of the block."
-msgstr "Move variable declaration to the top of the block."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "A decent set of source code documentation can be generated by using <a "
+#~ "href=\"http://www.stack.nl/~dimitri/doxygen/\">Doxygen</a>. We've cleaned "
+#~ "up the core engine documentation <a href=\"https://cvs.gnucash.org/docs/"
+#~ "HEAD/modules.html\"> and put it online</a>.  We hope you are suitably "
+#~ "impressed."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "A decent set of source code documentation can be generated by using <a "
+#~ "href=\"http://www.stack.nl/~dimitri/doxygen/\">Doxygen</a>. We've cleaned "
+#~ "up the core engine documentation <a href=\"https://cvs.gnucash.org/docs/"
+#~ "HEAD/modules.html\"> and put it online</a>.  We hope you are suitably "
+#~ "impressed."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:408
-msgid ""
-"Make sure we always have intl and po Makefiles in the configure script.  "
-"Sometimes it was ripped out without being replaced."
-msgstr ""
-"Make sure we always have intl and po Makefiles in the configure script.  "
-"Sometimes it was ripped out without being replaced."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "(Note there are additional developer docs in plain text and in texinfo "
+#~ "formats.  What's online are just the Doxygen docs generated from what's "
+#~ "embedded in the source.)"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "(Note there are additional developer docs in plain text and in texinfo "
+#~ "formats.  What's online are just the Doxygen docs generated from what's "
+#~ "embedded in the source.)"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:425
-msgid ""
-"GnoTime, the Gnome Time Tracker, is a desktop utility for tracking the "
-"amount of time spent on projects, and generating configurable reports and "
-"invoices based on that time. It also makes for a good to-do list tracker and "
-"idea organizer, allowing to-do list items to be sorted even while providing "
-"ample notes-taking area associated with each item."
-msgstr ""
-"GnoTime, the Gnome Time Tracker, is a desktop utility for tracking the "
-"amount of time spent on projects, and generating configurable reports and "
-"invoices based on that time. It also makes for a good to-do list tracker and "
-"idea organizer, allowing to-do list items to be sorted even while providing "
-"ample notes-taking area associated with each item."
+#~ msgid "Gnome Time Tracker"
+#~ msgstr "Gnome Time Tracker"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:427
-msgid ""
-"Version 2.1.8 is now available.  This version includes a simple search "
-"interface, for generating reports for projects that occured in a given time "
-"period.  This new feature is built using <a href='http://qof.sourceforge."
-"net'>QOF</a>, a gnucash spin-off technology.  Version 2.1.7 introduced an "
-"easier way of allowing users to create and manage custom reports. Version "
-"2.1.6 introduced a 'daily report' for summarizing hours worked on a day-by-"
-"day basis.  Version 2.1.5 introduced a vastly improved diary/note-taking/"
-"blogging interface.  Version 2.1.4 was the first version to introduce user-"
-"customizable reports, using a simple scheme-embedded-in-html system."
-msgstr ""
-"Version 2.1.8 is now available.  This version includes a simple search "
-"interface, for generating reports for projects that occured in a given time "
-"period.  This new feature is built using <a href='http://qof.sourceforge."
-"net'>QOF</a>, a gnucash spin-off technology.  Version 2.1.7 introduced an "
-"easier way of allowing users to create and manage custom reports. Version "
-"2.1.6 introduced a 'daily report' for summarizing hours worked on a day-by-"
-"day basis.  Version 2.1.5 introduced a vastly improved diary/note-taking/"
-"blogging interface.  Version 2.1.4 was the first version to introduce user-"
-"customizable reports, using a simple scheme-embedded-in-html system."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The Gnome Time Tracker is a to-do list/diary/journal tool that can track "
+#~ "the amount of time spent on projects, and, among other things, generate "
+#~ "reports and invoices based on that time. I've used it to keep shopping "
+#~ "lists, organize ideas, track bug reports, keep a diary of activities, "
+#~ "provide weekly status reports to management, and even as a consultant "
+#~ "billing system."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "The Gnome Time Tracker is a to-do list/diary/journal tool that can track "
+#~ "the amount of time spent on projects, and, among other things, generate "
+#~ "reports and invoices based on that time. I've used it to keep shopping "
+#~ "lists, organize ideas, track bug reports, keep a diary of activities, "
+#~ "provide weekly status reports to management, and even as a consultant "
+#~ "billing system."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:429
-msgid ""
-"The <a href='http://gttr.sourceforge.net'>GnoTime website is here</a> and is "
-"<a href='http://www.linas.org/linux/gtt/gtt.html'>mirrored here</a>. Sources "
-"and CVS access is at the <a href='http://sourceforge.net/projects/gttr/'> "
-"sourceforge project site</a>.  Most major distributions now carry GnoTime, "
-"so look to your distro first for a binary. Runs on Apple Macintosh OSX under "
-"Fink, too."
-msgstr ""
-"The <a href='http://gttr.sourceforge.net'>GnoTime website is here</a> and is "
-"<a href='http://www.linas.org/linux/gtt/gtt.html'>mirrored here</a>. Sources "
-"and CVS access is at the <a href='http://sourceforge.net/projects/gttr/'> "
-"sourceforge project site</a>.  Most major distributions now carry GnoTime, "
-"so look to your distro first for a binary. Runs on Apple Macintosh OSX under "
-"Fink, too."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Version 2.1.9 is now available; it fixes a number of bugs from 2.1.8 and "
+#~ "earlier versions:"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Version 2.1.9 is now available; it fixes a number of bugs from 2.1.8 and "
+#~ "earlier versions:"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:455
-msgid ""
-"(As noted earlier I had the opportunity to give a presentation at a local "
-"Linux day about GnuCash and HBCI online banking. This presentation went "
-"really nice, there were a number interesting questions (mostly about the "
-"German online banking HBCI) and overall it was a good experience.)"
-msgstr ""
-"(As noted earlier I had the opportunity to give a presentation at a local "
-"Linux day about GnuCash and HBCI online banking. This presentation went "
-"really nice, there were a number interesting questions (mostly about the "
-"German online banking HBCI) and overall it was a good experience.)"
+#~ msgid "Keyboard events were not resetting the timeout"
+#~ msgstr "Keyboard events were not resetting the timeout"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:459
-msgid "Alternative Mail Archives"
-msgstr "Alternative Mail Archives"
+#~ msgid "Fix Help system so that help actually starts up."
+#~ msgstr "Fix Help system so that help actually starts up."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:464
-msgid ""
-"An alternative to the mailing list archive hosted on the GnuCash website is "
-"now available. We are currently having some technical difficulties with the "
-"archive on the GnuCash website so this alternate can be used to access the "
-"archives. Please try the following url's to access the archive;"
-msgstr ""
-"An alternative to the mailing list archive hosted on the GnuCash website is "
-"now available. We are currently having some technical difficulties with the "
-"archive on the GnuCash website so this alternate can be used to access the "
-"archives. Please try the following url's to access the archive;"
+#~ msgid "Fix old, multiple scheme bugs affecting billing reports."
+#~ msgstr "Fix old, multiple scheme bugs affecting billing reports."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:477
-msgid ""
-"The GnuCash team is pleased to announce the release of stable version 1.8.8."
-msgstr ""
-"The GnuCash team is pleased to announce the release of stable version 1.8.8."
+#~ msgid "Provides 'infinite undo' for cut projects."
+#~ msgstr "Provides 'infinite undo' for cut projects."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:479
-msgid "What's New in GnuCash 1.8.8?"
-msgstr "What's New in GnuCash 1.8.8?"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Keyboard cut (ctrl-x) fixed so that it cuts only if project window has "
+#~ "focus."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Keyboard cut (ctrl-x) fixed so that it cuts only if project window has "
+#~ "focus."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:481
-msgid "HBCI - Improve error message when receiving zero balance from bank."
-msgstr "HBCI - Improve error message when receiving zero balance from bank."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Can now specify day-of-week for the start of a new week. Also, end-of-day "
+#~ "need not be midnight - its now configurable."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Can now specify day-of-week for the start of a new week. Also, end-of-day "
+#~ "need not be midnight - its now configurable."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:482
-msgid ""
-"Add account template for Swiss German businesses &quot;KMU&quot; by Tom "
-msgstr ""
-"Add account template for Swiss German businesses &quot;KMU&quot; by Tom "
+#~ msgid "Remove obsolete menu entries (clear daily counters)"
+#~ msgstr "Remove obsolete menu entries (clear daily counters)"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:483
-msgid ""
-"Add *big* account template for German businesses &quot;SKR04&quot; by Betina "
-msgstr ""
-"Add *big* account template for German businesses &quot;SKR04&quot; by Betina "
+#~ msgid "Fix flyover help on HTML reports"
+#~ msgstr "Fix flyover help on HTML reports"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:484
-msgid ""
-"Add Catalan and Turkish translation, Updated German, Italian, Czech, Greek "
-"and Dutch translations."
-msgstr ""
-"Add Catalan and Turkish translation, Updated German, Italian, Czech, Greek "
-"and Dutch translations."
+#~ msgid "Fix order of yesterday/today columns."
+#~ msgstr "Fix order of yesterday/today columns."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:485
-msgid "Add Turkish account template. Updated Greek account templates."
-msgstr "Add Turkish account template. Updated Greek account templates."
+#~ msgid "Improve checks for Guile during builds"
+#~ msgstr "Improve checks for Guile during builds"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:486
-msgid "Remove debian scripts"
-msgstr "Remove debian scripts"
+#~ msgid "New whiz-bang SQL for reports."
+#~ msgstr "New whiz-bang SQL for reports."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:487
-msgid "Add a comment about minimum string length"
-msgstr "Add a comment about minimum string length"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The <a href=\"http://gttr.sourceforge.net\">GnoTime website is here</a> "
+#~ "and is \n"
+#~ "<a href=\"http://www.linas.org/linux/gtt/gtt.html\">mirrored here</a>. "
+#~ "Sources and CVS access is at the <a href=\"http://sourceforge.net/"
+#~ "projects/gttr/\">sourceforge project site</a>. Most major distributions "
+#~ "now carry GnoTime, so look to your distro first for a binary."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "The <a href=\"http://gttr.sourceforge.net\">GnoTime website is here</a> "
+#~ "and is \n"
+#~ "<a href=\"http://www.linas.org/linux/gtt/gtt.html\">mirrored here</a>. "
+#~ "Sources and CVS access is at the <a href=\"http://sourceforge.net/"
+#~ "projects/gttr/\">sourceforge project site</a>. Most major distributions "
+#~ "now carry GnoTime, so look to your distro first for a binary."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:488
-msgid "Fix the ISO_DATELEN to be &quot;long enough&quot;"
-msgstr "Fix the ISO_DATELEN to be &quot;long enough&quot;"
+#~ msgid "<b>QOF-0.4.1:</b> The Query Object Framework"
+#~ msgstr "<b>QOF-0.4.1:</b> The Query Object Framework"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:489
-msgid ""
-"Fix handling of HBCI direct debits (fix wrong textkey). Fix and initially "
-"implement handling of multiple banks/users/customers."
-msgstr ""
-"Fix handling of HBCI direct debits (fix wrong textkey). Fix and initially "
-"implement handling of multiple banks/users/customers."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Version 0.4.1 of QOF is now available. QOF allows C programmers to "
+#~ "perform SQL searches on a collection of objects without having to use an "
+#~ "SQL database to get the results.  This is nice in several ways: first, "
+#~ "there's a lot of work needed to take a plain-old app and make it into a "
+#~ "database app; QOF helps avoid that work. Secondly, even if one did have "
+#~ "an SQL app, the query is happening at 'the wrong place': most programmers "
+#~ "want to get back pointers to their own objects, rather than lists of raw "
+#~ "data from the database.  QOF solves this second problem very well, making "
+#~ "it a lot easier for aps to include search and report abilities in their "
+#~ "applications. QOF consists of a number of other features as well: "
+#~ "basically, QOF consists of all of those parts of the GnuCash engine that "
+#~ "aren't about accounting."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Version 0.4.1 of QOF is now available. QOF allows C programmers to "
+#~ "perform SQL searches on a collection of objects without having to use an "
+#~ "SQL database to get the results.  This is nice in several ways: first, "
+#~ "there's a lot of work needed to take a plain-old app and make it into a "
+#~ "database app; QOF helps avoid that work. Secondly, even if one did have "
+#~ "an SQL app, the query is happening at 'the wrong place': most programmers "
+#~ "want to get back pointers to their own objects, rather than lists of raw "
+#~ "data from the database.  QOF solves this second problem very well, making "
+#~ "it a lot easier for aps to include search and report abilities in their "
+#~ "applications. QOF consists of a number of other features as well: "
+#~ "basically, QOF consists of all of those parts of the GnuCash engine that "
+#~ "aren't about accounting."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:490
-msgid ""
-"Fixed extremly stupid, old bug that causes weird HBCI errors. Improved user "
-msgstr ""
-"Fixed extremly stupid, old bug that causes weird HBCI errors. Improved user "
+#~ msgid "QOF-0.4.1 features several improvements over earlier versions:"
+#~ msgstr "QOF-0.4.1 features several improvements over earlier versions:"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:491
-msgid "Refactor some GUI code. Improve user messages."
-msgstr "Refactor some GUI code. Improve user messages."
+#~ msgid "A real SQL parser."
+#~ msgstr "A real SQL parser."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:492
-msgid ""
-"BillTermDecRef should have been BillTermIncRef when setting new bill term."
-msgstr ""
-"BillTermDecRef should have been BillTermIncRef when setting new bill term."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "An example demo of using QOF with GLib GObjects (the example finds a "
+#~ "particular Gtk Widget out of a collection)."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "An example demo of using QOF with GLib GObjects (the example finds a "
+#~ "particular Gtk Widget out of a collection)."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:493
-msgid ""
-"Applied Frank Pavageau's patch regarding capital gains to handle split "
-msgstr ""
-"Applied Frank Pavageau's patch regarding capital gains to handle split "
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Support for pkg-config makes using QOF in your app just a little bit "
+#~ "easier."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Support for pkg-config makes using QOF in your app just a little bit "
+#~ "easier."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:494
-msgid ""
-"Don't make a timespec with tv_sec == 0.  Fixes some tests on the alpha "
-msgstr ""
-"Don't make a timespec with tv_sec == 0.  Fixes some tests on the alpha "
+#~ msgid "How to Install GnuCash on OSX"
+#~ msgstr "How to Install GnuCash on OSX"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:506
-msgid "European GnuCash.org Mirror"
-msgstr "European GnuCash.org Mirror"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "A very nice site &amp set of instructions for Mac OSX can be found at"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "A very nice site &amp set of instructions for Mac OSX can be found at"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:512
-msgid ""
-"A European mirror of the GnuCash website is now operational. If you are "
-"located in Europe, Eastern Europe or Africa, and are having poor web or "
-"download response times accessing the US website, please try the <a "
-"href='http://www.at.gnucash.org'>European Mirror</a>. This mirror includes a "
-"copy of the download area and the mailing list archives as well. (Thanks to "
-"<a href='http://sts.tuwien.ac.at/staff/Sprinzl.html'>Antonin Sprinzl</a> of "
-"the Technical University of Vienna for this service)."
-msgstr ""
-"A European mirror of the GnuCash website is now operational. If you are "
-"located in Europe, Eastern Europe or Africa, and are having poor web or "
-"download response times accessing the US website, please try the <a "
-"href='http://www.at.gnucash.org'>European Mirror</a>. This mirror includes a "
-"copy of the download area and the mailing list archives as well. (Thanks to "
-"<a href='http://sts.tuwien.ac.at/staff/Sprinzl.html'>Antonin Sprinzl</a> of "
-"the Technical University of Vienna for this service)."
+#~ msgid "New Support Links"
+#~ msgstr "New Support Links"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:514
-msgid ""
-"Older News: Australian and Asian users are encouraged to use the <a "
-"href='http://www.au.gnucash.org'>Australian Mirror</a>.  Note that at this "
-"time the Australian Mirror does not include the mailing list archives. "
-"(Thanks to <a href='http://public.www.planetmirror.com/'>PlanetMirror</a> "
-"for this service)."
-msgstr ""
-"Older News: Australian and Asian users are encouraged to use the <a "
-"href='http://www.au.gnucash.org'>Australian Mirror</a>.  Note that at this "
-"time the Australian Mirror does not include the mailing list archives. "
-"(Thanks to <a href='http://public.www.planetmirror.com/'>PlanetMirror</a> "
-"for this service)."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "I've added two new links to the GnuCash website menus: The <a "
+#~ "href='http://gnomesupport.org/wiki/index.php/GnuCash'>User Wiki</a> and "
+#~ "the <a href='http://linuxwiki.de/GnuCash_2fDevelTexts'>Devel Wiki</a>. If "
+#~ "you have questions about how to use GnuCash, including problems with "
+#~ "installation, using, or general accounting questions, please review the "
+#~ "<a href='http://gnomesupport.org/wiki/index.php/GnuCash'>User Wiki</a> "
+#~ "before posting to the mailing lists.  If you figure out the answer to "
+#~ "your questions, then please <b>edit</b> the <a href='http://gnomesupport."
+#~ "org/wiki/index.php/GnuCash'>User Wiki</a> to add the answer.  Yes, that's "
+#~ "right, edit: that's what a Wiki does; it allows anyone to add, update and "
+#~ "correct the content.  If you like GnuCash, and want to help, but don't "
+#~ "know how, then please consider helping others by updating the Wiki."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "I've added two new links to the GnuCash website menus: The <a "
+#~ "href='http://gnomesupport.org/wiki/index.php/GnuCash'>User Wiki</a> and "
+#~ "the <a href='http://linuxwiki.de/GnuCash_2fDevelTexts'>Devel Wiki</a>. If "
+#~ "you have questions about how to use GnuCash, including problems with "
+#~ "installation, using, or general accounting questions, please review the "
+#~ "<a href='http://gnomesupport.org/wiki/index.php/GnuCash'>User Wiki</a> "
+#~ "before posting to the mailing lists.  If you figure out the answer to "
+#~ "your questions, then please <b>edit</b> the <a href='http://gnomesupport."
+#~ "org/wiki/index.php/GnuCash'>User Wiki</a> to add the answer.  Yes, that's "
+#~ "right, edit: that's what a Wiki does; it allows anyone to add, update and "
+#~ "correct the content.  If you like GnuCash, and want to help, but don't "
+#~ "know how, then please consider helping others by updating the Wiki."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:520
-msgid "Update Debian Woody GnuCash Package"
-msgstr "Update Debian Woody GnuCash Package"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The <a href='http://linuxwiki.de/GnuCash_2fDevelTexts'>Devel Wiki</a> "
+#~ "contains various development notes and status.  Some developers use it, "
+#~ "and some don't.  Tough development questions?  This is one place to look."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "The <a href='http://linuxwiki.de/GnuCash_2fDevelTexts'>Devel Wiki</a> "
+#~ "contains various development notes and status.  Some developers use it, "
+#~ "and some don't.  Tough development questions?  This is one place to look."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:525
-msgid "James A. Treacy writes:"
-msgstr "James A. Treacy writes:"
+#~ msgid "Christian Stimming writes:"
+#~ msgstr "Christian Stimming writes:"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:528
-msgid ""
-"I have just updated the gnucash package on people.debian.org. All "
-"dependencies should work now and after upgrading it should work 'out of the "
-msgstr ""
-"I have just updated the gnucash package on people.debian.org. All "
-"dependencies should work now and after upgrading it should work 'out of the "
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "I am happy to announce a presentation about GnuCash that will be held "
+#~ "this weekend by myself at the German Linuxtag in Karlsruhe"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "I am happy to announce a presentation about GnuCash that will be held "
+#~ "this weekend by myself at the German Linuxtag in Karlsruhe"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:530
-msgid "Edit <tt>/etc/apt/sources.list</tt> and add <br>"
-msgstr "Edit <tt>/etc/apt/sources.list</tt> and add <br>"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The presentation is scheduled for this saturday (2004-06-26) 4pm MEST,"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "The presentation is scheduled for this saturday (2004-06-26) 4pm MEST,"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:532
-msgid "then"
-msgstr "then"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The language of this presentation will be German. I will put the slides "
+#~ "online shortly after the event, but they will be in German, too. :-)"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "The language of this presentation will be German. I will put the slides "
+#~ "online shortly after the event, but they will be in German, too. :-)"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:540
-msgid "Vote for GnuCash to go to Comdex!"
-msgstr "Vote for GnuCash to go to Comdex!"
+#~ msgid "<b>Announcement:</b> GnuCash 1.8.9 Release"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Announcement:</b> GnuCash 1.8.9 Release"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:545
-msgid ""
-"Your vote in the <a href='http://www.oreillynet.com/contest/"
-"comdex/'>O'Reilly &quot;Open Source Goes to COMDEX&quot; Contest</a> could "
-"send one of the GnuCash developers to Comdex to show off our wares!  Take a "
-"moment to vote, as the increased exposure of GnuCash will help attract more "
-"developers, more translators, and more accountants to help answer your "
-"questions on the mailing lists!"
-msgstr ""
-"Your vote in the <a href='http://www.oreillynet.com/contest/"
-"comdex/'>O'Reilly &quot;Open Source Goes to COMDEX&quot; Contest</a> could "
-"send one of the GnuCash developers to Comdex to show off our wares!  Take a "
-"moment to vote, as the increased exposure of GnuCash will help attract more "
-"developers, more translators, and more accountants to help answer your "
-"questions on the mailing lists!"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The GnuCash team is pleased to announce the release of stable version "
+#~ "1.8.9."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "The GnuCash team is pleased to announce the release of stable version "
+#~ "1.8.9."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:551
-msgid "<b>System Outage</b>  FIXED"
-msgstr "<b>System Outage</b>  FIXED"
+#~ msgid "What's New in GnuCash 1.8.9?"
+#~ msgstr "What's New in GnuCash 1.8.9?"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:556
-msgid ""
-"Yes, the www.gnucash.org server was down most of today. Problem was a failed "
-"IDE controller. Please remember that the gnucash website &amp; ftp site are "
-"mirrored in Australia, at <a href='http://www.au.gnucash.org'>http://www.au."
-"gnucash.org</a>. (A European mirror coming soon). If you know of a "
-"technology to mirror mailman mailing lists,\n"
-"let us know."
-msgstr ""
-"Yes, the www.gnucash.org server was down most of today. Problem was a failed "
-"IDE controller. Please remember that the gnucash website &amp; ftp site are "
-"mirrored in Australia, at <a href='http://www.au.gnucash.org'>http://www.au."
-"gnucash.org</a>. (A European mirror coming soon). If you know of a "
-"technology to mirror mailman mailing lists,\n"
-"let us know."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Updated Polish translation by GNOME PL Team, updated French, Czech,   "
+#~ "Spanish, Russian, Dutch, German and Italian translations.<br>"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Updated Polish translation by GNOME PL Team, updated French, Czech,   "
+#~ "Spanish, Russian, Dutch, German and Italian translations.<br>"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:567
-msgid "Linas Vepstas writes:"
-msgstr "Linas Vepstas writes:"
+#~ msgid "dump-finance-quote - Be more explicit when a lookup fails."
+#~ msgstr "dump-finance-quote - Be more explicit when a lookup fails."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:570
-msgid ""
-"I'm currently tearing up the guts of &quot;DWI&quot; <a href='http://dwi."
-"sourceforge.net'> http://dwi.sourceforge.net</a> DWI was originally (and "
-"still is) a way of 'quickly' developing glade apps that are hooked to an SQL "
-"db.  I wrote a kind of tracking tool using the thing for a client (tracking "
-"maintenance of pipes & pumps), so DWI has been vetted with a 'real life' "
-"project.  I've been planning on creating a whiz-bang open source bug tracker "
-"& etc with it, but never got around to it."
-msgstr ""
-"I'm currently tearing up the guts of &quot;DWI&quot; <a href='http://dwi."
-"sourceforge.net'> http://dwi.sourceforge.net</a> DWI was originally (and "
-"still is) a way of 'quickly' developing glade apps that are hooked to an SQL "
-"db. I wrote a kind of tracking tool using the thing for a client (tracking "
-"maintenance of pipes & pumps), so DWI has been vetted with a 'real life' "
-"project. I've been planning on creating a whiz-bang open source bug tracker "
-"&amp; etc with it, but never got around to it."
+#~ msgid "log-replay - Increase read buffer size."
+#~ msgstr "log-replay - Increase read buffer size."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:572
-msgid ""
-"My tear-up of the guts of DWI is turning it into a generic 'data pump'. It "
-"can suck data out of one place and stick it in somewhere else. Originally, "
-"the two places it worked with are sql tables and gnome widgets, but its in "
-"fact far more general than that.  In particular, I'm planning on prototyping "
-"a hookup to the GnuCash objects (aka qof objects) real soon now.  (which is "
-"why the qof objects get setters as well as getters in the CVS tree)."
-msgstr ""
-"My tear-up of the guts of DWI is turning it into a generic 'data pump'. It "
-"can suck data out of one place and stick it in somewhere else. Originally, "
-"the two places it worked with are sql tables and gnome widgets, but its in "
-"fact far more general than that.  In particular, I'm planning on prototyping "
-"a hookup to the GnuCash objects (aka qof objects) real soon now.  (which is "
-"why the qof objects get setters as well as getters in the CVS tree)."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Make sure to verify that the items in the reconcile hash are still around "
+#~ "after a refresh."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Make sure to verify that the items in the reconcile hash are still around "
+#~ "after a refresh."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:574
-msgid ""
-"Part of the beauty of the thing is it does not force a 1-to-1 mapping "
-"between SQL tables and objects. The mappings can go any which way: data from "
-"different sql tables can be joined and pushed out to various assortments of "
-"widgets (including columned widgets such as ctree/clist). So its kind of a "
-"realization of my long standing complaint that I should be able to press a "
-"button, and bingo, some object turns into an SQL record(s), and back."
-msgstr ""
-"Part of the beauty of the thing is it does not force a 1-to-1 mapping "
-"between SQL tables and objects. The mappings can go any which way: data from "
-"different sql tables can be joined and pushed out to various assortments of "
-"widgets (including columned widgets such as ctree/clist). So its kind of a "
-"realization of my long standing complaint that I should be able to press a "
-"button, and bingo, some object turns into an SQL record(s), and back."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "When the commodity is changed, then set the currency to the currency of "
+#~ "the last price entered for this commodity."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "When the commodity is changed, then set the currency to the currency of "
+#~ "the last price entered for this commodity."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:576
-msgid ""
-"I'm not done with the DWI internal tearup yet, but soon ... After that, I'll "
-"start prototyping integration with the qof objects (probably within the DWI "
-"cvs tree).  When I'm done with that, I'm going to try to unleash the thing "
-"to create teh backend for the GnuCash business Objects.  My goal is to have "
-"very very little code for this: mostly, a specification of the SQL tables, "
-"and a mapping: 'this business object field goes into that sql field', and "
-"that's that.  The goal/side effect is that this should make adding new "
-"objects to GnuCash backend 'real easy'. Depending on how the above goes, I "
-"may or may not convert the existing sql backend to use this new system.  "
-"Although not in my current set of plans, note that DWI also offers a way of "
-"maybe simplifying the GUI design as well, providing a way of hooking glade "
-"dialogs straight to engine objects (and/or god forbid straight to sql). But "
-"that's really not something I'm planning for right now."
-msgstr ""
-"I'm not done with the DWI internal tearup yet, but soon ... After that, I'll "
-"start prototyping integration with the qof objects (probably within the DWI "
-"cvs tree).  When I'm done with that, I'm going to try to unleash the thing "
-"to create teh backend for the GnuCash business Objects.  My goal is to have "
-"very very little code for this: mostly, a specification of the SQL tables, "
-"and a mapping: 'this business object field goes into that sql field', and "
-"that's that.  The goal/side effect is that this should make adding new "
-"objects to GnuCash backend 'real easy'. Depending on how the above goes, I "
-"may or may not convert the existing sql backend to use this new system.  "
-"Although not in my current set of plans, note that DWI also offers a way of "
-"maybe simplifying the GUI design as well, providing a way of hooking glade "
-"dialogs straight to engine objects (and/or god forbid straight to sql). But "
-"that's really not something I'm planning for right now."
+#~ msgid "Add Hungarian account templates by Sulyok Peter"
+#~ msgstr "Add Hungarian account templates by Sulyok Peter"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:582
-msgid "<b>Mini-Announce:</b> Auto Cap-Gains Beta"
-msgstr "<b>Mini-Announce:</b> Auto Cap-Gains Beta"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Patch by Geoff Kassel to work on OpenBSD (allow user to set diffcmd)."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Patch by Geoff Kassel to work on OpenBSD (allow user to set diffcmd)."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:587
-msgid ""
-"Code to automatically compute and handle capital gains on stock accounts is "
-"more-or-less done, in the CVS HEAD branch.  There's a simple GUI called "
-"&quot;View Lots&quot; .  If you bring that up, and then &quot;Scrub "
-"Account&quot;, it will automatically compute cap gains for all stock "
-"purchases/sales.  If you edit prices, dates, amounts, values, etc. in the "
-"register window, the cap gains will be automatically kept in sync, i.e. "
-"should always be 'correct'."
-msgstr ""
-"Code to automatically compute and handle capital gains on stock accounts is "
-"more-or-less done, in the CVS HEAD branch.  There's a simple GUI called "
-"&quot;View Lots&quot; .  If you bring that up, and then &quot;Scrub "
-"Account&quot;, it will automatically compute cap gains for all stock "
-"purchases/sales.  If you edit prices, dates, amounts, values, etc. in the "
-"register window, the cap gains will be automatically kept in sync, i.e. "
-"should always be 'correct'."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Don't test double KVPs, on the theory that they will soon be deprecated."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Don't test double KVPs, on the theory that they will soon be deprecated."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:589
-msgid ""
-"Sometime after the gnome2 port, the 'Lot Viewer' GUI will get a minor "
-"extension to allow one to manually construct lots (so that one can have "
-"'designated' trading lots).  The current default uses a FIFO policy to "
-"figure out the cap gains."
-msgstr ""
-"Sometime after the gnome2 port, the 'Lot Viewer' GUI will get a minor "
-"extension to allow one to manually construct lots (so that one can have "
-"'designated' trading lots).  The current default uses a FIFO policy to "
-"figure out the cap gains."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "When computing the aging report, ignore splits that belong to closed "
+#~ "lots.  This way we wont get the wrong values when the invoice falls "
+#~ "outside the 360-day window but its payment falls inside the window."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "When computing the aging report, ignore splits that belong to closed "
+#~ "lots.  This way we wont get the wrong values when the invoice falls "
+#~ "outside the 360-day window but its payment falls inside the window."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:591
-msgid ""
-"To try out this feature, you will have to get the CVS code and compile it "
-"yourself.  Remember, this code is still beta: it may be buggy (although I "
-"think I fixed them all), and is subject to change before the final version."
-msgstr ""
-"To try out this feature, you will have to get the CVS code and compile it "
-"yourself.  Remember, this code is still beta: it may be buggy (although I "
-"think I fixed them all), and is subject to change before the final version."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Add gnc_getline() function to read an unlimited line-length from a file "
+#~ "(so you're not limited to a buffer size with fgets() and the like). It is "
+#~ "similar to the getline(3) on Linux except the API is different and it "
+#~ "will always set the return string."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Add gnc_getline() function to read an unlimited line-length from a file "
+#~ "(so you're not limited to a buffer size with fgets() and the like). It is "
+#~ "similar to the getline(3) on Linux except the API is different and it "
+#~ "will always set the return string."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:596
-msgid "<b>Announcement:</b> GnuCash 1.8.7 Release"
-msgstr "<b>Announcement:</b> GnuCash 1.8.7 Release"
+#~ msgid "Add workaround code for openhbci/chipcard problem."
+#~ msgstr "Add workaround code for openhbci/chipcard problem."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:601
-msgid ""
-"The GnuCash team is pleased to announce the release of stable version 1.8.7."
-msgstr ""
-"The GnuCash team is pleased to announce the release of stable version 1.8.7."
+#~ msgid "Add gnc_lookup_date_option() function."
+#~ msgstr "Add gnc_lookup_date_option() function."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:603
-msgid "What's New in GnuCash 1.8.7?"
-msgstr "What's New in GnuCash 1.8.7?"
+#~ msgid "Add gnc_ui_account_get_balance_in_currency() function."
+#~ msgstr "Add gnc_ui_account_get_balance_in_currency() function."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:605
-msgid ""
-"Use &lt;libofx/libofx.h&gt; instead of &quot;libofx/libofx.h&quot; as it's "
-"not part of our system. Fixes a dependency problem in 1.8.6 release."
-msgstr ""
-"Use &lt;libofx/libofx.h&gt; instead of &quot;libofx/libofx.h&quot; as it's "
-"not part of our system. Fixes a dependency problem in 1.8.6 release."
+#~ msgid "Add preferences for summarybar."
+#~ msgstr "Add preferences for summarybar."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:606
-msgid ""
-"Small fix from hawkfan to get tests to work when building outside srcdir."
-msgstr ""
-"Small fix from hawkfan to get tests to work when building outside srcdir."
+#~ msgid "Add xaccAccountConvertBalanceToCurrencyAsOfDate() function"
+#~ msgstr "Add xaccAccountConvertBalanceToCurrencyAsOfDate() function"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:607
-msgid ""
-"Fix a bug introduced by Matthew -- ANSI C does not allow you to declare a "
-"variable in the middle of an expression.  Move the declaration to the top of "
-"the function."
-msgstr ""
-"Fix a bug introduced by Matthew -- ANSI C does not allow you to declare a "
-"variable in the middle of an expression.  Move the declaration to the top of "
-"the function."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Summarybar can now display a grand total of all commodities, profits of a "
+#~ "period of time and net assets at the end of the period; summarybar can be "
+#~ "configured with some options under edit->preferences."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Summarybar can now display a grand total of all commodities, profits of a "
+#~ "period of time and net assets at the end of the period; summarybar can be "
+#~ "configured with some options under edit->preferences."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:608
-msgid ""
-"We don't need the trailing semi-colon because the #include adds one. The "
-"double semi-colon causes build failures in some cases."
-msgstr ""
-"We don't need the trailing semi-colon because the #include adds one. The "
-"double semi-colon causes build failures in some cases."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Create two new functions to centralize date-selection option creation."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Create two new functions to centralize date-selection option creation."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:622
-msgid "<b>Announcement:</b> GnuCash 1.8.6 Release"
-msgstr "<b>Announcement:</b> GnuCash 1.8.6 Release"
+#~ msgid "Export the new scheme functions."
+#~ msgstr "Export the new scheme functions."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:627
-msgid ""
-"The GnuCash team is pleased to announce the release of stable version 1.8.6."
-msgstr ""
-"The GnuCash team is pleased to announce the release of stable version 1.8.6."
+#~ msgid "Modify Herbert's patch to centralize the date-selection option code."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Modify Herbert's patch to centralize the date-selection option code."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:629
-msgid "What's New in GnuCash 1.8.6?"
-msgstr "What's New in GnuCash 1.8.6?"
+#~ msgid "Use the new centralized date-selection option-creation code."
+#~ msgstr "Use the new centralized date-selection option-creation code."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:631
-msgid "Updated Spanish, Greek, French, Czech, Slovak translations"
-msgstr "Updated Spanish, Greek, French, Czech, Slovak translations"
+#~ msgid "Fix a typo in the help (was --diable-gui)."
+#~ msgstr "Fix a typo in the help (was --diable-gui)."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:632
-msgid "Fixed extremely stupid bug in the import value setting workaround."
-msgstr "Fixed extremely stupid bug in the import value setting workaround."
+#~ msgid "Add db-4.2 to the list of databases we search."
+#~ msgstr "Add db-4.2 to the list of databases we search."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:633
-msgid "Fixed problem with SX formula_cell calls"
-msgstr "Fixed problem with SX formula_cell calls"
+#~ msgid "Fix a problem with opt style installs."
+#~ msgstr "Fix a problem with opt style installs."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:634
-msgid ""
-"Merge missing part of 2003-05-28 commit.  The log format changes didn't get "
-"committed for some reason, making the log replayer completely unusable."
-msgstr ""
-"Merge missing part of 2003-05-28 commit.  The log format changes didn't get "
-"committed for some reason, making the log replayer completely unusable."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Rename from_xxx and to_xxx account tree widgets to left_xxx and right_xxx."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Rename from_xxx and to_xxx account tree widgets to left_xxx and right_xxx."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:635
-msgid "Fixed crash during dialog startup on Solaris."
-msgstr "Fixed crash during dialog startup on Solaris."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "If in &quot;accountant mode&quot; call &quot;transfer from&quot; &quot;"
+#~ "credit account&quot; and &quot;transfer to&quot; &quot;debit "
+#~ "account&quot; and interchange account trees."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "If in &quot;accountant mode&quot; call &quot;transfer from&quot; &quot;"
+#~ "credit account&quot; and &quot;transfer to&quot; &quot;debit "
+#~ "account&quot; and interchange account trees."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:636
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Turn off scheme garbage collection during query-&gt;scm and scm-&gt;query   "
-"conversion.  It shaves about 50% off the test-scm-query-string tests."
-msgstr ""
-"Turn off scheme garbage collection during query-&gt;scm and scm-&gt;query   "
-"conversion.  It shaves about 50% off the test-scm-query-string tests."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Remove the RECN cell from payable/receivable to stop confusing people."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Remove the RECN cell from payable/receivable to stop confusing people."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:637
-msgid ""
-"Make test-scm-query-string test deterministic by seeding the RNG with a "
-"known value."
-msgstr ""
-"Make test-scm-query-string test deterministic by seeding the RNG with a "
-"known value."
+#~ msgid "Change Ukrainian &quot;UAG&quot; into &quot;UAH&quot;"
+#~ msgstr "Change Ukrainian &quot;UAG&quot; into &quot;UAH&quot;"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:638
-msgid ""
-"Add a &quot;slots&quot; parameter to allow for future expansion.  Right "
-"now   this is completely ignored."
-msgstr ""
-"Add a &quot;slots&quot; parameter to allow for future expansion.  Right "
-"now   this is completely ignored."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Commented out setting the memo always to &quot;Auto-created split&quot; "
+#~ "due to popular request."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Commented out setting the memo always to &quot;Auto-created split&quot; "
+#~ "due to popular request."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:651
-msgid "<b>Announcement:</b> GnuCash Docs 1.8.3 Release"
-msgstr "<b>Announcement:</b> GnuCash Docs 1.8.3 Release"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Fix for part of bug only allow auto-create SXes which have splits to be "
+#~ "created."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Fix for part of bug only allow auto-create SXes which have splits to be "
+#~ "created."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:656
-msgid ""
-"The GnuCash Docs team is pleased to announce the release of the docs version "
-msgstr ""
-"The GnuCash Docs team is pleased to announce the release of the docs version "
+#~ msgid "HBCI transfer template management GUI added by Bernd Wagner."
+#~ msgstr "HBCI transfer template management GUI added by Bernd Wagner."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:657
-msgid "What's New in GnuCash Docs 1.8.3?"
-msgstr "What's New in GnuCash Docs 1.8.3?"
+#~ msgid "Added instructions about running under valgrind."
+#~ msgstr "Added instructions about running under valgrind."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:659
-msgid "Fix xmllint errors"
-msgstr "Fix xmllint errors"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Added a large set of valgrind suppressions for both guile and gnucash."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Added a large set of valgrind suppressions for both guile and gnucash."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:660
-msgid "Add new credit card chapter images"
-msgstr "Add new credit card chapter images"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Change the reg_type to SEARCH_LEDGER so all the 'action' types appear."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Change the reg_type to SEARCH_LEDGER so all the 'action' types appear."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:661
-msgid "Remove unused images"
-msgstr "Remove unused images"
+#~ msgid "Remove unused 'ledger_status' widget."
+#~ msgstr "Remove unused 'ledger_status' widget."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:662
-msgid "Updates to guide"
-msgstr "Updates to guide"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "At least be consistent about the background coloring of the month labels, "
+#~ "even if we're still not using GTK themeage correctly."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "At least be consistent about the background colouring of the month "
+#~ "labels, even if we're still not using GTK themeage correctly."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:663
-msgid "Michael Rensing's FAQ updates"
-msgstr "Michael Rensing's FAQ updates"
+#~ msgid "Destroy the transient window when the widget is destroyed."
+#~ msgstr "Destroy the transient window when the widget is destroyed."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:664
-msgid "Fix reconcile column in cc payment image"
-msgstr "Fix reconcile column in cc payment image"
+#~ msgid "Make the advance and remind spin-buttons editable."
+#~ msgstr "Make the advance and remind spin-buttons editable."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:677
-msgid "<b>Announcement:</b> GnuCash Docs 1.8.2 Release"
-msgstr "<b>Announcement:</b> GnuCash Docs 1.8.2 Release"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Change the upper bound on the advance and remind spins to 365 [days], "
+#~ "with a page-size of 30 [days]."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Change the upper bound on the advance and remind spins to 365 [days], "
+#~ "with a page-size of 30 [days]."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:682
-msgid ""
-"The GnuCash team is pleased to announce the release of the docs version "
-msgstr ""
-"The GnuCash team is pleased to announce the release of the docs version "
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Disallow the Scheduling of being-editing transactions in the Register, "
+#~ "preventing a class of unbalanced SX template transactions from being "
+#~ "entered and propogated through the system."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Disallow the Scheduling of being-editing transactions in the Register, "
+#~ "preventing a class of unbalanced SX template transactions from being "
+#~ "entered and propogated through the system."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:684
-msgid "What's New in GnuCash Docs 1.8.2?"
-msgstr "What's New in GnuCash Docs 1.8.2?"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Fix nasty memory-corruption issue; insufficent bounds checking on array "
+#~ "index."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Fix nasty memory-corruption issue; insufficent bounds checking on array "
+#~ "index."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:686
-msgid "Jon Lapham now primary author of Guide"
-msgstr "Jon Lapham now primary author of Guide"
+#~ msgid "Better handling of various error cases in transaction-creation."
+#~ msgstr "Better handling of various error cases in transaction-creation."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:687
-msgid "Moved convert-html to make all so html gets built during 'make'"
-msgstr "Moved convert-html to make all so html gets built during 'make'"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "When we have a problem parsing a credit/debit cell, indicate to the user "
+#~ "what occurred."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "When we have a problem parsing a credit/debit cell, indicate to the user "
+#~ "what occurred."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:688
-msgid "Many, many, many changes to the Guide by Jon (see changelog)"
-msgstr "Many, many, many changes to the Guide by Jon (see changelog)"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Use the account-list filtering capability of the GncAccountSel to only "
+#~ "show/allow-creation-of valid account-types in the loan-druid."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Use the account-list filtering capability of the GncAccountSel to only "
+#~ "show/allow-creation-of valid account-types in the loan-druid."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:689
-msgid "If you can't find it in the Help, look in the Guide (hint)"
-msgstr "If you can't find it in the Help, look in the Guide (hint)"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Add ':' to the token list of allowable characters in the formula cell."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Add ':' to the token list of allowable characters in the formula cell."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:702
-msgid "<b>Announcement:</b> GnuCash 1.8.2 Release"
-msgstr "<b>Announcement:</b> GnuCash 1.8.2 Release"
+#~ msgid "Fix precedence bug screwing up loan review page."
+#~ msgstr "Fix precedence bug screwing up loan review page."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:707
-msgid ""
-"The GnuCash team is pleased to announce the release of stable version 1.8.2."
-msgstr ""
-"The GnuCash team is pleased to announce the release of stable version 1.8.2."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Don't need to require format; main.scm handles it, and the default &quot;"
+#~ "format&quot; (simple-format) is sufficient to handle everything we need. "
+#~ "This allows gnucash to work with slib3."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Don't need to require format; main.scm handles it, and the default &quot;"
+#~ "format&quot; (simple-format) is sufficient to handle everything we need. "
+#~ "This allows gnucash to work with slib3."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:709
-msgid "What's New in GnuCash 1.8.2?"
-msgstr "What's New in GnuCash 1.8.2?"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Add code to remove &quot;intl/Makefile po/Makefile&quot; from AC_OUTPUT "
+#~ "in   configure.in prior to calling gettextize to make sure that you can "
+#~ "build from CVS with recent versions of gettextize.  Tested with both RH9 "
+#~ "and RH7.3 to make sure it works with both old and new."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Add code to remove &quot;intl/Makefile po/Makefile&quot; from AC_OUTPUT "
+#~ "in   configure.in prior to calling gettextize to make sure that you can "
+#~ "build from CVS with recent versions of gettextize.  Tested with both RH9 "
+#~ "and RH7.3 to make sure it works with both old and new."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:713
-msgid ""
-"GnuCash now has the ability to automatically create and enter transactions, "
-"remind \n"
-"when a transaction is due, give a choice of entering a transaction or "
-"postponing it and remove an automated transaction after a certain period."
-msgstr ""
-"GnuCash now has the ability to automatically create and enter transactions, "
-"remind \n"
-"when a transaction is due, give a choice of entering a transaction or "
-"postponing it and remove an automated transaction after a certain period."
+#~ msgid "Move variable declaration to the top of the block."
+#~ msgstr "Move variable declaration to the top of the block."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:716 www/oldnews.phtml:1107 www/oldnews.phtml:1157
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1266 www/oldnews.phtml:1333 www/oldnews.phtml:1509
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1550
-msgid "Used to setup a variable payment loan scheduled transaction."
-msgstr "Used to setup a variable payment loan scheduled transaction."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Make sure we always have intl and po Makefiles in the configure script.  "
+#~ "Sometimes it was ripped out without being replaced."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Make sure we always have intl and po Makefiles in the configure script.  "
+#~ "Sometimes it was ripped out without being replaced."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:718 www/oldnews.phtml:1110 www/oldnews.phtml:1159
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1268 www/oldnews.phtml:1413 www/oldnews.phtml:1511
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1552
-msgid ""
-"GnuCash now can be used for Customer and Vendor tracking, Invoicing and Bill "
-"Payment, and using different Tax and Billing Terms in a small business."
-msgstr ""
-"GnuCash now can be used for Customer and Vendor tracking, Invoicing and Bill "
-"Payment, and using different Tax and Billing Terms in a small business."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "GnoTime, the Gnome Time Tracker, is a desktop utility for tracking the "
+#~ "amount of time spent on projects, and generating configurable reports and "
+#~ "invoices based on that time. It also makes for a good to-do list tracker "
+#~ "and idea organizer, allowing to-do list items to be sorted even while "
+#~ "providing ample notes-taking area associated with each item."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "GnoTime, the Gnome Time Tracker, is a desktop utility for tracking the "
+#~ "amount of time spent on projects, and generating configurable reports and "
+#~ "invoices based on that time. It also makes for a good to-do list tracker "
+#~ "and idea organizer, allowing to-do list items to be sorted even while "
+#~ "providing ample notes-taking area associated with each item."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:720 www/oldnews.phtml:1113 www/oldnews.phtml:1161
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1270 www/oldnews.phtml:1338 www/oldnews.phtml:1415
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1513 www/oldnews.phtml:1554
-msgid ""
-"GnuCash is the first free software application to support the Open Financial "
-"Exchange protocol that many banks and financial services are moving to use. "
-"The development of OFX and HBCI support has also resulted in an improved "
-"transaction matching system that more accurately picks duplicate "
-msgstr ""
-"GnuCash is the first free software application to support the Open Financial "
-"Exchange protocol that many banks and financial services are moving to use. "
-"The development of OFX and HBCI support has also resulted in an improved "
-"transaction matching system that more accurately picks duplicate "
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Version 2.1.8 is now available.  This version includes a simple search "
+#~ "interface, for generating reports for projects that occured in a given "
+#~ "time period.  This new feature is built using <a href='http://qof."
+#~ "sourceforge.net'>QOF</a>, a gnucash spin-off technology.  Version 2.1.7 "
+#~ "introduced an easier way of allowing users to create and manage custom "
+#~ "reports. Version 2.1.6 introduced a 'daily report' for summarizing hours "
+#~ "worked on a day-by-day basis.  Version 2.1.5 introduced a vastly improved "
+#~ "diary/note-taking/blogging interface.  Version 2.1.4 was the first "
+#~ "version to introduce user-customizable reports, using a simple scheme-"
+#~ "embedded-in-html system."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Version 2.1.8 is now available.  This version includes a simple search "
+#~ "interface, for generating reports for projects that occured in a given "
+#~ "time period.  This new feature is built using <a href='http://qof."
+#~ "sourceforge.net'>QOF</a>, a gnucash spin-off technology.  Version 2.1.7 "
+#~ "introduced an easier way of allowing users to create and manage custom "
+#~ "reports. Version 2.1.6 introduced a 'daily report' for summarizing hours "
+#~ "worked on a day-by-day basis.  Version 2.1.5 introduced a vastly improved "
+#~ "diary/note-taking/blogging interface.  Version 2.1.4 was the first "
+#~ "version to introduce user-customizable reports, using a simple scheme-"
+#~ "embedded-in-html system."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:722 www/oldnews.phtml:1272 www/oldnews.phtml:1340
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1515 www/oldnews.phtml:1556
-msgid ""
-"GnuCash is the first free software application to support the German Home "
-"Banking Computer Information protocol which includes statement download, "
-"initiate bank transfers and direct debits."
-msgstr ""
-"GnuCash is the first free software application to support the German Home "
-"Banking Computer Information protocol which includes statement download, "
-"initiate bank transfers and direct debits."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The <a href='http://gttr.sourceforge.net'>GnoTime website is here</a> and "
+#~ "is <a href='http://www.linas.org/linux/gtt/gtt.html'>mirrored here</a>. "
+#~ "Sources and CVS access is at the <a href='http://sourceforge.net/projects/"
+#~ "gttr/'> sourceforge project site</a>.  Most major distributions now carry "
+#~ "GnoTime, so look to your distro first for a binary. Runs on Apple "
+#~ "Macintosh OSX under Fink, too."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "The <a href='http://gttr.sourceforge.net'>GnoTime website is here</a> and "
+#~ "is <a href='http://www.linas.org/linux/gtt/gtt.html'>mirrored here</a>. "
+#~ "Sources and CVS access is at the <a href='http://sourceforge.net/projects/"
+#~ "gttr/'> sourceforge project site</a>.  Most major distributions now carry "
+#~ "GnoTime, so look to your distro first for a binary. Runs on Apple "
+#~ "Macintosh OSX under Fink, too."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:724 www/oldnews.phtml:1517
-msgid ""
-"A brand new user help has been written which focuses on how to do tasks in "
-"conjunction with a Tutorial and Concepts guide that gives the user "
-"background information on using GnuCash."
-msgstr ""
-"A brand new user help has been written which focuses on how to do tasks in "
-"conjunction with a Tutorial and Concepts guide that gives the user "
-"background information on using GnuCash."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "(As noted earlier I had the opportunity to give a presentation at a local "
+#~ "Linux day about GnuCash and HBCI online banking. This presentation went "
+#~ "really nice, there were a number interesting questions (mostly about the "
+#~ "German online banking HBCI) and overall it was a good experience.)"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "(As noted earlier I had the opportunity to give a presentation at a local "
+#~ "Linux day about GnuCash and HBCI online banking. This presentation went "
+#~ "really nice, there were a number interesting questions (mostly about the "
+#~ "German online banking HBCI) and overall it was a good experience.)"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:726 www/oldnews.phtml:1119 www/oldnews.phtml:1167
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1276 www/oldnews.phtml:1344 www/oldnews.phtml:1421
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1519 www/oldnews.phtml:1560
-msgid ""
-"GnuCash no longer requires separate currency exchange accounts to handle "
-"multiple currency transfers."
-msgstr ""
-"GnuCash no longer requires separate currency exchange accounts to handle "
-"multiple currency transfers."
+#~ msgid "Alternative Mail Archives"
+#~ msgstr "Alternative Mail Archives"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:728 www/oldnews.phtml:1278 www/oldnews.phtml:1346
-msgid ""
-"The GnuCash menu's have been redesigned to conform more with the new GNOME "
-"Human Interface Guidelines."
-msgstr ""
-"The GnuCash menu's have been redesigned to conform more with the new GNOME "
-"Human Interface Guidelines."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "An alternative to the mailing list archive hosted on the GnuCash website "
+#~ "is now available. We are currently having some technical difficulties "
+#~ "with the archive on the GnuCash website so this alternate can be used to "
+#~ "access the archives. Please try the following url's to access the archive;"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "An alternative to the mailing list archive hosted on the GnuCash website "
+#~ "is now available. We are currently having some technical difficulties "
+#~ "with the archive on the GnuCash website so this alternate can be used to "
+#~ "access the archives. Please try the following url's to access the archive;"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:730 www/oldnews.phtml:1123 www/oldnews.phtml:1171
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1280 www/oldnews.phtml:1348 www/oldnews.phtml:1425
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1523 www/oldnews.phtml:1564
-msgid "Specifically updated in this version"
-msgstr "Specifically updated in this version"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The GnuCash team is pleased to announce the release of stable version "
+#~ "1.8.8."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "The GnuCash team is pleased to announce the release of stable version "
+#~ "1.8.8."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:732
-msgid "Release of new stable version 1.8.2"
-msgstr "Release of new stable version 1.8.2"
+#~ msgid "What's New in GnuCash 1.8.8?"
+#~ msgstr "What's New in GnuCash 1.8.8?"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:733
-msgid "Updated translations: German, Slovak, Spanish"
-msgstr "Updated translations: German, Slovak, Spanish"
+#~ msgid "HBCI - Improve error message when receiving zero balance from bank."
+#~ msgstr "HBCI - Improve error message when receiving zero balance from bank."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:734
-msgid "Updated HBCI requirement to 0.9.6"
-msgstr "Updated HBCI requirement to 0.9.6"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Add account template for Swiss German businesses &quot;KMU&quot; by Tom "
+#~ "Winterhalder"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Add account template for Swiss German businesses &quot;KMU&quot; by Tom "
+#~ "Winterhalder"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:735
-msgid "Postgres fix for PG-7.3.x"
-msgstr "Postgres fix for PG-7.3.x"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Add *big* account template for German businesses &quot;SKR04&quot; by "
+#~ "Betina Schmidt"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Add *big* account template for German businesses &quot;SKR04&quot; by "
+#~ "Betina Schmidt"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:736
-msgid "More fixes for guile-1.6 support"
-msgstr "More fixes for guile-1.6 support"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Add Catalan and Turkish translation, Updated German, Italian, Czech, "
+#~ "Greek and Dutch translations."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Add Catalan and Turkish translation, Updated German, Italian, Czech, "
+#~ "Greek and Dutch translations."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:737
-msgid "Fix QIF Import for split transactions (#105139)"
-msgstr "Fix QIF Import for split transactions (#105139)"
+#~ msgid "Add Turkish account template. Updated Greek account templates."
+#~ msgstr "Add Turkish account template. Updated Greek account templates."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:738
-msgid "Remove &quot;display balance in Euro&quot; columns from the main window"
-msgstr ""
-"Remove &quot;display balance in Euro&quot; columns from the main window"
+#~ msgid "Remove debian scripts"
+#~ msgstr "Remove debian scripts"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:739
-msgid ""
-"Add &quot;display balance in Report Currency&quot; columns to the main window"
-msgstr ""
-"Add &quot;display balance in Report Currency&quot; columns to the main window"
+#~ msgid "Add a comment about minimum string length"
+#~ msgstr "Add a comment about minimum string length"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:740
-msgid ""
-"Fix the transfer dialog / exchange-rate dialog so it doesn't round the "
-"values input by the user. (#106332)"
-msgstr ""
-"Fix the transfer dialog / exchange-rate dialog so it doesn't round the "
-"values input by the user. (#106332)"
+#~ msgid "Fix the ISO_DATELEN to be &quot;long enough&quot;"
+#~ msgstr "Fix the ISO_DATELEN to be &quot;long enough&quot;"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:741
-msgid "Fix configure so tests won't fail on GCC 3.2.2"
-msgstr "Fix configure so tests won't fail on GCC 3.2.2"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Fix handling of HBCI direct debits (fix wrong textkey). Fix and initially "
+#~ "implement handling of multiple banks/users/customers."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Fix handling of HBCI direct debits (fix wrong textkey). Fix and initially "
+#~ "implement handling of multiple banks/users/customers."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:742
-msgid "HBCI: avoid sending online transfers twice"
-msgstr "HBCI: avoid sending online transfers twice"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Fixed extremly stupid, old bug that causes weird HBCI errors. Improved "
+#~ "user messages."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Fixed extremly stupid, old bug that causes weird HBCI errors. Improved "
+#~ "user messages."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:743
-msgid "Don't override the user's toolbar style (#102041)"
-msgstr "Don't override the user's toolbar style (#102041)"
+#~ msgid "Refactor some GUI code. Improve user messages."
+#~ msgstr "Refactor some GUI code. Improve user messages."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:744
-msgid "Import: don't punish transactions with an online ID"
-msgstr "Import: don't punish transactions with an online ID"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "BillTermDecRef should have been BillTermIncRef when setting new bill term."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "BillTermDecRef should have been BillTermIncRef when setting new bill term."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:745
-msgid "Add engine support for employee expense vouchers"
-msgstr "Add engine support for employee expense vouchers"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Applied Frank Pavageau's patch regarding capital gains to handle split "
+#~ "transactions."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Applied Frank Pavageau's patch regarding capital gains to handle split "
+#~ "transactions."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:759
-msgid "<b>Announcement:</b> GnuCash 1.8.5 Release"
-msgstr "<b>Announcement:</b> GnuCash 1.8.5 Release"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Don't make a timespec with tv_sec == 0.  Fixes some tests on the alpha "
+#~ "platform."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Don't make a timespec with tv_sec == 0.  Fixes some tests on the alpha "
+#~ "platform."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:764
-msgid ""
-"The GnuCash team is pleased to announce the release of stable version 1.8.5."
-msgstr ""
-"The GnuCash team is pleased to announce the release of stable version 1.8.5."
+#~ msgid "European GnuCash.org Mirror"
+#~ msgstr "European GnuCash.org Mirror"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:766
-msgid "What's New in GnuCash 1.8.5?"
-msgstr "What's New in GnuCash 1.8.5?"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "A European mirror of the GnuCash website is now operational. If you are "
+#~ "located in Europe, Eastern Europe or Africa, and are having poor web or "
+#~ "download response times accessing the US website, please try the <a "
+#~ "href='http://www.at.gnucash.org'>European Mirror</a>. This mirror "
+#~ "includes a copy of the download area and the mailing list archives as "
+#~ "well. (Thanks to <a href='http://sts.tuwien.ac.at/staff/Sprinzl."
+#~ "html'>Antonin Sprinzl</a> of the Technical University of Vienna for this "
+#~ "service)."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "A European mirror of the GnuCash website is now operational. If you are "
+#~ "located in Europe, Eastern Europe or Africa, and are having poor web or "
+#~ "download response times accessing the US website, please try the <a "
+#~ "href='http://www.at.gnucash.org'>European Mirror</a>. This mirror "
+#~ "includes a copy of the download area and the mailing list archives as "
+#~ "well. (Thanks to <a href='http://sts.tuwien.ac.at/staff/Sprinzl."
+#~ "html'>Antonin Sprinzl</a> of the Technical University of Vienna for this "
+#~ "service)."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:768
-msgid ""
-"Add IS_PAID column and the ability to search for paid/not-paid invoices."
-msgstr ""
-"Add IS_PAID column and the ability to search for paid/not-paid invoices."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Older News: Australian and Asian users are encouraged to use the <a "
+#~ "href='http://www.au.gnucash.org'>Australian Mirror</a>.  Note that at "
+#~ "this time the Australian Mirror does not include the mailing list "
+#~ "archives. (Thanks to <a href='http://public.www.planetmirror."
+#~ "com/'>PlanetMirror</a> for this service)."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Older News: Australian and Asian users are encouraged to use the <a "
+#~ "href='http://www.au.gnucash.org'>Australian Mirror</a>.  Note that at "
+#~ "this time the Australian Mirror does not include the mailing list "
+#~ "archives. (Thanks to <a href='http://public.www.planetmirror."
+#~ "com/'>PlanetMirror</a> for this service)."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:769
-msgid "Add HBCI online transfer templates and make usable"
-msgstr "Add HBCI online transfer templates and make usable"
+#~ msgid "Update Debian Woody GnuCash Package"
+#~ msgstr "Update Debian Woody GnuCash Package"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:770
-msgid ""
-"Fix a bug where if you unpost an invoice and don't bring the TaxTables up to "
-"date, the total value shown in the register is different depending on "
-"whether the cursor is on the current line or not."
-msgstr ""
-"Fix a bug where if you unpost an invoice and don't bring the TaxTables up to "
-"date, the total value shown in the register is different depending on "
-"whether the cursor is on the current line or not."
+#~ msgid "James A. Treacy writes:"
+#~ msgstr "James A. Treacy writes:"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:771
-msgid ""
-"Don't constantly resize the invoice window every time we update ourselves."
-msgstr ""
-"Don't constantly resize the invoice window every time we update ourselves."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "I have just updated the gnucash package on people.debian.org. All "
+#~ "dependencies should work now and after upgrading it should work 'out of "
+#~ "the box'."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "I have just updated the gnucash package on people.debian.org. All "
+#~ "dependencies should work now and after upgrading it should work 'out of "
+#~ "the box'."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:772
-msgid ""
-"Updated Italian, Brazilian Portugese, German, Czech, Dutch and British "
-"English translation."
-msgstr ""
-"Updated Italian, Brazilian Portugese, German, Czech, Dutch and British "
-"English translation."
+#~ msgid "Edit <tt>/etc/apt/sources.list</tt> and add <br>"
+#~ msgstr "Edit <tt>/etc/apt/sources.list</tt> and add <br>"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:773
-msgid ""
-"Add Subtotal and Tax labels in the summary bar to print the Invoice's total "
-msgstr ""
-"Add Subtotal and Tax labels in the summary bar to print the Invoice's total "
+#~ msgid "then"
+#~ msgstr "then"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:774
-msgid ""
-"Change the log format to use GUID instead of C pointers, use ISO8601 instead "
-"of proprietary form and log the Notes field."
-msgstr ""
-"Change the log format to use GUID instead of C pointers, use ISO8601 instead "
-"of proprietary form and log the Notes field."
+#~ msgid "Vote for GnuCash to go to Comdex!"
+#~ msgstr "Vote for GnuCash to go to Comdex!"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:775
-msgid "Port new log replay module from HEAD."
-msgstr "Port new log replay module from HEAD."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Your vote in the <a href='http://www.oreillynet.com/contest/"
+#~ "comdex/'>O'Reilly &quot;Open Source Goes to COMDEX&quot; Contest</a> "
+#~ "could send one of the GnuCash developers to Comdex to show off our "
+#~ "wares!  Take a moment to vote, as the increased exposure of GnuCash will "
+#~ "help attract more developers, more translators, and more accountants to "
+#~ "help answer your questions on the mailing lists!"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Your vote in the <a href='http://www.oreillynet.com/contest/"
+#~ "comdex/'>O'Reilly &quot;Open Source Goes to COMDEX&quot; Contest</a> "
+#~ "could send one of the GnuCash developers to Comdex to show off our "
+#~ "wares!  Take a moment to vote, as the increased exposure of GnuCash will "
+#~ "help attract more developers, more translators, and more accountants to "
+#~ "help answer your questions on the mailing lists!"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:776
-msgid ""
-"Re-enable reversed legend in stacked barcharts. Needs Guppi 0.40.4 a.k.a. "
-"Guppi CVS, though, to actually work."
-msgstr ""
-"Re-enable reversed legend in stacked barcharts. Needs Guppi 0.40.4 a.k.a. "
-"Guppi CVS, though, to actually work."
+#~ msgid "<b>System Outage</b>  FIXED"
+#~ msgstr "<b>System Outage</b>  FIXED"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:777
-msgid "Update the Polish Zloty for its new ISO currency code."
-msgstr "Update the Polish Zloty for its new ISO currency code."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Yes, the www.gnucash.org server was down most of today. Problem was a "
+#~ "failed IDE controller. Please remember that the gnucash website &amp; ftp "
+#~ "site are mirrored in Australia, at <a href='http://www.au.gnucash."
+#~ "org'>http://www.au.gnucash.org</a>. (A European mirror coming soon). If "
+#~ "you know of a technology to mirror mailman mailing lists,\n"
+#~ "let us know."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Yes, the www.gnucash.org server was down most of today. Problem was a "
+#~ "failed IDE controller. Please remember that the gnucash website &amp; ftp "
+#~ "site are mirrored in Australia, at <a href='http://www.au.gnucash."
+#~ "org'>http://www.au.gnucash.org</a>. (A European mirror coming soon). If "
+#~ "you know of a technology to mirror mailman mailing lists,\n"
+#~ "let us know."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:778
-msgid "Add ability to sort by Action and Notes."
-msgstr "Add ability to sort by Action and Notes."
+#~ msgid "Linas Vepstas writes:"
+#~ msgstr "Linas Vepstas writes:"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:779
-msgid ""
-"Fix the vendor window title to use the company name, not the contact name. "
-"Change the message when the company name is left blank."
-msgstr ""
-"Fix the vendor window title to use the company name, not the contact name. "
-"Change the message when the company name is left blank."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "I'm currently tearing up the guts of &quot;DWI&quot; <a href='http://dwi."
+#~ "sourceforge.net'> http://dwi.sourceforge.net</a> DWI was originally (and "
+#~ "still is) a way of 'quickly' developing glade apps that are hooked to an "
+#~ "SQL db.  I wrote a kind of tracking tool using the thing for a client "
+#~ "(tracking maintenance of pipes & pumps), so DWI has been vetted with a "
+#~ "'real life' project.  I've been planning on creating a whiz-bang open "
+#~ "source bug tracker & etc with it, but never got around to it."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "I'm currently tearing up the guts of &quot;DWI&quot; <a href='http://dwi."
+#~ "sourceforge.net'> http://dwi.sourceforge.net</a> DWI was originally (and "
+#~ "still is) a way of 'quickly' developing glade apps that are hooked to an "
+#~ "SQL db. I wrote a kind of tracking tool using the thing for a client "
+#~ "(tracking maintenance of pipes & pumps), so DWI has been vetted with a "
+#~ "'real life' project. I've been planning on creating a whiz-bang open "
+#~ "source bug tracker &amp; etc with it, but never got around to it."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:780
-msgid ""
-"Create a new &quot;date format&quot; widget to let the user choose a date   "
-"format (and see the results of what the date would look like)."
-msgstr ""
-"Create a new &quot;date format&quot; widget to let the user choose a date   "
-"format (and see the results of what the date would look like)."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "My tear-up of the guts of DWI is turning it into a generic 'data pump'. "
+#~ "It can suck data out of one place and stick it in somewhere else. "
+#~ "Originally, the two places it worked with are sql tables and gnome "
+#~ "widgets, but its in fact far more general than that.  In particular, I'm "
+#~ "planning on prototyping a hookup to the GnuCash objects (aka qof objects) "
+#~ "real soon now.  (which is why the qof objects get setters as well as "
+#~ "getters in the CVS tree)."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "My tear-up of the guts of DWI is turning it into a generic 'data pump'. "
+#~ "It can suck data out of one place and stick it in somewhere else. "
+#~ "Originally, the two places it worked with are sql tables and gnome "
+#~ "widgets, but its in fact far more general than that.  In particular, I'm "
+#~ "planning on prototyping a hookup to the GnuCash objects (aka qof objects) "
+#~ "real soon now.  (which is why the qof objects get setters as well as "
+#~ "getters in the CVS tree)."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:781
-msgid ""
-"Add &quot;Deluxe Personal Check&quot; type. Add support for printing to "
-"&quot;deluxe&quot; personal checks. This prints the check &quot;"
-"sideways&quot; on a US-Letter configuration."
-msgstr ""
-"Add &quot;Deluxe Personal Check&quot; type. Add support for printing to "
-"&quot;deluxe&quot; personal checks. This prints the check &quot;"
-"sideways&quot; on a US-Letter configuration."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Part of the beauty of the thing is it does not force a 1-to-1 mapping "
+#~ "between SQL tables and objects. The mappings can go any which way: data "
+#~ "from different sql tables can be joined and pushed out to various "
+#~ "assortments of widgets (including columned widgets such as ctree/clist). "
+#~ "So its kind of a realization of my long standing complaint that I should "
+#~ "be able to press a button, and bingo, some object turns into an SQL record"
+#~ "(s), and back."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Part of the beauty of the thing is it does not force a 1-to-1 mapping "
+#~ "between SQL tables and objects. The mappings can go any which way: data "
+#~ "from different sql tables can be joined and pushed out to various "
+#~ "assortments of widgets (including columned widgets such as ctree/clist). "
+#~ "So its kind of a realization of my long standing complaint that I should "
+#~ "be able to press a button, and bingo, some object turns into an SQL record"
+#~ "(s), and back."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:782
-msgid ""
-"Backport the QueryList widget and associated usage (this allows more places "
-"to have sortable column displays for query results)"
-msgstr ""
-"Backport the QueryList widget and associated usage (this allows more places "
-"to have sortable column displays for query results)"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "I'm not done with the DWI internal tearup yet, but soon ... After that, "
+#~ "I'll start prototyping integration with the qof objects (probably within "
+#~ "the DWI cvs tree).  When I'm done with that, I'm going to try to unleash "
+#~ "the thing to create teh backend for the GnuCash business Objects.  My "
+#~ "goal is to have very very little code for this: mostly, a specification "
+#~ "of the SQL tables, and a mapping: 'this business object field goes into "
+#~ "that sql field', and that's that.  The goal/side effect is that this "
+#~ "should make adding new objects to GnuCash backend 'real easy'. Depending "
+#~ "on how the above goes, I may or may not convert the existing sql backend "
+#~ "to use this new system.  Although not in my current set of plans, note "
+#~ "that DWI also offers a way of maybe simplifying the GUI design as well, "
+#~ "providing a way of hooking glade dialogs straight to engine objects (and/"
+#~ "or god forbid straight to sql). But that's really not something I'm "
+#~ "planning for right now."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "I'm not done with the DWI internal tearup yet, but soon ... After that, "
+#~ "I'll start prototyping integration with the qof objects (probably within "
+#~ "the DWI cvs tree).  When I'm done with that, I'm going to try to unleash "
+#~ "the thing to create teh backend for the GnuCash business Objects.  My "
+#~ "goal is to have very very little code for this: mostly, a specification "
+#~ "of the SQL tables, and a mapping: 'this business object field goes into "
+#~ "that sql field', and that's that.  The goal/side effect is that this "
+#~ "should make adding new objects to GnuCash backend 'real easy'. Depending "
+#~ "on how the above goes, I may or may not convert the existing sql backend "
+#~ "to use this new system.  Although not in my current set of plans, note "
+#~ "that DWI also offers a way of maybe simplifying the GUI design as well, "
+#~ "providing a way of hooking glade dialogs straight to engine objects (and/"
+#~ "or god forbid straight to sql). But that's really not something I'm "
+#~ "planning for right now."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:783
-msgid "Improve HBCI error handling. Add more user feedback functions."
-msgstr "Improve HBCI error handling. Add more user feedback functions."
+#~ msgid "<b>Mini-Announce:</b> Auto Cap-Gains Beta"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Mini-Announce:</b> Auto Cap-Gains Beta"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:784
-msgid ""
-"Add support for KtoBlzCheck, a small checking package for destination "
-"account numbers for German banks. Very small, very useful http://sourceforge."
-msgstr ""
-"Add support for KtoBlzCheck, a small checking package for destination "
-"account numbers for German banks. Very small, very useful http://sourceforge."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Code to automatically compute and handle capital gains on stock accounts "
+#~ "is more-or-less done, in the CVS HEAD branch.  There's a simple GUI "
+#~ "called &quot;View Lots&quot; .  If you bring that up, and then &quot;"
+#~ "Scrub Account&quot;, it will automatically compute cap gains for all "
+#~ "stock purchases/sales.  If you edit prices, dates, amounts, values, etc. "
+#~ "in the register window, the cap gains will be automatically kept in sync, "
+#~ "i.e. should always be 'correct'."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Code to automatically compute and handle capital gains on stock accounts "
+#~ "is more-or-less done, in the CVS HEAD branch.  There's a simple GUI "
+#~ "called &quot;View Lots&quot; .  If you bring that up, and then &quot;"
+#~ "Scrub Account&quot;, it will automatically compute cap gains for all "
+#~ "stock purchases/sales.  If you edit prices, dates, amounts, values, etc. "
+#~ "in the register window, the cap gains will be automatically kept in sync, "
+#~ "i.e. should always be 'correct'."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:785
-msgid "TRANSLATION_HOWTO: Added, by Jon Lapham"
-msgstr "TRANSLATION_HOWTO: Added, by Jon Lapham"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Sometime after the gnome2 port, the 'Lot Viewer' GUI will get a minor "
+#~ "extension to allow one to manually construct lots (so that one can have "
+#~ "'designated' trading lots).  The current default uses a FIFO policy to "
+#~ "figure out the cap gains."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Sometime after the gnome2 port, the 'Lot Viewer' GUI will get a minor "
+#~ "extension to allow one to manually construct lots (so that one can have "
+#~ "'designated' trading lots).  The current default uses a FIFO policy to "
+#~ "figure out the cap gains."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:786
-msgid ""
-"Add API to the plugin modules to allow post-processing (scrubbing) of the "
-"book after it is loaded from XML.  This allows a plug-in to post-process the "
-"complete book."
-msgstr ""
-"Add API to the plugin modules to allow post-processing (scrubbing) of the "
-"book after it is loaded from XML.  This allows a plug-in to post-process the "
-"complete book."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "To try out this feature, you will have to get the CVS code and compile it "
+#~ "yourself.  Remember, this code is still beta: it may be buggy (although I "
+#~ "think I fixed them all), and is subject to change before the final "
+#~ "version."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "To try out this feature, you will have to get the CVS code and compile it "
+#~ "yourself.  Remember, this code is still beta: it may be buggy (although I "
+#~ "think I fixed them all), and is subject to change before the final "
+#~ "version."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:787
-msgid ""
-"Create a scrub function to clear up bogus tax tables due to a bug which "
-"could cause tax tables to get created ad-nausium if you post and then unpost "
-"an invoice."
-msgstr ""
-"Create a scrub function to clear up bogus tax tables due to a bug which "
-"could cause tax tables to get created ad-nausium if you post and then unpost "
-"an invoice."
+#~ msgid "<b>Announcement:</b> GnuCash 1.8.7 Release"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Announcement:</b> GnuCash 1.8.7 Release"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:788
-msgid ""
-"Create a scrub function to clear up bogus bill terms due to a bug which "
-"could cause bill terms to get created due to post/unpost of invoices."
-msgstr ""
-"Create a scrub function to clear up bogus bill terms due to a bug which "
-"could cause bill terms to get created due to post/unpost of invoices."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The GnuCash team is pleased to announce the release of stable version "
+#~ "1.8.7."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "The GnuCash team is pleased to announce the release of stable version "
+#~ "1.8.7."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:789
-msgid "Enable the exchange-rate dialog on &quot;search ledger&quot; registers."
-msgstr ""
-"Enable the exchange-rate dialog on &quot;search ledger&quot; registers."
+#~ msgid "What's New in GnuCash 1.8.7?"
+#~ msgstr "What's New in GnuCash 1.8.7?"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:790
-msgid "Raise the import window after choosing a file."
-msgstr "Raise the import window after choosing a file."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Use &lt;libofx/libofx.h&gt; instead of &quot;libofx/libofx.h&quot; as "
+#~ "it's not part of our system. Fixes a dependency problem in 1.8.6 release."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Use &lt;libofx/libofx.h&gt; instead of &quot;libofx/libofx.h&quot; as "
+#~ "it's not part of our system. Fixes a dependency problem in 1.8.6 release."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:791
-msgid ""
-"Change dialog statements to allow for embedded percent signs in the "
-"messages. In other words, don't allow user input into the format string of a "
-msgstr ""
-"Change dialog statements to allow for embedded percent signs in the "
-"messages. In other words, don't allow user input into the format string of a "
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Small fix from hawkfan to get tests to work when building outside srcdir."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Small fix from hawkfan to get tests to work when building outside srcdir."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:792
-msgid ""
-"Change how the billterms option menu is used so it will change properly if "
-"you change the invoice's owner."
-msgstr ""
-"Change how the billterms option menu is used so it will change properly if "
-"you change the invoice's owner."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Fix a bug introduced by Matthew -- ANSI C does not allow you to declare a "
+#~ "variable in the middle of an expression.  Move the declaration to the top "
+#~ "of the function."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Fix a bug introduced by Matthew -- ANSI C does not allow you to declare a "
+#~ "variable in the middle of an expression.  Move the declaration to the top "
+#~ "of the function."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:793
-msgid ""
-"Don't use gnc:reverse-account-balance? to determine whether to reverse the "
-"balance -- base it purely on the report type."
-msgstr ""
-"Don't use gnc:reverse-account-balance? to determine whether to reverse the "
-"balance -- base it purely on the report type."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "We don't need the trailing semi-colon because the #include adds one. The "
+#~ "double semi-colon causes build failures in some cases."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "We don't need the trailing semi-colon because the #include adds one. The "
+#~ "double semi-colon causes build failures in some cases."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:794
-msgid "Fix gncBillTermCopy() so it PROPERLY copies the bill term."
-msgstr "Fix gncBillTermCopy() so it PROPERLY copies the bill term."
+#~ msgid "<b>Announcement:</b> GnuCash 1.8.6 Release"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Announcement:</b> GnuCash 1.8.6 Release"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:795
-msgid "Tolerate some HBCI banks failure of the GetSystemId-job."
-msgstr "Tolerate some HBCI banks failure of the GetSystemId-job."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The GnuCash team is pleased to announce the release of stable version "
+#~ "1.8.6."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "The GnuCash team is pleased to announce the release of stable version "
+#~ "1.8.6."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:796
-msgid "Don't allow selection of directory for save file."
-msgstr "Don't allow selection of directory for save file."
+#~ msgid "What's New in GnuCash 1.8.6?"
+#~ msgstr "What's New in GnuCash 1.8.6?"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:797
-msgid ""
-"Add fancy-invoice report, to show what else is possible.  It's not really "
-"useful per se, but it is another example for users. To be useful it requires "
-"some custom editing."
-msgstr ""
-"Add fancy-invoice report, to show what else is possible.  It's not really "
-"useful per se, but it is another example for users. To be useful it requires "
-"some custom editing."
+#~ msgid "Updated Spanish, Greek, French, Czech, Slovak translations"
+#~ msgstr "Updated Spanish, Greek, French, Czech, Slovak translations"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:798
-msgid "Limit the commodity choices based upon the current account type."
-msgstr "Limit the commodity choices based upon the current account type."
+#~ msgid "Fixed extremely stupid bug in the import value setting workaround."
+#~ msgstr "Fixed extremely stupid bug in the import value setting workaround."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:799
-msgid ""
-"Add a new argument to the dialog creation functions to specify what types of "
-"commodities should be presented.Also tweak the title of the dialog based "
-"upon this argument.  Remove the &quot;new&quot; button when the dialog is "
-"limited strictly to currencies."
-msgstr ""
-"Add a new argument to the dialog creation functions to specify what types of "
-"commodities should be presented.Also tweak the title of the dialog based "
-"upon this argument.  Remove the &quot;new&quot; button when the dialog is "
-"limited strictly to currencies."
+#~ msgid "Fixed problem with SX formula_cell calls"
+#~ msgstr "Fixed problem with SX formula_cell calls"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:800
-msgid "Show the running balance column by default in the register report."
-msgstr "Show the running balance column by default in the register report."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Merge missing part of 2003-05-28 commit.  The log format changes didn't "
+#~ "get committed for some reason, making the log replayer completely "
+#~ "unusable."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Merge missing part of 2003-05-28 commit.  The log format changes didn't "
+#~ "get committed for some reason, making the log replayer completely "
+#~ "unusable."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:801
-msgid ""
-"Annotate the window title to indicate whether a register is for a single "
-"account or it includes all subaccounts."
-msgstr ""
-"Annotate the window title to indicate whether a register is for a single "
-"account or it includes all subaccounts."
+#~ msgid "Fixed crash during dialog startup on Solaris."
+#~ msgstr "Fixed crash during dialog startup on Solaris."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:802
-msgid "Change the register close dialog to include a cancel option."
-msgstr "Change the register close dialog to include a cancel option."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Turn off scheme garbage collection during query-&gt;scm and scm-&gt;"
+#~ "query   conversion.  It shaves about 50% off the test-scm-query-string "
+#~ "tests."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Turn off scheme garbage collection during query-&gt;scm and scm-&gt;"
+#~ "query   conversion.  It shaves about 50% off the test-scm-query-string "
+#~ "tests."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:803
-msgid "Don't close the register if the user cancelled."
-msgstr "Don't close the register if the user cancelled."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Make test-scm-query-string test deterministic by seeding the RNG with a "
+#~ "known value."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Make test-scm-query-string test deterministic by seeding the RNG with a "
+#~ "known value."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:804
-msgid ""
-"If the user has manually entered an amount, then stop automatically updated "
-"the amount when the date is changed."
-msgstr ""
-"If the user has manually entered an amount, then stop automatically updated "
-"the amount when the date is changed."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Add a &quot;slots&quot; parameter to allow for future expansion.  Right "
+#~ "now   this is completely ignored."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Add a &quot;slots&quot; parameter to allow for future expansion.  Right "
+#~ "now   this is completely ignored."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:805
-msgid ""
-"Refactor many HBCI functions to eventually enable queued processing of "
-"several HBCI jobs."
-msgstr ""
-"Refactor many HBCI functions to eventually enable queued processing of "
-"several HBCI jobs."
+#~ msgid "<b>Announcement:</b> GnuCash Docs 1.8.3 Release"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Announcement:</b> GnuCash Docs 1.8.3 Release"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:806
-msgid ""
-"Add a &quot;retained earnings&quot; item under equity, and change the title "
-"to include the start date (Balance Sheet report)."
-msgstr ""
-"Add a &quot;retained earnings&quot; item under equity, and change the title "
-"to include the start date (Balance Sheet report)."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The GnuCash Docs team is pleased to announce the release of the docs "
+#~ "version 1.8.3."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "The GnuCash Docs team is pleased to announce the release of the docs "
+#~ "version 1.8.3."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:807
-msgid ""
-"Don't print the &quot;handling-request&quot; messages when getting stock "
-msgstr ""
-"Don't print the &quot;handling-request&quot; messages when getting stock "
+#~ msgid "What's New in GnuCash Docs 1.8.3?"
+#~ msgstr "What's New in GnuCash Docs 1.8.3?"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:808
-msgid "Display selected pixmap when opening an options window."
-msgstr "Display selected pixmap when opening an options window."
+#~ msgid "Fix xmllint errors"
+#~ msgstr "Fix xmllint errors"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:809
-msgid "Fix 'Save As' so it can write to non-existing files."
-msgstr "Fix 'Save As' so it can write to non-existing files."
+#~ msgid "Add new credit card chapter images"
+#~ msgstr "Add new credit card chapter images"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:810
-msgid "New data file should have same uid/gids original file."
-msgstr "New data file should have same uid/gids original file."
+#~ msgid "Remove unused images"
+#~ msgstr "Remove unused images"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:811
-msgid "Added Italian account templates by Lorenzo Cappelletti"
-msgstr "Added Italian account templates by Lorenzo Cappelletti"
+#~ msgid "Updates to guide"
+#~ msgstr "Updates to guide"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:812
-msgid ""
-"Change HBCI online transfer action so that first the gnucash Transaction is "
-"created and only after that the HBCI connection is started. Necessary for "
-"later implementation of offline queueing and multi-job execution."
-msgstr ""
-"Change HBCI online transfer action so that first the gnucash Transaction is "
-"created and only after that the HBCI connection is started. Necessary for "
-"later implementation of offline queueing and multi-job execution."
+#~ msgid "Michael Rensing's FAQ updates"
+#~ msgstr "Michael Rensing's FAQ updates"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:813
-msgid ""
-"Clarify the part of the HBCI setup about potentially adding HBCI accounts "
-msgstr ""
-"Clarify the part of the HBCI setup about potentially adding HBCI accounts "
+#~ msgid "Fix reconcile column in cc payment image"
+#~ msgstr "Fix reconcile column in cc payment image"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:814
-msgid ""
-"Add a couple of extra checks to prevent crashing if the commodity attached "
-"to a price quote has disappeared."
-msgstr ""
-"Add a couple of extra checks to prevent crashing if the commodity attached "
-"to a price quote has disappeared."
+#~ msgid "<b>Announcement:</b> GnuCash Docs 1.8.2 Release"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Announcement:</b> GnuCash Docs 1.8.2 Release"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:815
-msgid ""
-"Provide a new warning message before deletion if a commodity has any price "
-"quotes.  If the user deletes the commodity anyway, removed any quotes are "
-"based on the commodity"
-msgstr ""
-"Provide a new warning message before deletion if a commodity has any price "
-"quotes.  If the user deletes the commodity anyway, removed any quotes are "
-"based on the commodity"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The GnuCash team is pleased to announce the release of the docs version "
+#~ "1.8.2."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "The GnuCash team is pleased to announce the release of the docs version "
+#~ "1.8.2."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:816
-msgid ""
-"Enhance the get prices routine to handle a request with a NULL currency."
-msgstr ""
-"Enhance the get prices routine to handle a request with a NULL currency."
+#~ msgid "What's New in GnuCash Docs 1.8.2?"
+#~ msgstr "What's New in GnuCash Docs 1.8.2?"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:817
-msgid ""
-"Fix a crash where removing items in the wrong order could cause &quot;Bad "
-"Things&quot; to happen"
-msgstr ""
-"Fix a crash where removing items in the wrong order could cause &quot;Bad "
-"Things&quot; to happen"
+#~ msgid "Jon Lapham now primary author of Guide"
+#~ msgstr "Jon Lapham now primary author of Guide"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:818
-msgid ""
-"Sort the bills before displaying them, so they appear in a consistent order "
-"(by date due)."
-msgstr ""
-"Sort the bills before displaying them, so they appear in a consistent order "
-"(by date due)."
+#~ msgid "Moved convert-html to make all so html gets built during 'make'"
+#~ msgstr "Moved convert-html to make all so html gets built during 'make'"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:819
-msgid "Fix a bunch more rounding errors, and add more precision to the price."
-msgstr "Fix a bunch more rounding errors, and add more precision to the price."
+#~ msgid "Many, many, many changes to the Guide by Jon (see changelog)"
+#~ msgstr "Many, many, many changes to the Guide by Jon (see changelog)"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:820
-msgid ""
-"Change the description and action of Invoice and Payment Transactions/"
-"Splits, to make it easier to print a check off the posted transactions."
-msgstr ""
-"Change the description and action of Invoice and Payment Transactions/"
-"Splits, to make it easier to print a check off the posted transactions."
+#~ msgid "If you can't find it in the Help, look in the Guide (hint)"
+#~ msgstr "If you can't find it in the Help, look in the Guide (hint)"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:821
-msgid "Add Debit and Credit totals to Register report."
-msgstr "Add Debit and Credit totals to Register report."
+#~ msgid "<b>Announcement:</b> GnuCash 1.8.2 Release"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Announcement:</b> GnuCash 1.8.2 Release"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:822
-msgid ""
-"Differentiate between &quot;file is already locked&quot; and &quot;we can't "
-"create the lockfile&quot; so we can let the user know."
-msgstr ""
-"Differentiate between &quot;file is already locked&quot; and &quot;we can't "
-"create the lockfile&quot; so we can let the user know."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The GnuCash team is pleased to announce the release of stable version "
+#~ "1.8.2."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "The GnuCash team is pleased to announce the release of stable version "
+#~ "1.8.2."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:823
-msgid "Fix the message to be more appropriate when we hit a READONLY error."
-msgstr "Fix the message to be more appropriate when we hit a READONLY error."
+#~ msgid "What's New in GnuCash 1.8.2?"
+#~ msgstr "What's New in GnuCash 1.8.2?"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:824
-msgid "Various Postgres backend fixes"
-msgstr "Various Postgres backend fixes"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "GnuCash now has the ability to automatically create and enter "
+#~ "transactions, remind \n"
+#~ "when a transaction is due, give a choice of entering a transaction or "
+#~ "postponing it and remove an automated transaction after a certain period."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "GnuCash now has the ability to automatically create and enter "
+#~ "transactions, remind \n"
+#~ "when a transaction is due, give a choice of entering a transaction or "
+#~ "postponing it and remove an automated transaction after a certain period."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:825
-msgid ""
-"Add button for manual adding of HBCI accounts. Requires latest OpenHBCI "
-msgstr ""
-"Add button for manual adding of HBCI accounts. Requires latest OpenHBCI "
+#~ msgid "Used to setup a variable payment loan scheduled transaction."
+#~ msgstr "Used to setup a variable payment loan scheduled transaction."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:826
-msgid ""
-"Add saving of the HBCI_API so that bank's status changes will now be "
-"remembered immediately."
-msgstr ""
-"Add saving of the HBCI_API so that bank's status changes will now be "
-"remembered immediately."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "GnuCash now can be used for Customer and Vendor tracking, Invoicing and "
+#~ "Bill Payment, and using different Tax and Billing Terms in a small "
+#~ "business."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "GnuCash now can be used for Customer and Vendor tracking, Invoicing and "
+#~ "Bill Payment, and using different Tax and Billing Terms in a small "
+#~ "business."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:827
-msgid ""
-"Add &quot;(Report)&quot; strings to the various columns displayed in the "
-"report currency."
-msgstr ""
-"Add &quot;(Report)&quot; strings to the various columns displayed in the "
-"report currency."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "GnuCash is the first free software application to support the Open "
+#~ "Financial Exchange protocol that many banks and financial services are "
+#~ "moving to use. The development of OFX and HBCI support has also resulted "
+#~ "in an improved transaction matching system that more accurately picks "
+#~ "duplicate transactions."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "GnuCash is the first free software application to support the Open "
+#~ "Financial Exchange protocol that many banks and financial services are "
+#~ "moving to use. The development of OFX and HBCI support has also resulted "
+#~ "in an improved transaction matching system that more accurately picks "
+#~ "duplicate transactions."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:828
-msgid ""
-"Set the date-entered on invoice transactions to &quot;now&quot; instead of "
-"the post date.  This lets us know when an invoice was actually posted, or a "
-"payment was actually made."
-msgstr ""
-"Set the date-entered on invoice transactions to &quot;now&quot; instead of "
-"the post date.  This lets us know when an invoice was actually posted, or a "
-"payment was actually made."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "GnuCash is the first free software application to support the German Home "
+#~ "Banking Computer Information protocol which includes statement download, "
+#~ "initiate bank transfers and direct debits."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "GnuCash is the first free software application to support the German Home "
+#~ "Banking Computer Information protocol which includes statement download, "
+#~ "initiate bank transfers and direct debits."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:829
-msgid "Support &quot;gain/loss&quot; balancing splits on stocks"
-msgstr "Support &quot;gain/loss&quot; balancing splits on stocks"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "A brand new user help has been written which focuses on how to do tasks "
+#~ "in conjunction with a Tutorial and Concepts guide that gives the user "
+#~ "background information on using GnuCash."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "A brand new user help has been written which focuses on how to do tasks "
+#~ "in conjunction with a Tutorial and Concepts guide that gives the user "
+#~ "background information on using GnuCash."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:830
-msgid "Apply patch to fix a number of off-by-one bugs in the loan druid."
-msgstr "Apply patch to fix a number of off-by-one bugs in the loan druid."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "GnuCash no longer requires separate currency exchange accounts to handle "
+#~ "multiple currency transfers."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "GnuCash no longer requires separate currency exchange accounts to handle "
+#~ "multiple currency transfers."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:831
-msgid "Adapted to latest gnucash-docs changes, by Jon Lapham"
-msgstr "Adapted to latest gnucash-docs changes, by Jon Lapham"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The GnuCash menu's have been redesigned to conform more with the new "
+#~ "GNOME Human Interface Guidelines."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "The GnuCash menu's have been redesigned to conform more with the new "
+#~ "GNOME Human Interface Guidelines."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:832
-msgid "Add code to read XML files with real namespace declarations."
-msgstr "Add code to read XML files with real namespace declarations."
+#~ msgid "Specifically updated in this version"
+#~ msgstr "Specifically updated in this version"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:833
-msgid "Make sure we define PWD, as not all shells define it properly."
-msgstr "Make sure we define PWD, as not all shells define it properly."
+#~ msgid "Release of new stable version 1.8.2"
+#~ msgstr "Release of new stable version 1.8.2"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:834
-msgid "Workaround for multi-currency importing bug."
-msgstr "Workaround for multi-currency importing bug."
+#~ msgid "Updated translations: German, Slovak, Spanish"
+#~ msgstr "Updated translations: German, Slovak, Spanish"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:847 www/oldnews.phtml:873
-msgid "Network Upgrade"
-msgstr "Network Upgrade"
+#~ msgid "Updated HBCI requirement to 0.9.6"
+#~ msgstr "Updated HBCI requirement to 0.9.6"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:851
-msgid ""
-"The internet connection on which www.gnucash.org and the gnucash.org mail "
-"servers sit is being upgraded right now. The new line will have more "
-"bandwidth, which should speed transfers.  Note that the IP address of the "
-"website will be changing.  This change should be transparent to everyone; "
-"however, if you have trouble accessing this site after that date, you may "
-"want to try to flush your domain name cache.  If problems persist, please "
-"contact the mailing lists."
-msgstr ""
-"The internet connection on which www.gnucash.org and the gnucash.org mail "
-"servers sit is being upgraded right now. The new line will have more "
-"bandwidth, which should speed transfers.  Note that the IP address of the "
-"website will be changing.  This change should be transparent to everyone; "
-"however, if you have trouble accessing this site after that date, you may "
-"want to try to flush your domain name cache.  If problems persist, please "
-"contact the mailing lists."
+#~ msgid "Postgres fix for PG-7.3.x"
+#~ msgstr "Postgres fix for PG-7.3.x"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:856
-msgid "<b>State of the GnuCash project,</b> a call for help"
-msgstr "<b>State of the GnuCash project,</b> a call for help"
+#~ msgid "More fixes for guile-1.6 support"
+#~ msgstr "More fixes for guile-1.6 support"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:860
-msgid ""
-"<a href='mailto:bock at step.polymtl.ca'>Benoit Gr&eacute;goire</a> has written "
-"an important document outlining some of the major issues for the GnuCash "
-msgstr ""
-"<a href='mailto:bock at step.polymtl.ca'>Benoit Gr&eacute;goire</a> has written "
-"an important document outlining some of the major issues for the GnuCash "
+#~ msgid "Fix QIF Import for split transactions (#105139)"
+#~ msgstr "Fix QIF Import for split transactions (#105139)"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:863
-msgid ""
-"Please spend some time to read this document and contribute to the discussion"
-msgstr ""
-"Please spend some time to read this document and contribute to the discussion"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Remove &quot;display balance in Euro&quot; columns from the main window"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Remove &quot;display balance in Euro&quot; columns from the main window"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:877
-msgid ""
-"The internet connection on which www.gnucash.org and the gnucash.org mail "
-"servers sit will be upgraded sometime after the week of July 23. The new "
-"line will have more bandwidth, which should speed transfers. Note that the "
-"IP address of the website will be changing. This change should be "
-"transparent to everyone; however, if you have trouble accessing this site "
-"after that date, you may want to try to flush your domain name cache."
-msgstr ""
-"The internet connection on which www.gnucash.org and the gnucash.org mail "
-"servers sit will be upgraded sometime after the week of July 23. The new "
-"line will have more bandwidth, which should speed transfers. Note that the "
-"IP address of the website will be changing. This change should be "
-"transparent to everyone; however, if you have trouble accessing this site "
-"after that date, you may want to try to flush your domain name cache."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Add &quot;display balance in Report Currency&quot; columns to the main "
+#~ "window"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Add &quot;display balance in Report Currency&quot; columns to the main "
+#~ "window"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:882
-msgid "<b>GnuCash on Slackware</b> Installation HOWTO"
-msgstr "<b>GnuCash on Slackware</b> Installation HOWTO"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Fix the transfer dialog / exchange-rate dialog so it doesn't round the "
+#~ "values input by the user. (#106332)"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Fix the transfer dialog / exchange-rate dialog so it doesn't round the "
+#~ "values input by the user. (#106332)"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:886
-msgid "RJ marquette writes:"
-msgstr "RJ marquette writes:"
+#~ msgid "Fix configure so tests won't fail on GCC 3.2.2"
+#~ msgstr "Fix configure so tests won't fail on GCC 3.2.2"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:888
-msgid ""
-"I've written a web page that may be helpful to Slackware users who want to "
-"install GnuCash, and I thought you might want to link to it on the GnuCash "
-"website. The URL is "
-msgstr ""
-"I've written a web page that may be helpful to Slackware users who want to "
-"install GnuCash, and I thought you might want to link to it on the GnuCash "
-"website. The URL is "
+#~ msgid "HBCI: avoid sending online transfers twice"
+#~ msgstr "HBCI: avoid sending online transfers twice"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:896
-msgid "<b>Announcement:</b> QOF: the Query Object Framework"
-msgstr "<b>Announcement:</b> QOF: the Query Object Framework"
+#~ msgid "Don't override the user's toolbar style (#102041)"
+#~ msgstr "Don't override the user's toolbar style (#102041)"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:900
-msgid ""
-"I've just started the QOF &quot;Query Object Framework&quot; project on "
-"sourceforge.  QOF consists of that part of the GnuCash engine that isn't "
-"about accounting.  I started the project because I want to use the GnuCash "
-"query framework in another project of mine (GnoTime), and after thinking "
-"about it a bit, it seemed good to split it out into its own component."
-msgstr ""
-"I've just started the QOF &quot;Query Object Framework&quot; project on "
-"sourceforge.  QOF consists of that part of the GnuCash engine that isn't "
-"about accounting.  I started the project because I want to use the GnuCash "
-"query framework in another project of mine (GnoTime), and after thinking "
-"about it a bit, it seemed good to split it out into its own component."
+#~ msgid "Import: don't punish transactions with an online ID"
+#~ msgstr "Import: don't punish transactions with an online ID"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:902
-msgid ""
-"QOF consists of Derek Atkin's Query objects, Rob Browning's KVP trees, Bill "
-"Gribble's Numeric classes, Dave Peticolas' GUID's &amp; events, and my own "
-"fractured Backend, books, &amp; sessions. For now, I plan to keep the code "
-"in sync with GnuCash by hand. I'm not sure how things will play out in the "
-"future; I have no immediate plans."
-msgstr ""
-"QOF consists of Derek Atkin's Query objects, Rob Browning's KVP trees, Bill "
-"Gribble's Numeric classes, Dave Peticolas' GUID's &amp; events, and my own "
-"fractured Backend, books, &amp; sessions. For now, I plan to keep the code "
-"in sync with GnuCash by hand. I'm not sure how things will play out in the "
-"future; I have no immediate plans."
+#~ msgid "Add engine support for employee expense vouchers"
+#~ msgstr "Add engine support for employee expense vouchers"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:904
-msgid ""
-"The really big deal in QOF is the query framework.  I think its unique: "
-"there is no code out there that I can google that provides generic "
-"structured query functions for generic objects, without forcing you to use "
-"SQL.  I think QOF can fill an important need for programmers who write apps "
-"that need to have reports, and are sophisticated enough to realize they need "
-"queries, and yet are not ready to convert their app to an SQL app."
-msgstr ""
-"The really big deal in QOF is the query framework.  I think its unique: "
-"there is no code out there that I can google that provides generic "
-"structured query functions for generic objects, without forcing you to use "
-"SQL.  I think QOF can fill an important need for programmers who write apps "
-"that need to have reports, and are sophisticated enough to realize they need "
-"queries, and yet are not ready to convert their app to an SQL app."
+#~ msgid "<b>Announcement:</b> GnuCash 1.8.5 Release"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Announcement:</b> GnuCash 1.8.5 Release"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:906
-msgid ""
-"The other big part of QOF is that it can act as a cache for an SQL backend.  "
-"Note, however, that this part is 'under construcion'. Done right, it should "
-"make it easy to add SQL support for the Business Objects in GnuCash.  "
-"However, this work hasn't been started, and needs volunteers.  In "
-"particular, I'm hoping that anyone who has contemplated the SQL re-write for "
-"GnuCash can help in this area."
-msgstr ""
-"The other big part of QOF is that it can act as a cache for an SQL backend.  "
-"Note, however, that this part is 'under construcion'. Done right, it should "
-"make it easy to add SQL support for the Business Objects in GnuCash.  "
-"However, this work hasn't been started, and needs volunteers.  In "
-"particular, I'm hoping that anyone who has contemplated the SQL re-write for "
-"GnuCash can help in this area."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The GnuCash team is pleased to announce the release of stable version "
+#~ "1.8.5."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "The GnuCash team is pleased to announce the release of stable version "
+#~ "1.8.5."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:908
-msgid ""
-"QOF compiles on my box, but I haven't yet checked in all the Makefile.am "
-"&amp; configure.in into CVS.  Hopefully, I'll have a version 0.1 out "
-"shortly. If any of the regular GnuCash developers want developer access on "
-"sourceforge, let me know."
-msgstr ""
-"QOF compiles on my box, but I haven't yet checked in all the Makefile.am "
-"&amp; configure.in into CVS.  Hopefully, I'll have a version 0.1 out "
-"shortly. If any of the regular GnuCash developers want developer access on "
-"sourceforge, let me know."
+#~ msgid "What's New in GnuCash 1.8.5?"
+#~ msgstr "What's New in GnuCash 1.8.5?"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:919
-msgid "<b>Announcement:</b> GnuCash 1.8.4 Release"
-msgstr "<b>Announcement:</b> GnuCash 1.8.4 Release"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Add IS_PAID column and the ability to search for paid/not-paid invoices."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Add IS_PAID column and the ability to search for paid/not-paid invoices."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:924
-msgid ""
-"The GnuCash team is pleased to announce the release of stable version 1.8.4."
-msgstr ""
-"The GnuCash team is pleased to announce the release of stable version 1.8.4."
+#~ msgid "Add HBCI online transfer templates and make usable"
+#~ msgstr "Add HBCI online transfer templates and make usable"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:926
-msgid "What's New in GnuCash 1.8.4?"
-msgstr "What's New in GnuCash 1.8.4?"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Fix a bug where if you unpost an invoice and don't bring the TaxTables up "
+#~ "to date, the total value shown in the register is different depending on "
+#~ "whether the cursor is on the current line or not."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Fix a bug where if you unpost an invoice and don't bring the TaxTables up "
+#~ "to date, the total value shown in the register is different depending on "
+#~ "whether the cursor is on the current line or not."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:928
-msgid ""
-"Fix transfer dialog to not hang if OK button is clicked w/o filling in "
-"dialog properly."
-msgstr ""
-"Fix transfer dialog to not hang if OK button is clicked w/o filling in "
-"dialog properly."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Don't constantly resize the invoice window every time we update ourselves."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Don't constantly resize the invoice window every time we update ourselves."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:929
-msgid "Add HTML::Parser to the list of items checked/installed."
-msgstr "Add HTML::Parser to the list of items checked/installed"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Updated Italian, Brazilian Portugese, German, Czech, Dutch and British "
+#~ "English translation."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Updated Italian, Brazilian Portugese, German, Czech, Dutch and British "
+#~ "English translation."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:930
-msgid "Updated translations:  Brazilian Portuguese, Czech, Italian, German"
-msgstr "Updated translations:  Brazilian Portuguese, Czech, Italian, German"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Add Subtotal and Tax labels in the summary bar to print the Invoice's "
+#~ "total amounts."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Add Subtotal and Tax labels in the summary bar to print the Invoice's "
+#~ "total amounts."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:931
-msgid ""
-"Fix the &quot;View xxxbar&quot; menu items to track properly when a new data "
-"file is opened. Consolidate the code for manipulating the View/Statusbar and "
-"View/Summarybar menu items.  Work around a Gnome MDI bug as best as possible."
-msgstr ""
-"Fix the &quot;View xxxbar&quot; menu items to track properly when a new data "
-"file is opened. Consolidate the code for manipulating the View/Statusbar and "
-"View/Summarybar menu items.  Work around a Gnome MDI bug as best as possible."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Change the log format to use GUID instead of C pointers, use ISO8601 "
+#~ "instead of proprietary form and log the Notes field."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Change the log format to use GUID instead of C pointers, use ISO8601 "
+#~ "instead of proprietary form and log the Notes field."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:932
-msgid ""
-"The numeric test regex was broken and would fail on ALL numerics, causing "
-"all imports to be of value zero."
-msgstr ""
-"The numeric test regex was broken and would fail on ALL numerics, causing "
-"all imports to be of value zero."
+#~ msgid "Port new log replay module from HEAD."
+#~ msgstr "Port new log replay module from HEAD."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:933
-msgid ""
-"Fix for creating new template transactions [from Scheduling existing "
-"transactions], such that they have valid Posted dates."
-msgstr ""
-"Fix for creating new template transactions [from Scheduling existing "
-"transactions], such that they have valid Posted dates."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Re-enable reversed legend in stacked barcharts. Needs Guppi 0.40.4 a.k.a. "
+#~ "Guppi CVS, though, to actually work."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Re-enable reversed legend in stacked barcharts. Needs Guppi 0.40.4 a.k.a. "
+#~ "Guppi CVS, though, to actually work."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:934
-msgid ""
-"Fix for existing/old data without posted dates.  If we encounter the "
-"condition, fixup the transaction's Posted date to that of the Entered date."
-msgstr ""
-"Fix for existing/old data without posted dates.  If we encounter the "
-"condition, fixup the transaction's Posted date to that of the Entered date."
+#~ msgid "Update the Polish Zloty for its new ISO currency code."
+#~ msgstr "Update the Polish Zloty for its new ISO currency code."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:935
-msgid "Add LOT_IS_CLOSED and LOT_BALANCE query parameter methods"
-msgstr "Add LOT_IS_CLOSED and LOT_BALANCE query parameter methods"
+#~ msgid "Add ability to sort by Action and Notes."
+#~ msgstr "Add ability to sort by Action and Notes."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:936
-msgid "Fixes for 64-bit architectures."
-msgstr "Fixes for 64-bit architectures."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Fix the vendor window title to use the company name, not the contact "
+#~ "name. Change the message when the company name is left blank."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Fix the vendor window title to use the company name, not the contact "
+#~ "name. Change the message when the company name is left blank."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:937
-msgid "Add gncQueryGetBooks() API to return list of books in a query."
-msgstr "Add gncQueryGetBooks() API to return list of books in a query."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Create a new &quot;date format&quot; widget to let the user choose a "
+#~ "date   format (and see the results of what the date would look like)."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Create a new &quot;date format&quot; widget to let the user choose a "
+#~ "date   format (and see the results of what the date would look like)."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:938
-msgid "Add INVOICE_POST_LOT query parameter methods"
-msgstr "Add INVOICE_POST_LOT query parameter methods"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Add &quot;Deluxe Personal Check&quot; type. Add support for printing to "
+#~ "&quot;deluxe&quot; personal checks. This prints the check &quot;"
+#~ "sideways&quot; on a US-Letter configuration."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Add &quot;Deluxe Personal Check&quot; type. Add support for printing to "
+#~ "&quot;deluxe&quot; personal checks. This prints the check &quot;"
+#~ "sideways&quot; on a US-Letter configuration."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:939
-msgid ""
-"Add an api to force an event even when events are suspended. Without such an "
-"API, events can be lost if the event system is suspended when the event "
-"comes in."
-msgstr ""
-"Add an api to force an event even when events are suspended. Without such an "
-"API, events can be lost if the event system is suspended when the event "
-"comes in."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Backport the QueryList widget and associated usage (this allows more "
+#~ "places to have sortable column displays for query results)"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Backport the QueryList widget and associated usage (this allows more "
+#~ "places to have sortable column displays for query results)"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:940
-msgid ""
-"Added gnucash wrappers around gnome-print's rotate, translate, gsave, and "
-"grestore APIs.  All to allow sideways printing (by rotating the image)."
-msgstr ""
-"Added gnucash wrappers around gnome-print's rotate, translate, gsave, and "
-"grestore APIs.  All to allow sideways printing (by rotating the image)."
+#~ msgid "Improve HBCI error handling. Add more user feedback functions."
+#~ msgstr "Improve HBCI error handling. Add more user feedback functions."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:941
-msgid "Wrap the new print-session apis."
-msgstr "Wrap the new print-session apis."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Add support for KtoBlzCheck, a small checking package for destination "
+#~ "account numbers for German banks. Very small, very useful http://"
+#~ "sourceforge.net/projects/ktoblzcheck"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Add support for KtoBlzCheck, a small checking package for destination "
+#~ "account numbers for German banks. Very small, very useful http://"
+#~ "sourceforge.net/projects/ktoblzcheck"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:942
-msgid ""
-"Modify the AC_GWRAP_CHECK_GUILE() macro to take an argument, the g-wrap "
-"module directory.  Then actually test that the g-wrap module loads.  This "
-"should detect systems without slib installed."
-msgstr ""
-"Modify the AC_GWRAP_CHECK_GUILE() macro to take an argument, the g-wrap "
-"module directory.  Then actually test that the g-wrap module loads.  This "
-"should detect systems without slib installed."
+#~ msgid "TRANSLATION_HOWTO: Added, by Jon Lapham"
+#~ msgstr "TRANSLATION_HOWTO: Added, by Jon Lapham"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:943
-msgid "New gwrap check macro"
-msgstr "New gwrap check macro"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Add API to the plugin modules to allow post-processing (scrubbing) of the "
+#~ "book after it is loaded from XML.  This allows a plug-in to post-process "
+#~ "the complete book."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Add API to the plugin modules to allow post-processing (scrubbing) of the "
+#~ "book after it is loaded from XML.  This allows a plug-in to post-process "
+#~ "the complete book."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:944
-msgid "Deal properly when there are no prices for a commodity."
-msgstr "Deal properly when there are no prices for a commodity."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Create a scrub function to clear up bogus tax tables due to a bug which "
+#~ "could cause tax tables to get created ad-nausium if you post and then "
+#~ "unpost an invoice."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Create a scrub function to clear up bogus tax tables due to a bug which "
+#~ "could cause tax tables to get created ad-nausium if you post and then "
+#~ "unpost an invoice."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:945
-msgid ""
-"Supply a start date (as well as an end date) and don't print invoices that "
-"occur prior to the start date or after the end date. The aging information "
-"ignores the start date, but not the end date. This means the aging "
-"information will always be accurate through the end date (even if all the "
-"invoices and payments are not displayed)."
-msgstr ""
-"Supply a start date (as well as an end date) and don't print invoices that "
-"occur prior to the start date or after the end date. The aging information "
-"ignores the start date, but not the end date. This means the aging "
-"information will always be accurate through the end date (even if all the "
-"invoices and payments are not displayed)."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Create a scrub function to clear up bogus bill terms due to a bug which "
+#~ "could cause bill terms to get created due to post/unpost of invoices."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Create a scrub function to clear up bogus bill terms due to a bug which "
+#~ "could cause bill terms to get created due to post/unpost of invoices."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:946
-msgid ""
-"Limit the itemized invoices/payments to the start/end date range, but print "
-"out a &quot;Balance&quot; line if there is a non-zero balance as of the "
-"start date."
-msgstr ""
-"Limit the itemized invoices/payments to the start/end date range, but print "
-"out a &quot;Balance&quot; line if there is a non-zero balance as of the "
-"start date."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Enable the exchange-rate dialog on &quot;search ledger&quot; registers."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Enable the exchange-rate dialog on &quot;search ledger&quot; registers."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:947
-msgid ""
-"Nikos Charonitakis's account chart updates: added new carloan account chart, "
-"updated account chart."
-msgstr ""
-"Nikos Charonitakis's account chart updates: added new carloan account chart, "
-"updated account chart."
+#~ msgid "Raise the import window after choosing a file."
+#~ msgstr "Raise the import window after choosing a file."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:948
-msgid ""
-"Use the correct columns when printing the Gain column, don't reuse the same "
-"column as profit; we want to report different values."
-msgstr ""
-"Use the correct columns when printing the Gain column, don't reuse the same "
-"column as profit; we want to report different values."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Change dialog statements to allow for embedded percent signs in the "
+#~ "messages. In other words, don't allow user input into the format string "
+#~ "of a printf."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Change dialog statements to allow for embedded percent signs in the "
+#~ "messages. In other words, don't allow user input into the format string "
+#~ "of a printf."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:949
-msgid ""
-"Don't let the user do anything with the options dialog until Apply() "
-msgstr ""
-"Don't let the user do anything with the options dialog until Apply() "
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Change how the billterms option menu is used so it will change properly "
+#~ "if you change the invoice's owner."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Change how the billterms option menu is used so it will change properly "
+#~ "if you change the invoice's owner."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:950
-msgid "Had the wrong number of arguments in gnc:account-get-balance-at-date"
-msgstr "Had the wrong number of arguments in gnc:account-get-balance-at-date"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Don't use gnc:reverse-account-balance? to determine whether to reverse "
+#~ "the balance -- base it purely on the report type."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Don't use gnc:reverse-account-balance? to determine whether to reverse "
+#~ "the balance -- base it purely on the report type."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:951
-msgid ""
-"Add some (commented out) code to support a start date for computing the Net "
-"Income (aka Net Profit) in the Balance Sheet."
-msgstr ""
-"Add some (commented out) code to support a start date for computing the Net "
-"Income (aka Net Profit) in the Balance Sheet."
+#~ msgid "Fix gncBillTermCopy() so it PROPERLY copies the bill term."
+#~ msgstr "Fix gncBillTermCopy() so it PROPERLY copies the bill term."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:952
-msgid ""
-"Move the instantiation of File -&gt; Properties into main-window.scm (out of "
-"business-gnome.scm) for future cases where we might decide to ship the "
-"business modules separately."
-msgstr ""
-"Move the instantiation of File -&gt; Properties into main-window.scm (out of "
-"business-gnome.scm) for future cases where we might decide to ship the "
-"business modules separately."
+#~ msgid "Tolerate some HBCI banks failure of the GetSystemId-job."
+#~ msgstr "Tolerate some HBCI banks failure of the GetSystemId-job."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:953
-msgid "Fix the ofx test program to make sure it links on many weird platforms."
-msgstr ""
-"Fix the ofx test program to make sure it links on many weird platforms."
+#~ msgid "Don't allow selection of directory for save file."
+#~ msgstr "Don't allow selection of directory for save file."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:954
-msgid ""
-"When we are asked to reload the report, queue the request, queue a draw "
-"event, and then return immediately. When the draw event happens, load the "
-"report then.  This lets you hit Apply and then OK before the report finishes "
-msgstr ""
-"When we are asked to reload the report, queue the request, queue a draw "
-"event, and then return immediately. When the draw event happens, load the "
-"report then.  This lets you hit Apply and then OK before the report finishes "
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Add fancy-invoice report, to show what else is possible.  It's not really "
+#~ "useful per se, but it is another example for users. To be useful it "
+#~ "requires some custom editing."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Add fancy-invoice report, to show what else is possible.  It's not really "
+#~ "useful per se, but it is another example for users. To be useful it "
+#~ "requires some custom editing."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:955
-msgid "Make sure we can find libofx/libofx.h"
-msgstr "Make sure we can find libofx/libofx.h"
+#~ msgid "Limit the commodity choices based upon the current account type."
+#~ msgstr "Limit the commodity choices based upon the current account type."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:956
-msgid "Include split transactions in the filtering of the transaction report."
-msgstr "Include split transactions in the filtering of the transaction report."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Add a new argument to the dialog creation functions to specify what types "
+#~ "of commodities should be presented.Also tweak the title of the dialog "
+#~ "based upon this argument.  Remove the &quot;new&quot; button when the "
+#~ "dialog is limited strictly to currencies."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Add a new argument to the dialog creation functions to specify what types "
+#~ "of commodities should be presented.Also tweak the title of the dialog "
+#~ "based upon this argument.  Remove the &quot;new&quot; button when the "
+#~ "dialog is limited strictly to currencies."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:957
-msgid "Use a 'from' date to better compute the Net Income on the report."
-msgstr "Use a 'from' date to better compute the Net Income on the report."
+#~ msgid "Show the running balance column by default in the register report."
+#~ msgstr "Show the running balance column by default in the register report."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:958
-msgid ""
-"Change the default Search Operation for numerics from &quot;less "
-"than&quot;   to &quot;equals&quot; -- so by default you would search for an "
-"exact value."
-msgstr ""
-"Change the default Search Operation for numerics from &quot;less "
-"than&quot;   to &quot;equals&quot; -- so by default you would search for an "
-"exact value."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Annotate the window title to indicate whether a register is for a single "
+#~ "account or it includes all subaccounts."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Annotate the window title to indicate whether a register is for a single "
+#~ "account or it includes all subaccounts."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:959
-msgid ""
-"&quot;eval&quot; changed API on guile-1.6.  Use the existing API to convert "
-"a delta symbol to a delta time."
-msgstr ""
-"&quot;eval&quot; changed API on guile-1.6.  Use the existing API to convert "
-"a delta symbol to a delta time."
+#~ msgid "Change the register close dialog to include a cancel option."
+#~ msgstr "Change the register close dialog to include a cancel option."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:960
-msgid ""
-"Call eval with the right number of arguments based on early or late versions."
-msgstr ""
-"Call eval with the right number of arguments based on early or late versions."
+#~ msgid "Don't close the register if the user cancelled."
+#~ msgstr "Don't close the register if the user cancelled."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:961
-msgid ""
-"Change the date format string to be consistent with other places (e.g. the "
-"check print dialog) and use '%' instead of '~'."
-msgstr ""
-"Change the date format string to be consistent with other places (e.g. the "
-"check print dialog) and use '%' instead of '~'."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "If the user has manually entered an amount, then stop automatically "
+#~ "updated the amount when the date is changed."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "If the user has manually entered an amount, then stop automatically "
+#~ "updated the amount when the date is changed."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:962
-msgid ""
-"Make the Bill Due Days option selectable based on the setting of Notify "
-"Bills Due?"
-msgstr ""
-"Make the Bill Due Days option selectable based on the setting of Notify "
-"Bills Due?"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Refactor many HBCI functions to eventually enable queued processing of "
+#~ "several HBCI jobs."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Refactor many HBCI functions to eventually enable queued processing of "
+#~ "several HBCI jobs."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:963
-msgid "Don't crash if you remove the last entry and then add another one."
-msgstr "Don't crash if you remove the last entry and then add another one."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Add a &quot;retained earnings&quot; item under equity, and change the "
+#~ "title to include the start date (Balance Sheet report)."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Add a &quot;retained earnings&quot; item under equity, and change the "
+#~ "title to include the start date (Balance Sheet report)."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:964
-msgid ""
-"Deal with the case where the first transaction found for a particular "
-"company is a payment"
-msgstr ""
-"Deal with the case where the first transaction found for a particular "
-"company is a payment"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Don't print the &quot;handling-request&quot; messages when getting stock "
+#~ "quotes."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Don't print the &quot;handling-request&quot; messages when getting stock "
+#~ "quotes."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:965
-msgid "Also print out any overpayment in the total column."
-msgstr "Also print out any overpayment in the total column."
+#~ msgid "Display selected pixmap when opening an options window."
+#~ msgstr "Display selected pixmap when opening an options window."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:966
-msgid ""
-"Catch errors when running the child reports so we display the failed report "
-"backtrace but also display an error and continue with the multicolumn report."
-msgstr ""
-"Catch errors when running the child reports so we display the failed report "
-"backtrace but also display an error and continue with the multicolumn report."
+#~ msgid "Fix 'Save As' so it can write to non-existing files."
+#~ msgstr "Fix 'Save As' so it can write to non-existing files."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:979
-msgid "<b>Announcement:</b> GnuCash 1.8.3 Release"
-msgstr "<b>Announcement:</b> GnuCash 1.8.3 Release"
+#~ msgid "New data file should have same uid/gids original file."
+#~ msgstr "New data file should have same uid/gids original file."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:984
-msgid ""
-"The GnuCash team is pleased to announce the release of stable version 1.8.3."
-msgstr ""
-"The GnuCash team is pleased to announce the release of stable version 1.8.3."
+#~ msgid "Added Italian account templates by Lorenzo Cappelletti"
+#~ msgstr "Added Italian account templates by Lorenzo Cappelletti"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:986
-msgid "What's New in GnuCash 1.8.3?"
-msgstr "What's New in GnuCash 1.8.3?"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Change HBCI online transfer action so that first the gnucash Transaction "
+#~ "is created and only after that the HBCI connection is started. Necessary "
+#~ "for later implementation of offline queueing and multi-job execution."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Change HBCI online transfer action so that first the gnucash Transaction "
+#~ "is created and only after that the HBCI connection is started. Necessary "
+#~ "for later implementation of offline queueing and multi-job execution."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:988
-msgid ""
-"Updated translations: Italian, Swedish, Danish, British, Traditional "
-"Chinese, French, German, Tamil, Brazilian Portugese."
-msgstr ""
-"Updated translations: Italian, Swedish, Danish, British, Traditional "
-"Chinese, French, German, Tamil, Brazilian Portuguese."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Clarify the part of the HBCI setup about potentially adding HBCI accounts "
+#~ "manually."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Clarify the part of the HBCI setup about potentially adding HBCI accounts "
+#~ "manually."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:989
-msgid "Turn off the report-total by default"
-msgstr "Turn off the report-total by default"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Add a couple of extra checks to prevent crashing if the commodity "
+#~ "attached to a price quote has disappeared."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Add a couple of extra checks to prevent crashing if the commodity "
+#~ "attached to a price quote has disappeared."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:990
-msgid "The Euroland currency rates were inverted in the transfer dialog."
-msgstr "The Euroland currency rates were inverted in the transfer dialogue."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Provide a new warning message before deletion if a commodity has any "
+#~ "price quotes.  If the user deletes the commodity anyway, removed any "
+#~ "quotes are based on the commodity"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Provide a new warning message before deletion if a commodity has any "
+#~ "price quotes.  If the user deletes the commodity anyway, removed any "
+#~ "quotes are based on the commodity"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:991
-msgid ""
-"Chris Morgan's Bayesian Matching code, to match transactions based on "
-"Bayesian filtering of previously matched transactions."
-msgstr ""
-"Chris Morgan's Bayesian Matching code, to match transactions based on "
-"Bayesian filtering of previously matched transactions."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Enhance the get prices routine to handle a request with a NULL currency."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Enhance the get prices routine to handle a request with a NULL currency."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:992
-msgid ""
-"Fix a bug in the account name list when you you filtered down to no accounts "
-"it would ignore the filter."
-msgstr ""
-"Fix a bug in the account name list when you you filtered down to no accounts "
-"it would ignore the filter."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Fix a crash where removing items in the wrong order could cause &quot;Bad "
+#~ "Things&quot; to happen"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Fix a crash where removing items in the wrong order could cause &quot;Bad "
+#~ "Things&quot; to happen"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:993
-msgid ""
-"The Account Separator option was moved to the Accounts page, reference "
-msgstr ""
-"The Account Separator option was moved to the Accounts page, reference "
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Sort the bills before displaying them, so they appear in a consistent "
+#~ "order (by date due)."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Sort the bills before displaying them, so they appear in a consistent "
+#~ "order (by date due)."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:994
-msgid ""
-"Fix the keypress handlers so they work properly for both the text entry "
-"widget and the calendar popup widget."
-msgstr ""
-"Fix the keypress handlers so they work properly for both the text entry "
-"widget and the calendar popup widget."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Fix a bunch more rounding errors, and add more precision to the price."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Fix a bunch more rounding errors, and add more precision to the price."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:995
-msgid ""
-"Force the cursor to the first line of a transaction split before disabling "
-"&quot;double line&quot; mode in the register.  This prevents the register "
-"refresh code from trying to update a cell that is no longer visible."
-msgstr ""
-"Force the cursor to the first line of a transaction split before disabling "
-"&quot;double line&quot; mode in the register.  This prevents the register "
-"refresh code from trying to update a cell that is no longer visible."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Change the description and action of Invoice and Payment Transactions/"
+#~ "Splits, to make it easier to print a check off the posted transactions."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Change the description and action of Invoice and Payment Transactions/"
+#~ "Splits, to make it easier to print a check off the posted transactions."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:996
-msgid "Fix HBCI close-on-finished checkbutton."
-msgstr "Fix HBCI close-on-finished checkbutton."
+#~ msgid "Add Debit and Credit totals to Register report."
+#~ msgstr "Add Debit and Credit totals to Register report."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:997
-msgid "Add descriptions of new HBCI actions."
-msgstr "Add descriptions of new HBCI actions."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Differentiate between &quot;file is already locked&quot; and &quot;we "
+#~ "can't create the lockfile&quot; so we can let the user know."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Differentiate between &quot;file is already locked&quot; and &quot;we "
+#~ "can't create the lockfile&quot; so we can let the user know."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:998
-msgid "OpenBSD fixes by Todd T. Fries"
-msgstr "OpenBSD fixes by Todd T. Fries"
+#~ msgid "Fix the message to be more appropriate when we hit a READONLY error."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Fix the message to be more appropriate when we hit a READONLY error."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:999
-msgid "New report &quot;income vs. day of week&quot; by Andy Wingo"
-msgstr "New report &quot;income vs. day of week&quot; by Andy Wingo"
+#~ msgid "Various Postgres backend fixes"
+#~ msgstr "Various Postgres backend fixes"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1000
-msgid ""
-"Fix a couple strings to improve comments when owners and accounts are "
-"missing.  Direct the user to select them in the report options."
-msgstr ""
-"Fix a couple strings to improve comments when owners and accounts are "
-"missing.  Direct the user to select them in the report options."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Add button for manual adding of HBCI accounts. Requires latest OpenHBCI "
+#~ "0.9.13"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Add button for manual adding of HBCI accounts. Requires latest OpenHBCI "
+#~ "0.9.13"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1001
-msgid ""
-"When building the &quot;name + address&quot; string, check if the company "
-"name and contact name are the same and, if so, only print one of them."
-msgstr ""
-"When building the &quot;name + address&quot; string, check if the company "
-"name and contact name are the same and, if so, only print one of them."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Add saving of the HBCI_API so that bank's status changes will now be "
+#~ "remembered immediately."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Add saving of the HBCI_API so that bank's status changes will now be "
+#~ "remembered immediately."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1002
-msgid ""
-"Fix the glade settings so resizing the window will properly resize the "
-msgstr ""
-"Fix the glade settings so resizing the window will properly resize the "
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Add &quot;(Report)&quot; strings to the various columns displayed in the "
+#~ "report currency."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Add &quot;(Report)&quot; strings to the various columns displayed in the "
+#~ "report currency."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1003
-msgid ""
-"Save the entry cells before adding an it to the invoice, otherwise it won't "
-"get sorted properly."
-msgstr ""
-"Save the entry cells before adding an it to the invoice, otherwise it won't "
-"get sorted properly."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Set the date-entered on invoice transactions to &quot;now&quot; instead "
+#~ "of the post date.  This lets us know when an invoice was actually posted, "
+#~ "or a payment was actually made."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Set the date-entered on invoice transactions to &quot;now&quot; instead "
+#~ "of the post date.  This lets us know when an invoice was actually posted, "
+#~ "or a payment was actually made."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1004
-msgid "Add support in business code for the to-charge amount."
-msgstr "Add support in business code for the to-charge amount."
+#~ msgid "Support &quot;gain/loss&quot; balancing splits on stocks"
+#~ msgstr "Support &quot;gain/loss&quot; balancing splits on stocks"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1005
-msgid ""
-"Don't ask the user in the general case when making changes to entries.  "
-"Generally the user should be allowed to make whatever changes they want "
-"without being pestered."
-msgstr ""
-"Don't ask the user in the general case when making changes to entries.  "
-"Generally the user should be allowed to make whatever changes they want "
-"without being pestered."
+#~ msgid "Apply patch to fix a number of off-by-one bugs in the loan druid."
+#~ msgstr "Apply patch to fix a number of off-by-one bugs in the loan druid."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1006
-msgid "Guile-1.6 requires empty lists to be quoted."
-msgstr "Guile-1.6 requires empty lists to be quoted."
+#~ msgid "Adapted to latest gnucash-docs changes, by Jon Lapham"
+#~ msgstr "Adapted to latest gnucash-docs changes, by Jon Lapham"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1007
-msgid "Symbols are not strings in guile-1.6."
-msgstr "Symbols are not strings in guile-1.6."
+#~ msgid "Add code to read XML files with real namespace declarations."
+#~ msgstr "Add code to read XML files with real namespace declarations."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1008
-msgid "Fix &quot;WeekDelta&quot; and add TwoWeekDelta."
-msgstr "Fix &quot;WeekDelta&quot; and add TwoWeekDelta."
+#~ msgid "Make sure we define PWD, as not all shells define it properly."
+#~ msgstr "Make sure we define PWD, as not all shells define it properly."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1009
-msgid ""
-"Pop up a dialog if the user tries to transfer from a non-currency account, "
-"and don't let them do it."
-msgstr ""
-"Pop up a dialogue if the user tries to transfer from a non-currency account, "
-"and don't let them do it."
+#~ msgid "Workaround for multi-currency importing bug."
+#~ msgstr "Workaround for multi-currency importing bug."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1010
-msgid ""
-"Evaluate the date during get_predicate() in case the user just &quot;hit\n"
-"   return&quot; (and the auto-evaluate didn't happen)."
-msgstr ""
-"Evaluate the date during get_predicate() in case the user just &quot;hit\n"
-"   return&quot; (and the auto-evaluate didn't happen)."
+#~ msgid "Network Upgrade"
+#~ msgstr "Network Upgrade"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1012
-msgid "Fix crash during import of investment accounts."
-msgstr "Fix crash during import of investment accounts."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The internet connection on which www.gnucash.org and the gnucash.org mail "
+#~ "servers sit is being upgraded right now. The new line will have more "
+#~ "bandwidth, which should speed transfers.  Note that the IP address of the "
+#~ "website will be changing.  This change should be transparent to everyone; "
+#~ "however, if you have trouble accessing this site after that date, you may "
+#~ "want to try to flush your domain name cache.  If problems persist, please "
+#~ "contact the mailing lists."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "The internet connection on which www.gnucash.org and the gnucash.org mail "
+#~ "servers sit is being upgraded right now. The new line will have more "
+#~ "bandwidth, which should speed transfers.  Note that the IP address of the "
+#~ "website will be changing.  This change should be transparent to everyone; "
+#~ "however, if you have trouble accessing this site after that date, you may "
+#~ "want to try to flush your domain name cache.  If problems persist, please "
+#~ "contact the mailing lists."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1013
-msgid "Fixes for GCC 3.3 warnings"
-msgstr "Fixes for GCC 3.3 warnings"
+#~ msgid "<b>State of the GnuCash project,</b> a call for help"
+#~ msgstr "<b>State of the GnuCash project,</b> a call for help"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1014
-msgid "Fix HBCI user messages where chip cards were confused with key files."
-msgstr "Fix HBCI user messages where chip cards were confused with key files."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "<a href='mailto:bock at step.polymtl.ca'>Benoit Gr&eacute;goire</a> has "
+#~ "written an important document outlining some of the major issues for the "
+#~ "GnuCash project"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "<a href='mailto:bock at step.polymtl.ca'>Benoit Gr&eacute;goire</a> has "
+#~ "written an important document outlining some of the major issues for the "
+#~ "GnuCash project"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1015
-msgid "Adapt to latest changes in OpenHBCI CVS."
-msgstr "Adapt to latest changes in OpenHBCI CVS."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Please spend some time to read this document and contribute to the "
+#~ "discussion"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Please spend some time to read this document and contribute to the "
+#~ "discussion"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1016
-msgid "Applied Tomas Pospisek's patch to the transaction report."
-msgstr "Applied Tomas Pospisek's patch to the transaction report."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The internet connection on which www.gnucash.org and the gnucash.org mail "
+#~ "servers sit will be upgraded sometime after the week of July 23. The new "
+#~ "line will have more bandwidth, which should speed transfers. Note that "
+#~ "the IP address of the website will be changing. This change should be "
+#~ "transparent to everyone; however, if you have trouble accessing this site "
+#~ "after that date, you may want to try to flush your domain name cache."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "The internet connection on which www.gnucash.org and the gnucash.org mail "
+#~ "servers sit will be upgraded sometime after the week of July 23. The new "
+#~ "line will have more bandwidth, which should speed transfers. Note that "
+#~ "the IP address of the website will be changing. This change should be "
+#~ "transparent to everyone; however, if you have trouble accessing this site "
+#~ "after that date, you may want to try to flush your domain name cache."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1017
-msgid "Fix the description of gnc:mdi-show-progress."
-msgstr "Fix the description of gnc:mdi-show-progress."
+#~ msgid "<b>GnuCash on Slackware</b> Installation HOWTO"
+#~ msgstr "<b>GnuCash on Slackware</b> Installation HOWTO"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1018
-msgid "Enable changing the &quot;ID&quot; for different business objects."
-msgstr "Enable changing the &quot;ID&quot; for different business objects."
+#~ msgid "RJ marquette writes:"
+#~ msgstr "RJ marquette writes:"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1019
-msgid "Fix the percentage calculations so we don't get GtkCritical warnings."
-msgstr "Fix the percentage calculations so we don't get GtkCritical warnings."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "I've written a web page that may be helpful to Slackware users who want "
+#~ "to install GnuCash, and I thought you might want to link to it on the "
+#~ "GnuCash website. The URL is "
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "I've written a web page that may be helpful to Slackware users who want "
+#~ "to install GnuCash, and I thought you might want to link to it on the "
+#~ "GnuCash website. The URL is "
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1020
-msgid "Disable the test-scm-query-import test, since it breaks on guile-1.6"
-msgstr "Disable the test-scm-query-import test, since it breaks on guile-1.6"
+#~ msgid "<b>Announcement:</b> QOF: the Query Object Framework"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Announcement:</b> QOF: the Query Object Framework"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1021
-msgid "Move currency conversion to gnc-pricedb.c"
-msgstr "Move currency conversion to gnc-pricedb.c"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "I've just started the QOF &quot;Query Object Framework&quot; project on "
+#~ "sourceforge.  QOF consists of that part of the GnuCash engine that isn't "
+#~ "about accounting.  I started the project because I want to use the "
+#~ "GnuCash query framework in another project of mine (GnoTime), and after "
+#~ "thinking about it a bit, it seemed good to split it out into its own "
+#~ "component."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "I've just started the QOF &quot;Query Object Framework&quot; project on "
+#~ "sourceforge.  QOF consists of that part of the GnuCash engine that isn't "
+#~ "about accounting.  I started the project because I want to use the "
+#~ "GnuCash query framework in another project of mine (GnoTime), and after "
+#~ "thinking about it a bit, it seemed good to split it out into its own "
+#~ "component."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1022
-msgid "Improve report for stocks and funds not denominated in report currency."
-msgstr ""
-"Improve report for stocks and funds not denominated in report currency."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "QOF consists of Derek Atkin's Query objects, Rob Browning's KVP trees, "
+#~ "Bill Gribble's Numeric classes, Dave Peticolas' GUID's &amp; events, and "
+#~ "my own fractured Backend, books, &amp; sessions. For now, I plan to keep "
+#~ "the code in sync with GnuCash by hand. I'm not sure how things will play "
+#~ "out in the future; I have no immediate plans."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "QOF consists of Derek Atkin's Query objects, Rob Browning's KVP trees, "
+#~ "Bill Gribble's Numeric classes, Dave Peticolas' GUID's &amp; events, and "
+#~ "my own fractured Backend, books, &amp; sessions. For now, I plan to keep "
+#~ "the code in sync with GnuCash by hand. I'm not sure how things will play "
+#~ "out in the future; I have no immediate plans."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1023
-msgid ""
-"QIF imports don't assume that a date of the form XXXXXXXX is always "
-"YYYYMMDD. Make sure a 4-digit year &quot;makes sense&quot;"
-msgstr ""
-"QIF imports don't assume that a date of the form XXXXXXXX is always "
-"YYYYMMDD. Make sure a 4-digit year &quot;makes sense&quot;"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The really big deal in QOF is the query framework.  I think its unique: "
+#~ "there is no code out there that I can google that provides generic "
+#~ "structured query functions for generic objects, without forcing you to "
+#~ "use SQL.  I think QOF can fill an important need for programmers who "
+#~ "write apps that need to have reports, and are sophisticated enough to "
+#~ "realize they need queries, and yet are not ready to convert their app to "
+#~ "an SQL app."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "The really big deal in QOF is the query framework.  I think its unique: "
+#~ "there is no code out there that I can google that provides generic "
+#~ "structured query functions for generic objects, without forcing you to "
+#~ "use SQL.  I think QOF can fill an important need for programmers who "
+#~ "write apps that need to have reports, and are sophisticated enough to "
+#~ "realize they need queries, and yet are not ready to convert their app to "
+#~ "an SQL app."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1024
-msgid "Fix hbci and ofx test for handling --disable correctly."
-msgstr "Fix hbci and ofx test for handling --disable correctly."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The other big part of QOF is that it can act as a cache for an SQL "
+#~ "backend.  Note, however, that this part is 'under construcion'. Done "
+#~ "right, it should make it easy to add SQL support for the Business Objects "
+#~ "in GnuCash.  However, this work hasn't been started, and needs "
+#~ "volunteers.  In particular, I'm hoping that anyone who has contemplated "
+#~ "the SQL re-write for GnuCash can help in this area."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "The other big part of QOF is that it can act as a cache for an SQL "
+#~ "backend.  Note, however, that this part is 'under construcion'. Done "
+#~ "right, it should make it easy to add SQL support for the Business Objects "
+#~ "in GnuCash.  However, this work hasn't been started, and needs "
+#~ "volunteers.  In particular, I'm hoping that anyone who has contemplated "
+#~ "the SQL re-write for GnuCash can help in this area."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1025
-msgid "Fix openhbci macro again so that it uses a C check program."
-msgstr "Fix openhbci macro again so that it uses a C check program."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "QOF compiles on my box, but I haven't yet checked in all the Makefile.am "
+#~ "&amp; configure.in into CVS.  Hopefully, I'll have a version 0.1 out "
+#~ "shortly. If any of the regular GnuCash developers want developer access "
+#~ "on sourceforge, let me know."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "QOF compiles on my box, but I haven't yet checked in all the Makefile.am "
+#~ "&amp; configure.in into CVS.  Hopefully, I'll have a version 0.1 out "
+#~ "shortly. If any of the regular GnuCash developers want developer access "
+#~ "on sourceforge, let me know."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1026
-msgid "New gnucash-docs release (1.8.1)"
-msgstr "New gnucash-docs release (1.8.1)"
+#~ msgid "<b>Announcement:</b> GnuCash 1.8.4 Release"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Announcement:</b> GnuCash 1.8.4 Release"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1040
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The GnuCash team is pleased to announce the release of stable version "
+#~ "1.8.4."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "The GnuCash team is pleased to announce the release of stable version "
+#~ "1.8.4."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1045
-msgid ""
-"The GnuCash.org Server is back online, and should now be fully operational. "
-"However, there has been some data loss: if you subscribed (or unsubscribed) "
-"to any mailing list, between 12 December 2002 and 28 April 2003, your "
-"membership info has been lost. Furthermore, <b>all</b> configuration info "
-"for the German <tt>gnucash-de</tt> mailing list has been lost. (My sincerest "
-"apologies, Christian).  However, most of the mailing list archives should be "
-"intact (possibly excepting Jan-April 2003, which might be damaged).  All web "
-"pages should work at least as well as before, and all FTP site contents have "
-"been restored and should be fine. If you experience problems, please report "
-"them to me. <b>Mail is still not being delivered; investigating</b>"
-msgstr ""
-"The GnuCash.org Server is back online, and should now be fully operational. "
-"However, there has been some data loss: if you subscribed (or unsubscribed) "
-"to any mailing list, between 12 December 2002 and 28 April 2003, your "
-"membership info has been lost. Furthermore, <b>all</b> configuration info "
-"for the German <tt>gnucash-de</tt> mailing list has been lost. (My sincerest "
-"apologies, Christian).  However, most of the mailing list archives should be "
-"intact (possibly excepting Jan-April 2003, which might be damaged).  All web "
-"pages should work at least as well as before, and all FTP site contents have "
-"been restored and should be fine. If you experience problems, please report "
-"them to me. <b>Mail is still not being delivered; investigating</b>"
+#~ msgid "What's New in GnuCash 1.8.4?"
+#~ msgstr "What's New in GnuCash 1.8.4?"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1047
-msgid "So what happened?"
-msgstr "So what happened?"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Fix transfer dialog to not hang if OK button is clicked w/o filling in "
+#~ "dialog properly."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Fix transfer dialog to not hang if OK button is clicked w/o filling in "
+#~ "dialog properly."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1048
-msgid ""
-"It was the classic server-failure triple-whammy. This server has RAID disk "
-"mirrors to minimize down-time due to a failed disk, and is backed up nightly "
-"in order to safeguard against catastrophic data loss.  Hard-drive status was "
-"monitored with <tt>smartmontools</tt> and reported regularly with "
-"<tt>logcheck</tt>. So how could this belt-and-suspenders system be down so "
-"long, and result in lost data before its all over?"
-msgstr ""
-"It was the classic server-failure triple-whammy. This server has RAID disk "
-"mirrors to minimize down-time due to a failed disk, and is backed up nightly "
-"in order to safeguard against catastrophic data loss.  Hard-drive status was "
-"monitored with <tt>smartmontools</tt> and reported regularly with "
-"<tt>logcheck</tt>. So how could this belt-and-suspenders system be down so "
-"long, and result in lost data before its all over?"
+#~ msgid "Add HTML::Parser to the list of items checked/installed."
+#~ msgstr "Add HTML::Parser to the list of items checked/installed"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1050
-msgid ""
-"Over the last few months, <tt>smartmontools</tt> was reporting occasional "
-"disk status changes, but none of these seemed to be in the form of warnings, "
-"or had any hint of being dire. At the same time, there were increasing "
-"numbers of <tt>status error: status=0x58 { DriveReady SeekComplete "
-"DataRequest }</tt> messages showing up in the system log.  In mid-April, "
-"these messages started showing up at least hourly, and were coupled with the "
-"cryptic S.M.A.R.T. messages (it didn't help that I was running the older, "
-"more cryptic <tt>smartsuite</tt>, not the new, improved <tt>smartmontools</"
-"tt>).  Finally, the server locked up, waiting for a DMA to complete, that "
-"never would.  Reboot. Locks up. Reboot again, locks up (warlord calls by "
-"phone to point this out). I disabled DMA, went to PIO-mode for the disk in "
-"question, and things cleared up. I then made my first thinko: I concluded "
-"that one of my hard drives was on the verge of failing completely (the DMA "
-"should have clue-trained me in)."
-msgstr ""
-"Over the last few months, <tt>smartmontools</tt> was reporting occasional "
-"disk status changes, but none of these seemed to be in the form of warnings, "
-"or had any hint of being dire. At the same time, there were increasing "
-"numbers of <tt>status error: status=0x58 { DriveReady SeekComplete "
-"DataRequest }</tt> messages showing up in the system log.  In mid-April, "
-"these messages started showing up at least hourly, and were coupled with the "
-"cryptic S.M.A.R.T. messages (it didn't help that I was running the older, "
-"more cryptic <tt>smartsuite</tt>, not the new, improved <tt>smartmontools</"
-"tt>).  Finally, the server locked up, waiting for a DMA to complete, that "
-"never would.  Reboot. Locks up. Reboot again, locks up (warlord calls by "
-"phone to point this out). I disabled DMA, went to PIO-mode for the disk in "
-"question, and things cleared up. I then made my first thinko: I concluded "
-"that one of my hard drives was on the verge of failing completely (the DMA "
-"should have clue-trained me in)."
+#~ msgid "Updated translations:  Brazilian Portuguese, Czech, Italian, German"
+#~ msgstr "Updated translations:  Brazilian Portuguese, Czech, Italian, German"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1051
-msgid ""
-"I procured a replacement disk, and then made my second 'operator error':  I "
-"replaced the failing disk. My logic was this:  there are two disks in the "
-"raid array; both are exact duplicates of each other.  Therefore, if I "
-"replace the failed disk, the contents of the good disk will be restored onto "
-"the blank disk automatically. Easy as pie.  I've done it many times "
-"before.   It didn't work this time. Upon reboot, I got a gazillion <tt>fsck</"
-"tt>'ing errors, the file system was corrupted. In addition, I was getting a "
-"<i>lot</i> of <tt>status error: status=0x58 { DriveReady SeekComplete "
-"DataRequest }</tt> from what used to be the 'good' disk. I ploughed on."
-msgstr ""
-"I procured a replacement disk, and then made my second 'operator error':  I "
-"replaced the failing disk. My logic was this:  there are two disks in the "
-"raid array; both are exact duplicates of each other.  Therefore, if I "
-"replace the failed disk, the contents of the good disk will be restored onto "
-"the blank disk automatically. Easy as pie.  I've done it many times "
-"before.   It didn't work this time. Upon reboot, I got a gazillion <tt>fsck</"
-"tt>'ing errors, the file system was corrupted. In addition, I was getting a "
-"<i>lot</i> of <tt>status error: status=0x58 { DriveReady SeekComplete "
-"DataRequest }</tt> from what used to be the 'good' disk. I ploughed on."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Fix the &quot;View xxxbar&quot; menu items to track properly when a new "
+#~ "data file is opened. Consolidate the code for manipulating the View/"
+#~ "Statusbar and View/Summarybar menu items.  Work around a Gnome MDI bug as "
+#~ "best as possible."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Fix the &quot;View xxxbar&quot; menu items to track properly when a new "
+#~ "data file is opened. Consolidate the code for manipulating the View/"
+#~ "Statusbar and View/Summarybar menu items.  Work around a Gnome MDI bug as "
+#~ "best as possible."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1052
-msgid ""
-"At this time, I assumed that maybe both disks were bad, a reasonable "
-"assumption; these were the infamous IBM-lawsuit drives. I guessed that the "
-"raid array was hiding the badness from me: whenever one disk had trouble, "
-"the RAID would go to the other disk, and all was well in the kingdom, even "
-"though anarchy seethed just below the surface. Oh well.  I procured a second "
-"hard drive, and replaced that.  With more <tt>fsck</tt>'ing error in the "
-"process.  Then I notice that I'm still getting SeekComplete's in the syslog, "
-"even with the new disks. Now, the replacement disks are the same lawsuit-"
-"brand and model number as the old disks, so woe is me, this is my third "
-"mistake, I assume, incorrectly, that its the brand and model number, and get "
-"a new third disk.  When the errors don't abate, it suddenly becomes clear "
-"that its not the drives, its the controller or cable)."
-msgstr ""
-"At this time, I assumed that maybe both disks were bad, a reasonable "
-"assumption; these were the infamous IBM-lawsuit drives. I guessed that the "
-"raid array was hiding the badness from me: whenever one disk had trouble, "
-"the RAID would go to the other disk, and all was well in the kingdom, even "
-"though anarchy seethed just below the surface. Oh well.  I procured a second "
-"hard drive, and replaced that.  With more <tt>fsck</tt>'ing error in the "
-"process.  Then I notice that I'm still getting SeekComplete's in the syslog, "
-"even with the new disks. Now, the replacement disks are the same lawsuit-"
-"brand and model number as the old disks, so woe is me, this is my third "
-"mistake, I assume, incorrectly, that its the brand and model number, and get "
-"a new third disk.  When the errors don't abate, it suddenly becomes clear "
-"that its not the drives, its the controller or cable)."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The numeric test regex was broken and would fail on ALL numerics, causing "
+#~ "all imports to be of value zero."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "The numeric test regex was broken and would fail on ALL numerics, causing "
+#~ "all imports to be of value zero."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1054
-msgid ""
-"Now the fun and hacking begin.  Stay up til three AM playing the swap-the-"
-"cables-and-reboot game.  The failing controller was on the system planar "
-"('motherboard'), so there is no way to remove it; one can only play with "
-"BIOS settings. But BIOS (and the Linux kernel shares the blame) has this "
-"magic way of renumbering IDE drives when one plugs in or removes "
-"controllers, enables or disables controller ports, etc.  This can be "
-"overcome, but is a provides a steady stream of hurdles to jump: one must "
-"boot a rescue diskette first, then mount, then re-write the boot sector, "
-"then reboot, then edit <tt>/etc/fstab</tt>, and then try again. Over and "
-"over and over. It didn't help that my rescue diskette didn't have RAID on "
-"it: so that was one more thing to hack around.   Finally build a stable "
-"system, and now it comes time to restore the data files that were <tt>fsck</"
-"tt>'ed out of existence.  To restore <tt>/usr</tt>, I decide that reinstall "
-"of the OS is appropriate. I then restore the FTP site, which was badly "
-msgstr ""
-"Now the fun and hacking begin.  Stay up til three AM playing the swap-the-"
-"cables-and-reboot game.  The failing controller was on the system planar "
-"('motherboard'), so there is no way to remove it; one can only play with "
-"BIOS settings. But BIOS (and the Linux kernel shares the blame) has this "
-"magic way of renumbering IDE drives when one plugs in or removes "
-"controllers, enables or disables controller ports, etc.  This can be "
-"overcome, but is a provides a steady stream of hurdles to jump: one must "
-"boot a rescue diskette first, then mount, then re-write the boot sector, "
-"then reboot, then edit <tt>/etc/fstab</tt>, and then try again. Over and "
-"over and over. It didn't help that my rescue diskette didn't have RAID on "
-"it: so that was one more thing to hack around.   Finally build a stable "
-"system, and now it comes time to restore the data files that were <tt>fsck</"
-"tt>'ed out of existence.  To restore <tt>/usr</tt>, I decide that reinstall "
-"of the OS is appropriate. I then restore the FTP site, which was badly "
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Fix for creating new template transactions [from Scheduling existing "
+#~ "transactions], such that they have valid Posted dates."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Fix for creating new template transactions [from Scheduling existing "
+#~ "transactions], such that they have valid Posted dates."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1055
-msgid ""
-"Restore the mailing lists; no problems, only October 1998 was lost and "
-"restored.  Restore the website; only minor damage there. Then restore the "
-"mailing list subscriber info in <tt>/var/lib/mailman/lists</tt> ... Uhh ... "
-"whoops.  That directory was <i>not</i> backed up nightly.   I had falsely "
-"assumed that everything in <tt>/var/lib/mailman/lists</tt> was stuff that "
-"could be recovered by re-installing <tt>mailman</tt>.  I had no idea that it "
-"kept subscriber info there.  Mistake number four (number zero?): this "
-"critical directory was not one that was backed up nightly. I was lucky to "
-"find a December 2002 backup of it;  it could  have easily been December 2001 "
-"and then I really would have felt sorry."
-msgstr ""
-"Restore the mailing lists; no problems, only October 1998 was lost and "
-"restored.  Restore the website; only minor damage there. Then restore the "
-"mailing list subscriber info in <tt>/var/lib/mailman/lists</tt> ... Uhh ... "
-"whoops.  That directory was <i>not</i> backed up nightly.   I had falsely "
-"assumed that everything in <tt>/var/lib/mailman/lists</tt> was stuff that "
-"could be recovered by re-installing <tt>mailman</tt>.  I had no idea that it "
-"kept subscriber info there.  Mistake number four (number zero?): this "
-"critical directory was not one that was backed up nightly. I was lucky to "
-"find a December 2002 backup of it;  it could  have easily been December 2001 "
-"and then I really would have felt sorry."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Fix for existing/old data without posted dates.  If we encounter the "
+#~ "condition, fixup the transaction's Posted date to that of the Entered "
+#~ "date."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Fix for existing/old data without posted dates.  If we encounter the "
+#~ "condition, fixup the transaction's Posted date to that of the Entered "
+#~ "date."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1056
-msgid ""
-"Mistake five: turns out the backup machine had overflowed, and stopped "
-"making backups on 5 April.  Fortunately for me, not much has happened since "
-"5 April.   I hope this little story makes it clear that running a public web "
-"site in a professional manner can sometimes be a walk in the park, and "
-"sometimes guerilla warfare. BTW, yes, every now and then, this server is "
-"backed up to an off-site location, so that if the machine is stolen, or the "
-"house burns down, all is not lost."
-msgstr ""
-"Mistake five: turns out the backup machine had overflowed, and stopped "
-"making backups on 5 April.  Fortunately for me, not much has happened since "
-"5 April.   I hope this little story makes it clear that running a public web "
-"site in a professional manner can sometimes be a walk in the park, and "
-"sometimes guerilla warfare. BTW, yes, every now and then, this server is "
-"backed up to an off-site location, so that if the machine is stolen, or the "
-"house burns down, all is not lost."
+#~ msgid "Add LOT_IS_CLOSED and LOT_BALANCE query parameter methods"
+#~ msgstr "Add LOT_IS_CLOSED and LOT_BALANCE query parameter methods"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1058
-msgid ""
-"Also, BTW, my 'failed' disks are fine: once they were off the bad "
-"controller, the errors stopped. I am still eyeing them with suspicion, "
-"but ..."
-msgstr ""
-"Also, BTW, my 'failed' disks are fine: once they were off the bad "
-"controller, the errors stopped. I am still eyeing them with suspicion, "
-"but ..."
+#~ msgid "Fixes for 64-bit architectures."
+#~ msgstr "Fixes for 64-bit architectures."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1060
-msgid ""
-"Some lessons drawn from this, or rather some complaints, are documented at"
-msgstr ""
-"Some lessons drawn from this, or rather some complaints, are documented at"
+#~ msgid "Add gncQueryGetBooks() API to return list of books in a query."
+#~ msgstr "Add gncQueryGetBooks() API to return list of books in a query."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1067 www/oldnews.phtml:1081
-msgid "<b>SERVER OUTAGE:</b> Continuing File System Problems"
-msgstr "<b>SERVER OUTAGE:</b> Continuing File System Problems"
+#~ msgid "Add INVOICE_POST_LOT query parameter methods"
+#~ msgstr "Add INVOICE_POST_LOT query parameter methods"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1072
-msgid ""
-"The GnuCash Server is continuing to experience an assortment of problems, "
-"whose root cause is a set of failing hard drives and is masked by a faulty "
-"ide controller and/or ribbon cables. The drives have been replaced, and the "
-"ide controller has been replaced. However, in the process, data has been "
-"corrupted, and has not yet been restored."
-msgstr ""
-"The GnuCash Server is continuing to experience an assortment of problems, "
-"whose root cause is a set of failing hard drives and is masked by a faulty "
-"ide controller and/or ribbon cables. The drives have been replaced, and the "
-"ide controller has been replaced. However, in the process, data has been "
-"corrupted, and has not yet been restored."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Add an api to force an event even when events are suspended. Without such "
+#~ "an API, events can be lost if the event system is suspended when the "
+#~ "event comes in."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Add an api to force an event even when events are suspended. Without such "
+#~ "an API, events can be lost if the event system is suspended when the "
+#~ "event comes in."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1074
-msgid ""
-"The mailing lists appear to be broken, and I am attempting to fix this.  If "
-"you subscribed since April 4th, it is possible that your subscription is "
-"lost, and you may have to resubscribe.  Some of the mail archives got "
-"corrputed, and are permanantly lost (they were'nt being backed up due to "
-"backup configuration error).  Some of the ftp site may possibly be "
-"corrupted, I haven't yet had the time to restore the ftp site.  its possible "
-"that parts of the web site may be corrupted; I haven't yet restored the web "
-"site.  Please bear with, things should get fixed in a few days. If you are "
-"curious about the agony of dealing with this, see"
-msgstr ""
-"The mailing lists appear to be broken, and I am attempting to fix this.  If "
-"you subscribed since April 4th, it is possible that your subscription is "
-"lost, and you may have to resubscribe.  Some of the mail archives got "
-"corrputed, and are permanantly lost (they were'nt being backed up due to "
-"backup configuration error).  Some of the ftp site may possibly be "
-"corrupted, I haven't yet had the time to restore the ftp site.  its possible "
-"that parts of the web site may be corrupted; I haven't yet restored the web "
-"site.  Please bear with, things should get fixed in a few days. If you are "
-"curious about the agony of dealing with this, see"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Added gnucash wrappers around gnome-print's rotate, translate, gsave, and "
+#~ "grestore APIs.  All to allow sideways printing (by rotating the image)."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Added gnucash wrappers around gnome-print's rotate, translate, gsave, and "
+#~ "grestore APIs.  All to allow sideways printing (by rotating the image)."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1086
-msgid ""
-"The GnuCash Server is continuing to experience an assortment of problems, "
-"whose root cause is a set of failing hard drives.  The drives have been "
-"replaced, but problems remain.   The mailing lists appear to be broken, and "
-"I am attempting to fix this.  If you subscribed since April 4th, it is "
-"possible that your subscription is lost, and you may have to resubscribe.  "
-"Some of the mail archives got corrputed, and are permanantly lost (they "
-"were'nt being backed up due to backup configuration error).  Some of the ftp "
-"site may possibly be corrupted, I haven't yet had the time to restore the "
-"ftp site.  its possible that\n"
-"parts of the web site may be corrupted; I haven't yet restored the web "
-"site.  Please bear with, things should get fixed in a few days. If you are "
-"curious about the agony of dealing with this, see"
-msgstr ""
-"The GnuCash Server is continuing to experience an assortment of problems, "
-"whose root cause is a set of failing hard drives.  The drives have been "
-"replaced, but problems remain.   The mailing lists appear to be broken, and "
-"I am attempting to fix this.  If you subscribed since April 4th, it is "
-"possible that your subscription is lost, and you may have to resubscribe.  "
-"Some of the mail archives got corrputed, and are permanantly lost (they "
-"were'nt being backed up due to backup configuration error).  Some of the ftp "
-"site may possibly be corrupted, I haven't yet had the time to restore the "
-"ftp site.  its possible that\n"
-"parts of the web site may be corrupted; I haven't yet restored the web "
-"site.  Please bear with, things should get fixed in a few days. If you are "
-"curious about the agony of dealing with this, see"
+#~ msgid "Wrap the new print-session apis."
+#~ msgstr "Wrap the new print-session apis."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1094
-msgid "<b>Announcement:</b> GnuCash 1.8.1 Release"
-msgstr "<b>Announcement:</b> GnuCash 1.8.1 Release"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Modify the AC_GWRAP_CHECK_GUILE() macro to take an argument, the g-wrap "
+#~ "module directory.  Then actually test that the g-wrap module loads.  This "
+#~ "should detect systems without slib installed."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Modify the AC_GWRAP_CHECK_GUILE() macro to take an argument, the g-wrap "
+#~ "module directory.  Then actually test that the g-wrap module loads.  This "
+#~ "should detect systems without slib installed."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1099
-msgid ""
-"The GnuCash team is pleased to announce the release of stable version 1.8.1."
-msgstr ""
-"The GnuCash team is pleased to announce the release of stable version 1.8.1."
+#~ msgid "New gwrap check macro"
+#~ msgstr "New gwrap check macro"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1101
-msgid "What's New in GnuCash 1.8.1?"
-msgstr "What's New in GnuCash 1.8.1?"
+#~ msgid "Deal properly when there are no prices for a commodity."
+#~ msgstr "Deal properly when there are no prices for a commodity."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1104 www/oldnews.phtml:1155 www/oldnews.phtml:1264
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1331 www/oldnews.phtml:1409 www/oldnews.phtml:1507
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1548
-msgid ""
-"GnuCash now has the ability to automatically create and enter transactions, "
-"remind when a transaction is due, give a choice of entering a transaction or "
-"postponing it and remove an automated transaction after a certain period."
-msgstr ""
-"GnuCash now has the ability to automatically create and enter transactions, "
-"remind when a transaction is due, give a choice of entering a transaction or "
-"postponing it and remove an automated transaction after a certain period."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Supply a start date (as well as an end date) and don't print invoices "
+#~ "that occur prior to the start date or after the end date. The aging "
+#~ "information ignores the start date, but not the end date. This means the "
+#~ "aging information will always be accurate through the end date (even if "
+#~ "all the invoices and payments are not displayed)."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Supply a start date (as well as an end date) and don't print invoices "
+#~ "that occur prior to the start date or after the end date. The aging "
+#~ "information ignores the start date, but not the end date. This means the "
+#~ "aging information will always be accurate through the end date (even if "
+#~ "all the invoices and payments are not displayed)."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1115 www/oldnews.phtml:1163 www/oldnews.phtml:1417
-msgid ""
-"GnuCash is the first free software application to support the German Home "
-"Banking Computer Information protocol which includes statement download, "
-"initiate bank  transfers and direct debits."
-msgstr ""
-"GnuCash is the first free software application to support the German Home "
-"Banking Computer Information protocol which includes statement download, "
-"initiate bank  transfers and direct debits."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Limit the itemized invoices/payments to the start/end date range, but "
+#~ "print out a &quot;Balance&quot; line if there is a non-zero balance as of "
+#~ "the start date."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Limit the itemized invoices/payments to the start/end date range, but "
+#~ "print out a &quot;Balance&quot; line if there is a non-zero balance as of "
+#~ "the start date."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1117 www/oldnews.phtml:1165 www/oldnews.phtml:1274
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1342 www/oldnews.phtml:1419 www/oldnews.phtml:1558
-msgid ""
-"A brand new user help has been written which focuses on how to do tasks in  "
-"conjunction with a Tutorial and Concepts guide that gives the user "
-"background information on using GnuCash."
-msgstr ""
-"A brand new user help has been written which focuses on how to do tasks in  "
-"conjunction with a Tutorial and Concepts guide that gives the user "
-"background information on using GnuCash."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Nikos Charonitakis's account chart updates: added new carloan account "
+#~ "chart, updated account chart."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Nikos Charonitakis's account chart updates: added new carloan account "
+#~ "chart, updated account chart."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1121 www/oldnews.phtml:1169 www/oldnews.phtml:1423
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1521 www/oldnews.phtml:1562
-msgid ""
-"The GnuCash menu's have been redesigned to conform more with the new GNOME  "
-"Human Interface Guidelines."
-msgstr ""
-"The GnuCash menus have been redesigned to conform more with the new GNOME  "
-"Human Interface Guidelines."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Use the correct columns when printing the Gain column, don't reuse the "
+#~ "same column as profit; we want to report different values."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Use the correct columns when printing the Gain column, don't reuse the "
+#~ "same column as profit; we want to report different values."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1125
-msgid "Release of new stable version 1.8.1"
-msgstr "Release of new stable version 1.8.1"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Don't let the user do anything with the options dialog until Apply() "
+#~ "finishes."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Don't let the user do anything with the options dialog until Apply() "
+#~ "finishes."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1126
-msgid "Fixes for qif import crashes"
-msgstr "Fixes for qif import crashes"
+#~ msgid "Had the wrong number of arguments in gnc:account-get-balance-at-date"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Had the wrong number of arguments in gnc:account-get-balance-at-date"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1127
-msgid "Update translation po/it.po by Lorenzo Cappelletti"
-msgstr "Update translation po/it.po by Lorenzo Cappelletti"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Add some (commented out) code to support a start date for computing the "
+#~ "Net Income (aka Net Profit) in the Balance Sheet."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Add some (commented out) code to support a start date for computing the "
+#~ "Net Income (aka Net Profit) in the Balance Sheet."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1128
-msgid "Remove the tip that says that this is a development version."
-msgstr "Remove the tip that says that this is a development version."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Move the instantiation of File -&gt; Properties into main-window.scm (out "
+#~ "of business-gnome.scm) for future cases where we might decide to ship the "
+#~ "business modules separately."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Move the instantiation of File -&gt; Properties into main-window.scm (out "
+#~ "of business-gnome.scm) for future cases where we might decide to ship the "
+#~ "business modules separately."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1129
-msgid ""
-"Remove the &quot;development version&quot; string when running &quot;"
-"gnucash  --version&quot;"
-msgstr ""
-"Remove the &quot;development version&quot; string when running &quot;"
-"gnucash  --version&quot;"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Fix the ofx test program to make sure it links on many weird platforms."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Fix the ofx test program to make sure it links on many weird platforms."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1130
-msgid "Add heuristic for duplicate matching by check number."
-msgstr "Add heuristic for duplicate matching by check number."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "When we are asked to reload the report, queue the request, queue a draw "
+#~ "event, and then return immediately. When the draw event happens, load the "
+#~ "report then.  This lets you hit Apply and then OK before the report "
+#~ "finishes loading."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "When we are asked to reload the report, queue the request, queue a draw "
+#~ "event, and then return immediately. When the draw event happens, load the "
+#~ "report then.  This lets you hit Apply and then OK before the report "
+#~ "finishes loading."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1131
-msgid ""
-"Various bug fixes, remove Finance::Quote requirement for rpms built on RH 8.0"
-msgstr ""
-"Various bug fixes, remove Finance::Quote requirement for rpms built on RH 8.0"
+#~ msgid "Make sure we can find libofx/libofx.h"
+#~ msgstr "Make sure we can find libofx/libofx.h"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1145
-msgid "<b>Announcement:</b> GnuCash 1.8.0 Release"
-msgstr "<b>Announcement:</b> GnuCash 1.8.0 Release"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Include split transactions in the filtering of the transaction report."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Include split transactions in the filtering of the transaction report."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1150
-msgid ""
-"The GnuCash team is pleased to announce the release of stable version 1.8.0."
-msgstr ""
-"The GnuCash team is pleased to announce the release of stable version 1.8.0."
+#~ msgid "Use a 'from' date to better compute the Net Income on the report."
+#~ msgstr "Use a 'from' date to better compute the Net Income on the report."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1173
-msgid "Release of new stable version 1.8.0"
-msgstr "Release of new stable version 1.8.0"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Change the default Search Operation for numerics from &quot;less "
+#~ "than&quot;   to &quot;equals&quot; -- so by default you would search for "
+#~ "an exact value."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Change the default Search Operation for numerics from &quot;less "
+#~ "than&quot;   to &quot;equals&quot; -- so by default you would search for "
+#~ "an exact value."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1174
-msgid "Fix problem getting quotes from trustnet."
-msgstr "Fix problem getting quotes from trustnet."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "&quot;eval&quot; changed API on guile-1.6.  Use the existing API to "
+#~ "convert a delta symbol to a delta time."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "&quot;eval&quot; changed API on guile-1.6.  Use the existing API to "
+#~ "convert a delta symbol to a delta time."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1175
-msgid "Add new script that dumps all the data returned by F::Q for a stock."
-msgstr "Add new script that dumps all the data returned by F::Q for a stock."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Call eval with the right number of arguments based on early or late "
+#~ "versions."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Call eval with the right number of arguments based on early or late "
+#~ "versions."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1176
-msgid "Apply Bill Nottingham's patch to use db4/db_185.h"
-msgstr "Apply Bill Nottingham's patch to use db4/db_185.h"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Change the date format string to be consistent with other places (e.g. "
+#~ "the check print dialog) and use '%' instead of '~'."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Change the date format string to be consistent with other places (e.g. "
+#~ "the check print dialog) and use '%' instead of '~'."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1177
-msgid ""
-"Updated translations, po/en_GB.po by Nigel Titley, po/it.po by Lorenzo "
-msgstr ""
-"Updated translations, po/en_GB.po by Nigel Titley, po/it.po by Lorenzo "
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Make the Bill Due Days option selectable based on the setting of Notify "
+#~ "Bills Due?"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Make the Bill Due Days option selectable based on the setting of Notify "
+#~ "Bills Due?"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1178
-msgid "Fix HBCI problem with negative account balances."
-msgstr "Fix HBCI problem with negative account balances."
+#~ msgid "Don't crash if you remove the last entry and then add another one."
+#~ msgstr "Don't crash if you remove the last entry and then add another one."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1179
-msgid "Add preference (on advanced tab) to enable HBCI debug messages."
-msgstr "Add preference (on advanced tab) to enable HBCI debug messages."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Deal with the case where the first transaction found for a particular "
+#~ "company is a payment"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Deal with the case where the first transaction found for a particular "
+#~ "company is a payment"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1180
-msgid ""
-"Fix the Recurrence-Frequency example-calendar date calculation to show "
-"upcoming instances correctly."
-msgstr ""
-"Fix the Recurrence-Frequency example-calendar date calculation to show "
-"upcoming instances correctly."
+#~ msgid "Also print out any overpayment in the total column."
+#~ msgstr "Also print out any overpayment in the total column."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1181
-msgid "Add HBCI user messages about what is supported by the bank."
-msgstr "Add HBCI user messages about what is supported by the bank."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Catch errors when running the child reports so we display the failed "
+#~ "report backtrace but also display an error and continue with the "
+#~ "multicolumn report."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Catch errors when running the child reports so we display the failed "
+#~ "report backtrace but also display an error and continue with the "
+#~ "multicolumn report."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1182
-msgid "Fixes for gcc 3.x build problems with postgresql backend"
-msgstr "Fixes for gcc 3.x build problems with postgresql backend"
+#~ msgid "<b>Announcement:</b> GnuCash 1.8.3 Release"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Announcement:</b> GnuCash 1.8.3 Release"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1183
-msgid "Many more fixes for the postgresql backend"
-msgstr "Many more fixes for the postgresql backend"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The GnuCash team is pleased to announce the release of stable version "
+#~ "1.8.3."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "The GnuCash team is pleased to announce the release of stable version "
+#~ "1.8.3."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1184
-msgid ""
-"Fix the &quot;bill reminder&quot; so it doesn't create a query if there "
-"are   no payables accounts."
-msgstr ""
-"Fix the &quot;bill reminder&quot; so it doesn't create a query if there are "
-"no payables accounts."
+#~ msgid "What's New in GnuCash 1.8.3?"
+#~ msgstr "What's New in GnuCash 1.8.3?"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1185
-msgid ""
-"Fix some of the accounts in the tree to be more accurate to the real world."
-msgstr ""
-"Fix some of the accounts in the tree to be more accurate to the real world."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Updated translations: Italian, Swedish, Danish, British, Traditional "
+#~ "Chinese, French, German, Tamil, Brazilian Portugese."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Updated translations: Italian, Swedish, Danish, British, Traditional "
+#~ "Chinese, French, German, Tamil, Brazilian Portuguese."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1186
-msgid "Only set ReadOnly status for Invoices, not Payments."
-msgstr "Only set ReadOnly status for Invoices, not Payments."
+#~ msgid "Turn off the report-total by default"
+#~ msgstr "Turn off the report-total by default"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1187
-msgid "Fix several bugs in QIF importer"
-msgstr "Fix several bugs in QIF importer"
+#~ msgid "The Euroland currency rates were inverted in the transfer dialog."
+#~ msgstr "The Euroland currency rates were inverted in the transfer dialogue."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1188
-msgid "Recognize even more error codes from OpenHBCI."
-msgstr "Recognize even more error codes from OpenHBCI."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Chris Morgan's Bayesian Matching code, to match transactions based on "
+#~ "Bayesian filtering of previously matched transactions."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Chris Morgan's Bayesian Matching code, to match transactions based on "
+#~ "Bayesian filtering of previously matched transactions."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1189
-msgid ""
-"No longer assume that transaction with type OFX_OTHER are investment "
-msgstr ""
-"No longer assume that transaction with type OFX_OTHER are investment "
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Fix a bug in the account name list when you you filtered down to no "
+#~ "accounts it would ignore the filter."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Fix a bug in the account name list when you you filtered down to no "
+#~ "accounts it would ignore the filter."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1190
-msgid ""
-"Don't add income accounts to bills, or expense accounts to invoices.  This "
-"should help further reduce user confusion with what to do when entering "
-msgstr ""
-"Don't add income accounts to bills, or expense accounts to invoices.  This "
-"should help further reduce user confusion with what to do when entering "
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The Account Separator option was moved to the Accounts page, reference "
+#~ "correctly."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "The Account Separator option was moved to the Accounts page, reference "
+#~ "correctly."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1191 www/oldnews.phtml:1310 www/oldnews.phtml:1376
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1451 www/oldnews.phtml:1578
-msgid "Lots more bugfixes"
-msgstr "Lots more bugfixes"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Fix the keypress handlers so they work properly for both the text entry "
+#~ "widget and the calendar popup widget."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Fix the keypress handlers so they work properly for both the text entry "
+#~ "widget and the calendar popup widget."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1204
-msgid "<b>Announcement:</b> GnuCash Docs 1.7.8"
-msgstr "<b>Announcement:</b> GnuCash Docs 1.7.8"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Force the cursor to the first line of a transaction split before "
+#~ "disabling &quot;double line&quot; mode in the register.  This prevents "
+#~ "the register refresh code from trying to update a cell that is no longer "
+#~ "visible."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Force the cursor to the first line of a transaction split before "
+#~ "disabling &quot;double line&quot; mode in the register.  This prevents "
+#~ "the register refresh code from trying to update a cell that is no longer "
+#~ "visible."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1209
-msgid "The GnuCash team is pleased to announce GnuCash Docs version 1.7.8."
-msgstr "The GnuCash team is pleased to announce GnuCash Docs version 1.7.8."
+#~ msgid "Fix HBCI close-on-finished checkbutton."
+#~ msgstr "Fix HBCI close-on-finished checkbutton."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1212
-msgid "Updated in this version"
-msgstr "Updated in this version"
+#~ msgid "Add descriptions of new HBCI actions."
+#~ msgstr "Add descriptions of new HBCI actions."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1214
-msgid "Add patch from RedHat for db4 support"
-msgstr "Add patch from RedHat for db4 support"
+#~ msgid "OpenBSD fixes by Todd T. Fries"
+#~ msgstr "OpenBSD fixes by Todd T. Fries"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1215
-msgid "Copy of required portions of docbook-xsl 1.45"
-msgstr "Copy of required portions of docbook-xsl 1.45"
+#~ msgid "New report &quot;income vs. day of week&quot; by Andy Wingo"
+#~ msgstr "New report &quot;income vs. day of week&quot; by Andy Wingo"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1216
-msgid ""
-"Change to point at internal version of docbook-xsl 1.45 stylesheets. This "
-"fixes the problem of the stylesheets needing to go online to do the "
-"conversion from XML to HTML."
-msgstr ""
-"Change to point at internal version of docbook-xsl 1.45 stylesheets. This "
-"fixes the problem of the stylesheets needing to go online to do the "
-"conversion from XML to HTML."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Fix a couple strings to improve comments when owners and accounts are "
+#~ "missing.  Direct the user to select them in the report options."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Fix a couple strings to improve comments when owners and accounts are "
+#~ "missing.  Direct the user to select them in the report options."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1229
-msgid "German / Deutsch Mailing List"
-msgstr "German / Deutsch Mailing List"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "When building the &quot;name + address&quot; string, check if the company "
+#~ "name and contact name are the same and, if so, only print one of them."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "When building the &quot;name + address&quot; string, check if the company "
+#~ "name and contact name are the same and, if so, only print one of them."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1233
-msgid ""
-"A new mailing list for German speaking GnuCash users has been created: "
-"gnucash-de at gnucash.org. To subscribe, visit <a href='http://www.gnucash.org/"
-"listinfo/gnucash-de</a> and enter your email address there. You can choose "
-"whether you would like to receive the administrative emails in German or in "
-"English language."
-msgstr ""
-"A new mailing list for German speaking GnuCash users has been created: "
-"gnucash-de at gnucash.org. To subscribe, visit <a href='http://www.gnucash.org/"
-"listinfo/gnucash-de</a> and enter your email address there. You can choose "
-"whether you would like to receive the administrative emails in German or in "
-"English language."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Fix the glade settings so resizing the window will properly resize the "
+#~ "widgets."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Fix the glade settings so resizing the window will properly resize the "
+#~ "widgets."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1235
-msgid ""
-"This list is meant for discussions in German language about the general "
-"usage of GnuCash, as well as specific topics only relevant to German users "
-"(e.g. HBCI or German tax system)."
-msgstr ""
-"This list is meant for discussions in German language about the general "
-"usage of GnuCash, as well as specific topics only relevant to German users "
-"(e.g. HBCI or German tax system)."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Save the entry cells before adding an it to the invoice, otherwise it "
+#~ "won't get sorted properly."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Save the entry cells before adding an it to the invoice, otherwise it "
+#~ "won't get sorted properly."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1255
-msgid ""
-"<b>Announcement:</b> GnuCash 1.7.8 Release Candidate 3: &quot;Lil Devil&quot;"
-msgstr ""
-"<b>Announcement:</b> GnuCash 1.7.8 Release Candidate 3: &quot;Lil Devil&quot;"
+#~ msgid "Add support in business code for the to-charge amount."
+#~ msgstr "Add support in business code for the to-charge amount."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1260
-msgid ""
-"The GnuCash team is pleased to announce Release Candidate 2 version 1.7.8: "
-"&quot;Lil Devil&quot;."
-msgstr ""
-"The GnuCash team is pleased to announce Release Candidate 2 version 1.7.8: "
-"&quot;Lil Devil&quot;."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Don't ask the user in the general case when making changes to entries.  "
+#~ "Generally the user should be allowed to make whatever changes they want "
+#~ "without being pestered."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Don't ask the user in the general case when making changes to entries.  "
+#~ "Generally the user should be allowed to make whatever changes they want "
+#~ "without being pestered."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1261
-msgid "What's New in GnuCash 1.7.8?"
-msgstr "What's New in GnuCash 1.7.8?"
+#~ msgid "Guile-1.6 requires empty lists to be quoted."
+#~ msgstr "Guile-1.6 requires empty lists to be quoted."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1265
-msgid "Mortgage &amp; Loan Repayment Druid:"
-msgstr "Mortgage &amp; Loan Repayment Druid:"
+#~ msgid "Symbols are not strings in guile-1.6."
+#~ msgstr "Symbols are not strings in guile-1.6."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1282
-msgid "Welcome to Release Candidate 3"
-msgstr "Welcome to Release Candidate 3"
+#~ msgid "Fix &quot;WeekDelta&quot; and add TwoWeekDelta."
+#~ msgstr "Fix &quot;WeekDelta&quot; and add TwoWeekDelta."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1283
-msgid "Fixed build issues introduced in last release"
-msgstr "Fixed build issues introduced in last release"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Pop up a dialog if the user tries to transfer from a non-currency "
+#~ "account, and don't let them do it."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Pop up a dialogue if the user tries to transfer from a non-currency "
+#~ "account, and don't let them do it."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1284
-msgid "Fix compile errors on SuSE 8.0 + 8.1"
-msgstr "Fix compile errors on SuSE 8.0 + 8.1"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Evaluate the date during get_predicate() in case the user just &quot;hit\n"
+#~ "   return&quot; (and the auto-evaluate didn't happen)."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Evaluate the date during get_predicate() in case the user just &quot;hit\n"
+#~ "   return&quot; (and the auto-evaluate didn't happen)."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1285
-msgid ""
-"Update translations, po/ru.po by Vitaly Lipatov, po/el.po by   "
-"ta_panta_rei at flashmail.com"
-msgstr ""
-"Update translations, po/ru.po by Vitaly Lipatov, po/el.po by   "
-"ta_panta_rei at flashmail.com"
+#~ msgid "Fix crash during import of investment accounts."
+#~ msgstr "Fix crash during import of investment accounts."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1286
-msgid "Ignore certain splits with an &quot;amount&quot; of zero."
-msgstr "Ignore certain splits with an &quot;amount&quot; of zero."
+#~ msgid "Fixes for GCC 3.3 warnings"
+#~ msgstr "Fixes for GCC 3.3 warnings"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1287
-msgid "Convert from the old to new symbols for Russian Roubles."
-msgstr "Convert from the old to new symbols for Russian Roubles."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Fix HBCI user messages where chip cards were confused with key files."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Fix HBCI user messages where chip cards were confused with key files."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1288
-msgid ""
-"Invoices change a couple of columns.  Enable viewing the &quot;taxable&quot; "
-"entry. Enable viewing all the tax accounts individually."
-msgstr ""
-"Invoices change a couple of columns.  Enable viewing the &quot;taxable&quot; "
-"entry. Enable viewing all the tax accounts individually."
+#~ msgid "Adapt to latest changes in OpenHBCI CVS."
+#~ msgstr "Adapt to latest changes in OpenHBCI CVS."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1289
-msgid "Scrub hbci include paths to prevent gcc 3.x compile errors."
-msgstr "Scrub hbci include paths to prevent gcc 3.x compile errors."
+#~ msgid "Applied Tomas Pospisek's patch to the transaction report."
+#~ msgstr "Applied Tomas Pospisek's patch to the transaction report."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1290
-msgid ""
-"Default the OFX import directory to the directory of the last OFX file "
-"imported, or the user's home dir for the first export. Remembered across "
-"invocations of gnucash."
-msgstr ""
-"Default the OFX import directory to the directory of the last OFX file "
-"imported, or the user's home dir for the first export. Remembered across "
-"invocations of gnucash."
+#~ msgid "Fix the description of gnc:mdi-show-progress."
+#~ msgstr "Fix the description of gnc:mdi-show-progress."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1291
-msgid ""
-"Default the save directory to the directory of the last file used. Default "
-"the exports directory to the directory of the last file exported, or the "
-"user's home dir for the first export. Remembered across invocations of "
-msgstr ""
-"Default the save directory to the directory of the last file used. Default "
-"the exports directory to the directory of the last file exported, or the "
-"user's home dir for the first export. Remembered across invocations of "
+#~ msgid "Enable changing the &quot;ID&quot; for different business objects."
+#~ msgstr "Enable changing the &quot;ID&quot; for different business objects."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1292
-msgid ""
-"Correctly handle the case where no stocks have been defined and the user "
-"asks gnucash to get price quotes."
-msgstr ""
-"Correctly handle the case where no stocks have been defined and the user "
-"asks gnucash to get price quotes."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Fix the percentage calculations so we don't get GtkCritical warnings."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Fix the percentage calculations so we don't get GtkCritical warnings."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1293
-msgid ""
-"Work around bug in ghttp library so that intl users whose whole units/"
-"fractions separator is a comma can request web pages."
-msgstr ""
-"Work around bug in ghttp library so that intl users whose whole units/"
-"fractions separator is a comma can request web pages."
+#~ msgid "Disable the test-scm-query-import test, since it breaks on guile-1.6"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Disable the test-scm-query-import test, since it breaks on guile-1.6"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1294
-msgid "Add &quot;Default Report Currency&quot; preference."
-msgstr "Add &quot;Default Report Currency&quot; preference."
+#~ msgid "Move currency conversion to gnc-pricedb.c"
+#~ msgstr "Move currency conversion to gnc-pricedb.c"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1295
-msgid "Set invoice currency based on owner's currency."
-msgstr "Set invoice currency based on owner's currency."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Improve report for stocks and funds not denominated in report currency."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Improve report for stocks and funds not denominated in report currency."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1296
-msgid "Use invoice's currency for printing the invoice."
-msgstr "Use invoice's currency for printing the invoice."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "QIF imports don't assume that a date of the form XXXXXXXX is always "
+#~ "YYYYMMDD. Make sure a 4-digit year &quot;makes sense&quot;"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "QIF imports don't assume that a date of the form XXXXXXXX is always "
+#~ "YYYYMMDD. Make sure a 4-digit year &quot;makes sense&quot;"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1297
-msgid ""
-"Make the progress bar argument a double instead of an int. This gets around "
-"an issue with guile 1.6."
-msgstr ""
-"Make the progress bar argument a double instead of an int. This gets around "
-"an issue with guile 1.6."
+#~ msgid "Fix hbci and ofx test for handling --disable correctly."
+#~ msgstr "Fix hbci and ofx test for handling --disable correctly."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1298
-msgid "Add a checkbox to search-for-all"
-msgstr "Add a checkbox to search-for-all"
+#~ msgid "Fix openhbci macro again so that it uses a C check program."
+#~ msgstr "Fix openhbci macro again so that it uses a C check program."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1299
-msgid ""
-"Changes to make the build system work on multiple architectures and with "
-"multiple versions of the autotools suite.  Make generated g-wrap sources "
-"depend on config.status."
-msgstr ""
-"Changes to make the build system work on multiple architectures and with "
-"multiple versions of the autotools suite.  Make generated g-wrap sources "
-"depend on config.status."
+#~ msgid "New gnucash-docs release (1.8.1)"
+#~ msgstr "New gnucash-docs release (1.8.1)"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1300
-msgid ""
-"Remove restriction on guile versions &gt; 1.4 Provide a version dependent "
-"load path variable for the SRFI location. (Empty in 1.6 since they're "
-"bundled with guile.)"
-msgstr ""
-"Remove restriction on guile versions &gt; 1.4 Provide a version dependent "
-"load path variable for the SRFI location. (Empty in 1.6 since they're "
-"bundled with guile.)"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1301
-msgid ""
-"Limit QIF matches against only the accounts in the old group, so we don't "
-"match against ourselves.  This should limit the matches to only &quot;"
-"reasonable&quot; matches."
-msgstr ""
-"Limit QIF matches against only the accounts in the old group, so we don't "
-"match against ourselves.  This should limit the matches to only &quot;"
-"reasonable&quot; matches."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The GnuCash.org Server is back online, and should now be fully "
+#~ "operational. However, there has been some data loss: if you subscribed "
+#~ "(or unsubscribed) to any mailing list, between 12 December 2002 and 28 "
+#~ "April 2003, your membership info has been lost. Furthermore, <b>all</b> "
+#~ "configuration info for the German <tt>gnucash-de</tt> mailing list has "
+#~ "been lost. (My sincerest apologies, Christian).  However, most of the "
+#~ "mailing list archives should be intact (possibly excepting Jan-April "
+#~ "2003, which might be damaged).  All web pages should work at least as "
+#~ "well as before, and all FTP site contents have been restored and should "
+#~ "be fine. If you experience problems, please report them to me. <b>Mail is "
+#~ "still not being delivered; investigating</b>"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "The GnuCash.org Server is back online, and should now be fully "
+#~ "operational. However, there has been some data loss: if you subscribed "
+#~ "(or unsubscribed) to any mailing list, between 12 December 2002 and 28 "
+#~ "April 2003, your membership info has been lost. Furthermore, <b>all</b> "
+#~ "configuration info for the German <tt>gnucash-de</tt> mailing list has "
+#~ "been lost. (My sincerest apologies, Christian).  However, most of the "
+#~ "mailing list archives should be intact (possibly excepting Jan-April "
+#~ "2003, which might be damaged).  All web pages should work at least as "
+#~ "well as before, and all FTP site contents have been restored and should "
+#~ "be fine. If you experience problems, please report them to me. <b>Mail is "
+#~ "still not being delivered; investigating</b>"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1302
-msgid ""
-"Remove &quot;user name&quot; and &quot;user address&quot; preferences, as "
-"they are no longer used by anything."
-msgstr ""
-"Remove &quot;user name&quot; and &quot;user address&quot; preferences, as "
-"they are no longer used by anything."
+#~ msgid "So what happened?"
+#~ msgstr "So what happened?"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1303
-msgid "Create a taxtable option type using the new generic option menu code"
-msgstr "Create a taxtable option type using the new generic option menu code"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "It was the classic server-failure triple-whammy. This server has RAID "
+#~ "disk mirrors to minimize down-time due to a failed disk, and is backed up "
+#~ "nightly in order to safeguard against catastrophic data loss.  Hard-drive "
+#~ "status was monitored with <tt>smartmontools</tt> and reported regularly "
+#~ "with <tt>logcheck</tt>. So how could this belt-and-suspenders system be "
+#~ "down so long, and result in lost data before its all over?"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "It was the classic server-failure triple-whammy. This server has RAID "
+#~ "disk mirrors to minimize down-time due to a failed disk, and is backed up "
+#~ "nightly in order to safeguard against catastrophic data loss.  Hard-drive "
+#~ "status was monitored with <tt>smartmontools</tt> and reported regularly "
+#~ "with <tt>logcheck</tt>. So how could this belt-and-suspenders system be "
+#~ "down so long, and result in lost data before its all over?"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1304
-msgid ""
-"Create a default customer and default vendor taxtable option for the &quot;"
-"File Properties&quot; option menu."
-msgstr ""
-"Create a default customer and default vendor taxtable option for the &quot;"
-"File Properties&quot; option menu."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Over the last few months, <tt>smartmontools</tt> was reporting occasional "
+#~ "disk status changes, but none of these seemed to be in the form of "
+#~ "warnings, or had any hint of being dire. At the same time, there were "
+#~ "increasing numbers of <tt>status error: status=0x58 { DriveReady "
+#~ "SeekComplete DataRequest }</tt> messages showing up in the system log.  "
+#~ "In mid-April, these messages started showing up at least hourly, and were "
+#~ "coupled with the cryptic S.M.A.R.T. messages (it didn't help that I was "
+#~ "running the older, more cryptic <tt>smartsuite</tt>, not the new, "
+#~ "improved <tt>smartmontools</tt>).  Finally, the server locked up, waiting "
+#~ "for a DMA to complete, that never would.  Reboot. Locks up. Reboot again, "
+#~ "locks up (warlord calls by phone to point this out). I disabled DMA, went "
+#~ "to PIO-mode for the disk in question, and things cleared up. I then made "
+#~ "my first thinko: I concluded that one of my hard drives was on the verge "
+#~ "of failing completely (the DMA should have clue-trained me in)."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Over the last few months, <tt>smartmontools</tt> was reporting occasional "
+#~ "disk status changes, but none of these seemed to be in the form of "
+#~ "warnings, or had any hint of being dire. At the same time, there were "
+#~ "increasing numbers of <tt>status error: status=0x58 { DriveReady "
+#~ "SeekComplete DataRequest }</tt> messages showing up in the system log.  "
+#~ "In mid-April, these messages started showing up at least hourly, and were "
+#~ "coupled with the cryptic S.M.A.R.T. messages (it didn't help that I was "
+#~ "running the older, more cryptic <tt>smartsuite</tt>, not the new, "
+#~ "improved <tt>smartmontools</tt>).  Finally, the server locked up, waiting "
+#~ "for a DMA to complete, that never would.  Reboot. Locks up. Reboot again, "
+#~ "locks up (warlord calls by phone to point this out). I disabled DMA, went "
+#~ "to PIO-mode for the disk in question, and things cleared up. I then made "
+#~ "my first thinko: I concluded that one of my hard drives was on the verge "
+#~ "of failing completely (the DMA should have clue-trained me in)."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1305
-msgid ""
-"Reset the search-type to &quot;New Search&quot; if we end up displaying no\n"
-"   results."
-msgstr ""
-"Reset the search-type to &quot;New Search&quot; if we end up displaying no\n"
-"   results."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "I procured a replacement disk, and then made my second 'operator error':  "
+#~ "I replaced the failing disk. My logic was this:  there are two disks in "
+#~ "the raid array; both are exact duplicates of each other.  Therefore, if I "
+#~ "replace the failed disk, the contents of the good disk will be restored "
+#~ "onto the blank disk automatically. Easy as pie.  I've done it many times "
+#~ "before.   It didn't work this time. Upon reboot, I got a gazillion "
+#~ "<tt>fsck</tt>'ing errors, the file system was corrupted. In addition, I "
+#~ "was getting a <i>lot</i> of <tt>status error: status=0x58 { DriveReady "
+#~ "SeekComplete DataRequest }</tt> from what used to be the 'good' disk. I "
+#~ "ploughed on."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "I procured a replacement disk, and then made my second 'operator error':  "
+#~ "I replaced the failing disk. My logic was this:  there are two disks in "
+#~ "the raid array; both are exact duplicates of each other.  Therefore, if I "
+#~ "replace the failed disk, the contents of the good disk will be restored "
+#~ "onto the blank disk automatically. Easy as pie.  I've done it many times "
+#~ "before.   It didn't work this time. Upon reboot, I got a gazillion "
+#~ "<tt>fsck</tt>'ing errors, the file system was corrupted. In addition, I "
+#~ "was getting a <i>lot</i> of <tt>status error: status=0x58 { DriveReady "
+#~ "SeekComplete DataRequest }</tt> from what used to be the 'good' disk. I "
+#~ "ploughed on."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1307
-msgid ""
-"Use the &quot;New Search Limit&quot; pref to decide when to start a new "
-"search vs. when refine the search."
-msgstr ""
-"Use the &quot;New Search Limit&quot; pref to decide when to start a new "
-"search vs. when refine the search."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "At this time, I assumed that maybe both disks were bad, a reasonable "
+#~ "assumption; these were the infamous IBM-lawsuit drives. I guessed that "
+#~ "the raid array was hiding the badness from me: whenever one disk had "
+#~ "trouble, the RAID would go to the other disk, and all was well in the "
+#~ "kingdom, even though anarchy seethed just below the surface. Oh well.  I "
+#~ "procured a second hard drive, and replaced that.  With more <tt>fsck</"
+#~ "tt>'ing error in the process.  Then I notice that I'm still getting "
+#~ "SeekComplete's in the syslog, even with the new disks. Now, the "
+#~ "replacement disks are the same lawsuit-brand and model number as the old "
+#~ "disks, so woe is me, this is my third mistake, I assume, incorrectly, "
+#~ "that its the brand and model number, and get a new third disk.  When the "
+#~ "errors don't abate, it suddenly becomes clear that its not the drives, "
+#~ "its the controller or cable)."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "At this time, I assumed that maybe both disks were bad, a reasonable "
+#~ "assumption; these were the infamous IBM-lawsuit drives. I guessed that "
+#~ "the raid array was hiding the badness from me: whenever one disk had "
+#~ "trouble, the RAID would go to the other disk, and all was well in the "
+#~ "kingdom, even though anarchy seethed just below the surface. Oh well.  I "
+#~ "procured a second hard drive, and replaced that.  With more <tt>fsck</"
+#~ "tt>'ing error in the process.  Then I notice that I'm still getting "
+#~ "SeekComplete's in the syslog, even with the new disks. Now, the "
+#~ "replacement disks are the same lawsuit-brand and model number as the old "
+#~ "disks, so woe is me, this is my third mistake, I assume, incorrectly, "
+#~ "that its the brand and model number, and get a new third disk.  When the "
+#~ "errors don't abate, it suddenly becomes clear that its not the drives, "
+#~ "its the controller or cable)."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1308
-msgid ""
-"Create two new global preferences: &quot;Notify Bills Due?&quot; and &quot;"
-"Bills Due Days&quot;"
-msgstr ""
-"Create two new global preferences: &quot;Notify Bills Due?&quot; and &quot;"
-"Bills Due Days&quot;"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Now the fun and hacking begin.  Stay up til three AM playing the swap-the-"
+#~ "cables-and-reboot game.  The failing controller was on the system planar "
+#~ "('motherboard'), so there is no way to remove it; one can only play with "
+#~ "BIOS settings. But BIOS (and the Linux kernel shares the blame) has this "
+#~ "magic way of renumbering IDE drives when one plugs in or removes "
+#~ "controllers, enables or disables controller ports, etc.  This can be "
+#~ "overcome, but is a provides a steady stream of hurdles to jump: one must "
+#~ "boot a rescue diskette first, then mount, then re-write the boot sector, "
+#~ "then reboot, then edit <tt>/etc/fstab</tt>, and then try again. Over and "
+#~ "over and over. It didn't help that my rescue diskette didn't have RAID on "
+#~ "it: so that was one more thing to hack around.   Finally build a stable "
+#~ "system, and now it comes time to restore the data files that were "
+#~ "<tt>fsck</tt>'ed out of existence.  To restore <tt>/usr</tt>, I decide "
+#~ "that reinstall of the OS is appropriate. I then restore the FTP site, "
+#~ "which was badly corrupted."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Now the fun and hacking begin.  Stay up til three AM playing the swap-the-"
+#~ "cables-and-reboot game.  The failing controller was on the system planar "
+#~ "('motherboard'), so there is no way to remove it; one can only play with "
+#~ "BIOS settings. But BIOS (and the Linux kernel shares the blame) has this "
+#~ "magic way of renumbering IDE drives when one plugs in or removes "
+#~ "controllers, enables or disables controller ports, etc.  This can be "
+#~ "overcome, but is a provides a steady stream of hurdles to jump: one must "
+#~ "boot a rescue diskette first, then mount, then re-write the boot sector, "
+#~ "then reboot, then edit <tt>/etc/fstab</tt>, and then try again. Over and "
+#~ "over and over. It didn't help that my rescue diskette didn't have RAID on "
+#~ "it: so that was one more thing to hack around.   Finally build a stable "
+#~ "system, and now it comes time to restore the data files that were "
+#~ "<tt>fsck</tt>'ed out of existence.  To restore <tt>/usr</tt>, I decide "
+#~ "that reinstall of the OS is appropriate. I then restore the FTP site, "
+#~ "which was badly corrupted."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1309
-msgid "Added sources needed for OS X to dist."
-msgstr "Added sources needed for OS X to dist."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Restore the mailing lists; no problems, only October 1998 was lost and "
+#~ "restored.  Restore the website; only minor damage there. Then restore the "
+#~ "mailing list subscriber info in <tt>/var/lib/mailman/lists</tt> ... "
+#~ "Uhh ... whoops.  That directory was <i>not</i> backed up nightly.   I had "
+#~ "falsely assumed that everything in <tt>/var/lib/mailman/lists</tt> was "
+#~ "stuff that could be recovered by re-installing <tt>mailman</tt>.  I had "
+#~ "no idea that it kept subscriber info there.  Mistake number four (number "
+#~ "zero?): this critical directory was not one that was backed up nightly. I "
+#~ "was lucky to find a December 2002 backup of it;  it could  have easily "
+#~ "been December 2001 and then I really would have felt sorry."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Restore the mailing lists; no problems, only October 1998 was lost and "
+#~ "restored.  Restore the website; only minor damage there. Then restore the "
+#~ "mailing list subscriber info in <tt>/var/lib/mailman/lists</tt> ... "
+#~ "Uhh ... whoops.  That directory was <i>not</i> backed up nightly.   I had "
+#~ "falsely assumed that everything in <tt>/var/lib/mailman/lists</tt> was "
+#~ "stuff that could be recovered by re-installing <tt>mailman</tt>.  I had "
+#~ "no idea that it kept subscriber info there.  Mistake number four (number "
+#~ "zero?): this critical directory was not one that was backed up nightly. I "
+#~ "was lucky to find a December 2002 backup of it;  it could  have easily "
+#~ "been December 2001 and then I really would have felt sorry."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1323
-msgid ""
-"<b>Announcement:</b> GnuCash 1.7.7 Release Candidate 2: &quot;It ain't easy, "
-"livin free&quot;"
-msgstr ""
-"<b>Announcement:</b> GnuCash 1.7.7 Release Candidate 2: &quot;It ain't easy, "
-"livin free&quot;"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Mistake five: turns out the backup machine had overflowed, and stopped "
+#~ "making backups on 5 April.  Fortunately for me, not much has happened "
+#~ "since 5 April.   I hope this little story makes it clear that running a "
+#~ "public web site in a professional manner can sometimes be a walk in the "
+#~ "park, and sometimes guerilla warfare. BTW, yes, every now and then, this "
+#~ "server is backed up to an off-site location, so that if the machine is "
+#~ "stolen, or the house burns down, all is not lost."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Mistake five: turns out the backup machine had overflowed, and stopped "
+#~ "making backups on 5 April.  Fortunately for me, not much has happened "
+#~ "since 5 April.   I hope this little story makes it clear that running a "
+#~ "public web site in a professional manner can sometimes be a walk in the "
+#~ "park, and sometimes guerilla warfare. BTW, yes, every now and then, this "
+#~ "server is backed up to an off-site location, so that if the machine is "
+#~ "stolen, or the house burns down, all is not lost."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1327
-msgid ""
-"The GnuCash team is pleased to announce Release Candidate 2 version 1.7.7: "
-"&quot;It ain't easy, livin free&quot;"
-msgstr ""
-"The GnuCash team is pleased to announce Release Candidate 2 version 1.7.7: "
-"&quot;It ain't easy, livin free&quot;"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Also, BTW, my 'failed' disks are fine: once they were off the bad "
+#~ "controller, the errors stopped. I am still eyeing them with suspicion, "
+#~ "but ..."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Also, BTW, my 'failed' disks are fine: once they were off the bad "
+#~ "controller, the errors stopped. I am still eyeing them with suspicion, "
+#~ "but ..."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1328
-msgid "What's New in GnuCash 1.7.7?"
-msgstr "What's New in GnuCash 1.7.7?"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Some lessons drawn from this, or rather some complaints, are documented at"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Some lessons drawn from this, or rather some complaints, are documented at"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1335
-msgid ""
-"GnuCash now can be used for Customer and Vendor tracking, Invoicing and Bill "
-" and using different Tax and Billing Terms in a small business."
-msgstr ""
-"GnuCash now can be used for Customer and Vendor tracking, Invoicing and Bill "
-" and using different Tax and Billing Terms in a small business."
+#~ msgid "<b>SERVER OUTAGE:</b> Continuing File System Problems"
+#~ msgstr "<b>SERVER OUTAGE:</b> Continuing File System Problems"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1350
-msgid "Welcome to Release Candidate 2"
-msgstr "Welcome to Release Candidate 2"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The GnuCash Server is continuing to experience an assortment of problems, "
+#~ "whose root cause is a set of failing hard drives and is masked by a "
+#~ "faulty ide controller and/or ribbon cables. The drives have been "
+#~ "replaced, and the ide controller has been replaced. However, in the "
+#~ "process, data has been corrupted, and has not yet been restored."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "The GnuCash Server is continuing to experience an assortment of problems, "
+#~ "whose root cause is a set of failing hard drives and is masked by a "
+#~ "faulty ide controller and/or ribbon cables. The drives have been "
+#~ "replaced, and the ide controller has been replaced. However, in the "
+#~ "process, data has been corrupted, and has not yet been restored."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1351
-msgid "Give the user better feedback on exactly what the exchange rate means."
-msgstr "Give the user better feedback on exactly what the exchange rate means."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The mailing lists appear to be broken, and I am attempting to fix this.  "
+#~ "If you subscribed since April 4th, it is possible that your subscription "
+#~ "is lost, and you may have to resubscribe.  Some of the mail archives got "
+#~ "corrputed, and are permanantly lost (they were'nt being backed up due to "
+#~ "backup configuration error).  Some of the ftp site may possibly be "
+#~ "corrupted, I haven't yet had the time to restore the ftp site.  its "
+#~ "possible that parts of the web site may be corrupted; I haven't yet "
+#~ "restored the web site.  Please bear with, things should get fixed in a "
+#~ "few days. If you are curious about the agony of dealing with this, see"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "The mailing lists appear to be broken, and I am attempting to fix this.  "
+#~ "If you subscribed since April 4th, it is possible that your subscription "
+#~ "is lost, and you may have to resubscribe.  Some of the mail archives got "
+#~ "corrputed, and are permanantly lost (they were'nt being backed up due to "
+#~ "backup configuration error).  Some of the ftp site may possibly be "
+#~ "corrupted, I haven't yet had the time to restore the ftp site.  its "
+#~ "possible that parts of the web site may be corrupted; I haven't yet "
+#~ "restored the web site.  Please bear with, things should get fixed in a "
+#~ "few days. If you are curious about the agony of dealing with this, see"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1352
-msgid ""
-"Better handling of corrupt XML data files. Print better error messages for "
-"unknown tags, or mismatched start/end tags."
-msgstr ""
-"Better handling of corrupt XML data files. Print better error messages for "
-"unknown tags, or mismatched start/end tags."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The GnuCash Server is continuing to experience an assortment of problems, "
+#~ "whose root cause is a set of failing hard drives.  The drives have been "
+#~ "replaced, but problems remain.   The mailing lists appear to be broken, "
+#~ "and I am attempting to fix this.  If you subscribed since April 4th, it "
+#~ "is possible that your subscription is lost, and you may have to "
+#~ "resubscribe.  Some of the mail archives got corrputed, and are "
+#~ "permanantly lost (they were'nt being backed up due to backup "
+#~ "configuration error).  Some of the ftp site may possibly be corrupted, I "
+#~ "haven't yet had the time to restore the ftp site.  its possible that\n"
+#~ "parts of the web site may be corrupted; I haven't yet restored the web "
+#~ "site.  Please bear with, things should get fixed in a few days. If you "
+#~ "are curious about the agony of dealing with this, see"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "The GnuCash Server is continuing to experience an assortment of problems, "
+#~ "whose root cause is a set of failing hard drives.  The drives have been "
+#~ "replaced, but problems remain.   The mailing lists appear to be broken, "
+#~ "and I am attempting to fix this.  If you subscribed since April 4th, it "
+#~ "is possible that your subscription is lost, and you may have to "
+#~ "resubscribe.  Some of the mail archives got corrputed, and are "
+#~ "permanantly lost (they were'nt being backed up due to backup "
+#~ "configuration error).  Some of the ftp site may possibly be corrupted, I "
+#~ "haven't yet had the time to restore the ftp site.  its possible that\n"
+#~ "parts of the web site may be corrupted; I haven't yet restored the web "
+#~ "site.  Please bear with, things should get fixed in a few days. If you "
+#~ "are curious about the agony of dealing with this, see"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1353
-msgid ""
-"When checking for gtkhtml-1.1, make the lack of pkg-config a fatal error. "
-"Also check for pkgconfig"
-msgstr ""
-"When checking for gtkhtml-1.1, make the lack of pkg-config a fatal error. "
-"Also check for pkgconfig"
+#~ msgid "<b>Announcement:</b> GnuCash 1.8.1 Release"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Announcement:</b> GnuCash 1.8.1 Release"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1354
-msgid "Updated translations, po/de.po"
-msgstr "Updated translations, po/de.po"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The GnuCash team is pleased to announce the release of stable version "
+#~ "1.8.1."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "The GnuCash team is pleased to announce the release of stable version "
+#~ "1.8.1."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1355
-msgid "Fix HBCI reparent warnings. Make the PIN dialog a bit nicer."
-msgstr "Fix HBCI reparent warnings. Make the PIN dialog a bit nicer."
+#~ msgid "What's New in GnuCash 1.8.1?"
+#~ msgstr "What's New in GnuCash 1.8.1?"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1356
-msgid "Fixes to Postgresql backend."
-msgstr "Fixes to Postgresql backend."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "GnuCash now has the ability to automatically create and enter "
+#~ "transactions, remind when a transaction is due, give a choice of entering "
+#~ "a transaction or postponing it and remove an automated transaction after "
+#~ "a certain period."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "GnuCash now has the ability to automatically create and enter "
+#~ "transactions, remind when a transaction is due, give a choice of entering "
+#~ "a transaction or postponing it and remove an automated transaction after "
+#~ "a certain period."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1357
-msgid ""
-"Changed the &quot;ALTER TABLE table ADD COLUMN...&quot; statements to "
-"conform to the current Postgres implementation (and SQL 92) standard by "
-"putting the DEFAULT modifier in a separate ALTER statement. This was "
-"reported by Christopher B. Browne."
-msgstr ""
-"Changed the &quot;ALTER TABLE table ADD COLUMN...&quot; statements to "
-"conform to the current Postgres implementation (and SQL 92) standard by "
-"putting the DEFAULT modifier in a separate ALTER statement. This was "
-"reported by Christopher B. Browne."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "GnuCash is the first free software application to support the German Home "
+#~ "Banking Computer Information protocol which includes statement download, "
+#~ "initiate bank  transfers and direct debits."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "GnuCash is the first free software application to support the German Home "
+#~ "Banking Computer Information protocol which includes statement download, "
+#~ "initiate bank  transfers and direct debits."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1358
-msgid "Implement unpost function in invoices."
-msgstr "Implement unpost function in invoices."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "A brand new user help has been written which focuses on how to do tasks "
+#~ "in  conjunction with a Tutorial and Concepts guide that gives the user "
+#~ "background information on using GnuCash."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "A brand new user help has been written which focuses on how to do tasks "
+#~ "in  conjunction with a Tutorial and Concepts guide that gives the user "
+#~ "background information on using GnuCash."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1359
-msgid ""
-"Correctly open a help window when the initial URL contains a label component "
-"to it."
-msgstr ""
-"Correctly open a help window when the initial URL contains a label component "
-"to it."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The GnuCash menu's have been redesigned to conform more with the new "
+#~ "GNOME  Human Interface Guidelines."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "The GnuCash menus have been redesigned to conform more with the new "
+#~ "GNOME  Human Interface Guidelines."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1360
-msgid ""
-"Make the reconciliation window respect the 'include subaccount' flag any "
-"time it opens a register.  Consolidate logic for opening a new register. "
-"Enhance the reconciliation start window to update the ending value when this "
-"flag is changed."
-msgstr ""
-"Make the reconciliation window respect the 'include subaccount' flag any "
-"time it opens a register.  Consolidate logic for opening a new register. "
-"Enhance the reconciliation start window to update the ending value when this "
-"flag is changed."
+#~ msgid "Release of new stable version 1.8.1"
+#~ msgstr "Release of new stable version 1.8.1"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1361
-msgid ""
-"If the amount is monetary, map the keypad decimal key to the correct decimal "
-"character for the locale."
-msgstr ""
-"If the amount is monetary, map the keypad decimal key to the correct decimal "
-"character for the locale."
+#~ msgid "Fixes for qif import crashes"
+#~ msgstr "Fixes for qif import crashes"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1362
-msgid "Fix malformed URLs for bringing up a report options window."
-msgstr "Fix malformed URLs for bringing up a report options window."
+#~ msgid "Update translation po/it.po by Lorenzo Cappelletti"
+#~ msgstr "Update translation po/it.po by Lorenzo Cappelletti"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1363
-msgid "Add new option for specifying sort critera for piecharts and barcharts."
-msgstr ""
-"Add new option for specifying sort critera for piecharts and barcharts."
+#~ msgid "Remove the tip that says that this is a development version."
+#~ msgstr "Remove the tip that says that this is a development version."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1364
-msgid ""
-"The report title should change when the report name field is changed in the "
-msgstr ""
-"The report title should change when the report name field is changed in the "
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Remove the &quot;development version&quot; string when running &quot;"
+#~ "gnucash  --version&quot;"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Remove the &quot;development version&quot; string when running &quot;"
+#~ "gnucash  --version&quot;"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1365
-msgid ""
-"Add a smart function for going &quot;back&quot; from the &quot;load a "
-"file&quot; page. If there are any files loaded it returns to the &quot;"
-"loaded files&quot; page instead of the initial druid page."
-msgstr ""
-"Add a smart function for going &quot;back&quot; from the &quot;load a "
-"file&quot; page. If there are any files loaded it returns to the &quot;"
-"loaded files&quot; page instead of the initial druid page."
+#~ msgid "Add heuristic for duplicate matching by check number."
+#~ msgstr "Add heuristic for duplicate matching by check number."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1366
-msgid "Add support for i18n of price source strings."
-msgstr "Add support for i18n of price source strings."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Various bug fixes, remove Finance::Quote requirement for rpms built on RH "
+#~ "8.0"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Various bug fixes, remove Finance::Quote requirement for rpms built on RH "
+#~ "8.0"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1367
-msgid "Add icons to gtk only windows."
-msgstr "Add icons to gtk only windows."
+#~ msgid "<b>Announcement:</b> GnuCash 1.8.0 Release"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Announcement:</b> GnuCash 1.8.0 Release"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1368
-msgid ""
-"Search on NOTES add code to prevent searching on template-txn accounts so "
-"SXes don't show up in find results."
-msgstr ""
-"Search on NOTES add code to prevent searching on template-txn accounts so "
-"SXes don't show up in find results."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The GnuCash team is pleased to announce the release of stable version "
+#~ "1.8.0."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "The GnuCash team is pleased to announce the release of stable version "
+#~ "1.8.0."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1369
-msgid ""
-"Create a 'file compression' option and pass the data into the backend. This "
-"is an option in the preferences."
-msgstr ""
-"Create a 'file compression' option and pass the data into the backend. This "
-"is an option in the preferences."
+#~ msgid "Release of new stable version 1.8.0"
+#~ msgstr "Release of new stable version 1.8.0"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1370
-msgid "Provide a simple checkbook set of accounts"
-msgstr "Provide a simple checkbook set of accounts"
+#~ msgid "Fix problem getting quotes from trustnet."
+#~ msgstr "Fix problem getting quotes from trustnet."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1371
-msgid ""
-"When editing an exchange rate, always change the _VALUE_ of the split, not "
-"the amount.  This has the affect of keeping the visible number the same and "
-"changing the &quot;other&quot; account."
-msgstr ""
-"When editing an exchange rate, always change the _VALUE_ of the split, not "
-"the amount.  This has the affect of keeping the visible number the same and "
-"changing the &quot;other&quot; account."
+#~ msgid "Add new script that dumps all the data returned by F::Q for a stock."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Add new script that dumps all the data returned by F::Q for a stock."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1372
-msgid "Add a set of business accounts to the account setup"
-msgstr "Add a set of business accounts to the account setup"
+#~ msgid "Apply Bill Nottingham's patch to use db4/db_185.h"
+#~ msgstr "Apply Bill Nottingham's patch to use db4/db_185.h"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1373
-msgid "Give a much higher importance to the date heuristics in the OFX import."
-msgstr ""
-"Give a much higher importance to the date heuristics in the OFX import."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Updated translations, po/en_GB.po by Nigel Titley, po/it.po by Lorenzo "
+#~ "Cappelletti"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Updated translations, po/en_GB.po by Nigel Titley, po/it.po by Lorenzo "
+#~ "Cappelletti"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1374
-msgid ""
-"Disable skipping transactions which already have an online id during "
-"matching, untill a fix for the &quot;transfer between two accounts&quot; bug "
-"is properly fixed."
-msgstr ""
-"Disable skipping transactions which already have an online id during "
-"matching, untill a fix for the &quot;transfer between two accounts&quot; bug "
-"is properly fixed."
+#~ msgid "Fix HBCI problem with negative account balances."
+#~ msgstr "Fix HBCI problem with negative account balances."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1375
-msgid "Large set of fixes to the build system by John H. Pierce"
-msgstr "Large set of fixes to the build system by John H. Pierce"
+#~ msgid "Add preference (on advanced tab) to enable HBCI debug messages."
+#~ msgstr "Add preference (on advanced tab) to enable HBCI debug messages."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1394
-msgid ""
-"GnoTime, the Gnome Time Tracker, is a to-do list manager. It has a built in "
-"project timer to keep track of the time spent on a project, and an invoicing "
-"system for billing time &amp; services. GnoTime is the Gnome2 port of GTT "
-"from the gnome-utils package. It now has its own dedicated <a href=\"http://"
-"gttr.sourceforge.net\">web page</a> and <a href=\"http://sourceforge.net/"
-"projects/gttr/\">sourceforge project site</a>."
-msgstr ""
-"GnoTime, the Gnome Time Tracker, is a to-do list manager. It has a built in "
-"project timer to keep track of the time spent on a project, and an invoicing "
-"system for billing time &amp; services. GnoTime is the Gnome2 port of GTT "
-"from the gnome-utils package. It now has its own dedicated <a href=\"http://"
-"gttr.sourceforge.net\">web page</a> and <a href=\"http://sourceforge.net/"
-"projects/gttr/\">sourceforge project site</a>."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Fix the Recurrence-Frequency example-calendar date calculation to show "
+#~ "upcoming instances correctly."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Fix the Recurrence-Frequency example-calendar date calculation to show "
+#~ "upcoming instances correctly."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1396
-msgid ""
-"We are proud to announce the first 'stable' release of Gnotime: version "
-"2.1.1. It is available for download at the above sites. This version does "
-"everything that the gnome-utils-1.4 version did, except that it has a few "
-"more features and a few less bugs. In particular, the crash problems that "
-"plagued the earlier version are now fixed."
-msgstr ""
-"We are proud to announce the first 'stable' release of Gnotime: version "
-"2.1.1. It is available for download at the above sites. This version does "
-"everything that the gnome-utils-1.4 version did, except that it has a few "
-"more features and a few less bugs. In particular, the crash problems that "
-"plagued the earlier version are now fixed."
+#~ msgid "Add HBCI user messages about what is supported by the bank."
+#~ msgstr "Add HBCI user messages about what is supported by the bank."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1402
-msgid ""
-"<b>Announcement:</b> GnuCash 1.7.6 Release Candidate 1: \"Santa's got a "
-"brand new bag\""
-msgstr ""
-"<b>Announcement:</b> GnuCash 1.7.6 Release Candidate 1: \"Santa's got a "
-"brand new bag\""
+#~ msgid "Fixes for gcc 3.x build problems with postgresql backend"
+#~ msgstr "Fixes for gcc 3.x build problems with postgresql backend"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1405
-msgid ""
-"The GnuCash team is pleased to announce Release Candidate 1 version 1.7.6: "
-"\"Santa's got a brand new bag\"."
-msgstr ""
-"The GnuCash team is pleased to announce Release Candidate 1 version 1.7.6: "
-"\"Santa's got a brand new bag\"."
+#~ msgid "Many more fixes for the postgresql backend"
+#~ msgstr "Many more fixes for the postgresql backend"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1406
-msgid "What's New in GnuCash 1.7.6?"
-msgstr "What's New in GnuCash 1.7.6?"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Fix the &quot;bill reminder&quot; so it doesn't create a query if there "
+#~ "are   no payables accounts."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Fix the &quot;bill reminder&quot; so it doesn't create a query if there "
+#~ "are no payables accounts."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1411
-msgid " Used to setup a variable payment loan scheduled transaction."
-msgstr " Used to setup a variable payment loan scheduled transaction."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Fix some of the accounts in the tree to be more accurate to the real "
+#~ "world."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Fix some of the accounts in the tree to be more accurate to the real "
+#~ "world."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1427
-msgid "Welcome to Release Candidate 1"
-msgstr "Welcome to Release Candidate 1"
+#~ msgid "Only set ReadOnly status for Invoices, not Payments."
+#~ msgstr "Only set ReadOnly status for Invoices, not Payments."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1428
-msgid "Put the build date into the about box for development versions"
-msgstr "Put the build date into the about box for development versions"
+#~ msgid "Fix several bugs in QIF importer"
+#~ msgstr "Fix several bugs in QIF importer"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1429
-msgid ""
-"Deal with broken QIF files that give broken bang-fields. In particular, "
-"handle the case where it supplies \"!Type Bank\" instead of \"!Type:Bank\""
-msgstr ""
-"Deal with broken QIF files that give broken bang-fields. In particular, "
-"handle the case where it supplies \"!Type Bank\" instead of \"!Type:Bank\""
+#~ msgid "Recognize even more error codes from OpenHBCI."
+#~ msgstr "Recognize even more error codes from OpenHBCI."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1430
-msgid "Fix g-wrap test to fail properly if it cannot find g-wrap-config"
-msgstr "Fix g-wrap test to fail properly if it cannot find g-wrap-config"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "No longer assume that transaction with type OFX_OTHER are investment "
+#~ "transactions."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "No longer assume that transaction with type OFX_OTHER are investment "
+#~ "transactions."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1431
-msgid ""
-"Add \"Edit Exchange Rate\" menu items to the Actions menu and the context "
-msgstr ""
-"Add \"Edit Exchange Rate\" menu items to the Actions menu and the context "
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Don't add income accounts to bills, or expense accounts to invoices.  "
+#~ "This should help further reduce user confusion with what to do when "
+#~ "entering invoices."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Don't add income accounts to bills, or expense accounts to invoices.  "
+#~ "This should help further reduce user confusion with what to do when "
+#~ "entering invoices."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1432
-msgid ""
-"Fix the amount display so that the exchange dialog always shows the \"amount"
-"\" in the the local (register) currency."
-msgstr ""
-"Fix the amount display so that the exchange dialog always shows the \"amount"
-"\" in the the local (register) currency."
+#~ msgid "Lots more bugfixes"
+#~ msgstr "Lots more bugfixes"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1433
-msgid ""
-"Add an additional module to check for (LWP aka libwww-perl) before "
-"attempting to call Finance::Quote."
-msgstr ""
-"Add an additional module to check for (LWP aka libwww-perl) before "
-"attempting to call Finance::Quote."
+#~ msgid "<b>Announcement:</b> GnuCash Docs 1.7.8"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Announcement:</b> GnuCash Docs 1.7.8"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1434
-msgid ""
-"Updated translations, po/nl.po by Hendrik-Jan Heins &lt;hjh at passys."
-"nl&gt;,    po/uk.po by Volodymyr M. Lisivka &lt;lvm at mystery.lviv.net&gt;, po/"
-"el.po, accounts/el_GR by Nikos Charonitakis &lt;charosn at her.forthnet.gr&gt;"
-msgstr ""
-"Updated translations, po/nl.po by Hendrik-Jan Heins &lt;hjh at passys."
-"nl&gt;,    po/uk.po by Volodymyr M. Lisivka &lt;lvm at mystery.lviv.net&gt;, po/"
-"el.po, accounts/el_GR by Nikos Charonitakis &lt;charosn at her.forthnet.gr&gt;"
+#~ msgid "The GnuCash team is pleased to announce GnuCash Docs version 1.7.8."
+#~ msgstr "The GnuCash team is pleased to announce GnuCash Docs version 1.7.8."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1435
-msgid "Major update to generic import architecture/transaction matcher."
-msgstr "Major update to generic import architecture/transaction matcher."
+#~ msgid "Updated in this version"
+#~ msgstr "Updated in this version"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1436
-msgid "Change HBCI to using new Transaction Matcher GUI"
-msgstr "Change HBCI to using new Transaction Matcher GUI"
+#~ msgid "Add patch from RedHat for db4 support"
+#~ msgstr "Add patch from RedHat for db4 support"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1437
-msgid "Require openhbci 0.9.4 for HBCI version choosing."
-msgstr "Require openhbci 0.9.4 for HBCI version choosing."
+#~ msgid "Copy of required portions of docbook-xsl 1.45"
+#~ msgstr "Copy of required portions of docbook-xsl 1.45"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1438
-msgid ""
-"When not retrieving stock quotes for an account, dim the price source labels "
-"as well as the option menus."
-msgstr ""
-"When not retrieving stock quotes for an account, dim the price source labels "
-"as well as the option menus."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Change to point at internal version of docbook-xsl 1.45 stylesheets. This "
+#~ "fixes the problem of the stylesheets needing to go online to do the "
+#~ "conversion from XML to HTML."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Change to point at internal version of docbook-xsl 1.45 stylesheets. This "
+#~ "fixes the problem of the stylesheets needing to go online to do the "
+#~ "conversion from XML to HTML."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1439
-msgid ""
-"Consolidate all knowledge about Finance::Quote sources into one place. "
-"Functions to record whether or not F::Q is installed properly, and if so, "
-"whether a particular source is available."
-msgstr ""
-"Consolidate all knowledge about Finance::Quote sources into one place. "
-"Functions to record whether or not F::Q is installed properly, and if so, "
-"whether a particular source is available."
+#~ msgid "German / Deutsch Mailing List"
+#~ msgstr "German / Deutsch Mailing List"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1440
-msgid "Change default new SX frequency to monthly"
-msgstr "Change default new SX frequency to monthly"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "A new mailing list for German speaking GnuCash users has been created: "
+#~ "gnucash-de at gnucash.org. To subscribe, visit <a href='http://www.gnucash."
+#~ "org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/gnucash-de'>http://www.gnucash.org/cgi-bin/"
+#~ "mailman/listinfo/gnucash-de</a> and enter your email address there. You "
+#~ "can choose whether you would like to receive the administrative emails in "
+#~ "German or in English language."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "A new mailing list for German speaking GnuCash users has been created: "
+#~ "gnucash-de at gnucash.org. To subscribe, visit <a href='http://www.gnucash."
+#~ "org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/gnucash-de'>http://www.gnucash.org/cgi-bin/"
+#~ "mailman/listinfo/gnucash-de</a> and enter your email address there. You "
+#~ "can choose whether you would like to receive the administrative emails in "
+#~ "German or in English language."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1441
-msgid ""
-"Filled in a long-thought of idea for a formula cell: can contain text unlike "
-"a pricecell, but doesn't really want to do auto-complete like a quickfill "
-"cell [what we had been using]. This allows us to provide the gnome formula "
-"cell which can remap the keypad '.' character based on locale"
-msgstr ""
-"Filled in a long-thought of idea for a formula cell: can contain text unlike "
-"a pricecell, but doesn't really want to do auto-complete like a quickfill "
-"cell [what we had been using]. This allows us to provide the gnome formula "
-"cell which can remap the keypad '.' character based on locale"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "This list is meant for discussions in German language about the general "
+#~ "usage of GnuCash, as well as specific topics only relevant to German "
+#~ "users (e.g. HBCI or German tax system)."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "This list is meant for discussions in German language about the general "
+#~ "usage of GnuCash, as well as specific topics only relevant to German "
+#~ "users (e.g. HBCI or German tax system)."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1442
-msgid ""
-"Disallow the deletion of accounts with ReadOnly Transacation in them. You "
-"must first \"delete\" the RO Txns before you delete the account."
-msgstr ""
-"Disallow the deletion of accounts with ReadOnly Transacation in them. You "
-"must first \"delete\" the RO Txns before you delete the account."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "<b>Announcement:</b> GnuCash 1.7.8 Release Candidate 3: &quot;Lil "
+#~ "Devil&quot;"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "<b>Announcement:</b> GnuCash 1.7.8 Release Candidate 3: &quot;Lil "
+#~ "Devil&quot;"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1443
-msgid "NOTE: As of now you ABSOLUTELY REQUIRE G-WRAP >= 1.3.3"
-msgstr "NOTE: As of now you ABSOLUTELY REQUIRE G-WRAP &gt;= 1.3.3"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The GnuCash team is pleased to announce Release Candidate 2 version "
+#~ "1.7.8: &quot;Lil Devil&quot;."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "The GnuCash team is pleased to announce Release Candidate 2 version "
+#~ "1.7.8: &quot;Lil Devil&quot;."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1444
-msgid "Loan Druid re-written"
-msgstr "Loan Druid re-written"
+#~ msgid "What's New in GnuCash 1.7.8?"
+#~ msgstr "What's New in GnuCash 1.7.8?"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1445
-msgid ""
-"Add menu items and code so a user can limit transactions in a register to "
-"any combination of the Reconciled/Cleared/Voided/Unreconciled states."
-msgstr ""
-"Add menu items and code so a user can limit transactions in a register to "
-"any combination of the Reconciled/Cleared/Voided/Unreconciled states."
+#~ msgid "Mortgage &amp; Loan Repayment Druid:"
+#~ msgstr "Mortgage &amp; Loan Repayment Druid:"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1446
-msgid "Give user feedback during the rendering of a report."
-msgstr "Give user feedback during the rendering of a report."
+#~ msgid "Welcome to Release Candidate 3"
+#~ msgstr "Welcome to Release Candidate 3"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1447
-msgid "Remove old user docs and tools that are now in gnucash-docs"
-msgstr "Remove old user docs and tools that are now in gnucash-docs"
+#~ msgid "Fixed build issues introduced in last release"
+#~ msgstr "Fixed build issues introduced in last release"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1448
-msgid ""
-"Fix for large accounts overflowing the data types used in the register code "
-"which are causing crashes."
-msgstr ""
-"Fix for large accounts overflowing the data types used in the register code "
-"which are causing crashes."
+#~ msgid "Fix compile errors on SuSE 8.0 + 8.1"
+#~ msgstr "Fix compile errors on SuSE 8.0 + 8.1"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1449
-msgid ""
-"Add support for new GnuCash icon made by Jakub Steiner &lt;jimmac at ximian."
-msgstr ""
-"Add support for new GnuCash icon made by Jakub Steiner &lt;jimmac at ximian."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Update translations, po/ru.po by Vitaly Lipatov, po/el.po by   "
+#~ "ta_panta_rei at flashmail.com"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Update translations, po/ru.po by Vitaly Lipatov, po/el.po by   "
+#~ "ta_panta_rei at flashmail.com"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1450
-msgid "Connect up help buttons in dialog's to help files"
-msgstr "Connect up help buttons in dialog's to help files"
+#~ msgid "Ignore certain splits with an &quot;amount&quot; of zero."
+#~ msgstr "Ignore certain splits with an &quot;amount&quot; of zero."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1464
-msgid "Search Now Works! (Part Two)"
-msgstr "Search Now Works! (Part Two)"
+#~ msgid "Convert from the old to new symbols for Russian Roubles."
+#~ msgstr "Convert from the old to new symbols for Russian Roubles."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1469
-msgid ""
-"The search feature has been fixed (again), and should now work. "
-"Unfortunately, the ranking/relevence of search results is not very good; we "
-"will be looking at other search engines to see if we can improve this.  If "
-"you know of any spiders/search engines with good ranking algorithms, so that "
-"e.g. they will return main site pages before mailing list archives, and will "
-"rank mailing list archives by date as well as relevence,please let me know. "
-msgstr ""
-"The search feature has been fixed (again), and should now work. "
-"Unfortunately, the ranking/relevence of search results is not very good; we "
-"will be looking at other search engines to see if we can improve this.  If "
-"you know of any spiders/search engines with good ranking algorithms, so that "
-"e.g. they will return main site pages before mailing list archives, and will "
-"rank mailing list archives by date as well as relevence,please let me know. "
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Invoices change a couple of columns.  Enable viewing the &quot;"
+#~ "taxable&quot; entry. Enable viewing all the tax accounts individually."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Invoices change a couple of columns.  Enable viewing the &quot;"
+#~ "taxable&quot; entry. Enable viewing all the tax accounts individually."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1476 www/oldnews.phtml:2132
-msgid "Translators Needed!"
-msgstr "Translators Needed!"
+#~ msgid "Scrub hbci include paths to prevent gcc 3.x compile errors."
+#~ msgstr "Scrub hbci include paths to prevent gcc 3.x compile errors."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1481
-msgid ""
-"The next stable release, 1.8.0, is rapidly approaching, and we need all "
-"language translators to update the message catalogs. Version 1.8.0 will be "
-"based on the development versions 1.7.x, which contain many new features not "
-"in 1.6.x, and thus many new strings that need translation. If these "
-"translations are not brought up to date, version 1.8.0 will come out with "
-"broken or missing translations for many languages. Now is really the best "
-"time to bring translations up to date."
-msgstr ""
-"The next stable release, 1.8.0, is rapidly approaching, and we need all "
-"language translators to update the message catalogs. Version 1.8.0 will be "
-"based on the development versions 1.7.x, which contain many new features not "
-"in 1.6.x, and thus many new strings that need translation. If these "
-"translations are not brought up to date, version 1.8.0 will come out with "
-"broken or missing translations for many languages. Now is really the best "
-"time to bring translations up to date."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Default the OFX import directory to the directory of the last OFX file "
+#~ "imported, or the user's home dir for the first export. Remembered across "
+#~ "invocations of gnucash."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Default the OFX import directory to the directory of the last OFX file "
+#~ "imported, or the user's home dir for the first export. Remembered across "
+#~ "invocations of gnucash."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1486
-msgid "Search Now Works!"
-msgstr "Search Now Works!"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Default the save directory to the directory of the last file used. "
+#~ "Default the exports directory to the directory of the last file exported, "
+#~ "or the user's home dir for the first export. Remembered across "
+#~ "invocations of gnucash."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Default the save directory to the directory of the last file used. "
+#~ "Default the exports directory to the directory of the last file exported, "
+#~ "or the user's home dir for the first export. Remembered across "
+#~ "invocations of gnucash."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1491
-msgid ""
-"The search feature has been fixed, and should now work. Unfortunately, the "
-"ranking/relevence of search results is not very good; we will be looking at "
-"other search engines to see if we can improve this.  If you know of any "
-"spiders/search engines with good ranking algorithms, so that e.g. they will "
-"return main site pages before mailing list archives, and will rank mailing "
-"list archives by date as well as relevence, please let me know. "
-msgstr ""
-"The search feature has been fixed, and should now work. Unfortunately, the "
-"ranking/relevence of search results is not very good; we will be looking at "
-"other search engines to see if we can improve this.  If you know of any "
-"spiders/search engines with good ranking algorithms, so that e.g. they will "
-"return main site pages before mailing list archives, and will rank mailing "
-"list archives by date as well as relevence, please let me know. "
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Correctly handle the case where no stocks have been defined and the user "
+#~ "asks gnucash to get price quotes."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Correctly handle the case where no stocks have been defined and the user "
+#~ "asks gnucash to get price quotes."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1498
-msgid "Announcement:</b> GnuCash 1.7.5 beta: \"Nowhere\""
-msgstr "Announcement:</b> GnuCash 1.7.5 beta: \"Nowhere\""
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Work around bug in ghttp library so that intl users whose whole units/"
+#~ "fractions separator is a comma can request web pages."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Work around bug in ghttp library so that intl users whose whole units/"
+#~ "fractions separator is a comma can request web pages."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1503
-msgid ""
-"The GnuCash team is pleased to announce the release of the beta version "
-"1.7.5: \"Nowhere\"."
-msgstr ""
-"The GnuCash team is pleased to announce the release of the beta version "
-"1.7.5: \"Nowhere\"."
+#~ msgid "Add &quot;Default Report Currency&quot; preference."
+#~ msgstr "Add &quot;Default Report Currency&quot; preference."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1504
-msgid "What's New in GnuCash 1.7.5?"
-msgstr "What's New in GnuCash 1.7.5?"
+#~ msgid "Set invoice currency based on owner's currency."
+#~ msgstr "Set invoice currency based on owner's currency."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1525
-msgid "Third beta release"
-msgstr "Third beta release"
+#~ msgid "Use invoice's currency for printing the invoice."
+#~ msgstr "Use invoice's currency for printing the invoice."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1526
-msgid "Fix for a possible corruption bug in 1.7.4 currency support"
-msgstr "Fix for a possible corruption bug in 1.7.4 currency support"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Make the progress bar argument a double instead of an int. This gets "
+#~ "around an issue with guile 1.6."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Make the progress bar argument a double instead of an int. This gets "
+#~ "around an issue with guile 1.6."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1539
-msgid "Announcement:</b> GnuCash 1.7.4 beta: \"The water of life\""
-msgstr "Announcement:</b> GnuCash 1.7.4 beta: \"The water of life\""
+#~ msgid "Add a checkbox to search-for-all"
+#~ msgstr "Add a checkbox to search-for-all"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1544
-msgid ""
-"The GnuCash team is pleased to announce the release of the second beta "
-"version 1.7.4: \"The water of life\"."
-msgstr ""
-"The GnuCash team is pleased to announce the release of the second beta "
-"version 1.7.4: \"The water of life\"."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Changes to make the build system work on multiple architectures and with "
+#~ "multiple versions of the autotools suite.  Make generated g-wrap sources "
+#~ "depend on config.status."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Changes to make the build system work on multiple architectures and with "
+#~ "multiple versions of the autotools suite.  Make generated g-wrap sources "
+#~ "depend on config.status."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1545
-msgid "What's New in GnuCash 1.7.4?"
-msgstr "What's New in GnuCash 1.7.4?"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Remove restriction on guile versions &gt; 1.4 Provide a version dependent "
+#~ "load path variable for the SRFI location. (Empty in 1.6 since they're "
+#~ "bundled with guile.)"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Remove restriction on guile versions &gt; 1.4 Provide a version dependent "
+#~ "load path variable for the SRFI location. (Empty in 1.6 since they're "
+#~ "bundled with guile.)"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1566
-msgid "Second beta release"
-msgstr "Second beta release"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Limit QIF matches against only the accounts in the old group, so we don't "
+#~ "match against ourselves.  This should limit the matches to only &quot;"
+#~ "reasonable&quot; matches."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Limit QIF matches against only the accounts in the old group, so we don't "
+#~ "match against ourselves.  This should limit the matches to only &quot;"
+#~ "reasonable&quot; matches."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1567
-msgid "Problems with importing 1.6 data files fixed"
-msgstr "Problems with importing 1.6 data files fixed"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Remove &quot;user name&quot; and &quot;user address&quot; preferences, as "
+#~ "they are no longer used by anything."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Remove &quot;user name&quot; and &quot;user address&quot; preferences, as "
+#~ "they are no longer used by anything."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1568
-msgid "Updates to generic transaction matching"
-msgstr "Updates to generic transaction matching"
+#~ msgid "Create a taxtable option type using the new generic option menu code"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Create a taxtable option type using the new generic option menu code"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1569
-msgid "More postgres backend fixes"
-msgstr "More postgres backend fixes"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Create a default customer and default vendor taxtable option for the "
+#~ "&quot;File Properties&quot; option menu."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Create a default customer and default vendor taxtable option for the "
+#~ "&quot;File Properties&quot; option menu."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1570
-msgid "New progress bar when making reports"
-msgstr "New progress bar when making reports"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Reset the search-type to &quot;New Search&quot; if we end up displaying "
+#~ "no\n"
+#~ "   results."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Reset the search-type to &quot;New Search&quot; if we end up displaying "
+#~ "no\n"
+#~ "   results."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1571
-msgid "Payment schedule review page added to loan druid"
-msgstr "Payment schedule review page added to loan druid"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Use the &quot;New Search Limit&quot; pref to decide when to start a new "
+#~ "search vs. when refine the search."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Use the &quot;New Search Limit&quot; pref to decide when to start a new "
+#~ "search vs. when refine the search."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1572
-msgid "Fixes to multi-currency support"
-msgstr "Fixes to multi-currency support"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Create two new global preferences: &quot;Notify Bills Due?&quot; and "
+#~ "&quot;Bills Due Days&quot;"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Create two new global preferences: &quot;Notify Bills Due?&quot; and "
+#~ "&quot;Bills Due Days&quot;"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1573
-msgid "Added Brazilian Portugese account templates by Lucimar Moresco"
-msgstr "Added Brazilian Portugese account templates by Lucimar Moresco"
+#~ msgid "Added sources needed for OS X to dist."
+#~ msgstr "Added sources needed for OS X to dist."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1574
-msgid ""
-"Added doxygen documentation support, and integrated it into the build "
-"system. There is a new target, make doc, that can be used to build the "
-"documentation if you have doxygen installed."
-msgstr ""
-"Added doxygen documentation support, and integrated it into the build "
-"system. There is a new target, make doc, that can be used to build the "
-"documentation if you have doxygen installed."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "<b>Announcement:</b> GnuCash 1.7.7 Release Candidate 2: &quot;It ain't "
+#~ "easy, livin free&quot;"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "<b>Announcement:</b> GnuCash 1.7.7 Release Candidate 2: &quot;It ain't "
+#~ "easy, livin free&quot;"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1575
-msgid ""
-"Catch the condition gracefully when OpenHBCI config file does not exist."
-msgstr ""
-"Catch the condition gracefully when OpenHBCI config file does not exist."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The GnuCash team is pleased to announce Release Candidate 2 version "
+#~ "1.7.7: &quot;It ain't easy, livin free&quot;"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "The GnuCash team is pleased to announce Release Candidate 2 version "
+#~ "1.7.7: &quot;It ain't easy, livin free&quot;"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1576
-msgid ""
-"Compute the implicit exchange rates for ALL transactions when necessary. No "
-"longer requires the pricedb for printing split values. This will display all "
-"transactions in the currency of the current account, regardless of the "
-"number of splits in the transaction."
-msgstr ""
-"Compute the implicit exchange rates for ALL transactions when necessary. No "
-"longer requires the pricedb for printing split values. This will display all "
-"transactions in the currency of the current account, regardless of the "
-"number of splits in the transaction."
+#~ msgid "What's New in GnuCash 1.7.7?"
+#~ msgstr "What's New in GnuCash 1.7.7?"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1577
-msgid ""
-"First pass at getting multi-currency transactions to work from the register."
-msgstr ""
-"First pass at getting multi-currency transactions to work from the register."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "GnuCash now can be used for Customer and Vendor tracking, Invoicing and "
+#~ "Bill Payment,\n"
+#~ " and using different Tax and Billing Terms in a small business."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "GnuCash now can be used for Customer and Vendor tracking, Invoicing and "
+#~ "Bill Payment,\n"
+#~ " and using different Tax and Billing Terms in a small business."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1592
-msgid "CVS Cleanup; Server Outage"
-msgstr "CVS Cleanup; Server Outage"
+#~ msgid "Welcome to Release Candidate 2"
+#~ msgstr "Welcome to Release Candidate 2"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1597
-msgid ""
-"The CVS tree was pruned to remove some old and dead directories. This should "
-"improve cvs update times a little bit.  A historical archive is still "
-"available by checking out the source from a different repository: the "
-"\"gnucash-archive\" repository."
-msgstr ""
-"The CVS tree was pruned to remove some old and dead directories. This should "
-"improve cvs update times a little bit.  A historical archive is still "
-"available by checking out the source from a different repository: the "
-"\"gnucash-archive\" repository."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Give the user better feedback on exactly what the exchange rate means."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Give the user better feedback on exactly what the exchange rate means."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1599
-msgid ""
-"The cvs server and the web site will be down for a few hours during the "
-"evening of 27 November or morning of 28 November, as the servers are "
-"relocated to a new location."
-msgstr ""
-"The cvs server and the web site will be down for a few hours during the "
-"evening of 27 November or morning of 28 November, as the servers are "
-"relocated to a new location."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Better handling of corrupt XML data files. Print better error messages "
+#~ "for unknown tags, or mismatched start/end tags."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Better handling of corrupt XML data files. Print better error messages "
+#~ "for unknown tags, or mismatched start/end tags."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1605
-msgid "<b>Announcement:</b> GnuCash 1.7.3 beta: \"This rose is priceless\""
-msgstr "<b>Announcement:</b> GnuCash 1.7.3 beta: \"This rose is priceless\""
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "When checking for gtkhtml-1.1, make the lack of pkg-config a fatal error. "
+#~ "Also check for pkgconfig"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "When checking for gtkhtml-1.1, make the lack of pkg-config a fatal error. "
+#~ "Also check for pkgconfig"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1609
-msgid ""
-"The GnuCash team is pleased to announce the release of the first beta "
-"version 1.7.3: \"This rose is priceless\"."
-msgstr ""
-"The GnuCash team is pleased to announce the release of the first beta "
-"version 1.7.3: \"This rose is priceless\"."
+#~ msgid "Updated translations, po/de.po"
+#~ msgstr "Updated translations, po/de.po"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1612 www/oldnews.phtml:1645 www/oldnews.phtml:1681
-msgid "New Features in this version!"
-msgstr "New Features in this version!"
+#~ msgid "Fix HBCI reparent warnings. Make the PIN dialog a bit nicer."
+#~ msgstr "Fix HBCI reparent warnings. Make the PIN dialog a bit nicer."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1613
-msgid ""
-"Improved libofx configure support.  Add --with-ofx-prefix so users can "
-"define where to look for libofx."
-msgstr ""
-"Improved libofx configure support.  Add --with-ofx-prefix so users can "
-"define where to look for libofx."
+#~ msgid "Fixes to Postgresql backend."
+#~ msgstr "Fixes to Postgresql backend."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1614
-msgid "Fixed missing OFX files in tarball."
-msgstr "Fixed missing OFX files in tarball."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Changed the &quot;ALTER TABLE table ADD COLUMN...&quot; statements to "
+#~ "conform to the current Postgres implementation (and SQL 92) standard by "
+#~ "putting the DEFAULT modifier in a separate ALTER statement. This was "
+#~ "reported by Christopher B. Browne."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Changed the &quot;ALTER TABLE table ADD COLUMN...&quot; statements to "
+#~ "conform to the current Postgres implementation (and SQL 92) standard by "
+#~ "putting the DEFAULT modifier in a separate ALTER statement. This was "
+#~ "reported by Christopher B. Browne."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1615
-msgid ""
-"MAJOR improvement to OFX investment support.  All transactions created from "
-"an investment account are now already balanced. Explicitly support Dividend "
-"Reinvestment transactions which will now directly create a income account -> "
-"stock account transaction, and Income transactions which will directly "
-"create a income account -> cash account transaction. Support memorising the "
-"income account association. Several stock account can use the same income "
-"account if desired."
-msgstr ""
-"MAJOR improvement to OFX investment support.  All transactions created from "
-"an investment account are now already balanced. Explicitly support Dividend "
-"Reinvestment transactions which will now directly create a income account -> "
-"stock account transaction, and Income transactions which will directly "
-"create a income account -> cash account transaction. Support memorising the "
-"income account association. Several stock account can use the same income "
-"account if desired."
+#~ msgid "Implement unpost function in invoices."
+#~ msgstr "Implement unpost function in invoices."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1616
-msgid "Updated gnucash.spec file to work with rh8."
-msgstr "Updated gnucash.spec file to work with rh8."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Correctly open a help window when the initial URL contains a label "
+#~ "component to it."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Correctly open a help window when the initial URL contains a label "
+#~ "component to it."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1617
-msgid "Added new cashflow report contributed by Herbert Thoma."
-msgstr "Added new cashflow report contributed by Herbert Thoma."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Make the reconciliation window respect the 'include subaccount' flag any "
+#~ "time it opens a register.  Consolidate logic for opening a new register. "
+#~ "Enhance the reconciliation start window to update the ending value when "
+#~ "this flag is changed."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Make the reconciliation window respect the 'include subaccount' flag any "
+#~ "time it opens a register.  Consolidate logic for opening a new register. "
+#~ "Enhance the reconciliation start window to update the ending value when "
+#~ "this flag is changed."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1618
-msgid ""
-"New functions to get/set read-only status on a transaction, and to print a "
-"warning message if a transaction is read-only."
-msgstr ""
-"New functions to get/set read-only status on a transaction, and to print a "
-"warning message if a transaction is read-only."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "If the amount is monetary, map the keypad decimal key to the correct "
+#~ "decimal character for the locale."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "If the amount is monetary, map the keypad decimal key to the correct "
+#~ "decimal character for the locale."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1619
-msgid "Added a bunch of currencies."
-msgstr "Added a bunch of currencies."
+#~ msgid "Fix malformed URLs for bringing up a report options window."
+#~ msgstr "Fix malformed URLs for bringing up a report options window."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1620
-msgid ""
-"Updated translations (merged from 1.6 branch plus updates from the "
-"Translation Project)."
-msgstr ""
-"Updated translations (merged from 1.6 branch plus updates from the "
-"Translation Project)."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Add new option for specifying sort critera for piecharts and barcharts."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Add new option for specifying sort critera for piecharts and barcharts."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1621
-msgid "Matthew Vanecek added some bug fixes for the SQL back end."
-msgstr "Matthew Vanecek added some bug fixes for the SQL back end."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The report title should change when the report name field is changed in "
+#~ "the options."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "The report title should change when the report name field is changed in "
+#~ "the options."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1622
-msgid "Add support for gtkhtml 1.1"
-msgstr "Add support for gtkhtml 1.1"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Add a smart function for going &quot;back&quot; from the &quot;load a "
+#~ "file&quot; page. If there are any files loaded it returns to the &quot;"
+#~ "loaded files&quot; page instead of the initial druid page."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Add a smart function for going &quot;back&quot; from the &quot;load a "
+#~ "file&quot; page. If there are any files loaded it returns to the &quot;"
+#~ "loaded files&quot; page instead of the initial druid page."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1623
-msgid ""
-"Added calculate the number of remaining payments based on the start date, "
-"loan length and current date to Mortgage druid."
-msgstr ""
-"Added calculate the number of remaining payments based on the start date, "
-"loan length and current date to Mortgage druid."
+#~ msgid "Add support for i18n of price source strings."
+#~ msgstr "Add support for i18n of price source strings."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1624 www/oldnews.phtml:1655
-msgid "Loads of bugfixes, keep those bugs coming!"
-msgstr "Loads of bugfixes, keep those bugs coming!"
+#~ msgid "Add icons to gtk only windows."
+#~ msgstr "Add icons to gtk only windows."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1625 www/oldnews.phtml:1656
-msgid "NOTE: Report bugs to bugzilla.gnome.org"
-msgstr "NOTE: Report bugs to bugzilla.gnome.org"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Search on NOTES add code to prevent searching on template-txn accounts so "
+#~ "SXes don't show up in find results."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Search on NOTES add code to prevent searching on template-txn accounts so "
+#~ "SXes don't show up in find results."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1639
-msgid "Announcement:</b> GnuCash 1.7.2 alpha: \"Antipodean Nightmare\""
-msgstr "Announcement:</b> GnuCash 1.7.2 alpha: \"Antipodean Nightmare\""
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Create a 'file compression' option and pass the data into the backend. "
+#~ "This is an option in the preferences."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Create a 'file compression' option and pass the data into the backend. "
+#~ "This is an option in the preferences."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1643
-msgid ""
-"The GnuCash team is pleased to announce the release of the second alpha "
-"version 1.7.2: \"Antipodean Nightmare\". This release is the result of the "
-"development team working so hard the GnuCash developers topped the GNOME "
-"Summary commits list last week."
-msgstr ""
-"The GnuCash team is pleased to announce the release of the second alpha "
-"version 1.7.2: \"Antipodean Nightmare\". This release is the result of the "
-"development team working so hard the GnuCash developers topped the GNOME "
-"Summary commits list last week."
+#~ msgid "Provide a simple checkbook set of accounts"
+#~ msgstr "Provide a simple checkbook set of accounts"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1646
-msgid "You can now search by reconcile flag for transactions"
-msgstr "You can now search by reconcile flag for transactions"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "When editing an exchange rate, always change the _VALUE_ of the split, "
+#~ "not the amount.  This has the affect of keeping the visible number the "
+#~ "same and changing the &quot;other&quot; account."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "When editing an exchange rate, always change the _VALUE_ of the split, "
+#~ "not the amount.  This has the affect of keeping the visible number the "
+#~ "same and changing the &quot;other&quot; account."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1647
-msgid ""
-"Ability to set posted invoices and payments read-only in the small business "
-msgstr ""
-"Ability to set posted invoices and payments read-only in the small business "
+#~ msgid "Add a set of business accounts to the account setup"
+#~ msgstr "Add a set of business accounts to the account setup"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1648
-msgid "New commodity matcher for OFX generic import."
-msgstr "New commodity matcher for OFX generic import."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Give a much higher importance to the date heuristics in the OFX import."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Give a much higher importance to the date heuristics in the OFX import."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1649
-msgid "Latest libofx is needed for OFX support"
-msgstr "Latest libofx is needed for OFX support"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Disable skipping transactions which already have an online id during "
+#~ "matching, untill a fix for the &quot;transfer between two accounts&quot; "
+#~ "bug is properly fixed."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Disable skipping transactions which already have an online id during "
+#~ "matching, untill a fix for the &quot;transfer between two accounts&quot; "
+#~ "bug is properly fixed."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1650
-msgid ""
-"Investment transactions now create two accounts, one is for the stock, the "
-"other is the account defined by the FI, where the cash is swapped."
-msgstr ""
-"Investment transactions now create two accounts, one is for the stock, the "
-"other is the account defined by the FI, where the cash is swapped."
+#~ msgid "Large set of fixes to the build system by John H. Pierce"
+#~ msgstr "Large set of fixes to the build system by John H. Pierce"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1651
-msgid "Updated glossary"
-msgstr "Updated glossary"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "GnoTime, the Gnome Time Tracker, is a to-do list manager. It has a built "
+#~ "in project timer to keep track of the time spent on a project, and an "
+#~ "invoicing system for billing time &amp; services. GnoTime is the Gnome2 "
+#~ "port of GTT from the gnome-utils package. It now has its own dedicated <a "
+#~ "href=\"http://gttr.sourceforge.net\">web page</a> and <a href=\"http://"
+#~ "sourceforge.net/projects/gttr/\">sourceforge project site</a>."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "GnoTime, the Gnome Time Tracker, is a to-do list manager. It has a built "
+#~ "in project timer to keep track of the time spent on a project, and an "
+#~ "invoicing system for billing time &amp; services. GnoTime is the Gnome2 "
+#~ "port of GTT from the gnome-utils package. It now has its own dedicated <a "
+#~ "href=\"http://gttr.sourceforge.net\">web page</a> and <a href=\"http://"
+#~ "sourceforge.net/projects/gttr/\">sourceforge project site</a>."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1652
-msgid "HBCI improvements to transaction retrieval"
-msgstr "HBCI improvements to transaction retrieval"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "We are proud to announce the first 'stable' release of Gnotime: version "
+#~ "2.1.1. It is available for download at the above sites. This version does "
+#~ "everything that the gnome-utils-1.4 version did, except that it has a few "
+#~ "more features and a few less bugs. In particular, the crash problems that "
+#~ "plagued the earlier version are now fixed."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "We are proud to announce the first 'stable' release of Gnotime: version "
+#~ "2.1.1. It is available for download at the above sites. This version does "
+#~ "everything that the gnome-utils-1.4 version did, except that it has a few "
+#~ "more features and a few less bugs. In particular, the crash problems that "
+#~ "plagued the earlier version are now fixed."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1653
-msgid ""
-"Add Direct Debit HBCI action and add caching of the PIN to user preferences."
-msgstr ""
-"Add Direct Debit HBCI action and add caching of the PIN to user preferences."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "<b>Announcement:</b> GnuCash 1.7.6 Release Candidate 1: \"Santa's got a "
+#~ "brand new bag\""
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "<b>Announcement:</b> GnuCash 1.7.6 Release Candidate 1: \"Santa's got a "
+#~ "brand new bag\""
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1654
-msgid "HBCI suport requires OpenHBCI 0.9.3 or current OpenHBCI CVS"
-msgstr "HBCI suport requires OpenHBCI 0.9.3 or current OpenHBCI CVS"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The GnuCash team is pleased to announce Release Candidate 1 version "
+#~ "1.7.6: \"Santa's got a brand new bag\"."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "The GnuCash team is pleased to announce Release Candidate 1 version "
+#~ "1.7.6: \"Santa's got a brand new bag\"."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1658
-msgid ""
-"This release features HBCI online banking support. This makes it the world's "
-"first *free* HBCI-enabled personal finance manager."
-msgstr ""
-"This release features HBCI online banking support. This makes it the world's "
-"first *free* HBCI-enabled personal finance manager."
+#~ msgid "What's New in GnuCash 1.7.6?"
+#~ msgstr "What's New in GnuCash 1.7.6?"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1660
-msgid ""
-"HBCI (Home Banking Computer Interface) is a standard used by German banks "
-"for offering online banking service. Through this standard, business actions "
-"like statement retrieval, bank transfer, or direct debits can be invoked by "
-"any HBCI-compliant client application, i.e. now also from GnuCash. "
-"Authentification and encryption is done through a bank-issued chip card or a "
-"self-generated file-based RSA key pair. (In the latter case, the user prints "
-"out his public key finger print on paper, signs it, and sends it to his "
-msgstr ""
-"HBCI (Home Banking Computer Interface) is a standard used by German banks "
-"for offering online banking service. Through this standard, business actions "
-"like statement retrieval, bank transfer, or direct debits can be invoked by "
-"any HBCI-compliant client application, i.e. now also from GnuCash. "
-"Authentication and encryption is done through a bank-issued chip card or a "
-"self-generated file-based RSA key pair. (In the latter case, the user prints "
-"out his public key finger print on paper, signs it, and sends it to his "
+#~ msgid " Used to setup a variable payment loan scheduled transaction."
+#~ msgstr " Used to setup a variable payment loan scheduled transaction."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1675
-msgid "Announcement:</b> GnuCash 1.7.1 alpha release!"
-msgstr "Announcement:</b> GnuCash 1.7.1 alpha release!"
+#~ msgid "Welcome to Release Candidate 1"
+#~ msgstr "Welcome to Release Candidate 1"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1679
-msgid ""
-"The GnuCash team is pleased to announce the release of alpha version 1.7.1. "
-"This is the first release as we begin the journey to stable version 1.8.0. "
-"We have lots of bugfixes and new features in this release and would like as "
-"much testing and bug reporting as possible. Please report problems to "
-"bugzilla.gnome.org. If you feel the need to speak to us or even just to "
-"encourage us to move forward on the next major version please either join "
-"the mailing list or come on irc.gnome.org and chat with us in the #gnucash "
-msgstr ""
-"The GnuCash team is pleased to announce the release of alpha version 1.7.1. "
-"This is the first release as we begin the journey to stable version 1.8.0. "
-"We have lots of bugfixes and new features in this release and would like as "
-"much testing and bug reporting as possible. Please report problems to "
-"bugzilla.gnome.org. If you feel the need to speak to us or even just to "
-"encourage us to move forward on the next major version please either join "
-"the mailing list or come on irc.gnome.org and chat with us in the #gnucash "
+#~ msgid "Put the build date into the about box for development versions"
+#~ msgstr "Put the build date into the about box for development versions"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1683
-msgid "Small Business Customer and Vendor tracking and Invoicing"
-msgstr "Small Business Customer and Vendor tracking and Invoicing"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Deal with broken QIF files that give broken bang-fields. In particular, "
+#~ "handle the case where it supplies \"!Type Bank\" instead of \"!Type:Bank\""
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Deal with broken QIF files that give broken bang-fields. In particular, "
+#~ "handle the case where it supplies \"!Type Bank\" instead of \"!Type:Bank\""
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1684
-msgid "OFX and HBCI (Germany) Support"
-msgstr "OFX and HBCI (Germany) Support"
+#~ msgid "Fix g-wrap test to fail properly if it cannot find g-wrap-config"
+#~ msgstr "Fix g-wrap test to fail properly if it cannot find g-wrap-config"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1685
-msgid "Improved Menu layout"
-msgstr "Improved Menu layout"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Add \"Edit Exchange Rate\" menu items to the Actions menu and the context "
+#~ "menu"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Add \"Edit Exchange Rate\" menu items to the Actions menu and the context "
+#~ "menu"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1699
-msgid "<b>Announcement:</b> GnuCash 1.6.8 stable release!"
-msgstr "<b>Announcement:</b> GnuCash 1.6.8 stable release!"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Fix the amount display so that the exchange dialog always shows the "
+#~ "\"amount\" in the the local (register) currency."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Fix the amount display so that the exchange dialog always shows the "
+#~ "\"amount\" in the the local (register) currency."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1703
-msgid ""
-"The GnuCash team is pleased to announce the release of stable version 1.6.8. "
-"This is to fix some minor bugs that prevented the last release being easy to "
-"compile from source. Please continue to report problems to our new module in "
-"bugzilla.gnome.org. As usual, if you feel the need to speak to us or even "
-"just to encourage us to move forward on the next major version please either "
-"join the mailing list or come on irc.gnome.org and chat with us in the "
-"#gnucash channel."
-msgstr ""
-"The GnuCash team is pleased to announce the release of stable version 1.6.8. "
-"This is to fix some minor bugs that prevented the last release being easy to "
-"compile from source. Please continue to report problems to our new module in "
-"bugzilla.gnome.org. As usual, if you feel the need to speak to us or even "
-"just to encourage us to move forward on the next major version please either "
-"join the mailing list or come on irc.gnome.org and chat with us in the "
-"#gnucash channel."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Add an additional module to check for (LWP aka libwww-perl) before "
+#~ "attempting to call Finance::Quote."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Add an additional module to check for (LWP aka libwww-perl) before "
+#~ "attempting to call Finance::Quote."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1705
-msgid "Fix for acinclude.m4 problem with guile-config"
-msgstr "Fix for acinclude.m4 problem with guile-config"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Updated translations, po/nl.po by Hendrik-Jan Heins &lt;hjh at passys."
+#~ "nl&gt;,    po/uk.po by Volodymyr M. Lisivka &lt;lvm at mystery.lviv.net&gt;, "
+#~ "po/el.po, accounts/el_GR by Nikos Charonitakis &lt;charosn at her.forthnet."
+#~ "gr&gt;"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Updated translations, po/nl.po by Hendrik-Jan Heins &lt;hjh at passys."
+#~ "nl&gt;,    po/uk.po by Volodymyr M. Lisivka &lt;lvm at mystery.lviv.net&gt;, "
+#~ "po/el.po, accounts/el_GR by Nikos Charonitakis &lt;charosn at her.forthnet."
+#~ "gr&gt;"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1706
-msgid "Removed rpm spec file dependency on Postgresql"
-msgstr "Removed rpm spec file dependency on Postgresql"
+#~ msgid "Major update to generic import architecture/transaction matcher."
+#~ msgstr "Major update to generic import architecture/transaction matcher."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1720
-msgid "<b>Announcement:</b> GnuCash 1.6.7 stable release!"
-msgstr "<b>Announcement:</b> GnuCash 1.6.7 stable release!"
+#~ msgid "Change HBCI to using new Transaction Matcher GUI"
+#~ msgstr "Change HBCI to using new Transaction Matcher GUI"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1724
-msgid ""
-"The GnuCash team is pleased to announce the release of stable version 1.6.7. "
-"This is mainly to fix some important bugs that have cropped up and add some "
-"additional translations to the stable series. Please continue to report "
-"problems to our new module in bugzilla.gnome.org. As usual, if you feel the "
-"need to speak to us or even just to encourage us to move forward on the next "
-"major version please either join the mailing list or come on irc.gnome.org "
-"and chat with us in the #gnucash channel"
-msgstr ""
-"The GnuCash team is pleased to announce the release of stable version 1.6.7. "
-"This is mainly to fix some important bugs that have cropped up and add some "
-"additional translations to the stable series. Please continue to report "
-"problems to our new module in bugzilla.gnome.org. As usual, if you feel the "
-"need to speak to us or even just to encourage us to move forward on the next "
-"major version please either join the mailing list or come on irc.gnome.org "
-"and chat with us in the #gnucash channel"
+#~ msgid "Require openhbci 0.9.4 for HBCI version choosing."
+#~ msgstr "Require openhbci 0.9.4 for HBCI version choosing."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1726
-msgid ""
-"Updated or new translations for Japanese, Italian, Traditional Chinese, "
-"Simplified Chinese, Russian, French, German, Swedish, Portuguese, Brasilian "
-msgstr ""
-"Updated or new translations for Japanese, Italian, Traditional Chinese, "
-"Simplified Chinese, Russian, French, German, Swedish, Portuguese, Brasilian "
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "When not retrieving stock quotes for an account, dim the price source "
+#~ "labels as well as the option menus."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "When not retrieving stock quotes for an account, dim the price source "
+#~ "labels as well as the option menus."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1728
-msgid "Add French account hierarchy template."
-msgstr "Add French account hierarchy template."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Consolidate all knowledge about Finance::Quote sources into one place. "
+#~ "Functions to record whether or not F::Q is installed properly, and if so, "
+#~ "whether a particular source is available."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Consolidate all knowledge about Finance::Quote sources into one place. "
+#~ "Functions to record whether or not F::Q is installed properly, and if so, "
+#~ "whether a particular source is available."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1729
-msgid "Back-ported fix for locale of new accounts."
-msgstr "Back-ported fix for locale of new accounts."
+#~ msgid "Change default new SX frequency to monthly"
+#~ msgstr "Change default new SX frequency to monthly"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1730
-msgid "File permission fix."
-msgstr "File permission fix."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Filled in a long-thought of idea for a formula cell: can contain text "
+#~ "unlike a pricecell, but doesn't really want to do auto-complete like a "
+#~ "quickfill cell [what we had been using]. This allows us to provide the "
+#~ "gnome formula cell which can remap the keypad '.' character based on "
+#~ "locale"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Filled in a long-thought of idea for a formula cell: can contain text "
+#~ "unlike a pricecell, but doesn't really want to do auto-complete like a "
+#~ "quickfill cell [what we had been using]. This allows us to provide the "
+#~ "gnome formula cell which can remap the keypad '.' character based on "
+#~ "locale"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1731
-msgid ""
-"Changed \"Opening Balances\" to \"Opening Balance\" to unify the account "
-msgstr ""
-"Changed \"Opening Balances\" to \"Opening Balance\" to unify the account "
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Disallow the deletion of accounts with ReadOnly Transacation in them. You "
+#~ "must first \"delete\" the RO Txns before you delete the account."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Disallow the deletion of accounts with ReadOnly Transacation in them. You "
+#~ "must first \"delete\" the RO Txns before you delete the account."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1732
-msgid "Tweak for newer versions of db2html."
-msgstr "Tweak for newer versions of db2html."
+#~ msgid "NOTE: As of now you ABSOLUTELY REQUIRE G-WRAP >= 1.3.3"
+#~ msgstr "NOTE: As of now you ABSOLUTELY REQUIRE G-WRAP &gt;= 1.3.3"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1733
-msgid ""
-"Fix a common crash (Gnome Bug #78132 et. al.) caused by a dangling pointer "
-msgstr ""
-"Fix a common crash (Gnome Bug #78132 et. al.) caused by a dangling pointer "
+#~ msgid "Loan Druid re-written"
+#~ msgstr "Loan Druid re-written"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1734
-msgid "Add upper bounds checking on the versions of guile and g-wrap."
-msgstr "Add upper bounds checking on the versions of guile and g-wrap."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Add menu items and code so a user can limit transactions in a register to "
+#~ "any combination of the Reconciled/Cleared/Voided/Unreconciled states."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Add menu items and code so a user can limit transactions in a register to "
+#~ "any combination of the Reconciled/Cleared/Voided/Unreconciled states."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1735
-msgid "Fix for guile-1.4.1 srfi problem."
-msgstr "Fix for guile-1.4.1 srfi problem."
+#~ msgid "Give user feedback during the rendering of a report."
+#~ msgstr "Give user feedback during the rendering of a report."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1736
-msgid "Added support for VWD as a quote source (Joachim Breitner)."
-msgstr "Added support for VWD as a quote source (Joachim Breitner)."
+#~ msgid "Remove old user docs and tools that are now in gnucash-docs"
+#~ msgstr "Remove old user docs and tools that are now in gnucash-docs"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1750
-msgid "GnuCash Bugs now at the GNOME Bugzilla"
-msgstr "GnuCash Bugs now at GNOME Bugzilla"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Fix for large accounts overflowing the data types used in the register "
+#~ "code which are causing crashes."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Fix for large accounts overflowing the data types used in the register "
+#~ "code which are causing crashes."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1755
-msgid ""
-"GnuCash has now moved its bug reporting system into the central GNOME "
-"bugzilla. This will give the GnuCash project the ability to receive bug "
-"reports generated by Bug Buddy as well as take advantage of the GNOME bug "
-"team in their overall administration of GNOME bugs."
-msgstr ""
-"GnuCash has now moved its bug reporting system into the central GNOME "
-"bugzilla. This will give the GnuCash project the ability to receive bug "
-"reports generated by Bug Buddy as well as take advantage of the GNOME bug "
-"team in their overall administration of GNOME bugs."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Add support for new GnuCash icon made by Jakub Steiner &lt;jimmac at ximian."
+#~ "com&gt;"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Add support for new GnuCash icon made by Jakub Steiner &lt;jimmac at ximian."
+#~ "com&gt;"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1757
-msgid ""
-"If you wish to use the GNOME bug system to report a GnuCash bug please go to "
-"<a href=\"http://bugzilla.gnome.org\">bugzilla.gnome.org</a> and use the "
-"forms there to enter your report."
-msgstr ""
-"If you wish to use the GNOME bug system to report a GnuCash bug please go to "
-"<a href=\"http://bugzilla.gnome.org\">bugzilla.gnome.org</a> and use the "
-"forms there to enter your report."
+#~ msgid "Connect up help buttons in dialog's to help files"
+#~ msgstr "Connect up help buttons in dialog's to help files"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1758
-msgid ""
-"You can also see a complete list of GnuCash bugs by following this link, <a "
-"a> and this link"
-msgstr ""
-"You can also see a complete list of GnuCash bugs by following this link, <a "
-"a> and this link"
+#~ msgid "Search Now Works! (Part Two)"
+#~ msgstr "Search Now Works! (Part Two)"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1758
-msgid "Open"
-msgstr "Open"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The search feature has been fixed (again), and should now work. "
+#~ "Unfortunately, the ranking/relevence of search results is not very good; "
+#~ "we will be looking at other search engines to see if we can improve "
+#~ "this.  If you know of any spiders/search engines with good ranking "
+#~ "algorithms, so that e.g. they will return main site pages before mailing "
+#~ "list archives, and will rank mailing list archives by date as well as "
+#~ "relevence,please let me know. "
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "The search feature has been fixed (again), and should now work. "
+#~ "Unfortunately, the ranking/relevence of search results is not very good; "
+#~ "we will be looking at other search engines to see if we can improve "
+#~ "this.  If you know of any spiders/search engines with good ranking "
+#~ "algorithms, so that e.g. they will return main site pages before mailing "
+#~ "list archives, and will rank mailing list archives by date as well as "
+#~ "relevence,please let me know. "
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1758
-msgid "if you wish to just see any open bugs."
-msgstr "if you wish to just see any open bugs."
+#~ msgid "Translators Needed!"
+#~ msgstr "Translators Needed!"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1763
-msgid "New GnuCash features in development"
-msgstr "New GnuCash features in development"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The next stable release, 1.8.0, is rapidly approaching, and we need all "
+#~ "language translators to update the message catalogs. Version 1.8.0 will "
+#~ "be based on the development versions 1.7.x, which contain many new "
+#~ "features not in 1.6.x, and thus many new strings that need translation. "
+#~ "If these translations are not brought up to date, version 1.8.0 will come "
+#~ "out with broken or missing translations for many languages. Now is really "
+#~ "the best time to bring translations up to date."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "The next stable release, 1.8.0, is rapidly approaching, and we need all "
+#~ "language translators to update the message catalogs. Version 1.8.0 will "
+#~ "be based on the development versions 1.7.x, which contain many new "
+#~ "features not in 1.6.x, and thus many new strings that need translation. "
+#~ "If these translations are not brought up to date, version 1.8.0 will come "
+#~ "out with broken or missing translations for many languages. Now is really "
+#~ "the best time to bring translations up to date."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1768
-msgid ""
-"The GnuCash team has been hard at work developing new requested features for "
-"the next version of GnuCash which is slated for beta testing and release in "
-"the late summer and fall of 2002."
-msgstr ""
-"The GnuCash team has been hard at work developing new requested features for "
-"the next version of GnuCash which is slated for beta testing and release in "
-"the late summer and fall of 2002."
+#~ msgid "Search Now Works!"
+#~ msgstr "Search Now Works!"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1770
-msgid "New features"
-msgstr "New features"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The search feature has been fixed, and should now work. Unfortunately, "
+#~ "the ranking/relevence of search results is not very good; we will be "
+#~ "looking at other search engines to see if we can improve this.  If you "
+#~ "know of any spiders/search engines with good ranking algorithms, so that "
+#~ "e.g. they will return main site pages before mailing list archives, and "
+#~ "will rank mailing list archives by date as well as relevence, please let "
+#~ "me know. "
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "The search feature has been fixed, and should now work. Unfortunately, "
+#~ "the ranking/relevence of search results is not very good; we will be "
+#~ "looking at other search engines to see if we can improve this.  If you "
+#~ "know of any spiders/search engines with good ranking algorithms, so that "
+#~ "e.g. they will return main site pages before mailing list archives, and "
+#~ "will rank mailing list archives by date as well as relevence, please let "
+#~ "me know. "
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1772
-msgid "Small Business functions"
-msgstr "Small Business functions"
+#~ msgid "Announcement:</b> GnuCash 1.7.5 beta: \"Nowhere\""
+#~ msgstr "Announcement:</b> GnuCash 1.7.5 beta: \"Nowhere\""
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1774
-msgid "OFX support"
-msgstr "OFX Support"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The GnuCash team is pleased to announce the release of the beta version "
+#~ "1.7.5: \"Nowhere\"."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "The GnuCash team is pleased to announce the release of the beta version "
+#~ "1.7.5: \"Nowhere\"."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1775
-msgid "Improved User Interface"
-msgstr "Improved User Interface"
+#~ msgid "What's New in GnuCash 1.7.5?"
+#~ msgstr "What's New in GnuCash 1.7.5?"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1776
-msgid "Updated Users Guide"
-msgstr "Updated Users Guide"
+#~ msgid "Third beta release"
+#~ msgstr "Third beta release"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1780
-msgid ""
-"The development team would appreciate greatly any feedback from persons "
-"testing these features by compiling the CVS version of GnuCash. You can "
-"either join us on irc.gnome.org #gnucash or email the developers list "
-"gnucash-devel at gnucash.org"
-msgstr ""
-"The development team would appreciate greatly any feedback from persons "
-"testing these features by compiling the CVS version of GnuCash. You can "
-"either join us on irc.gnome.org #gnucash or email the developers list "
-"gnucash-devel at gnucash.org"
+#~ msgid "Fix for a possible corruption bug in 1.7.4 currency support"
+#~ msgstr "Fix for a possible corruption bug in 1.7.4 currency support"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1786
-msgid "<b>Announcement:</b> GnuCash 1.6.6 stable release!"
-msgstr "<b>Announcement:</b> GnuCash 1.6.6 stable release!"
+#~ msgid "Announcement:</b> GnuCash 1.7.4 beta: \"The water of life\""
+#~ msgstr "Announcement:</b> GnuCash 1.7.4 beta: \"The water of life\""
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1791
-msgid ""
-"Updated or new translations for Dutch, Norwegian, Russian, Greek, French, "
-"German, Portuguese, Azerbaijani Turkic, and Slovak."
-msgstr ""
-"Updated or new translations for Dutch, Norwegian, Russian, Greek, French, "
-"German, Portuguese, Azerbaijani Turkic, and Slovak."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The GnuCash team is pleased to announce the release of the second beta "
+#~ "version 1.7.4: \"The water of life\"."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "The GnuCash team is pleased to announce the release of the second beta "
+#~ "version 1.7.4: \"The water of life\"."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1792
-msgid ""
-"Tweaked the exchange rate calculation so that it will work in even more "
-"complicated cases, involving different Euroland and other currencies."
-msgstr ""
-"Tweaked the exchange rate calculation so that it will work in even more "
-"complicated cases, involving different Euroland and other currencies."
+#~ msgid "What's New in GnuCash 1.7.4?"
+#~ msgstr "What's New in GnuCash 1.7.4?"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1793
-msgid "Added Edit Report Options hyperlink to warnings in reports."
-msgstr "Added Edit Report Options hyperlink to warnings in reports."
+#~ msgid "Second beta release"
+#~ msgstr "Second beta release"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1794
-msgid ""
-"Added workaround for Guppi barchart legend sorting (broken in Guppi 0.40.0 - "
-msgstr ""
-"Added workaround for Guppi barchart legend sorting (broken in Guppi 0.40.0 - "
+#~ msgid "Problems with importing 1.6 data files fixed"
+#~ msgstr "Problems with importing 1.6 data files fixed"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1795
-msgid "Bug fixes"
-msgstr "Bug fixes"
+#~ msgid "Updates to generic transaction matching"
+#~ msgstr "Updates to generic transaction matching"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1809
-msgid "<b>Announcement:</b> GnuCash 1.6.5 stable release!"
-msgstr "<b>Announcement:</b> GnuCash 1.6.5 stable release!"
+#~ msgid "More postgres backend fixes"
+#~ msgstr "More postgres backend fixes"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1814
-msgid "Euro conversion druid"
-msgstr "Euro conversion druid"
+#~ msgid "New progress bar when making reports"
+#~ msgstr "New progress bar when making reports"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1815
-msgid ""
-"Updated or new translations for Brazilian Portuguese, Danish, German, "
-"Nicaraguan Spanish, Norwegian, Portuguese, Slovak, Spanish, and Swedish"
-msgstr ""
-"Updated or new translations for Brazilian Portuguese, Danish, German, "
-"Nicaraguan Spanish, Norwegian, Portuguese, Slovak, Spanish, and Swedish"
+#~ msgid "Payment schedule review page added to loan druid"
+#~ msgstr "Payment schedule review page added to loan druid"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1816
-msgid "minor bug fixes"
-msgstr "minor bug fixes"
+#~ msgid "Fixes to multi-currency support"
+#~ msgstr "Fixes to multi-currency support"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1829
-msgid "GnomeChart 0.1"
-msgstr "GnomeChart 0.1"
+#~ msgid "Added Brazilian Portugese account templates by Lucimar Moresco"
+#~ msgstr "Added Brazilian Portugese account templates by Lucimar Moresco"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1834
-msgid "GnomeChart 0.1 is now available."
-msgstr "GnomeChart 0.1 is now available."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Added doxygen documentation support, and integrated it into the build "
+#~ "system. There is a new target, make doc, that can be used to build the "
+#~ "documentation if you have doxygen installed."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Added doxygen documentation support, and integrated it into the build "
+#~ "system. There is a new target, make doc, that can be used to build the "
+#~ "documentation if you have doxygen installed."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1836
-msgid ""
-"GnomeChart is a small application for viewing stock charts. It uses libguppi "
-"for the graphics, so you'll need to have Guppi 0.40.1 or better installed."
-msgstr ""
-"GnomeChart is a small application for viewing stock charts. It uses libguppi "
-"for the graphics, so you'll need to have Guppi 0.40.1 or better installed."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Catch the condition gracefully when OpenHBCI config file does not exist."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Catch the condition gracefully when OpenHBCI config file does not exist."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1838
-msgid "You can download GnomeChart from:"
-msgstr "You can download GnomeChart from:"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Compute the implicit exchange rates for ALL transactions when necessary. "
+#~ "No longer requires the pricedb for printing split values. This will "
+#~ "display all transactions in the currency of the current account, "
+#~ "regardless of the number of splits in the transaction."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Compute the implicit exchange rates for ALL transactions when necessary. "
+#~ "No longer requires the pricedb for printing split values. This will "
+#~ "display all transactions in the currency of the current account, "
+#~ "regardless of the number of splits in the transaction."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1847
-msgid "<b>Announcement:</b> GnuCash 1.6.4 stable release!"
-msgstr "<b>Announcement:</b> GnuCash 1.6.4 stable release!"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "First pass at getting multi-currency transactions to work from the "
+#~ "register."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "First pass at getting multi-currency transactions to work from the "
+#~ "register."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1852
-msgid "fix bug loading GnuCash 1.4 files"
-msgstr "fix bug loading GnuCash 1.4 files"
+#~ msgid "CVS Cleanup; Server Outage"
+#~ msgstr "CVS Cleanup; Server Outage"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1865
-msgid "<b>Announcement:</b> GnuCash 1.6.3 stable release!"
-msgstr "<b>Announcement:</b> GnuCash 1.6.3 stable release!"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The CVS tree was pruned to remove some old and dead directories. This "
+#~ "should improve cvs update times a little bit.  A historical archive is "
+#~ "still available by checking out the source from a different repository: "
+#~ "the \"gnucash-archive\" repository."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "The CVS tree was pruned to remove some old and dead directories. This "
+#~ "should improve cvs update times a little bit.  A historical archive is "
+#~ "still available by checking out the source from a different repository: "
+#~ "the \"gnucash-archive\" repository."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1870
-msgid "new Polish translation"
-msgstr "new Polish translation"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The cvs server and the web site will be down for a few hours during the "
+#~ "evening of 27 November or morning of 28 November, as the servers are "
+#~ "relocated to a new location."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "The cvs server and the web site will be down for a few hours during the "
+#~ "evening of 27 November or morning of 28 November, as the servers are "
+#~ "relocated to a new location."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1871
-msgid "Danish and Spanish translation of new account files"
-msgstr "Danish and Spanish translation of new account files"
+#~ msgid "<b>Announcement:</b> GnuCash 1.7.3 beta: \"This rose is priceless\""
+#~ msgstr "<b>Announcement:</b> GnuCash 1.7.3 beta: \"This rose is priceless\""
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1872
-msgid "updated Swedish, German, and Portuguese translations"
-msgstr "updated Swedish, German, and Portuguese translations"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The GnuCash team is pleased to announce the release of the first beta "
+#~ "version 1.7.3: \"This rose is priceless\"."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "The GnuCash team is pleased to announce the release of the first beta "
+#~ "version 1.7.3: \"This rose is priceless\"."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1873
-msgid "child accounts can be reconciled with the parent"
-msgstr "child accounts can be reconciled with the parent"
+#~ msgid "New Features in this version!"
+#~ msgstr "New Features in this version!"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1874
-msgid "support for TrustNet online quotes"
-msgstr "support for TrustNet online quotes"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Improved libofx configure support.  Add --with-ofx-prefix so users can "
+#~ "define where to look for libofx."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Improved libofx configure support.  Add --with-ofx-prefix so users can "
+#~ "define where to look for libofx."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1875
-msgid "support for precious metal currencies"
-msgstr "support for precious metal currencies"
+#~ msgid "Fixed missing OFX files in tarball."
+#~ msgstr "Fixed missing OFX files in tarball."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1876 www/oldnews.phtml:1916 www/oldnews.phtml:2121
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2156 www/oldnews.phtml:2179 www/oldnews.phtml:2269
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2294 www/oldnews.phtml:2361 www/oldnews.phtml:2425
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2473 www/oldnews.phtml:2513 www/oldnews.phtml:2788
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2836 www/oldnews.phtml:2892 www/oldnews.phtml:2910
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2963
-msgid "bug fixes"
-msgstr "bug fixes"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "MAJOR improvement to OFX investment support.  All transactions created "
+#~ "from an investment account are now already balanced. Explicitly support "
+#~ "Dividend Reinvestment transactions which will now directly create a "
+#~ "income account -> stock account transaction, and Income transactions "
+#~ "which will directly create a income account -> cash account transaction. "
+#~ "Support memorising the income account association. Several stock account "
+#~ "can use the same income account if desired."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "MAJOR improvement to OFX investment support.  All transactions created "
+#~ "from an investment account are now already balanced. Explicitly support "
+#~ "Dividend Reinvestment transactions which will now directly create a "
+#~ "income account -> stock account transaction, and Income transactions "
+#~ "which will directly create a income account -> cash account transaction. "
+#~ "Support memorising the income account association. Several stock account "
+#~ "can use the same income account if desired."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1894
-msgid ""
-"Screenshorts showing the latest version of the Gnome Time Tracker have been "
-"put up at a <a href=\"http://www.linas.org/linux/gtt/gtt.html\">temporary "
-"web site</a>. Volunteers are needed to provide a module to export gtt "
-"billing data into gnucash, as well as to update the gtt documentation."
-msgstr ""
-"Screenshorts showing the latest version of the Gnome Time Tracker have been "
-"put up at a <a href=\"http://www.linas.org/linux/gtt/gtt.html\">temporary "
-"web site</a>. Volunteers are needed to provide a module to export gtt "
-"billing data into gnucash, as well as to update the gtt documentation."
+#~ msgid "Updated gnucash.spec file to work with rh8."
+#~ msgstr "Updated gnucash.spec file to work with rh8."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1898
-msgid "Final Survey Results"
-msgstr "Final Survey Results"
+#~ msgid "Added new cashflow report contributed by Herbert Thoma."
+#~ msgstr "Added new cashflow report contributed by Herbert Thoma."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1903
-msgid ""
-"The First Gnucash User/Features Survey is now closed. There were 828 survey "
-"respondents. The responses and the averages changed almost not at all from "
-"the early snapshot posted here earlier. The majority of respondants are home "
-"users interested in more home-user features. We hope to do a bit of data "
-"mining later, and present a more detailed breakdown according to the types "
-"of users. Let us know if you have interest in this dataset."
-msgstr ""
-"The First Gnucash User/Features Survey is now closed. There were 828 survey "
-"respondents. The responses and the averages changed almost not at all from "
-"the early snapshot posted here earlier. The majority of respondants are home "
-"users interested in more home-user features. We hope to do a bit of data "
-"mining later, and present a more detailed breakdown according to the types "
-"of users. Let us know if you have interest in this dataset."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "New functions to get/set read-only status on a transaction, and to print "
+#~ "a warning message if a transaction is read-only."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "New functions to get/set read-only status on a transaction, and to print "
+#~ "a warning message if a transaction is read-only."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1909
-msgid "<b>Announcement:</b> GnuCash 1.6.2 stable release!"
-msgstr "<b>Announcement:</b> GnuCash 1.6.2 stable release!"
+#~ msgid "Added a bunch of currencies."
+#~ msgstr "Added a bunch of currencies."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1914
-msgid "Updated Danish and German translations"
-msgstr "Updated Danish and German translations"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Updated translations (merged from 1.6 branch plus updates from the "
+#~ "Translation Project)."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Updated translations (merged from 1.6 branch plus updates from the "
+#~ "Translation Project)."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1915
-msgid "SQL backend performance improvements"
-msgstr "SQL backend performance improvements"
+#~ msgid "Matthew Vanecek added some bug fixes for the SQL back end."
+#~ msgstr "Matthew Vanecek added some bug fixes for the SQL back end."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1930
-msgid "Preliminary Survey Results"
-msgstr "Preliminary Survey Results"
+#~ msgid "Add support for gtkhtml 1.1"
+#~ msgstr "Add support for gtkhtml 1.1"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1935
-msgid ""
-"There have been 415 survey takers to-date. The majority of respondants are "
-"home users interested in more home-user features.  The survey itself "
-"continues, and we hope to have a more detailed breakdown according to the "
-"types of users later."
-msgstr ""
-"There have been 415 survey takers to-date. The majority of respondants are "
-"home users interested in more home-user features.  The survey itself "
-"continues, and we hope to have a more detailed breakdown according to the "
-"types of users later."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Added calculate the number of remaining payments based on the start date, "
+#~ "loan length and current date to Mortgage druid."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Added calculate the number of remaining payments based on the start date, "
+#~ "loan length and current date to Mortgage druid."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1940
-msgid "GnuCash Tutorial"
-msgstr "GnuCash Tutorial"
+#~ msgid "Loads of bugfixes, keep those bugs coming!"
+#~ msgstr "Loads of bugfixes, keep those bugs coming!"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1945
-msgid ""
-"Joseph Mack has created an online <a href=\"http://www.ncsysadmin.org/"
-"july2001/ncsa-gnucash-talk.html\">tutorial</a> as part of a GnuCash talk "
-"given to the North Carolina Systems Administrators on July 11. The tutorial "
-"is about how to do small-business accounting using GnuCash."
-msgstr ""
-"Joseph Mack has created an online <a href=\"http://www.ncsysadmin.org/"
-"july2001/ncsa-gnucash-talk.html\">tutorial</a> as part of a GnuCash talk "
-"given to the North Carolina Systems Administrators on July 11. The tutorial "
-"is about how to do small-business accounting using GnuCash."
+#~ msgid "NOTE: Report bugs to bugzilla.gnome.org"
+#~ msgstr "NOTE: Report bugs to bugzilla.gnome.org"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1950
-msgid "RedHat 7.1 GnuCash Packages"
-msgstr "RedHat 7.1 GnuCash Packages"
+#~ msgid "Announcement:</b> GnuCash 1.7.2 alpha: \"Antipodean Nightmare\""
+#~ msgstr "Announcement:</b> GnuCash 1.7.2 alpha: \"Antipodean Nightmare\""
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1954
-msgid "RedHat 7.1 packages of GnuCash-1.6.1 for guile-1.3.4 are now available."
-msgstr ""
-"RedHat 7.1 packages of GnuCash-1.6.1 for guile-1.3.4 are now available."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The GnuCash team is pleased to announce the release of the second alpha "
+#~ "version 1.7.2: \"Antipodean Nightmare\". This release is the result of "
+#~ "the development team working so hard the GnuCash developers topped the "
+#~ "GNOME Summary commits list last week."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "The GnuCash team is pleased to announce the release of the second alpha "
+#~ "version 1.7.2: \"Antipodean Nightmare\". This release is the result of "
+#~ "the development team working so hard the GnuCash developers topped the "
+#~ "GNOME Summary commits list last week."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1955
-msgid "Here"
-msgstr "Here"
+#~ msgid "You can now search by reconcile flag for transactions"
+#~ msgstr "You can now search by reconcile flag for transactions"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1956
-msgid "Courtesy of Ben Stanley."
-msgstr "Courtesy of Ben Stanley."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Ability to set posted invoices and payments read-only in the small "
+#~ "business module."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Ability to set posted invoices and payments read-only in the small "
+#~ "business module."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1959
-msgid "Thanks Ben!"
-msgstr "Thanks Ben!"
+#~ msgid "New commodity matcher for OFX generic import."
+#~ msgstr "New commodity matcher for OFX generic import."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1964
-msgid "<b>Announcement:</b> GnuCash 1.6.1 stable release!"
-msgstr "<b>Announcement:</b> GnuCash 1.6.1 stable release!"
+#~ msgid "Latest libofx is needed for OFX support"
+#~ msgstr "Latest libofx is needed for OFX support"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1969 www/oldnews.phtml:2570
-msgid "Updated documentation"
-msgstr "Updated documentation"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Investment transactions now create two accounts, one is for the stock, "
+#~ "the other is the account defined by the FI, where the cash is swapped."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Investment transactions now create two accounts, one is for the stock, "
+#~ "the other is the account defined by the FI, where the cash is swapped."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1970
-msgid "Updated French, German, Japanese, and Portuguese translations"
-msgstr "Updated French, German, Japanese, and Portuguese translations"
+#~ msgid "Updated glossary"
+#~ msgstr "Updated glossary"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1971
-msgid "Improved startup time"
-msgstr "Improved startup time"
+#~ msgid "HBCI improvements to transaction retrieval"
+#~ msgstr "HBCI improvements to transaction retrieval"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1972
-msgid "Many bug fixes"
-msgstr "Many bug fixes"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Add Direct Debit HBCI action and add caching of the PIN to user "
+#~ "preferences."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Add Direct Debit HBCI action and add caching of the PIN to user "
+#~ "preferences."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1985
-msgid "Features Survey"
-msgstr "Features Survey"
+#~ msgid "HBCI suport requires OpenHBCI 0.9.3 or current OpenHBCI CVS"
+#~ msgstr "HBCI suport requires OpenHBCI 0.9.3 or current OpenHBCI CVS"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1989
-msgid ""
-"Let us know what your opinions about the future of GnuCash.  There is a "
-"rather long, detailed survey that asks for your opinion about the future of "
-"GnuCash.  You can rate the importance of a big list of features and possible "
-"future directions for gnucash. You can  take the survey, or study up on our "
-"thoughts for the possible future directions for GnuCash by reading the "
-msgstr ""
-"Let us know what your opinions about the future of GnuCash.  There is a "
-"rather long, detailed survey that asks for your opinion about the future of "
-"GnuCash.  You can rate the importance of a big list of features and possible "
-"future directions for gnucash. You can  take the survey, or study up on our "
-"thoughts for the possible future directions for GnuCash by reading the "
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "This release features HBCI online banking support. This makes it the "
+#~ "world's first *free* HBCI-enabled personal finance manager."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "This release features HBCI online banking support. This makes it the "
+#~ "world's first *free* HBCI-enabled personal finance manager."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1995
-msgid "SuSE 7.1 GnuCash Packages"
-msgstr "SuSE 7.1 GnuCash Packages"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "HBCI (Home Banking Computer Interface) is a standard used by German banks "
+#~ "for offering online banking service. Through this standard, business "
+#~ "actions like statement retrieval, bank transfer, or direct debits can be "
+#~ "invoked by any HBCI-compliant client application, i.e. now also from "
+#~ "GnuCash. Authentification and encryption is done through a bank-issued "
+#~ "chip card or a self-generated file-based RSA key pair. (In the latter "
+#~ "case, the user prints out his public key finger print on paper, signs it, "
+#~ "and sends it to his bank.)"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "HBCI (Home Banking Computer Interface) is a standard used by German banks "
+#~ "for offering online banking service. Through this standard, business "
+#~ "actions like statement retrieval, bank transfer, or direct debits can be "
+#~ "invoked by any HBCI-compliant client application, i.e. now also from "
+#~ "GnuCash. Authentication and encryption is done through a bank-issued chip "
+#~ "card or a self-generated file-based RSA key pair. (In the latter case, "
+#~ "the user prints out his public key finger print on paper, signs it, and "
+#~ "sends it to his bank.)"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:1999
-msgid "SuSE 7.1 packages for GnuCash-1.6.0, Guppi ad g-wrap are now available."
-msgstr ""
-"SuSE 7.1 packages for GnuCash-1.6.0, Guppi ad g-wrap are now available."
+#~ msgid "Announcement:</b> GnuCash 1.7.1 alpha release!"
+#~ msgstr "Announcement:</b> GnuCash 1.7.1 alpha release!"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2000 www/oldnews.phtml:2014 www/oldnews.phtml:2028
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2052 www/oldnews.phtml:2058
-msgid "here"
-msgstr "here"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The GnuCash team is pleased to announce the release of alpha version "
+#~ "1.7.1. This is the first release as we begin the journey to stable "
+#~ "version 1.8.0. We have lots of bugfixes and new features in this release "
+#~ "and would like as much testing and bug reporting as possible. Please "
+#~ "report problems to bugzilla.gnome.org. If you feel the need to speak to "
+#~ "us or even just to encourage us to move forward on the next major version "
+#~ "please either join the mailing list or come on irc.gnome.org and chat "
+#~ "with us in the #gnucash channel."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "The GnuCash team is pleased to announce the release of alpha version "
+#~ "1.7.1. This is the first release as we begin the journey to stable "
+#~ "version 1.8.0. We have lots of bugfixes and new features in this release "
+#~ "and would like as much testing and bug reporting as possible. Please "
+#~ "report problems to bugzilla.gnome.org. If you feel the need to speak to "
+#~ "us or even just to encourage us to move forward on the next major version "
+#~ "please either join the mailing list or come on irc.gnome.org and chat "
+#~ "with us in the #gnucash channel."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2001
-msgid "Courtesy of Stephan Kahnt."
-msgstr "Courtesy of Stephan Kahnt."
+#~ msgid "Small Business Customer and Vendor tracking and Invoicing"
+#~ msgstr "Small Business Customer and Vendor tracking and Invoicing"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2004
-msgid "Thanks Stephan!"
-msgstr "Thanks Stephan!"
+#~ msgid "OFX and HBCI (Germany) Support"
+#~ msgstr "OFX and HBCI (Germany) Support"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2009
-msgid "Yellowdog PowerPC GnuCash Packages"
-msgstr "Yellowdog PowerPC GnuCash Packages"
+#~ msgid "Improved Menu layout"
+#~ msgstr "Improved Menu layout"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2013
-msgid ""
-"Yellowdog PowerPC packages of GnuCash-1.6.0, Guppi ad g-wrap are now "
-msgstr ""
-"Yellowdog PowerPC packages of GnuCash-1.6.0, Guppi ad g-wrap are now "
+#~ msgid "<b>Announcement:</b> GnuCash 1.6.8 stable release!"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Announcement:</b> GnuCash 1.6.8 stable release!"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2015
-msgid "Courtesy of Martin Hill."
-msgstr "Courtesy of Martin Hill."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The GnuCash team is pleased to announce the release of stable version "
+#~ "1.6.8. This is to fix some minor bugs that prevented the last release "
+#~ "being easy to compile from source. Please continue to report problems to "
+#~ "our new module in bugzilla.gnome.org. As usual, if you feel the need to "
+#~ "speak to us or even just to encourage us to move forward on the next "
+#~ "major version please either join the mailing list or come on irc.gnome."
+#~ "org and chat with us in the #gnucash channel."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "The GnuCash team is pleased to announce the release of stable version "
+#~ "1.6.8. This is to fix some minor bugs that prevented the last release "
+#~ "being easy to compile from source. Please continue to report problems to "
+#~ "our new module in bugzilla.gnome.org. As usual, if you feel the need to "
+#~ "speak to us or even just to encourage us to move forward on the next "
+#~ "major version please either join the mailing list or come on irc.gnome."
+#~ "org and chat with us in the #gnucash channel."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2018
-msgid "Thanks Martin!"
-msgstr "Thanks Martin!"
+#~ msgid "Fix for acinclude.m4 problem with guile-config"
+#~ msgstr "Fix for acinclude.m4 problem with guile-config"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2022
-msgid "Mandrake GnuCash packages"
-msgstr "Mandrake GnuCash packages"
+#~ msgid "Removed rpm spec file dependency on Postgresql"
+#~ msgstr "Removed rpm spec file dependency on Postgresql"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2026
-msgid "A Mandrake 8 package of GnuCash 1.6.0 is now available."
-msgstr "A Mandrake 8 package of GnuCash 1.6.0 is now available."
+#~ msgid "<b>Announcement:</b> GnuCash 1.6.7 stable release!"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Announcement:</b> GnuCash 1.6.7 stable release!"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2029
-msgid ""
-"Courtesy of Arnold Troeger. A mandrake version of guppi, required by "
-"gnucash, is in the same directory."
-msgstr ""
-"Courtesy of Arnold Troeger. A mandrake version of guppi, required by "
-"gnucash, is in the same directory."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The GnuCash team is pleased to announce the release of stable version "
+#~ "1.6.7. This is mainly to fix some important bugs that have cropped up and "
+#~ "add some additional translations to the stable series. Please continue to "
+#~ "report problems to our new module in bugzilla.gnome.org. As usual, if you "
+#~ "feel the need to speak to us or even just to encourage us to move forward "
+#~ "on the next major version please either join the mailing list or come on "
+#~ "irc.gnome.org and chat with us in the #gnucash channel"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "The GnuCash team is pleased to announce the release of stable version "
+#~ "1.6.7. This is mainly to fix some important bugs that have cropped up and "
+#~ "add some additional translations to the stable series. Please continue to "
+#~ "report problems to our new module in bugzilla.gnome.org. As usual, if you "
+#~ "feel the need to speak to us or even just to encourage us to move forward "
+#~ "on the next major version please either join the mailing list or come on "
+#~ "irc.gnome.org and chat with us in the #gnucash channel"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2032
-msgid "Thanks Arnold!"
-msgstr "Thanks Arnold!"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Updated or new translations for Japanese, Italian, Traditional Chinese, "
+#~ "Simplified Chinese, Russian, French, German, Swedish, Portuguese, "
+#~ "Brasilian Portugese."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Updated or new translations for Japanese, Italian, Traditional Chinese, "
+#~ "Simplified Chinese, Russian, French, German, Swedish, Portuguese, "
+#~ "Brasilian Portugese."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2036
-msgid "GnuCash T-Shirts!"
-msgstr "GnuCash T-Shirts!"
+#~ msgid "Add French account hierarchy template."
+#~ msgstr "Add French account hierarchy template."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2041
-msgid ""
-"We have a limited number of t-shirts left over from a trade show.  They're "
-"$15 a pop. Show your colors!"
-msgstr ""
-"We have a limited number of t-shirts left over from a trade show.  They're "
-"$15 a pop. Show your colours!"
+#~ msgid "Back-ported fix for locale of new accounts."
+#~ msgstr "Back-ported fix for locale of new accounts."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2046
-msgid "New GnuCash packages"
-msgstr "New Gnucash packages"
+#~ msgid "File permission fix."
+#~ msgstr "File permission fix."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2050
-msgid "A Solaris 8 package of GnuCash 1.6.0 is now available."
-msgstr "A Solaris 8 package of GnuCash 1.6.0 is now available."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Changed \"Opening Balances\" to \"Opening Balance\" to unify the account "
+#~ "name."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Changed \"Opening Balances\" to \"Opening Balance\" to unify the account "
+#~ "name."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2053
-msgid "Courtesy of Alan Orndorff."
-msgstr "Courtesy of Alan Orndorff."
+#~ msgid "Tweak for newer versions of db2html."
+#~ msgstr "Tweak for newer versions of db2html."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2056
-msgid "A debian package of GnuCash 1.6.0 is now available."
-msgstr "A debian package of GnuCash 1.6.0 is now available."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Fix a common crash (Gnome Bug #78132 et. al.) caused by a dangling "
+#~ "pointer reference."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Fix a common crash (Gnome Bug #78132 et. al.) caused by a dangling "
+#~ "pointer reference."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2059
-msgid "Courtesy of John Goerzen."
-msgstr "Courtesy of John Goerzen."
+#~ msgid "Add upper bounds checking on the versions of guile and g-wrap."
+#~ msgstr "Add upper bounds checking on the versions of guile and g-wrap."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2062
-msgid "Thanks guys!"
-msgstr "Thanks guys!"
+#~ msgid "Fix for guile-1.4.1 srfi problem."
+#~ msgstr "Fix for guile-1.4.1 srfi problem."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2067
-msgid "<b>Announcement:</b> GnuCash 1.6.0 stable release!"
-msgstr "<b>Announcement:</b> GnuCash 1.6.0 stable release!"
+#~ msgid "Added support for VWD as a quote source (Joachim Breitner)."
+#~ msgstr "Added support for VWD as a quote source (Joachim Breitner)."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2072
-msgid ""
-"The GnuCash Development Team &lt;http://www.gnucash.org&gt; proudly "
-"announces the release of GnuCash 1.6.0, the GNU personal finance manager."
-msgstr ""
-"The GnuCash Development Team &lt;http://www.gnucash.org&gt; proudly "
-"announces the release of GnuCash 1.6.0, the GNU personal finance manager."
+#~ msgid "GnuCash Bugs now at the GNOME Bugzilla"
+#~ msgstr "GnuCash Bugs now at GNOME Bugzilla"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2075
-msgid ""
-"GnuCash features an account hierarchy creation tool, a checkbook-like "
-"register GUI to enter transactions, and a full set of reports to visualize "
-"the state of your finances. The new release comes with a configurable main "
-"window, a much improved checking and general ledger entry window, and over "
-"ten completely new graphical reports including pie charts and bar charts "
-"using the GNU plot program "
-msgstr ""
-"GnuCash features an account hierarchy creation tool, a chequebook-like "
-"register GUI to enter transactions, and a full set of reports to visualize "
-"the state of your finances. The new release comes with a configurable main "
-"window, a much improved cheque and general ledger entry window, and over ten "
-"completely new graphical reports including pie charts and bar charts using "
-"the GNU plot program "
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "GnuCash has now moved its bug reporting system into the central GNOME "
+#~ "bugzilla. This will give the GnuCash project the ability to receive bug "
+#~ "reports generated by Bug Buddy as well as take advantage of the GNOME bug "
+#~ "team in their overall administration of GNOME bugs."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "GnuCash has now moved its bug reporting system into the central GNOME "
+#~ "bugzilla. This will give the GnuCash project the ability to receive bug "
+#~ "reports generated by Bug Buddy as well as take advantage of the GNOME bug "
+#~ "team in their overall administration of GNOME bugs."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2079
-msgid ""
-"Thanks go to all the translators, testers, bug reporters, artists, and "
-"programmers who made this release possible. And thanks to all our users for "
-"choosing GnuCash!"
-msgstr ""
-"Thanks go to all the translators, testers, bug reporters, artists, and "
-"programmers who made this release possible. And thanks to all our users for "
-"choosing GnuCash!"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "If you wish to use the GNOME bug system to report a GnuCash bug please go "
+#~ "to <a href=\"http://bugzilla.gnome.org\">bugzilla.gnome.org</a> and use "
+#~ "the forms there to enter your report."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "If you wish to use the GNOME bug system to report a GnuCash bug please go "
+#~ "to <a href=\"http://bugzilla.gnome.org\">bugzilla.gnome.org</a> and use "
+#~ "the forms there to enter your report."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2082
-msgid "The new release of GnuCash contains many new features including:"
-msgstr "The new release of GnuCash contains many new features including:"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "You can also see a complete list of GnuCash bugs by following this link, "
+#~ "<a href=\"http://bugzilla.gnome.org/buglist.cgi?product=GnuCash\">"
+#~ "\"Complete\"</a> and this link"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "You can also see a complete list of GnuCash bugs by following this link, "
+#~ "<a href=\"http://bugzilla.gnome.org/buglist.cgi?product=GnuCash\">"
+#~ "\"Complete\"</a> and this link"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2085
-msgid "Printable, persistent reports (reports are saved between sessions)"
-msgstr "Printable, persistent reports (reports are saved between sessions)"
+#~ msgid "Open"
+#~ msgstr "Open"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2086
-msgid "XML file format (old binary files are converted automatically)"
-msgstr "XML file format (old binary files are converted automatically)"
+#~ msgid "if you wish to just see any open bugs."
+#~ msgstr "if you wish to just see any open bugs."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2087
-msgid "Account hierarchy creation druid, account hierarchy export"
-msgstr "Account hierarchy creation druid, account hierarchy export"
+#~ msgid "New GnuCash features in development"
+#~ msgstr "New GnuCash features in development"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2088
-msgid "Much improved QIF importing"
-msgstr "Much improved QIF importing"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The GnuCash team has been hard at work developing new requested features "
+#~ "for the next version of GnuCash which is slated for beta testing and "
+#~ "release in the late summer and fall of 2002."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "The GnuCash team has been hard at work developing new requested features "
+#~ "for the next version of GnuCash which is slated for beta testing and "
+#~ "release in the late summer and fall of 2002."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2089
-msgid "Financial calculator"
-msgstr "Financial calculator"
+#~ msgid "New features"
+#~ msgstr "New features"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2090
-msgid "Better support for multiple currencies, special support for the Euro"
-msgstr "Better support for multiple currencies, special support for the Euro"
+#~ msgid "Small Business functions"
+#~ msgstr "Small Business functions"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2091
-msgid "Online stock quotes integrated with the GUI"
-msgstr "Online stock quotes integrated with the GUI"
+#~ msgid "OFX support"
+#~ msgstr "OFX Support"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2092
-msgid "Expression evaluation (you can type in 40.45 + 31.23)"
-msgstr "Expression evaluation (you can type in 40.45 + 31.23)"
+#~ msgid "Improved User Interface"
+#~ msgstr "Improved User Interface"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2093
-msgid ""
-"PostgreSQL back-end supports multiple simultaneous users (beta, disabled by "
-msgstr ""
-"PostgreSQL back-end supports multiple simultaneous users (beta, disabled by "
+#~ msgid "Updated Users Guide"
+#~ msgstr "Updated Users Guide"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2094
-msgid ""
-"Menus translated to 12 languages, users guide to 3 (French, Spanish, "
-msgstr ""
-"Menus translated to 12 languages, users guide to 3 (French, Spanish, "
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The development team would appreciate greatly any feedback from persons "
+#~ "testing these features by compiling the CVS version of GnuCash. You can "
+#~ "either join us on irc.gnome.org #gnucash or email the developers list "
+#~ "gnucash-devel at gnucash.org"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "The development team would appreciate greatly any feedback from persons "
+#~ "testing these features by compiling the CVS version of GnuCash. You can "
+#~ "either join us on irc.gnome.org #gnucash or email the developers list "
+#~ "gnucash-devel at gnucash.org"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2107
-msgid "<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash 1.5.98 release!"
-msgstr "<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash 1.5.98 release!"
+#~ msgid "<b>Announcement:</b> GnuCash 1.6.6 stable release!"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Announcement:</b> GnuCash 1.6.6 stable release!"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2112 www/oldnews.phtml:2148 www/oldnews.phtml:2172
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2195 www/oldnews.phtml:2259 www/oldnews.phtml:2287
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2312 www/oldnews.phtml:2377 www/oldnews.phtml:2546
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2566
-msgid "Note: this is an unstable development release and may be buggy!"
-msgstr "Note: this is an unstable development release and may be buggy!"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Updated or new translations for Dutch, Norwegian, Russian, Greek, French, "
+#~ "German, Portuguese, Azerbaijani Turkic, and Slovak."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Updated or new translations for Dutch, Norwegian, Russian, Greek, French, "
+#~ "German, Portuguese, Azerbaijani Turkic, and Slovak."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2113
-msgid ""
-"Most users should probably stick to version 1.4.12 for day-to-day use.  (All "
-"1.5.x releases will be unstable/buggy. The next stable version will be "
-msgstr ""
-"Most users should probably stick to version 1.4.12 for day-to-day use.  (All "
-"1.5.x releases will be unstable/buggy. The next stable version will be "
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Tweaked the exchange rate calculation so that it will work in even more "
+#~ "complicated cases, involving different Euroland and other currencies."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Tweaked the exchange rate calculation so that it will work in even more "
+#~ "complicated cases, involving different Euroland and other currencies."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2115 www/oldnews.phtml:2151
-msgid "This is a beta release. GnuCash is now in feature freeze for 1.6.0."
-msgstr "This is a beta release. GnuCash is now in feature freeze for 1.6.0."
+#~ msgid "Added Edit Report Options hyperlink to warnings in reports."
+#~ msgstr "Added Edit Report Options hyperlink to warnings in reports."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2117
-msgid "updated documentation (English &amp; Portuguese)"
-msgstr "updated documentation (English &amp; Portuguese)"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Added workaround for Guppi barchart legend sorting (broken in Guppi "
+#~ "0.40.0 - 0.40.3)"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Added workaround for Guppi barchart legend sorting (broken in Guppi "
+#~ "0.40.0 - 0.40.3)"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2118 www/oldnews.phtml:2267
-msgid "updated German and Portuguese translations"
-msgstr "updated German and Portuguese translations"
+#~ msgid "Bug fixes"
+#~ msgstr "Bug fixes"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2119
-msgid "more work on sql backend"
-msgstr "more work on sql backend"
+#~ msgid "<b>Announcement:</b> GnuCash 1.6.5 stable release!"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Announcement:</b> GnuCash 1.6.5 stable release!"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2120
-msgid "fixes for FreeBSD"
-msgstr "fixes for FreeBSD"
+#~ msgid "Euro conversion druid"
+#~ msgstr "Euro conversion druid"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2137
-msgid ""
-"The next stable release, 1.6.0, is rapidly approaching, and we need all "
-"language translators to update the message catalogs. The translatable text "
-"strings in 1.5.x have been frozen, we don't expect any new strings in "
-"1.6.0.  However, the text strings in the current 1.5.x are completely "
-"different from those in 1.4.12, and many new strings have been added since "
-"he earlier days of 1.5.x. If these translations are not brought up to date, "
-"version 1.6.0 will come out with broken or missing translations for many "
-"languages. Now is really the best time to bring translations up to date."
-msgstr ""
-"The next stable release, 1.6.0, is rapidly approaching, and we need all "
-"language translators to update the message catalogues. The translatable text "
-"strings in 1.5.x have been frozen, we don't expect any new strings in "
-"1.6.0.  However, the text strings in the current 1.5.x are completely "
-"different from those in 1.4.12, and many new strings have been added since "
-"the earlier days of 1.5.x. If these translations are not brought up to date, "
-"version 1.6.0 will come out with broken or missing translations for many "
-"languages. Now is really the best time to bring translations up to date."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Updated or new translations for Brazilian Portuguese, Danish, German, "
+#~ "Nicaraguan Spanish, Norwegian, Portuguese, Slovak, Spanish, and Swedish"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Updated or new translations for Brazilian Portuguese, Danish, German, "
+#~ "Nicaraguan Spanish, Norwegian, Portuguese, Slovak, Spanish, and Swedish"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2143
-msgid "<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash 1.5.97 release!"
-msgstr "<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash 1.5.97 release!"
+#~ msgid "minor bug fixes"
+#~ msgstr "minor bug fixes"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2149 www/oldnews.phtml:2173 www/oldnews.phtml:2196
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2260 www/oldnews.phtml:2288 www/oldnews.phtml:2313
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2378
-msgid ""
-"Most users should probably stick to version 1.4.10 for day-to-day use. (All "
-"1.5.x releases will be unstable/buggy. The next stable version will be "
-msgstr ""
-"Most users should probably stick to version 1.4.10 for day-to-day use. (All "
-"1.5.x releases will be unstable/buggy. The next stable version will be "
+#~ msgid "GnomeChart 0.1"
+#~ msgstr "GnomeChart 0.1"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2153 www/oldnews.phtml:2529 www/oldnews.phtml:2837
-msgid "updated documentation"
-msgstr "updated documentation"
+#~ msgid "GnomeChart 0.1 is now available."
+#~ msgstr "GnomeChart 0.1 is now available."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2154
-msgid "updated Norwegian and Portuguese translations"
-msgstr "updated Norwegian and Portuguese translations"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "GnomeChart is a small application for viewing stock charts. It uses "
+#~ "libguppi for the graphics, so you'll need to have Guppi 0.40.1 or better "
+#~ "installed."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "GnomeChart is a small application for viewing stock charts. It uses "
+#~ "libguppi for the graphics, so you'll need to have Guppi 0.40.1 or better "
+#~ "installed."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2155
-msgid "prices now stored in sql backend"
-msgstr "prices now stored in sql backend"
+#~ msgid "You can download GnomeChart from:"
+#~ msgstr "You can download GnomeChart from:"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2167
-msgid "<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash 1.5.96 release!"
-msgstr "<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash 1.5.96 release!"
+#~ msgid "<b>Announcement:</b> GnuCash 1.6.4 stable release!"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Announcement:</b> GnuCash 1.6.4 stable release!"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2175
-msgid "This is an alpha release."
-msgstr "This is an alpha release."
+#~ msgid "fix bug loading GnuCash 1.4 files"
+#~ msgstr "fix bug loading GnuCash 1.4 files"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2177
-msgid "updated user documentation"
-msgstr "updated user documentation"
+#~ msgid "<b>Announcement:</b> GnuCash 1.6.3 stable release!"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Announcement:</b> GnuCash 1.6.3 stable release!"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2178
-msgid "updated api documentation"
-msgstr "updated api documentation"
+#~ msgid "new Polish translation"
+#~ msgstr "new Polish translation"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2190
-msgid "<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash 1.5.95 release!"
-msgstr "<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash 1.5.95 release!"
+#~ msgid "Danish and Spanish translation of new account files"
+#~ msgstr "Danish and Spanish translation of new account files"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2198
-msgid "This is an alpha release and a string freeze release."
-msgstr "This is an alpha release and a string freeze release."
+#~ msgid "updated Swedish, German, and Portuguese translations"
+#~ msgstr "updated Swedish, German, and Portuguese translations"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2201 www/oldnews.phtml:2385
-msgid "new user account hierarchy wizard"
-msgstr "new user account hierarchy wizard"
+#~ msgid "child accounts can be reconciled with the parent"
+#~ msgstr "child accounts can be reconciled with the parent"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2202
-msgid "account hierarchy export"
-msgstr "account hierarchy export"
+#~ msgid "support for TrustNet online quotes"
+#~ msgstr "support for TrustNet online quotes"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2203 www/oldnews.phtml:2265
-msgid "reporting improvements"
-msgstr "reporting improvements"
+#~ msgid "support for precious metal currencies"
+#~ msgstr "support for precious metal currencies"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2204
-msgid "transfer dialog auto-completion"
-msgstr "transfer dialog auto-completion"
+#~ msgid "bug fixes"
+#~ msgstr "bug fixes"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2205 www/oldnews.phtml:2319
-msgid "many bug fixes"
-msgstr "many bug fixes"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Screenshorts showing the latest version of the Gnome Time Tracker have "
+#~ "been put up at a <a href=\"http://www.linas.org/linux/gtt/gtt.html"
+#~ "\">temporary web site</a>. Volunteers are needed to provide a module to "
+#~ "export gtt billing data into gnucash, as well as to update the gtt "
+#~ "documentation."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Screenshorts showing the latest version of the Gnome Time Tracker have "
+#~ "been put up at a <a href=\"http://www.linas.org/linux/gtt/gtt.html"
+#~ "\">temporary web site</a>. Volunteers are needed to provide a module to "
+#~ "export gtt billing data into gnucash, as well as to update the gtt "
+#~ "documentation."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2217
-msgid "Server Move"
-msgstr "Server Move"
+#~ msgid "Final Survey Results"
+#~ msgstr "Final Survey Results"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2221
-msgid ""
-"There will be sporadic outages next week as the gnucash.org server is moved "
-"to a new location sometime next week."
-msgstr ""
-"There will be sporadic outages next week as the gnucash.org server is moved "
-"to a new location sometime next week."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The First Gnucash User/Features Survey is now closed. There were 828 "
+#~ "survey respondents. The responses and the averages changed almost not at "
+#~ "all from the early snapshot posted here earlier. The majority of "
+#~ "respondants are home users interested in more home-user features. We hope "
+#~ "to do a bit of data mining later, and present a more detailed breakdown "
+#~ "according to the types of users. Let us know if you have interest in this "
+#~ "dataset."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "The First Gnucash User/Features Survey is now closed. There were 828 "
+#~ "survey respondents. The responses and the averages changed almost not at "
+#~ "all from the early snapshot posted here earlier. The majority of "
+#~ "respondants are home users interested in more home-user features. We hope "
+#~ "to do a bit of data mining later, and present a more detailed breakdown "
+#~ "according to the types of users. Let us know if you have interest in this "
+#~ "dataset."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2226
-msgid "<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash 1.4.12 release!"
-msgstr "<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash 1.4.12 release!"
+#~ msgid "<b>Announcement:</b> GnuCash 1.6.2 stable release!"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Announcement:</b> GnuCash 1.6.2 stable release!"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2231
-msgid "Turkish translation"
-msgstr "Turkish translation"
+#~ msgid "Updated Danish and German translations"
+#~ msgstr "Updated Danish and German translations"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2232
-msgid "minor bug fix"
-msgstr "minor bug fix"
+#~ msgid "SQL backend performance improvements"
+#~ msgstr "SQL backend performance improvements"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2242
-msgid "I18N: The GnuCash Portuguese Web Site Goes On-line!"
-msgstr "I18N: The GnuCash Portuguese Web Site Goes On-line!"
+#~ msgid "Preliminary Survey Results"
+#~ msgstr "Preliminary Survey Results"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2247
-msgid ""
-"The new <a href=\"pt_PT/\">Portuguese</a> website is up! Many thanks to "
-"Duarte Loreto for the fantastic job setting up the site, as well as for the "
-"translations of the GnuCash menus <i>and</i> the documentation!  Outstanding "
-"job Duarte!"
-msgstr ""
-"The new <a href=\"pt_PT/\">Portuguese</a> website is up! Many thanks to "
-"Duarte Loreto for the fantastic job setting up the site, as well as for the "
-"translations of the GnuCash menus <i>and</i> the documentation!  Outstanding "
-"job Duarte!"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "There have been 415 survey takers to-date. The majority of respondants "
+#~ "are home users interested in more home-user features.  The survey itself "
+#~ "continues, and we hope to have a more detailed breakdown according to the "
+#~ "types of users later."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "There have been 415 survey takers to-date. The majority of respondants "
+#~ "are home users interested in more home-user features.  The survey itself "
+#~ "continues, and we hope to have a more detailed breakdown according to the "
+#~ "types of users later."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2254
-msgid "<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash 1.5.6 release!"
-msgstr "<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash 1.5.6 release!"
+#~ msgid "GnuCash Tutorial"
+#~ msgstr "GnuCash Tutorial"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2262
-msgid "This is a feature freeze release."
-msgstr "This is a feature freeze release."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Joseph Mack has created an online <a href=\"http://www.ncsysadmin.org/"
+#~ "july2001/ncsa-gnucash-talk.html\">tutorial</a> as part of a GnuCash talk "
+#~ "given to the North Carolina Systems Administrators on July 11. The "
+#~ "tutorial is about how to do small-business accounting using GnuCash."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Joseph Mack has created an online <a href=\"http://www.ncsysadmin.org/"
+#~ "july2001/ncsa-gnucash-talk.html\">tutorial</a> as part of a GnuCash talk "
+#~ "given to the North Carolina Systems Administrators on July 11. The "
+#~ "tutorial is about how to do small-business accounting using GnuCash."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2266
-msgid "many misc GUI improvements"
-msgstr "many misc GUI improvements"
+#~ msgid "RedHat 7.1 GnuCash Packages"
+#~ msgstr "RedHat 7.1 GnuCash Packages"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2268 www/oldnews.phtml:2549
-msgid "fixes for Solaris"
-msgstr "fixes for Solaris"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "RedHat 7.1 packages of GnuCash-1.6.1 for guile-1.3.4 are now available."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "RedHat 7.1 packages of GnuCash-1.6.1 for guile-1.3.4 are now available."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2275 www/oldnews.phtml:2300 www/oldnews.phtml:2324
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2392
-msgid "(fast mirror)"
-msgstr "(fast mirror)"
+#~ msgid "Here"
+#~ msgstr "Here"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2282
-msgid "<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash 1.5.5 release!"
-msgstr "<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash 1.5.5 release!"
+#~ msgid "Courtesy of Ben Stanley."
+#~ msgstr "Courtesy of Ben Stanley."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2291
-msgid "more new &amp; improved reports"
-msgstr "more new &amp; improved reports"
+#~ msgid "Thanks Ben!"
+#~ msgstr "Thanks Ben!"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2292
-msgid "use of gnome MDI for main window"
-msgstr "use of gnome MDI for main window"
+#~ msgid "<b>Announcement:</b> GnuCash 1.6.1 stable release!"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Announcement:</b> GnuCash 1.6.1 stable release!"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2293
-msgid "GUI improvements"
-msgstr "GUI improvements"
+#~ msgid "Updated documentation"
+#~ msgstr "Updated documentation"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2307
-msgid "<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash 1.5.4 release!"
-msgstr "<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash 1.5.4 release!"
+#~ msgid "Updated French, German, Japanese, and Portuguese translations"
+#~ msgstr "Updated French, German, Japanese, and Portuguese translations"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2315
-msgid "several new &amp; improved reports/graphs"
-msgstr "several new &amp; improved reports/graphs"
+#~ msgid "Improved startup time"
+#~ msgstr "Improved startup time"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2316
-msgid "online price quotes now work"
-msgstr "online price quotes now work"
+#~ msgid "Many bug fixes"
+#~ msgstr "Many bug fixes"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2317
-msgid "new main window display"
-msgstr "new main window display"
+#~ msgid "Features Survey"
+#~ msgstr "Features Survey"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2318
-msgid "Spanish &amp; Portuguese translations of the manual"
-msgstr "Spanish &amp; Portuguese translations of the manual"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Let us know what your opinions about the future of GnuCash.  There is a "
+#~ "rather long, detailed survey that asks for your opinion about the future "
+#~ "of GnuCash.  You can rate the importance of a big list of features and "
+#~ "possible future directions for gnucash. You can  take the survey, or "
+#~ "study up on our thoughts for the possible future directions for GnuCash "
+#~ "by reading the roadmap."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Let us know what your opinions about the future of GnuCash.  There is a "
+#~ "rather long, detailed survey that asks for your opinion about the future "
+#~ "of GnuCash.  You can rate the importance of a big list of features and "
+#~ "possible future directions for gnucash. You can  take the survey, or "
+#~ "study up on our thoughts for the possible future directions for GnuCash "
+#~ "by reading the roadmap."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2331
-msgid "GnuCash Website Redesigned!"
-msgstr "GnuCash Website Redesigned!"
+#~ msgid "SuSE 7.1 GnuCash Packages"
+#~ msgstr "SuSE 7.1 GnuCash Packages"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2336
-msgid ""
-"Jeremy Collins has updated &amp; modernized the GnuCash website layout for a "
-"cleaner, fresher feel. Please test it out, and let us know about any bugs, "
-"layout problems, dead links, etc."
-msgstr ""
-"Jeremy Collins has updated &amp; modernized the GnuCash website layout for a "
-"cleaner, fresher feel. Please test it out, and let us know about any bugs, "
-"layout problems, dead links, etc."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "SuSE 7.1 packages for GnuCash-1.6.0, Guppi ad g-wrap are now available."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "SuSE 7.1 packages for GnuCash-1.6.0, Guppi ad g-wrap are now available."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2338
-msgid ""
-"Note also: we now have a full backup copy of the French translation of the "
-"GnuCash site <a href=\"/fr/\">hosted on this server</a>. We are looking for "
-"volunteers to help Yannick Le-Ny bring it in sync with the new site layout."
-msgstr ""
-"Note also: we now have a full backup copy of the French translation of the "
-"GnuCash site <a href=\"/fr/\">hosted on this server</a>. We are looking for "
-"volunteers to help Yannick Le-Ny bring it in sync with the new site layout."
+#~ msgid "here"
+#~ msgstr "here"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2344
-msgid "<b>Five Stars!</b> -- Editors Choice"
-msgstr "<b>Five Stars!</b> -- Editors Choice"
+#~ msgid "Courtesy of Stephan Kahnt."
+#~ msgstr "Courtesy of Stephan Kahnt."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2348
-msgid ""
-"Five stars and the editors' choice award is what GnuCash-1.4.8 received in "
-"the December 2000 edition of Maximum Linux France. Hurrah!"
-msgstr ""
-"Five stars and the editors' choice award is what GnuCash-1.4.8 received in "
-"the December 2000 edition of Maximum Linux France. Hurrah!"
+#~ msgid "Thanks Stephan!"
+#~ msgstr "Thanks Stephan!"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2355
-msgid "<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash 1.4.11 release!"
-msgstr "<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash 1.4.11 release!"
+#~ msgid "Yellowdog PowerPC GnuCash Packages"
+#~ msgstr "Yellowdog PowerPC GnuCash Packages"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2360
-msgid "Brazilian Portuguese, Danish, Norwegian, and Ukranian translations"
-msgstr "Brazilian Portuguese, Danish, Norwegian, and Ukranian translations"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Yellowdog PowerPC packages of GnuCash-1.6.0, Guppi ad g-wrap are now "
+#~ "available."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Yellowdog PowerPC packages of GnuCash-1.6.0, Guppi ad g-wrap are now "
+#~ "available."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2372
-msgid "<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash 1.5.3 release!"
-msgstr "<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash 1.5.3 release!"
+#~ msgid "Courtesy of Martin Hill."
+#~ msgstr "Courtesy of Martin Hill."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2380
-msgid "new XML file format"
-msgstr "new XML file format"
+#~ msgid "Thanks Martin!"
+#~ msgstr "Thanks Martin!"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2381
-msgid "better support for importing qifs from online banks"
-msgstr "better support for importing qifs from online banks"
+#~ msgid "Mandrake GnuCash packages"
+#~ msgstr "Mandrake GnuCash packages"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2382
-msgid "improved checking register"
-msgstr "improved checking register"
+#~ msgid "A Mandrake 8 package of GnuCash 1.6.0 is now available."
+#~ msgstr "A Mandrake 8 package of GnuCash 1.6.0 is now available."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2383
-msgid "support for charts &amp; graphs"
-msgstr "support for charts &amp; graphs"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Courtesy of Arnold Troeger. A mandrake version of guppi, required by "
+#~ "gnucash, is in the same directory."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Courtesy of Arnold Troeger. A mandrake version of guppi, required by "
+#~ "gnucash, is in the same directory."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2384
-msgid "financial calculator"
-msgstr "financial calculator"
+#~ msgid "Thanks Arnold!"
+#~ msgstr "Thanks Arnold!"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2386
-msgid "many UI improvements"
-msgstr "many UI improvements"
+#~ msgid "GnuCash T-Shirts!"
+#~ msgstr "GnuCash T-Shirts!"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2387
-msgid "beta support for postgresql -- see src/engine/sql/README"
-msgstr "beta support for postgresql -- see src/engine/sql/README"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "We have a limited number of t-shirts left over from a trade show.  "
+#~ "They're $15 a pop. Show your colors!"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "We have a limited number of t-shirts left over from a trade show.  "
+#~ "They're $15 a pop. Show your colours!"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2398
-msgid "CVS snapshots"
-msgstr "CVS snapshots"
+#~ msgid "New GnuCash packages"
+#~ msgstr "New Gnucash packages"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2403
-msgid ""
-"CVS snapshots with tarballs and RPMs for Redhat 6.x and 7.x are now "
-"available on ftp.gnucash.org. Thanks to Chris Lyttle for making these "
-msgstr ""
-"CVS snapshots with tarballs and RPMs for Redhat 6.x and 7.x are now "
-"available on ftp.gnucash.org. Thanks to Chris Lyttle for making these "
+#~ msgid "A Solaris 8 package of GnuCash 1.6.0 is now available."
+#~ msgstr "A Solaris 8 package of GnuCash 1.6.0 is now available."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2408
-msgid "CVS server failure"
-msgstr "CVS server failure"
+#~ msgid "Courtesy of Alan Orndorff."
+#~ msgstr "Courtesy of Alan Orndorff."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2412
-msgid ""
-"The CVS server has fallen off the net because the DSL line to the CVS server "
-"has a shorting clip on it somewhere. We are waiting for Southwestern Bell "
-"(SBC) technicians to remove the clip.  This is the second time in 4 months "
-"that SBC has sabotaged the line.  Estimated up time: 2 or 3 days.  In the "
-"meanwhile, please study up on CVSUP."
-msgstr ""
-"The CVS server has fallen off the net because the DSL line to the CVS server "
-"has a shorting clip on it somewhere. We are waiting for Southwestern Bell "
-"(SBC) technicians to remove the clip.  This is the second time in 4 months "
-"that SBC has sabotaged the line.  Estimated up time: 2 or 3 days.  In the "
-"meanwhile, please study up on CVSUP."
+#~ msgid "A debian package of GnuCash 1.6.0 is now available."
+#~ msgstr "A debian package of GnuCash 1.6.0 is now available."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2417
-msgid "<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash 1.4.10 release!"
-msgstr "<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash 1.4.10 release!"
+#~ msgid "Courtesy of John Goerzen."
+#~ msgstr "Courtesy of John Goerzen."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2422 www/oldnews.phtml:2528 www/oldnews.phtml:2838
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2860
-msgid "updated translations"
-msgstr "updated translations"
+#~ msgid "Thanks guys!"
+#~ msgstr "Thanks guys!"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2423
-msgid "support for Greek Drachma as Euro currency"
-msgstr "support for Greek Drachma as Euro currency"
+#~ msgid "<b>Announcement:</b> GnuCash 1.6.0 stable release!"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Announcement:</b> GnuCash 1.6.0 stable release!"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2424
-msgid "updated tax report"
-msgstr "updated tax report"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The GnuCash Development Team &lt;http://www.gnucash.org&gt; proudly "
+#~ "announces the release of GnuCash 1.6.0, the GNU personal finance manager."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "The GnuCash Development Team &lt;http://www.gnucash.org&gt; proudly "
+#~ "announces the release of GnuCash 1.6.0, the GNU personal finance manager."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2435
-msgid "Beta Screenshots"
-msgstr "Beta Screenshots"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "GnuCash features an account hierarchy creation tool, a checkbook-like "
+#~ "register GUI to enter transactions, and a full set of reports to "
+#~ "visualize the state of your finances. The new release comes with a "
+#~ "configurable main window, a much improved checking and general ledger "
+#~ "entry window, and over ten completely new graphical reports including pie "
+#~ "charts and bar charts using the GNU plot program "
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "GnuCash features an account hierarchy creation tool, a chequebook-like "
+#~ "register GUI to enter transactions, and a full set of reports to "
+#~ "visualize the state of your finances. The new release comes with a "
+#~ "configurable main window, a much improved cheque and general ledger entry "
+#~ "window, and over ten completely new graphical reports including pie "
+#~ "charts and bar charts using the GNU plot program "
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2441
-msgid ""
-"Screenshots from the unstable development version of gnucash are now online!"
-msgstr ""
-"Screenshots from the unstable development version of gnucash are now online!"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Thanks go to all the translators, testers, bug reporters, artists, and "
+#~ "programmers who made this release possible. And thanks to all our users "
+#~ "for choosing GnuCash!"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Thanks go to all the translators, testers, bug reporters, artists, and "
+#~ "programmers who made this release possible. And thanks to all our users "
+#~ "for choosing GnuCash!"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2446
-msgid "g-wrap RPMS"
-msgstr "g-wrap RPMS"
+#~ msgid "The new release of GnuCash contains many new features including:"
+#~ msgstr "The new release of GnuCash contains many new features including:"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2451
-msgid ""
-"RPMS for g-wrap-1.1.4 for Redhat-6.2 are now available on the ftp site.  "
-"<b>NOTE:</b>This version of g-wrap can only be used to build the gnucash-1.5."
-"x series.  You <b>MUST</b> use the older, g-wrap-0.9.x for building gnucash-"
-msgstr ""
-"RPMS for g-wrap-1.1.4 for Redhat-6.2 are now available on the ftp site.  "
-"<b>NOTE:</b>This version of g-wrap can only be used to build the gnucash-1.5."
-"x series.  You <b>MUST</b> use the older, g-wrap-0.9.x for building gnucash-"
+#~ msgid "Printable, persistent reports (reports are saved between sessions)"
+#~ msgstr "Printable, persistent reports (reports are saved between sessions)"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2456
-msgid "Links page updated"
-msgstr "Links page updated"
+#~ msgid "XML file format (old binary files are converted automatically)"
+#~ msgstr "XML file format (old binary files are converted automatically)"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2460
-msgid ""
-"The links page has been updated with a wealth of new links to stock-tracking "
-"tools, business accounting packages (including our favorite, GnuE), and XML "
-"format standards. We didn't get around to listing any of the competitors to "
-"gnucash, mostly because we got lazy."
-msgstr ""
-"The links page has been updated with a wealth of new links to stock-tracking "
-"tools, business accounting packages (including our favorite, GnuE), and XML "
-"format standards. We didn't get around to listing any of the competitors to "
-"gnucash, mostly because we got lazy."
+#~ msgid "Account hierarchy creation druid, account hierarchy export"
+#~ msgstr "Account hierarchy creation druid, account hierarchy export"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2466
-msgid "<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash 1.4.9 release!"
-msgstr "<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash 1.4.9 release!"
+#~ msgid "Much improved QIF importing"
+#~ msgstr "Much improved QIF importing"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2471
-msgid "tax report"
-msgstr "tax report"
+#~ msgid "Financial calculator"
+#~ msgstr "Financial calculator"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2472
-msgid "txf export"
-msgstr "txf export"
+#~ msgid "Better support for multiple currencies, special support for the Euro"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Better support for multiple currencies, special support for the Euro"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2482
-msgid "IRC #gnucash"
-msgstr "IRC #gnucash"
+#~ msgid "Online stock quotes integrated with the GUI"
+#~ msgstr "Online stock quotes integrated with the GUI"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2487
-msgid ""
-"Email got you down?  Tired of leaving a bit-trail on your hard drive that "
-"your boss, the IRS, the CIA or the NSA use against you?  Or do you merely "
-"want to flame the gnucash developers in the most ephemeral possible way?  "
-"Then IRC is for you: check out <b>#gnucash at irc.gnome.org</b>, where the "
-"conversations are monitored only by the gnucash developers."
-msgstr ""
-"Email got you down?  Tired of leaving a bit-trail on your hard drive that "
-"your boss, the IRS, the CIA or the NSA use against you?  Or do you merely "
-"want to flame the gnucash developers in the most ephemeral possible way?  "
-"Then IRC is for you: check out <b>#gnucash at irc.gnome.org</b>, where the "
-"conversations are monitored only by the gnucash developers."
+#~ msgid "Expression evaluation (you can type in 40.45 + 31.23)"
+#~ msgstr "Expression evaluation (you can type in 40.45 + 31.23)"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2492
-msgid "Overview diagrams"
-msgstr "Overview diagrams"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "PostgreSQL back-end supports multiple simultaneous users (beta, disabled "
+#~ "by default)"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "PostgreSQL back-end supports multiple simultaneous users (beta, disabled "
+#~ "by default)"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2496
-msgid ""
-"Of interest to current &amp; future GnuCash developers might be two overview "
-"diagrams: the <b> system block diagram</b> which shows the arrangement of "
-"the major components, and the <b> accounting structures</b> diagram, which "
-"shows the relationships between accounts, transactions, splits and "
-"currencies.  Both of these diagrams are linked from the <b>architecture "
-"overview</b> page."
-msgstr ""
-"Of interest to current &amp; future GnuCash developers might be two overview "
-"diagrams: the <b> system block diagram</b> which shows the arrangement of "
-"the major components, and the <b> accounting structures</b> diagram, which "
-"shows the relationships between accounts, transactions, splits and "
-"currencies.  Both of these diagrams are linked from the <b>architecture "
-"overview</b> page."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Menus translated to 12 languages, users guide to 3 (French, Spanish, "
+#~ "Portuguese)"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Menus translated to 12 languages, users guide to 3 (French, Spanish, "
+#~ "Portuguese)"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2501
-msgid "CVS back up"
-msgstr "CVS back up"
+#~ msgid "<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash 1.5.98 release!"
+#~ msgstr "<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash 1.5.98 release!"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2505
-msgid ""
-"CVS is back up.  The problem was due to SBC/SWBT 'backhoe fade' (actually, a "
-"technician with wireclippers and something against Covad). DSL is great when "
-"it works, but when its down, its a nightmare to restore service: there are "
-"an incredible number of layers that get involved with line testing."
-msgstr ""
-"CVS is back up.  The problem was due to SBC/SWBT 'backhoe fade' (actually, a "
-"technician with wireclippers and something against Covad). DSL is great when "
-"it works, but when its down, its a nightmare to restore service: there are "
-"an incredible number of layers that get involved with line testing."
+#~ msgid "Note: this is an unstable development release and may be buggy!"
+#~ msgstr "Note: this is an unstable development release and may be buggy!"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2508
-msgid "<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash 1.4.8 release!"
-msgstr "<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash 1.4.8 release!"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Most users should probably stick to version 1.4.12 for day-to-day use.  "
+#~ "(All 1.5.x releases will be unstable/buggy. The next stable version will "
+#~ "be 1.6.0)."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Most users should probably stick to version 1.4.12 for day-to-day use.  "
+#~ "(All 1.5.x releases will be unstable/buggy. The next stable version will "
+#~ "be 1.6.0)."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2523
-msgid "<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash 1.4.7 release!"
-msgstr "<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash 1.4.7 release!"
+#~ msgid "This is a beta release. GnuCash is now in feature freeze for 1.6.0."
+#~ msgstr "This is a beta release. GnuCash is now in feature freeze for 1.6.0."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2530 www/oldnews.phtml:2637 www/oldnews.phtml:2657
-msgid "a few bug fixes"
-msgstr "a few bug fixes"
+#~ msgid "updated documentation (English &amp; Portuguese)"
+#~ msgstr "updated documentation (English &amp; Portuguese)"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2541
-msgid "<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash 1.5.2 release!"
-msgstr "<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash 1.5.2 release!"
+#~ msgid "updated German and Portuguese translations"
+#~ msgstr "updated German and Portuguese translations"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2547 www/oldnews.phtml:2567
-msgid ""
-"Most users should probably stick to version 1.4.6 for day-to-day use. (All "
-"1.5.x releases will be unstable/buggy. The next stable version will be "
-msgstr ""
-"Most users should probably stick to version 1.4.6 for day-to-day use. (All "
-"1.5.x releases will be unstable/buggy. The next stable version will be "
+#~ msgid "more work on sql backend"
+#~ msgstr "more work on sql backend"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2550
-msgid "fixes for gnome-print 0.23"
-msgstr "fixes for gnome-print 0.23"
+#~ msgid "fixes for FreeBSD"
+#~ msgstr "fixes for FreeBSD"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2551 www/oldnews.phtml:2751 www/oldnews.phtml:2983
-msgid "misc bug fixes"
-msgstr "misc bug fixes"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The next stable release, 1.6.0, is rapidly approaching, and we need all "
+#~ "language translators to update the message catalogs. The translatable "
+#~ "text strings in 1.5.x have been frozen, we don't expect any new strings "
+#~ "in 1.6.0.  However, the text strings in the current 1.5.x are completely "
+#~ "different from those in 1.4.12, and many new strings have been added "
+#~ "since he earlier days of 1.5.x. If these translations are not brought up "
+#~ "to date, version 1.6.0 will come out with broken or missing translations "
+#~ "for many languages. Now is really the best time to bring translations up "
+#~ "to date."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "The next stable release, 1.6.0, is rapidly approaching, and we need all "
+#~ "language translators to update the message catalogues. The translatable "
+#~ "text strings in 1.5.x have been frozen, we don't expect any new strings "
+#~ "in 1.6.0.  However, the text strings in the current 1.5.x are completely "
+#~ "different from those in 1.4.12, and many new strings have been added "
+#~ "since the earlier days of 1.5.x. If these translations are not brought up "
+#~ "to date, version 1.6.0 will come out with broken or missing translations "
+#~ "for many languages. Now is really the best time to bring translations up "
+#~ "to date."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2561
-msgid "<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash 1.5.1 release!"
-msgstr "<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash 1.5.1 release!"
+#~ msgid "<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash 1.5.97 release!"
+#~ msgstr "<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash 1.5.97 release!"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2569
-msgid "New translations"
-msgstr "New translations"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Most users should probably stick to version 1.4.10 for day-to-day use. "
+#~ "(All 1.5.x releases will be unstable/buggy. The next stable version will "
+#~ "be 1.6.0)."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Most users should probably stick to version 1.4.10 for day-to-day use. "
+#~ "(All 1.5.x releases will be unstable/buggy. The next stable version will "
+#~ "be 1.6.0)."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2571
-msgid "Lots of bug fixes"
-msgstr "Lots of bug fixes"
+#~ msgid "updated documentation"
+#~ msgstr "updated documentation"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2583
-msgid "<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash 1.4.6 release!"
-msgstr "<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash 1.4.6 release!"
+#~ msgid "updated Norwegian and Portuguese translations"
+#~ msgstr "updated Norwegian and Portuguese translations"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2588
-msgid "New Spanish translation."
-msgstr "New Spanish translation."
+#~ msgid "prices now stored in sql backend"
+#~ msgstr "prices now stored in sql backend"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2589
-msgid "Several bug fixes."
-msgstr "Several bug fixes."
+#~ msgid "<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash 1.5.96 release!"
+#~ msgstr "<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash 1.5.96 release!"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2599
-msgid "<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash 1.4.5 release!"
-msgstr "<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash 1.4.5 release!"
+#~ msgid "This is an alpha release."
+#~ msgstr "This is an alpha release."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2604
-msgid "A few bug fixes."
-msgstr "A few bug fixes."
+#~ msgid "updated user documentation"
+#~ msgstr "updated user documentation"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2614
-msgid "<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash has a Corporate Backer!"
-msgstr "<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash has a Corporate Backer!"
+#~ msgid "updated api documentation"
+#~ msgstr "updated api documentation"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2619
-msgid ""
-"<a href=\"http://www.gnumatic.com\">Gnumatic Incorporated</a> is pleased to "
-"announce its formal support for GnuCash! Gnumatic is a company that was "
-"created expressly to  further develop and enhance GnuCash, to broaden its "
-"availability, and to provide formal, for-fee support to customers that need "
-"a strong corporate backer."
-msgstr ""
-"<a href=\"http://www.gnumatic.com\">Gnumatic Incorporated</a> is pleased to "
-"announce its formal support for GnuCash! Gnumatic is a company that was "
-"created expressly to  further develop and enhance GnuCash, to broaden its "
-"availability, and to provide formal, for-fee support to customers that need "
-"a strong corporate backer."
+#~ msgid "<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash 1.5.95 release!"
+#~ msgstr "<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash 1.5.95 release!"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2621
-msgid ""
-"Who's Gnumatic, you may ask?  Well, some of the voices you already know from "
-"the mailing list are a part of Gnumatic: rlb, grib, dave at krondo, rgmerk, "
-"linas, and, hopefully, soon, others."
-msgstr ""
-"Who's Gnumatic, you may ask?  Well, some of the voices you already know from "
-"the mailing list are a part of Gnumatic: rlb, grib, dave at krondo, rgmerk, "
-"linas, and, hopefully, soon, others."
+#~ msgid "This is an alpha release and a string freeze release."
+#~ msgstr "This is an alpha release and a string freeze release."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2623
-msgid ""
-"What does corporate support mean?  Well, we hope that it means only positive "
-"things: more features, more functions, faster and with less bugs.  We hope "
-"that it means that GnuCash will have a rosy long-term  future to become the "
-"premier accounting package on  Linux. We hope that it establishes the GPL as "
-"the only viable long-term licensing model for desktop software. And finally, "
-"we hope that GnuCash can spin off and excite a number of\n"
-" projects that will further enhance the state of financial software on Linux."
-msgstr ""
-"What does corporate support mean?  Well, we hope that it means only positive "
-"things: more features, more functions, faster and with less bugs.  We hope "
-"that it means that GnuCash will have a rosy long-term  future to become the "
-"premier accounting package on  Linux. We hope that it establishes the GPL as "
-"the only viable long-term licensing model for desktop software. And finally, "
-"we hope that GnuCash can spin off and excite a number of\n"
-" projects that will further enhance the state of financial software on Linux."
+#~ msgid "new user account hierarchy wizard"
+#~ msgstr "new user account hierarchy wizard"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2626
-msgid "We're pretty excited, and we hope that you will be too!"
-msgstr "We're pretty excited, and we hope that you will be too!"
+#~ msgid "account hierarchy export"
+#~ msgstr "account hierarchy export"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2631
-msgid "<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash 1.4.4 release!"
-msgstr "<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash 1.4.4 release!"
+#~ msgid "reporting improvements"
+#~ msgstr "reporting improvements"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2636
-msgid "new Russian translation"
-msgstr "new Russian translation"
+#~ msgid "transfer dialog auto-completion"
+#~ msgstr "transfer dialog auto-completion"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2642 www/oldnews.phtml:2662
-msgid "HTTP download"
-msgstr "HTTP download"
+#~ msgid "many bug fixes"
+#~ msgstr "many bug fixes"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2644 www/oldnews.phtml:2664
-msgid "FTP download"
-msgstr "FTP download"
+#~ msgid "Server Move"
+#~ msgstr "Server Move"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2650
-msgid "<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash 1.4.3 release!"
-msgstr "<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash 1.4.3 release!"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "There will be sporadic outages next week as the gnucash.org server is "
+#~ "moved to a new location sometime next week."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "There will be sporadic outages next week as the gnucash.org server is "
+#~ "moved to a new location sometime next week."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2655
-msgid "fix for stock quotes from the London exchange"
-msgstr "fix for stock quotes from the London exchange"
+#~ msgid "<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash 1.4.12 release!"
+#~ msgstr "<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash 1.4.12 release!"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2656
-msgid "updated French translation"
-msgstr "updated French translation"
+#~ msgid "Turkish translation"
+#~ msgstr "Turkish translation"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2670
-msgid "<B>Information:</B> Version Numbers"
-msgstr "<B>Information:</B> Version Numbers"
+#~ msgid "minor bug fix"
+#~ msgstr "minor bug fix"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2674
-msgid ""
-"Please be aware that the 1.5 series of GnuCash is a <em> development</em> "
-"release. This means you can expect instabilities and dependency problems as "
-"we add features and use newer libraries.  If you just want to use GnuCash "
-"and not worry about having the latest features and bugs, you should use the "
-"1.4 series."
-msgstr ""
-"Please be aware that the 1.5 series of GnuCash is a <em> development</em> "
-"release. This means you can expect instabilities and dependency problems as "
-"we add features and use newer libraries.  If you just want to use GnuCash "
-"and not worry about having the latest features and bugs, you should use the "
-"1.4 series."
+#~ msgid "I18N: The GnuCash Portuguese Web Site Goes On-line!"
+#~ msgstr "I18N: The GnuCash Portuguese Web Site Goes On-line!"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2679
-msgid "<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash has a booth at COMDEX Toronto."
-msgstr "<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash has a booth at COMDEX Toronto."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The new <a href=\"pt_PT/\">Portuguese</a> website is up! Many thanks to "
+#~ "Duarte Loreto for the fantastic job setting up the site, as well as for "
+#~ "the translations of the GnuCash menus <i>and</i> the documentation!  "
+#~ "Outstanding job Duarte!"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "The new <a href=\"pt_PT/\">Portuguese</a> website is up! Many thanks to "
+#~ "Duarte Loreto for the fantastic job setting up the site, as well as for "
+#~ "the translations of the GnuCash menus <i>and</i> the documentation!  "
+#~ "Outstanding job Duarte!"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2684
-msgid ""
-"The GnuCash project has a booth at COMDEX Toronto, graciously donated by "
-"LinuxMall, and Linas, Bill, and Rob (rlb), are there.  If you're in the "
-"area, come by and visit."
-msgstr ""
-"The GnuCash project has a booth at COMDEX Toronto, graciously donated by "
-"LinuxMall, and Linas, Bill, and Rob (rlb), are there.  If you're in the "
-"area, come by and visit."
+#~ msgid "<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash 1.5.6 release!"
+#~ msgstr "<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash 1.5.6 release!"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2690
-msgid "<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash for Solaris"
-msgstr "<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash for Solaris"
+#~ msgid "This is a feature freeze release."
+#~ msgstr "This is a feature freeze release."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2694
-msgid "You can obtain a Solaris package for GnuCash 1.4.2 from"
-msgstr "You can obtain a Solaris package for GnuCash 1.4.2 from"
+#~ msgid "many misc GUI improvements"
+#~ msgstr "many misc GUI improvements"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2696
-msgid "and"
-msgstr "and"
+#~ msgid "fixes for Solaris"
+#~ msgstr "fixes for Solaris"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2698
-msgid ""
-"This package was created by Alan Orndorff and contains all the needed "
-"(that's why it's so big)."
-msgstr ""
-"This package was created by Alan Orndorff and contains all the needed "
-"(that's why it's so big)."
+#~ msgid "(fast mirror)"
+#~ msgstr "(fast mirror)"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2703
-msgid ""
-"Charles Gagnon has also created Solaris packages for GnuCash, for both the "
-"stable and development series. They are available at"
-msgstr ""
-"Charles Gagnon has also created Solaris packages for GnuCash, for both the "
-"stable and development series. They are available at"
+#~ msgid "<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash 1.5.5 release!"
+#~ msgstr "<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash 1.5.5 release!"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2713
-msgid "<B>Announcement:</B> Alternative download sites"
-msgstr "<B>Announcement:</B> Alternative download sites"
+#~ msgid "more new &amp; improved reports"
+#~ msgstr "more new &amp; improved reports"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2717
-msgid "You can download the latest gnucash releases from "
-msgstr "You can download the latest gnucash releases from "
+#~ msgid "use of gnome MDI for main window"
+#~ msgstr "use of gnome MDI for main window"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2720
-msgid "Mandrake users can download a Mandrake rpm from Mandrake Cooker sites."
-msgstr "Mandrake users can download a Mandrake rpm from Mandrake Cooker sites."
+#~ msgid "GUI improvements"
+#~ msgstr "GUI improvements"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2725
-msgid "<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash 1.5.0 release!"
-msgstr "<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash 1.5.0 release!"
+#~ msgid "<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash 1.5.4 release!"
+#~ msgstr "<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash 1.5.4 release!"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2730
-msgid "switch to using the gtkhtml widget"
-msgstr "switch to using the gtkhtml widget"
+#~ msgid "several new &amp; improved reports/graphs"
+#~ msgstr "several new &amp; improved reports/graphs"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2731
-msgid "all the fixes in 1.4.2"
-msgstr "all the fixes in 1.4.2"
+#~ msgid "online price quotes now work"
+#~ msgstr "online price quotes now work"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2733
-msgid "This release requires the gnome-print and gtkhtml libraries."
-msgstr "This release requires the gnome-print and gtkhtml libraries."
+#~ msgid "new main window display"
+#~ msgstr "new main window display"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2743
-msgid "<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash 1.4.2 release!"
-msgstr "<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash 1.4.2 release!"
+#~ msgid "Spanish &amp; Portuguese translations of the manual"
+#~ msgstr "Spanish &amp; Portuguese translations of the manual"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2748
-msgid "updated French translations"
-msgstr "updated French translations"
+#~ msgid "GnuCash Website Redesigned!"
+#~ msgstr "GnuCash Website Redesigned!"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2749 www/oldnews.phtml:2787 www/oldnews.phtml:2858
-msgid "improved qif importing"
-msgstr "improved qif importing"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Jeremy Collins has updated &amp; modernized the GnuCash website layout "
+#~ "for a cleaner, fresher feel. Please test it out, and let us know about "
+#~ "any bugs, layout problems, dead links, etc."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Jeremy Collins has updated &amp; modernized the GnuCash website layout "
+#~ "for a cleaner, fresher feel. Please test it out, and let us know about "
+#~ "any bugs, layout problems, dead links, etc."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2750
-msgid "fix for g-wrap 0.9.4"
-msgstr "fix for g-wrap 0.9.4"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Note also: we now have a full backup copy of the French translation of "
+#~ "the GnuCash site <a href=\"/fr/\">hosted on this server</a>. We are "
+#~ "looking for volunteers to help Yannick Le-Ny bring it in sync with the "
+#~ "new site layout."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Note also: we now have a full backup copy of the French translation of "
+#~ "the GnuCash site <a href=\"/fr/\">hosted on this server</a>. We are "
+#~ "looking for volunteers to help Yannick Le-Ny bring it in sync with the "
+#~ "new site layout."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2762
-msgid "<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash services are migrating."
-msgstr "<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash services are migrating."
+#~ msgid "<b>Five Stars!</b> -- Editors Choice"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Five Stars!</b> -- Editors Choice"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2766
-msgid ""
-"The GnuCash web, ftp, and mail services are migrating to a new home.  This "
-"may cause some temporary inconveniences.  Please bear with us."
-msgstr ""
-"The GnuCash web, ftp, and mail services are migrating to a new home.  This "
-"may cause some temporary inconveniences.  Please bear with us."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Five stars and the editors' choice award is what GnuCash-1.4.8 received "
+#~ "in the December 2000 edition of Maximum Linux France. Hurrah!"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Five stars and the editors' choice award is what GnuCash-1.4.8 received "
+#~ "in the December 2000 edition of Maximum Linux France. Hurrah!"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2769
-msgid ""
-"In the interim, ftp service should be available at <a href=\"ftp://ftp."
-"gnucash.net/\">ftp://ftp.gnucash.net/</a>, and web services should be "
-"available from <a href=\"ftp://www.gnucash.net/\">ftp://www.gnucash.net/</a>."
-msgstr ""
-"In the interim, ftp service should be available at <a href=\"ftp://ftp."
-"gnucash.net/\">ftp://ftp.gnucash.net/</a>, and web services should be "
-"available from <a href=\"ftp://www.gnucash.net/\">ftp://www.gnucash.net/</a>."
+#~ msgid "<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash 1.4.11 release!"
+#~ msgstr "<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash 1.4.11 release!"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2771
-msgid ""
-"Things should be back to normal in a week or so, once DNS finishes "
-msgstr ""
-"Things should be back to normal in a week or so, once DNS finishes "
+#~ msgid "Brazilian Portuguese, Danish, Norwegian, and Ukranian translations"
+#~ msgstr "Brazilian Portuguese, Danish, Norwegian, and Ukranian translations"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2774
-msgid "Thanks"
-msgstr "Thanks"
+#~ msgid "<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash 1.5.3 release!"
+#~ msgstr "<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash 1.5.3 release!"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2781
-msgid "<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash 1.4.1 release!"
-msgstr "<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash 1.4.1 release!"
+#~ msgid "new XML file format"
+#~ msgstr "new XML file format"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2786
-msgid "translations are loaded correctly"
-msgstr "translations are loaded correctly"
+#~ msgid "better support for importing qifs from online banks"
+#~ msgstr "better support for importing qifs from online banks"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2799
-msgid "<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash 1.4.0 is released!"
-msgstr "<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash 1.4.0 is released!"
+#~ msgid "improved checking register"
+#~ msgstr "improved checking register"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2804
-msgid ""
-"The GnuCash developers are proud to announce GnuCash 1.4.  This new stable "
-"release marks the transition from Motif to GNOME."
-msgstr ""
-"The GnuCash developers are proud to announce GnuCash 1.4.  This new stable "
-"release marks the transition from Motif to GNOME."
+#~ msgid "support for charts &amp; graphs"
+#~ msgstr "support for charts &amp; graphs"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2806
-msgid "Some of the many new and improved features include:"
-msgstr "Some of the many new and improved features include:"
+#~ msgid "financial calculator"
+#~ msgstr "financial calculator"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2809
-msgid "Totally revamped interface, customizable from within the GUI."
-msgstr "Totally revamped interface, customisable from within the GUI."
+#~ msgid "many UI improvements"
+#~ msgstr "many UI improvements"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2810
-msgid "This includes transaction auto-completion."
-msgstr "This includes transaction auto-completion."
+#~ msgid "beta support for postgresql -- see src/engine/sql/README"
+#~ msgstr "beta support for postgresql -- see src/engine/sql/README"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2811
-msgid ""
-"New reporting system, including several new reports and much improved "
-"existing ones."
-msgstr ""
-"New reporting system, including several new reports and much improved "
-"existing ones."
+#~ msgid "CVS snapshots"
+#~ msgstr "CVS snapshots"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2812
-msgid "Internationalisation."
-msgstr "Internationalisation."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "CVS snapshots with tarballs and RPMs for Redhat 6.x and 7.x are now "
+#~ "available on ftp.gnucash.org. Thanks to Chris Lyttle for making these "
+#~ "available!"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "CVS snapshots with tarballs and RPMs for Redhat 6.x and 7.x are now "
+#~ "available on ftp.gnucash.org. Thanks to Chris Lyttle for making these "
+#~ "available!"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2815
-msgid "You can download this release from "
-msgstr "You can download this release from "
+#~ msgid "CVS server failure"
+#~ msgstr "CVS server failure"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2819
-msgid "or, alternatively, you can try the Sourceforge mirror:"
-msgstr "or, alternatively, you can try the Sourceforge mirror:"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The CVS server has fallen off the net because the DSL line to the CVS "
+#~ "server has a shorting clip on it somewhere. We are waiting for "
+#~ "Southwestern Bell (SBC) technicians to remove the clip.  This is the "
+#~ "second time in 4 months that SBC has sabotaged the line.  Estimated up "
+#~ "time: 2 or 3 days.  In the meanwhile, please study up on CVSUP."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "The CVS server has fallen off the net because the DSL line to the CVS "
+#~ "server has a shorting clip on it somewhere. We are waiting for "
+#~ "Southwestern Bell (SBC) technicians to remove the clip.  This is the "
+#~ "second time in 4 months that SBC has sabotaged the line.  Estimated up "
+#~ "time: 2 or 3 days.  In the meanwhile, please study up on CVSUP."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2823
-msgid ""
-"Please read the README before compiling GnuCash, as there are several other "
-"packages that must be installed first."
-msgstr ""
-"Please read the README before compiling GnuCash, as there are several other "
-"packages that must be installed first."
+#~ msgid "<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash 1.4.10 release!"
+#~ msgstr "<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash 1.4.10 release!"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2825
-msgid "We hope you enjoy the new release."
-msgstr "We hope you enjoy the new release."
+#~ msgid "updated translations"
+#~ msgstr "updated translations"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2831
-msgid ""
-"<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash moves closer to stability with 1.3.100 release!"
-msgstr ""
-"<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash moves closer to stability with 1.3.100 release!"
+#~ msgid "support for Greek Drachma as Euro currency"
+#~ msgstr "support for Greek Drachma as Euro currency"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2840 www/oldnews.phtml:2864 www/oldnews.phtml:2894
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2913
-msgid ""
-"Please note that the RPM does not contain the check printing feature.  You "
-"will have to compile it yourself."
-msgstr ""
-"Please note that the RPM does not contain the cheque printing feature.  You "
-"will have to compile it yourself."
+#~ msgid "updated tax report"
+#~ msgstr "updated tax report"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2843
-msgid "This release is the last in the 1.3 development series."
-msgstr "This release is the last in the 1.3 development series."
+#~ msgid "Beta Screenshots"
+#~ msgstr "Beta Screenshots"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2846 www/oldnews.phtml:2870 www/oldnews.phtml:2897
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2916 www/oldnews.phtml:2949 www/oldnews.phtml:2969
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2989 www/oldnews.phtml:3006 www/oldnews.phtml:3043
-msgid "Available at the usual place!"
-msgstr "Available at the usual place!"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Screenshots from the unstable development version of gnucash are now "
+#~ "online!"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Screenshots from the unstable development version of gnucash are now "
+#~ "online!"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2852
-msgid ""
-"<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash moves closer to stability with 1.3.99 release!"
-msgstr ""
-"<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash moves closer to stability with 1.3.99 release!"
+#~ msgid "g-wrap RPMS"
+#~ msgstr "g-wrap RPMS"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2857
-msgid "transaction auto-completion"
-msgstr "transaction auto-completion"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "RPMS for g-wrap-1.1.4 for Redhat-6.2 are now available on the ftp site.  "
+#~ "<b>NOTE:</b>This version of g-wrap can only be used to build the gnucash-"
+#~ "1.5.x series.  You <b>MUST</b> use the older, g-wrap-0.9.x for building "
+#~ "gnucash-1.4.x"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "RPMS for g-wrap-1.1.4 for Redhat-6.2 are now available on the ftp site.  "
+#~ "<b>NOTE:</b>This version of g-wrap can only be used to build the gnucash-"
+#~ "1.5.x series.  You <b>MUST</b> use the older, g-wrap-0.9.x for building "
+#~ "gnucash-1.4.x"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2859
-msgid "fixes for 64-bit architectures"
-msgstr "fixes for 64-bit architectures"
+#~ msgid "Links page updated"
+#~ msgstr "Links page updated"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2861
-msgid "automaked build system"
-msgstr "automaked build system"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The links page has been updated with a wealth of new links to stock-"
+#~ "tracking tools, business accounting packages (including our favorite, "
+#~ "GnuE), and XML format standards. We didn't get around to listing any of "
+#~ "the competitors to gnucash, mostly because we got lazy."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "The links page has been updated with a wealth of new links to stock-"
+#~ "tracking tools, business accounting packages (including our favorite, "
+#~ "GnuE), and XML format standards. We didn't get around to listing any of "
+#~ "the competitors to gnucash, mostly because we got lazy."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2862
-msgid "bug fixes and ui improvements"
-msgstr "bug fixes and ui improvements"
+#~ msgid "<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash 1.4.9 release!"
+#~ msgstr "<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash 1.4.9 release!"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2867
-msgid ""
-"This release is one of (and maybe) the last in the 1.3 development series."
-msgstr ""
-"This release is one of (and maybe) the last in the 1.3 development series."
+#~ msgid "tax report"
+#~ msgstr "tax report"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2875 www/externals/menu-documentation.phtml:19
-msgid "Mailing Lists"
-msgstr "Mailing Lists"
+#~ msgid "txf export"
+#~ msgstr "txf export"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2879
-msgid ""
-"Due to recent switch of the servers that house the mailing lists many people "
-"seem to have been unsubscribed, or resubscribed to the lists.  Please just "
-"take the appropriate action by unsubscribing, or resubscribing.  Sorry for "
-"the inconvience."
-msgstr ""
-"Due to recent switch of the servers that house the mailing lists many people "
-"seem to have been unsubscribed, or resubscribed to the lists.  Please just "
-"take the appropriate action by unsubscribing, or resubscribing.  Sorry for "
-"the inconvience."
+#~ msgid "IRC #gnucash"
+#~ msgstr "IRC #gnucash"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2884
-msgid "<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash 1.3.8 Released!"
-msgstr "<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash 1.3.8 Released!"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Email got you down?  Tired of leaving a bit-trail on your hard drive that "
+#~ "your boss, the IRS, the CIA or the NSA use against you?  Or do you merely "
+#~ "want to flame the gnucash developers in the most ephemeral possible way?  "
+#~ "Then IRC is for you: check out <b>#gnucash at irc.gnome.org</b>, where "
+#~ "the conversations are monitored only by the gnucash developers."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Email got you down?  Tired of leaving a bit-trail on your hard drive that "
+#~ "your boss, the IRS, the CIA or the NSA use against you?  Or do you merely "
+#~ "want to flame the gnucash developers in the most ephemeral possible way?  "
+#~ "Then IRC is for you: check out <b>#gnucash at irc.gnome.org</b>, where "
+#~ "the conversations are monitored only by the gnucash developers."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2889
-msgid "transaction cut/copy/paste"
-msgstr "transaction cut/copy/paste"
+#~ msgid "Overview diagrams"
+#~ msgstr "Overview diagrams"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2890
-msgid "new Japanese translations"
-msgstr "new Japanese translations"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Of interest to current &amp; future GnuCash developers might be two "
+#~ "overview diagrams: the <b> system block diagram</b> which shows the "
+#~ "arrangement of the major components, and the <b> accounting structures</"
+#~ "b> diagram, which shows the relationships between accounts, transactions, "
+#~ "splits and currencies.  Both of these diagrams are linked from the "
+#~ "<b>architecture overview</b> page."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Of interest to current &amp; future GnuCash developers might be two "
+#~ "overview diagrams: the <b> system block diagram</b> which shows the "
+#~ "arrangement of the major components, and the <b> accounting structures</"
+#~ "b> diagram, which shows the relationships between accounts, transactions, "
+#~ "splits and currencies.  Both of these diagrams are linked from the "
+#~ "<b>architecture overview</b> page."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2891 www/oldnews.phtml:2909
-msgid "user interface improvements"
-msgstr "user interface improvements"
+#~ msgid "CVS back up"
+#~ msgstr "CVS back up"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2903
-msgid "<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash 1.3.7 Released!"
-msgstr "<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash 1.3.7 Released!"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "CVS is back up.  The problem was due to SBC/SWBT 'backhoe "
+#~ "fade' (actually, a technician with wireclippers and something against "
+#~ "Covad). DSL is great when it works, but when its down, its a nightmare to "
+#~ "restore service: there are an incredible number of layers that get "
+#~ "involved with line testing."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "CVS is back up.  The problem was due to SBC/SWBT 'backhoe "
+#~ "fade' (actually, a technician with wireclippers and something against "
+#~ "Covad). DSL is great when it works, but when its down, its a nightmare to "
+#~ "restore service: there are an incredible number of layers that get "
+#~ "involved with line testing."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2908
-msgid "better printing of multiple currencies"
-msgstr "better printing of multiple currencies"
+#~ msgid "<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash 1.4.8 release!"
+#~ msgstr "<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash 1.4.8 release!"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2921
-msgid "LWN review"
-msgstr "LWN review"
+#~ msgid "<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash 1.4.7 release!"
+#~ msgstr "<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash 1.4.7 release!"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2925
-msgid ""
-"LWN gave GNUcash another whirl after visiting our booth at Comdex.  Read "
-"what that had to say!"
-msgstr ""
-"LWN gave GNUcash another whirl after visiting our booth at Comdex.  Read "
-"what that had to say!"
+#~ msgid "a few bug fixes"
+#~ msgstr "a few bug fixes"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2928
-msgid "Another look at Gnucash"
-msgstr "Another look at Gnucash"
+#~ msgid "<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash 1.5.2 release!"
+#~ msgstr "<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash 1.5.2 release!"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2933
-msgid "<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash 1.3.4 Released!"
-msgstr "<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash 1.3.4 Released!"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Most users should probably stick to version 1.4.6 for day-to-day use. "
+#~ "(All 1.5.x releases will be unstable/buggy. The next stable version will "
+#~ "be 2.0.0)."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Most users should probably stick to version 1.4.6 for day-to-day use. "
+#~ "(All 1.5.x releases will be unstable/buggy. The next stable version will "
+#~ "be 2.0.0)."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2938
-msgid "alpha code for check printing (requires gnome-print)"
-msgstr "alpha code for cheque printing (requires gnome-print)"
+#~ msgid "fixes for gnome-print 0.23"
+#~ msgstr "fixes for gnome-print 0.23"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2939
-msgid "more i18n of reports"
-msgstr "more i18n of reports"
+#~ msgid "misc bug fixes"
+#~ msgstr "misc bug fixes"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2940
-msgid "auto check numbering"
-msgstr "auto cheque numbering"
+#~ msgid "<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash 1.5.1 release!"
+#~ msgstr "<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash 1.5.1 release!"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2941
-msgid "bug fixes and GUI improvements"
-msgstr "bug fixes and GUI improvements"
+#~ msgid "New translations"
+#~ msgstr "New translations"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2945
-msgid ""
-"Please note that the RPM does not contain the check printing feature.  \n"
-"You will have to compile it yourself."
-msgstr ""
-"Please note that the RPM does not contain the cheque printing feature.  \n"
-"You will have to compile it yourself."
+#~ msgid "Lots of bug fixes"
+#~ msgstr "Lots of bug fixes"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2955
-msgid "<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash 1.3.6 Released!"
-msgstr "<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash 1.3.6 Released!"
+#~ msgid "<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash 1.4.6 release!"
+#~ msgstr "<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash 1.4.6 release!"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2960
-msgid "transaction finder dialog"
-msgstr "transaction finder dialogue"
+#~ msgid "New Spanish translation."
+#~ msgstr "New Spanish translation."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2961
-msgid "even better qif importing"
-msgstr "even better qif importing"
+#~ msgid "Several bug fixes."
+#~ msgstr "Several bug fixes."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2962
-msgid "some support for the euro"
-msgstr "some support for the euro"
+#~ msgid "<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash 1.4.5 release!"
+#~ msgstr "<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash 1.4.5 release!"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2966 www/oldnews.phtml:2986
-msgid ""
-"Please note that the RPM does not contain the check printing feature. You "
-"will have to compile it yourself."
-msgstr ""
-"Please note that the RPM does not contain the cheque printing feature. You "
-"will have to compile it yourself."
+#~ msgid "A few bug fixes."
+#~ msgstr "A few bug fixes."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2976
-msgid "<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash 1.3.5 Released!"
-msgstr "<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash 1.3.5 Released!"
+#~ msgid "<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash has a Corporate Backer!"
+#~ msgstr "<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash has a Corporate Backer!"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2981
-msgid "more work on reports and check-printing"
-msgstr "more work on reports and cheque-printing"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "<a href=\"http://www.gnumatic.com\">Gnumatic Incorporated</a> is pleased "
+#~ "to announce its formal support for GnuCash! Gnumatic is a company that "
+#~ "was created expressly to  further develop and enhance GnuCash, to broaden "
+#~ "its availability, and to provide formal, for-fee support to customers "
+#~ "that need a strong corporate backer."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "<a href=\"http://www.gnumatic.com\">Gnumatic Incorporated</a> is pleased "
+#~ "to announce its formal support for GnuCash! Gnumatic is a company that "
+#~ "was created expressly to  further develop and enhance GnuCash, to broaden "
+#~ "its availability, and to provide formal, for-fee support to customers "
+#~ "that need a strong corporate backer."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2982
-msgid "fixes to qif importing"
-msgstr "fixes to qif importing"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Who's Gnumatic, you may ask?  Well, some of the voices you already know "
+#~ "from the mailing list are a part of Gnumatic: rlb, grib, dave at krondo, "
+#~ "rgmerk, linas, and, hopefully, soon, others."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Who's Gnumatic, you may ask?  Well, some of the voices you already know "
+#~ "from the mailing list are a part of Gnumatic: rlb, grib, dave at krondo, "
+#~ "rgmerk, linas, and, hopefully, soon, others."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:2995
-msgid "<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash 1.3.2 Released!"
-msgstr "<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash 1.3.2 Released!"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "What does corporate support mean?  Well, we hope that it means only "
+#~ "positive things: more features, more functions, faster and with less "
+#~ "bugs.  We hope that it means that GnuCash will have a rosy long-term  "
+#~ "future to become the premier accounting package on  Linux. We hope that "
+#~ "it establishes the GPL as the only viable long-term licensing model for "
+#~ "desktop software. And finally, we hope that GnuCash can spin off and "
+#~ "excite a number of\n"
+#~ " projects that will further enhance the state of financial software on "
+#~ "Linux."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "What does corporate support mean?  Well, we hope that it means only "
+#~ "positive things: more features, more functions, faster and with less "
+#~ "bugs.  We hope that it means that GnuCash will have a rosy long-term  "
+#~ "future to become the premier accounting package on  Linux. We hope that "
+#~ "it establishes the GPL as the only viable long-term licensing model for "
+#~ "desktop software. And finally, we hope that GnuCash can spin off and "
+#~ "excite a number of\n"
+#~ " projects that will further enhance the state of financial software on "
+#~ "Linux."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:3000
-msgid "new French and German translations"
-msgstr "new French and German translations"
+#~ msgid "We're pretty excited, and we hope that you will be too!"
+#~ msgstr "We're pretty excited, and we hope that you will be too!"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:3001
-msgid "new French documentation"
-msgstr "new French documentation"
+#~ msgid "<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash 1.4.4 release!"
+#~ msgstr "<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash 1.4.4 release!"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:3002
-msgid "speed and other improvements in the register"
-msgstr "speed and other improvements in the register"
+#~ msgid "new Russian translation"
+#~ msgstr "new Russian translation"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:3003
-msgid "more work on reports"
-msgstr "more work on reports"
+#~ msgid "HTTP download"
+#~ msgstr "HTTP download"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:3013
-msgid "<b>Update:</b> Archives are up to date."
-msgstr "<b>Update:</b> Archives are up to date."
+#~ msgid "FTP download"
+#~ msgstr "FTP download"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:3017
-msgid "They are automatically updated again every night."
-msgstr "They are automatically updated again every night."
+#~ msgid "<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash 1.4.3 release!"
+#~ msgstr "<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash 1.4.3 release!"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:3018
-msgid ""
-"We also added a new list, gnucash-patches at gnucash.org.  This list is "
-"strictly for posting patches to Gnucash."
-msgstr ""
-"We also added a new list, gnucash-patches at gnucash.org.  This list is "
-"strictly for posting patches to Gnucash."
+#~ msgid "fix for stock quotes from the London exchange"
+#~ msgstr "fix for stock quotes from the London exchange"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:3022
-msgid "Screenshots"
-msgstr "Screenshots"
+#~ msgid "updated French translation"
+#~ msgstr "updated French translation"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:3026
-msgid ""
-"For the \"I won't compile it until I have seen it\" crowd I have updated the "
-"screenshots for the Gnome/Gtk+ version of Gnucash.  I hope waves of people "
-"will checkout the latest source from CVS and go absolutely nutz debugging "
-"it! =)"
-msgstr ""
-"For the \"I won't compile it until I have seen it\" crowd I have updated the "
-"screenshots for the Gnome/Gtk+ version of Gnucash.  I hope waves of people "
-"will checkout the latest source from CVS and go absolutely nutz debugging "
-"it! =)"
+#~ msgid "<B>Information:</B> Version Numbers"
+#~ msgstr "<B>Information:</B> Version Numbers"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:3031
-msgid "<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash 1.3.1 Released!"
-msgstr "<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash 1.3.1 Released!"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Please be aware that the 1.5 series of GnuCash is a <em> development</em> "
+#~ "release. This means you can expect instabilities and dependency problems "
+#~ "as we add features and use newer libraries.  If you just want to use "
+#~ "GnuCash and not worry about having the latest features and bugs, you "
+#~ "should use the 1.4 series."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Please be aware that the 1.5 series of GnuCash is a <em> development</em> "
+#~ "release. This means you can expect instabilities and dependency problems "
+#~ "as we add features and use newer libraries.  If you just want to use "
+#~ "GnuCash and not worry about having the latest features and bugs, you "
+#~ "should use the 1.4 series."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:3036
-msgid "Includes documentation in French."
-msgstr "Includes documentation in French."
+#~ msgid "<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash has a booth at COMDEX Toronto."
+#~ msgstr "<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash has a booth at COMDEX Toronto."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:3037
-msgid "QIF importing fixes."
-msgstr "QIF importing fixes."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The GnuCash project has a booth at COMDEX Toronto, graciously donated by "
+#~ "LinuxMall, and Linas, Bill, and Rob (rlb), are there.  If you're in the "
+#~ "area, come by and visit."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "The GnuCash project has a booth at COMDEX Toronto, graciously donated by "
+#~ "LinuxMall, and Linas, Bill, and Rob (rlb), are there.  If you're in the "
+#~ "area, come by and visit."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:3038
-msgid "Various GUI improvements."
-msgstr "Various GUI improvements."
+#~ msgid "<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash for Solaris"
+#~ msgstr "<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash for Solaris"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:3041
-msgid "This release also requires gnome-libs >= 1.0.40."
-msgstr "This release also requires gnome-libs &gt;= 1.0.40."
+#~ msgid "You can obtain a Solaris package for GnuCash 1.4.2 from"
+#~ msgstr "You can obtain a Solaris package for GnuCash 1.4.2 from"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:3049
-msgid "V-One"
-msgstr "V-One"
+#~ msgid "and"
+#~ msgstr "and"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:3053
-msgid ""
-"Has anyone heard of this company?  V-One. Apparently their shares tripled "
-"because they made a Linux port of their software available."
-msgstr ""
-"Has anyone heard of this company?  V-One. Apparently their shares tripled "
-"because they made a Linux port of their software available."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "This package was created by Alan Orndorff and contains all the needed "
+#~ "libraries\n"
+#~ "(that's why it's so big)."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "This package was created by Alan Orndorff and contains all the needed "
+#~ "libraries\n"
+#~ "(that's why it's so big)."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:3059
-msgid "Intuit"
-msgstr "Intuit"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Charles Gagnon has also created Solaris packages for GnuCash, for both "
+#~ "the stable and development series. They are available at"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Charles Gagnon has also created Solaris packages for GnuCash, for both "
+#~ "the stable and development series. They are available at"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:3063
-msgid ""
-"Here is an interesting tidbit about a certain company that should listen to "
-"a certain community."
-msgstr ""
-"Here is an interesting tidbit about a certain company that should listen to "
-"a certain community."
+#~ msgid "<B>Announcement:</B> Alternative download sites"
+#~ msgstr "<B>Announcement:</B> Alternative download sites"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:3070
-msgid "New server"
-msgstr "New server"
+#~ msgid "You can download the latest gnucash releases from "
+#~ msgstr "You can download the latest gnucash releases from "
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:3074
-msgid ""
-"After over a month of server problems I think we have things worked out.  I "
-"still need to setup mailing list archives.  Also ftp.gnucash.org points to "
-"the wrong IP, this is already fixed and just needs to get refreshed in your "
-"DNS! =)"
-msgstr ""
-"After over a month of server problems I think we have things worked out.  I "
-"still need to setup mailing list archives.  Also ftp.gnucash.org points to "
-"the wrong IP, this is already fixed and just needs to get refreshed in your "
-"DNS! =)"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Mandrake users can download a Mandrake rpm from Mandrake Cooker sites."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Mandrake users can download a Mandrake rpm from Mandrake Cooker sites."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:3077
-msgid ""
-"In addition anyone who was having difficulty subscribing to the mailing list "
-"should try again.  Keep in mind that we have change mailing list managers "
-"and the process for subscribing is different.  Read the section \"Mailing "
-"List - Help\" for more information!"
-msgstr ""
-"In addition anyone who was having difficulty subscribing to the mailing list "
-"should try again.  Keep in mind that we have change mailing list managers "
-"and the process for subscribing is different.  Read the section \"Mailing "
-"List - Help\" for more information!"
+#~ msgid "<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash 1.5.0 release!"
+#~ msgstr "<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash 1.5.0 release!"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:3082
-msgid "<B>ANNOUNCEMENT:</B> Gnucash 1.2.1 is now available."
-msgstr "<B>ANNOUNCEMENT:</B> Gnucash 1.2.1 is now available."
+#~ msgid "switch to using the gtkhtml widget"
+#~ msgstr "switch to using the gtkhtml widget"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:3086
-msgid "This is now the latest stable release of Gnucash.  Enjoy!"
-msgstr "This is now the latest stable release of Gnucash.  Enjoy!"
+#~ msgid "all the fixes in 1.4.2"
+#~ msgstr "all the fixes in 1.4.2"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:3090
-msgid "New screenshots"
-msgstr "New screenshots"
+#~ msgid "This release requires the gnome-print and gtkhtml libraries."
+#~ msgstr "This release requires the gnome-print and gtkhtml libraries."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:3094
-msgid ""
-"A lot has changed in the last month... so what do you do when things change? "
-"You take screenshots!!!!  Enjoy!"
-msgstr ""
-"A lot has changed in the last month... so what do you do when things change? "
-"You take screenshots!!!!  Enjoy!"
+#~ msgid "<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash 1.4.2 release!"
+#~ msgstr "<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash 1.4.2 release!"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:3096
-msgid "these are of the lastest CVS version!"
-msgstr "these are of the lastest CVS version!"
+#~ msgid "updated French translations"
+#~ msgstr "updated French translations"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:3103
-msgid "gnucash-1.2.2 is out at the usual places."
-msgstr "gnucash-1.2.2 is out at the usual places."
+#~ msgid "improved qif importing"
+#~ msgstr "improved qif importing"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:3108
-msgid ""
-"This release includes misc bug fixes, update README files, updated german "
-"&amp; french message translations. I hope that I've touched the timestamps "
-"on some certain files so that the LIBTOOL irritation goes away."
-msgstr ""
-"This release includes misc bug fixes, update README files, updated german "
-"&amp; french message translations. I hope that I've touched the timestamps "
-"on some certain files so that the LIBTOOL irritation goes away."
+#~ msgid "fix for g-wrap 0.9.4"
+#~ msgstr "fix for g-wrap 0.9.4"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:3110
-msgid "The 1.2.2 release is meant to be a stable release for general use."
-msgstr "The 1.2.2 release is meant to be a stable release for general use."
+#~ msgid "<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash services are migrating."
+#~ msgstr "<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash services are migrating."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:3112
-msgid ""
-"The latest experimental version is available via cvs and includes a new "
-"large patch to gnome from Heath Martin."
-msgstr ""
-"The latest experimental version is available via cvs and includes a new "
-"large patch to gnome from Heath Martin."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The GnuCash web, ftp, and mail services are migrating to a new home.  "
+#~ "This may cause some temporary inconveniences.  Please bear with us."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "The GnuCash web, ftp, and mail services are migrating to a new home.  "
+#~ "This may cause some temporary inconveniences.  Please bear with us."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:3117
-msgid "<B>ANNOUNCEMENT</B>: GNUcash 1.3.0 beta has been released!"
-msgstr "<B>ANNOUNCEMENT</B>: GNUcash 1.3.0 beta has been released!"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "In the interim, ftp service should be available at <a href=\"ftp://ftp."
+#~ "gnucash.net/\">ftp://ftp.gnucash.net/</a>, and web services should be "
+#~ "available from <a href=\"ftp://www.gnucash.net/\">ftp://www.gnucash.net/</"
+#~ "a>."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "In the interim, ftp service should be available at <a href=\"ftp://ftp."
+#~ "gnucash.net/\">ftp://ftp.gnucash.net/</a>, and web services should be "
+#~ "available from <a href=\"ftp://www.gnucash.net/\">ftp://www.gnucash.net/</"
+#~ "a>."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:3122
-msgid ""
-"After months of intensive development by some really awesome people we are "
-"proud to announce the release of GNUcash 1.3.0.  This is a beta quality "
-"development release.  RPMS, and source tarballs are available at <a href="
-"\"ftp://ftp.gnucash.org/gnucash/\">ftp.gnucash.org</a>.  Please test them "
-"and report all bugs back to our bug tracking system, or our developers "
-"mailing list"
-msgstr ""
-"After months of intensive development by some really awesome people we are "
-"proud to announce the release of GNUcash 1.3.0.  This is a beta quality "
-"development release.  RPMS, and source tarballs are available at <a href="
-"\"ftp://ftp.gnucash.org/gnucash/\">ftp.gnucash.org</a>.  Please test them "
-"and report all bugs back to our bug tracking system, or our developers "
-"mailing list"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Things should be back to normal in a week or so, once DNS finishes "
+#~ "propagating."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Things should be back to normal in a week or so, once DNS finishes "
+#~ "propagating."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:3124
-msgid ""
-"Now for the details.  This release signifies the switch from Motif to Gnome "
-"as our GUI toolkit.  The build process should also be a lot easier."
-msgstr ""
-"Now for the details.  This release signifies the switch from Motif to Gnome "
-"as our GUI toolkit.  The build process should also be a lot easier."
+#~ msgid "Thanks"
+#~ msgstr "Thanks"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:3126
-msgid "Key Features"
-msgstr "Key Features"
+#~ msgid "<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash 1.4.1 release!"
+#~ msgstr "<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash 1.4.1 release!"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:3129
-msgid "Gnome/Gtk based"
-msgstr "Gnome/Gtk based"
+#~ msgid "translations are loaded correctly"
+#~ msgstr "translations are loaded correctly"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:3130
-msgid "Canvas based register"
-msgstr "Canvas based register"
+#~ msgid "<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash 1.4.0 is released!"
+#~ msgstr "<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash 1.4.0 is released!"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:3131
-msgid "New reporting engine based on scheme"
-msgstr "New reporting engine based on scheme"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The GnuCash developers are proud to announce GnuCash 1.4.  This new "
+#~ "stable release marks the transition from Motif to GNOME."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "The GnuCash developers are proud to announce GnuCash 1.4.  This new "
+#~ "stable release marks the transition from Motif to GNOME."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:3132
-msgid "Lots of options are now configurable"
-msgstr "Lots of options are now configurable"
+#~ msgid "Some of the many new and improved features include:"
+#~ msgstr "Some of the many new and improved features include:"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:3133
-msgid "Ability to reparent accounts"
-msgstr "Ability to reparent accounts"
+#~ msgid "Totally revamped interface, customizable from within the GUI."
+#~ msgstr "Totally revamped interface, customisable from within the GUI."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:3134
-msgid "A really slick/polished interface"
-msgstr "A really slick/polished interface"
+#~ msgid "This includes transaction auto-completion."
+#~ msgstr "This includes transaction auto-completion."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:3138
-msgid ""
-"I will post screenshots of the new development release in a bit.  In the "
-"meantime just downloaded, install, and go wild with it! =)"
-msgstr ""
-"I will post screenshots of the new development release in a bit.  In the "
-"meantime just downloaded, install, and go wild with it! =)"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "New reporting system, including several new reports and much improved "
+#~ "existing ones."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "New reporting system, including several new reports and much improved "
+#~ "existing ones."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:3141
+#~ msgid "Internationalisation."
+#~ msgstr "Internationalisation."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:3148
-msgid "<B>ANNOUNCEMENT</B>: Gnucash 1.2.5 is released!"
-msgstr "<B>ANNOUNCEMENT</B>: Gnucash 1.2.5 is released!"
+#~ msgid "You can download this release from "
+#~ msgstr "You can download this release from "
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:3154
-msgid ""
-"All those who downloaded 1.2.4 can go right back and get the new version! =)"
-msgstr ""
-"All those who downloaded 1.2.4 can go right back and get the new version! =)"
+#~ msgid "or, alternatively, you can try the Sourceforge mirror:"
+#~ msgstr "or, alternatively, you can try the Sourceforge mirror:"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:3158
-msgid ""
-"It fixes a rounding bug which caused 0.999 to be printed as 0.0 instead of "
-"1.0.  (The math was done right, it just the printing was broken)."
-msgstr ""
-"It fixes a rounding bug which caused 0.999 to be printed as 0.0 instead of "
-"1.0.  (The math was done right, it just the printing was broken)."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Please read the README before compiling GnuCash, as there are several "
+#~ "other packages that must be installed first."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Please read the README before compiling GnuCash, as there are several "
+#~ "other packages that must be installed first."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:3160
-msgid ""
-"And checks &amp; returns error when you try to save to a disk that is over-"
-msgstr ""
-"And checks &amp; returns error when you try to save to a disk that is over-"
+#~ msgid "We hope you enjoy the new release."
+#~ msgstr "We hope you enjoy the new release."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:3163 www/oldnews.phtml:3182
-msgid "You can get it at:"
-msgstr "You can get it at:"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash moves closer to stability with 1.3.100 "
+#~ "release!"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash moves closer to stability with 1.3.100 "
+#~ "release!"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:3165 www/oldnews.phtml:3185
-msgid "<B>UPDATE:</B> Binaries are now available at:"
-msgstr "<B>UPDATE:</B> Binaries are now available at:"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Please note that the RPM does not contain the check printing feature.  "
+#~ "You will have to compile it yourself."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Please note that the RPM does not contain the cheque printing feature.  "
+#~ "You will have to compile it yourself."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:3171
-msgid "<B>ANNOUNCEMENT</B>: Gnucash 1.2.4 is released!"
-msgstr "<B>ANNOUNCEMENT</B>: Gnucash 1.2.4 is released!"
+#~ msgid "This release is the last in the 1.3 development series."
+#~ msgstr "This release is the last in the 1.3 development series."
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:3176
-msgid ""
-"Is supposed to be 'stable' i.e. usable, crash-proof, not subject to frequent "
-"or radical change."
-msgstr ""
-"Is supposed to be 'stable' i.e. usable, crash-proof, not subject to frequent "
-"or radical change."
+#~ msgid "Available at the usual place!"
+#~ msgstr "Available at the usual place!"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:3177
-msgid "Motif-only source code. No gnome.  This should simplify builds."
-msgstr "Motif-only source code. No gnome.  This should simplify builds."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash moves closer to stability with 1.3.99 "
+#~ "release!"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash moves closer to stability with 1.3.99 "
+#~ "release!"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:3178
-msgid "Fixes some core dumps that 1.2.3 had."
-msgstr "Fixes some core dumps that 1.2.3 had."
+#~ msgid "transaction auto-completion"
+#~ msgstr "transaction auto-completion"
-#: www/oldnews.phtml:3179
-msgid ""
-"Is maintained in a separate cvs branch; if you send patches to fix problems "
-"with this code, indicate that its for this release."
-msgstr ""
-"Is maintained in a separate cvs branch; if you send patches to fix problems "
-"with this code, indicate that it is for this release."
+#~ msgid "fixes for 64-bit architectures"
+#~ msgstr "fixes for 64-bit architectures"
-#: www/promote.phtml:9
-msgid "Promote GnuCash"
-msgstr "Promote GnuCash"
+#~ msgid "automaked build system"
+#~ msgstr "automaked build system"
-#: www/promote.phtml:11
-msgid ""
-"Want to demonstrate your support for GnuCash?  Exhibit one of these banners "
-"on your site."
-msgstr ""
-"Want to demonstrate your support for GnuCash?  Exhibit one of these banners "
-"on your site."
+#~ msgid "bug fixes and ui improvements"
+#~ msgstr "bug fixes and ui improvements"
-#: www/promote.phtml:16
-msgid "Control your Finances with the Power of Open Source - GnuCash"
-msgstr "Control your Finances with the Power of Open Source - GnuCash"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "This release is one of (and maybe) the last in the 1.3 development series."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "This release is one of (and maybe) the last in the 1.3 development series."
-#: www/promote.phtml:23 www/promote.phtml:30
-msgid "Gnucash Personal Finance Software"
-msgstr "Gnucash Personal Finance Software"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Due to recent switch of the servers that house the mailing lists many "
+#~ "people seem to have been unsubscribed, or resubscribed to the lists.  "
+#~ "Please just take the appropriate action by unsubscribing, or "
+#~ "resubscribing.  Sorry for the inconvience."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Due to recent switch of the servers that house the mailing lists many "
+#~ "people seem to have been unsubscribed, or resubscribed to the lists.  "
+#~ "Please just take the appropriate action by unsubscribing, or "
+#~ "resubscribing.  Sorry for the inconvience."
-#: www/promote.phtml:37
-msgid "US. Dollar Bill w/Stallman's Gnu"
-msgstr "US. Dollar Bill w/Stallman's Gnu"
+#~ msgid "<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash 1.3.8 Released!"
+#~ msgstr "<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash 1.3.8 Released!"
-#: www/promote.phtml:44
-msgid "Name in Bouncing Green"
-msgstr "Name in Bouncing Green"
+#~ msgid "transaction cut/copy/paste"
+#~ msgstr "transaction cut/copy/paste"
-#: www/promote.phtml:51
-msgid "Flying Screenshots of GnuCash Screens"
-msgstr "Flying Screenshots of GnuCash Screens"
+#~ msgid "new Japanese translations"
+#~ msgstr "new Japanese translations"
-#: www/promote.phtml:58
-msgid "white typewriter letters on black background"
-msgstr "white typewriter letters on black background"
+#~ msgid "user interface improvements"
+#~ msgstr "user interface improvements"
-#: www/promote.phtml:65
-msgid "black typewriter letters w/ drop shadow on brown background"
-msgstr "black typewriter letters w/ drop shadow on brown background"
+#~ msgid "<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash 1.3.7 Released!"
+#~ msgstr "<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash 1.3.7 Released!"
-#: www/promote.phtml:72
-msgid "black typewriter letters on light brown background"
-msgstr "black typewriter letters on light brown background"
+#~ msgid "better printing of multiple currencies"
+#~ msgstr "better printing of multiple currencies"
-#: www/promote.phtml:79
-msgid "black typewriter letters on white background"
-msgstr "black typewriter letters on white background"
+#~ msgid "LWN review"
+#~ msgstr "LWN review"
-#: www/promote.phtml:86
-msgid "modern techno/scifi font on clear background"
-msgstr "modern techno/scifi font on clear background"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "LWN gave GNUcash another whirl after visiting our booth at Comdex.  Read "
+#~ "what that had to say!"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "LWN gave GNUcash another whirl after visiting our booth at Comdex.  Read "
+#~ "what that had to say!"
-#: www/promote.phtml:93
-msgid "black throbbing beatnik font w/ dropshadow on brown background"
-msgstr "black throbbing beatnik font w/ dropshadow on brown background"
+#~ msgid "Another look at Gnucash"
+#~ msgstr "Another look at Gnucash"
-#: www/promote.phtml:100
-msgid "black elegante font on brown background"
-msgstr "black elegante font on brown background"
+#~ msgid "<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash 1.3.4 Released!"
+#~ msgstr "<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash 1.3.4 Released!"
-#: www/sizing.phtml:10 www/externals/menu-other.phtml:8
-msgid "Sizing"
-msgstr "Sizing"
+#~ msgid "alpha code for check printing (requires gnome-print)"
+#~ msgstr "alpha code for cheque printing (requires gnome-print)"
-#: www/sizing.phtml:13
-msgid ""
-"It can often be quite interesting to study the source code metrics behind a "
-"software development project.   Not a surprising interest: its accounting "
-"afterall.  GnuCash has grown, over the years, from a small handy electronic "
-"checkbook to a rather large and multi-featured desktop app."
-msgstr ""
-"It can often be quite interesting to study the source code metrics behind a "
-"software development project. Not a surprising interest: it is accounting "
-"afterall. GnuCash has grown, over the years, from a small handy electronic "
-"chequebook to a rather large and multi-featured desktop app."
+#~ msgid "more i18n of reports"
+#~ msgstr "more i18n of reports"
-#: www/sizing.phtml:16
-msgid ""
-"GnuCash currently consists of over a third of a million lines of code spread "
-"over more than a thousand files.  It has been translated into twenty-three "
-"languages and credits over 139 authors and contributors."
-msgstr ""
-"GnuCash currently consists of over a third of a million lines of code spread "
-"over more than a thousand files. It has been translated into twenty-three "
-"languages and credits over 139 authors and contributors."
+#~ msgid "auto check numbering"
+#~ msgstr "auto cheque numbering"
-#: www/sizing.phtml:22
-msgid ""
-"If you've had trouble swimming through that mass of source code, think of it "
-"this way: printed out on paper, and bound into volumes, it would amount to "
-"several dozen copies of Tolstoy's \"War and Peace\", roughly a bookshelf-"
-"width's worth of source code."
-msgstr ""
-"If you've had trouble swimming through that mass of source code, think of it "
-"this way: printed out on paper, and bound into volumes, it would amount to "
-"several dozen copies of Tolstoy's \"War and Peace\", roughly a bookshelf-"
-"width's worth of source code."
+#~ msgid "bug fixes and GUI improvements"
+#~ msgstr "bug fixes and GUI improvements"
-#: www/sizing.phtml:25
-msgid ""
-"Mind you, this is source code (and docs) crafted and debugged by actual "
-"humans, this is *not* autogenerated code.  Tools (such as glade or g-wrap) "
-"can generate gaziilions of lines of code automatically; I'm not counting "
-"those.  Every last line counted here was typed in, edited, indented, "
-"tweaked, multiple times, by human hands."
-msgstr ""
-"Mind you, this is source code (and docs) crafted and debugged by actual "
-"humans, this is *not* autogenerated code.  Tools (such as glade or g-wrap) "
-"can generate gaziilions of lines of code automatically; I'm not counting "
-"those.  Every last line counted here was typed in, edited, indented, "
-"tweaked, multiple times, by human hands."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Please note that the RPM does not contain the check printing feature.  \n"
+#~ "You will have to compile it yourself."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Please note that the RPM does not contain the cheque printing feature.  \n"
+#~ "You will have to compile it yourself."
-#: www/sizing.phtml:28
-msgid ""
-"Given that we have about 400 outstanding bugs in bugzilla, that works out to "
-"about one bug per thousand lines of code, or one bug per 50 pages of "
-"printout.  This bug count is actually not atypical for software projects; "
-"its near the norm."
-msgstr ""
-"Given that we have about 400 outstanding bugs in bugzilla, that works out to "
-"about one bug per thousand lines of code, or one bug per 50 pages of "
-"printout.  This bug count is actually not atypical for software projects; "
-"its near the norm."
+#~ msgid "<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash 1.3.6 Released!"
+#~ msgstr "<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash 1.3.6 Released!"
-#: www/sizing.phtml:31
-msgid ""
-"The table below shows some historical lines-of-code and number-of-files "
-"metrics for the GnuCash development project.  Note that not all of the code "
-"is counted: for instance, the Makefiles and configure.in and autogen.sh are "
-"not counted. Also, files that are automatically generated are not counted, "
-"nor are files that have been 'borrowed' from other projects. Also not "
-"counted are experimental files, miscellaneous perl scripts, various "
-"converters, addons and utilities.  Finally, <tt>glade</tt> files are not "
-"counted, although large parts of the overall GUI are described in <tt>glade</"
-"tt> files."
-msgstr ""
-"The table below shows some historical lines-of-code and number-of-files "
-"metrics for the GnuCash development project.  Note that not all of the code "
-"is counted: for instance, the Makefiles and configure.in and autogen.sh are "
-"not counted. Also, files that are automatically generated are not counted, "
-"nor are files that have been 'borrowed' from other projects. Also not "
-"counted are experimental files, miscellaneous perl scripts, various "
-"converters, addons and utilities.  Finally, <tt>glade</tt> files are not "
-"counted, although large parts of the overall GUI are described in <tt>glade</"
-"tt> files."
+#~ msgid "transaction finder dialog"
+#~ msgstr "transaction finder dialogue"
-#: www/sizing.phtml:34
-msgid ""
-"Note also that KLOC's are not a good metric of programmer productivity, nor "
-"even that <code>wc</code> is a good way of counting KLOC's.  Much better "
-"measures are complexity metrics, which, for example, count the number and "
-"size of if-then-else blocks, or the number and size of all blocks, or the "
-"number of math operators per statement.  Maybe someday we'll run one of "
-"those tools on this code. For now, this is what we have.  On the other hand, "
-"we've attempted to count only those files that contain human-edited code, "
-"that is, files that are directly edited by humans.  The point of doing this "
-"is to avoid artificially inflating the KLOC counts by counting automatically "
-"generated code (which is why the glade files are not counted: they are large "
-"and automatically generated)."
-msgstr ""
-"Note also that KLOC's are not a good metric of programmer productivity, nor "
-"even that <code>wc</code> is a good way of counting KLOC's.  Much better "
-"measures are complexity metrics, which, for example, count the number and "
-"size of if-then-else blocks, or the number and size of all blocks, or the "
-"number of math operators per statement.  Maybe someday we'll run one of "
-"those tools on this code. For now, this is what we have.  On the other hand, "
-"we've attempted to count only those files that contain human-edited code, "
-"that is, files that are directly edited by humans.  The point of doing this "
-"is to avoid artificially inflating the KLOC counts by counting automatically "
-"generated code (which is why the glade files are not counted: they are large "
-"and automatically generated)."
+#~ msgid "even better qif importing"
+#~ msgstr "even better qif importing"
-#: www/sizing.phtml:38
-msgid "Table 1.  Historical Development Stats"
-msgstr "Table 1.  Historical Development Stats"
+#~ msgid "some support for the euro"
+#~ msgstr "some support for the euro"
-#: www/sizing.phtml:42
-msgid "Version"
-msgstr "Version"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Please note that the RPM does not contain the check printing feature. You "
+#~ "will have to compile it yourself."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Please note that the RPM does not contain the cheque printing feature. "
+#~ "You will have to compile it yourself."
-#: www/sizing.phtml:43 www/sizing.phtml:329
-msgid "engine"
-msgstr "engine"
+#~ msgid "<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash 1.3.5 Released!"
+#~ msgstr "<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash 1.3.5 Released!"
-#: www/sizing.phtml:44 www/sizing.phtml:333
-msgid "backend"
-msgstr "backend"
+#~ msgid "more work on reports and check-printing"
+#~ msgstr "more work on reports and cheque-printing"
-#: www/sizing.phtml:45 www/sizing.phtml:337
-msgid "register"
-msgstr "register"
+#~ msgid "fixes to qif importing"
+#~ msgstr "fixes to qif importing"
-#: www/sizing.phtml:46
-msgid "ledger"
-msgstr "ledger"
+#~ msgid "<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash 1.3.2 Released!"
+#~ msgstr "<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash 1.3.2 Released!"
-#: www/sizing.phtml:47 www/sizing.phtml:345
-msgid "motif"
-msgstr "motif"
+#~ msgid "new French and German translations"
+#~ msgstr "new French and German translations"
-#: www/sizing.phtml:48 www/sizing.phtml:349
-msgid "gnome"
-msgstr "gnome"
+#~ msgid "new French documentation"
+#~ msgstr "new French documentation"
-#: www/sizing.phtml:49 www/sizing.phtml:354
-msgid "misc app"
-msgstr "misc app"
+#~ msgid "speed and other improvements in the register"
+#~ msgstr "speed and other improvements in the register"
-#: www/sizing.phtml:50 www/sizing.phtml:359
-msgid "import export"
-msgstr "import export"
+#~ msgid "more work on reports"
+#~ msgstr "more work on reports"
-#: www/sizing.phtml:51 www/sizing.phtml:364
-msgid "reports"
-msgstr "reports"
+#~ msgid "<b>Update:</b> Archives are up to date."
+#~ msgstr "<b>Update:</b> Archives are up to date."
-#: www/sizing.phtml:52
-msgid "scheme (misc)"
-msgstr "scheme (misc)"
+#~ msgid "They are automatically updated again every night."
+#~ msgstr "They are automatically updated again every night."
-#: www/sizing.phtml:53
-msgid "business"
-msgstr "business"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "We also added a new list, gnucash-patches at gnucash.org.  This list is "
+#~ "strictly for posting patches to Gnucash."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "We also added a new list, gnucash-patches at gnucash.org.  This list is "
+#~ "strictly for posting patches to Gnucash."
-#: www/sizing.phtml:54 www/sizing.phtml:379
-msgid "test"
-msgstr "test"
+#~ msgid "Screenshots"
+#~ msgstr "Screenshots"
-#: www/sizing.phtml:55
-msgid "user docs"
-msgstr "user docs"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "For the \"I won't compile it until I have seen it\" crowd I have updated "
+#~ "the screenshots for the Gnome/Gtk+ version of Gnucash.  I hope waves of "
+#~ "people will checkout the latest source from CVS and go absolutely nutz "
+#~ "debugging it! =)"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "For the \"I won't compile it until I have seen it\" crowd I have updated "
+#~ "the screenshots for the Gnome/Gtk+ version of Gnucash.  I hope waves of "
+#~ "people will checkout the latest source from CVS and go absolutely nutz "
+#~ "debugging it! =)"
-#: www/sizing.phtml:56 www/sizing.phtml:389
-msgid "internal txt"
-msgstr "internal txt"
+#~ msgid "<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash 1.3.1 Released!"
+#~ msgstr "<B>Announcement:</B> GnuCash 1.3.1 Released!"
-#: www/sizing.phtml:57
-msgid "Total"
-msgstr "Total"
+#~ msgid "Includes documentation in French."
+#~ msgstr "Includes documentation in French."
-#: www/sizing.phtml:58 www/sizing.phtml:394
-msgid "Languages"
-msgstr "Languages"
+#~ msgid "QIF importing fixes."
+#~ msgstr "QIF importing fixes."
-#: www/sizing.phtml:59 www/sizing.phtml:399
-msgid "Author Credits"
-msgstr "Author Credits"
+#~ msgid "Various GUI improvements."
+#~ msgstr "Various GUI improvements."
-#: www/sizing.phtml:318
-msgid "Each cell displays the following:"
-msgstr "Each cell displays the following:"
+#~ msgid "This release also requires gnome-libs >= 1.0.40."
+#~ msgstr "This release also requires gnome-libs &gt;= 1.0.40."
-#: www/sizing.phtml:320
-msgid ""
-"number of *c and *.h and *.scm files (KLOCS in *.c + KLOCS in *.h + KLOCS in "
-"*.scm).  If there are no *.scm files in the directory, then only (KLOCS in *."
-"c + KLOCS in *.h) are displayed.  If there is only one number in the "
-"parenthesis, it is the approriate KLOC count for that statistic."
-msgstr ""
-"number of *c and *.h and *.scm files (KLOCS in *.c + KLOCS in *.h + KLOCS in "
-"*.scm).  If there are no *.scm files in the directory, then only (KLOCS in *."
-"c + KLOCS in *.h) are displayed.  If there is only one number in the "
-"parenthesis, it is the approriate KLOC count for that statistic."
+#~ msgid "V-One"
+#~ msgstr "V-One"
-#: www/sizing.phtml:323
-msgid ""
-"where KLOC == kilo-lines-of-code, as reported by <code>wc</code>. As noted "
-"above, wc is not a terribly good code metric, but its what we have handy."
-msgstr ""
-"where KLOC == kilo-lines-of-code, as reported by <code>wc</code>. As noted "
-"above, wc is not a terribly good code metric, but its what we have handy."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Has anyone heard of this company?  V-One. Apparently their shares tripled "
+#~ "because they made a Linux port of their software available."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Has anyone heard of this company?  V-One. Apparently their shares tripled "
+#~ "because they made a Linux port of their software available."
-#: www/sizing.phtml:326
-msgid "Table Column Legend"
-msgstr "Table Column Legend"
+#~ msgid "Intuit"
+#~ msgstr "Intuit"
-#: www/sizing.phtml:330
-msgid ""
-"Contents of the src/engine and the include directories. The engine was split "
-"out from the motif code in version 1.1. The data storage backend (file-io, "
-"sql) was split out in the course of version 1.5"
-msgstr ""
-"Contents of the src/engine and the include directories. The engine was split "
-"out from the motif code in version 1.1. The data storage backend (file-io, "
-"sql) was split out in the course of version 1.5"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Here is an interesting tidbit about a certain company that should listen "
+#~ "to a certain community."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Here is an interesting tidbit about a certain company that should listen "
+#~ "to a certain community."
-#: www/sizing.phtml:334
-msgid ""
-"Contents of the src/backend directory (version 1.7 and later) or of src/"
-"engine/file, src/engine/sql (version 1.6 and earlier)"
-msgstr ""
-"Contents of the src/backend directory (version 1.7 and later) or of src/"
-"engine/file, src/engine/sql (version 1.6 and earlier)"
+#~ msgid "New server"
+#~ msgstr "New server"
-#: www/sizing.phtml:338
-msgid ""
-"Contents of the src/register directory (version 1.6 and earlier) or src/"
-"register/register-core (version 1.7 and later).  The register was split out "
-"as a separate component from the motif code in version 1.1. As can be seen "
-"from the stats, the register code has been fairly stable. At version 1.7 and "
-"later, this cell shows a second count: the number of lines of code in src/"
-"register/register-gnome (previously counted as part of gnome)"
-msgstr ""
-"Contents of the src/register directory (version 1.6 and earlier) or src/"
-"register/register-core (version 1.7 and later).  The register was split out "
-"as a separate component from the motif code in version 1.1. As can be seen "
-"from the stats, the register code has been fairly stable. At version 1.7 and "
-"later, this cell shows a second count: the number of lines of code in src/"
-"register/register-gnome (previously counted as part of gnome)"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "After over a month of server problems I think we have things worked out.  "
+#~ "I still need to setup mailing list archives.  Also ftp.gnucash.org points "
+#~ "to the wrong IP, this is already fixed and just needs to get refreshed in "
+#~ "your DNS! =)"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "After over a month of server problems I think we have things worked out.  "
+#~ "I still need to setup mailing list archives.  Also ftp.gnucash.org points "
+#~ "to the wrong IP, this is already fixed and just needs to get refreshed in "
+#~ "your DNS! =)"
-#: www/sizing.phtml:342
-msgid ""
-"*.c, *.h files in the src directory only (version 1.6 and earlier) or src/"
-"register/ledger-core (version 1.7 and later)"
-msgstr ""
-"*.c, *.h files in the src directory only (version 1.6 and earlier) or src/"
-"register/ledger-core (version 1.7 and later)"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "In addition anyone who was having difficulty subscribing to the mailing "
+#~ "list should try again.  Keep in mind that we have change mailing list "
+#~ "managers and the process for subscribing is different.  Read the section "
+#~ "\"Mailing List - Help\" for more information!"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "In addition anyone who was having difficulty subscribing to the mailing "
+#~ "list should try again.  Keep in mind that we have change mailing list "
+#~ "managers and the process for subscribing is different.  Read the section "
+#~ "\"Mailing List - Help\" for more information!"
-#: www/sizing.phtml:346
-msgid ""
-"Contents of the src/motif directory (version 1.2 and earlier).  The motif "
-"version of the code was discontinued after version 1.2, after most of the "
-"non-gui code was moved to either the engine, the register or the ledger."
-msgstr ""
-"Contents of the src/motif directory (version 1.2 and earlier).  The motif "
-"version of the code was discontinued after version 1.2, after most of the "
-"non-gui code was moved to either the engine, the register or the ledger."
+#~ msgid "<B>ANNOUNCEMENT:</B> Gnucash 1.2.1 is now available."
+#~ msgstr "<B>ANNOUNCEMENT:</B> Gnucash 1.2.1 is now available."
-#: www/sizing.phtml:350
-msgid ""
-"Contents of src/gnome plus src/register/gnome (version 1.6 and earlier). For "
-"version 1.7 and later, this consists of src/gnome, src/gnome-search and src/"
-msgstr ""
-"Contents of src/gnome plus src/register/gnome (version 1.6 and earlier). For "
-"version 1.7 and later, this consists of src/gnome, src/gnome-search and src/"
+#~ msgid "This is now the latest stable release of Gnucash.  Enjoy!"
+#~ msgstr "This is now the latest stable release of Gnucash.  Enjoy!"
-#: www/sizing.phtml:355
-msgid ""
-"Contents of miscellanous application-related directories (version 1.7 and "
-"later): src/app-file, src/app-utils, src/calculation, src/core-utils, src/"
-"gnc-module, src/network-utils, src/tax/us"
-msgstr ""
-"Contents of miscellanous application-related directories (version 1.7 and "
-"later): src/app-file, src/app-utils, src/calculation, src/core-utils, src/"
-"gnc-module, src/network-utils, src/tax/us"
+#~ msgid "New screenshots"
+#~ msgstr "New screenshots"
-#: www/sizing.phtml:360
-msgid ""
-"Code to import and export various file formats: contents of the src/import-"
-"export directory."
-msgstr ""
-"Code to import and export various file formats: contents of the src/import-"
-"export directory."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "A lot has changed in the last month... so what do you do when things "
+#~ "change? You take screenshots!!!!  Enjoy!"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "A lot has changed in the last month... so what do you do when things "
+#~ "change? You take screenshots!!!!  Enjoy!"
-#: www/sizing.phtml:365
-msgid ""
-"Code to generate reports and graphs: contents of the src/reports directory."
-msgstr ""
-"Code to generate reports and graphs: contents of the src/reports directory."
+#~ msgid "these are of the lastest CVS version!"
+#~ msgstr "these are of the lastest CVS version!"
-#: www/sizing.phtml:369
-msgid "scheme"
-msgstr "scheme"
+#~ msgid "gnucash-1.2.2 is out at the usual places."
+#~ msgstr "gnucash-1.2.2 is out at the usual places."
-#: www/sizing.phtml:370
-msgid ""
-"scheme and guile code in directories src/scm plus src/guile (version 1.6 and "
-"earlier). In version 1.7 and later, much of this code went into reports, "
-"import/export, and into indiovidual modules; thus only miscellaneous code "
-msgstr ""
-"scheme and guile code in directories src/scm plus src/guile (version 1.6 and "
-"earlier). In version 1.7 and later, much of this code went into reports, "
-"import/export, and into indiovidual modules; thus only miscellaneous code "
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "This release includes misc bug fixes, update README files, updated german "
+#~ "&amp; french message translations. I hope that I've touched the "
+#~ "timestamps on some certain files so that the LIBTOOL irritation goes away."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "This release includes misc bug fixes, update README files, updated german "
+#~ "&amp; french message translations. I hope that I've touched the "
+#~ "timestamps on some certain files so that the LIBTOOL irritation goes away."
-#: www/sizing.phtml:375
-msgid ""
-"Code to add small-business features: contents of the src/business directory."
-msgstr ""
-"Code to add small-business features: contents of the src/business directory."
+#~ msgid "The 1.2.2 release is meant to be a stable release for general use."
+#~ msgstr "The 1.2.2 release is meant to be a stable release for general use."
-#: www/sizing.phtml:380
-msgid ""
-"Code to peform automated regression tests: contents of the src/*/test "
-msgstr ""
-"Code to peform automated regression tests: contents of the src/*/test "
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The latest experimental version is available via cvs and includes a new "
+#~ "large patch to gnome from Heath Martin."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "The latest experimental version is available via cvs and includes a new "
+#~ "large patch to gnome from Heath Martin."
-#: www/sizing.phtml:384
-msgid "docs"
-msgstr "docs"
+#~ msgid "<B>ANNOUNCEMENT</B>: GNUcash 1.3.0 beta has been released!"
+#~ msgstr "<B>ANNOUNCEMENT</B>: GNUcash 1.3.0 beta has been released!"
-#: www/sizing.phtml:385
-msgid ""
-"English-language-only user documentation, including on-line help and manual "
-"(html, sgml or xml). For version 1.8.4 and later, the number below the bar "
-"counts the translated, non-english docs (currently de, es, fr, pt_PT).  Both "
-"of these numbers are somewhat hard to count, because of fairly large format "
-"churns, and multiple competing versions."
-msgstr ""
-"English-language-only user documentation, including on-line help and manual "
-"(html, sgml or xml). For version 1.8.4 and later, the number below the bar "
-"counts the translated, non-english docs (currently de, es, fr, pt_PT).  Both "
-"of these numbers are somewhat hard to count, because of fairly large format "
-"churns, and multiple competing versions."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "After months of intensive development by some really awesome people we "
+#~ "are proud to announce the release of GNUcash 1.3.0.  This is a beta "
+#~ "quality development release.  RPMS, and source tarballs are available at "
+#~ "<a href=\"ftp://ftp.gnucash.org/gnucash/\">ftp.gnucash.org</a>.  Please "
+#~ "test them and report all bugs back to our bug tracking system, or our "
+#~ "developers mailing list"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "After months of intensive development by some really awesome people we "
+#~ "are proud to announce the release of GNUcash 1.3.0.  This is a beta "
+#~ "quality development release.  RPMS, and source tarballs are available at "
+#~ "<a href=\"ftp://ftp.gnucash.org/gnucash/\">ftp.gnucash.org</a>.  Please "
+#~ "test them and report all bugs back to our bug tracking system, or our "
+#~ "developers mailing list"
-#: www/sizing.phtml:390
-msgid ""
-"The number of design documents and README files aimed at developers. This "
-"includes *.txt files, *.texinfo files and README.* files in all "
-"subdirectories.  For version 1.7 and later, only those in the src "
-"subdirectory are counted (leaving out some half-dozen scattered elsewhere)"
-msgstr ""
-"The number of design documents and README files aimed at developers. This "
-"includes *.txt files, *.texinfo files and README.* files in all "
-"subdirectories.  For version 1.7 and later, only those in the src "
-"subdirectory are counted (leaving out some half-dozen scattered elsewhere)"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Now for the details.  This release signifies the switch from Motif to "
+#~ "Gnome as our GUI toolkit.  The build process should also be a lot easier."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Now for the details.  This release signifies the switch from Motif to "
+#~ "Gnome as our GUI toolkit.  The build process should also be a lot easier."
-#: www/sizing.phtml:395
-msgid ""
-"The number of languages that the application messages have been translated "
-"to (the number of <tt>po/*.po</tt> files). In parenthesis, the number of "
-"messages in the message files (<tt>grep msgstr po/*.po |wc</tt>), in "
-msgstr ""
-"The number of languages that the application messages have been translated "
-"to (the number of <tt>po/*.po</tt> files). In parenthesis, the number of "
-"messages in the message files (<tt>grep msgstr po/*.po |wc</tt>), in "
+#~ msgid "Key Features"
+#~ msgstr "Key Features"
-#: www/sizing.phtml:400
-msgid ""
-"The number of people credited in the AUTHORS file (version 1.6 and later) or "
-"the README file (earlier versions).  These include lead developers, patch "
-"submitters and national-language translators.  This includes additional "
-"credits listed in the gnucash-docs/AUTHORS file that are not listed in the "
-"main gnucash/AUTHORS file."
-msgstr ""
-"The number of people credited in the AUTHORS file (version 1.6 and later) or "
-"the README file (earlier versions).  These include lead developers, patch "
-"submitters and national-language translators.  This includes additional "
-"credits listed in the gnucash-docs/AUTHORS file that are not listed in the "
-"main gnucash/AUTHORS file."
+#~ msgid "Gnome/Gtk based"
+#~ msgstr "Gnome/Gtk based"
-#: www/externals/menu-other.phtml:4
-msgid "Other Information"
-msgstr "Other Information"
+#~ msgid "Canvas based register"
+#~ msgstr "Canvas based register"
-#: www/externals/menu-other.phtml:7
-msgid "GnuCash Banners!"
-msgstr "GnuCash Banners!"
+#~ msgid "New reporting engine based on scheme"
+#~ msgstr "New reporting engine based on scheme"
-#: www/externals/menu-documentation.phtml:4
-msgid "Documentation"
-msgstr "Documentation"
+#~ msgid "Lots of options are now configurable"
+#~ msgstr "Lots of options are now configurable"
-#: www/externals/menu-documentation.phtml:6
-msgid "FAQ"
-msgstr "FAQ"
+#~ msgid "Ability to reparent accounts"
+#~ msgstr "Ability to reparent accounts"
-#: www/externals/menu-documentation.phtml:7
-msgid "Wiki"
-msgstr "Wiki"
+#~ msgid "A really slick/polished interface"
+#~ msgstr "A really slick/polished interface"
-#: www/externals/menu-documentation.phtml:21
-msgid "Search"
-msgstr "Search"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "I will post screenshots of the new development release in a bit.  In the "
+#~ "meantime just downloaded, install, and go wild with it! =)"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "I will post screenshots of the new development release in a bit.  In the "
+#~ "meantime just downloaded, install, and go wild with it! =)"
-#: www/externals/menu-documentation.phtml:24
-msgid "Bug Reports"
-msgstr "Bug Reports"
-#: www/externals/menu-documentation.phtml:26
-msgid "IRC (Chat)"
-msgstr "IRC (Chat)"
+#~ msgid "<B>ANNOUNCEMENT</B>: Gnucash 1.2.5 is released!"
+#~ msgstr "<B>ANNOUNCEMENT</B>: Gnucash 1.2.5 is released!"
-#: www/externals/menu-developer.phtml:4
-msgid "Developer Information"
-msgstr "Developer Information"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "All those who downloaded 1.2.4 can go right back and get the new version! "
+#~ "=)"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "All those who downloaded 1.2.4 can go right back and get the new version! "
+#~ "=)"
-#: www/externals/menu-developer.phtml:7
-msgid "Source Docs"
-msgstr "Source Docs"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "It fixes a rounding bug which caused 0.999 to be printed as 0.0 instead "
+#~ "of 1.0.  (The math was done right, it just the printing was broken)."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "It fixes a rounding bug which caused 0.999 to be printed as 0.0 instead "
+#~ "of 1.0.  (The math was done right, it just the printing was broken)."
-#: www/externals/menu-developer.phtml:9
-msgid "Browse Source Code"
-msgstr "Browse Source Code"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "And checks &amp; returns error when you try to save to a disk that is "
+#~ "over-full."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "And checks &amp; returns error when you try to save to a disk that is "
+#~ "over-full."
-#: www/externals/menu-developer.phtml:11
-msgid "Subversion Access"
-msgstr "Subversion Access"
+#~ msgid "You can get it at:"
+#~ msgstr "You can get it at:"
-#: www/externals/menu-developer.phtml:13
-msgid "Language Translations"
-msgstr "Language Translations"
+#~ msgid "<B>UPDATE:</B> Binaries are now available at:"
+#~ msgstr "<B>UPDATE:</B> Binaries are now available at:"
-#: www/externals/menu-general.phtml:4
-msgid "Information"
-msgstr "Information"
+#~ msgid "<B>ANNOUNCEMENT</B>: Gnucash 1.2.4 is released!"
+#~ msgstr "<B>ANNOUNCEMENT</B>: Gnucash 1.2.4 is released!"
-#: www/externals/menu-general.phtml:7
-msgid "About / News"
-msgstr "About / News"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Is supposed to be 'stable' i.e. usable, crash-proof, not subject to "
+#~ "frequent or radical change."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Is supposed to be 'stable' i.e. usable, crash-proof, not subject to "
+#~ "frequent or radical change."
-#: www/externals/menu-general.phtml:10
-msgid "How to help"
-msgstr "How to help"
+#~ msgid "Motif-only source code. No gnome.  This should simplify builds."
+#~ msgstr "Motif-only source code. No gnome.  This should simplify builds."
-#: news/1.9.0.phtml:5
-msgid "<b>Announcement:</b> GnuCash 1.9.0 Release"
-msgstr "<b>Announcement:</b> GnuCash 1.9.0 Release"
+#~ msgid "Fixes some core dumps that 1.2.3 had."
+#~ msgstr "Fixes some core dumps that 1.2.3 had."
-#: news/1.9.0.phtml:8
-msgid ""
-"The GnuCash development team proudly announces GnuCash 1.9.0 aka \"We're "
-"gonna make it!\", the first of several unstable 1.9.x releases of the "
-"GnuCash Open Source Accounting Software which will eventually lead to the "
-"stable version 2.0.0. This release is the very first of the gtk2-based "
-"GnuCash series, and is intended for developers and adventurous testers who "
-"want to help tracking down all those bugs that are still in there."
-msgstr ""
-"The GnuCash development team proudly announces GnuCash 1.9.0 aka \"We're "
-"gonna make it!\", the first of several unstable 1.9.x releases of the "
-"GnuCash Open Source Accounting Software which will eventually lead to the "
-"stable version 2.0.0. This release is the very first of the gtk2-based "
-"GnuCash series, and is intended for developers and adventurous testers who "
-"want to help tracking down all those bugs that are still in there."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Is maintained in a separate cvs branch; if you send patches to fix "
+#~ "problems with this code, indicate that its for this release."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Is maintained in a separate cvs branch; if you send patches to fix "
+#~ "problems with this code, indicate that it is for this release."
-#: news/1.9.0.phtml:12
-msgid "What's New in GnuCash 1.9.0?"
-msgstr "What's New in GnuCash 1.9.0?"
+#~ msgid "<b>Announcement:</b> GnuCash 1.9.0 Release"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Announcement:</b> GnuCash 1.9.0 Release"
-#: news/1.9.0.phtml:14
-msgid ""
-"Welcome to GnuCash 1.9.0 aka \"We're gonna make it!\" the first of several "
-"unstable releases of the GnuCash Open Source Accounting Software which will "
-"eventually lead to the stable version 2.0.0. This release is the very first "
-"of the gtk2-based GnuCash series and is intended for developers and "
-"adventurous testers who want to help tracking down bugs."
-msgstr ""
-"Welcome to GnuCash 1.9.0 aka \"We're gonna make it!\" the first of several "
-"unstable releases of the GnuCash Open Source Accounting Software which will "
-"eventually lead to the stable version 2.0.0. This release is the very first "
-"of the gtk2-based GnuCash series and is intended for developers and "
-"adventurous testers who want to help tracking down bugs."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The GnuCash development team proudly announces GnuCash 1.9.0 aka \"We're "
+#~ "gonna make it!\", the first of several unstable 1.9.x releases of the "
+#~ "GnuCash Open Source Accounting Software which will eventually lead to the "
+#~ "stable version 2.0.0. This release is the very first of the gtk2-based "
+#~ "GnuCash series, and is intended for developers and adventurous testers "
+#~ "who want to help tracking down all those bugs that are still in there."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "The GnuCash development team proudly announces GnuCash 1.9.0 aka \"We're "
+#~ "gonna make it!\", the first of several unstable 1.9.x releases of the "
+#~ "GnuCash Open Source Accounting Software which will eventually lead to the "
+#~ "stable version 2.0.0. This release is the very first of the gtk2-based "
+#~ "GnuCash series, and is intended for developers and adventurous testers "
+#~ "who want to help tracking down all those bugs that are still in there."
-#: news/1.9.0.phtml:15
-msgid ""
-"WARNING WARNING WARNING - Make sure you make backups of any files used in "
-"testing versions of GnuCash in the 1.9.x series. Although the developers go "
-"to great lengths to ensure that no data will be lost we cannot guarentee "
-"that your data will not be affected if for some reason GnuCash crashes in "
-"testing these releases."
-msgstr ""
-"WARNING WARNING WARNING - Make sure you make backups of any files used in "
-"testing versions of GnuCash in the 1.9.x series. Although the developers go "
-"to great lengths to ensure that no data will be lost we cannot guarentee "
-"that your data will not be affected if for some reason GnuCash crashes in "
-"testing these releases."
+#~ msgid "What's New in GnuCash 1.9.0?"
+#~ msgstr "What's New in GnuCash 1.9.0?"
-#: news/1.9.0.phtml:16 news/1.9.1.phtml:12
-msgid ""
-"PLEASE TEST TEST AND TEST SOME MORE any and all features important to you. "
-"Then post any bugs you find to bugzilla http://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug."
-msgstr ""
-"PLEASE TEST TEST AND TEST SOME MORE any and all features important to you. "
-"Then post any bugs you find to bugzilla http://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Welcome to GnuCash 1.9.0 aka \"We're gonna make it!\" the first of "
+#~ "several unstable releases of the GnuCash Open Source Accounting Software "
+#~ "which will eventually lead to the stable version 2.0.0. This release is "
+#~ "the very first of the gtk2-based GnuCash series and is intended for "
+#~ "developers and adventurous testers who want to help tracking down bugs."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Welcome to GnuCash 1.9.0 aka \"We're gonna make it!\" the first of "
+#~ "several unstable releases of the GnuCash Open Source Accounting Software "
+#~ "which will eventually lead to the stable version 2.0.0. This release is "
+#~ "the very first of the gtk2-based GnuCash series and is intended for "
+#~ "developers and adventurous testers who want to help tracking down bugs."
-#: news/1.9.0.phtml:17 news/1.9.1.phtml:13
-msgid ""
-"If you have the urge to help beyond testing please get involved in the "
-"discussions on the GnuCash mailing lists which you will find at http://www."
-"gnucash.org. We especially need people to help with updating the "
-"documentation as all texts refer currently to the 1.8.x series. Please see "
-"http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Development on how to get involved."
-msgstr ""
-"If you have the urge to help beyond testing please get involved in the "
-"discussions on the GnuCash mailing lists which you will find at http://www."
-"gnucash.org. We especially need people to help with updating the "
-"documentation as all texts refer currently to the 1.8.x series. Please see "
-"http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Development on how to get involved."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "WARNING WARNING WARNING - Make sure you make backups of any files used in "
+#~ "testing versions of GnuCash in the 1.9.x series. Although the developers "
+#~ "go to great lengths to ensure that no data will be lost we cannot "
+#~ "guarentee that your data will not be affected if for some reason GnuCash "
+#~ "crashes in testing these releases."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "WARNING WARNING WARNING - Make sure you make backups of any files used in "
+#~ "testing versions of GnuCash in the 1.9.x series. Although the developers "
+#~ "go to great lengths to ensure that no data will be lost we cannot "
+#~ "guarentee that your data will not be affected if for some reason GnuCash "
+#~ "crashes in testing these releases."
-#: news/1.9.0.phtml:18
-msgid ""
-"PS I'm not going to list the many features changed or updated in this "
-"release because obviously there is so much that has changed."
-msgstr ""
-"PS I'm not going to list the many features changed or updated in this "
-"release because obviously there is so much that has changed."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "PLEASE TEST TEST AND TEST SOME MORE any and all features important to "
+#~ "you. Then post any bugs you find to bugzilla http://bugzilla.gnome.org/"
+#~ "enter_bug.cgi?product=GnuCash"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "PLEASE TEST TEST AND TEST SOME MORE any and all features important to "
+#~ "you. Then post any bugs you find to bugzilla http://bugzilla.gnome.org/"
+#~ "enter_bug.cgi?product=GnuCash"
-#: news/1.9.0.phtml:20 news/1.9.1.phtml:27
-msgid "Caveats"
-msgstr "Caveats"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "If you have the urge to help beyond testing please get involved in the "
+#~ "discussions on the GnuCash mailing lists which you will find at http://"
+#~ "www.gnucash.org. We especially need people to help with updating the "
+#~ "documentation as all texts refer currently to the 1.8.x series. Please "
+#~ "see http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Development on how to get involved."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "If you have the urge to help beyond testing please get involved in the "
+#~ "discussions on the GnuCash mailing lists which you will find at http://"
+#~ "www.gnucash.org. We especially need people to help with updating the "
+#~ "documentation as all texts refer currently to the 1.8.x series. Please "
+#~ "see http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Development on how to get involved."
-#: news/1.9.0.phtml:21
-msgid "Caveats for testers:"
-msgstr "Caveats for testers:"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "PS I'm not going to list the many features changed or updated in this "
+#~ "release because obviously there is so much that has changed."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "PS I'm not going to list the many features changed or updated in this "
+#~ "release because obviously there is so much that has changed."
-#: news/1.9.0.phtml:22
-msgid ""
-"Any 1.9.x version might <i>crash unexpectedly at any point</i> during "
-"runtime. If you test some serious work in a 1.9.x release, make sure you hit "
-"\"Save\" after ever non-trivial workstep."
-msgstr ""
-"Any 1.9.x version might <i>crash unexpectedly at any point</i> during "
-"runtime. If you test some serious work in a 1.9.x release, make sure you hit "
-"\"Save\" after ever non-trivial workstep."
+#~ msgid "Caveats"
+#~ msgstr "Caveats"
-#: news/1.9.0.phtml:23 news/1.9.1.phtml:30
-msgid ""
-"Keep in mind that features which are not used in everyday work might crash "
-"unexpectedly at all times. This includes but is not limited to: graphical "
-"reports, scheduled transaction editor, price editor, financial calculator, "
-"OFX/QIF/HBCI import."
-msgstr ""
-"Keep in mind that features which are not used in everyday work might crash "
-"unexpectedly at all times. This includes but is not limited to: graphical "
-"reports, scheduled transaction editor, price editor, financial calculator, "
-"OFX/QIF/HBCI import."
+#~ msgid "Caveats for testers:"
+#~ msgstr "Caveats for testers:"
-#: news/1.9.0.phtml:24
-msgid ""
-"Especially all the <i>new features</i> might crash instantly on testing. "
-"This applies in particular to any of the budget-related features. We may "
-"always decide to disable such new features for the initial 2.0.0 release, "
-"and re-enable them in a later release."
-msgstr ""
-"Especially all the <i>new features</i> might crash instantly on testing. "
-"This applies in particular to any of the budget-related features. We may "
-"always decide to disable such new features for the initial 2.0.0 release, "
-"and re-enable them in a later release."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Any 1.9.x version might <i>crash unexpectedly at any point</i> during "
+#~ "runtime. If you test some serious work in a 1.9.x release, make sure you "
+#~ "hit \"Save\" after ever non-trivial workstep."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Any 1.9.x version might <i>crash unexpectedly at any point</i> during "
+#~ "runtime. If you test some serious work in a 1.9.x release, make sure you "
+#~ "hit \"Save\" after ever non-trivial workstep."
-#: news/1.9.0.phtml:25
-msgid ""
-"The <i>documentation is completely outdated</i>. All help texts usually only "
-"refer to the 1.8.x series; please expect all descriptions in the help texts "
-"to be totally wrong when applied to the upcoming 1.9.x series. Everyone is "
-"invited to help improve the documentation; see <a href=\"http://wiki.gnucash."
-"org/wiki/Development\" title=\"http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Development"
-"\">http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Development</a> on how to get\n"
-msgstr ""
-"The <i>documentation is completely outdated</i>. All help texts usually only "
-"refer to the 1.8.x series; please expect all descriptions in the help texts "
-"to be totally wrong when applied to the upcoming 1.9.x series. Everyone is "
-"invited to help improve the documentation; see <a href=\"http://wiki.gnucash."
-"org/wiki/Development\" title=\"http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Development"
-"\">http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Development</a> on how to get\n"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Keep in mind that features which are not used in everyday work might "
+#~ "crash unexpectedly at all times. This includes but is not limited to: "
+#~ "graphical reports, scheduled transaction editor, price editor, financial "
+#~ "calculator, OFX/QIF/HBCI import."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Keep in mind that features which are not used in everyday work might "
+#~ "crash unexpectedly at all times. This includes but is not limited to: "
+#~ "graphical reports, scheduled transaction editor, price editor, financial "
+#~ "calculator, OFX/QIF/HBCI import."
-#: news/1.9.0.phtml:28 news/1.9.1.phtml:33
-msgid "How can you help?"
-msgstr "How can you help?"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Especially all the <i>new features</i> might crash instantly on testing. "
+#~ "This applies in particular to any of the budget-related features. We may "
+#~ "always decide to disable such new features for the initial 2.0.0 release, "
+#~ "and re-enable them in a later release."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Especially all the <i>new features</i> might crash instantly on testing. "
+#~ "This applies in particular to any of the budget-related features. We may "
+#~ "always decide to disable such new features for the initial 2.0.0 release, "
+#~ "and re-enable them in a later release."
-#: news/1.9.0.phtml:29
-msgid ""
-"Testing: Test it and help us discover all bugs that might show up in there. "
-"Please enter each and every bug into bugzilla at "
-msgstr ""
-"Testing: Test it and help us discover all bugs that might show up in there. "
-"Please enter each and every bug into bugzilla at "
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The <i>documentation is completely outdated</i>. All help texts usually "
+#~ "only refer to the 1.8.x series; please expect all descriptions in the "
+#~ "help texts to be totally wrong when applied to the upcoming 1.9.x series. "
+#~ "Everyone is invited to help improve the documentation; see <a href="
+#~ "\"http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Development\" title=\"http://wiki.gnucash."
+#~ "org/wiki/Development\">http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Development</a> on "
+#~ "how to get\n"
+#~ "involved."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "The <i>documentation is completely outdated</i>. All help texts usually "
+#~ "only refer to the 1.8.x series; please expect all descriptions in the "
+#~ "help texts to be totally wrong when applied to the upcoming 1.9.x series. "
+#~ "Everyone is invited to help improve the documentation; see <a href="
+#~ "\"http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Development\" title=\"http://wiki.gnucash."
+#~ "org/wiki/Development\">http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Development</a> on "
+#~ "how to get\n"
+#~ "involved."
-#: news/1.9.0.phtml:31
-msgid ""
-"Translating: The new release comes with plenty of new translation strings. "
-"If you consider contributing a translation, we invite you to test this "
-"release already, but please keep in mind that we are not yet in our string "
-"freeze phase. Please check <a\n"
-"href=\"http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Translation_Status\" title=\"http://wiki."
-"gnucash.org/wiki/Translation Status\">http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/"
-"Translation_Status</a> for updates on this, as we recommend to wait for the "
-"string freeze phase for the serious translation work."
-msgstr ""
-"Translating: The new release comes with plenty of new translation strings. "
-"If you consider contributing a translation, we invite you to test this "
-"release already, but please keep in mind that we are not yet in our string "
-"freeze phase. Please check <a\n"
-"href=\"http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Translation_Status\" title=\"http://wiki."
-"gnucash.org/wiki/Translation Status\">http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/"
-"Translation_Status</a> for updates on this, as we recommend to wait for the "
-"string freeze phase for the serious translation work."
+#~ msgid "How can you help?"
+#~ msgstr "How can you help?"
-#: news/1.9.1.phtml:4
-msgid "<b>Announcement</b>: GnuCash 1.9.1 Release "
-msgstr "<b>Announcement:</b> GnuCash 1.9.1 Release"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Testing: Test it and help us discover all bugs that might show up in "
+#~ "there. Please enter each and every bug into bugzilla at "
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Testing: Test it and help us discover all bugs that might show up in "
+#~ "there. Please enter each and every bug into bugzilla at "
-#: news/1.9.1.phtml:7
-msgid ""
-"The GnuCash development team proudly announces GnuCash 1.9.1 aka \"So we "
-"meet again\", the second of several unstable 1.9.x releases of the GnuCash "
-"Open Source Accounting Software which will eventually lead to the stable "
-"version 2.0.0. This release contains many bugfixes since the first release "
-"but is still only intended for developers and adventurous testers who want "
-"to help tracking down bugs."
-msgstr ""
-"The GnuCash development team proudly announces GnuCash 1.9.1 aka \"So we "
-"meet again\", the second of several unstable 1.9.x releases of the GnuCash "
-"Open Source Accounting Software which will eventually lead to the stable "
-"version 2.0.0. This release contains many bugfixes since the first release "
-"but is still only intended for developers and adventurous testers who want "
-"to help tracking down bugs."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Translating: The new release comes with plenty of new translation "
+#~ "strings. If you consider contributing a translation, we invite you to "
+#~ "test this release already, but please keep in mind that we are not yet in "
+#~ "our string freeze phase. Please check <a\n"
+#~ "href=\"http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Translation_Status\" title=\"http://"
+#~ "wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Translation Status\">http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/"
+#~ "Translation_Status</a> for updates on this, as we recommend to wait for "
+#~ "the string freeze phase for the serious translation work."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Translating: The new release comes with plenty of new translation "
+#~ "strings. If you consider contributing a translation, we invite you to "
+#~ "test this release already, but please keep in mind that we are not yet in "
+#~ "our string freeze phase. Please check <a\n"
+#~ "href=\"http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Translation_Status\" title=\"http://"
+#~ "wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Translation Status\">http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/"
+#~ "Translation_Status</a> for updates on this, as we recommend to wait for "
+#~ "the string freeze phase for the serious translation work."
-#: news/1.9.1.phtml:10
-msgid "What's New in GnuCash 1.9.1"
-msgstr "What's New in GnuCash 1.9.1?"
+#~ msgid "<b>Announcement</b>: GnuCash 1.9.1 Release "
+#~ msgstr "<b>Announcement:</b> GnuCash 1.9.1 Release"
-#: news/1.9.1.phtml:11
-msgid ""
-"WARNING WARNING WARNING - Make sure you make backups of any files used in "
-"testing versions of GnuCash in the 1.9.x series. Although the developers go "
-"to great lengths to ensure that no data will be lost we cannot guarantee "
-"that your data will not be affected if for some reason GnuCash crashes in "
-"testing these releases."
-msgstr ""
-"WARNING WARNING WARNING - Make sure you make backups of any files used in "
-"testing versions of GnuCash in the 1.9.x series. Although the developers go "
-"to great lengths to ensure that no data will be lost we cannot guarantee "
-"that your data will not be affected if for some reason GnuCash crashes in "
-"testing these releases."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The GnuCash development team proudly announces GnuCash 1.9.1 aka \"So we "
+#~ "meet again\", the second of several unstable 1.9.x releases of the "
+#~ "GnuCash Open Source Accounting Software which will eventually lead to the "
+#~ "stable version 2.0.0. This release contains many bugfixes since the first "
+#~ "release but is still only intended for developers and adventurous testers "
+#~ "who want to help tracking down bugs."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "The GnuCash development team proudly announces GnuCash 1.9.1 aka \"So we "
+#~ "meet again\", the second of several unstable 1.9.x releases of the "
+#~ "GnuCash Open Source Accounting Software which will eventually lead to the "
+#~ "stable version 2.0.0. This release contains many bugfixes since the first "
+#~ "release but is still only intended for developers and adventurous testers "
+#~ "who want to help tracking down bugs."
-#: news/1.9.1.phtml:14
-msgid "Major bugfixes include"
-msgstr "Majo bugfixes include"
+#~ msgid "What's New in GnuCash 1.9.1"
+#~ msgstr "What's New in GnuCash 1.9.1?"
-#: news/1.9.1.phtml:15
-msgid "Register fixes"
-msgstr "Register fixes"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "WARNING WARNING WARNING - Make sure you make backups of any files used in "
+#~ "testing versions of GnuCash in the 1.9.x series. Although the developers "
+#~ "go to great lengths to ensure that no data will be lost we cannot "
+#~ "guarantee that your data will not be affected if for some reason GnuCash "
+#~ "crashes in testing these releases."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "WARNING WARNING WARNING - Make sure you make backups of any files used in "
+#~ "testing versions of GnuCash in the 1.9.x series. Although the developers "
+#~ "go to great lengths to ensure that no data will be lost we cannot "
+#~ "guarantee that your data will not be affected if for some reason GnuCash "
+#~ "crashes in testing these releases."
-#: news/1.9.1.phtml:16
-msgid "Finance::Quote issues"
-msgstr "Finance::Quote issues"
+#~ msgid "Major bugfixes include"
+#~ msgstr "Majo bugfixes include"
-#: news/1.9.1.phtml:17
-msgid "Correctly open an account and its sub-accounts."
-msgstr "Correctly open an account and its sub-accounts."
+#~ msgid "Register fixes"
+#~ msgstr "Register fixes"
-#: news/1.9.1.phtml:18
-msgid ""
-"Change the reports from using a hard-coded fiscal year to using the global "
-"accounting period set in the preferences. Both the start date and the end "
-"date are used, so the user is free to choose any arbitrary period."
-msgstr ""
-"Change the reports from using a hard-coded fiscal year to using the global "
-"accounting period set in the preferences. Both the start date and the end "
-"date are used, so the user is free to choose any arbitrary period."
+#~ msgid "Finance::Quote issues"
+#~ msgstr "Finance::Quote issues"
-#: news/1.9.1.phtml:19
-msgid ""
-"Use the price nearest to midday to get the value in the default currency."
-msgstr ""
-"Use the price nearest to midday to get the value in the default currency."
+#~ msgid "Correctly open an account and its sub-accounts."
+#~ msgstr "Correctly open an account and its sub-accounts."
-#: news/1.9.1.phtml:20
-msgid "Make the desktop more HIG-compliant."
-msgstr "Make the desktop more HIG compliant."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Change the reports from using a hard-coded fiscal year to using the "
+#~ "global accounting period set in the preferences. Both the start date and "
+#~ "the end date are used, so the user is free to choose any arbitrary period."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Change the reports from using a hard-coded fiscal year to using the "
+#~ "global accounting period set in the preferences. Both the start date and "
+#~ "the end date are used, so the user is free to choose any arbitrary period."
-#: news/1.9.1.phtml:21
-msgid "Patch to prevent crash when voiding a transaction."
-msgstr "Patch to prevent crash when voiding a transaction."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Use the price nearest to midday to get the value in the default currency."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Use the price nearest to midday to get the value in the default currency."
-#: news/1.9.1.phtml:22
-msgid "Aqbanking updates"
-msgstr "Aqbanking updates"
+#~ msgid "Make the desktop more HIG-compliant."
+#~ msgstr "Make the desktop more HIG compliant."
-#: news/1.9.1.phtml:23
-msgid "Report fixes"
-msgstr "Report fixes"
+#~ msgid "Patch to prevent crash when voiding a transaction."
+#~ msgstr "Patch to prevent crash when voiding a transaction."
-#: news/1.9.1.phtml:24
-msgid "Autodetect OFX and use it if we find it."
-msgstr "Autodetect OFX and use it if we find it."
+#~ msgid "Aqbanking updates"
+#~ msgstr "Aqbanking updates"
-#: news/1.9.1.phtml:25
-msgid "Qof fixes"
-msgstr "QOF fixes"
+#~ msgid "Report fixes"
+#~ msgstr "Report fixes"
-#: news/1.9.1.phtml:28
-msgid "Caveats for testers"
-msgstr "Caveats for testers"
+#~ msgid "Autodetect OFX and use it if we find it."
+#~ msgstr "Autodetect OFX and use it if we find it."
-#: news/1.9.1.phtml:29
-msgid ""
-"Any 1.9.x version might crash unexpectedly at any point during runtime. If "
-"you test some serious work in a 1.9.x release, make sure you hit \"Save\" "
-"after ever non-trivial workstep."
-msgstr ""
-"Any 1.9.x version might crash unexpectedly at any point during runtime. If "
-"you test some serious work in a 1.9.x release, make sure you hit \"Save\" "
-"after ever non-trivial workstep."
+#~ msgid "Qof fixes"
+#~ msgstr "QOF fixes"
-#: news/1.9.1.phtml:31
-msgid ""
-"Especially all the new features might crash instantly on testing. This "
-"applies in particular to any of the budget-related features. We may always "
-"decide to disable such new features for the initial 2.0.0 release, and re-"
-"enable them in a later release."
-msgstr ""
-"Especially all the new features might crash instantly on testing. This "
-"applies in particular to any of the budget-related features. We may always "
-"decide to disable such new features for the initial 2.0.0 release, and re-"
-"enable them in a later release."
+#~ msgid "Caveats for testers"
+#~ msgstr "Caveats for testers"
-#: news/1.9.1.phtml:32
-msgid ""
-"The documentation is completely outdated. All help texts usually only refer "
-"to the 1.8.x series; please expect all descriptions in the help texts to be "
-"totally wrong when applied to the upcoming 1.9.x series. Everyone is invited "
-"to help improve the documentation; see http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/"
-"Development on how to get involved."
-msgstr ""
-"The documentation is completely outdated. All help texts usually only refer "
-"to the 1.8.x series; please expect all descriptions in the help texts to be "
-"totally wrong when applied to the upcoming 1.9.x series. Everyone is invited "
-"to help improve the documentation; see http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/"
-"Development on how to get involved."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Any 1.9.x version might crash unexpectedly at any point during runtime. "
+#~ "If you test some serious work in a 1.9.x release, make sure you hit \"Save"
+#~ "\" after ever non-trivial workstep."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Any 1.9.x version might crash unexpectedly at any point during runtime. "
+#~ "If you test some serious work in a 1.9.x release, make sure you hit \"Save"
+#~ "\" after ever non-trivial workstep."
-#: news/1.9.1.phtml:34
-msgid ""
-"<b> Testing</b>: Test it and help us discover all bugs that might show up in "
-"there. Please enter each and every bug into bugzilla at <a href=\"http://"
-msgstr ""
-"<b> Testing</b>: Test it and help us discover all bugs that might show up in "
-"there. Please enter each and every bug into bugzilla at <a href=\"http://"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Especially all the new features might crash instantly on testing. This "
+#~ "applies in particular to any of the budget-related features. We may "
+#~ "always decide to disable such new features for the initial 2.0.0 release, "
+#~ "and re-enable them in a later release."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Especially all the new features might crash instantly on testing. This "
+#~ "applies in particular to any of the budget-related features. We may "
+#~ "always decide to disable such new features for the initial 2.0.0 release, "
+#~ "and re-enable them in a later release."
-#: news/1.9.1.phtml:35
-msgid ""
-"<b>Translating</b>: The new release comes with plenty of new translation "
-"strings. If you consider contributing a translation, we invite you to test "
-"this release already, but please keep in mind that we are not yet in our "
-"string freeze phase. Please check <a href=\"http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/"
-"Translation_Status\">http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Translation_Status</a> for "
-"updates on this, as we recommend to wait for the string freeze phase for the "
-"serious translation work."
-msgstr ""
-"<b>Translating</b>: The new release comes with plenty of new translation "
-"strings. If you consider contributing a translation, we invite you to test "
-"this release already, but please keep in mind that we are not yet in our "
-"string freeze phase. Please check <a href=\"http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/"
-"Translation_Status\">http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Translation_Status</a> for "
-"updates on this, as we recommend to wait for the string freeze phase for the "
-"serious translation work."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The documentation is completely outdated. All help texts usually only "
+#~ "refer to the 1.8.x series; please expect all descriptions in the help "
+#~ "texts to be totally wrong when applied to the upcoming 1.9.x series. "
+#~ "Everyone is invited to help improve the documentation; see http://wiki."
+#~ "gnucash.org/wiki/Development on how to get involved."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "The documentation is completely outdated. All help texts usually only "
+#~ "refer to the 1.8.x series; please expect all descriptions in the help "
+#~ "texts to be totally wrong when applied to the upcoming 1.9.x series. "
+#~ "Everyone is invited to help improve the documentation; see http://wiki."
+#~ "gnucash.org/wiki/Development on how to get involved."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "<b> Testing</b>: Test it and help us discover all bugs that might show up "
+#~ "in there. Please enter each and every bug into bugzilla at <a href="
+#~ "\"http://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=GnuCash\">http://"
+#~ "bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=GnuCash</a>."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "<b> Testing</b>: Test it and help us discover all bugs that might show up "
+#~ "in there. Please enter each and every bug into bugzilla at <a href="
+#~ "\"http://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=GnuCash\">http://"
+#~ "bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=GnuCash</a>."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "<b>Translating</b>: The new release comes with plenty of new translation "
+#~ "strings. If you consider contributing a translation, we invite you to "
+#~ "test this release already, but please keep in mind that we are not yet in "
+#~ "our string freeze phase. Please check <a href=\"http://wiki.gnucash.org/"
+#~ "wiki/Translation_Status\">http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/"
+#~ "Translation_Status</a> for updates on this, as we recommend to wait for "
+#~ "the string freeze phase for the serious translation work."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "<b>Translating</b>: The new release comes with plenty of new translation "
+#~ "strings. If you consider contributing a translation, we invite you to "
+#~ "test this release already, but please keep in mind that we are not yet in "
+#~ "our string freeze phase. Please check <a href=\"http://wiki.gnucash.org/"
+#~ "wiki/Translation_Status\">http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/"
+#~ "Translation_Status</a> for updates on this, as we recommend to wait for "
+#~ "the string freeze phase for the serious translation work."

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@@ -1,265 +0,0 @@
-<?php $title = "Arquitectura"; ?>
-<?php if (!ini_get('register_globals')) {
- include("../emulate_globals_on.php");
-<?php include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/pt_PT/components/header.phtml"); ?>
-<?php include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/pt_PT/menu/menu-developer-main.phtml"); ?>
-<td valign=top width=75%>
-<h1>Visão Genérica da Arquitectura</h1>
-<font size=-1>
-GnuCash está escrito principalmente em duas linguagens: C e Scheme.  
-O servidor/motor está escrito em C principalmente para maior velocidade, 
-portabilidade, estabilidade e motivos históricos.  A maioria do código 
-de trabalho no dia-a-dia é escrito em Scheme, principalmente pelo seu 
-poder, expressividade e facilidade de desenvolvimento. O interface de 
-utilizador é gtk/gnome, algum dele feito em C, algum em scheme, e outro 
-na ferramenta de desenvolvimento gráfico 
-<a href="http://glade.pn.org">glade</a>.
-O GnuCash é modular, permitindo assim que vários indivíduos 
-mantenham, desenvolvam e melhorem alguns módulos sem perturbarem 
-a totalidade do desenvolvimento.  (Nunca se esqueça que os módulos 
-ajudam a evitar código spaghetti e feias modificações marteladas).
-Os interfaces entre módulos estão documentados, e, na sua maioria, 
-estáveis e imutáveis.
-<a href="/images/diagrams/components.png">Este diagrama de blocos 
-mostra as suas principais componentes.</a>
-O GnuCash consiste actualmente nos seguintes módulos:</b>
-<table border=0 cellpadding=1 cellspacing=0 width="100%">
-  <tr>
-  <td valign=middle align=center bgcolor=#666699>
-   <table border=0 cellpadding=5 cellspacing=1 bgcolor=#cccccc width="100%">
-   <tr>
-     <td bgcolor=#666699 width=25%><font color=#ffffff><b>Módulo</b></td>
-     <td bgcolor=#666699 width=50%><font color=#ffffff><b>Descrição</b></td>
-   </tr>
-   <tr bgcolor=#ececff>
-     <td valign=top>
-       <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
-       <tr>
-         <td valign=top><img src=/images/icons/document.txt.gif width=16 height=16 border=0>&nbsp;</td>
-         <td valign=top><b>Motor</b></td>
-       </tr>
-       </table>
-     </td>
-     <td valign=top>
-<p>O <dfn>Motor</dfn> (localizado debaixo do directório <code>src/engine</code> 
-na estrutura de código do GnuCash) disponibiliza um interface para criar, 
-manipular, e destruir três entidades financeiras básicas: Contas, Transacções 
-(conhecidas como Entradas de Registo na contabilidade profissional), e Parcelas 
-(conhecidas como Detalhes de Registo). Estas três entidades são as estruturas de 
-dados centrais do modelo de dados financeiro do GnuCash,
-<a href="/images/diagrams/structures.png">tal como ilustrado neste diagrama.</a>
-<p>O código do Motor não possui qualquer código de Interface Gráfico, e é essencialmente 
-neutral ao nível do SO. Está escrito na sua totalidade em C.
-		 </td>
-   </tr>
-   <tr bgcolor=#ffffff>
-     <td valign=top>
-       <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
-       <tr>
-         <td valign=top><img src=/images/icons/document.txt.gif width=16 height=16 border=0>&nbsp;</td>
-         <td valign=top><b>Consulta</b></td>
-       </tr>
-       </table>
-     </td>
-     <td valign=top>
-<p>O módulo de <dfn>Consulta</dfn> (<code>src/engine/Query.*</code>) disponibiliza um interface
-para o motor para encontrar transacções baseadas num conjunto de critérios,
-tais como a descrição, data de entrada, filiação de conta, etc. Consultas simples 
-podem ser combinadas utilizando operadores boleanos standard.
-		 </td>
-   </tr>
-   <tr bgcolor=#ececff>
-     <td valign=top>
-       <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
-       <tr>
-         <td valign=top><img src=/images/icons/document.txt.gif width=16 height=16 border=0>&nbsp;</td>
-         <td valign=top><b>I/O (Leitura/Escrita) de Ficheiros</b></td>
-       </tr>
-       </table>
-     </td>
-     <td valign=top>
-<p>O módulo de <dfn>I/O de Ficheiros</dfn> (<code>src/engine/FileIO.*</code>) disponibiliza 
-um interface para ler e escrever um conjunto de Contas, Transacções, e 
-Parcelas para um ficheiro binário. Este módulo irá ser abandonado. Um formato baseado 
-em texto utilizando formulários scheme está a ser desenvolvido em sua substituição. Este 
-novo módulo será separado do motor.
-		 </td>
-   </tr>
-   <tr bgcolor=#ffffff>
-     <td valign=top>
-       <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
-       <tr>
-         <td valign=top><img src=/images/icons/document.txt.gif width=16 height=16 border=0>&nbsp;</td>
-         <td valign=top><b>Registo</b></td>
-       </tr>
-       </table>
-     </td>
-     <td valign=top>
-<p>O <dfn>Registo</dfn> (<code>src/register</code>) implementa um interface 
-tipo livro de entrada que permite ao utilizador introduzir dinamicamente datas, 
-preços, anotações, etc. de uma forma intuitiva que deverá ser óbvia para qualquer 
-um que esteja habituado a utilizar o registo de um livro de cheques. O código é 
-muito configurável, permitindo que as linhas e colunas do registo sejam dispostas 
-de qualquer forma, sem restrições à função, tipo e número de colunas/linhas. Por 
-exemplo, pode-se definir uma folha de registo com três campos de data, um campo 
-de preço, e quatro campos de anotações de uma forma simples. Objectos de gestão 
-de células suportam e validam os dados introduzidos automaticamente, sejam datas, 
-anotações (que se completam automaticamente), preços, caixas de combo (menus de 
-selecção), e caixas de selecção multi-estado. As células podem ser marcadas para 
-leitura e escrita, ou apenas leitura. Pode-se assignar cores exclusivas às células. 
-A linha de registo actualmente seleccionada pode ser destacada com uma cor única.
-<p>O código do registo é completamente independente do código do motor, não sabe 
-nada sobre contabilidade ou qualquer dos outros sub-sistemas do GnuCash. Pode ser 
-utilizado em projectos independentes que não tenham nada a ver com contabilidade.
-		 </td>
-   </tr>
-   <tr bgcolor=#ececff>
-     <td valign=top>
-       <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
-       <tr>
-         <td valign=top><img src=/images/icons/document.txt.gif width=16 height=16 border=0>&nbsp;</td>
-         <td valign=top><b>Relatórios</b></td>
-       </tr>
-       </table>
-     </td>
-     <td valign=top>
-<p>O módulo de <dfn>Relatórios</dfn> (<code>src/scm/report.scm</code>,
-<code>src/scm/reports</code>) é um sistema baseado em scheme (guile) para criar 
-folhas de balanço, demonstrações de lucors &amp; prejuizos, etc. utilizando a API 
-do motor para obter e apresentar dados formatados em HTML.
-<p>Este módulo está a ser redesenhado para utilizar a API de Consultas para obter 
-a informação do motor em vez de utilizar directamente o interface do motor. O novo 
-desenho de relatórios irá utilizar as Consultas para extrair dados e agrega-los num 
-formato independente da visualização. Estes dados serão então convertidos para 
-relatórios em HTML e/ou gráficos tais como gráficos de barras ou circulares.
-		 </td>
-   </tr>
-   <tr bgcolor=#ffffff>
-     <td valign=top>
-       <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
-       <tr>
-         <td valign=top><img src=/images/icons/document.txt.gif width=16 height=16 border=0>&nbsp;</td>
-         <td valign=top><b>Gráficos</b></td>
-       </tr>
-       </table>
-     </td>
-     <td valign=top>
-<p>O módulo de <dfn>Gráficos</dfn> irá ser futuramente um módulo que implementa 
-gráficos tais como barras e circulares. Estes gráficos serão interactivos pelo 
-que o utilizador poderá , por exemplo, mover as margens do círculo, e 'vivos' no 
-sentido em que o utilizador poderá clicar numa subsecção do gráfico para ver um 
-gráfico detalhado ou relatório dessa subsecção em particular.
-<p>Este módulo será implementado utilizando a biblioteca GUPPI que se encontra em 
-desenvolvimento pelo Jon Trowbridge (&lt;<code>http://www.gnome.org/guppi</code>&gt;).
-		 </td>
-   </tr>
-   <tr bgcolor=#ececff>
-     <td valign=top>
-       <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
-       <tr>
-         <td valign=top><img src=/images/icons/document.txt.gif width=16 height=16 border=0>&nbsp;</td>
-         <td valign=top><b>Cotações</b></td>
-       </tr>
-       </table>
-     </td>
-     <td valign=top>
-<p>O módulo de <dfn>Cotações</dfn> (<code>src/quotes</code>) é um sistema em Perl 
-para obter cotações de acções da Internet e inseri-las no Motor do GnuCash. Este 
-módulo requer as funcionalidades do módulo Finance::Quote disponível no SourceForge. 
-O módulo Finance::Quote module pode obter cotações de vários locais diferentes 
-incluindo o Yahoo, Yahoo Europe, e algumas bolsas de valores internacionais.
-<p>O módulo Finance::Quote também suporta a obtenção de taxas de câmbio monetárias. 
-O GnuCash será extendido para permitir a obtenção e utilização de taxas de câmbio monetárias.
-		 </td>
-   </tr>
-   <tr bgcolor=#ffffff>
-     <td valign=top>
-       <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
-       <tr>
-         <td valign=top><img src=/images/icons/document.txt.gif width=16 height=16 border=0>&nbsp;</td>
-         <td valign=top><b>Preferências do Utilizador</b></td>
-       </tr>
-       </table>
-     </td>
-     <td valign=top>
-<p>O módulo de <dfn>Preferências do Utilizador</dfn> (<code>src/scm/options.scm</code>,
-<code>src/scm/prefs.scm</code>) disponibiliza uma infraestrutura para definir as 
-preferênicas configuráveis pelo utilizador e internas. As preferências são definidas 
-em scheme utilizando vários tipos de preferências pré-definidas tais como boleana, 
-texto, data, etc. As preferências são 'implementadas' disponibilizando um interface gráfico 
-que permite ao utilizador ver e modificar os valores das preferências. Uma API é 
-disponibilizada para consultar os valores das preferências e para registar chamadas 
-de alerta (callbacks) que serão invocadas quando as preferências forem alteradas.
-<p>Os valores das preferências que diferem dos valores de defeito são armazendos como 
-formulários scheme em ficheiros de preferências específicos ao utilizador 
-(<code>~/.gnucash/config.auto</code>). Este ficheiro é carregado automaticamente 
-durante o arranque.
-		 </td>
-   </tr>
-   <tr bgcolor=#ececff>
-     <td valign=top>
-       <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
-       <tr>
-         <td valign=top><img src=/images/icons/document.txt.gif width=16 height=16 border=0>&nbsp;</td>
-         <td valign=top><b>Importação QIF</b></td>
-       </tr>
-       </table>
-     </td>
-     <td valign=top>
-<p>O módulo de <dfn>Importação QIF</dfn> (<code>src/scm/qif-import</code>) disponibiliza 
-funcionalidades para importar dados QIF (Quicken Interchange Format - Formato de Troca 
-Quicken) para o GnuCash.
-		 </td>
-   </tr>
-   <tr bgcolor=#ffffff>
-     <td valign=top>
-       <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
-       <tr>
-         <td valign=top><img src=/images/icons/document.txt.gif width=16 height=16 border=0>&nbsp;</td>
-         <td valign=top><b>GnuCash</b></td>
-       </tr>
-       </table>
-     </td>
-     <td valign=top>
-<p>O módulo GnuCash (<code>src/gnome</code>, <code>src/register/gnome</code> e 
-<code>src/*.[ch]</code>) é o interface gráfico principal da aplicação. Consiste 
-numa colecção de vário código de interface gráfico para juntar todas peças acima 
-num todo coerente. Espera-se que seja fácil de utilizar e intuitivo para o 
-utilizador novato sem sacrificar o poder e flexibilidade que um profissional 
-deverá esperar. Quando as pessoas dizem que o GnuCash está a tentar ser semelhante 
-em "aspecto/funcionalidades/comportamento ao Quicken ou MS Money", é a esta peça 
-que se referem. Está realmente desenhado para ser um gestor de finanças pessoais 
-com poder suficiente para o utilizador experiente e simples de utilizar para o novato.
-<p>Actualmente, o interface Gnome é o único interface operacional. Existe um interface 
-obsoleto em Motif que não está a ser mantido. O código Qt não compilará, e a maioria/
-todas as funcionalidades estão por implementar.
-		 </td>
-   </tr>
-   </table>
-<?php include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/pt_PT/components/footer.phtml"); ?>

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@@ -1,226 +0,0 @@
-<?php $title = "GnuCash nas Notícias"; ?>
-<?php if (!ini_get('register_globals')) {
- include("../emulate_globals_on.php");
-<?php include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/pt_PT/components/header.phtml"); ?>
-<?php include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/pt_PT/menu/menu-other-main.phtml"); ?>
-<td valign=top>
-<b>GnuCash nas Notícias!</b>
-      <dt>
-      <b>Gerer ses comptes personnels</b>
-      (arquivo: <a href="/press-archive/maximum-linux-2000-12/p1.jpg">página 1</a>,
-      <a href="/press-archive/maximum-linux-2000-12/p2.jpg">página 2</a>,
-      <a href="/press-archive/maximum-linux-2000-12/p3.jpg">página 3</a>,
-      <a href="/press-archive/maximum-linux-2000-12/p4.jpg">página 4</a>)
-      (MaximumLinux Francesa, Dezembro 2000)
-      </dt>
-      <dd>
-      L'ordinateur prend une place de plus en plus importante 
-      dans les foyers, notamment en ce qui concrne la gestion 
-      des finances personnelles. Petit tour d'horizon des 
-      differents logiciels pour vous aider a faire le bon choix.
-      <br><br>
-      [nota dos editors: o gnucash-1.4.8 recebe cinco estrelas desta revista Francesa!]
-      <br><br>
-      </dd>
-      <dt>
-      <b><a href="http://www.linuxgram.com/newsitem.phtml?sid=109&aid=10365">
-      Armas do Gnome</a></b>
-      (<a href="/press-archive/linuxgram-2000-12/newsitem.html">cópia de arquivo</a>)
-      (Linuxgram, Dezembro 2000)
-      </dt>
-      <dd>
-      Armas do Gnome: Não É Paranoia se Eles Estiverem Mesmo Aí Para O Apanhar!
-      Nautilus (Eazel) = Gestor de Ficheiros MS Explorer 
-      <br><br>
-      </dd>
-      <dt>
-      <b><a href="http://www.linuxorbit.com/features/newbie10.php3">
-      O Novato experimenta o GnuCash</a></b>
-      (<a href="/press-archive/linuxorbit-2000-12/features-newbie10.php3.html">cópia de arquivo</a>)
-      (Linux Orbit, Dezembro 2000)
-      </dt>
-      <dd>
-      Eu tinha andado à procura de algo que pudesse interessar a 
-      um neófito do Linux tal como eu e com um pouco de suporte do 
-      guru da Linux Orbit, decidi-me a experimentar o GnuCash e 
-      dar-lhe a prespectiva do novato. Apesar de eu sempre ter 
-      utilizado folhas de cálculo para acompanhar as minhas finanças, 
-      pensei, e porque não.
-      <br><br>
-      </dd>
-      <dt>
-      <b><a href="http://www.linuxnews.com/stories.php?story=526">
-      O que o GnuCash tem de novo</a></b>
-      (<a href="/press-archive/linuxnews-2000-10/stories.html">cópia de arquivo</a>)
-      (LinuxNews, Outubro 2000)
-      </dt>
-      <dd>GnuCash, o sistema financeiro e de contabilidade em código aberto, está 
-      a preparar-se para se tornar no principal pacote de contabilidade em Linux--e 
-      está rapidamente a encontrar a forma de o conseguir. 
-      Rob Browning, um dos programadores do GnuCash, explicou que ultimamente o 
-      projecto se tem vindo a expandir. "De momento somos agora quatro programadores 
-      a tempo inteiro, e estamos a preparar-nos para admitir mais uns poucos," disse ele,
-      atribuindo o crescimento da equipa--e do projecto--ao suporte financeiro 
-      dado pela Gnumatic Incorporated, anunciado a 14 de Agosto de 2000. 
-      <br><br>
-      </dd>
-      <dt>
-      <b>
-      <a href="http://slashdot.org/articles/00/06/19/1721237.shtml">
-      Gnucash v1.4.0 Disponibilizado</a></b>
-      (<a href="/press-archive/slashdot-2000-06/slashdot.org.articles.">cópia de arquivo</a>)
-      (Slashdot, Junho 2000)
-      </dt>
-      <dd>
-      Ur at eus escreveu: "A equipa do Gnucash acabou de lançar a versão 1.4.0 do 
-      seu maravilhoso gestor de finanças pessoais ao estilo do Quicken. Esta é 
-      a primeira versão estável desde a conversão de Motif para GNOME. Poderá 
-      encontrar o Gnucash 1.4.0 no Gnucash.org" Isto cobre uma grande falha nas 
-      aplicações para Linux: Tenho utilizado o gnucash desde à um ano até agora, 
-      e ele tem dado grandes saltos em termos de funcionalidades e estabilidade. 
-      Não é o quicken, mas para a maioria de nós é semelhante o suficiente. Se 
-      estiver a ter problemas com o endereço principal, tente esta réplica. 
-      <br><br>
-      </dd>
-      <dt>
-      <b><a href="http://linux.davecentral.com/bol_20000612.html">
-      Vencedor do Melhor do Linux</a></b>
-      (<a href="/press-archive/davecentral-2000-06/bol_20000612.html">cópia de arquivo</a>)
-      (Dave Central, Junho 2000)
-      </dt>
-      <dd>
-      Gestão financeira informática: já não é apenas 
-      para o Quicken. No constante esforço de passar 
-      a minha rotina de verificação do livro de cheques 
-      dos meus recibos desorganizados para uma boa 
-      automatização em Linux, aceitei a ajuda do GnuCash.
-      Se esta aplicação conseguir colocar as minhas ruinosas
-      finanças em ordem, imagine o que pode fazer por um 
-      indivíduo organizado como você.
-      <br><br>
-      </dd>
-      <dt>
-      <b><a href="http://www.lwn.net/2000/0504/devel.phtml">
-      Outra análise ao gnucash</a></b>
-      (<a href="/press-archive/lwn.net-2000-0504/devel.html">cópia de arquivo</a>)
-      (LWN.net, Maio 2000)
-      </dt>
-      <dd>
-      Dezembro passado executamos uma análise ao gnucash que concluiu 
-      que a aplicação - um pacote livre de finanças pessoais e de pequenas 
-      empresas - não estava ainda pronto para o estrelato.  Inspirado pelo 
-      facto de ter conhecido os programadores na Linux Business Expo, a LWN 
-      efectuou outra análise ao gnucash. Conclusão: desenvolveu-se muito.  
-      O seu editor tem o prazer de anunciar uma completa transição para 
-      o gnucash, vendo-se assim livre da última aplicação Windows que tinha 
-      no seu sistema. Altura de reclamar aquela partição. 
-      <br><br>
-      </dd>
-      <dt>
-      <b><a href="http://www.linuxworld.com/linuxworld/lw-2000-04/f_lw-04-vcontrol_4.html">
-      Não existe contabilidade para Linux</a></b>
-      (<a href="/press-archive/linuxworld-2000-04/f_lw-04-vcontrol_4.html">cópia de arquivo</a>)
-      (LinuxWorld, Abril 2000)
-      </dt>
-      <dd>
-      O Linux está a tornar-se multi-funcional? Não se basear as suas conclusões 
-      nos resultados da pesquisa que acabei de fazer no Freshmeat quando introduzi 
-      "contabilidade" como termo a pesquisar. Obtive comida para marrões: 
-      contabilização de pacotes, contabilização de tráfego em multi-routing, 
-      monitorização RDIS, medidores de tráfego em rede, e, no topo da lista, 
-      uma modificação ao daemon de contabilização de rede. 
-      <br><br>
-      </dd>
-      <dt>
-      <b><a href="http://www.linuxmall.com/news/?1,2">
-      O Projecto GNUCash: Focando-se na Gestão Financeira em Linux</a></b>
-      (<a href="/press-archive/linuxmall/linuxmall.com,news,1,2,index.html">cópia de arquivo</a>) 
-      (LinuxMall, Março 2000)
-      </dt>
-      <dd>
-      À cinco anos, Linas Vepstas trabalhava "para uma .com. Nóes estavamos 
-      lá, estavamos na onda, sabiamos o que tinhamos a fazer para ter sucesso, 
-      estavamos a construir este sitio web com NT... na altura, NT era o futuro 
-      rei. Era de loucos apostar contra a Microsoft." Então ele descobriu o 
-      Linux--e lançou o Projecto GNUCash, com o objectivo de desenvolver aplicações 
-      financeiras e de contabilidade estáveis, fáceis de utilizar e flexíveis, 
-      para GNU/Linux. 
-      <br><br>
-      </dd>
-      <dt>
-      <b><a href="http://slashdot.org/articles/00/02/28/0945240.shtml">
-      Lançado o Gnucash 1.3.0 Beta</a></b> 
-      (<a href="/press-archive/slashdot-2000-02/slashdot.org.articles.">cópia de arquivo</a>)
-      (Slashdot, Fevereiro 2000)
-      </dt>
-      <dd>
-      O Jeremy Collins escreveu-nos para nos dizer que o Gnucash 1.3.0 Beta 
-      foi lançado. Nós mantemos os anúncios de lançamento de aplicações num 
-      mínimo e deixamos outros sítios mais apropriados realiza-los, mas este 
-      é bastante significativo. O Gnucash é hoje em dia a melhor aplicação 
-      quickenesca para Linux, tal como todos sabem: são essas estranhas aplicações 
-      que nos mantêm a utilizar outros SOs. Nós já vamos tendo vários processadores 
-      de texto, folhas de cálculo e de manipulação de imagem, mas ver desenvolvimentos 
-      a surgir na área dos pacotes financeiros (também jogos e vídeo) é importante. 
-      De qualquer forma, sugiro que verifiquem esta aplicação: eu tenho-a utilizado 
-      desde quando se chamava xacc e é muito boa. Obtenha-a em ftp.gnucash.org e 
-      relate erros (bugs) caso os encontre. 
-      <br><br>
-      </dd>
-      <dt>
-      <b><a href="http://lwn.net/1999/features/GnuCash/">
-      Uma avaliação do GnuCash 1.2.5</a></b>
-      (<a href="/press-archive/lwn.net-1999-features/lwn.net,1999,features,GnuCash,index.html">cópia de arquivo</a>)
-      (LWN.net, Dezembro 1999)
-      </dt>
-      <dd>
-      Aqui está uma desagradável confissão de um autor da LWN: na 
-      verdade eu ainda utilizo o Windows.  Eu arranco-o para correr 
-      apenas uma aplicação - uma aplicação de finanças pessoais antiga, 
-      proprietária. É a única coisa que algumas vez achei útil no Windows. 
-      Ocasionalmente eu procuro por aí uma substituição livre para que 
-      possa recuperar aquela última e pequena partição do meu disco. 
-      Este artigo é o resultado da minha mais recente procura - condicionada, 
-      adicionalmente, pela aterradora sensação de que a minha aplicação 
-      actual provavelmente não está preparada para a passagem para o ano 2000...
-      <br><br>
-      </dd>
-      <dt>
-      <b><a href="http://www.32bitsonline.com/article.php3?file=issues/199902/lj-19990208&page=1">Aplicações de Finanças Pessoais</a></b>
-      (<a href="/press-archive/32bitsonline-1999-02/lj-19990208.html">cópia de arquivo</a>)
-      (32BitsOnline.com Fevereiro 1999)
-      </dt>
-      <dd>
-      A disponibilidade de aplicações especializadas é uma das fraquezas do Linux
-      quando comparado com sistemas operativos rivais. No reino das finanças pessoais, 
-      nenhum dos mais conhecidos pacotes de aplicações se encontra disponível em Linux.
-      Felizmente, a Intuit irá um dia portar para a plataforma Linux as suas populares 
-      linhas de produtos Quicken e QuickBooks. Até lá, que estão algumas aplicações de 
-      finanças pessoais para o colocar a verificar o seu livro de cheques em Linux.
-      <br><br>
-      </dd>
-      </dl>
-<?php include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/pt_PT/components/footer.phtml"); ?>

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@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-<?php $title = "Contribuir"; ?>
-<?php if (!ini_get('register_globals')) {
- include("../emulate_globals_on.php");
-<?php include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/pt_PT/components/header.phtml"); ?>
-<?php include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/pt_PT/menu/menu-developer-main.phtml"); ?>
-<td valign=top>
-<h1>Como Contribuir</h1>
-GnuCash é um projecto de desenvolvimento de uma Aplicação Livre 
-e a dinâmica de contribuição é muito semelhante à de qualquer outro.
-O que você pode contribuir depende muito dos seus conhecimentos, 
-o tempo que tem disponível, e aquilo que gosta de fazer.
-GnuCash está à procura de testadores beta, programadores, escritores, 
-moderadores de discussões, tradutores e pessoas geralmente simpáticas.   
-<b>Seleccione o seu talento para ver onde se encaixa:</b></td>
-<form method=post>
-<select name=contribute>
-  <option value=programmer
-   <?php if ($contribute == "programmer") { echo ("selected"); } ?>
-  >Eu sou programador</option>
-  <option value=translator
-   <?php if ($contribute == "translator") { echo ("selected"); } ?>
-  >Eu sou um tradutor</option>
-  <option value=fan
-   <?php if ($contribute == "fan") { echo ("selected"); } ?>
-  >Eu sou um fã</option>
-  <option value=webmaster
-   <?php if ($contribute == "webmaster") { echo ("selected"); } ?>
-  >Eu sou um webmaster</option>
-  <option value=writer
-   <?php if ($contribute == "writer") { echo ("selected"); } ?>
-  >Eu sou um escritor/reporter</option>
-<input type=submit value=Go>
-  if ($contribute != "") { 
-		include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/pt_PT/contribute/contribute-".$contribute.".phtml");
-  }
-<?php include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/pt_PT/components/footer.phtml"); ?>

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@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-<?php $title = "Funcionalidades"; ?>
-<?php if (!ini_get('register_globals')) {
- include("../emulate_globals_on.php");
-<?php include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/pt_PT/components/header.phtml"); ?>
-<?php include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/pt_PT/menu/menu-general-main.phtml"); ?>
-<script language=javascript>
-  function newWin(url) {
-    newLoc=window.open("","","height=480,width=640,scrollbars=yes")
-    newLoc.location=url
-  }
-// -->
-<td valign=top>
-<font size=-1>
-Se você tem estado à procura de uma forma de gerir as suas finanças 
-pessoais em GNU/Linux, você encontrou-a!  Concebido para ser de fácil 
-utilização, mas poderoso e flexível, GnuCash permite-lhe acompanhar 
-contas bancárias, acções, receitas e despesas.   Tão rápido e intuitivo 
-de utilizar como o registo de um livro de cheques, é baseado em princípios 
-contabilísticos profissionais para assegurar contas saldadas e relatórios 
-precisos. GnuCash é suportado por uma comunidade de programadores activa e 
-está-se a tornar num completo sistema contabilístico.  Desenvolvido sob a 
-GPL, leva a que você não tenha de se preocupar com a obsolescência: o GnuCash 
-estará sempre lá para si.
-Este sítio web tem como objectivo promover o projecto Gnucash.org de 
-desenvolvimento da aplicação.
-Nós estamos empenhados em desenvolver ferramentas financeiras de topo 
-para GNU/Linux e utilizadores Unix.  Isto inclui o desenvolvimento de 
-APIs de programação e componentes que possam ser utilizados para criar 
-tanto aplicações de servidor como pessoais para utilização doméstica 
-e empresarial. Ao nos focarmos na facilidade de utilização, desenho modular, 
-arquitectura de interfaces e código bem documentado, esperamos que o GnuCash 
-e as bibliotecas financeiras a ele associadas se tornem na escolha de uma 
-geração de programadores e utilizadores GNU.
-<!-- <a href="javascript:newWin('/pt_PT/features_1.phtml')"> -->
-<a href="/pt_PT/features_1.phtml">
-<img border=0 src=/images/features/features_start_the_tour.png></a>
-<?php include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/pt_PT/components/footer.phtml"); ?>

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@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-<?php $title = "Características"; ?>
-<?php if (!ini_get('register_globals')) {
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-<td valign=top>
-<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width=100%>
-  <td><img src=/images/features/features_title.png></td>
-  <td align=right><a href="javascript:window.close();"><img border=0 src=/images/close_window.png></a></td>
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-<tr><td bgcolor=#000000><img src=/images/spacer.png height=1></td>
-<table cellpadding=4 cellspacing=0 border=0 width=100%>
-<td valign=top>
-  <img src=/images/features/features_1_text.png><br><br>
-  Se consegue utilizar o registo no seu livro de cheques, consegue utilizar o Gnucash. Escreva directamente
-  no registo, prima tab para andar entre campos, e utilize o preenchimento rápido para completar automaticamente a transacção. 
-<td valign=middle>
-  <img src=/images/features/features_1_small.png>
-<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width=100%>
-<tr><td bgcolor=#000000><img src=/images/spacer.png height=1></td></tr>
-<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width=100% align=center>
-  <td align=center>
-	  <img border=0 src=/images/features/features_previous_disabled.png>
-		 |
-	  <a href="/pt_PT/features_2.phtml"><img border=0 src=/images/features/features_next.png></a>
-	</td>
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-<?php $title = "Características:Facilidade de Utilização"; ?>
-<?php if (!ini_get('register_globals')) {
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-<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width=100%>
-  <td><img src=/images/features/features_title.png></td>
-  <td align=right><a href="javascript:window.close();"><img border=0 src=/images/close_window.png></a></td>
-<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width=100%>
-<tr><td bgcolor=#000000><img src=/images/spacer.png height=1></td></tr>
-<table cellpadding=4 cellspacing=0 border=0 width=100%>
-<td valign=top>
-  <img src=/images/features/features_2_text.png><br><br>
-  Uma conta pai pode ter uma hierarquia de contas de detalhe sob sí. Isto permite que tipos de contas
-  semelhantes ( por ex. Dinheiro, Banco, Acções ) sejam agrupadas numa grande conta ( por ex. Bens ). 
-<td valign=middle>
-  <img src=/images/features/features_2_small.png>
-<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width=100%>
-<tr><td bgcolor=#000000><img src=/images/spacer.png height=1></td></tr>
-<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width=100% align=center>
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-	  <a href=/pt_PT/features_1.phtml><img border=0 src=/images/features/features_previous.png></a>
-		 |
-	  <a href=/pt_PT/features_3.phtml><img border=0 src=/images/features/features_next.png></a>
-	</td>
-<?php include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/pt_PT/components/footer.phtml"); ?>

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-<?php $title = "Características: Facilidade de Utilização"; ?>
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-<?php include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/pt_PT/components/header.phtml"); ?>
-<?php include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/pt_PT/menu/menu-general-main.phtml"); ?>
-<td valign=top>
-<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width=100%>
-  <td><img src=/images/features/features_title.png></td>
-  <td align=right><a href="javascript:window.close();"><img border=0 src=/images/close_window.png></a></td>
-<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width=100%>
-<tr><td bgcolor=#000000><img src=/images/spacer.png height=1></td></tr>
-<table cellpadding=4 cellspacing=0 border=0 width=100%>
-<td valign=top>
-  <img src=/images/features/features_3_text.png><br><br>
-  com atalhos de teclado, incrementação automática da numeração de cheques, completar automático de transacções e cortar-e-colar 
-  torna a introdução de transacções rápida e suave. 
-<td valign=middle>
-  <img src=/images/features/features_3_small.png>
-<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width=100%>
-<tr><td bgcolor=#000000><img src=/images/spacer.png height=1></td></tr>
-<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width=100% align=center>
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-	  <a href=/pt_PT/features_2.phtml><img border=0 src=/images/features/features_previous.png></a>
-		 |
-	  <a href=/pt_PT/features_4.phtml><img border=0 src=/images/features/features_next.png></a>
-	</td>
-<?php include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/pt_PT/components/footer.phtml"); ?>

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@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-<?php $title = "Características: Facilidade de Utilização"; ?>
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- include("../emulate_globals_on.php");
-<?php include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/pt_PT/components/header.phtml"); ?>
-<?php include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/pt_PT/menu/menu-general-main.phtml"); ?>
-<td valign=top>
-<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width=100%>
-  <td><img src=/images/features/features_title.png></td>
-  <td align=right><a href="javascript:window.close();"><img border=0 src=/images/close_window.png></a></td>
-<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width=100%>
-<tr><td bgcolor=#000000><img src=/images/spacer.png height=1></td></tr>
-<table cellpadding=4 cellspacing=0 border=0 width=100%>
-<td valign=top>
-  <img src=/images/features/features_4_text.png><br><br>
-  Uma única transacção pode ser dividida em várias parcelas para registar impostos, honorários, e outras entradas de registo.
-<td valign=middle>
-  <img src=/images/features/features_4_small.png>
-<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width=100%>
-<tr><td bgcolor=#000000><img src=/images/spacer.png height=1></td></tr>
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-<?php include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/pt_PT/components/footer.phtml"); ?>

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-<?php $title = "Características: Facilidade de Utilização"; ?>
-<?php if (!ini_get('register_globals')) {
- include("../emulate_globals_on.php");
-<?php include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/pt_PT/components/header.phtml"); ?>
-<?php include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/pt_PT/menu/menu-general-main.phtml"); ?>
-<td valign=top>
-<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width=100%>
-  <td><img src=/images/features/features_title.png></td>
-  <td align=right><a href="javascript:window.close();"><img border=0 src=/images/close_window.png></a></td>
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-<td valign=top>
-  <img src=/images/features/features_5_text.png><br><br>
-  Descarregue o GnuCash e tente algumas das outras óptimas funcionalidades:
-	<br><br>
-Uma janela de reconciliação com saldos reconciliados e limpos 
-torna mais simples comparar com o extracto bancário. 
-Portfólios de Acções/Títulos: Acompanhe as acções individualmente (uma por 
-conta) ou em portfólios de contas (um grupo de contas que pode ser 
-visualizada em conjunto). 
-Ficheiros QIF do Intuit&reg; Quicken&reg; podem ser importados, e são automaticamente 
-agregados para eliminar transacções duplicadas. 
-Gere datas e moedas internacionalizadas.  Os menus e janelas do Gnucash 
-foram traduzidos para Alemão, Dinamarquês, Espanhol, Francês, Italiano, 
-Japonês, Norueguês, Português do Brasil, Português de Portugal, Sueco, 
-Russo, Ucraniano, e Inglês Britânico.  A documentação está disponível em 
-Inglês, Francês, Português de Portugal e Espanhol.
-Relatórios: Apresenta Folha de Balanço, Lucros & Prejuizos, Valorização do Portfólio, 
-e outros. Os relatórios podem ser gravados como HTML ou postscript, ou impressos.
-(A próxima versão beta inclui uma nova infraestrutura integrada de gráficos 
-que irá adicionar considerável poder & beleza aos relatórios.)
-Procura de Transacções: uma poderosa janela de procura de transacções pode 
-ajuda-lo a rapidamente localizar uma agulha num palheiro.
-Dupla Entrada: Quando activada, todas as transacções têm de 
-debitar uma conta e creditar outras por um igual montante. 
-Isto assegura que as "contas saldam": que a diferença entre 
-receitas e despesas é exactamente igual à soma de todos os 
-activos e passivos.
-Contas de Tipo (Categorias) Receita/Despesa permitem-lhe 
-categorizar os seus fluxos de dinheiro.  Quando devidamente 
-utilizadas com a característica de dupla-entrada e contas de 
-passivo, estas permitem-lhe gerar relatórios, tais como Lucros 
-& Prejuizos, que sistemas mais simples não conseguem produzir.
-Plano de Contas: Multiplas contas podem ser visualizadas 
-simultaneamente numa janela de registo. Isto pode aliviar o 
-trabalho de procurar erros de escrita ou registo. Também 
-disponibiliza um método conveniente de visualizar um portfólio 
-de várias acções, ao mostrar todas as transacções nesse portfólio. 
-Obtenha cotações de Acções & Outros Títulos a partir de vários 
-sítios web, actualizando automaticamente o seu portfólio. 
-Outras fontes de cotações são adicionadas regularmente.
-Janelas de Dica do Dia torna fácil a aprendizagem de novas funcionalidades 
-do GnuCash.  A extensa documentação incluida ajuda a responder a questões 
-que possa ter sobre funcionalidades específicas e procedimentos contabilísticos.
-Impressão de Cheques:  Cheques podem ser impressos em formatos standard nos 
-impressos de cheque apropriados.  Um interface gráfico de personalização 
-permite desenvolver desenhos (disposições) personalizados de cheques.
-Preferências: a visualização e comportamento da janela principal e das janelas 
-de registo podem ser amplamente personalizadas através de uma janela de 
-preferências da aplicação.
-Múltiplas Moedas & Câmbios: São suportadas múltiplas moedas e estas 
-podem ser compradas ou vendidas (transaccionadas). Movimentos de 
-moedas entre contas são completamente saldados quando a dupla-entrada 
-está activada.  Um interface simplificado para a gestão de múltiplas 
-moedas encontra-se em desenvolvimento.
-Documentação Online: agora incui uma pequena funcionalidade de pesquisa.
-<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width=100%>
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-	</td>
-<?php include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/pt_PT/components/footer.phtml"); ?>

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-<?php $title = "Programar"; ?>
-<?php if (!ini_get('register_globals')) {
- include("../emulate_globals_on.php");
-<?php include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/pt_PT/components/header.phtml"); ?>
-<?php include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/pt_PT/menu/menu-developer-main.phtml"); ?>
-<td valign=top>
-<h1>Programar o GnuCash</h1>
-Existe um número de passos a dar para programar para o gnucash. 
-Terá de instalar versões de desenvolvimento dos pacotes indicados 
-na <a href="/pt_PT/required.phtml">página de ferramentas</a>.  As últimas 
-versões de desenvolvimento do gnucash poderão depender das mais recentes 
-versões de algumas ferramentas gnome (por ex. gnome-print).  Você poderá 
-ter também de obter versões não usuais ou especiais do g-wrap e guppi.
-<b>Obter o código mais recente através do CVS:</b><br>
-   O mais recente código fonte, bem como várias versões 
-   antigas, são mantidas num repositório CVS de código 
-   fonte de acesso de leitura público.  Aceder-lhe é simples,
-   e se planeia ser um programador activo, não existe melhor 
-   forma de obter o código fonte.  A árvore de CVS não é de 
-   acesso de escrita público; uma vez você tendo modificações, 
-   deverá submete-las para a lista de e-mail 
-   <a href=/pt_PT/lists.phtml>gnucash-patches</a>.
-   Para aceder à árvore de CVS, primeiro, autentique-se, fazendo: 
-<table bgcolor=#000000 cellpadding=10><tr><td>
-<font color=#aaaaaa>
-cvs -d :pserver:cvs at cvs.gnucash.org:/home/cvs/cvsroot login
-A palavra-chave (<i>password</i>) é &quot;guest&quot;. 
-Para obter uma cópia da mais recente versão de desenvolvimento/beta 
-(que actualmente é a versão 1.5.x), faça um 
-<table bgcolor=#000000 cellpadding=10><tr><td>
-<font color=#aaaaaa>
-cvs -d :pserver:cvs at cvs.gnucash.org:/home/cvs/cvsroot checkout gnucash 
-Versões anteriores e outros ramos podem ser acedidos com etiquetas. 
-O ramo que contém a última versão estável do código do gnucash-1.4.x 
-está marcada com a etiqueta <tt>gnucash-1-4-branch</tt> . Assim, para 
-obter o mais recente da série gnucash-1.4.x, faça o seguinte:
-<table bgcolor=#000000 cellpadding=10><tr><td>
-<font color=#aaaaaa>
-cvs -d :pserver:cvs at cvs.gnucash.org:/home/cvs/cvsroot checkout -r gnucash-1-4-branch gnucash
-Versões distribuidas estão marcadas com o número da distribuição. Assim,
-a etiqueta <tt>gnucash-1-4-4</tt> dar-lhe-á uma cópia do código tal como 
-ele era na versão 1.4.4.  Se você for um programador, deverá trabalhar 
-provavelmente sobre o ramo principal (<tt>HEAD</tt>) no mais recente código 
-beta/de desenvolvimento, ou no ramo <tt>gnucash-1-4-branch</tt>, eliminando 
-os erros ainda existentes na versão estável actual.
-Outras etiquetas de interesse (principalmente histórico) são:
-<dd>Código original do Robin Clark em Outubro de 1997.  Apenas para 
-    histórico: o código foi completamente re-escrito desde então.
-<dd>Versão 1.0.17 (uma das últimas versões estáveis do xacc, antes 
-    de o nome ter sido alterado para gnucash).
-<dd>O topo do ramo de versões estáveis da série 1.0.x.
-<dd>Versão 1.1.6 (uma versão instável, de desenvolvimento, do gnucash)
-<dd>O topo do ramo 1.2. Este é o último ramo que contém código 
-    motif.  Versões posteriores foram re-escritas em gtk/gnome.
-<dd>Versão 1.2.4, uma das últimas na série 1.2.x.
-<dd>O topo do ramo 1.4.x, que é o actual ramo estável.
-<b>Obter o código fonte mais recente através de FTP:</b><br>
-Se você não deseja incomodar-se com o CVS pode descarregar versões 
-recentes da árvore de CVS a partir de um dos servidores FTP abaixo.
-Note, no entanto, que se deseja contribuir com modificações e actualizações 
-ao GnuCash, é extremamente recomendado que aprenda e utilize o CVS.
-Nós encorajamo-lo pois os ficheiros em FTP podem por vezes ficar um 
-pouco desactualizados, e você poderá estar a corrigir um erro que já foi corrigido.
-<a href="http://www.linas.org/pub/gnucash/gnucash/sources/">http://www.linas.org/pub/gnucash/gnucash/sources/</a>
-<a href="http://www.gnucash.org/pub/gnucash/sources/">http://www.gnucash.org/pub/gnucash/sources/</a>
-<?php include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/pt_PT/components/footer.phtml"); ?>

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-<?php $title = "História"; ?>
-<?php if (!ini_get('register_globals')) {
- include("../emulate_globals_on.php");
-<?php include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/pt_PT/components/header.phtml"); ?>
-<?php include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/pt_PT/menu/menu-other-main.phtml"); ?>
-<td valign=top>
-<b>História & Créditos</b><br><br>
-   Afinal de contas, de quem é este sangue, suor e lágrimas?
-<BR><BR><font size="+2"><b>Programadores Principais</b></font>
-  <dt>
-  <b>Linas Vepstas</b>
-  </dt>
-  <dd>
-    gostou do que viu: o aspecto visual era bonito, o código estava 
-    documentado e bem estruturado, e era todo GPL. E assim ele 
-    re-escreveu-o: adicionou widgets de célula ao XbaeMatrix, para 
-    que caixas de lista e setas ficassem mais bonitas, re-escreveu 
-    o processador do X-Accountant para adicionar 
-    a dupla-entrada, uma hierarquia de contas, um motor para transacções 
-    com parcelas, adicionou suporte para acções, e melhorou os menus de 
-    ajuda. Essa foi a versão 1.0 em Janeiro de 1998. Para as versões 
-    1.1 &amp; 1.2, o motor interno foi aumentado e refinado, e a janela 
-    de registo completamente redesenhada e tornada quase que 
-    independente do Motif (e aspecto gráfico). 
-    Linas está agora envolvido na Gnumatic Incorporated, uma empresa formada 
-    para melhorar e suportar o GnuCash para todos, desde os utilizadores 
-    caseiros até às empresas e contabilistas profissionais.  
-  </dd>
-  <dt>
-  <b>Rob Browning</b>
-  </dt>
-  <dd>
-    abusou de toda a gente por não utilizarem Perl, e depois de 
-    termos adicionado suporte para Perl, desistiu do Perl a favor do 
-    suporte Guile/Scheme.  Rob construiu a infraestrutura de compilação, 
-    modificou o código gtk, e está a alterar o formato do ficheiro.
-    Ainda re-escreveu os relatórios e o descarregar de extractos em scheme,
-    o wrapper g-wrap para guile, e as preferências de utilizador.
-  </dd>
-  <dt>
-  <b>Jeremy Collins</b> 
-  </dt>
-  <dd>
-    criou e divulgou largamente o projecto GnoMoney, 
-      e depois mudou o seu nome para GnuCash. 
-      (Na verdade, colocou o nome a votação.  A democracia não é uma boa 
-      forma de escolher nomes.) Jeremy registou o nome de domínio, criou 
-      e manteve o sitio de internet gnucash.org durante vários anos, além
-      de que conseguiu fazer funcionar o código GTK/gnome inicial.  
-  </dd>
-  <dt>
-  <b>Dave Peticolas</b>
-  </dt>
-  <dd>
-    programa obsecivamente no GnuCash. Mas ele consegue parar assim que 
-    queira. A sério.
-    (Ele é agora o guardião da árvore de código CVS do GnuCash, pelo que 
-    sejam simpáticos ou ele pode desistir de programar a meio do vosso patch).
-  </dd>
-  <dt>
-  <b>Rob Clark</b>
-  </dt>
-  <dd>
-    programou o original X-Accountant em
-    Motif como projecto escolar, levando-o até à versão 0.9 em Outubro
-    de 1997.  Apesar de cada linha do seu código ter já sido re-escrita, 
-    o seu nome surge como crédito em quase todos os ficheiros.
-    Tal é a magia dos direitos de autor.
-  </dd>
-  <dt>
-  <b>Bill Gribble</b>
-  </dt>
-  <dd>
-    não é tímido, ou de falinhas mansas.  Assim não sejam tímidos se encontrarem
-    um erro no seu código: Importação QIF, API de pesquisa e procura de transacções, 
-    impressão de cheques, suporte para bens e moedas, integração gtkhtml e impressão 
-    de relatórios.
-  </dd>
-<font size="+2"><b>Pessoas que Corrigiram Erros</b></font>
-      <dt> <a href="mailto:arensb at cfar.umd.edu"> Andrew
-      Arensburger</a></dt>
-      <dd>pelas modificações para FreeBSD e outras</dd>
-      <dt> <a href="mailto:matt_armstrong at bigfoot.com"> Matt
-      Armstrong</a></dt>
-      <dd>pelas várias correcções</dd>
-      <dt> <a href="mailto:fred at moremagic.com"> Fred Baube</a></dt>
-      <dd>por tentar portar para Java (MoneyDance)</dd>
-      <dt> <a href="mailto:dennisb at cs.chalmers.se"> Dennis
-      Björklund</a></dt>
-      <dd>Tradução para Sueco</dd>
-      <dt> <a href="mailto:bojsen at worldnet.att.net"> Per Bojsen</a></dt>
-      <dd>várias correcções de core dump</dd>
-      <dt> <a href="http://www.hex.net/~cbbrowne"> Christopher B.
-      Browne</a></dt>
-      <dd>pelos scripts em perl para acções, primeiro rascunho do 
-      código de importação QIF baseado em Guile, várias modificaçõesl 
-      & manutenção da documentação em Inglês, e mais</dd>
-      <dt> <a href="mailto:grahamc at zeta.org.au"> Graham
-      Chapman</a></dt>
-      <dd>pelo pacote de acrescento xacc-rpts</dd>
-      <dt> <a href="mailto:georgec at sco.com"> George Chen</a></dt>
-      <dd>pelo suporte para QIF do MS-Money</dd>
-      <dt> <a href="mailtochina at thewrittenword.com">Albert
-      Chin-A-Young</a></dt>
-      <dd>modificação do configure.in</dd>
-      <dt> <a href="mailto:jcollins at gnucash.org"> Jeremy
-      Collins</a></dt>
-      <dd>pelo GnoMoney e porte para GTK</dd>
-      <dt> <a href="mailto:mcondell at bbn.com"> Matthew Condell</a></dt>
-      <dd>modificação FreeBSD</dd>
-      <dt> <a href="mailto:pcondon at rackspace.com"> Patrick
-      Condron</a></dt>
-      <dd>por configurar um servidor web numa ligação T1 
-          em nome dos entusiastas do código aberto 
-          <a href="http://www.rackspace.com">
-          rackspace.com</a></dd>
-      <dt> <a href="mailto:Ciaran.Deignan at bull.net"> Ciaran
-      Deignan</a></dt>
-      <dd>pela versão em binário para AIX</dd>
-      <dt> <a href="mailto:tyson at tyse.net"> Tyson Dowd</a></dt>
-      <dd>pelas modificação ao config/make e manutenção da versão para debian</dd>
-      <dt> <a href="mailto:ripley at xs4all.nl"> Koen D'Hondt</a></dt>
-      <dd>pelas modificações ao XmHTML para Solaris</dd>
-      <dt> <a href="mailto:bob at mostly.com"> Bob Drzyzgula</a></dt>
-      <dd>pelas notas de implementação da orçamentação</dd>
-      <dt> <a href="mailto:pjf at schools.net.au"> Paul Fenwick</a></dt>
-      <dd>suporte ASX</dd>
-      <dt> <a href="mailto:hfiguiere at teaser.fr"> Hubert Figuiere</a></dt>
-      <dd>modificação ao gnc-prices</dd>
-      <dt> <a href="mailto:ju_finck at mail.netwave.de"> Jan-Uwe
-      Finck</a></dt>
-      <dd>pela tradução das mensagens para Alemão</dd>
-      <dt> <a href="mailto:rjf at aracnet.com"> Ron Forrester</a></dt>
-      <dd>pelas modificações ao gnome</dd>
-      <dt> <a href="mailto:DFreese at osc.uscg.mil"> Dave
-      Freese</a></dt>
-      <dd>pela correcção para anos bissextos</dd>
-      <dt> <a href="mailto:grib at billgribble.com"> Bill Gribble</a></dt>
-      <dd>código de importação QIF</dd>
-      <dt> <a href="mailto:otto at bug.redhat.com"> Otto
-      Hammersmith</a></dt>
-      <dd>pelo empacotamento em RPM RedHat</dd>
-      <dt> <a href="mailto:offby1 at blarg.net"> Eric Hanchrow</a></dt>
-      <dd>actualização à documentação de moedas</dd>
-      <dt> <a href="mailto:haral at codec.ro"> Alexandru
-      Harsanyi</a></dt>
-      <dd>por corrigir vários core dumps e lockups.</dd>
-      <dt> <a href="mailto:john at dhh.gt.org"> John Hasler</a></dt>
-      <dd>modificação ao motor</dd>
-      <dt> <a href="mailto:jk at isdn-a33.itea.ntnu.no"> Jon K}re
-      Hellan</a></dt>
-      <dd>por corrigir vários core dumps e lockups.</dd>
-      <dt> <a href="mailto:PrakashK at bigfoot.com"> Prakash
-      Kailasa</a></dt>
-      <dd>pelas correcções à compilação gnome</dd>
-      <dt> <a href="mailto:tkludy at csd.sgi.com"> Tom Kludy</a></dt>
-      <dd>pelo porte para SGI Irix</dd>
-      <dt> <a href="mailto:sk at xgm.de"> Sven Kuenzler</a></dt>
-      <dd>pelo ficheiro LEIA-ME (README) para SuSE</dd>
-      <dt><a href="mailto:blarsen at ada-works.com"> Bryan Larsen</a></dt>
-      <dd>relatório de orçamentação em guile</dd>
-      <dt> <a href="mailto:mellon at andare.fugue.com"> Ted
-      Lemon</a></dt>
-      <dd>pelo porte para NetBSD</dd>
-      <dt> <a href="mailto:y-le-ny at ifrance.com"> Yannick Le
-      Ny</a></dt>
-      <dd>pela tradução para Francês</dd>
-      <dt> <a href="mailto:glikely at nortelnetworks.com"> Grant
-      Likely</a></dt>
-      <dd>modificações gnome e ao motor</dd>
-      <dt> <a href="mailto:martinh at pegasus.cc.ucf.edu"> Heath
-      Martin</a></dt>
-      <dd>maior parte do trabalho no registo em gnome</dd>
-      <dt> <a href="mailto:mgmartin at abacusnet.net"> Matt
-      Martin</a></dt>
-      <dd>código de gestão de erros em guile</dd>
-      <dt> <a href="mailto:rgmerk at mira.net"> Robert Graham
-      Merkel</a></dt>
-      <dd>modificações de relatórios, gnome, e de configuração.</dd>
-      <dt> <a href="mailto:mooney at dogbert.cc.ndsu.NoDak.edu"> Tim
-      Mooney</a></dt>
-      <dd>porte para alpha-dec-osf4.0f</dd>
-      <dt> <a href="mailto:gam3 at ann.softgams.com"> G. Allen Morris
-      III</a></dt>
-      <dd>correcção do core dump do QIF</dd>
-      <dt> <a href="mailto:brent at baton.phys.lsu.edu"> Brent Neal</a></dt>
-      <dd>suporte TIAA-CREF no módulo perl Finance::Quote.</dd>
-      <dt> <a href="mailto:spacey at inch.com"> Peter Norton</a></dt>
-      <dd>pela valorosa tentativa de um porte GTK</dd>
-      <dt> <a href="mailto:webmaster at obsidian.uia.net">
-      OmNiBuS</a></dt>
-      <dd>conteudo e gráficos do sítio web</dd>
-      <dt> <a href="mailto:mopyr at IPM.Lviv.UA"> Myroslav
-      Opyr</a></dt>
-      <dd>por modificações várias</dd>
-      <dt> <a href="mailto:laurent.pelecq at wanadoo.fr"> Laurent
-      P{'e}lecq</a></dt>
-      <dd>modificações de internacionalização com o gettext</dd>
-      <dt> <a href="mailto:Alain.Peyrat at nmu.alcatel.fr"> Alain
-      Peyrat</a></dt>
-      <dd>pelas modificações ao <tt>configure.in</tt></dd>
-      <dt> <a href="mailto:peter at wuzel.m.isar.de"> Peter
-      Pointner</a></dt>
-      <dd>modificações Motif e de configuração</dd>
-      <dt> <a href="mailto:maufk at csv.warwick.ac.uk"> Gavin
-      Porter</a></dt>
-      <dd>pelas datas de estilo europeu</dd>
-      <dt> <a href="mailto:rr at sco.com"> Ron Record</a></dt>
-      <dd>pelos binários para SCO Unixware e OpenServer</dd>
-      <dt> <a href="mailto:schoenberger at signsoft.com"> Dirk
-      Schoenberger</a></dt>
-      <dd>iniciou o porte Qt/KDE</dd>
-      <dt> <a href="mailto:jan.schrage at urz.uni-heidelberg.de"> Jan
-      Schrage</a></dt>
-      <dd>modificações à documentação</dd>
-      <dt> <a href="mailto:cls at seawood.org"> Christopher
-      Seawood</a></dt>
-      <dd>pela resolução do core dump no XbaeMatrix</dd>
-      <dt> <a href="mailto:msimons at fsimons01.erols.com"> Mike
-      Simons</a></dt>
-      <dd>várias modificações ao <tt>configure.in</tt></dd>
-      <dt> <a href="mailto:rich at brake.demon.co.uk"> Richard
-      Skelton</a></dt>
-      <dd>pela limpeza para Solaris</dd>
-      <dt> <a href="mailto:spruth at bigfoot.com"> Henning
-      Spruth</a></dt>
-      <dd>pelo texto em Alemão e re-escrita das datas europeias</dd>
-      <dt> <a href="mailto:parys at freewwweb.com"> Robby Stephenson</a></dt>
-      <dd>modificação ao registo</dd>
-      <dt> <a href="mailto:tma at iis.fhg.de"> Herbert Thoma</a></dt>
-      <dd>registo gnome & e modificações de suporte ao euro</dd>
-      <dt> <a href="mailto:detrout at earthlink.net"> Diane
-      Trout</a></dt>
-      <dd>modificação à importação QIF em scheme</dd>
-      <dt> <a href="mailto:rkw at dataplex.net"> Richard Wackerbarth</a></dt>
-      <dd>modificação ao gnc-prices</dd>
-      <dt> <a href="mailto:rob at valinux.com"> Rob Walker</a></dt>
-      <dd>modificações guile e ao registo</dd>
-      <dt> <a href="mailto:dwmw2 at infradead.org"> David Woodhouse</a></dt>
-      <dd>traduções para Inglês Britânico</dd>
-      <dt> <a href="mailto:gooch at ic.EECS.Berkeley.EDU"> Ken
-      Yamaguchi</a></dt>
-      <dd>correcções à importação QIF; importação MYM</dd>
-    </dl>
-<?php include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/pt_PT/components/footer.phtml"); ?>

Deleted: htdocs/branches/published/pt_PT/index.phtml
--- htdocs/branches/published/pt_PT/index.phtml	2006-05-30 21:45:42 UTC (rev 14264)
+++ htdocs/branches/published/pt_PT/index.phtml	2006-05-30 23:11:40 UTC (rev 14265)
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-<?php $title = "Principal"; ?>
-<?php if (!ini_get('register_globals')) {
- include("../emulate_globals_on.php");
-<?php include($toppath."/pt_PT/components/header.phtml"); ?>
-<?php include($toppath."/pt_PT/menu/menu-main.phtml"); ?>
-	</td>
-  <td valign=top width=98%>
-<h1>Bem Vindo ao GnuCash.org</h1>
-<font size=-1>
-Se tem andado à procura de uma forma de gerir as suas finanças pessoais em GNU/Linux, você encontrou-a! 
-Concebido para ser fácil de utilizar, mas poderoso e flexível, o GnuCash permite-lhe acompanhar contas 
-bancárias, acções, receitas e despesas. Tão rápido e intuitivo de utilizar como o registo de um livro 
-de cheques, baseia-se em princípios profissionais de contabilidade para assegurar contas saldadas e 
-relatórios precisos. O GnuCash é suportado por uma comunidade de programadores activa e está a evoluir 
-para um completo sistema contabilístico. Desenvolvido sob a GPL, faz com que você não tenha de se preocupar 
-com a obsolescência: o GnuCash stará lá sempre para si. 
-O objectivo deste sítio web é promover o projecto Gnucash.org de desenvolvimento aplicacional. Estamos 
-emprenhados em desenvolver ferramentas financeiras de topo para utilizadores do GNU/Linux e Unix. Isto 
-inclui o desenvolvimento de APIs de programação e componentes que possam ser utilizados para criar tanto 
-servidores como aplicações pessoais para utilização profissional e doméstica. Ao nos focarmos na facilidade 
-de utilização, desenho modular, arquitectura de interfaces e código bem documentado, esperamos que o GnuCash 
-e as bibliotecas financeiras associadas se tornem na escolha de uma geração de utilizadores e programadores GNU.
-$en_newspath = $toppath . "/news/en/";
-$lang_newspath = $toppath . "/news/pt_PT/";
-include ($toppath."/news/news-script.php"); ?>
-<font size=-2>
-<a href="/surf/guppi-pie-demo.html">teste</a>
-<a href="/surf/short.gml">teste2</a>
-<a href="/surf/demo.gml">teste3</a>
-  </td>
-<?php include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/pt_PT/components/footer.phtml"); ?>

Copied: htdocs/branches/published/pt_PT/index.phtml (from rev 14264, htdocs/trunk/pt_PT/index.phtml)

Property changes on: htdocs/branches/published/pt_PT/index.phtml
Name: svn:special
   + *

Deleted: htdocs/branches/published/pt_PT/links.phtml
--- htdocs/branches/published/pt_PT/links.phtml	2006-05-30 21:45:42 UTC (rev 14264)
+++ htdocs/branches/published/pt_PT/links.phtml	2006-05-30 23:11:40 UTC (rev 14265)
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-<?php $title = "Aplicações Financeiras Relacionadas"; ?>
-<?php if (!ini_get('register_globals')) {
- include("../emulate_globals_on.php");
-<?php include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/pt_PT/components/header.phtml"); ?>
-<?php include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/pt_PT/menu/menu-other-main.phtml"); ?>
-<td valign=top>
-<h1>Aplicações Financeiras Relacionadas</h1>
-<b>Seleccione uma secção:</b></td>
-<form method=post>
-<select name=linkpage>
-  <option value=general
-  <?php if ($linkpage == "general") { echo ("selected"); } ?>
-  >Referências Genéricas</option>
-  <option value=utilities
-  <?php if ($linkpage == "utilities") { echo ("selected"); } ?>
-  >Utilitários</option>
-  <option value=palm
-  <?php if ($linkpage == "palm") { echo ("selected"); } ?>
-  >Computação Palm</option>
-  <option value=stock
-  <?php if ($linkpage == "stock") { echo ("selected"); } ?>
-  >Corretagem de Acções & Análise Técnica</option>
-  <option value=quote
-  <?php if ($linkpage == "quote") { echo ("selected"); } ?>
-  >Fontes de Cotações, Ferramentas</option>
-  <option value=erp
-  <?php if ($linkpage == "erp") { echo ("selected"); } ?>
-  >Empresas, Projectos ERP</option>
-  <option value=xml
-  <?php if ($linkpage == "xml") { echo ("selected"); } ?>
-  >XML e Outros Formatos de Dados</option>
-  <option value=misc
-  <?php if ($linkpage == "misc") { echo ("selected"); } ?>
-  >Vários</option>
-  <option value=obsolete
-  <?php if ($linkpage == "obsolete") { echo ("selected"); } ?>
-  >Referências Históricas</option>
-  <option value=review
-  <?php if ($linkpage == "review") { echo ("selected"); } ?>
-  >Sitios que Reviram & Avaliaram o GnuCash</option>
-<input type=submit value=Go>
-  if ($linkpage != "") { 
-	include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/pt_PT/links/links-".$linkpage.".phtml");
-  } else {
-	include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/pt_PT/links/links-general.phtml");
-  }
-<?php include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/pt_PT/components/footer.phtml"); ?>

Deleted: htdocs/branches/published/pt_PT/lists.phtml
--- htdocs/branches/published/pt_PT/lists.phtml	2006-05-30 21:45:42 UTC (rev 14264)
+++ htdocs/branches/published/pt_PT/lists.phtml	2006-05-30 23:11:40 UTC (rev 14265)
@@ -1,205 +0,0 @@
-<?php $title = "Listas de E-Mail"; ?>
-<?php if (!ini_get('register_globals')) {
- include("../emulate_globals_on.php");
-<?php include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/pt_PT/components/header.phtml"); ?>
-<?php include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/pt_PT/menu/menu-developer-main.phtml"); ?>
-<td valign=top>
-<h1>Listas de E-Mail do GnuCash</h1>
-Existem algumas listas de e-mail do GnuCash servindo comunidades 
-distintas: alguma spara utilizadores outra para programadores.  Prima 
-sobre o texto a negrito para instruções sobre como a subscrever ou desistir.
-<table border=0 cellpadding=1 cellspacing=0 width="100%">
-  <tr>
-  <td valign=middle align=center bgcolor=#666699>
-   <table border=0 cellpadding=5 cellspacing=1 bgcolor=#cacaf7 width="100%">
-   <tr>
-     <td bgcolor=#666699 width=25%><font color=#ffffff><b>Lista de E-Mail</b></td>
-     <td bgcolor=#666699 width=75%><font color=#ffffff><b>Descrição</b></td>
-   </tr>
-   <tr bgcolor=#ececff>
-     <td valign=top>
-       <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
-       <tr>
-         <td valign=top><img src=/images/icons/document.txt.gif width=16 height=16 border=0>&nbsp;</td>
-         <td valign=top><A HREF="https://lists.gnucash.org/mailman/listinfo/gnucash-announce"> gnucash-announce at gnucash.org</A></td>
-       </tr>
-       <tr>
-         <td valign=top><img src=/images/icons/document.txt.gif width=16 height=16 border=0>&nbsp;</td>
-         <td valign=top><A HREF="/pipermail/gnucash-announce"> Archives</A></td>
-       </tr>
-       </table>
-     </td>
-     <td valign=top>Lista de e-mail de anúncios: Mensagens nesta lista moderada anunciam 
-		     eventos importantes e notícias relacionadas com o GnuCash.
-		     Esta é uma lista de pouco tráfego (1 ou menos mensagens por semana).</td>
-   </tr>
-   <tr bgcolor=#ffffff>
-     <td valign=top>
-       <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
-       <tr>
-         <td valign=top><img src=/images/icons/document.txt.gif width=16 height=16 border=0>&nbsp;</td>
-         <td valign=top><A HREF="https://lists.gnucash.org/mailman/listinfo/gnucash-user"> gnucash-user at gnucash.org</A></td>
-       </tr>
-       <tr>
-         <td valign=top><img src=/images/icons/document.txt.gif width=16 height=16 border=0>&nbsp;</td>
-         <td valign=top><A HREF="/pipermail/gnucash-user"> Archives</A></td>
-       </tr>
-       </table>
-     </td>
-     <td valign=top>
-    Lista de E-Mail dos Utilizadores: Discussões sobre como instalar, configurar e 
-    utilizar o GnuCash, e debates sobre assuntos tais como princípios contabilísticos 
-    básicos. Esta é ocasionalmente uma lista com muito tráfego (2 a 30 mensagens por dia).
-	   </td>
-   </tr>
-   <tr bgcolor=#ececff>
-     <td valign=top>
-       <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
-       <tr>
-         <td valign=top><img src=/images/icons/document.txt.gif width=16 height=16 border=0>&nbsp;</td>
-         <td valign=top><A HREF="https://lists.gnucash.org/mailman/listinfo/gnucash-devel"> gnucash-devel at gnucash.org</A></td>
-       </tr>
-       <tr>
-         <td valign=top><img src=/images/icons/document.txt.gif width=16 height=16 border=0>&nbsp;</td>
-         <td valign=top><A HREF="/pipermail/gnucash-devel"> Archives</A></td>
-       </tr>
-       </table>
-     </td>
-     <td valign=top>
-    Lista de E-Mail dos programadores: Discussões sobre as actuais e futuras 
-    características e funcionalidades, e como deverão ser implementadas.  
-    Esta é ocasionalmente uma lista com muito tráfego (2 a 30 mensagens por dia).
-		 </td>
-   </tr>
-   <!-------------------------------------------------------------->
-   <tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
-     <td valign="top">
-       <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
-       <tr>
-         <td valign="top"><img src="/images/icons/document.txt.gif" width="16" height="16" border="0">&nbsp;</td>
-         <td valign="top"><A HREF="https://lists.gnucash.org/mailman/listinfo/gnucash-de"> gnucash-de at gnucash.org</A></td>
-       </tr>
-       <tr>
-         <td valign="top"><img src="/images/icons/document.txt.gif" width="16" height="16" border="0">&nbsp;</td>
-         <td valign="top"><A HREF="/pipermail/gnucash-de"> Archives</A></td>
-       </tr>
-       </table>
-     </td>
-     <td valign="top">
-     Dies ist die Mailingliste für deutsche GnuCash-Benutzer. 
-     Die Sprache auf dieser Liste ist Deutsch.
-	   </td>
-   </tr>
-   <!-------------------------------------------------------------->
-   <tr bgcolor=#ececff>
-     <td valign=top>
-       <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
-       <tr>
-         <td valign=top><img src=/images/icons/document.txt.gif width=16 height=16 border=0>&nbsp;</td>
-         <td valign=top><A HREF="https://lists.gnucash.org/mailman/listinfo/gnucash-es"> gnucash-es at gnucash.org</A></td>
-       </tr>
-       <tr>
-         <td valign=top><img src=/images/icons/document.txt.gif width=16 height=16 border=0>&nbsp;</td>
-         <td valign=top><A HREF="/pipermail/gnucash-es"> Archives</A></td>
-       </tr>
-       </table>
-     </td>
-     <td valign=top>
-     gnucash-es es la lista de distribución del proyecto GnuCash en español.
-     Está lista está pensada para usuarios finales y colaboradores en la
-     traducción y localización de GnuCash.
-	   </td>
-   </tr>
-   <!-------------------------------------------------------------->
-   <tr bgcolor=#ffffff>
-     <td valign=top>
-       <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
-       <tr>
-         <td valign=top><img src=/images/icons/document.txt.gif width=16 height=16 border=0>&nbsp;</td>
-         <td valign=top><A HREF="https://lists.gnucash.org/mailman/listinfo/gnucash-fr"> gnucash-fr at gnucash.org</A></td>
-       </tr>
-       <tr>
-         <td valign=top><img src=/images/icons/document.txt.gif width=16 height=16 border=0>&nbsp;</td>
-         <td valign=top><A HREF="/pipermail/gnucash-fr"> Archives</A></td>
-       </tr>
-       </table>
-     </td>
-     <td valign=top>
-     Vous avez essayé GnuCash. Cela vous plaît vraiment mais vous aimeriez
-     obtenir de l'aide dans votre langue pour plus de simplicité. Cette mailing
-     liste est faite pour vous. Elle va permettre de rester en contact avec des
-     personnes francophones utilisant GnuCash qui pourront vous guider dans son
-     utilisation quotidienne aussi bien que pour une utilisation professionnelle.
-     Elle permettra aussi aux personnes réfractaire à la langue de shakespeare
-     de rester au courant des derniers développements du logiciels.
-	   </td>
-   </tr>
-   <!-------------------------------------------------------------->
-   <tr bgcolor=#ececff>
-     <td valign=top>
-       <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
-       <tr>
-         <td valign=top><img src=/images/icons/document.txt.gif width=16 height=16 border=0>&nbsp;</td>
-         <td valign=top><A HREF="https://lists.gnucash.org/mailman/listinfo/gnucash-it"> gnucash-it at gnucash.org</A></td>
-       </tr>
-       <tr>
-         <td valign=top><img src=/images/icons/document.txt.gif width=16 height=16 border=0>&nbsp;</td>
-         <td valign=top><A HREF="/pipermail/gnucash-it"> Archives</A></td>
-       </tr>
-       </table>
-     </td>
-     <td valign=top>
-     gnucash-it è la lista di distribuzione per il progetto GnuCash in lingua
-     italiana. Quando la propria lingua madre è l'italiano e l'inglese
-     rappresenta un ostacolo, quando si ha intenzione di contribuire alla
-     localizzazione (l10n) ed internazionalizzazione (i18n) italiana del
-     progetto, quando si vuole incontrare qualche italiano per parlare di
-     GnuCash, questa lista di distribuzione è il luogo adatto per inviare i
-     propri messaggi.
-     <p>
-     gnucash-it è nata per offrire ai traduttori di GnuCash un valido mezzo
-     di comunicazione.  Successivamente spera di diventare il punto
-     d'incontro per tutti coloro i quali vogliano contribuire al progetto sia
-     in qualità traduttori, revisori e programmatori per la realtà italiana,
-     sia di esperti in grado di aiutare chi si trova alle prime armi.
-	   </td>
-   </tr>
-   <!-------------------------------------------------------------->
-   <tr bgcolor=#ffffff>
-     <td valign=top>
-       <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
-       <tr>
-         <td valign=top><img src=/images/icons/document.txt.gif width=16 height=16 border=0>&nbsp;</td>
-         <td valign=top><A HREF="https://lists.gnucash.org/mailman/listinfo/gnucash-patches"> gnucash-patches at gnucash.org</A></td>
-       </tr>
-       </table>
-     </td>
-     <td valign=top>
-    Lista de E-Mail dos programadores: Entrega e discussão de alterações ao 
-    código, e notificações sobre actualizações à árvore de CVS.  
-    Alterações deverão estar no formato <tt>makepatch</tt>.
-    As alterações podem ser sobre código fonte, documentação, ou traduções 
-    para idiomas estrangeiros.
-    Esta é ocasionalmente uma lista com muito tráfego (2 a 30 mensagens por dia).
-	   </td>
-   </tr>
-   </table>
-<?php include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/pt_PT/components/footer.phtml"); ?>

Copied: htdocs/branches/published/pt_PT/local.php (from rev 14264, htdocs/trunk/pt_PT/local.php)

Deleted: htdocs/branches/published/pt_PT/oldnews.phtml
--- htdocs/branches/published/pt_PT/oldnews.phtml	2006-05-30 21:45:42 UTC (rev 14264)
+++ htdocs/branches/published/pt_PT/oldnews.phtml	2006-05-30 23:11:40 UTC (rev 14265)
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-<?php $title = "Accounting Software for Linux"; ?>
-<?php if (!ini_get('register_globals')) {
- include("../emulate_globals_on.php");
-<?php include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/pt_PT/components/header.phtml"); ?>
-<?php include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/pt_PT/menu/menu-main.phtml"); ?>
-	</td>
-  <td valign=top width=98%>
-<h1>Older Announcements</h1>
-<font size=-1>
-This is an archive of announcements that once appeared on the 
-GnuCash home page.
-    # indicate where to get translated news from ... 
-    $native_newspath  =  "news/old/";
-    $alt_newspath  =  "../news/old/";
-    include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/php-scripts/news-script.php");
-    ?>  
-  </td>
-<?php include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/pt_PT/components/footer.phtml"); ?>

Copied: htdocs/branches/published/pt_PT/oldnews.phtml (from rev 14264, htdocs/trunk/pt_PT/oldnews.phtml)

Property changes on: htdocs/branches/published/pt_PT/oldnews.phtml
Name: svn:special
   + *

Deleted: htdocs/branches/published/pt_PT/promote.phtml
--- htdocs/branches/published/pt_PT/promote.phtml	2006-05-30 21:45:42 UTC (rev 14264)
+++ htdocs/branches/published/pt_PT/promote.phtml	2006-05-30 23:11:40 UTC (rev 14265)
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
-<?php $title = "Promover o GnuCash"; ?>
-<?php if (!ini_get('register_globals')) {
- include("../emulate_globals_on.php");
-<?php include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/pt_PT/components/header.phtml"); ?>
-<?php include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/pt_PT/menu/menu-other-main.phtml"); ?>
-<td valign=top>
-<b>Promover o GnuCash</b><br><br>
-Deseja demonstrar o seu apoio ao GnuCash?  Exponha uma destas imagens 
-na sua página.
-<a href="/images/banners/control_your_finan.jpg">
-<img src="/images/banners/control_your_finan.jpg"
-     alt="[Controle as suas Finanças com a força do Código Aberto - GnuCash]">
-<br clear>
-125 x 125 pixels</a>
-<a href="/images/banners/gnucash_dollar_button.jpg">
-<img src="/images/banners/gnucash_dollar_button.jpg"
-     alt="[Aplicação de Finanças Pessoais Gnucash]">
-<br clear>
-125 x 125 pixels</a>
-<a href="/images/banners/GnuCash_Long.jpg">
-<img src="/images/banners/GnuCash_Long.jpg"
-     alt="[Aplicação de Finanças Pessoais Gnucash]">
-<br clear>
-470 x 62 pixels</a>
-<a href="/images/banners/gnu_bill.gif">
-<img src="/images/banners/gnu_bill.gif"
-     alt="[Nota de Dólar E.U.A. c/ o Gnu do Stallman]">
-<br clear>
-350 x 147 pixels</a>
-<a href="/images/banners/gnucash.jpg">
-<img src="/images/banners/gnucash.jpg"
-     alt="[letras brancas de máquina de escrever sobre fundo preto]">
-<br clear>
-256 x 53 pixels</a>
-<a href="/images/banners/gnucash_brown.jpg">
-<img src="/images/banners/gnucash_brown.jpg"
-     alt="[letras pretas de máquina de escrever c/ silhueta sobre fundo castanho]">
-<br clear>
-256 x 53 pixels</a>
-<a href="/images/banners/gnucash_light.jpg">
-<img src="/images/banners/gnucash_light.jpg"
-     alt="[letras pretas de máquina de escrever sobre fundo castanho claro]">
-<br clear>
-256 x 53 pixels</a>
-<a href="/images/banners/gnucash_white.jpg">
-<img src="/images/banners/gnucash_white.jpg"
-     alt="[letras pretas de máquina de escrever sobre fundo branco]">
-<br clear>
-256 x 53 pixels</a>
-<a href="/images/banners/gnucash_techno.gif">
-<img src="/images/banners/gnucash_techno.gif"
-     alt="[tipo de letra moderno tecno/scifi sobre fundo liso]">
-<br clear>
-400 x 100 pixels</a>
-<a href="/images/banners/logo_beatnik.gif">
-<img src="/images/banners/logo_beatnik.gif"
-     alt="[tipo de letra beatnik c/ silhuetas sobre fundo castanho]">
-<br clear>
-287 x 88 pixels</a>
-<a href="/images/banners/logo_elegant.jpg">
-<img src="/images/banners/logo_elegant.jpg"
-     alt="[tipo de letra elegante em preto sobre fundo castanho]">
-<br clear>
-287 x 88 pixels</a>
-<?php include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/pt_PT/components/footer.phtml"); ?>

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-<?php $title = "Requisitos Aplicacionais"; ?>
-<?php if (!ini_get('register_globals')) {
- include("../emulate_globals_on.php");
-<?php include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/pt_PT/components/header.phtml"); ?>
-<?php include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/pt_PT/menu/menu-general-main.phtml"); ?>
-<td valign=top>
-<h1>Requisitos Aplicacionais</h1>
-Estas são as tecnologias mais importantes que contribuem para o GnuCash 
-e de que este depende para implementar as suas principais funcionalidades.  
-Terá de instalar uma versão recente destas para compilar e trabalhar com o gnucash.
-<table border=0 cellpadding=1 cellspacing=0 width="100%">
-  <tr>
-  <td valign=middle align=center bgcolor=#666699>
-   <table border=0 cellpadding=5 cellspacing=1 bgcolor=#cacaf7 width="100%">
-   <tr>
-     <td bgcolor=#666699 width=25%><font color=#ffffff><b>Nome</b></td>
-     <td bgcolor=#666699 width=50%><font color=#ffffff><b>Descrição</b></td>
-     <td bgcolor=#666699 width=25%><font color=#ffffff><b>Endereço</b></td>
-   </tr>
-   <tr>
-           <td colspan=3>
-<B>Conjuntos de Ferramentas de Interface:</B><BR>
-     </td>
-         </tr>
-   <tr bgcolor=#ececff>
-     <td valign=top>
-       <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
-       <tr>
-         <td valign=top><img src=/images/icons/document.txt.gif width=16 height=16 border=0>&nbsp;</td>
-         <td valign=top>Gtk+</td>
-       </tr>
-       </table>
-     </td>
-     <td valign=top>O Conjunto de Ferramentas Gimp</td>
-     <td valign=top><a href="http://www.gtk.org/">http://www.gtk.org/</a></td>
-   </tr>
-   <tr bgcolor=#ececff>
-     <td valign=top>
-       <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
-       <tr>
-         <td valign=top><img src=/images/icons/document.txt.gif width=16 height=16 border=0>&nbsp;</td>
-         <td valign=top>Gnome</td>
-       </tr>
-       </table>
-     </td>
-     <td valign=top>A infraestrutura da aplicação</td>
-     <td valign=top><a href="http://www.gnome.org">http://www.gnome.org</a></td>
-   </tr>
-   <tr bgcolor=#ececff>
-     <td valign=top>
-       <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
-       <tr>
-         <td valign=top><img src=/images/icons/document.txt.gif width=16 height=16 border=0>&nbsp;</td>
-         <td valign=top>Glade</td>
-       </tr>
-       </table>
-     </td>
-     <td valign=top>Construtor de Interfaces Gráficos GTK+ - É desta forma que muitas janelas do gnucash são criadas.</td>
-     <td valign=top><a href="http://glade.pn.org">http://glade.pn.org</a></td>
-   </tr>
-   <tr>
-           <td colspan=3>
-       <B>Interface de Scripting:</B><BR>
-     </td>
-         </tr>
-   <tr bgcolor=#ececff>
-     <td valign=top>
-       <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
-       <tr>
-         <td valign=top><img src=/images/icons/document.txt.gif width=16 height=16 border=0>&nbsp;</td>
-         <td valign=top>Guile</td>
-       </tr>
-       </table>
-     </td>
-     <td valign=top>Um interpretador Scheme com interfaces de programação C - É desta forma que o gnucash disponibiliza 'extensões' e capacidades de desenvolvimento rápido</td>
-     <td valign=top><a href="http://www.gnu.org/software/guile/guile.html">http://www.gnu.org/software/guile/guile.html</a></td>
-   </tr>
-   <tr bgcolor=#ececff>
-     <td valign=top>
-       <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
-       <tr>
-         <td valign=top><img src=/images/icons/document.txt.gif width=16 height=16 border=0>&nbsp;</td>
-         <td valign=top>G-wrap</td>
-       </tr>
-       </table>
-     </td>
-     <td valign=top>Uma ferramenta para gerar automaticamente conecções scheme para funções, estruturas & enums. em linguagem C</td>
-     <td valign=top><a href="#">Sem Endereço</a></td>
-   </tr>
-   <tr bgcolor=#ececff>
-     <td valign=top>
-       <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
-       <tr>
-         <td valign=top><img src=/images/icons/document.txt.gif width=16 height=16 border=0>&nbsp;</td>
-         <td valign=top>Scheme</td>
-       </tr>
-       </table>
-     </td>
-     <td valign=top>A Linguagem Scheme</td>
-     <td valign=top><a href="http://www.scheme.org/">http://www.scheme.org/</a></td>
-   </tr>
-   <tr bgcolor=#ececff>
-     <td valign=top>
-       <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
-       <tr>
-         <td valign=top><img src=/images/icons/document.txt.gif width=16 height=16 border=0>&nbsp;</td>
-         <td valign=top>slib</td>
-       </tr>
-       </table>
-     </td>
-     <td valign=top>Biblioteca Scheme - Várias funções scheme utilizadas pelo GnuCash.</td>
-     <td valign=top><a href="http://www-swiss.ai.mit.edu/~jaffer/SLIB.html">http://www-swiss.ai.mit.edu/~jaffer/SLIB.html</a></td>
-   </tr>
-   <tr>
-           <td colspan=3>
-       <B>Infraestrutura Web:</B><BR>
-     </td>
-         </tr>
-   <tr bgcolor=#ececff>
-     <td valign=top>
-       <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
-       <tr>
-         <td valign=top><img src=/images/icons/document.txt.gif width=16 height=16 border=0>&nbsp;</td>
-         <td valign=top>GtkHTML</td>
-       </tr>
-       </table>
-     </td>
-     <td valign=top>O motor de visualização html do gtk - utilizada pelo gnucash para mostrar documentação de ajuda, relatórios e gráficos.</td>
-     <td valign=top><a href="http://www.advogato.org/proj/GtkHTML/">http://www.advogato.org/proj/GtkHTML/</a></td>
-   </tr>
-   <tr bgcolor=#ececff>
-     <td valign=top>
-       <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
-       <tr>
-         <td valign=top><img src=/images/icons/document.txt.gif width=16 height=16 border=0>&nbsp;</td>
-         <td valign=top>libghttp</td>
-       </tr>
-       </table>
-     </td>
-     <td valign=top>A biblioteca HTTP library - utilizada pelo gnucash para falar no protocolo http para aceder a servidores web.</td>
-     <td valign=top><a href="http://www.gnome.org/">http://www.gnome.org/</a></td>
-   </tr>
-   <tr bgcolor=#ececff>
-     <td valign=top>
-       <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
-       <tr>
-         <td valign=top><img src=/images/icons/document.txt.gif width=16 height=16 border=0>&nbsp;</td>
-         <td valign=top>Gnome XML</td>
-       </tr>
-       </table>
-     </td>
-     <td valign=top>A biblioteca de parseamento XML - utilizada pelo gnucash para ler o seu formato de ficheiro.</td>
-     <td valign=top><a href="http://xmlsoft.org/">http://xmlsoft.org/</a></td>
-   </tr>
-   <tr>
-           <td colspan=3>
-       <B>Outras:</B><BR>
-     </td>
-         </tr>
-   <tr bgcolor=#ececff>
-     <td valign=top>
-       <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
-       <tr>
-         <td valign=top><img src=/images/icons/document.txt.gif width=16 height=16 border=0>&nbsp;</td>
-         <td valign=top>Finance::Quote</td>
-       </tr>
-       </table>
-     </td>
-     <td valign=top>Um módulo em perl para obter na internet cotações de acções e taxas câmbios de moedas - É assim que o gnucash acede a dados de cotações na net.</td>
-     <td valign=top><a href="http://finance-quote.sourceforge.net/">http://finance-quote.sourceforge.net/</a></td>
-   </tr>
-   <tr bgcolor=#ececff>
-     <td valign=top>
-       <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
-       <tr>
-         <td valign=top><img src=/images/icons/document.txt.gif width=16 height=16 border=0>&nbsp;</td>
-         <td valign=top>Finance::QuoteHist</td>
-       </tr>
-       </table>
-     </td>
-     <td valign=top>Um módulo em perl para obter históricos de valores de cotações.</td>
-     <td valign=top><a href="http://sourceforge.net/project/?group_id=2403">http://sourceforge.net/project/?group_id=2403</a></td>
-   </tr>
-   <tr bgcolor=#ececff>
-     <td valign=top>
-       <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
-       <tr>
-         <td valign=top><img src=/images/icons/document.txt.gif width=16 height=16 border=0>&nbsp;</td>
-         <td valign=top>Guppi</td>
-       </tr>
-       </table>
-     </td>
-     <td valign=top>Uma ferramenta de desenho gráfico e de análise - utilizada para gerar e mostrar os gráficos e histogramas no gnucash.</td>
-     <td valign=top><a href="http://www.gnome.org/guppi/">http://www.gnome.org/guppi/</a></td>
-   </tr>
-   <tr bgcolor=#ececff>
-     <td valign=top>
-       <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
-       <tr>
-         <td valign=top><img src=/images/icons/document.txt.gif width=16 height=16 border=0>&nbsp;</td>
-         <td valign=top>Gnome Print</td>
-       </tr>
-       </table>
-     </td>
-     <td valign=top>Arquitectura de impressão gnome - utilizada pelo gnucash para a impressão de cheques & impressão geral.</td>
-     <td valign=top><a href="http://www.sourceforge.net/projects/gnome-print/">http://www.sourceforge.net/projects/gnome-print/</a></td>
-   </tr>
-   </table>
-<?php include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/pt_PT/components/footer.phtml"); ?>

Deleted: htdocs/branches/published/pt_PT/roadmap.phtml
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@@ -1,224 +0,0 @@
-<?php $title = "O Caminho em Frente"; ?>
-<?php if (!ini_get('register_globals')) {
- include("../emulate_globals_on.php");
-<?php include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/pt_PT/components/header.phtml"); ?>
-<?php include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/pt_PT/menu/menu-general-main.phtml"); ?>
-<td valign=top>
-<h1>O Caminho em Frente</h1>
-O Gnucash está-se a aproximar do ponto em que irá suportar a maioria das 
-funcionalidades básicas que alguém pode esperar de uma aplicação 
-financeira/contabilística.  Quando lá chegar, espera-se em breve, teremos 
-de equacionar o futuro. O que nos espera ao fundo da estrada?
-Existem várias direcções que um projecto pode tomar.  Estas direcções 
-servem diferentes "eleitorados", diferentes comunidades de utilizadores. 
-Muitas destas parecem ser incompatíveis, e assim a tensão tem de ser 
-resolvida, ou uma escolha realizada.  A seguinte lista encontra-se 
-ordenada na linha do 'praticamente óbvio' para o 'muito no futuro'.
-<dt><b>Versão para Pequenas Empresas</b>
-<dd>Este é provavelmente a mais pedida modificação ao GnuCash. A utilização 
-    de GNU/Linux cresce exponencialmente nas pequenas empresas; no entanto 
-    não existem aplicações de contabilidade para pequenas empresas fáceis de 
-    instalar e fáceis de administrar, pelo menos não do tipo 'livre'.  A 
-    lista de funcionalidades desejadas data desde o nascimento da informática 
-    na metade do século: ordenados, contas a pagar &amp; receber, facturas, cobranças.   
-    <p>
-    Existem alguns verdadeiros problemas em avançar nesta direcção. O maior 
-    de todos é não alienar os principais visados do GnuCash: o utilizador 
-    casual/caseiro.  Se construirmos algo com funcionalidades demasiado 
-    específicas, o utilizador caseiro poderá concluir que esta aplicação é 
-    demasiado complexa,  dificil de utilizar, dificil de entender.   Irão 
-    procurar noutro lado, e entretanto, teremos feito um mau serviço para com 
-    o GNU/Linux (e *BSD).  A adopção do GNU/Linux pelo utilizador (caseiro) 
-    médio é possível graças a aplicações que constituem pedras basilares.
-    Gestão de Finanças Pessoais é uma dessas pedras basilares. Temos de ter um 
-    gestor de finanças pessoais simples, de fácil instalação e utilização.
-    <p>
-<dt><b>Investidor Sofisticado</b>
-<dd>O GnuCash descarrega da internet cotações de acções e câmbios de moedas. 
-    A actual versão beta tem algumas capacidades gráficas avançadas. Quão 
-    sofisticados deveremos ser?  A nova estrutura de relatórios do GnuCash 
-    deverá tornar fácil, ou pelo menos simples, implementar uma variedade 
-    de gráficos sofisticados, tabelas e relatórios.  Estes podem ir desde 
-    simples análises técnicas tais como médias móveis de 90 dias, volumes 
-    transaccionados e beta, até indicadores avançados tais como o 'Bolton-Tremblay', 
-    'Zweig Thrust' ou 'McClellan Oscillator'.
-    <p>
-    O lado negativo?  A comunidade de 'investidores' é muito menor que a 
-    de utilizadores caseiros.  E a análise de acções não requer necessariamente 
-    funcionalidades contabilísticas.  Assim, tais necessidades poderão ser 
-    melhor servidas por outros sistemas: e existe uma 
-    <a href="http://www.gnucash.org/pt_PT/links.phtml?linkpage=stock">
-    variedade</a> destes por onde escolher.  Deverá o GnuCash rejeitar 
-    modificações orientadas para acções? Não. Deverão os programadores principais 
-    focar-se nos assuntos relacionados com a corretagem?  Provavelmente não.
-    <p>
-<dt><b>O Browser Financeiro/A Melhor Experiência Financeira Para o Utilizador Caseiro</b>
-<dd>À medida que o interface com o utilizador se torna mais bonito, e os druidas 
-    cada vez um melhor auxílio na orientação de um utilizador novato, uma direcção 
-    natural para o GnuCash seria a de se tornar na melhor experiência financeira para 
-    o utilizador caseiro. Isto é, construir o 'Browser Financeiro para a Web', o 
-    'Nautilus das Transacções Financeiras'.   Para começar, isto significa utilizar 
-    OFX e suportar o pagamento de facturas e a banca on-line. Num futuro distante, 
-    significará a integração com as compras on-line, por forma a que as suas compras 
-    surjam no GnuCash sem que você tenha de introduzir manualmente as transacções. 
-    <p>
-    Alguma desta ntegração é simples: por ex. utilizar uma agenda (por exemplo, 
-    o calendário no Ximian's Evolution) para mostrar dívidas que vão vencer e 
-    itens orçamentados.  Ou até mesmo utilizar o calendário para introduzir 
-    contas no GnuCash.  Mais alargadamente, disponibilizar um conjunto de 
-    interfaces contabilísticos para que qualquer outro pacote (por exemplo, um 
-    pacote de análise técnica de acções) possa enviar ou obter dados do GnuCash: 
-    o santo graal da integração no ambiente de trabalho.
-    <p>
-<dt><b>O Browser Financeiro, Parte II: o PDA</b>
-<dd>O GnuCash, o Gnome Desktop, e o KDE desktop têm estado a crescer 
-    nas barbas da 'sabedoria comum': a eminente extinção do PC de 
-    propósito genérico.  De acordo com esta teoria, dispositivos de mão 
-    com funcionalidades especializadas, leves e portáveis, tornarão o PC 
-    irrelevante. Claro, a teoria tem falhas:  um teclado e monitor grandes 
-    permitem coisas que nunhuma aplicação de mão pode disponibilizar.  
-    Ainda assim, temos de olhar por cima do ombro.   Pode o GnuCash ser 
-    emagrecido e caber num daquels dispositivos de mão em Linux, por ex. 
-    o YOPI? De momento, ele depende intimamente de um largo número de pacotes 
-    para muitas funcionalidades, e assim um exercício de emagrecimento é dificil 
-    de imaginar. No entanto, um gestor financeiro é uma pedra basilar do ambiente 
-    de trabalho, sendo-o igualmente para os dispositivos de mão.  Um dia, não 
-    muito distante, 'browsers financeiros' de mão, com conecções sem fios (wireless), 
-    serão tão omni-presentes como a carteira.
-    <p>
-<dt><b>O Browser Financeiro, Parte III: os ASP</b>
-<dd>O Gnucash tem um browser web integrado.  Este browser pode não só 
-    mostrar páginas web normais, como também compreende etiquetas especiais 
-    para gráficos interactivos, e até registos de livros de cheques embebidos 
-    (por exemplo, observe <a href="/surf/guppi-pie-demo.html">
-    esta página</a> com um binário recente do GnuCash).  GnuCash utiliza 
-    estas características para criar e apresentar relatórios.  Não existe 
-    qualquer razão para que estes relatórios sejam locais à máquina: eles 
-    poderiam estar em qualquer 'sitio' web, em qualquer servidor.
-    <p>
-    O GnuCash utiliza o XML como formato de ficheiro, mas este XML poderia 
-    facilmente ser fornecido por um cgi-bin a correr num servidor web.  
-    Existe algum código protótipo de demonstração em <tt>src/experimental/cgi-bin</tt>,
-    ou pode tentar ir a <a href="/surf/demo.gml">este endereço</a>
-    com o GnuCash.  Por outras palavras, o GnuCash pode oferecer um interface 
-    bom, bonito e integrado com a web para um servidor ASP (Servidor Aplicacional) 
-    financeiro. Um interface que bate qualquer outro ASP financeiro existente.
-    <p>
-    Que esta errado nos ASPs tradicionais?  Hmm, deixem-me enumerar.
-    (1) Grande Espera Mundial (World Wide Wait).  Nenhuma aplicação num velho 
-    386 alguma vez demorou 15 segundos a responder quando se primia a tecla 'enter'.  
-    (2) Aqueles 'lindos' formulários web.  Podem ser o suficiente para lhe perguntarem
-    informações sobre a companhia aérea ou para preencher o seu nome e morada, 
-    (sim, CSS torna as páginas web mais bonitas), mas eles ainda não são adversário 
-    para aplicações específicas de ambiente trabalho.  Imagine ser capaz de utilizar 
-    <a href="/images/gnome-1.5/savings-journal.gif">um verdadeiro interface de 
-    registo</a> para rabalhar informação financeira num sitio web. 
-    (3) Desligar-se da net.  Mesmo que o seu ASP nunca tenha quebras de serviço, 
-    e você nunca perca a sua ligação à rede, é ainda concebível que você possa 
-    querer mexer na sua informação financeira no seu portátil num lugar qualquer 
-    onde não haja disponível uma ligação à Internet. Nós pensamos saber como fazer o 
-    GnuCash trabalhar em modo 'desligado', utilizando dados em cache, que podem depois 
-    ser sincronizados com o servidor quando voltar a estar ligado à net. Isto é o que 
-    o motor do GnuCash esta desenhado para fazer.  (Demonstração para breve?)
-    <p>
-<dd>Hoje em dia, não é apropriado falar de contabilidade empresarial 
-    sem mencionar ERP no meio da conversa.   GnuCash não é, e provavelmente 
-    nunca será um sistema ERP, mas poderá tornar-se num componente de um. 
-    A ideia básica por trás do ERP é a de que diferentes empresas têm 
-    diferentes processos de negócio: ninguem faz as coisas exactamente da 
-    mesma forma.  E assim, não existe uma aplicação do tipo 'um tamanho 
-    serve todos'; em vez disso, espera-se uma estrutura com capacidade de 
-    extenção, facilidade de integração, e características dedesenvolvimento 
-    rápido.  A esperança é a de que se possa ligar aquele pacote de 
-    ecommerce novinho em folha àquela aplicação de facturação com mais de 
-    uma década.  O GnuCash não faz isto.  Nem é o GnuCash fácil de modificar, 
-    expandir, ou melhorar.  É necessário algum nível de sofisticação para 
-    adicionar novas funcionalidades ao GnuCash.  Em particular, isto significa 
-    que é dificil integrar o GnuCash nos seus processos de negócio: você não 
-    lhe pode dizer para simplesmente obter informação financeira daqui, e para 
-    a despejar ali.  Se deseja fazer isto, vá analisar o 
-    <a href="http://www.gnue.org/">GnuE em http://www.gnue.org/</a>:
-    ele foi especificamente desenhado para isto.
-    <p>
-    Por outro lado, a infraestrutura do GnuCash está a tornar-se genérica o 
-    suficiente ao ponto de que não seria dificil molda-la numa variedade de 
-    ferramenteas financeiras relacionadas.  E se o GnuCash for mesmo vencer 
-    no mundo contabilístico empresarial, terá de se tornar inteligente para 
-    falar com outros sistemas.
-    <p>
-<dt><b>Napster por Dinheiro</b>
-<dd>Se você pensava que a industria musical odiava o Napster, espera até ver 
-    <a href="http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=01/03/30/1953235&mode=thread">
-    como o fisco e os bancos reagem ao seu equivalente financeiro</a>.  
-    Suponha que existia mesmo uma infraestrutura para colocar eDinheiro, 
-    segura e anonimamente, na sua eCarteira. Ou antes, de o dar ao seu 
-    amigo ou colega de negócios, e eles poderem gasta-lo em bens e serviços 
-    reais. Bem, não confunda a ideia de uma eCarteira com a ideia do 
-    eDinheiro. Existem vários esforços para criar eDinheiro: alguns com 
-    dinheiro a fingir, como o flooz, ou milhas de passageiro frequente, alguns 
-    com dinheiro real, tais como a 
-    <a href="http://www.e-gold.com/e-gold.asp?cid=281678">e-Gold</a>,
-    pay-pal, ou o último esquema de ecommerce da sua empresa de cartão de 
-    crédito.  Todos estes esquemas requerem um servidor centralizado 
-    (tradicionalmente chamado de 'Banco').  Este servidor centralizado 
-    valida a sua identidade, e confirma que você tem o dinheiro que afirma 
-    possuir.  E na realidade move esse dinheiro.  E trabalha em sintonia com 
-    o IRS para se certificar que você não tem receitas tributáveis por 
-    declarar.  E com o Departamento Anti Droga (DEA), para se certificar de 
-    que você não está a fazer branqueamento de dinheiro.  E com... bem, esse 
-    é um assunto de segurança nacional.
-    <p>
-    Por contraste, a minha carteira é um 'banco' no sentido em que armazena 
-    dinheiro; apenas não me cobra um custo de serviço por o fazer.  E quando 
-    o utilizo para uma partilha de dinheiro anónima face a face, tal como 
-    pagar ao miudo do fim da rua para me aparar a relva, não diz ao IRS que 
-    o miudo lhes deve dinheiro, tal como o gnutella não diz aos Metallica 
-    sobre músicas que foram descarregadas.  Assim, onde iamos nós? Ah, sim, 
-    agora tente imaginar uma 'eCarteira'.   
-    <p>
-    Agora, o GnuCash provavelmente nunca irá ser o Gnutella para dinheiro.  
-    Por várias razões.  O que quer que seja que transaccionar on-line, é 
-    apenas dinheiro de brincar, o equivalente electrónico dos vales de 
-    desconto das grandes cadeias de supermercados, até que você tenha um 
-    mediador, um fiador e um criador de mercado que garanta a troca do seu 
-    eDinheiro pelo outro tipo de dinheiro que os bancos aceitam.  E tal como 
-    pode adivinhar, a economia-sombra resultante iria levar à falência o 
-    Banco da reserva Federal mais depressa do que o Alan Greenspan consegue 
-    dizer 'a expansão no Índice de Oferta Monetária M2'.  No entanto, os 
-    punks das cifras fizeram em 1995 a promessa de que um dia, toda a gente 
-    teria realmente uma eCarteira, e é ainda engraçado pensar neste conceito 
-    mesmo que seja algo futurístico.
-    <p>
-<h1>A Última Palavra?</h1>
-O acima escrito é apenas um esboço de possíveis direcções 
-futuras.  Uma lista de itens de trabalho planeados, mais 
-prática, terra-a-terra e detalhada, pode ser consultada na
-página dos <a href="http://www.linas.org/linux/gnucash/projects.html">
-Projectos GnuCash</a>.
-<?php include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/pt_PT/components/footer.phtml"); ?>

Copied: htdocs/branches/published/pt_PT/rss-feed.phtml (from rev 14264, htdocs/trunk/pt_PT/rss-feed.phtml)

Deleted: htdocs/branches/published/pt_PT/screenshots.phtml
--- htdocs/branches/published/pt_PT/screenshots.phtml	2006-05-30 21:45:42 UTC (rev 14264)
+++ htdocs/branches/published/pt_PT/screenshots.phtml	2006-05-30 23:11:40 UTC (rev 14265)
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-<?php $title = "Imagens de Ecrã"; ?>
-<?php if (!ini_get('register_globals')) {
- include("../emulate_globals_on.php");
-<?php include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/pt_PT/components/header.phtml"); ?>
-<?php include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/pt_PT/menu/menu-general-main.phtml"); ?>
-<td valign=top>
-<h1>Imagens de Ecrã</h1>
-<table border=0 cellpadding=1 cellspacing=0 width="100%">
-  <tr>
-  <td valign=middle align=center bgcolor=#666699>
-   <table border=0 cellpadding=5 cellspacing=1 bgcolor=#cacaf7 width="100%">
-   <tr>
-     <td bgcolor=#666699 width=25%><font color=#ffffff><b>Imagem de Ecrã</b></td>
-     <td bgcolor=#666699 width=75%><font color=#ffffff><b>Descrição</b></td>
-     <td bgcolor=#666699 width=75%><font color=#ffffff><b>Amostra</b></td>
-   </tr>
-	$d = dir($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/images/gnome-1.4/");
-	while($entry=$d->read()) {
-	  if(ereg("-thumb", $entry)) { continue; }
-	  if(!ereg("png$", $entry)) { continue; }
-		$file_clean = explode(".", $entry);
-		$entry = $file_clean[0]."-thumb";
-	  $description = implode("", file($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/images/gnome-1.4/".$entry.".png.description")); 
-		$name = implode("", file($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/images/gnome-1.4/".$entry.".png.name"));
-   <tr bgcolor=#ececff>
-     <td valign=top>
-       <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
-       <tr>
-         <td valign=top><a href="/images/gnome-1.4/<?php echo $file_clean[0].".png"; ?>"><img src=/images/icons/search_icon.gif width=16 height=16 border=0></a>&nbsp;</td>
-         <td valign=top><a href="/images/gnome-1.4/<?php echo $file_clean[0].".png"; ?>"><?php echo $name; ?></a></td>
-       </tr>
-       </table>
-     </td>
-     <td valign=top><?php echo $description; ?></td>
-     <td valign=top><a href="/images/gnome-1.4/<?php echo $file_clean[0].".png"; ?>"><img border=0 src="/images/gnome-1.4/<?php echo $file_clean[0]."-thumb.png"; ?>"></a></td>
-   </tr>
-  }
-  $d->close();
-   </table>
-<?php include($GLOBALS['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/pt_PT/components/footer.phtml"); ?>

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Copied: htdocs/branches/published/rss-feed.phtml (from rev 14264, htdocs/trunk/rss-feed.phtml)

Copied: htdocs/branches/published/search (from rev 14264, htdocs/trunk/search)

Copied: htdocs/branches/published/sizing.phtml (from rev 14264, htdocs/trunk/sizing.phtml)

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