r17283 - gnucash/branches/2.2/src/report/report-system - [r17266] Bug #460721, bug #521403, bug #538800: Add a reporting price source option of "Average Cost".

Christian Stimming cstim at cvs.gnucash.org
Mon Jul 7 16:57:36 EDT 2008

Author: cstim
Date: 2008-07-07 16:57:36 -0400 (Mon, 07 Jul 2008)
New Revision: 17283
Trac: http://svn.gnucash.org/trac/changeset/17283

[r17266] Bug #460721, bug #521403, bug #538800: Add a reporting price source option of "Average Cost".

Originally by cedayiv.

Modified: gnucash/branches/2.2/src/report/report-system/commodity-utilities.scm
--- gnucash/branches/2.2/src/report/report-system/commodity-utilities.scm	2008-07-07 20:57:26 UTC (rev 17282)
+++ gnucash/branches/2.2/src/report/report-system/commodity-utilities.scm	2008-07-07 20:57:36 UTC (rev 17283)
@@ -614,6 +614,89 @@
     (gnc:resolve-unknown-comm sumlist report-commodity)))
+;; Calculate the volume-weighted average cost of all commodities,
+;; priced in the 'report-commodity'. Uses all transactions up until
+;; the 'end-date'. Returns an alist, see sumlist.
+(define (gnc:get-exchange-cost-totals report-commodity end-date)
+  (let ((curr-accounts 
+	 ;;(filter gnc:account-has-shares? ))
+	 ;; -- use all accounts, not only share accounts, since gnucash-1.7
+	 (gnc-account-get-descendants-sorted (gnc-get-current-root-account)))
+	;; sumlist: a multilevel alist. Each element has a commodity
+	;; as key, and another alist as a value. The value-alist's
+	;; elements consist of a commodity as a key, and a pair of two
+	;; value-collectors as value, e.g. with only one (the report-)
+	;; commodity DEM in the outer alist: ( {DEM ( [USD (400 .
+	;; 1000)] [FRF (300 . 100)] ) } ) where DEM,USD,FRF are
+	;; <gnc:commodity> and the numbers are a numeric-collector
+	;; which in turn store a <gnc:numeric>. In the example, USD
+	;; 400 were bought for an amount of DEM 1000, FRF 300 were
+	;; bought for DEM 100. The reason for the outer alist is that
+	;; there might be commodity transactions which do not involve
+	;; the report-commodity, but which can still be calculated
+	;; after *all* transactions are processed.
+	(sumlist (list (list report-commodity '()))))
+    (if (not (null? curr-accounts))
+	;; Go through all splits and add up all value-amounts
+	;; and share-amounts
+	(for-each 
+	 (lambda (a)
+	   (let* ((transaction-comm (xaccTransGetCurrency
+				     (xaccSplitGetParent a)))
+		  (account-comm (xaccAccountGetCommodity
+				 (xaccSplitGetAccount a)))
+		  (share-amount (xaccSplitGetAmount a))
+		  (value-amount (xaccSplitGetValue a))
+		  (tmp (assoc transaction-comm sumlist))
+		  (comm-list (if (not tmp) 
+				 (assoc account-comm sumlist)
+				 tmp)))
+	     ;; entry exists already in comm-list?
+	     (if (not comm-list)
+		 ;; no, create sub-alist from scratch
+		 (let ((pair (list transaction-comm
+				   (cons (gnc:make-numeric-collector)
+					 (gnc:make-numeric-collector)))))
+		   ((caadr pair) 'add value-amount)
+		   ((cdadr pair) 'add share-amount)
+		   (set! comm-list (list account-comm (list pair)))
+		   ;; and add the new sub-alist to sumlist.
+		   (set! sumlist (cons comm-list sumlist)))
+		 ;; yes, check for second commodity.
+		 (let* 
+		     ;; Put the amounts in the right place.
+		     ((foreignlist 
+		       (if (gnc-commodity-equiv transaction-comm
+						 (car comm-list))
+			   (list account-comm 
+				 share-amount value-amount)
+			   (list transaction-comm 
+				 value-amount share-amount)))
+		      ;; second commodity already existing in comm-list?
+		      (pair (assoc (car foreignlist) (cadr comm-list))))
+		   ;; if not, create a new entry in comm-list.
+		   (if (not pair)
+		       (begin
+			 (set! 
+			  pair (list (car foreignlist)
+				     (cons (gnc:make-numeric-collector) 
+					   (gnc:make-numeric-collector))))
+			 (set! 
+			  comm-list (list (car comm-list) 
+					  (cons pair (cadr comm-list))))
+			 (set! 
+			  sumlist (cons comm-list 
+					(alist-delete 
+					 (car comm-list) sumlist)))))
+		   ;; And add the balances to the comm-list entry.
+		   ((caadr pair) 'add (cadr foreignlist))
+		   ((cdadr pair) 'add (caddr foreignlist))))))
+	 (gnc:get-all-commodity-splits curr-accounts end-date)))
+    (gnc:resolve-unknown-comm sumlist report-commodity)))
 ;; Anybody feel free to reimplement any of these functions, either in
 ;; scheme or in C. -- cstim
@@ -631,10 +714,24 @@
 			     (logior (GNC-DENOM-SIGFIGS 8) GNC-RND-ROUND)))))
    (gnc:get-exchange-totals report-commodity end-date)))
+(define (gnc:make-exchange-cost-alist report-commodity end-date)
+  ;; This returns the alist with the actual exchange rates, i.e. the
+  ;; total balances from get-exchange-totals are divided by each
+  ;; other.
+  (map 
+   (lambda (e)
+     (list (car e) 
+	   (gnc-numeric-abs
+	    (gnc-numeric-div ((cdadr e) 'total #f)
+			     ((caadr e) 'total #f)
+			     GNC-DENOM-AUTO 
+			     (logior (GNC-DENOM-SIGFIGS 8) GNC-RND-ROUND)))))
+   (gnc:get-exchange-cost-totals report-commodity end-date)))
 ;; Actual functions for exchanging amounts.
@@ -826,6 +923,9 @@
 (define (gnc:case-exchange-fn 
 	 source-option report-currency to-date-tp)
   (case source-option
+    ((average-cost) (gnc:make-exchange-function 
+                     (gnc:make-exchange-cost-alist
+                      report-currency to-date-tp)))
     ((weighted-average) (gnc:make-exchange-function 
 			 report-currency to-date-tp)))

Modified: gnucash/branches/2.2/src/report/report-system/options-utilities.scm
--- gnucash/branches/2.2/src/report/report-system/options-utilities.scm	2008-07-07 20:57:26 UTC (rev 17282)
+++ gnucash/branches/2.2/src/report/report-system/options-utilities.scm	2008-07-07 20:57:36 UTC (rev 17283)
@@ -171,7 +171,10 @@
     pagename optname
     sort-tag (N_ "The source of price information") default
-    (list (vector 'weighted-average 
+    (list (vector 'average-cost
+		  (N_ "Average Cost")
+		  (N_ "The volume-weighted average cost of purchases"))
+          (vector 'weighted-average 
 		  (N_ "Weighted Average")
 		  (N_ "The weighted average of all currency transactions of the past"))
 	  (vector 'pricedb-latest 

Modified: gnucash/branches/2.2/src/report/report-system/report-system.scm
--- gnucash/branches/2.2/src/report/report-system/report-system.scm	2008-07-07 20:57:26 UTC (rev 17282)
+++ gnucash/branches/2.2/src/report/report-system/report-system.scm	2008-07-07 20:57:36 UTC (rev 17283)
@@ -33,7 +33,9 @@
 (export gnc:pricealist-lookup-nearest-in-time)
 (export gnc:resolve-unknown-comm)
 (export gnc:get-exchange-totals)
+(export gnc:get-exchange-cost-totals)
 (export gnc:make-exchange-alist)
+(export gnc:make-exchange-cost-alist)
 (export gnc:exchange-by-euro)
 (export gnc:exchange-if-same)
 (export gnc:make-exchange-function)

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