r19430 - gnucash/trunk/src/report/report-system - Bug #624721: Show backtrace for errors in eguile templates

Christian Stimming cstim at code.gnucash.org
Sat Aug 14 16:48:05 EDT 2010

Author: cstim
Date: 2010-08-14 16:48:05 -0400 (Sat, 14 Aug 2010)
New Revision: 19430
Trac: http://svn.gnucash.org/trac/changeset/19430

Bug #624721: Show backtrace for errors in eguile templates

Patch by Matthijs Kooijman:

The current eguile template implementation catches errors that occur while
evaluating an eguile template. However, only the error is shown, not a
backtrace (so no location of the error either).

The attached patch modifies the error handling to also capture the stack
backtrace, using a lazy exception handler (e.g., capture the stack before
unwinding the stack to the real exception handler).

To extract only the relevant part of the stack (e.g., the part inside the
eguile template, not the tens of stack frames leading up to the report
rendering), a stack dump is made just before evaluating the eguile template (so
a sort of "diff" can be made).

For more details, see the extensive comments in the patch itself.

Modified: gnucash/trunk/src/report/report-system/eguile-gnc.scm
--- gnucash/trunk/src/report/report-system/eguile-gnc.scm	2010-08-14 20:47:53 UTC (rev 19429)
+++ gnucash/trunk/src/report/report-system/eguile-gnc.scm	2010-08-14 20:48:05 UTC (rev 19430)
@@ -178,24 +178,65 @@
 ;;   env  - environment in which to do the evaluation; 
 ;;          if #f, (the-environment) will be used
 (define (script->output env)
+  ; Placeholder for the normal stack and error stack in case of an error
+  (define good-stack #f)
+  (define error-stack #f)
+  ; Actual evaluation function. This is where the work happens.
   (define (eval-input)
     (let ((s-expression (read)))
       (while (not (eof-object? s-expression))
+	     ; Capture the current stack, so we can detect from where we
+	     ; need to display the stack trace
+	     (set! good-stack (make-stack #t))
              (local-eval s-expression (or env (the-environment))) 
              (set! s-expression (read)))))
+  ; Error handler to display any errors while evaluating the template
   (define (error-handler key subr message args . rest)
     (display "<p>")
     (display (_ "An error occurred when processing the template:"))
-    (display "<br>")
+    (display "<br><pre>")
           (lambda ()
             (display-error #f (current-output-port) subr message args rest)))))
-    (display "<br>"))
+	    ; Find out how many frames are interesting. From the
+	    ; good-stack, all but the bottom two frames are in
+	    ; error-stack as well, so we can remove the top #good - 2
+	    ; right away. Below that, there is still one frame in error
+	    ; stack, the call to local-eval, which we'll remove as well.
+	    ; So (#good - 2) + 1 == #good - 1 to remove from the top.
+	    ; We remove the bottom three frames as well: the pre-unwind
+	    ; handler, make-trace and one frame inside make-trace.
+	    (let* ((remove-top (- (stack-length good-stack) 1))
+		   (remove-bottom 3)
+		   (error-length (stack-length error-stack)))
+	      ; Show the backtrace. Remove one extra from the "first"
+	      ; argument, since that is an index, not a count.
+	      (display-backtrace error-stack (current-output-port) (- (- error-length remove-top) 1) (- (- error-length remove-top) remove-bottom)))
+    (display "</pre><br>"))
-  (catch #t eval-input error-handler))
+  ; This handler will be called by lazy-catch before unwinding the
+  ; stack, so we can capture it. The above handler will then be called
+  ; to handle the exception we rethrow. This technique was based on the
+  ; example in the guile manual, but adapted to use lazy-catch to make
+  ; it work on guile 1.6 as well. See:
+  ; http://www.gnu.org/software/guile/manual/html_node/Debug-on-Error.html
+  (define (pre-unwind-handler key . rest)
+    ; Save the current stack. Note that this will include a couple of
+    ; extra entries (this error handler, the call to make-stack and
+    ; another one to gsubr-apply) which we'll cutt off at the display
+    ; above.
+    (set! error-stack (make-stack #t))
+    ; And throw the error again
+    (apply throw key rest))
+  ; Use two nested catches. The inner one is lazy and does not unwind,
+  ; so it can catch th stack. The outer one does the real error
+  ; handling.
+  (catch #t (lambda () (lazy-catch #t eval-input pre-unwind-handler)) error-handler))
 ; end of (script->output)

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