gnucash unstable: Multiple changes pushed

Frank H.Ellenberger fell at
Sat Mar 10 05:07:14 EST 2018

Updated	 via (commit)
	 via (commit)
	 via (commit)
	from (commit)

commit fdfa6f528c70d317a20b7ba34f79111c67cd8ea0
Merge: 867fdce d61cd79
Author: fell <frank.h.ellenberger at>
Date:   Sat Mar 10 11:06:59 2018 +0100

    Merge branch 'maint' into unstable

diff --cc doc/README-ca.win32-bin.txt
index e5e1fe3,e5e1fe3..93e5f86
--- a/doc/README-ca.win32-bin.txt
+++ b/doc/README-ca.win32-bin.txt
@@@ -1,52 -1,52 +1,52 @@@
--GnuCash és un programa de comptabilitat lliure, de codi obert publicat sota la
--Llicència Pública General GNU (GPL) i disponible per a GNU / Linux, *BSD,
--Solaris, Mac OSX i Microsoft Windows.
--Dissenyat per ser fàcil d'usar, però potent i flexible, GnuCash permet
--realitzar un seguiment dels comptes bancaris, les existències, els ingressos i les despeses. Tan ràpid i
--intuïtiu d'utilitzar com una llista de verificació, es basa en 
--principis comptables professionals per assegurar balanços de comptes i informes precisos.
--Opcions d'assistència disponibles:
--Preguntes freqüents en línia:
--Llistes de correu:
--IRC (Xat): canal #gnucash al servidor, vegeu també
--Si trobeu errors o problemes, no dubteu a informar-los
--a la nostra eina de seguiment d'errors "Bugzilla":
--Característiques principals: 
--    * Comptabilitat de doble entrada
--    * Comptes d'accions / bons / fons d'inversió
--    * Importació de fitxers QIF / OFX
--    * OFX / HBCI Banca en línia
--    * Informes, gràfics
--    * Comptabilitat de petites empreses
--    * Clients, venedors, treballs, factures, comptes de deutes i cobraments
--    * Transaccions programades
--    * Càlculs financers
--Podeu trobar més informació i un tutorial sobre com començar
--al menú "Ajuda" quan feu clic a "Guia de conceptes i tutorials".
--Sobre el programa:
--GnuCash és un programa de comptabilitat lliure, de codi obert publicat sota la
--Llicència pública general GNU (GPL). Està desenvolupat de manera col·laborativa per
--12 persones de més de 6 països.
--La programació de GnuCash va començar el 1997, i la seva primera versió
--va ser l'any 1998. 
++GnuCash és un programa de comptabilitat lliure, de codi obert publicat sota la
++Llicència Pública General GNU (GPL) i disponible per a GNU / Linux, *BSD,
++Solaris, Mac OSX i Microsoft Windows.
++Dissenyat per ser fàcil d'usar, però potent i flexible, GnuCash permet
++realitzar un seguiment dels comptes bancaris, les existències, els ingressos i les despeses. Tan ràpid i
++intuïtiu d'utilitzar com una llista de verificació, es basa en 
++principis comptables professionals per assegurar balanços de comptes i informes precisos.
++Opcions d'assistència disponibles:
++Preguntes freqüents en línia:
++Llistes de correu:
++IRC (Xat): canal #gnucash al servidor, vegeu també
++Si trobeu errors o problemes, no dubteu a informar-los
++a la nostra eina de seguiment d'errors "Bugzilla":
++Característiques principals: 
++    * Comptabilitat de doble entrada
++    * Comptes d'accions / bons / fons d'inversió
++    * Importació de fitxers QIF / OFX
++    * OFX / HBCI Banca en línia
++    * Informes, gràfics
++    * Comptabilitat de petites empreses
++    * Clients, venedors, treballs, factures, comptes de deutes i cobraments
++    * Transaccions programades
++    * Càlculs financers
++Podeu trobar més informació i un tutorial sobre com començar
++al menú "Ajuda" quan feu clic a "Guia de conceptes i tutorials".
++Sobre el programa:
++GnuCash és un programa de comptabilitat lliure, de codi obert publicat sota la
++Llicència pública general GNU (GPL). Està desenvolupat de manera col·laborativa per
++12 persones de més de 6 països.
++La programació de GnuCash va començar el 1997, i la seva primera versió
++va ser l'any 1998. 
  Aquesta és la traducció al català del fitxer README GnuCash 2.2.x per als paquets binaris de Windows.
diff --cc doc/README-de.win32-bin.txt
index 6bde138,6bde138..87a125e
--- a/doc/README-de.win32-bin.txt
+++ b/doc/README-de.win32-bin.txt
@@@ -1,56 -1,56 +1,56 @@@
--GnuCash ist eine freie OpenSource-Finanzverwaltung, kostenlos
--erhältlich unter der GNU GPL Lizenz für GNU/Linux, Unix, BSD,
--Solaris, Mac OSX und Microsoft Windows.
--Das Programm ist eine Komplettlösung zur Verwaltung der Finanzen von
--Privatanwendern und Kleinbetrieben. Das aus dem Rechnungswesen
--bekannte Prinzip der doppelten Buchführung wird in GnuCash konsequent
--umgesetzt, so dass GnuCash höchste Ansprüche an die Kontenführung
--erfüllen kann. Auch Onlinebanking über HBCI wird unterstützt.
--Verfügbarer Support
--Englische FAQ-Seite:
--Deutsche Mailingliste:
--IRC (Online-Chat):   Channel #gnucash auf Server, auch
--beschrieben auf
--Sollten Probleme auftreten, bitten die Entwickler darum, diese als
--englischsprachigen Fehlerbericht in »Bugzilla« einzutragen:
--    * Doppelte Buchführung
--    * Aktienkonten, Währungskonten
--    * HBCI Online-Banking
--    * QIF/OFX/MT940 Importieren
--    * Berichte, Diagramme
--    * Buchführung für Kleinbetriebe
--    * Verwaltung von Kunden, Lieferanten, Aufträgen, Rechnungen
--    * Terminierte Buchungen
--    * Finanzrechner
--Weitere Informationen und eine (bisher nur englischsprachige)
--Einführung sind im Menü »Hilfe« zu finden unter dem Menüpunkt »GnuCash
--Kurs und Konzepte«.
--Ãœber GnuCash:
--GnuCash ist eine freie OpenSource-Finanzverwaltung, kostenlos
--erhältlich unter der GNU GPL Lizenz. Das Programm wird von 12
--Programmierern aus mehr als 6 Ländern gemeinsam weiterentwickelt.
--Die Anfänge von GnuCash reichen ins Jahr 1997 zurück. Die erste
--Veröffentlichung war im Jahr 1998.
--This is the German GnuCash 2.2.x README file for Windows binary
++GnuCash ist eine freie OpenSource-Finanzverwaltung, kostenlos
++erhältlich unter der GNU GPL Lizenz für GNU/Linux, Unix, BSD,
++Solaris, Mac OSX und Microsoft Windows.
++Das Programm ist eine Komplettlösung zur Verwaltung der Finanzen von
++Privatanwendern und Kleinbetrieben. Das aus dem Rechnungswesen
++bekannte Prinzip der doppelten Buchführung wird in GnuCash konsequent
++umgesetzt, so dass GnuCash höchste Ansprüche an die Kontenführung
++erfüllen kann. Auch Onlinebanking über HBCI wird unterstützt.
++Verfügbarer Support
++Englische FAQ-Seite:
++Deutsche Mailingliste:
++IRC (Online-Chat):   Channel #gnucash auf Server, auch
++beschrieben auf
++Sollten Probleme auftreten, bitten die Entwickler darum, diese als
++englischsprachigen Fehlerbericht in »Bugzilla« einzutragen:
++    * Doppelte Buchführung
++    * Aktienkonten, Währungskonten
++    * HBCI Online-Banking
++    * QIF/OFX/MT940 Importieren
++    * Berichte, Diagramme
++    * Buchführung für Kleinbetriebe
++    * Verwaltung von Kunden, Lieferanten, Aufträgen, Rechnungen
++    * Terminierte Buchungen
++    * Finanzrechner
++Weitere Informationen und eine (bisher nur englischsprachige)
++Einführung sind im Menü »Hilfe« zu finden unter dem Menüpunkt »GnuCash
++Kurs und Konzepte«.
++Ãœber GnuCash:
++GnuCash ist eine freie OpenSource-Finanzverwaltung, kostenlos
++erhältlich unter der GNU GPL Lizenz. Das Programm wird von 12
++Programmierern aus mehr als 6 Ländern gemeinsam weiterentwickelt.
++Die Anfänge von GnuCash reichen ins Jahr 1997 zurück. Die erste
++Veröffentlichung war im Jahr 1998.
++This is the German GnuCash 2.2.x README file for Windows binary
diff --cc doc/README-fr.win32-bin.txt
index 29e3b6f,29e3b6f..d34dae7
--- a/doc/README-fr.win32-bin.txt
+++ b/doc/README-fr.win32-bin.txt
@@@ -1,58 -1,58 +1,58 @@@
--GnuCash est un logiciel de comptabilité gratuit et de source
--libre, émis sous licence GNU Public Licence (GPL) et disponible
--sous GNU/Linux, *BSD, Solaris, Mac OSX et Microsoft Windows.
--Conçu pour une utilisation aisée, tout en étant puissant et flexible,
--GnuCash permet le suivi des comptes bancaires, des titres, des
--revenus et des dépenses. D'utilisation aussi rapide et intuitive
--qu'un registre de chèques, il est basé sur des principes comptables
--professionnels afin d'assurer des comptes en balance et des rapports
--Sources disponibles d'assistance :
--FAQ en ligne:
--Listes de diffusions:
--IRC (Chat):		Canal #gnucash sur le serveur,
--Aussi à consulter:
--N'hésitez pas à rapporter toute erreur ou tout problème rencontré
--sur notre outil de suivi des bogues "Bugzilla":
--Survol des fonctionnalités::
--    * Comptabilité à partie double
--    * Comptes de titres en Actions/Obligations/Fonds d'investissement
--    * Importation de fichiers QIF/OFX
--    * Transactions bancaires en ligne OFX/HBCI
--    * Rapports et graphiques
--    * Comptabilité des petites entreprises
--    * Listes des clients, fournisseurs et prestations
--    * Facturation, Comptes clients et comptes fournisseurs
--    * Transactions récurrentes
--    * Calculs financiers
--Vous trouverez des informations additionnelles et un tutoriel sur la
--mise en route (en anglais, pour l'instant) en cliquant sur "Tutoriel
--et guide des concepts" dans le menu d'aide.
--À propos du logiciel:
--GnuCash est un logiciel de comptabilité gratuit et de source
--libre, émis sous licence GNU Public Licence (GPL). Il est développé
--en collaboration par 12 personnes provenant d'au moins 6 pays.
--La programmation de GnuCash a commencé en 1997, sa première version
--a été lancée en 1998.
--Ceci est le fichier README de GnuCash 2.2.x pour les paquetages en
--binaire pour Windows.
++GnuCash est un logiciel de comptabilité gratuit et de source
++libre, émis sous licence GNU Public Licence (GPL) et disponible
++sous GNU/Linux, *BSD, Solaris, Mac OSX et Microsoft Windows.
++Conçu pour une utilisation aisée, tout en étant puissant et flexible,
++GnuCash permet le suivi des comptes bancaires, des titres, des
++revenus et des dépenses. D'utilisation aussi rapide et intuitive
++qu'un registre de chèques, il est basé sur des principes comptables
++professionnels afin d'assurer des comptes en balance et des rapports
++Sources disponibles d'assistance :
++FAQ en ligne:
++Listes de diffusions:
++IRC (Chat):		Canal #gnucash sur le serveur,
++Aussi à consulter:
++N'hésitez pas à rapporter toute erreur ou tout problème rencontré
++sur notre outil de suivi des bogues "Bugzilla":
++Survol des fonctionnalités::
++    * Comptabilité à partie double
++    * Comptes de titres en Actions/Obligations/Fonds d'investissement
++    * Importation de fichiers QIF/OFX
++    * Transactions bancaires en ligne OFX/HBCI
++    * Rapports et graphiques
++    * Comptabilité des petites entreprises
++    * Listes des clients, fournisseurs et prestations
++    * Facturation, Comptes clients et comptes fournisseurs
++    * Transactions récurrentes
++    * Calculs financiers
++Vous trouverez des informations additionnelles et un tutoriel sur la
++mise en route (en anglais, pour l'instant) en cliquant sur "Tutoriel
++et guide des concepts" dans le menu d'aide.
++À propos du logiciel:
++GnuCash est un logiciel de comptabilité gratuit et de source
++libre, émis sous licence GNU Public Licence (GPL). Il est développé
++en collaboration par 12 personnes provenant d'au moins 6 pays.
++La programmation de GnuCash a commencé en 1997, sa première version
++a été lancée en 1998.
++Ceci est le fichier README de GnuCash 2.2.x pour les paquetages en
++binaire pour Windows.
diff --cc doc/README-it.win32-bin.txt
index 96a420c,96a420c..ae5fe55
--- a/doc/README-it.win32-bin.txt
+++ b/doc/README-it.win32-bin.txt
@@@ -1,51 -1,51 +1,51 @@@
--GnuCash è un programma di contabilità libero e a codice aperto rilasciato con
--licenza GNU Public Licence (GPL) e disponibile per i sistemi GNU/Linux, *BSD,
--Solaris, Mac OSX e Microsoft Windows.
--Progettato per essere di facile utilizzo, ma allo stesso tempo potente e flessibile, 
--GnuCash permette di tenere traccia dei propri conti bancari, delle azioni, dei costi e dei ricavi. 
--Veloce e intuitivo come il registro degli assegni, GnuCash si basa su concetti fondamentali della
--contabilità assicurando il bilancio dei conti e l'accurattezza dei resoconti.
--Disponibilità di supporto
--FAQ online (in inglese):
--Mailing List:
--IRC (Chat):    canale #gnucash sul server; vedere anche
--Se si riscontrassero dei problemi o dei bug utilizzando il programma, è possibile comunicarli nel sistema
--di tracciamento dei bug di GnuCash denominato "Bugzilla":
--Caratteristiche principali: 
--    * Contabilità a partita doppia
--    * Conti per azioni, obbligazioni(bond) e fondi comuni
--    * Importazione di file QIF/OFX
--    * OFX/HBCI Online Banking
--    * Resoconti e grafici
--    * Contabilità  di piccole imprese
--    * Clienti, venditori, lavori, fatture, conti per debiti e crediti correnti
--    * Transazioni pianificate
--    * Calcolatrice finanziaria
--Maggiori informazioni e una guida su come iniziare a utilizzare il programma, sono
--raggiungibili tramite il menu "Aiuto" selezionando la voce "Guida ai concetti e manuale".
--Informazioni sul programma:
--GnuCash è un programma di contabilità libero e a codice aperto rilasciato con
--licenza GNU Public Licence (GPL). E' sviluppato con la collaborazione di
--12 programmatori provenienti da oltre 6 paesi.
--La programmazione di GnuCash è iniziata nel 1997 e il primo rilascio risale al 1998. 
--Questo è il file LEGGIMI di GnuCash 2.2.x dei pacchetti binari per Windows.
++GnuCash è un programma di contabilità libero e a codice aperto rilasciato con
++licenza GNU Public Licence (GPL) e disponibile per i sistemi GNU/Linux, *BSD,
++Solaris, Mac OSX e Microsoft Windows.
++Progettato per essere di facile utilizzo, ma allo stesso tempo potente e flessibile, 
++GnuCash permette di tenere traccia dei propri conti bancari, delle azioni, dei costi e dei ricavi. 
++Veloce e intuitivo come il registro degli assegni, GnuCash si basa su concetti fondamentali della
++contabilità assicurando il bilancio dei conti e l'accurattezza dei resoconti.
++Disponibilità di supporto
++FAQ online (in inglese):
++Mailing List:
++IRC (Chat):    canale #gnucash sul server; vedere anche
++Se si riscontrassero dei problemi o dei bug utilizzando il programma, è possibile comunicarli nel sistema
++di tracciamento dei bug di GnuCash denominato "Bugzilla":
++Caratteristiche principali: 
++    * Contabilità a partita doppia
++    * Conti per azioni, obbligazioni(bond) e fondi comuni
++    * Importazione di file QIF/OFX
++    * OFX/HBCI Online Banking
++    * Resoconti e grafici
++    * Contabilità  di piccole imprese
++    * Clienti, venditori, lavori, fatture, conti per debiti e crediti correnti
++    * Transazioni pianificate
++    * Calcolatrice finanziaria
++Maggiori informazioni e una guida su come iniziare a utilizzare il programma, sono
++raggiungibili tramite il menu "Aiuto" selezionando la voce "Guida ai concetti e manuale".
++Informazioni sul programma:
++GnuCash è un programma di contabilità libero e a codice aperto rilasciato con
++licenza GNU Public Licence (GPL). E' sviluppato con la collaborazione di
++12 programmatori provenienti da oltre 6 paesi.
++La programmazione di GnuCash è iniziata nel 1997 e il primo rilascio risale al 1998. 
++Questo è il file LEGGIMI di GnuCash 2.2.x dei pacchetti binari per Windows.
diff --cc doc/README-lv.win32-bin.txt
index 85a4578,85a4578..0d8cbc1
--- a/doc/README-lv.win32-bin.txt
+++ b/doc/README-lv.win32-bin.txt
@@@ -1,52 -1,52 +1,52 @@@
--GnuCash ir bezmaksas grāmatvedības programma, ko izplata saskaņā ar
--GNU General Public License (GPL) licenci. To var izmantot uz GNU/Linux,
--*BSD, Solaris, Mac OSX un Microsoft Windows datoriem.
--GnuCash ir veidots tā, lai to būtu vienkārši lietot, tajā pat laikā tas
--ir pietiekami jaudīgs un ļauj uzskaitīt skaidru naudu, banku kontus,
--akcijas, ieņēmumus un izdevumus.
--Tajā var ātri un ērti reģistrēt darījumu, un tā ir balstīta uz 
--profesionālās grāmatvedības principiem, nodrošinot bilanci un
--precīzus pārskatus.
--Tehniskā palīdzība
--Tiešsaistes palīdzība:
--IRC (sazņa): #gnucash on server, skatīt arī
--Ja atklājat kļūdas vai problēmas, nekautrējieties tās reģistrēt "Bugzilla" kļūdu apstrādes 
--Galvenās iespējas: 
--    * Divkāršā ieraksta grāmatvedība
--    * Akciju/Vērtspapīru/Kapitāla daļu konti
--    * QIF/OFX datu imports
--    * OFX/HBCI tiešsaistes banka
--    * Pārskati, grafiki
--    * Mazo uzņēmumu biznesa atbalsts
--    * Klienti, Piegādātāji, Darbi, Saņemtie un izsniegtie rēķini
--    * Ieplānoti grāmatojumi
--    * Finanšu aprēķini
--Vairāk informācijas un sākotnējā apmācība pieejama aktivizējot izvēlni
--"Palīdzība" un "Pamācība un jēdzienu ceļvedis".
--Par Å¡o programmu:
--GnuCash ir bezmaksas grāmatvedības programma, ko izplata saskaņā ar 
--GNU General Public License (GPL) licenci. Tās galvenie izstrādātāji ir
--12 cilvēki, kas sadarbojas ar atbalstītājiem vairāk kā 6 valstīs.
--GnuCash izstrāde sākās 1997. gadā un tās pirmais laidiens bija 1998. gadā.
--Šis ir GnuCash 2.2.x README fails Windows binārajai pakotnei.
++GnuCash ir bezmaksas grāmatvedības programma, ko izplata saskaņā ar
++GNU General Public License (GPL) licenci. To var izmantot uz GNU/Linux,
++*BSD, Solaris, Mac OSX un Microsoft Windows datoriem.
++GnuCash ir veidots tā, lai to būtu vienkārši lietot, tajā pat laikā tas
++ir pietiekami jaudīgs un ļauj uzskaitīt skaidru naudu, banku kontus,
++akcijas, ieņēmumus un izdevumus.
++Tajā var ātri un ērti reģistrēt darījumu, un tā ir balstīta uz 
++profesionālās grāmatvedības principiem, nodrošinot bilanci un
++precīzus pārskatus.
++Tehniskā palīdzība
++Tiešsaistes palīdzība:
++IRC (sazņa): #gnucash on server, skatīt arī
++Ja atklājat kļūdas vai problēmas, nekautrējieties tās reģistrēt "Bugzilla" kļūdu apstrādes 
++Galvenās iespējas: 
++    * Divkāršā ieraksta grāmatvedība
++    * Akciju/Vērtspapīru/Kapitāla daļu konti
++    * QIF/OFX datu imports
++    * OFX/HBCI tiešsaistes banka
++    * Pārskati, grafiki
++    * Mazo uzņēmumu biznesa atbalsts
++    * Klienti, Piegādātāji, Darbi, Saņemtie un izsniegtie rēķini
++    * Ieplānoti grāmatojumi
++    * Finanšu aprēķini
++Vairāk informācijas un sākotnējā apmācība pieejama aktivizējot izvēlni
++"Palīdzība" un "Pamācība un jēdzienu ceļvedis".
++Par Å¡o programmu:
++GnuCash ir bezmaksas grāmatvedības programma, ko izplata saskaņā ar 
++GNU General Public License (GPL) licenci. Tās galvenie izstrādātāji ir
++12 cilvēki, kas sadarbojas ar atbalstītājiem vairāk kā 6 valstīs.
++GnuCash izstrāde sākās 1997. gadā un tās pirmais laidiens bija 1998. gadā.
++Šis ir GnuCash 2.2.x README fails Windows binārajai pakotnei.
diff --cc doc/README-nl.win32-bin.txt
index 6825257,6825257..d54bc23
--- a/doc/README-nl.win32-bin.txt
+++ b/doc/README-nl.win32-bin.txt
@@@ -1,51 -1,51 +1,51 @@@
--GnuCash is een vrij, open source boekhoudprogramma, uitgegeven
--onder de GNU General Public License (GPL) en is beschikbaar voor
--GNU/Linux, *BSD, Solaris, Mac OSX, en Microsoft Windows.
--Het is een eenvoudig te gebruiken, en tegelijkertijd krachtig en flexibel
--programma dat je helpt om je bankrekeningen, aandelen, inkomsten en uitgaven
--te beheren. Zo vlot en intuïtief te gebruiken als een dagboek enerzijds, en
--anderzijds gebaseerd op professionele boekhoudkundige principes om boeken in
--balans en nauwkeurige rapporten te verzekeren.
--Beschikbare bronnen voor ondersteuning
--Online veel gestelde vragen (FAQ):
--Mailing Lijsten:
--IRC (Chat):    Channel #gnucash on server, see also
--Als je programmafouten (bugs) of problemen ervaart, aarzel niet om deze te melden in ons
--bug opvolgsysteem "Bugzilla":
--Interessante functies: 
--    * Dubbel boekhouden
--    * Aandelen-/belegginsrekeningen
--    * QIF/OFX/HBCI import met dubbele transactie herkenning
--    * Rapporten, grafieken
--    * Klein-ondernemingsboekhouding
--    * Klanten, verkopers, opdrachten, Facturen, Lopende rekening
--    * Periodieke Transacties
--    * Financiële berekeningen
--Meer informatie en een handleiding om je op weg te helpen vind je
--in het "Hulp" menu onder het "Tutorial en concepten gids".
--Over het programma:
--GnuCash is a  vrij, open source boekhoudprogramma uitgegeven onder de
--GNU General Public License (GPL). Het wordt door 12 personen uit meer dan
--6 landen gezamelijk ontwikkeld.
--De ontwikkeling van GnuCash begon in 1997, de de eerste uitgave was in 1998. 
--Dit is het Nederlandstalige GnuCash 2.2.x LEESMIJ bestand voor het Windows installatie programma.
++GnuCash is een vrij, open source boekhoudprogramma, uitgegeven
++onder de GNU General Public License (GPL) en is beschikbaar voor
++GNU/Linux, *BSD, Solaris, Mac OSX, en Microsoft Windows.
++Het is een eenvoudig te gebruiken, en tegelijkertijd krachtig en flexibel
++programma dat je helpt om je bankrekeningen, aandelen, inkomsten en uitgaven
++te beheren. Zo vlot en intuïtief te gebruiken als een dagboek enerzijds, en
++anderzijds gebaseerd op professionele boekhoudkundige principes om boeken in
++balans en nauwkeurige rapporten te verzekeren.
++Beschikbare bronnen voor ondersteuning
++Online veel gestelde vragen (FAQ):
++Mailing Lijsten:
++IRC (Chat):    Channel #gnucash on server, see also
++Als je programmafouten (bugs) of problemen ervaart, aarzel niet om deze te melden in ons
++bug opvolgsysteem "Bugzilla":
++Interessante functies: 
++    * Dubbel boekhouden
++    * Aandelen-/belegginsrekeningen
++    * QIF/OFX/HBCI import met dubbele transactie herkenning
++    * Rapporten, grafieken
++    * Klein-ondernemingsboekhouding
++    * Klanten, verkopers, opdrachten, Facturen, Lopende rekening
++    * Periodieke Transacties
++    * Financiële berekeningen
++Meer informatie en een handleiding om je op weg te helpen vind je
++in het "Hulp" menu onder het "Tutorial en concepten gids".
++Over het programma:
++GnuCash is a  vrij, open source boekhoudprogramma uitgegeven onder de
++GNU General Public License (GPL). Het wordt door 12 personen uit meer dan
++6 landen gezamelijk ontwikkeld.
++De ontwikkeling van GnuCash begon in 1997, de de eerste uitgave was in 1998. 
++Dit is het Nederlandstalige GnuCash 2.2.x LEESMIJ bestand voor het Windows installatie programma.
diff --cc doc/README-zh_CN.win32-bin.txt
index 01f9ea7,01f9ea7..c9f8915
--- a/doc/README-zh_CN.win32-bin.txt
+++ b/doc/README-zh_CN.win32-bin.txt
@@@ -1,41 -1,41 +1,41 @@@
--GnuCash 是一个免费的、开放源代码的理财软件,它使用 GNU 通用公共许可证(GPL),可运行于 GNU/Linux、*BSD、Solaris、Mac OSX以及微软 Windows。
--致力于易于使用,但功能强大而且灵活。GnuCash 允许您跟踪银行账户、股票、收入和支出。就像账簿一样快捷而且直观,它是基于专业的会计理念来确保平衡的账簿和准确的报告。
--IRC (聊天): 服务器的 #gnucash 频道,另见
--如果您遇到了任何 bug 或者问题,请不要犹豫,将它们报告到我们的 bug 跟踪工具“Bugzilla”:
--    * 复式记账会计
--    * 股票/债券/基金科目
--    * QIF/OFX 导入
--    * OFX/HBCI 网上银行
--    * 报告、图表
--    * 小型企业财会
--    * 客户、厂商、任务、发票、应付账款及应收账款
--    * 计划的交易
--    * 金融计算工具
--GnuCash 是一个免费的、开放源代码的理财软件,它使用 GNU 通用公共许可证(GPL)。它是由横跨6个国家共12个开发人员共同合作开发而成。
--这是 GnuCash 2.2.x 用于 Windows 二进制发布包的自述文件。
++GnuCash 是一个免费的、开放源代码的理财软件,它使用 GNU 通用公共许可证(GPL),可运行于 GNU/Linux、*BSD、Solaris、Mac OSX以及微软 Windows。
++致力于易于使用,但功能强大而且灵活。GnuCash 允许您跟踪银行账户、股票、收入和支出。就像账簿一样快捷而且直观,它是基于专业的会计理念来确保平衡的账簿和准确的报告。
++IRC (聊天): 服务器的 #gnucash 频道,另见
++如果您遇到了任何 bug 或者问题,请不要犹豫,将它们报告到我们的 bug 跟踪工具“Bugzilla”:
++    * 复式记账会计
++    * 股票/债券/基金科目
++    * QIF/OFX 导入
++    * OFX/HBCI 网上银行
++    * 报告、图表
++    * 小型企业财会
++    * 客户、厂商、任务、发票、应付账款及应收账款
++    * 计划的交易
++    * 金融计算工具
++GnuCash 是一个免费的、开放源代码的理财软件,它使用 GNU 通用公共许可证(GPL)。它是由横跨6个国家共12个开发人员共同合作开发而成。
++这是 GnuCash 2.2.x 用于 Windows 二进制发布包的自述文件。
diff --cc doc/README-zh_TW.win32-bin.txt
index d0f0397,d0f0397..19f62d4
--- a/doc/README-zh_TW.win32-bin.txt
+++ b/doc/README-zh_TW.win32-bin.txt
@@@ -1,42 -1,42 +1,42 @@@
--GnuCash 是一個自由、開放原始碼的帳務軟體,它使用 GNU 通用公共許可證(GPL),支援 GNU/Linux, *BSD, Solaris, Mac OSX 及微軟 Windows。
--GnuCash 不僅設計成易於使用,而且功能強大又有彈性。它可以追蹤銀行帳戶、股票、收入與支出,就像用帳簿一樣快捷、直覺。基於專業的會計原則確保帳目平衡並提供準確的報表。
--IRC (聊天): 伺服器的 #gnucash 頻道,見
--如果您遇到了任何 bug 或問題,請不要遲疑,將問題報告到我們的 bug 追蹤系統 "Bugzilla": (請用英文)
--    * 複式簿記
--    * 股票/債券/基金帳號
--    * 匯入 QIF/OFX
--    * OFX/HBCI 網路銀行
--    * 各式報告、圖表
--    * 小企業財務管理
--    * 客戶、廠商、工作、收據、應付帳款、應收帳款
--    * 交易排程
--    * 金融計算工具
--更多資訊及入門教學可以在功能表 "說明" 裡的 "教學與觀念指南" 找到。
--GnuCash 是一個自由、開放原始碼的帳務軟體,它使用 GNU 通用公共許可證(GPL)發布。它是由橫跨 6 國共 12 個開發人員共同合作開發而成。
--GnuCash 的程式撰寫始於 1997 年,第一版發布於 1998 年。
--這是 GnuCash 2.2.x 在 Windows 二進位套件的 README 檔案。
++GnuCash 是一個自由、開放原始碼的帳務軟體,它使用 GNU 通用公共許可證(GPL),支援 GNU/Linux, *BSD, Solaris, Mac OSX 及微軟 Windows。
++GnuCash 不僅設計成易於使用,而且功能強大又有彈性。它可以追蹤銀行帳戶、股票、收入與支出,就像用帳簿一樣快捷、直覺。基於專業的會計原則確保帳目平衡並提供準確的報表。
++IRC (聊天): 伺服器的 #gnucash 頻道,見
++如果您遇到了任何 bug 或問題,請不要遲疑,將問題報告到我們的 bug 追蹤系統 "Bugzilla": (請用英文)
++    * 複式簿記
++    * 股票/債券/基金帳號
++    * 匯入 QIF/OFX
++    * OFX/HBCI 網路銀行
++    * 各式報告、圖表
++    * 小企業財務管理
++    * 客戶、廠商、工作、收據、應付帳款、應收帳款
++    * 交易排程
++    * 金融計算工具
++更多資訊及入門教學可以在功能表 "說明" 裡的 "教學與觀念指南" 找到。
++GnuCash 是一個自由、開放原始碼的帳務軟體,它使用 GNU 通用公共許可證(GPL)發布。它是由橫跨 6 國共 12 個開發人員共同合作開發而成。
++GnuCash 的程式撰寫始於 1997 年,第一版發布於 1998 年。
++這是 GnuCash 2.2.x 在 Windows 二進位套件的 README 檔案。
diff --cc doc/README.win32-bin.txt
index 5bf8c2b,5bf8c2b..69a4b93
--- a/doc/README.win32-bin.txt
+++ b/doc/README.win32-bin.txt
@@@ -1,52 -1,52 +1,52 @@@
--GnuCash is a free, open source accounting program released under the
--GNU General Public License (GPL) and available for GNU/Linux, *BSD,
--Solaris, Mac OSX, and Microsoft Windows.
--Designed to be easy to use, yet powerful and flexible, GnuCash allows
--you to track bank accounts, stocks, income and expenses. As quick and
--intuitive to use as a checkbook register, it is based on professional
--accounting principles to ensure balanced books and accurate reports.
--Available Support Options
--Online FAQ:
--Mailing Lists:
--IRC (Chat):    Channel #gnucash on server, see also
--If you encounter any bugs or problems, do not hesitate to report them
--into our bug tracking tool "Bugzilla":
--Feature Highlights: 
--    * Double-Entry Accounting
--    * Stock/Bond/Mutual Fund Accounts
--    * QIF/OFX Import
--    * OFX/HBCI Online Banking
--    * Reports, Graphs
--    * Small-Business Accounting
--    * Customers, Vendors, Jobs, Invoices, Accounts/Payables and /Receivables
--    * Scheduled Transactions
--    * Financial Calculations
--More information and a Tutorial on how to get started can be found in
--the "Help" menu when clicking on "Tutorial and Concepts Guide".
--About the Program:
--GnuCash is a free, open source accounting program released under the
--GNU General Public License (GPL). It is collaboratively developed by
--12 people from over 6 countries.
--Programming on GnuCash began in 1997, and its first release was in
--This is the GnuCash 2.2.x README file for Windows binary packages.
++GnuCash is a free, open source accounting program released under the
++GNU General Public License (GPL) and available for GNU/Linux, *BSD,
++Solaris, Mac OSX, and Microsoft Windows.
++Designed to be easy to use, yet powerful and flexible, GnuCash allows
++you to track bank accounts, stocks, income and expenses. As quick and
++intuitive to use as a checkbook register, it is based on professional
++accounting principles to ensure balanced books and accurate reports.
++Available Support Options
++Online FAQ:
++Mailing Lists:
++IRC (Chat):    Channel #gnucash on server, see also
++If you encounter any bugs or problems, do not hesitate to report them
++into our bug tracking tool "Bugzilla":
++Feature Highlights: 
++    * Double-Entry Accounting
++    * Stock/Bond/Mutual Fund Accounts
++    * QIF/OFX Import
++    * OFX/HBCI Online Banking
++    * Reports, Graphs
++    * Small-Business Accounting
++    * Customers, Vendors, Jobs, Invoices, Accounts/Payables and /Receivables
++    * Scheduled Transactions
++    * Financial Calculations
++More information and a Tutorial on how to get started can be found in
++the "Help" menu when clicking on "Tutorial and Concepts Guide".
++About the Program:
++GnuCash is a free, open source accounting program released under the
++GNU General Public License (GPL). It is collaboratively developed by
++12 people from over 6 countries.
++Programming on GnuCash began in 1997, and its first release was in
++This is the GnuCash 2.2.x README file for Windows binary packages.
diff --cc doc/examples/downloaded.mt940
index 64afa9a,64afa9a..3ddb2e1
--- a/doc/examples/downloaded.mt940
+++ b/doc/examples/downloaded.mt940
@@@ -1,9 -1,9 +1,9 @@@
diff --cc gnucash/gnome-utils/gnc-tree-view-commodity.c
index 62d21d9,0000000..ebd2ea6
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/gnucash/gnome-utils/gnc-tree-view-commodity.c
+++ b/gnucash/gnome-utils/gnc-tree-view-commodity.c
@@@ -1,708 -1,0 +1,708 @@@
 + * gnc-tree-view-commodity.c -- GtkTreeView implementation to       *
 + *                            display commodities in a GtkTreeView. *
 + * Copyright (C) 2003,2005 David Hampton <hampton at>    *
 + *                                                                  *
 + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or    *
 + * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as   *
 + * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of   *
 + * the License, or (at your option) any later version.              *
 + *                                                                  *
 + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,  *
 + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of   *
 + * GNU General Public License for more details.                     *
 + *                                                                  *
 + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License*
 + * along with this program; if not, contact:                        *
 + *                                                                  *
 + * Free Software Foundation           Voice:  +1-617-542-5942       *
 + * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor    Fax:    +1-617-542-2652       *
 + * Boston, MA  02110-1301,  USA       gnu at                   *
 + *                                                                  *
 +#include <config.h>
 +#include <gtk/gtk.h>
 +#include <glib/gi18n.h>
 +#include <string.h>
 +#include "gnc-tree-view.h"
 +#include "gnc-tree-model-commodity.h"
 +#include "gnc-tree-view-commodity.h"
 +#include "gnc-commodity.h"
 +#include "gnc-component-manager.h"
 +#include "gnc-engine.h"
 +#include "gnc-glib-utils.h"
 +#include "gnc-gnome-utils.h"
 +#include "gnc-icons.h"
 +#include "gnc-ui-util.h"
 +/** Static Globals *******************************************************/
 +/* This static indicates the debugging module that this .o belongs to.  */
 +static QofLogModule log_module = GNC_MOD_GUI;
 +/** Declarations *********************************************************/
 +static void gnc_tree_view_commodity_class_init (GncTreeViewCommodityClass *klass);
 +static void gnc_tree_view_commodity_init (GncTreeViewCommodity *view);
 +static void gnc_tree_view_commodity_finalize (GObject *object);
 +static void gnc_tree_view_commodity_destroy (GtkWidget *widget);
 +typedef struct GncTreeViewCommodityPrivate
 +    gpointer dummy;
 +} GncTreeViewCommodityPrivate;
 +/*               g_object required functions                */
 +static GObjectClass *parent_class = NULL;
 +gnc_tree_view_commodity_get_type (void)
 +    static GType gnc_tree_view_commodity_type = 0;
 +    if (gnc_tree_view_commodity_type == 0)
 +    {
 +        static const GTypeInfo our_info =
 +        {
 +            sizeof (GncTreeViewCommodityClass),
 +            NULL,
 +            NULL,
 +            (GClassInitFunc) gnc_tree_view_commodity_class_init,
 +            NULL,
 +            NULL,
 +            sizeof (GncTreeViewCommodity),
 +            0,
 +            (GInstanceInitFunc) gnc_tree_view_commodity_init
 +        };
 +        gnc_tree_view_commodity_type = g_type_register_static (GNC_TYPE_TREE_VIEW,
 +                                       "GncTreeViewCommodity",
 +                                       &our_info, 0);
 +    }
 +    return gnc_tree_view_commodity_type;
 +static void
 +gnc_tree_view_commodity_class_init (GncTreeViewCommodityClass *klass)
 +    GObjectClass *o_class;
 +    GtkWidgetClass *widget_class;
 +    parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);
 +    o_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);
 +    widget_class = GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (klass);
 +    /* GObject signals */
 +    o_class->finalize = gnc_tree_view_commodity_finalize;
 +    /* GtkWidget signals */
 +    widget_class->destroy = gnc_tree_view_commodity_destroy;
 +    g_type_class_add_private(klass, sizeof(GncTreeViewCommodityPrivate));
 +static void
 +gnc_tree_view_commodity_init (GncTreeViewCommodity *view)
 +static void
 +gnc_tree_view_commodity_finalize (GObject *object)
 +    g_return_if_fail (object != NULL);
 +    g_return_if_fail (GNC_IS_TREE_VIEW_COMMODITY (object));
 +    ENTER("view %p", object);
 +    if (G_OBJECT_CLASS (parent_class)->finalize)
 +        (* G_OBJECT_CLASS (parent_class)->finalize) (object);
 +    LEAVE(" ");
 +static void
 +gnc_tree_view_commodity_destroy (GtkWidget *widget)
 +    g_return_if_fail (widget != NULL);
 +    g_return_if_fail (GNC_IS_TREE_VIEW_COMMODITY (widget));
 +    ENTER("view %p", widget);
 +    if (GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (parent_class)->destroy)
 +        (* GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (parent_class)->destroy) (widget);
 +    LEAVE(" ");
 +/*                      sort functions                      */
 +static gboolean
 +get_commodities_w_iters (GtkTreeModel *f_model,
 +                         GtkTreeIter *f_iter_a,
 +                         GtkTreeIter *f_iter_b,
 +                         GtkTreeModel **model_p,
 +                         GtkTreeIter *iter_a,
 +                         GtkTreeIter *iter_b,
 +                         gnc_commodity **comm_a,
 +                         gnc_commodity **comm_b)
 +    GncTreeModelCommodity *model;
 +    GtkTreeModel *tree_model;
 +    tree_model = gtk_tree_model_filter_get_model(GTK_TREE_MODEL_FILTER(f_model));
 +    model = GNC_TREE_MODEL_COMMODITY(tree_model);
 +    gtk_tree_model_filter_convert_iter_to_child_iter (GTK_TREE_MODEL_FILTER(f_model),
 +            iter_a,
 +            f_iter_a);
 +    gtk_tree_model_filter_convert_iter_to_child_iter (GTK_TREE_MODEL_FILTER(f_model),
 +            iter_b,
 +            f_iter_b);
 +    /* Both iters must point to commodities for this to be meaningful */
 +    if (!gnc_tree_model_commodity_iter_is_commodity (model, iter_a))
 +        return FALSE;
 +    if (!gnc_tree_model_commodity_iter_is_commodity (model, iter_b))
 +        return FALSE;
 +    *comm_a = gnc_tree_model_commodity_get_commodity (model, iter_a);
 +    *comm_b = gnc_tree_model_commodity_get_commodity (model, iter_b);
 +    if (model_p)
 +        *model_p = tree_model;
 +    return TRUE;
 +static gboolean
 +get_commodities (GtkTreeModel *f_model,
 +                 GtkTreeIter *f_iter_a,
 +                 GtkTreeIter *f_iter_b,
 +                 GtkTreeModel **model_p,
 +                 gnc_commodity **comm_a,
 +                 gnc_commodity **comm_b)
 +    GtkTreeIter iter_a, iter_b;
 +    return get_commodities_w_iters(f_model, f_iter_a, f_iter_b, model_p,
 +                                   &iter_a, &iter_b, comm_a, comm_b);
 +static gint
 +sort_namespace (GtkTreeModel *f_model,
 +                GtkTreeIter *f_iter_a,
 +                GtkTreeIter *f_iter_b)
 +    GncTreeModelCommodity *model;
 +    GtkTreeModel *tree_model;
 +    GtkTreeIter iter_a, iter_b;
 +    gnc_commodity_namespace *ns_a, *ns_b;
 +    tree_model = gtk_tree_model_filter_get_model(GTK_TREE_MODEL_FILTER(f_model));
 +    model = GNC_TREE_MODEL_COMMODITY(tree_model);
 +    gtk_tree_model_filter_convert_iter_to_child_iter (GTK_TREE_MODEL_FILTER(f_model),
 +            &iter_a,
 +            f_iter_a);
 +    gtk_tree_model_filter_convert_iter_to_child_iter (GTK_TREE_MODEL_FILTER(f_model),
 +            &iter_b,
 +            f_iter_b);
 +    ns_a = gnc_tree_model_commodity_get_namespace (model, &iter_a);
 +    ns_b = gnc_tree_model_commodity_get_namespace (model, &iter_b);
 +    return safe_utf8_collate (gnc_commodity_namespace_get_gui_name (ns_a),
 +                              gnc_commodity_namespace_get_gui_name (ns_b));
 +static gint
 +default_sort (gnc_commodity *comm_a, gnc_commodity *comm_b)
 +    gint fraction_a, fraction_b, result;
 +    result = safe_utf8_collate (gnc_commodity_get_namespace (comm_a),
 +                                gnc_commodity_get_namespace (comm_b));
 +    if (result != 0) return result;
 +    result = safe_utf8_collate (gnc_commodity_get_mnemonic (comm_a),
 +                                gnc_commodity_get_mnemonic (comm_b));
 +    if (result != 0) return result;
 +    result = safe_utf8_collate (gnc_commodity_get_fullname (comm_a),
 +                                gnc_commodity_get_fullname (comm_b));
 +    if (result != 0) return result;
 +    result = safe_utf8_collate (gnc_commodity_get_cusip (comm_a),
 +                                gnc_commodity_get_cusip (comm_b));
 +    if (result != 0) return result;
 +    fraction_a = gnc_commodity_get_fraction (comm_a);
 +    fraction_b = gnc_commodity_get_fraction (comm_b);
 +    if (fraction_a < fraction_b)
 +        return -1;
 +    if (fraction_b < fraction_a)
 +        return 1;
 +    return 0;
 +static gint
 +sort_by_commodity_string (GtkTreeModel *f_model,
 +                          GtkTreeIter *f_iter_a,
 +                          GtkTreeIter *f_iter_b,
 +                          gpointer user_data)
 +    GtkTreeModel *model;
 +    GtkTreeIter iter_a, iter_b;
 +    gnc_commodity *comm_a, *comm_b;
 +    gchar *str1, *str2;
 +    gint column = GPOINTER_TO_INT(user_data);
 +    gint result;
 +    if (!get_commodities_w_iters(f_model, f_iter_a, f_iter_b,
 +                                 &model, &iter_a, &iter_b, &comm_a, &comm_b))
 +        return sort_namespace (f_model, f_iter_a, f_iter_b);
 +    /* Get the strings. */
 +    gtk_tree_model_get(GTK_TREE_MODEL(model), &iter_a,  column, &str1, -1);
 +    gtk_tree_model_get(GTK_TREE_MODEL(model), &iter_b,  column, &str2, -1);
 +    result = safe_utf8_collate(str1, str2);
 +    g_free(str1);
 +    g_free(str2);
 +    if (result != 0)
 +        return result;
 +    return default_sort(comm_a, comm_b);
 +static gint
 +sort_by_fraction (GtkTreeModel *f_model,
 +                  GtkTreeIter *f_iter_a,
 +                  GtkTreeIter *f_iter_b,
 +                  gpointer user_data)
 +    gnc_commodity *comm_a, *comm_b;
 +    gint fraction_a, fraction_b;
 +    if (!get_commodities (f_model, f_iter_a, f_iter_b, NULL, &comm_a, &comm_b))
 +        return sort_namespace (f_model, f_iter_a, f_iter_b);
 +    fraction_a = gnc_commodity_get_fraction (comm_a);
 +    fraction_b = gnc_commodity_get_fraction (comm_b);
 +    if (fraction_a < fraction_b)
 +        return -1;
 +    if (fraction_b < fraction_a)
 +        return 1;
 +    return default_sort(comm_a, comm_b);
 +static gint
 +sort_by_quote_flag (GtkTreeModel *f_model,
 +                    GtkTreeIter *f_iter_a,
 +                    GtkTreeIter *f_iter_b,
 +                    gpointer user_data)
 +    gnc_commodity *comm_a, *comm_b;
 +    gboolean flag_a, flag_b;
 +    if (!get_commodities (f_model, f_iter_a, f_iter_b, NULL, &comm_a, &comm_b))
 +        return sort_namespace (f_model, f_iter_a, f_iter_b);
 +    flag_a = gnc_commodity_get_quote_flag(comm_a);
 +    flag_b = gnc_commodity_get_quote_flag(comm_b);
 +    if (flag_a < flag_b)
 +        return -1;
 +    else if (flag_a > flag_b)
 +        return 1;
 +    return default_sort(comm_a, comm_b);
 +/*                    New View Creation                     */
 + * Create a new commodity tree view with (optional) top level root node.
 + * This view will be based on a model that is common to all view of
 + * the same set of books, but will have its own private filter on that
 + * model.
 + */
 +GtkTreeView *
 +gnc_tree_view_commodity_new (QofBook *book,
 +                             const gchar *first_property_name,
 +                             ...)
 +    GncTreeView *view;
 +    GtkTreeModel *model, *f_model, *s_model;
 +    GtkTreeViewColumn *col;
 +    gnc_commodity_table *ct;
 +    va_list var_args;
 +    ENTER(" ");
 +    /* Create/get a pointer to the existing model for this set of books. */
 +    ct = gnc_commodity_table_get_table (book);
 +    model = gnc_tree_model_commodity_new (book, ct);
 +    /* Set up the view private filter on the common model. */
 +    f_model = gtk_tree_model_filter_new (model, NULL);
 +    g_object_unref(G_OBJECT(model));
 +    s_model = gtk_tree_model_sort_new_with_model (f_model);
 +    g_object_unref(G_OBJECT(f_model));
 +    /* Create our view */
 +    view = g_object_new (GNC_TYPE_TREE_VIEW_COMMODITY,
 +                         "name", "commodity_tree", NULL);
 +    gtk_tree_view_set_model (GTK_TREE_VIEW (view), s_model);
 +    g_object_unref(G_OBJECT(s_model));
 +    DEBUG("model ref count is %d",   G_OBJECT(model)->ref_count);
 +    DEBUG("f_model ref count is %d", G_OBJECT(f_model)->ref_count);
 +    DEBUG("s_model ref count is %d", G_OBJECT(s_model)->ref_count);
 +    /* Set default visibilities */
 +    gtk_tree_view_set_headers_visible (GTK_TREE_VIEW(view), FALSE);
 +    col = gnc_tree_view_add_text_column (
 +              view, _("Namespace"), "namespace", NULL, "NASDAQ",
 +              sort_by_commodity_string);
 +    col = gnc_tree_view_add_text_column (
 +              view, _("Symbol"), "symbol", NULL, "ACMEACME",
 +              sort_by_commodity_string);
 +    g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(col), DEFAULT_VISIBLE, GINT_TO_POINTER(1));
 +    col = gnc_tree_view_add_text_column (
 +              view, _("Name"), "name", NULL, "Acme Corporation, Inc.",
 +              sort_by_commodity_string);
 +    g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(col), DEFAULT_VISIBLE, GINT_TO_POINTER(1));
 +    col = gnc_tree_view_add_text_column (
 +              view, _("Print Name"), "printname", NULL,
 +              "ACMEACME (Acme Corporation, Inc.)",
 +              sort_by_commodity_string);
 +    col = gnc_tree_view_add_text_column (
 +              view, _("Display symbol"), "user_symbol", NULL, "ACME",
 +              sort_by_commodity_string);
 +    g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(col), DEFAULT_VISIBLE, GINT_TO_POINTER(1));
 +    col = gnc_tree_view_add_text_column (
 +              view, _("Unique Name"), "uniquename", NULL,
 +              sort_by_commodity_string);
 +    col = gnc_tree_view_add_text_column (
 +              /* Translators: Again replace CUSIP by the name of your
 +                 National Securities Identifying Number. */
-               view, _("ISIN/CUSIP"), "cusip_code", NULL, "QWERTYUIOP",
++              view, _("ISIN/CUSIP"), "cusip_code", NULL, "US1234567890",
 +              sort_by_commodity_string);
 +    g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(col), DEFAULT_VISIBLE, GINT_TO_POINTER(1));
 +    col = gnc_tree_view_add_numeric_column (
 +              view, _("Fraction"), "fraction", "10000",
 +              sort_by_fraction);
 +    g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(col), DEFAULT_VISIBLE, GINT_TO_POINTER(1));
 +    col = gnc_tree_view_add_toggle_column(
 +              view, _("Get Quotes"),
 +              /* Translators: This string has a context prefix; the translation
 +                 must only contain the part after the | character. */
 +              Q_("Column letter for 'Get Quotes'|Q"), "quote_flag",
 +              sort_by_quote_flag,
 +              NULL);
 +    col = gnc_tree_view_add_text_column (
 +              view, _("Source"), "quote_source", NULL, "alphavantage",
 +              sort_by_commodity_string);
 +    col = gnc_tree_view_add_text_column (
 +              view, _("Timezone"), "quote_timezone", NULL, "America/New_York",
 +              sort_by_commodity_string);
 +    g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(col), DEFAULT_VISIBLE, GINT_TO_POINTER(1));
 +    gnc_tree_view_configure_columns(view);
 +    /* Set properties */
 +    va_start (var_args, first_property_name);
 +    g_object_set_valist (G_OBJECT(view), first_property_name, var_args);
 +    va_end (var_args);
 +    /* Sort on the name column by default. This allows for a consistent
 +     * sort if commodities are briefly removed and re-added. */
 +    if (!gtk_tree_sortable_get_sort_column_id(GTK_TREE_SORTABLE(s_model),
 +            NULL, NULL))
 +    {
 +        gtk_tree_sortable_set_sort_column_id(GTK_TREE_SORTABLE(s_model),
 +                                             GNC_TREE_MODEL_COMMODITY_COL_FULLNAME,
 +                                             GTK_SORT_ASCENDING);
 +    }
 +    gtk_widget_show(GTK_WIDGET(view));
 +    LEAVE(" %p", view);
 +    return GTK_TREE_VIEW(view);
 +/*                   Auxiliary Functions                    */
 +#define debug_path(fn, path) {				\
 +    gchar *path_string = gtk_tree_path_to_string(path); \
 +    fn("tree path %s", path_string);			\
 +    g_free(path_string);				\
 +  }
 +#if 0 /* Not Used */
 +static gboolean
 +gnc_tree_view_commodity_get_iter_from_commodity (GncTreeViewCommodity *view,
 +        gnc_commodity *commodity,
 +        GtkTreeIter *s_iter)
 +    GtkTreeModel *model, *f_model, *s_model;
 +    GtkTreeIter iter, f_iter;
 +    g_return_val_if_fail(GNC_IS_TREE_VIEW_COMMODITY(view), FALSE);
 +    g_return_val_if_fail(commodity != NULL, FALSE);
 +    g_return_val_if_fail(s_iter != NULL, FALSE);
 +    ENTER("view %p, commodity %p (%s)", view, commodity, gnc_commodity_get_mnemonic(commodity));
 +    /* Reach down to the real model and get an iter for this commodity */
 +    s_model = gtk_tree_view_get_model(GTK_TREE_VIEW(view));
 +    f_model = gtk_tree_model_sort_get_model(GTK_TREE_MODEL_SORT(s_model));
 +    model = gtk_tree_model_filter_get_model(GTK_TREE_MODEL_FILTER(f_model));
 +    if (!gnc_tree_model_commodity_get_iter_from_commodity (GNC_TREE_MODEL_COMMODITY(model), commodity, &iter))
 +    {
 +        LEAVE("model_get_iter_from_commodity failed");
 +        return FALSE;
 +    }
 +    /* convert back to a sort iter */
 +    gtk_tree_model_filter_convert_child_iter_to_iter (GTK_TREE_MODEL_FILTER(f_model),
 +            &f_iter, &iter);
 +    gtk_tree_model_sort_convert_child_iter_to_iter (GTK_TREE_MODEL_SORT(s_model),
 +            s_iter, &f_iter);
 +    LEAVE(" ");
 +    return TRUE;
 +#endif /* Not Used */
 +/*          Commodity Tree View Visibility Filter           */
 +typedef struct
 +    gnc_tree_view_commodity_ns_filter_func user_ns_fn;
 +    gnc_tree_view_commodity_cm_filter_func user_cm_fn;
 +    gpointer                               user_data;
 +    GDestroyNotify                         user_destroy;
 +} filter_user_data;
 +static void
 +gnc_tree_view_commodity_filter_destroy (gpointer data)
 +    filter_user_data *fd = data;
 +    if (fd->user_destroy)
 +        fd->user_destroy(fd->user_data);
 +    g_free(fd);
 +static gboolean
 +gnc_tree_view_commodity_filter_helper (GtkTreeModel *model,
 +                                       GtkTreeIter *iter,
 +                                       gpointer data)
 +    gnc_commodity_namespace *name_space;
 +    gnc_commodity *commodity;
 +    filter_user_data *fd = data;
 +    g_return_val_if_fail (GNC_IS_TREE_MODEL_COMMODITY (model), FALSE);
 +    g_return_val_if_fail (iter != NULL, FALSE);
 +    if (gnc_tree_model_commodity_iter_is_namespace (GNC_TREE_MODEL_COMMODITY(model), iter))
 +    {
 +        if (fd->user_ns_fn)
 +        {
 +            name_space = gnc_tree_model_commodity_get_namespace (GNC_TREE_MODEL_COMMODITY(model), iter);
 +            return fd->user_ns_fn(name_space, fd->user_data);
 +        }
 +        return TRUE;
 +    }
 +    if (gnc_tree_model_commodity_iter_is_commodity (GNC_TREE_MODEL_COMMODITY(model), iter))
 +    {
 +        if (fd->user_cm_fn)
 +        {
 +            commodity = gnc_tree_model_commodity_get_commodity (GNC_TREE_MODEL_COMMODITY(model), iter);
 +            return fd->user_cm_fn(commodity, fd->user_data);
 +        }
 +        return TRUE;
 +    }
 +    return FALSE;
 + * Set an GtkTreeModel visible filter on this commodity.  This filter will be
 + * called for each commodity that the tree is about to show, and the
 + * commodity will be passed to the callback function.
 + */
 +gnc_tree_view_commodity_set_filter (GncTreeViewCommodity *view,
 +                                    gnc_tree_view_commodity_ns_filter_func ns_func,
 +                                    gnc_tree_view_commodity_cm_filter_func cm_func,
 +                                    gpointer data,
 +                                    GDestroyNotify destroy)
 +    GtkTreeModel *f_model, *s_model;
 +    filter_user_data *fd = data;
 +    g_return_if_fail(GNC_IS_TREE_VIEW_COMMODITY(view));
 +    g_return_if_fail((ns_func != NULL) || (cm_func != NULL));
 +    ENTER("view %p, ns func %p, cm func %p, data %p, destroy %p",
 +          view, ns_func, cm_func, data, destroy);
 +    fd = g_malloc(sizeof(filter_user_data));
 +    fd->user_ns_fn   = ns_func;
 +    fd->user_cm_fn   = cm_func;
 +    fd->user_data    = data;
 +    fd->user_destroy = destroy;
 +    s_model = gtk_tree_view_get_model(GTK_TREE_VIEW(view));
 +    f_model = gtk_tree_model_sort_get_model(GTK_TREE_MODEL_SORT(s_model));
 +    gtk_tree_model_filter_set_visible_func (GTK_TREE_MODEL_FILTER (f_model),
 +                                            gnc_tree_view_commodity_filter_helper,
 +                                            fd,
 +                                            gnc_tree_view_commodity_filter_destroy);
 +    /* Whack any existing levels. The top two levels have been created
 +     * before this routine can be called. */
 +    gtk_tree_model_filter_refilter (GTK_TREE_MODEL_FILTER (f_model));
 +    LEAVE(" ");
 + * Forces the entire commodity tree to be re-evaluated for visibility.
 + */
 +gnc_tree_view_commodity_refilter (GncTreeViewCommodity *view)
 +    GtkTreeModel *f_model, *s_model;
 +    g_return_if_fail(GNC_IS_TREE_VIEW_COMMODITY(view));
 +    ENTER("view %p", view);
 +    s_model = gtk_tree_view_get_model (GTK_TREE_VIEW(view));
 +    f_model = gtk_tree_model_sort_get_model (GTK_TREE_MODEL_SORT (s_model));
 +    gtk_tree_model_filter_refilter (GTK_TREE_MODEL_FILTER (f_model));
 +    LEAVE(" ");
 +/*           Commodity Tree View Get/Set Functions            */
 + * Retrieve the selected commodity from an commodity tree view.  The
 + * commodity tree must be in single selection mode.
 + */
 +gnc_commodity *
 +gnc_tree_view_commodity_get_selected_commodity (GncTreeViewCommodity *view)
 +    GtkTreeSelection *selection;
 +    GtkTreeModel *model, *f_model, *s_model;
 +    GtkTreeIter iter, f_iter, s_iter;
 +    gnc_commodity *commodity;
 +    g_return_val_if_fail (GNC_IS_TREE_VIEW_COMMODITY (view), NULL);
 +    ENTER("view %p", view);
 +    selection = gtk_tree_view_get_selection (GTK_TREE_VIEW(view));
 +    if (!gtk_tree_selection_get_selected (selection, &s_model, &s_iter))
 +    {
 +        LEAVE("no commodity, get_selected failed");
 +        return FALSE;
 +    }
 +    gtk_tree_model_sort_convert_iter_to_child_iter (GTK_TREE_MODEL_SORT (s_model),
 +            &f_iter, &s_iter);
 +    f_model = gtk_tree_model_sort_get_model(GTK_TREE_MODEL_SORT(s_model));
 +    gtk_tree_model_filter_convert_iter_to_child_iter (GTK_TREE_MODEL_FILTER (f_model),
 +            &iter, &f_iter);
 +    model = gtk_tree_model_filter_get_model(GTK_TREE_MODEL_FILTER(f_model));
 +    commodity = gnc_tree_model_commodity_get_commodity (GNC_TREE_MODEL_COMMODITY(model),
 +                &iter);
 +    LEAVE("commodity %p (%s)", commodity,
 +          commodity ? gnc_commodity_get_mnemonic(commodity) : "");
 +    return commodity;
 +#if 0 /* Not Used */
 + * This helper function is called once for each row in the tree view
 + * that is currently selected.  Its task is to an the corresponding
 + * commodity to the end of a glist.
 + */
 +static void
 +get_selected_commodities_helper (GtkTreeModel *s_model,
 +                                 GtkTreePath *s_path,
 +                                 GtkTreeIter *s_iter,
 +                                 gpointer data)
 +    GList **return_list = data;
 +    GtkTreeModel *model, *f_model;
 +    GtkTreeIter iter, f_iter;
 +    gnc_commodity *commodity;
 +    gtk_tree_model_sort_convert_iter_to_child_iter (GTK_TREE_MODEL_SORT (s_model),
 +            &f_iter, s_iter);
 +    f_model = gtk_tree_model_sort_get_model(GTK_TREE_MODEL_SORT(s_model));
 +    gtk_tree_model_filter_convert_iter_to_child_iter (GTK_TREE_MODEL_FILTER (f_model),
 +            &iter, &f_iter);
 +    model = gtk_tree_model_filter_get_model(GTK_TREE_MODEL_FILTER(f_model));
 +    commodity = gnc_tree_model_commodity_get_commodity (GNC_TREE_MODEL_COMMODITY(model),
 +                &iter);
 +    *return_list = g_list_append(*return_list, commodity);
 +#endif /* Not Used */
diff --cc gnucash/
index b2e2776,0000000..bff61e1
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/gnucash/
+++ b/gnucash/
@@@ -1,33 -1,0 +1,33 @@@
- #include <windows.h>
- APPLICATION_ICON ICON DISCARDABLE "../data/pixmaps/gnucash-icon.ico"
-  FILEFLAGS       0x0L
-  FILEOS          VOS__WINDOWS32
-   BLOCK "StringFileInfo"
-     BLOCK "040904E4"
-     BEGIN
-       VALUE "CompanyName", "GnuCash Development Team"
-       VALUE "FileDescription", "GnuCash Program File"
-       VALUE "FileVersion", "@VERSION@"
-       VALUE "InternalName", "gnucash"
-       VALUE "LegalCopyright", "©2017 GnuCash Development Team, Licence: GPL v2.0 or later"
-       VALUE "OriginalFilename", "gnucash.exe"
-       VALUE "ProductName", "GnuCash Free Finance Manager"
-       VALUE "ProductVersion", "@VERSION@"
-     END
-   END
-   BLOCK "VarFileInfo"
-     VALUE "Translation", 0x409, 1252
-   END
++#include <windows.h>
++APPLICATION_ICON ICON DISCARDABLE "../data/pixmaps/gnucash-icon.ico"
++ FILEFLAGS       0x0L
++ FILEOS          VOS__WINDOWS32
++  BLOCK "StringFileInfo"
++    BLOCK "040904E4"
++    BEGIN
++      VALUE "CompanyName", "GnuCash Development Team"
++      VALUE "FileDescription", "GnuCash Program File"
++      VALUE "FileVersion", "@VERSION@"
++      VALUE "InternalName", "gnucash"
++      VALUE "LegalCopyright", "©2017 GnuCash Development Team, Licence: GPL v2.0 or later"
++      VALUE "OriginalFilename", "gnucash.exe"
++      VALUE "ProductName", "GnuCash Free Finance Manager"
++      VALUE "ProductVersion", "@VERSION@"
++    END
++  END
++  BLOCK "VarFileInfo"
++    VALUE "Translation", 0x409, 1252
++  END
diff --cc libgnucash/engine/gnc-commodity.c
index ae37acb,0000000..0978fb8
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/libgnucash/engine/gnc-commodity.c
+++ b/libgnucash/engine/gnc-commodity.c
@@@ -1,2629 -1,0 +1,2651 @@@
 + * gnc-commodity.c -- api for tradable commodities (incl. currency) *
 + * Copyright (C) 2000 Bill Gribble                                  *
 + * Copyright (C) 2001,2003 Linas Vepstas <linas at>          *
 + * Copyright (c) 2006 David Hampton <hampton at>         *
 + *                                                                  *
 + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or    *
 + * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as   *
 + * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of   *
 + * the License, or (at your option) any later version.              *
 + *                                                                  *
 + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,  *
 + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of   *
 + * GNU General Public License for more details.                     *
 + *                                                                  *
 + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License*
 + * along with this program; if not, contact:                        *
 + *                                                                  *
 + * Free Software Foundation           Voice:  +1-617-542-5942       *
 + * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor    Fax:    +1-617-542-2652       *
 + * Boston, MA  02110-1301,  USA       gnu at                   *
 + *                                                                  *
 + *******************************************************************/
 +#include <config.h>
 +#include <glib.h>
 +#include <glib/gi18n.h>
 +#include <ctype.h>
 +#include <limits.h>
 +#include <string.h>
 +#include <stdio.h>
 +#include <stdlib.h>
 +#include <regex.h>
 +#include <qofinstance-p.h>
 +#include "gnc-commodity.h"
 +#include "gnc-locale-utils.h"
 +#include "gnc-prefs.h"
 +static QofLogModule log_module = GNC_MOD_COMMODITY;
 +/* Parts per unit is nominal, i.e. number of 'partname' units in
 + * a 'unitname' unit.  fraction is transactional, i.e. how many
 + * of the smallest-transactional-units of the currency are there
 + * in a 'unitname' unit. */
 +    PROP_0,
 +    PROP_NAMESPACE,	/* Table */
 +    PROP_FULL_NAME,	/* Table */
 +    PROP_MNEMONIC,	/* Table */
 +    PROP_PRINTNAME,	/* Constructed */
 +    PROP_CUSIP,		/* Table */
 +    PROP_FRACTION,	/* Table */
 +    PROP_UNIQUE_NAME,	/* Constructed */
 +    PROP_QUOTE_FLAG,	/* Table */
 +    PROP_QUOTE_SOURCE,	/* Table */
 +    PROP_QUOTE_TZ,	/* Table */
 +struct gnc_commodity_s
 +    QofInstance inst;
 +typedef struct CommodityPrivate
 +    gnc_commodity_namespace *name_space;
 +    char    * fullname;
 +    char    * mnemonic;
 +    char    * printname;
 +    char    * cusip;          /* CUSIP or other identifying code */
 +    int       fraction;
 +    char    * unique_name;
 +    gboolean  quote_flag;	    /* user wants price quotes */
 +    gnc_quote_source * quote_source;   /* current/old source of quotes */
 +    char    * quote_tz;
 +    /* the number of accounts using this commodity - this field is not
 +     * persisted */
 +    int       usage_count;
 +    /* the default display_symbol, set in iso-4217-currencies at start-up */
 +    const char * default_symbol;
 +} CommodityPrivate;
 +#define GET_PRIVATE(o) \
 +struct _GncCommodityClass
 +    QofInstanceClass parent_class;
 +static void commodity_free(gnc_commodity * cm);
 +static void gnc_commodity_set_default_symbol(gnc_commodity *, const char *);
 +struct gnc_commodity_namespace_s
 +    QofInstance inst;
 +    gchar      * name;
 +    gboolean     iso4217;
 +    GHashTable * cm_table;
 +    GList      * cm_list;
 +struct _GncCommodityNamespaceClass
 +    QofInstanceClass parent_class;
 +struct gnc_commodity_table_s
 +    GHashTable * ns_table;
 +    GList      * ns_list;
 +struct gnc_new_iso_code
 +    const char *old_code;
 +    const char *new_code;
 +} gnc_new_iso_codes[] =
 +    {"RUR", "RUB"}, /* Russian Ruble: RUR through 1997-12, RUB from 1998-01 onwards; see bug #393185 */
 +    {"PLZ", "PLN"}, /* Polish Zloty */
 +    {"UAG", "UAH"}, /* Ukraine Hryvnia */
 +    {"NIS", "ILS"}, /* New Israeli Shekel: The informal abbreviation may be "NIS", but
 +		     its iso-4217 is clearly ILS and only this! Incorrectly changed
 +		     due to bug#152755 (Nov 2004) and changed back again by bug#492417
 +		     (Oct 2008). */
 +    {"MXP", "MXN"}, /* Mexican (Nuevo) Peso */
 +    {"TRL", "TRY"}, /* New Turkish Lira: changed 2005 */
 +    /* Only add currencies to this table when the old currency no longer
 +     * exists in the file iso-4217-currencies.scm */
 +#define GNC_NEW_ISO_CODES \
 +        (sizeof(gnc_new_iso_codes) / sizeof(struct gnc_new_iso_code))
 +static char *fq_version = NULL;
 +struct gnc_quote_source_s
 +    gboolean supported;
 +    QuoteSourceType type;
 +    gint index;
-     char *user_name;		/* User friendly name */
++    char *user_name;		/* User friendly name incl. region code*/
 +    char *old_internal_name;	/* Name used internally (deprecated) */
-     char *internal_name;		/* Name used internally and by finance::quote. */
++    char *internal_name;	/* Name used internally and by finance::quote. */
++/* To update the following lists search the FQ modules for their 'method's
++ * because most of them have more than one.
++ */
 +static gnc_quote_source currency_quote_source =
 +{ TRUE, 0, 0, "Currency", "CURRENCY", "currency" };
 +static gnc_quote_source single_quote_sources[] =
-     { FALSE, 0, 0, "Alphavantage USA", "ALPHAVANTAGE", "alphavantage" },
++    { FALSE, 0, 0, "Alphavantage, US", "ALPHAVANTAGE", "alphavantage" },
 +    { FALSE, 0, 0, "Amsterdam Euronext eXchange, NL", "AEX", "aex" },
 +    { FALSE, 0, 0, "American International Assurance, HK", "AIAHK", "aiahk" },
-     { FALSE, 0, 0, "Association  of  Mutual  Funds  in  India", "AMFIINDIA", "amfiindia" },
++    { FALSE, 0, 0, "Association of Mutual Funds in India", "AMFIINDIA", "amfiindia" },
 +    { FALSE, 0, 0, "Athens Stock Exchange, GR", "ASEGR", "asegr" },
 +    { FALSE, 0, 0, "Australian Stock Exchange, AU", "ASX", "asx" },
 +    { FALSE, 0, 0, "BAMOSZ funds, HU", "BAMOSZ", "bamosz" },
 +    { FALSE, 0, 0, "BMO NesbittBurns, CA", "BMONESBITTBURNS", "bmonesbittburns" },
 +    { FALSE, 0, 0, "Bucharest Stock Exchange, RO", "BSERO", "bsero" },
 +    { FALSE, 0, 0, "Budapest Stock Exchange (BET), ex-BUX, HU", "BSE", "bse" },
 +    { FALSE, 0, 0, "Canada Mutual", "CANADAMUTUAL", "canadamutual" },
 +    { FALSE, 0, 0, "Citywire Funds, GB", "citywire", "citywire" },
 +    { FALSE, 0, 0, "Colombo Stock Exchange, LK", "CSE", "cse" },
 +    { FALSE, 0, 0, "Cominvest, ex-Adig, DE", "COMINVEST", "cominvest" },
 +    { FALSE, 0, 0, "Deka Investments, DE", "DEKA", "deka" },
 +    { FALSE, 0, 0, "Dutch", "DUTCH", "dutch" },
 +    { FALSE, 0, 0, "DWS, DE", "DWS", "dwsfunds" },
 +    { FALSE, 0, 0, "Equinox Unit Trusts, ZA", "ZA_unittrusts", "za_unittrusts" },
-     { FALSE, 0, 0, "Fidelity", "FIDELITY", "fidelity" },
 +    { FALSE, 0, 0, "Fidelity Direct", "FIDELITY_DIRECT", "fidelity_direct" },
++    { FALSE, 0, 0, "Fidelity Fixed", "FIDELITY_DIRECT", "fidelityfixed" },
 +    { FALSE, 0, 0, "Finance Canada", "FINANCECANADA", "financecanada" },
 +    { FALSE, 0, 0, "Financial Times Funds service, GB", "FTFUNDS", "ftfunds" },
 +    { FALSE, 0, 0, "Finanzpartner, DE", "FINANZPARTNER", "finanzpartner" },
 +    { FALSE, 0, 0, "First Trust Portfolios, US", "FTPORTFOLIOS", "ftportfolios" },
 +    { FALSE, 0, 0, "Fund Library, CA", "FUNDLIBRARY", "fundlibrary" },
 +    { FALSE, 0, 0, "GoldMoney spot rates, JE", "GOLDMONEY", "goldmoney" },
 +    { FALSE, 0, 0, "Greece", "GREECE", "greece" },
 +    { FALSE, 0, 0, "Helsinki stock eXchange, FI", "HEX", "hex" },
 +    { FALSE, 0, 0, "Hungary", "HU", "hu" },
 +    { FALSE, 0, 0, "India Mutual", "INDIAMUTUAL", "indiamutual" },
 +    { FALSE, 0, 0, "Man Investments, AU", "maninv", "maninv" },
 +    { FALSE, 0, 0, "Morningstar, GB", "MSTARUK", "mstaruk" },
 +    { FALSE, 0, 0, "Morningstar, JP", "MORNINGSTARJP", "morningstarjp" },
 +    { FALSE, 0, 0, "Morningstar, SE", "MORNINGSTAR", "morningstar" },
 +    { FALSE, 0, 0, "Motley Fool, US", "FOOL", "fool" },
 +    { FALSE, 0, 0, "New Zealand stock eXchange, NZ", "NZX", "nzx" },
 +    { FALSE, 0, 0, "Paris Stock Exchange/Boursorama, FR", "BOURSO", "bourso" },
 +    { FALSE, 0, 0, "Paris Stock Exchange/LeRevenu, FR", "LEREVENU", "lerevenu" },
 +    { FALSE, 0, 0, "Platinum Asset Management, AU", "PLATINUM", "platinum" },
 +    { FALSE, 0, 0, "Romania", "romania", "romania" },
 +    { FALSE, 0, 0, "SIX Swiss Exchange funds, CH", "SIXFUNDS", "sixfunds" },
 +    { FALSE, 0, 0, "SIX Swiss Exchange shares, CH", "SIXSHARES", "sixshares" },
 +    { FALSE, 0, 0, "Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken, SE", "SEB_FUNDS", "seb_funds" },
 +    { FALSE, 0, 0, "Sharenet, ZA", "ZA", "za" },
 +    { FALSE, 0, 0, "StockHouse Canada", "STOCKHOUSE_FUND", "stockhousecanada_fund" },
-     { FALSE, 0, 0, "TD Waterhouse Canada", "TDWATERHOUSE", "tdwaterhouse" },
++    { FALSE, 0, 0, "TD Waterhouse Funds, CA", "TDWATERHOUSE", "tdwaterhouse" },
 +    { FALSE, 0, 0, "TD Efunds, CA", "TDEFUNDS", "tdefunds" },
 +    { FALSE, 0, 0, "TIAA-CREF, US", "TIAACREF", "tiaacref" },
 +    { FALSE, 0, 0, "Toronto Stock eXchange, CA", "TSX", "tsx" },
 +    { FALSE, 0, 0, "T. Rowe Price", "TRPRICE", "troweprice" },
 +    { FALSE, 0, 0, "T. Rowe Price, US", "TRPRICE_DIRECT", "troweprice_direct" },
 +    { FALSE, 0, 0, "Trustnet via, GB", "TNETUK", "tnetuk" },
 +    { FALSE, 0, 0, "Trustnet via, GB", "TRUSTNET", "trustnet" },
 +    { FALSE, 0, 0, "U.K. Unit Trusts", "UKUNITTRUSTS", "uk_unit_trusts" },
 +    { FALSE, 0, 0, "Union Investment, DE", "UNIONFUNDS", "unionfunds" },
 +    { FALSE, 0, 0, "US Treasury Bonds", "usfedbonds", "usfedbonds" },
 +    { FALSE, 0, 0, "US Govt. Thrift Savings Plan", "TSP", "tsp" },
-     { FALSE, 0, 0, "Vanguard", "VANGUARD", "vanguard" }, /* No module seen in F::Q 1.17. */
++    { FALSE, 0, 0, "Vanguard", "VANGUARD", "vanguard" }, /* Method of Alphavantage */
 +    { FALSE, 0, 0, "VWD, DE (unmaintained)", "VWD", "vwd" },
 +    { FALSE, 0, 0, "Yahoo as JSON", "YAHOO_JSON", "yahoo_json" },
++    { FALSE, 0, 0, "Yahoo as YQL", "YAHOO_YQL", "yahoo_yql" },
 +static gnc_quote_source multiple_quote_sources[] =
-     { FALSE, 0, 0, "Europe (Athens, Boursorama, Bucharest)", "EUROPE", "europe" },
-     { FALSE, 0, 0, "France (Boursorama, LeRevenue)", "FRANCE", "france" },
++    { FALSE, 0, 0, "Australia (ASX, ...)", "AUSTRALIA", "australia" },
++    { FALSE, 0, 0, "Canada (Alphavantage, TSX, ...)", "CANADA", "canada" },
++    { FALSE, 0, 0, "Canada Mutual (Fund Library, StockHouse, ...)", "CANADAMUTUAL", "canadamutual" },
++    { FALSE, 0, 0, "Dutch (AEX, ...)", "DUTCH", "dutch" },
++    { FALSE, 0, 0, "Europe (asegr,.bsero, hex ...)", "EUROPE", "europe" },
++    { FALSE, 0, 0, "Greece (ASE, ...)", "GREECE", "greece" },
++    { FALSE, 0, 0, "Hungary (Bamosz, BET, ...)", "HU", "hu" },
++    { FALSE, 0, 0, "India Mutual (AMFI, ...)", "INDIAMUTUAL", "indiamutual" },
++    { FALSE, 0, 0, "Fidelity (Fidelity, ...)", "FIDELITY", "fidelity" },
++    { FALSE, 0, 0, "Finland (HEX, ...)", "FINLAND", "finland" },
++    { FALSE, 0, 0, "First Trust (First Trust, ...)", "FTPORTFOLIOS", "ftportfolios" },
++    { FALSE, 0, 0, "France (bourso, ĺerevenu, ...)", "FRANCE", "france" },
++    { FALSE, 0, 0, "Nasdaq (alphavantage, fool, ...)", "NASDAQ", "nasdaq" },
++    { FALSE, 0, 0, "New Zealand (NZX, ...)", "NZ", "nz" },
++    { FALSE, 0, 0, "NYSE (alphavantage, fool, ...)", "NYSE", "nyse" },
++    { FALSE, 0, 0, "South Africa (Sharenet, ...)", "ZA", "za" },
++    { FALSE, 0, 0, "Romania (BSE-RO, ...)", "romania", "romania" },
++    { FALSE, 0, 0, "T. Rowe Price", "TRPRICE", "troweprice" },
 +    { FALSE, 0, 0, "U.K. Funds (citywire, FTfunds, MStar, tnetuk, ...)", "ukfunds", "ukfunds" },
++    { FALSE, 0, 0, "U.K. Unit Trusts (trustnet, ...)", "UKUNITTRUSTS", "uk_unit_trusts" },
++    { FALSE, 0, 0, "USA (Alphavantage, Fool, ...)", "USA", "usa" },
 +static const int num_single_quote_sources =
 +    sizeof(single_quote_sources) / sizeof(gnc_quote_source);
 +static const int num_multiple_quote_sources =
 +    sizeof(multiple_quote_sources) / sizeof(gnc_quote_source);
 +static GList *new_quote_sources = NULL;
 + * gnc_quote_source_fq_installed
 + *
 + * This function indicates whether or not the Finance::Quote module
 + * is installed on a users computer.
 + ********************************************************************/
 +gnc_quote_source_fq_installed (void)
 +    return (fq_version != NULL);
 + * gnc_quote_source_fq_version
 + *
 + * This function the version of the Finance::Quote module installed
 + * on a user's computer or NULL if no installation is found.
 + ********************************************************************/
 +const char*
 +gnc_quote_source_fq_version (void)
 +    return fq_version;
 + * gnc_quote_source_num_entries
 + *
 + * Return the number of entries for a given type of price source.
 + ********************************************************************/
 +gint gnc_quote_source_num_entries(QuoteSourceType type)
 +    if  (type == SOURCE_CURRENCY)
 +        return 1;
 +    if  (type == SOURCE_SINGLE)
 +        return num_single_quote_sources;
 +    if (type == SOURCE_MULTI)
 +        return num_multiple_quote_sources;
 +    return g_list_length(new_quote_sources);
 + * gnc_quote_source_init_tables
 + *
 + * Update the type/index values for prices sources.
 + ********************************************************************/
 +static void
 +gnc_quote_source_init_tables (void)
 +    gint i;
 +    for (i = 0; i < num_single_quote_sources; i++)
 +    {
 +        single_quote_sources[i].type = SOURCE_SINGLE;
 +        single_quote_sources[i].index = i;
 +    }
 +    for (i = 0; i < num_multiple_quote_sources; i++)
 +    {
 +        multiple_quote_sources[i].type = SOURCE_MULTI;
 +        multiple_quote_sources[i].index = i;
 +    }
 +    currency_quote_source.type = SOURCE_CURRENCY;
 +    currency_quote_source.index = 0;
 + * gnc_quote_source_add_new
 + *
 + * Add a new price source. Called when unknown source names are found
 + * either in the F::Q installation (a newly available source) or in
 + * the user's data file (a source that has vanished but needs to be
 + * tracked.)
 + ********************************************************************/
 +gnc_quote_source *
 +gnc_quote_source_add_new (const char *source_name, gboolean supported)
 +    gnc_quote_source *new_source;
 +    DEBUG("Creating new source %s", (source_name == NULL ? "(null)" : source_name));
 +    new_source = malloc(sizeof(gnc_quote_source));
 +    new_source->supported = supported;
 +    new_source->type = SOURCE_UNKNOWN;
 +    new_source->index = g_list_length(new_quote_sources);
 +    /* This name can be changed if/when support for this price source is
 +     * integrated into gnucash. */
 +    new_source->user_name = g_strdup(source_name);
 +    /* This name is permanent and must be kept the same if/when support
 +     * for this price source is integrated into gnucash (i.e. for a
 +     * nice user name). */
 +    new_source->old_internal_name = g_strdup(source_name);
 +    new_source->internal_name = g_strdup(source_name);
 +    new_quote_sources = g_list_append(new_quote_sources, new_source);
 +    return new_source;
 + * gnc_quote_source_lookup_by_xxx
 + *
 + * Lookup a price source data structure based upon various criteria.
 + ********************************************************************/
 +gnc_quote_source *
 +gnc_quote_source_lookup_by_ti (QuoteSourceType type, gint index)
 +    gnc_quote_source *source;
 +    GList *node;
 +    ENTER("type/index is %d/%d", type, index);
 +    switch (type)
 +    {
 +        LEAVE("found %s", currency_quote_source.user_name);
 +        return &currency_quote_source;
 +        break;
 +    case SOURCE_SINGLE:
 +        if (index < num_single_quote_sources)
 +        {
 +            LEAVE("found %s", single_quote_sources[index].user_name);
 +            return &single_quote_sources[index];
 +        }
 +        break;
 +    case SOURCE_MULTI:
 +        if (index < num_multiple_quote_sources)
 +        {
 +            LEAVE("found %s", multiple_quote_sources[index].user_name);
 +            return &multiple_quote_sources[index];
 +        }
 +        break;
 +    case SOURCE_UNKNOWN:
 +    default:
 +        node = g_list_nth(new_quote_sources, index);
 +        if (node)
 +        {
 +            source = node->data;
 +            LEAVE("found %s", source->user_name);
 +            return source;
 +        }
 +        break;
 +    }
 +    LEAVE("not found");
 +    return NULL;
 +gnc_quote_source *
 +gnc_quote_source_lookup_by_internal(const char * name)
 +    gnc_quote_source *source;
 +    GList *node;
 +    gint i;
 +    if ((name == NULL) || (g_strcmp0(name, "") == 0))
 +    {
 +        return NULL;
 +    }
 +    if (g_strcmp0(name, currency_quote_source.internal_name) == 0)
 +        return &currency_quote_source;
 +    if (g_strcmp0(name, currency_quote_source.old_internal_name) == 0)
 +        return &currency_quote_source;
 +    for (i = 0; i < num_single_quote_sources; i++)
 +    {
 +        if (g_strcmp0(name, single_quote_sources[i].internal_name) == 0)
 +            return &single_quote_sources[i];
 +        if (g_strcmp0(name, single_quote_sources[i].old_internal_name) == 0)
 +            return &single_quote_sources[i];
 +    }
 +    for (i = 0; i < num_multiple_quote_sources; i++)
 +    {
 +        if (g_strcmp0(name, multiple_quote_sources[i].internal_name) == 0)
 +            return &multiple_quote_sources[i];
 +        if (g_strcmp0(name, multiple_quote_sources[i].old_internal_name) == 0)
 +            return &multiple_quote_sources[i];
 +    }
 +    for (i = 0, node = new_quote_sources; node; node = node->next, i++)
 +    {
 +        source = node->data;
 +        if (g_strcmp0(name, source->internal_name) == 0)
 +            return source;
 +        if (g_strcmp0(name, source->old_internal_name) == 0)
 +            return source;
 +    }
 +    DEBUG("gnc_quote_source_lookup_by_internal: Unknown source %s", name);
 +    return NULL;
 + * gnc_quote_source_get_xxx
 + *
 + * Accessor functions - get functions only. There are no set functions.
 + ********************************************************************/
 +gnc_quote_source_get_type (const gnc_quote_source *source)
 +    ENTER("%p", source);
 +    if (!source)
 +    {
 +        LEAVE("bad source");
 +        return SOURCE_SINGLE;
 +    }
 +    LEAVE("type is %d", source->type);
 +    return source->type;
 +gnc_quote_source_get_index (const gnc_quote_source *source)
 +    ENTER("%p", source);
 +    if (!source)
 +    {
 +        LEAVE("bad source");
 +        return 0;
 +    }
 +    LEAVE("index is %d", source->index);
 +    return source->index;
 +gnc_quote_source_get_supported (const gnc_quote_source *source)
 +    ENTER("%p", source);
 +    if (!source)
 +    {
 +        LEAVE("bad source");
 +        return FALSE;
 +    }
 +    LEAVE("%ssupported", source && source->supported ? "" : "not ");
 +    return source->supported;
 +const char *
 +gnc_quote_source_get_user_name (const gnc_quote_source *source)
 +    ENTER("%p", source);
 +    if (!source)
 +    {
 +        LEAVE("bad source");
 +        return NULL;
 +    }
 +    LEAVE("user name %s", source->user_name);
 +    return source->user_name;
 +const char *
 +gnc_quote_source_get_internal_name (const gnc_quote_source *source)
 +    ENTER("%p", source);
 +    if (!source)
 +    {
 +        LEAVE("bad source");
 +        return NULL;
 +    }
 +    LEAVE("internal name %s", source->internal_name);
 +    return source->internal_name;
 + * gnc_quote_source_set_fq_installed
 + *
 + * Update gnucash internal tables on what Finance::Quote sources are
 + * installed.
 + ********************************************************************/
 +gnc_quote_source_set_fq_installed (const char* version_string,
 +                                   const GList *sources_list)
 +    gnc_quote_source *source;
 +    char *source_name;
 +    const GList *node;
 +    ENTER(" ");
 +    if (!sources_list)
 +        return;
 +    if (fq_version)
 +    {
 +        g_free (fq_version);
 +        fq_version = NULL;
 +    }
 +    if (version_string)
 +        fq_version = g_strdup (version_string);
 +    for (node = sources_list; node; node = node->next)
 +    {
 +        source_name = node->data;
 +        source = gnc_quote_source_lookup_by_internal(source_name);
 +        if (source != NULL)
 +        {
 +            DEBUG("Found source %s: %s", source_name, source->user_name);
 +            source->supported = TRUE;
 +            continue;
 +        }
 +        gnc_quote_source_add_new(source_name, TRUE);
 +    }
 +    LEAVE(" ");
 + * QoF Helpers
 + ********************************************************************/
 +gnc_commodity_begin_edit (gnc_commodity *cm)
 +    qof_begin_edit(&cm->inst);
 +static void commit_err (QofInstance *inst, QofBackendError errcode)
 +    PERR ("Failed to commit: %d", errcode);
 +    gnc_engine_signal_commit_error( errcode );
 +static void noop (QofInstance *inst) {}
 +static void
 +comm_free(QofInstance* inst)
 +    commodity_free( GNC_COMMODITY(inst) );
 +gnc_commodity_commit_edit (gnc_commodity *cm)
 +    if (!qof_commit_edit (QOF_INSTANCE(cm))) return;
 +    qof_commit_edit_part2 (&cm->inst, commit_err, noop, comm_free);
 + * gnc_commodity_new
 + ********************************************************************/
 +static void
 +mark_commodity_dirty (gnc_commodity *cm)
 +    qof_instance_set_dirty(&cm->inst);
 +    qof_event_gen (&cm->inst, QOF_EVENT_MODIFY, NULL);
 +static void
 +reset_printname(CommodityPrivate *priv)
 +    g_free(priv->printname);
 +    priv->printname = g_strdup_printf("%s (%s)",
 +                                      priv->mnemonic ? priv->mnemonic : "",
 +                                      priv->fullname ? priv->fullname : "");
 +static void
 +reset_unique_name(CommodityPrivate *priv)
 +    gnc_commodity_namespace *ns;
 +    g_free(priv->unique_name);
 +    ns = priv->name_space;
 +    priv->unique_name = g_strdup_printf("%s::%s",
 +                                        ns ? ns->name : "",
 +                                        priv->mnemonic ? priv->mnemonic : "");
 +/* GObject Initialization */
 +G_DEFINE_TYPE(gnc_commodity, gnc_commodity, QOF_TYPE_INSTANCE);
 +static void
 +gnc_commodity_init(gnc_commodity* com)
 +    CommodityPrivate* priv;
 +    priv = GET_PRIVATE(com);
 +    priv->name_space = NULL;
 +    priv->fullname = CACHE_INSERT("");
 +    priv->mnemonic = CACHE_INSERT("");
 +    priv->cusip = CACHE_INSERT("");
 +    priv->fraction = 10000;
 +    priv->quote_flag = 0;
 +    priv->quote_source = NULL;
 +    priv->quote_tz = CACHE_INSERT("");
 +    reset_printname(priv);
 +    reset_unique_name(priv);
 +static void
 +gnc_commodity_dispose(GObject *comp)
 +    G_OBJECT_CLASS(gnc_commodity_parent_class)->dispose(comp);
 +static void
 +gnc_commodity_finalize(GObject* comp)
 +    G_OBJECT_CLASS(gnc_commodity_parent_class)->finalize(comp);
 +/* Note that g_value_set_object() refs the object, as does
 + * g_object_get(). But g_object_get() only unrefs once when it disgorges
 + * the object, leaving an unbalanced ref, which leaks. So instead of
 + * using g_value_set_object(), use g_value_take_object() which doesn't
 + * ref the object when used in get_property().
 + */
 +static void
 +gnc_commodity_get_property (GObject         *object,
 +                            guint            prop_id,
 +                            GValue          *value,
 +                            GParamSpec      *pspec)
 +    gnc_commodity *commodity;
 +    CommodityPrivate* priv;
 +    g_return_if_fail(GNC_IS_COMMODITY(object));
 +    commodity = GNC_COMMODITY(object);
 +    priv = GET_PRIVATE(commodity);
 +    switch (prop_id)
 +    {
 +    case PROP_NAMESPACE:
 +        g_value_take_object(value, priv->name_space);
 +        break;
 +    case PROP_FULL_NAME:
 +        g_value_set_string(value, priv->fullname);
 +        break;
 +    case PROP_MNEMONIC:
 +        g_value_set_string(value, priv->mnemonic);
 +        break;
 +    case PROP_PRINTNAME:
 +        g_value_set_string(value, priv->printname);
 +        break;
 +    case PROP_CUSIP:
 +        g_value_set_string(value, priv->cusip);
 +        break;
 +    case PROP_FRACTION:
 +        g_value_set_int(value, priv->fraction);
 +        break;
 +    case PROP_UNIQUE_NAME:
 +        g_value_set_string(value, priv->unique_name);
 +        break;
 +    case PROP_QUOTE_FLAG:
 +        g_value_set_boolean(value, priv->quote_flag);
 +        break;
 +        g_value_set_pointer(value, priv->quote_source);
 +        break;
 +    case PROP_QUOTE_TZ:
 +        g_value_set_string(value, priv->quote_tz);
 +        break;
 +    default:
 +        G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID(object, prop_id, pspec);
 +        break;
 +    }
 +static void
 +gnc_commodity_set_property (GObject         *object,
 +                            guint            prop_id,
 +                            const GValue    *value,
 +                            GParamSpec      *pspec)
 +    gnc_commodity *commodity;
 +    g_return_if_fail(GNC_IS_COMMODITY(object));
 +    commodity = GNC_COMMODITY(object);
 +    g_assert (qof_instance_get_editlevel(commodity));
 +    switch (prop_id)
 +    {
 +    case PROP_NAMESPACE:
 +        gnc_commodity_set_namespace(commodity, g_value_get_object(value));
 +        break;
 +    case PROP_FULL_NAME:
 +        gnc_commodity_set_fullname(commodity, g_value_get_string(value));
 +        break;
 +    case PROP_MNEMONIC:
 +        gnc_commodity_set_mnemonic(commodity, g_value_get_string(value));
 +        break;
 +    case PROP_CUSIP:
 +        gnc_commodity_set_cusip(commodity, g_value_get_string(value));
 +        break;
 +    case PROP_FRACTION:
 +        gnc_commodity_set_fraction(commodity, g_value_get_int(value));
 +        break;
 +    case PROP_QUOTE_FLAG:
 +        gnc_commodity_set_quote_flag(commodity, g_value_get_boolean(value));
 +        break;
 +        gnc_commodity_set_quote_source(commodity, g_value_get_pointer(value));
 +        break;
 +    case PROP_QUOTE_TZ:
 +        gnc_commodity_set_quote_tz(commodity, g_value_get_string(value));
 +        break;
 +    default:
 +        G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID(object, prop_id, pspec);
 +        break;
 +    }
 +static void
 +gnc_commodity_class_init(struct _GncCommodityClass* klass)
 +    GObjectClass *gobject_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS(klass);
 +    gobject_class->dispose = gnc_commodity_dispose;
 +    gobject_class->finalize = gnc_commodity_finalize;
 +    gobject_class->set_property = gnc_commodity_set_property;
 +    gobject_class->get_property = gnc_commodity_get_property;
 +    g_type_class_add_private(klass, sizeof(CommodityPrivate));
 +    g_object_class_install_property(gobject_class,
 +                                    PROP_NAMESPACE,
 +                                    g_param_spec_object ("namespace",
 +                                            "Namespace",
 +                                            "The namespace field denotes the "
 +                                            "namespace for this commodity, either "
 +                                            "a currency or symbol from a quote source.",
 +                                            GNC_TYPE_COMMODITY_NAMESPACE,
 +                                            G_PARAM_READWRITE));
 +    g_object_class_install_property(gobject_class,
 +                                    PROP_FULL_NAME,
 +                                    g_param_spec_string ("fullname",
 +                                            "Full Commodity Name",
 +                                            "The fullname is the official full name of"
 +                                            "the currency.",
 +                                            NULL,
 +                                            G_PARAM_READWRITE));
 +    g_object_class_install_property(gobject_class,
 +                                    PROP_MNEMONIC,
 +                                    g_param_spec_string ("mnemonic",
 +                                            "Commodity Mnemonic",
 +                                            "The mnemonic is the official abbreviated"
 +                                            "designation for the currency.",
 +                                            NULL,
 +                                            G_PARAM_READWRITE));
 +    g_object_class_install_property(gobject_class,
 +                                    PROP_PRINTNAME,
 +                                    g_param_spec_string ("printname",
 +                                            "Commodity Print Name",
 +                                            "Printable form of the commodity name.",
 +                                            NULL,
 +                                            G_PARAM_READABLE));
 +    g_object_class_install_property(gobject_class,
 +                                    PROP_CUSIP,
 +                                    g_param_spec_string ("cusip",
 +                                            "Commodity CUSIP Code",
 +                                            "?????",
 +                                            NULL,
 +                                            G_PARAM_READWRITE));
 +    g_object_class_install_property(gobject_class,
 +                                    PROP_FRACTION,
 +                                    g_param_spec_int ("fraction",
 +                                            "Fraction",
 +                                            "The fraction is the number of sub-units that "
 +                                            "the basic commodity can be divided into.",
 +                                            1,
 +                                            1000000,
 +                                            1,
 +                                            G_PARAM_READWRITE));
 +    g_object_class_install_property(gobject_class,
 +                                    PROP_UNIQUE_NAME,
 +                                    g_param_spec_string ("unique-name",
 +                                            "Commodity Unique Name",
 +                                            "Unique form of the commodity name which combines "
 +                                            "the namespace name and the commodity name.",
 +                                            NULL,
 +                                            G_PARAM_READABLE));
 +    g_object_class_install_property(gobject_class,
 +                                    PROP_QUOTE_FLAG,
 +                                    g_param_spec_boolean ("quote_flag",
 +                                            "Quote Flag",
 +                                            "TRUE if prices are to be downloaded for this "
 +                                            "commodity from a quote source.",
 +                                            FALSE,
 +                                            G_PARAM_READWRITE));
 +    g_object_class_install_property(gobject_class,
 +                                    PROP_QUOTE_SOURCE,
 +                                    g_param_spec_pointer("quote-source",
 +                                            "Quote Source",
 +                                            "The quote source from which prices are downloaded.",
 +                                            G_PARAM_READWRITE));
 +    g_object_class_install_property(gobject_class,
 +                                    PROP_QUOTE_TZ,
 +                                    g_param_spec_string ("quote-tz",
 +                                            "Commodity Quote Timezone",
 +                                            "?????",
 +                                            NULL,
 +                                            G_PARAM_READWRITE));
 +gnc_commodity *
 +gnc_commodity_new(QofBook *book, const char * fullname,
 +                  const char * name_space, const char * mnemonic,
 +                  const char * cusip, int fraction)
 +    gnc_commodity * retval = g_object_new(GNC_TYPE_COMMODITY, NULL);
 +    qof_instance_init_data (&retval->inst, GNC_ID_COMMODITY, book);
 +    gnc_commodity_begin_edit(retval);
 +    if ( name_space != NULL )
 +    {
 +	/* Prevent setting anything except template in namespace template. */
 +        if (g_strcmp0 (name_space, GNC_COMMODITY_NS_TEMPLATE) == 0 &&
 +	    g_strcmp0 (mnemonic, "template") != 0)
 +	{
 +	    PWARN("Converting commodity %s from namespace template to "
 +		  "namespace User", mnemonic);
 +	    name_space = "User";
 +	}
 +        gnc_commodity_set_namespace(retval, name_space);
 +        if (gnc_commodity_namespace_is_iso(name_space))
 +        {
 +            gnc_commodity_set_quote_source(retval,
 +                                           gnc_quote_source_lookup_by_internal("currency") );
 +        }
 +    }
 +    gnc_commodity_set_fullname(retval, fullname);
 +    gnc_commodity_set_mnemonic(retval, mnemonic);
 +    gnc_commodity_set_cusip(retval, cusip);
 +    gnc_commodity_set_fraction(retval, fraction);
 +    mark_commodity_dirty (retval);
 +    gnc_commodity_commit_edit(retval);
 +    qof_event_gen (&retval->inst, QOF_EVENT_CREATE, NULL);
 +    return retval;
 + * gnc_commodity_destroy
 + ********************************************************************/
 +static void
 +commodity_free(gnc_commodity * cm)
 +    QofBook *book;
 +    gnc_commodity_table *table;
 +    CommodityPrivate* priv;
 +    if (!cm) return;
 +    book = qof_instance_get_book(&cm->inst);
 +    table = gnc_commodity_table_get_table(book);
 +    gnc_commodity_table_remove(table, cm);
 +    priv = GET_PRIVATE(cm);
 +    qof_event_gen (&cm->inst, QOF_EVENT_DESTROY, NULL);
 +    /* Set at creation */
 +    CACHE_REMOVE (priv->fullname);
 +    CACHE_REMOVE (priv->cusip);
 +    CACHE_REMOVE (priv->mnemonic);
 +    CACHE_REMOVE (priv->quote_tz);
 +    priv->name_space = NULL;
 +    /* Set through accessor functions */
 +    priv->quote_source = NULL;
 +    /* Automatically generated */
 +    g_free(priv->printname);
 +    priv->printname = NULL;
 +    g_free(priv->unique_name);
 +    priv->unique_name = NULL;
 +    /* Account objects are not actually cleaned up when a book is closed (in fact
 +     * a memory leak), but commodities are, so in currently this warning gets hit
 +     * quite frequently.  Disable the check until cleaning up of accounts objects
 +     * on close is implemented.  */
 +    if (priv->usage_count != 0)
 +    {
 +        PWARN("Destroying commodity (%p) with non-zero usage_count (%d).", cm,
 +              priv->usage_count);
 +    }
 +    /* qof_instance_release (&cm->inst); */
 +    g_object_unref(cm);
 +gnc_commodity_destroy(gnc_commodity * cm)
 +    gnc_commodity_begin_edit(cm);
 +    qof_instance_set_destroying(cm, TRUE);
 +    gnc_commodity_commit_edit(cm);
 +gnc_commodity_copy(gnc_commodity * dest, const gnc_commodity *src)
 +    CommodityPrivate* src_priv = GET_PRIVATE(src);
 +    CommodityPrivate* dest_priv = GET_PRIVATE(dest);
 +    gnc_commodity_set_fullname (dest, src_priv->fullname);
 +    gnc_commodity_set_mnemonic (dest, src_priv->mnemonic);
 +    dest_priv->name_space = src_priv->name_space;
 +    gnc_commodity_set_fraction (dest, src_priv->fraction);
 +    gnc_commodity_set_cusip (dest, src_priv->cusip);
 +    gnc_commodity_set_quote_flag (dest, src_priv->quote_flag);
 +    gnc_commodity_set_quote_source (dest, gnc_commodity_get_quote_source (src));
 +    gnc_commodity_set_quote_tz (dest, src_priv->quote_tz);
 +    qof_instance_copy_kvp (QOF_INSTANCE (dest), QOF_INSTANCE (src));
 +gnc_commodity *
 +gnc_commodity_clone(const gnc_commodity *src, QofBook *dest_book)
 +    CommodityPrivate* src_priv;
 +    CommodityPrivate* dest_priv;
 +    gnc_commodity * dest = g_object_new(GNC_TYPE_COMMODITY, NULL);
 +    qof_instance_init_data (&dest->inst, GNC_ID_COMMODITY, dest_book);
 +    src_priv = GET_PRIVATE(src);
 +    dest_priv = GET_PRIVATE(dest);
 +    dest_priv->fullname = CACHE_INSERT(src_priv->fullname);
 +    dest_priv->mnemonic = CACHE_INSERT(src_priv->mnemonic);
 +    dest_priv->cusip = CACHE_INSERT(src_priv->cusip);
 +    dest_priv->quote_tz = CACHE_INSERT(src_priv->quote_tz);
 +    dest_priv->name_space = src_priv->name_space;
 +    dest_priv->fraction = src_priv->fraction;
 +    dest_priv->quote_flag = src_priv->quote_flag;
 +    gnc_commodity_set_quote_source (dest, gnc_commodity_get_quote_source (src));
 +    qof_instance_copy_kvp (QOF_INSTANCE (dest), QOF_INSTANCE (src));
 +    reset_printname(dest_priv);
 +    reset_unique_name(dest_priv);
 +    return dest;
 + * gnc_commodity_get_mnemonic
 + ********************************************************************/
 +const char *
 +gnc_commodity_get_mnemonic(const gnc_commodity * cm)
 +    if (!cm) return NULL;
 +    return GET_PRIVATE(cm)->mnemonic;
 + * gnc_commodity_get_printname
 + ********************************************************************/
 +const char *
 +gnc_commodity_get_printname(const gnc_commodity * cm)
 +    if (!cm) return NULL;
 +    return GET_PRIVATE(cm)->printname;
 + * gnc_commodity_get_namespace
 + ********************************************************************/
 +const char *
 +gnc_commodity_get_namespace(const gnc_commodity * cm)
 +    if (!cm) return NULL;
 +    return gnc_commodity_namespace_get_name(GET_PRIVATE(cm)->name_space);
 +gnc_commodity_namespace *
 +gnc_commodity_get_namespace_ds(const gnc_commodity * cm)
 +    if (!cm) return NULL;
 +    return GET_PRIVATE(cm)->name_space;
 + * gnc_commodity_get_fullname
 + ********************************************************************/
 +const char *
 +gnc_commodity_get_fullname(const gnc_commodity * cm)
 +    if (!cm) return NULL;
 +    return GET_PRIVATE(cm)->fullname;
 + * gnc_commodity_get_unique_name
 + ********************************************************************/
 +const char *
 +gnc_commodity_get_unique_name(const gnc_commodity * cm)
 +    if (!cm) return NULL;
 +    return GET_PRIVATE(cm)->unique_name;
 + * gnc_commodity_get_cusip
 + ********************************************************************/
 +const char *
 +gnc_commodity_get_cusip(const gnc_commodity * cm)
 +    if (!cm) return NULL;
 +    return GET_PRIVATE(cm)->cusip;
 + * gnc_commodity_get_fraction
 + ********************************************************************/
 +gnc_commodity_get_fraction(const gnc_commodity * cm)
 +    if (!cm) return 0;
 +    return GET_PRIVATE(cm)->fraction;
 + * gnc_commodity_get_auto_quote_control_flag
 + ********************************************************************/
 +static gboolean
 +gnc_commodity_get_auto_quote_control_flag(const gnc_commodity *cm)
 +    GValue v = G_VALUE_INIT;
 +    if (!cm) return FALSE;
 +    qof_instance_get_kvp (QOF_INSTANCE (cm), &v, 1, "auto_quote_control");
 +    if (G_VALUE_HOLDS_STRING (&v) &&
 +        strcmp(g_value_get_string (&v), "false") == 0)
 +        return FALSE;
 +    return TRUE;
 + * gnc_commodity_get_quote_flag
 + ********************************************************************/
 +gnc_commodity_get_quote_flag(const gnc_commodity *cm)
 +    if (!cm) return FALSE;
 +    return (GET_PRIVATE(cm)->quote_flag);
 + * gnc_commodity_get_quote_source
 + ********************************************************************/
 +gnc_commodity_get_quote_source(const gnc_commodity *cm)
 +    CommodityPrivate* priv;
 +    if (!cm) return NULL;
 +    priv = GET_PRIVATE(cm);
 +    if (!priv->quote_source && gnc_commodity_is_iso(cm))
 +        return &currency_quote_source;
 +    return priv->quote_source;
 +gnc_commodity_get_default_quote_source(const gnc_commodity *cm)
 +    if (cm && gnc_commodity_is_iso(cm))
 +        return &currency_quote_source;
 +    /* Should make this a user option at some point. */
 +    return gnc_quote_source_lookup_by_internal("alphavantage");
 + * gnc_commodity_get_quote_tz
 + ********************************************************************/
 +const char*
 +gnc_commodity_get_quote_tz(const gnc_commodity *cm)
 +    if (!cm) return NULL;
 +    return GET_PRIVATE(cm)->quote_tz;
 + * gnc_commodity_get_user_symbol
 + ********************************************************************/
 +const char*
 +gnc_commodity_get_user_symbol(const gnc_commodity *cm)
 +    GValue v = G_VALUE_INIT;
 +    if (!cm) return NULL;
 +    qof_instance_get_kvp (QOF_INSTANCE(cm), &v, 1, "user_symbol");
 +    if (G_VALUE_HOLDS_STRING (&v))
 +        return g_value_get_string (&v);
 +    return NULL;
 + * gnc_commodity_get_default_symbol
 + *******************************************************************/
 +const char*
 +gnc_commodity_get_default_symbol(const gnc_commodity *cm)
 +    if (!cm) return NULL;
 +    return GET_PRIVATE(cm)->default_symbol;
 + * gnc_commodity_get_nice_symbol
 + *******************************************************************/
 +const char*
 +gnc_commodity_get_nice_symbol (const gnc_commodity *cm)
 +    const char *nice_symbol;
 +    struct lconv *lc;
 +    if (!cm) return NULL;
 +    nice_symbol = gnc_commodity_get_user_symbol(cm);
 +    if (nice_symbol && *nice_symbol)
 +        return nice_symbol;
 +    lc = gnc_localeconv();
 +    nice_symbol = lc->currency_symbol;
 +    if (!g_strcmp0(gnc_commodity_get_mnemonic(cm), lc->int_curr_symbol))
 +        return nice_symbol;
 +    nice_symbol = gnc_commodity_get_default_symbol(cm);
 +    if (nice_symbol && *nice_symbol)
 +        return nice_symbol;
 +    return gnc_commodity_get_mnemonic(cm);
 + * gnc_commodity_set_mnemonic
 + ********************************************************************/
 +gnc_commodity_set_mnemonic(gnc_commodity * cm, const char * mnemonic)
 +    CommodityPrivate* priv;
 +    if (!cm) return;
 +    priv = GET_PRIVATE(cm);
 +    if (priv->mnemonic == mnemonic) return;
 +    gnc_commodity_begin_edit(cm);
 +    CACHE_REMOVE (priv->mnemonic);
 +    priv->mnemonic = CACHE_INSERT(mnemonic);
 +    mark_commodity_dirty (cm);
 +    reset_printname(priv);
 +    reset_unique_name(priv);
 +    gnc_commodity_commit_edit(cm);
 + * gnc_commodity_set_namespace
 + ********************************************************************/
 +gnc_commodity_set_namespace(gnc_commodity * cm, const char * name_space)
 +    QofBook *book;
 +    gnc_commodity_table *table;
 +    gnc_commodity_namespace *nsp;
 +    CommodityPrivate* priv;
 +    if (!cm) return;
 +    priv = GET_PRIVATE(cm);
 +    book = qof_instance_get_book (&cm->inst);
 +    table = gnc_commodity_table_get_table(book);
 +    nsp = gnc_commodity_table_add_namespace(table, name_space, book);
 +    if (priv->name_space == nsp)
 +        return;
 +    gnc_commodity_begin_edit(cm);
 +    priv->name_space = nsp;
 +    if (nsp->iso4217)
 +        priv->quote_source = gnc_quote_source_lookup_by_internal("currency");
 +    mark_commodity_dirty(cm);
 +    reset_printname(priv);
 +    reset_unique_name(priv);
 +    gnc_commodity_commit_edit(cm);
 + * gnc_commodity_set_fullname
 + ********************************************************************/
 +gnc_commodity_set_fullname(gnc_commodity * cm, const char * fullname)
 +    CommodityPrivate* priv;
 +    if (!cm) return;
 +    priv = GET_PRIVATE(cm);
 +    if (priv->fullname == fullname) return;
 +    CACHE_REMOVE (priv->fullname);
 +    priv->fullname = CACHE_INSERT (fullname);
 +    gnc_commodity_begin_edit(cm);
 +    mark_commodity_dirty(cm);
 +    reset_printname(priv);
 +    gnc_commodity_commit_edit(cm);
 + * gnc_commodity_set_cusip
 + ********************************************************************/
 +gnc_commodity_set_cusip(gnc_commodity * cm,
 +                        const char * cusip)
 +    CommodityPrivate* priv;
 +    if (!cm) return;
 +    priv = GET_PRIVATE(cm);
 +    if (priv->cusip == cusip) return;
 +    gnc_commodity_begin_edit(cm);
 +    CACHE_REMOVE (priv->cusip);
 +    priv->cusip = CACHE_INSERT (cusip);
 +    mark_commodity_dirty(cm);
 +    gnc_commodity_commit_edit(cm);
 + * gnc_commodity_set_fraction
 + ********************************************************************/
 +gnc_commodity_set_fraction(gnc_commodity * cm, int fraction)
 +    if (!cm) return;
 +    gnc_commodity_begin_edit(cm);
 +    GET_PRIVATE(cm)->fraction = fraction;
 +    mark_commodity_dirty(cm);
 +    gnc_commodity_commit_edit(cm);
 + * gnc_commodity_set_auto_quote_control_flag
 + ********************************************************************/
 +static void
 +gnc_commodity_set_auto_quote_control_flag(gnc_commodity *cm,
 +        const gboolean flag)
 +    GValue v = G_VALUE_INIT;
 +    ENTER ("(cm=%p, flag=%d)", cm, flag);
 +    if (!cm)
 +    {
 +        LEAVE("");
 +        return;
 +    }
 +    gnc_commodity_begin_edit(cm);
 +    if (flag)
 +        qof_instance_set_kvp (QOF_INSTANCE (cm), NULL, 1, "auto_quote_control");
 +    else
 +    {
 +        g_value_init (&v, G_TYPE_STRING);
 +        g_value_set_string (&v, "false");
 +        qof_instance_set_kvp (QOF_INSTANCE (cm), &v, 1, "auto_quote_control");
 +    }
 +    mark_commodity_dirty(cm);
 +    gnc_commodity_commit_edit(cm);
 +    LEAVE("");
 + * gnc_commodity_user_set_quote_flag
 + ********************************************************************/
 +gnc_commodity_user_set_quote_flag(gnc_commodity *cm, const gboolean flag)
 +    CommodityPrivate* priv;
 +    ENTER ("(cm=%p, flag=%d)", cm, flag);
 +    if (!cm)
 +    {
 +        LEAVE("");
 +        return;
 +    }
 +    priv = GET_PRIVATE(cm);
 +    gnc_commodity_begin_edit(cm);
 +    gnc_commodity_set_quote_flag(cm, flag);
 +    if (gnc_commodity_is_iso(cm))
 +    {
 +        /* For currencies, disable auto quote control if the quote flag is being
 +         * changed from its default value and enable it if the quote flag is being
 +         * reset to its default value.  The defaults for the quote flag are
 +         * disabled if no accounts are using the currency, and true otherwise.
 +         * Thus enable auto quote control if flag is FALSE and there are not any
 +         * accounts using this currency OR flag is TRUE and there are accounts
 +         * using this currency; otherwise disable auto quote control */
 +        gnc_commodity_set_auto_quote_control_flag(cm,
 +                (!flag && (priv->usage_count == 0)) || (flag && (priv->usage_count != 0)));
 +    }
 +    gnc_commodity_commit_edit(cm);
 +    LEAVE("");
 + * gnc_commodity_set_quote_flag
 + ********************************************************************/
 +gnc_commodity_set_quote_flag(gnc_commodity *cm, const gboolean flag)
 +    ENTER ("(cm=%p, flag=%d)", cm, flag);
 +    if (!cm) return;
 +    gnc_commodity_begin_edit(cm);
 +    GET_PRIVATE(cm)->quote_flag = flag;
 +    mark_commodity_dirty(cm);
 +    gnc_commodity_commit_edit(cm);
 +    LEAVE(" ");
 + * gnc_commodity_set_quote_source
 + ********************************************************************/
 +gnc_commodity_set_quote_source(gnc_commodity *cm, gnc_quote_source *src)
 +    ENTER ("(cm=%p, src=%p(%s))", cm, src, src ? src->internal_name : "unknown");
 +    if (!cm) return;
 +    gnc_commodity_begin_edit(cm);
 +    GET_PRIVATE(cm)->quote_source = src;
 +    mark_commodity_dirty(cm);
 +    gnc_commodity_commit_edit(cm);
 +    LEAVE(" ");
 + * gnc_commodity_set_quote_tz
 + ********************************************************************/
 +gnc_commodity_set_quote_tz(gnc_commodity *cm, const char *tz)
 +    CommodityPrivate* priv;
 +    if (!cm) return;
 +    ENTER ("(cm=%p, tz=%s)", cm, tz ? tz : "(null)");
 +    priv = GET_PRIVATE(cm);
 +    if (tz == priv->quote_tz)
 +    {
 +        LEAVE("Already correct TZ");
 +        return;
 +    }
 +    gnc_commodity_begin_edit(cm);
 +    CACHE_REMOVE (priv->quote_tz);
 +    priv->quote_tz = CACHE_INSERT (tz);
 +    mark_commodity_dirty(cm);
 +    gnc_commodity_commit_edit(cm);
 +    LEAVE(" ");
 + * gnc_commodity_set_user_symbol
 + ********************************************************************/
 +gnc_commodity_set_user_symbol(gnc_commodity * cm, const char * user_symbol)
 +    struct lconv *lc;
 +    GValue v = G_VALUE_INIT;
 +    if (!cm) return;
 +    ENTER ("(cm=%p, symbol=%s)", cm, user_symbol ? user_symbol : "(null)");
 +    gnc_commodity_begin_edit(cm);
 +    lc = gnc_localeconv();
 +    if (!user_symbol || !*user_symbol)
 +	user_symbol = NULL;
 +    else if (!g_strcmp0(lc->int_curr_symbol, gnc_commodity_get_mnemonic(cm)) &&
 +	     !g_strcmp0(lc->currency_symbol, user_symbol))
 +	/* if the user gives the ISO symbol for the locale currency or the
 +	 * default symbol, actually remove the user symbol */
 +	user_symbol = NULL;
 +    else if (!g_strcmp0(user_symbol, gnc_commodity_get_default_symbol(cm)))
 +	user_symbol = NULL;
 +    if (user_symbol)
 +    {
 +        g_value_init (&v, G_TYPE_STRING);
 +        g_value_set_string (&v, user_symbol);
 +        qof_instance_set_kvp (QOF_INSTANCE(cm), &v, 1, "user_symbol");
 +    }
 +    else
 +        qof_instance_set_kvp (QOF_INSTANCE(cm), NULL, 1, "user_symbol");
 +    mark_commodity_dirty(cm);
 +    gnc_commodity_commit_edit(cm);
 +    LEAVE(" ");
 + * gnc_commodity_set_default_symbol
 + * Not made visible in gnc-commodity.h, it is only called from
 + * iso-4217-currencies.c at startup.
 + ********************************************************************/
 +gnc_commodity_set_default_symbol(gnc_commodity * cm,
 +				 const char * default_symbol)
 +    GET_PRIVATE(cm)->default_symbol = default_symbol;
 + * gnc_commodity_increment_usage_count
 + ********************************************************************/
 +gnc_commodity_increment_usage_count(gnc_commodity *cm)
 +    CommodityPrivate* priv;
 +    ENTER("(cm=%p)", cm);
 +    if (!cm)
 +    {
 +        LEAVE("");
 +        return;
 +    }
 +    priv = GET_PRIVATE(cm);
 +    if ((priv->usage_count == 0) && !priv->quote_flag
 +            && gnc_commodity_get_auto_quote_control_flag(cm)
 +            && gnc_commodity_is_iso(cm))
 +    {
 +        /* compatibility hack - Gnucash 1.8 gets currency quotes when a
 +           non-default currency is assigned to an account.  */
 +        gnc_commodity_begin_edit(cm);
 +        gnc_commodity_set_quote_flag(cm, TRUE);
 +        gnc_commodity_set_quote_source(cm,
 +                                       gnc_commodity_get_default_quote_source(cm));
 +        gnc_commodity_commit_edit(cm);
 +    }
 +    priv->usage_count++;
 +    LEAVE("(usage_count=%d)", priv->usage_count);
 + * gnc_commodity_decrement_usage_count
 + ********************************************************************/
 +gnc_commodity_decrement_usage_count(gnc_commodity *cm)
 +    CommodityPrivate* priv;
 +    ENTER("(cm=%p)", cm);
 +    if (!cm)
 +    {
 +        LEAVE("");
 +        return;
 +    }
 +    priv = GET_PRIVATE(cm);
 +    if (priv->usage_count == 0)
 +    {
 +        PWARN("usage_count already zero");
 +        LEAVE("");
 +        return;
 +    }
 +    priv->usage_count--;
 +    if ((priv->usage_count == 0) && priv->quote_flag
 +            && gnc_commodity_get_auto_quote_control_flag(cm)
 +            && gnc_commodity_is_iso(cm))
 +    {
 +        /* if this is a currency with auto quote control enabled and no more
 +         * accounts reference this currency, disable quote retrieval */
 +        gnc_commodity_set_quote_flag(cm, FALSE);
 +    }
 +    LEAVE("(usage_count=%d)", priv->usage_count);
 + * gnc_commodity_equiv
 + * are two commodities the same?
 + ********************************************************************/
 +gnc_commodity_equiv(const gnc_commodity * a, const gnc_commodity * b)
 +    CommodityPrivate* priv_a;
 +    CommodityPrivate* priv_b;
 +    if (a == b) return TRUE;
 +    if (!a || !b) return FALSE;
 +    priv_a = GET_PRIVATE(a);
 +    priv_b = GET_PRIVATE(b);
 +    if (priv_a->name_space != priv_b->name_space) return FALSE;
 +    if (g_strcmp0(priv_a->mnemonic, priv_b->mnemonic) != 0) return FALSE;
 +    return TRUE;
 +gnc_commodity_equal(const gnc_commodity * a, const gnc_commodity * b)
 +    CommodityPrivate* priv_a;
 +    CommodityPrivate* priv_b;
 +    gboolean same_book;
 +    if (a == b) return TRUE;
 +    if (!a || !b)
 +    {
 +        DEBUG ("one is NULL");
 +        return FALSE;
 +    }
 +    priv_a = GET_PRIVATE(a);
 +    priv_b = GET_PRIVATE(b);
 +    same_book = qof_instance_get_book(QOF_INSTANCE(a)) == qof_instance_get_book(QOF_INSTANCE(b));
 +    if ((same_book && priv_a->name_space != priv_b->name_space)
 +            || (!same_book && g_strcmp0( gnc_commodity_namespace_get_name(priv_a->name_space),
 +                                           gnc_commodity_namespace_get_name(priv_b->name_space)) != 0))
 +    {
 +        DEBUG ("namespaces differ: %p(%s) vs %p(%s)",
 +               priv_a->name_space, gnc_commodity_namespace_get_name(priv_a->name_space),
 +               priv_b->name_space, gnc_commodity_namespace_get_name(priv_b->name_space));
 +        return FALSE;
 +    }
 +    if (g_strcmp0(priv_a->mnemonic, priv_b->mnemonic) != 0)
 +    {
 +        DEBUG ("mnemonics differ: %s vs %s", priv_a->mnemonic, priv_b->mnemonic);
 +        return FALSE;
 +    }
 +    if (g_strcmp0(priv_a->fullname, priv_b->fullname) != 0)
 +    {
 +        DEBUG ("fullnames differ: %s vs %s", priv_a->fullname, priv_b->fullname);
 +        return FALSE;
 +    }
 +    if (g_strcmp0(priv_a->cusip, priv_b->cusip) != 0)
 +    {
 +        DEBUG ("cusips differ: %s vs %s", priv_a->cusip, priv_b->cusip);
 +        return FALSE;
 +    }
 +    if (priv_a->fraction != priv_b->fraction)
 +    {
 +        DEBUG ("fractions differ: %d vs %d", priv_a->fraction, priv_b->fraction);
 +        return FALSE;
 +    }
 +    return TRUE;
 +int gnc_commodity_compare(const gnc_commodity * a, const gnc_commodity * b)
 +    if (gnc_commodity_equal(a, b))
 +    {
 +        return 0;
 +    }
 +    else
 +    {
 +        return 1;
 +    }
 +int gnc_commodity_compare_void(const void * a, const void * b)
 +    return gnc_commodity_compare(a, b);
 + *                   Namespace functions                    *
 + ************************************************************/
 +const char *
 +gnc_commodity_namespace_get_name (const gnc_commodity_namespace *ns)
 +    if (ns == NULL)
 +        return NULL;
 +    return ns->name;
 +const char *
 +gnc_commodity_namespace_get_gui_name (const gnc_commodity_namespace *ns)
 +    if (ns == NULL)
 +        return NULL;
 +    if (g_strcmp0 (ns->name, GNC_COMMODITY_NS_CURRENCY) == 0)
 +        return GNC_COMMODITY_NS_ISO_GUI;
 +    return ns->name;
 +GList *
 +gnc_commodity_namespace_get_commodity_list(const gnc_commodity_namespace *name_space)
 +    if (!name_space)
 +        return NULL;
 +    return name_space->cm_list;
 +gnc_commodity_namespace_is_iso(const char *name_space)
 +    return ((g_strcmp0(name_space, GNC_COMMODITY_NS_ISO) == 0) ||
 +            (g_strcmp0(name_space, GNC_COMMODITY_NS_CURRENCY) == 0));
 +static const gchar *
 +gnc_commodity_table_map_namespace(const char * name_space)
 +    if (g_strcmp0(name_space, GNC_COMMODITY_NS_ISO) == 0)
 +    return name_space;
 + * gnc_commodity_table_new
 + * make a new commodity table
 + ********************************************************************/
 +gnc_commodity_table *
 +    gnc_commodity_table * retval = g_new0(gnc_commodity_table, 1);
 +    retval->ns_table = g_hash_table_new(&g_str_hash, &g_str_equal);
 +    retval->ns_list = NULL;
 +    return retval;
 + * book anchor functons
 + ********************************************************************/
 +gnc_commodity_table *
 +gnc_commodity_table_get_table(QofBook *book)
 +    if (!book) return NULL;
 +    return qof_book_get_data (book, GNC_COMMODITY_TABLE);
 +gnc_commodity *
 +gnc_commodity_obtain_twin (const gnc_commodity *from, QofBook *book)
 +    gnc_commodity *twin;
 +    const char * ucom;
 +    gnc_commodity_table * comtbl;
 +    if (!from) return NULL;
 +    comtbl = gnc_commodity_table_get_table (book);
 +    if (!comtbl) return NULL;
 +    ucom = gnc_commodity_get_unique_name (from);
 +    twin = gnc_commodity_table_lookup_unique (comtbl, ucom);
 +    if (!twin)
 +    {
 +        twin = gnc_commodity_clone (from, book);
 +        twin = gnc_commodity_table_insert (comtbl, twin);
 +    }
 +    return twin;
 + * gnc_commodity_table_get_size
 + * get the size of the commodity table
 + ********************************************************************/
 +static void
 +count_coms(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data)
 +    GHashTable *tbl = ((gnc_commodity_namespace*)value)->cm_table;
 +    guint *count = (guint*)user_data;
 +    if (g_strcmp0((char*)key, GNC_COMMODITY_NS_CURRENCY) == 0)
 +    {
 +        /* don't count default commodities */
 +        return;
 +    }
 +    if (!value) return;
 +    *count += g_hash_table_size(tbl);
 +gnc_commodity_table_get_size(const gnc_commodity_table* tbl)
 +    guint count = 0;
 +    g_return_val_if_fail(tbl, 0);
 +    g_return_val_if_fail(tbl->ns_table, 0);
 +    g_hash_table_foreach(tbl->ns_table, count_coms, (gpointer)&count);
 +    return count;
 + * gnc_commodity_table_lookup
 + * locate a commodity by namespace and mnemonic.
 + ********************************************************************/
 +gnc_commodity *
 +gnc_commodity_table_lookup(const gnc_commodity_table * table,
 +                           const char * name_space, const char * mnemonic)
 +    gnc_commodity_namespace * nsp = NULL;
 +    unsigned int i;
 +    if (!table || !name_space || !mnemonic) return NULL;
 +    nsp = gnc_commodity_table_find_namespace(table, name_space);
 +    if (nsp)
 +    {
 +        /*
 +         * Backward compatibility support for currencies that have
 +         * recently changed.
 +         */
 +        if (nsp->iso4217)
 +        {
 +            for (i = 0; i < GNC_NEW_ISO_CODES; i++)
 +            {
 +                if (strcmp(mnemonic, gnc_new_iso_codes[i].old_code) == 0)
 +                {
 +                    mnemonic = gnc_new_iso_codes[i].new_code;
 +                    break;
 +                }
 +            }
 +        }
 +        return g_hash_table_lookup(nsp->cm_table, (gpointer)mnemonic);
 +    }
 +    else
 +    {
 +        return NULL;
 +    }
 + * gnc_commodity_table_lookup
 + * locate a commodity by unique name.
 + ********************************************************************/
 +gnc_commodity *
 +gnc_commodity_table_lookup_unique(const gnc_commodity_table *table,
 +                                  const char * unique_name)
 +    char *name_space;
 +    char *mnemonic;
 +    gnc_commodity *commodity;
 +    if (!table || !unique_name) return NULL;
 +    name_space = g_strdup (unique_name);
 +    mnemonic = strstr (name_space, "::");
 +    if (!mnemonic)
 +    {
 +        g_free (name_space);
 +        return NULL;
 +    }
 +    *mnemonic = '\0';
 +    mnemonic += 2;
 +    commodity = gnc_commodity_table_lookup (table, name_space, mnemonic);
 +    g_free (name_space);
 +    return commodity;
 + * gnc_commodity_table_find_full
 + * locate a commodity by namespace and printable name
 + ********************************************************************/
 +gnc_commodity *
 +gnc_commodity_table_find_full(const gnc_commodity_table * table,
 +                              const char * name_space,
 +                              const char * fullname)
 +    gnc_commodity * retval = NULL;
 +    GList         * all;
 +    GList         * iterator;
 +    if (!fullname || (fullname[0] == '\0'))
 +        return NULL;
 +    all = gnc_commodity_table_get_commodities(table, name_space);
 +    for (iterator = all; iterator; iterator = iterator->next)
 +    {
 +        if (!strcmp(fullname,
 +                    gnc_commodity_get_printname(iterator->data)))
 +        {
 +            retval = iterator->data;
 +            break;
 +        }
 +    }
 +    g_list_free (all);
 +    return retval;
 + * gnc_commodity_table_insert
 + * add a commodity to the table.
 + ********************************************************************/
 +gnc_commodity *
 +gnc_commodity_table_insert(gnc_commodity_table * table,
 +                           gnc_commodity * comm)
 +    gnc_commodity_namespace * nsp = NULL;
 +    gnc_commodity *c;
 +    const char *ns_name;
 +    CommodityPrivate* priv;
 +    QofBook *book;
 +    if (!table) return NULL;
 +    if (!comm) return NULL;
 +    priv = GET_PRIVATE(comm);
 +    ENTER ("(table=%p, comm=%p) %s %s", table, comm,
 +           (priv->mnemonic == NULL ? "(null)" : priv->mnemonic),
 +           (priv->fullname == NULL ? "(null)" : priv->fullname));
 +    ns_name = gnc_commodity_namespace_get_name(priv->name_space);
 +    c = gnc_commodity_table_lookup (table, ns_name, priv->mnemonic);
 +    if (c)
 +    {
 +        if (c == comm)
 +        {
 +            LEAVE("already in table");
 +            return c;
 +        }
 +        /* Backward compatibility support for currencies that have
 +         * recently changed. */
 +        if (priv->name_space->iso4217)
 +        {
 +            guint i;
 +            for (i = 0; i < GNC_NEW_ISO_CODES; i++)
 +            {
 +                if (!priv->mnemonic
 +                        || !strcmp(priv->mnemonic, gnc_new_iso_codes[i].old_code))
 +                {
 +                    gnc_commodity_set_mnemonic(comm, gnc_new_iso_codes[i].new_code);
 +                    break;
 +                }
 +            }
 +        }
 +        gnc_commodity_copy (c, comm);
 +        gnc_commodity_destroy (comm);
 +        LEAVE("found at %p", c);
 +        return c;
 +    }
 +    /* Prevent setting anything except template in namespace template. */
 +    if (g_strcmp0 (ns_name, GNC_COMMODITY_NS_TEMPLATE) == 0 &&
 +	g_strcmp0 (priv->mnemonic, "template") != 0)
 +    {
 +	PWARN("Converting commodity %s from namespace template to "
 +	      "namespace User", priv->mnemonic);
 +	gnc_commodity_set_namespace (comm, "User");
 +	ns_name = "User";
 +	mark_commodity_dirty (comm);
 +    }
 +    book = qof_instance_get_book (&comm->inst);
 +    nsp = gnc_commodity_table_add_namespace(table, ns_name, book);
 +    PINFO ("insert %p %s into nsp=%p %s", priv->mnemonic, priv->mnemonic,
 +           nsp->cm_table, nsp->name);
 +    g_hash_table_insert(nsp->cm_table,
 +                        CACHE_INSERT(priv->mnemonic),
 +                        (gpointer)comm);
 +    nsp->cm_list = g_list_append(nsp->cm_list, comm);
 +    qof_event_gen (&comm->inst, QOF_EVENT_ADD, NULL);
 +    LEAVE ("(table=%p, comm=%p)", table, comm);
 +    return comm;
 + * gnc_commodity_table_remove
 + * remove a commodity from the table.
 + ********************************************************************/
 +gnc_commodity_table_remove(gnc_commodity_table * table,
 +                           gnc_commodity * comm)
 +    gnc_commodity_namespace * nsp;
 +    gnc_commodity *c;
 +    CommodityPrivate* priv;
 +    const char *ns_name;
 +    if (!table) return;
 +    if (!comm) return;
 +    priv = GET_PRIVATE(comm);
 +    ns_name = gnc_commodity_namespace_get_name(priv->name_space);
 +    c = gnc_commodity_table_lookup (table, ns_name, priv->mnemonic);
 +    if (c != comm) return;
 +    qof_event_gen (&comm->inst, QOF_EVENT_REMOVE, NULL);
 +    nsp = gnc_commodity_table_find_namespace(table, ns_name);
 +    if (!nsp) return;
 +    nsp->cm_list = g_list_remove(nsp->cm_list, comm);
 +    g_hash_table_remove (nsp->cm_table, priv->mnemonic);
 +    /* XXX minor mem leak, should remove the key as well */
 + * gnc_commodity_table_has_namespace
 + * see if the commodities namespace exists. May have zero commodities.
 + ********************************************************************/
 +gnc_commodity_table_has_namespace(const gnc_commodity_table * table,
 +                                  const char * name_space)
 +    gnc_commodity_namespace * nsp = NULL;
 +    if (!table || !name_space)
 +    {
 +        return 0;
 +    }
 +    nsp = gnc_commodity_table_find_namespace(table, name_space);
 +    if (nsp)
 +    {
 +        return 1;
 +    }
 +    else
 +    {
 +        return 0;
 +    }
 +static void
 +hash_keys_helper(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer data)
 +    GList ** l = data;
 +    *l = g_list_prepend(*l, key);
 +static GList *
 +g_hash_table_keys(GHashTable * table)
 +    GList * l = NULL;
 +    g_hash_table_foreach(table, &hash_keys_helper, (gpointer) &l);
 +    return l;
 +static void
 +hash_values_helper(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer data)
 +    GList ** l = data;
 +    *l = g_list_prepend(*l, value);
 +static GList *
 +g_hash_table_values(GHashTable * table)
 +    GList * l = NULL;
 +    g_hash_table_foreach(table, &hash_values_helper, (gpointer) &l);
 +    return l;
 + * gnc_commodity_table_get_namespaces
 + * see if any commodities in the namespace exist
 + ********************************************************************/
 +GList *
 +gnc_commodity_table_get_namespaces(const gnc_commodity_table * table)
 +    if (!table)
 +        return NULL;
 +    return g_hash_table_keys(table->ns_table);
 +GList *
 +gnc_commodity_table_get_namespaces_list(const gnc_commodity_table * table)
 +    if (!table)
 +        return NULL;
 +    return table->ns_list;
 +/* Because gnc_commodity_table_add_namespace maps GNC_COMMODITY_NS_ISO to
 +   GNC_COMMODITY_NS_CURRENCY and then sets iso4217 if the namespace is
 +   either of these, the net result is that the iso4217 bit is set only
 +   for GNC_COMMODITY_NS_CURRENCY.  This means that gnc_commodity_is_iso is
 +   a subset of gnc_commodity_is_currency.  Most callers seem to use
 +   gnc_commodity_is_iso. */
 +gnc_commodity_is_iso(const gnc_commodity * cm)
 +    CommodityPrivate* priv;
 +    if (!cm) return FALSE;
 +    priv = GET_PRIVATE(cm);
 +    if ( !priv->name_space) return FALSE;
 +    return priv->name_space->iso4217;
 +gnc_commodity_is_currency(const gnc_commodity *cm)
 +    const char *ns_name;
 +    if (!cm) return FALSE;
 +    ns_name = gnc_commodity_namespace_get_name(GET_PRIVATE(cm)->name_space);
 +    return (!g_strcmp0(ns_name, GNC_COMMODITY_NS_LEGACY) ||
 +            !g_strcmp0(ns_name, GNC_COMMODITY_NS_CURRENCY));
 + * gnc_commodity_table_get_commodities
 + * list commodities in a given namespace
 + ********************************************************************/
 +static CommodityList*
 +commodity_table_get_all_noncurrency_commodities(const gnc_commodity_table* table)
 +    GList *node = NULL, *nslist = gnc_commodity_table_get_namespaces(table);
 +    CommodityList *retval = NULL;
 +    for (node = nslist; node; node=g_list_next(node))
 +    {
 +        gnc_commodity_namespace *ns = NULL;
 +        if (g_strcmp0((char*)(node->data), GNC_COMMODITY_NS_CURRENCY) == 0
 +            || g_strcmp0((char*)(node->data), GNC_COMMODITY_NS_TEMPLATE) == 0)
 +            continue;
 +        ns = gnc_commodity_table_find_namespace(table, (char*)(node->data));
 +        if (!ns)
 +            continue;
 +        retval = g_list_concat(g_hash_table_values(ns->cm_table), retval);
 +    }
 +    g_list_free(nslist);
 +    return retval;
 +CommodityList *
 +gnc_commodity_table_get_commodities(const gnc_commodity_table * table,
 +                                    const char * name_space)
 +    gnc_commodity_namespace * ns = NULL;
 +    if (!table)
 +        return NULL;
 +    if (g_strcmp0(name_space, GNC_COMMODITY_NS_NONCURRENCY) == 0)
 +        return commodity_table_get_all_noncurrency_commodities(table);
 +    ns = gnc_commodity_table_find_namespace(table, name_space);
 +    if (!ns)
 +        return NULL;
 +    return g_hash_table_values(ns->cm_table);
 + * gnc_commodity_table_get_quotable_commodities
 + * list commodities in a given namespace that get price quotes
 + ********************************************************************/
 +static void
 +get_quotables_helper1(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer data)
 +    gnc_commodity *comm = value;
 +    CommodityPrivate* priv = GET_PRIVATE(comm);
 +    GList ** l = data;
 +    if (!priv->quote_flag ||
 +            !priv->quote_source || !priv->quote_source->supported)
 +        return;
 +    *l = g_list_prepend(*l, value);
 +static gboolean
 +get_quotables_helper2 (gnc_commodity *comm, gpointer data)
 +    GList ** l = data;
 +    CommodityPrivate* priv = GET_PRIVATE(comm);
 +    if (!priv->quote_flag ||
 +            !priv->quote_source || !priv->quote_source->supported)
 +        return TRUE;
 +    *l = g_list_prepend(*l, comm);
 +    return TRUE;
 +CommodityList *
 +gnc_commodity_table_get_quotable_commodities(const gnc_commodity_table * table)
 +    gnc_commodity_namespace * ns = NULL;
 +    const char *name_space;
 +    GList * nslist, * tmp;
 +    GList * l = NULL;
 +    regex_t pattern;
 +    const char *expression = gnc_prefs_get_namespace_regexp();
 +    ENTER("table=%p, expression=%s", table, expression);
 +    if (!table)
 +        return NULL;
 +    if (expression && *expression)
 +    {
 +        if (regcomp(&pattern, expression, REG_EXTENDED | REG_ICASE) != 0)
 +        {
 +            LEAVE("Cannot compile regex");
 +            return NULL;
 +        }
 +        nslist = gnc_commodity_table_get_namespaces(table);
 +        for (tmp = nslist; tmp; tmp = tmp->next)
 +        {
 +            name_space = tmp->data;
 +            if (regexec(&pattern, name_space, 0, NULL, 0) == 0)
 +            {
 +                DEBUG("Running list of %s commodities", name_space);
 +                ns = gnc_commodity_table_find_namespace(table, name_space);
 +                if (ns)
 +                {
 +                    g_hash_table_foreach(ns->cm_table, &get_quotables_helper1, (gpointer) &l);
 +                }
 +            }
 +        }
 +        g_list_free(nslist);
 +        regfree(&pattern);
 +    }
 +    else
 +    {
 +        gnc_commodity_table_foreach_commodity(table, get_quotables_helper2,
 +                                              (gpointer) &l);
 +    }
 +    LEAVE("list head %p", l);
 +    return l;
 + * gnc_commodity_table_add_namespace
 + * add an empty namespace if it does not exist
 + ********************************************************************/
 +/* GObject Initialization */
 +QOF_GOBJECT_IMPL(gnc_commodity_namespace, gnc_commodity_namespace, QOF_TYPE_INSTANCE);
 +static void
 +gnc_commodity_namespace_init(gnc_commodity_namespace* ns)
 +static void
 +gnc_commodity_namespace_dispose_real (GObject *nsp)
 +static void
 +gnc_commodity_namespace_finalize_real(GObject* nsp)
 +gnc_commodity_namespace *
 +gnc_commodity_table_add_namespace(gnc_commodity_table * table,
 +                                  const char * name_space,
 +                                  QofBook *book)
 +    gnc_commodity_namespace * ns = NULL;
 +    if (!table) return NULL;
 +    name_space = gnc_commodity_table_map_namespace(name_space);
 +    ns = gnc_commodity_table_find_namespace(table, name_space);
 +    if (!ns)
 +    {
 +        ns = g_object_new(GNC_TYPE_COMMODITY_NAMESPACE, NULL);
 +        ns->cm_table = g_hash_table_new(g_str_hash, g_str_equal);
 +        ns->name = CACHE_INSERT((gpointer)name_space);
 +        ns->iso4217 = gnc_commodity_namespace_is_iso(name_space);
 +        qof_instance_init_data (&ns->inst, GNC_ID_COMMODITY_NAMESPACE, book);
 +        qof_event_gen (&ns->inst, QOF_EVENT_CREATE, NULL);
 +        g_hash_table_insert(table->ns_table,
 +                            (gpointer) ns->name,
 +                            (gpointer) ns);
 +        table->ns_list = g_list_append(table->ns_list, ns);
 +        qof_event_gen (&ns->inst, QOF_EVENT_ADD, NULL);
 +    }
 +    return ns;
 +gnc_commodity_namespace *
 +gnc_commodity_table_find_namespace(const gnc_commodity_table * table,
 +                                   const char * name_space)
 +    if (!table || !name_space)
 +        return NULL;
 +    name_space = gnc_commodity_table_map_namespace(name_space);
 +    return g_hash_table_lookup(table->ns_table, (gpointer)name_space);
 +gnc_commodity *
 +gnc_commodity_find_commodity_by_guid(const GncGUID *guid, QofBook *book)
 +    QofCollection *col;
 +    if (!guid || !book) return NULL;
 +    col = qof_book_get_collection (book, GNC_ID_COMMODITY);
 +    return (gnc_commodity *) qof_collection_lookup_entity (col, guid);
 + * gnc_commodity_table_delete_namespace
 + * delete a namespace
 + ********************************************************************/
 +static int
 +ns_helper(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data)
 +    gnc_commodity * c = value;
 +    gnc_commodity_destroy(c);
 +    CACHE_REMOVE(key);  /* key is commodity mnemonic */
 +    return TRUE;
 +gnc_commodity_table_delete_namespace(gnc_commodity_table * table,
 +                                     const char * name_space)
 +    gnc_commodity_namespace * ns;
 +    if (!table) return;
 +    ns = gnc_commodity_table_find_namespace(table, name_space);
 +    if (!ns)
 +        return;
 +    qof_event_gen (&ns->inst, QOF_EVENT_REMOVE, NULL);
 +    g_hash_table_remove(table->ns_table, name_space);
 +    table->ns_list = g_list_remove(table->ns_list, ns);
 +    g_list_free(ns->cm_list);
 +    ns->cm_list = NULL;
 +    g_hash_table_foreach_remove(ns->cm_table, ns_helper, NULL);
 +    g_hash_table_destroy(ns->cm_table);
 +    CACHE_REMOVE(ns->name);
 +    qof_event_gen (&ns->inst, QOF_EVENT_DESTROY, NULL);
 +    /* qof_instance_release(&ns->inst); */
 +    g_object_unref(ns);
 + * gnc_commodity_table_foreach_commodity
 + * call user-defined function once for every commodity in every
 + * namespace
 + ********************************************************************/
 +typedef struct
 +    gboolean ok;
 +    gboolean (*func)(gnc_commodity *, gpointer);
 +    gpointer user_data;
 +} IterData;
 +static void
 +iter_commodity (gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data)
 +    IterData *iter_data = (IterData *) user_data;
 +    gnc_commodity *cm = (gnc_commodity *) value;
 +    if (iter_data->ok)
 +    {
 +        iter_data->ok = (iter_data->func)(cm, iter_data->user_data);
 +    }
 +static void
 +iter_namespace (gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data)
 +    GHashTable *namespace_hash = ((gnc_commodity_namespace *) value)->cm_table;
 +    g_hash_table_foreach (namespace_hash, iter_commodity, user_data);
 +gnc_commodity_table_foreach_commodity (const gnc_commodity_table * tbl,
 +                                       gboolean (*f)(gnc_commodity *, gpointer),
 +                                       gpointer user_data)
 +    IterData iter_data;
 +    if (!tbl || !f) return FALSE;
 +    iter_data.ok = TRUE;
 +    iter_data.func = f;
 +    iter_data.user_data = user_data;
 +    g_hash_table_foreach(tbl->ns_table, iter_namespace, (gpointer)&iter_data);
 +    return iter_data.ok;
 + * gnc_commodity_table_destroy
 + * cleanup and free.
 + ********************************************************************/
 +gnc_commodity_table_destroy(gnc_commodity_table * t)
 +    gnc_commodity_namespace * ns;
 +    GList *item, *next;
 +    if (!t) return;
 +    ENTER ("table=%p", t);
 +    for (item = t->ns_list; item; item = next)
 +    {
 +        next = g_list_next(item);
 +        ns = item->data;
 +        gnc_commodity_table_delete_namespace(t, ns->name);
 +    }
 +    g_list_free(t->ns_list);
 +    t->ns_list = NULL;
 +    g_hash_table_destroy(t->ns_table);
 +    t->ns_table = NULL;
 +    g_free(t);
 +    LEAVE ("table=%p", t);
 +/* =========================================================== */
 + * gnc_commodity_table_add_default_data
 + ********************************************************************/
 +#define CUR_I18N(String) dgettext ("iso_4217", String)
 +gnc_commodity_table_add_default_data(gnc_commodity_table *table, QofBook *book)
 +    QofCollection *col;
 +    gnc_commodity* c;
 +    ENTER ("table=%p", table);
 +    gnc_commodity_table_add_namespace(table, GNC_COMMODITY_NS_AMEX, book);
 +    gnc_commodity_table_add_namespace(table, GNC_COMMODITY_NS_NYSE, book);
 +    gnc_commodity_table_add_namespace(table, GNC_COMMODITY_NS_NASDAQ, book);
 +    gnc_commodity_table_add_namespace(table, GNC_COMMODITY_NS_EUREX, book);
 +    gnc_commodity_table_add_namespace(table, GNC_COMMODITY_NS_MUTUAL, book);
 +    gnc_commodity_table_add_namespace(table, GNC_COMMODITY_NS_TEMPLATE, book);
 +    c = gnc_commodity_new(book, "template", GNC_COMMODITY_NS_TEMPLATE, "template", "template", 1);
 +    gnc_commodity_table_insert(table, c);
 +#include "iso-4217-currencies.c"
 +    /* We've just created the default namespaces and currencies.  Mark
 +     * these collections as clean because there is no USER entered data
 +     * in these collections as of yet. */
 +    col = qof_book_get_collection(book, GNC_ID_COMMODITY);
 +    qof_collection_mark_clean(col);
 +    col = qof_book_get_collection(book, GNC_ID_COMMODITY_NAMESPACE);
 +    qof_collection_mark_clean(col);
 +    LEAVE ("table=%p", table);
 +    return TRUE;
 + ********************************************************************/
 +/* QofObject function implementation and registration */
 +#ifdef _MSC_VER
 +/* MSVC compiler doesn't have C99 "designated initializers"
 + * so we wrap them in a macro that is empty on MSVC. */
 +# define DI(x) /* */
 +# define DI(x) x
 +static QofObject commodity_object_def =
 +    DI(.interface_version = ) QOF_OBJECT_VERSION,
 +    DI(.e_type            = ) GNC_ID_COMMODITY,
 +    DI(.type_label        = ) "Commodity",
 +    DI(.create            = ) NULL,
 +    DI(.book_begin        = ) NULL,
 +    DI(.book_end          = ) NULL,
 +    DI(.is_dirty          = ) qof_collection_is_dirty,
 +    DI(.mark_clean        = ) qof_collection_mark_clean,
 +    DI(.foreach           = ) qof_collection_foreach,
 +    DI(.printable         = ) (const char * (*)(gpointer)) gnc_commodity_get_fullname,
 +static QofObject namespace_object_def =
 +    DI(.interface_version = ) QOF_OBJECT_VERSION,
 +    DI(.e_type            = ) GNC_ID_COMMODITY_NAMESPACE,
 +    DI(.type_label        = ) "Namespace",
 +    DI(.create            = ) NULL,
 +    DI(.book_begin        = ) NULL,
 +    DI(.book_end          = ) NULL,
 +    DI(.is_dirty          = ) NULL,
 +    DI(.mark_clean        = ) NULL,
 +    DI(.foreach           = ) NULL,
 +    DI(.printable         = ) NULL,
 +static void
 +commodity_table_book_begin (QofBook *book)
 +    gnc_commodity_table *ct;
 +    ENTER ("book=%p", book);
 +    if (gnc_commodity_table_get_table(book))
 +        return;
 +    ct = gnc_commodity_table_new ();
 +    qof_book_set_data (book, GNC_COMMODITY_TABLE, ct);
 +    if (!gnc_commodity_table_add_default_data(ct, book))
 +    {
 +        PWARN("unable to initialize book's commodity_table");
 +    }
 +    LEAVE ("book=%p", book);
 +static void
 +commodity_table_book_end (QofBook *book)
 +    gnc_commodity_table *ct;
 +    ct = gnc_commodity_table_get_table (book);
 +    qof_book_set_data (book, GNC_COMMODITY_TABLE, NULL);
 +    gnc_commodity_table_destroy (ct);
 +static QofObject commodity_table_object_def =
 +    DI(.interface_version = ) QOF_OBJECT_VERSION,
 +    DI(.e_type            = ) GNC_ID_COMMODITY_TABLE,
 +    DI(.type_label        = ) "CommodityTable",
 +    DI(.create            = ) NULL,
 +    DI(.book_begin        = ) commodity_table_book_begin,
 +    DI(.book_end          = ) commodity_table_book_end,
 +    DI(.is_dirty          = ) qof_collection_is_dirty,
 +    DI(.mark_clean        = ) qof_collection_mark_clean,
 +    DI(.foreach           = ) NULL,
 +    DI(.printable         = ) NULL,
 +    DI(.version_cmp       = ) NULL,
 +gnc_commodity_table_register (void)
 +    gnc_quote_source_init_tables();
 +    if (!qof_object_register (&commodity_object_def))
 +        return FALSE;
 +    if (!qof_object_register (&namespace_object_def))
 +        return FALSE;
 +    return qof_object_register (&commodity_table_object_def);
 +/* *******************************************************************
 +*  gnc_monetary methods
 +/** Add a gnc_monetary to the list */
 +MonetaryList *
 +gnc_monetary_list_add_monetary(MonetaryList *list, gnc_monetary add_mon)
 +    MonetaryList *l = list, *tmp;
 +    for (tmp = list; tmp; tmp = tmp->next)
 +    {
 +        gnc_monetary *list_mon = tmp->data;
 +        if (gnc_commodity_equiv(list_mon->commodity, add_mon.commodity))
 +        {
 +            list_mon->value = gnc_numeric_add(list_mon->value, add_mon.value,
 +                                              GNC_DENOM_AUTO, GNC_HOW_DENOM_EXACT);
 +            break;
 +        }
 +    }
 +    /* See if we found an entry, and add one if not */
 +    if (tmp == NULL)
 +    {
 +        gnc_monetary *new_mon = g_new0(gnc_monetary, 1);
 +        *new_mon = add_mon;
 +        l = g_list_prepend(l, new_mon);
 +    }
 +    return l;
 +/** Delete all entries in the list that have zero value.  Return list
 +    pointer will be a null pointer if there are no non-zero entries **/
 +MonetaryList *
 +gnc_monetary_list_delete_zeros(MonetaryList *list)
 +    MonetaryList *node, *next;
 +    for (node = list; node; node = next)
 +    {
 +        gnc_monetary *mon = node->data;
 +        next = node->next;
 +        if (gnc_numeric_zero_p(mon->value))
 +        {
 +            g_free(mon);
 +            list = g_list_delete_link(list, node);
 +        }
 +    }
 +    return list;
 +/** Free a MonetaryList and all the monetaries it points to */
 +gnc_monetary_list_free(MonetaryList *list)
 +    MonetaryList *tmp;
 +    for (tmp = list; tmp; tmp = tmp->next)
 +    {
 +        g_free(tmp->data);
 +    }
 +    g_list_free(list);
 +/* ========================= END OF FILE ============================== */

commit d61cd79ae3c8adfc521c3781fb25eb81ec2a1627
Author: fell <frank.h.ellenberger at>
Date:   Sat Mar 10 10:23:56 2018 +0100

    Minor fix in de.po

diff --git a/po/de.po b/po/de.po
index 86b4e16..5e0c77f 100644
--- a/po/de.po
+++ b/po/de.po
@@ -5809,11 +5809,14 @@ msgstr "_Buchabschluss"
 msgid "Archive old data using accounting periods"
 msgstr "Alte Daten abschließen und in vorigen Buchführungsperioden speichern."
+# Fell: Wie oft muß ich hier noch Editor durch Datenbank ersetzen? S. u.
+# Der Kurs-Editor ist das Fenster, welches danach aufgerufen wird.
 #. Translators: This entry opens the Price Database window
 #. * and will be renamed to "_Price Database" in v.2.8
 #: ../src/gnome/gnc-plugin-basic-commands.c:190
 msgid "_Price Editor"
-msgstr "_Kurs-Editor"
+msgstr "_Kurs-Datenbank"
 #: ../src/gnome/gnc-plugin-basic-commands.c:191
 msgid "View and edit the prices for stocks and mutual funds"

commit df26146d2af3bc40bfc5e3b10f30c3faceb6b501
Author: fell <frank.h.ellenberger at>
Date:   Sat Mar 10 10:20:26 2018 +0100

    Backport and review of commit c0fd3b3:
    Remove all references to the now-defunct Yahoo! quote retrieval

diff --git a/doc/gnc-fq-dump.1 b/doc/gnc-fq-dump.1
index 1fd1eab..dc593a5 100644
--- a/doc/gnc-fq-dump.1
+++ b/doc/gnc-fq-dump.1
@@ -134,8 +134,8 @@ gnc\-fq\-dump	\- Print out data from the F::Q module
 .IX Header "SYNOPSIS"
 .Vb 5
-\&    gnc\-fq\-dump yahoo CSCO JNPR
-\&    gnc\-fq\-dump yahoo BAESY.PK
+\&    gnc\-fq\-dump alphavantage CSCO JNPR
+\&    gnc\-fq\-dump alphavantage BAESY.PK
 \&    gnc\-fq\-dump europe 48406.PA 13000.PA
 \&    gnc\-fq\-dump vwd 632034
 \&    gnc\-fq\-dump ftportfolios FKYGTX
diff --git a/src/backend/dbi/test/test-dbi.xml b/src/backend/dbi/test/test-dbi.xml
index 863ae36..5ea03f5 100644
--- a/src/backend/dbi/test/test-dbi.xml
+++ b/src/backend/dbi/test/test-dbi.xml
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
-  <cmdty:quote_source>yahoo</cmdty:quote_source>
+  <cmdty:quote_source>alphavantage</cmdty:quote_source>
 <gnc:account version="2.0.0">
   <act:name>Root Account</act:name>
diff --git a/src/doc/design/top-level.texi b/src/doc/design/top-level.texi
index 2900092..31406a0 100644
--- a/src/doc/design/top-level.texi
+++ b/src/doc/design/top-level.texi
@@ -116,9 +116,9 @@ Jon Trowbridge (@url{}).
 The @dfn{Price Quotes} module (@file{src/quotes}) is a Perl system to
 fetch stock price data off the Internet and insert it into the GnuCash
 Engine. This module requires the functionality of the Finance::Quote
-module available at SourceForge. The Finance::Quote module can fetch
-price quotes from many different sources including Yahoo, Yahoo Europe,
-and some international exchanges.
+module available from CPAN. The Finance::Quote module can fetch
+price quotes from many different sources including Alphavantage
+and several international exchanges and fund companies.
 The Finance::Quote module also supports fetching currency exchange
 rates. GnuCash will be extended to allow the fetching and use of
diff --git a/src/engine/gnc-commodity.c b/src/engine/gnc-commodity.c
index 7993d14..fd66afa 100644
--- a/src/engine/gnc-commodity.c
+++ b/src/engine/gnc-commodity.c
@@ -149,19 +149,23 @@ struct gnc_quote_source_s
     gboolean supported;
     QuoteSourceType type;
     gint index;
-    char *user_name;		/* User friendly name */
+    char *user_name;		/* User friendly name incl. region code*/
     char *old_internal_name;	/* Name used internally (deprecated) */
-    char *internal_name;		/* Name used internally and by finance::quote. */
+    char *internal_name;	/* Name used internally and by finance::quote. */
+/* To update the following lists search the FQ modules for their 'method's
+ * because most of them have more than one.
+ */
 static gnc_quote_source currency_quote_source =
 { TRUE, 0, 0, "Currency", "CURRENCY", "currency" };
 static gnc_quote_source single_quote_sources[] =
+    { FALSE, 0, 0, "Alphavantage, US", "ALPHAVANTAGE", "alphavantage" },
     { FALSE, 0, 0, "Amsterdam Euronext eXchange, NL", "AEX", "aex" },
     { FALSE, 0, 0, "American International Assurance, HK", "AIAHK", "aiahk" },
-    { FALSE, 0, 0, "Association  of  Mutual  Funds  in  India", "AMFIINDIA", "amfiindia" },
+    { FALSE, 0, 0, "Association of Mutual Funds in India", "AMFIINDIA", "amfiindia" },
     { FALSE, 0, 0, "Athens Stock Exchange, GR", "ASEGR", "asegr" },
     { FALSE, 0, 0, "Australian Stock Exchange, AU", "ASX", "asx" },
     { FALSE, 0, 0, "BAMOSZ funds, HU", "BAMOSZ", "bamosz" },
@@ -173,8 +177,9 @@ static gnc_quote_source single_quote_sources[] =
     { FALSE, 0, 0, "Cominvest, ex-Adig, DE", "COMINVEST", "cominvest" },
     { FALSE, 0, 0, "Deka Investments, DE", "DEKA", "deka" },
     { FALSE, 0, 0, "DWS, DE", "DWS", "dwsfunds" },
-	{ FALSE, 0, 0, "Equinox Unit Trusts, ZA", "ZA_unittrusts", "za_unittrusts" },
+    { FALSE, 0, 0, "Equinox Unit Trusts, ZA", "ZA_unittrusts", "za_unittrusts" },
     { FALSE, 0, 0, "Fidelity Direct", "FIDELITY_DIRECT", "fidelity_direct" },
+    { FALSE, 0, 0, "Fidelity Fixed", "FIDELITY_DIRECT", "fidelityfixed" },
     { FALSE, 0, 0, "Finance Canada", "FINANCECANADA", "financecanada" },
     { FALSE, 0, 0, "Financial Times Funds service, GB", "FTFUNDS", "ftfunds" },
     { FALSE, 0, 0, "Finanzpartner, DE", "FINANZPARTNER", "finanzpartner" },
@@ -196,7 +201,7 @@ static gnc_quote_source single_quote_sources[] =
     { FALSE, 0, 0, "Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken, SE", "SEB_FUNDS", "seb_funds" },
     { FALSE, 0, 0, "Sharenet, ZA", "ZA", "za" },
     { FALSE, 0, 0, "StockHouse Canada", "STOCKHOUSE_FUND", "stockhousecanada_fund" },
-    { FALSE, 0, 0, "TD Waterhouse Canada", "TDWATERHOUSE", "tdwaterhouse" },
+    { FALSE, 0, 0, "TD Waterhouse Funds, CA", "TDWATERHOUSE", "tdwaterhouse" },
     { FALSE, 0, 0, "TD Efunds, CA", "TDEFUNDS", "tdefunds" },
     { FALSE, 0, 0, "TIAA-CREF, US", "TIAACREF", "tiaacref" },
     { FALSE, 0, 0, "Toronto Stock eXchange, CA", "TSX", "tsx" },
@@ -206,41 +211,34 @@ static gnc_quote_source single_quote_sources[] =
     { FALSE, 0, 0, "Union Investment, DE", "UNIONFUNDS", "unionfunds" },
     { FALSE, 0, 0, "US Treasury Bonds", "usfedbonds", "usfedbonds" },
     { FALSE, 0, 0, "US Govt. Thrift Savings Plan", "TSP", "tsp" },
-    { FALSE, 0, 0, "Vanguard", "VANGUARD", "vanguard" }, /* No module seen in F::Q 1.17. */
+    { FALSE, 0, 0, "Vanguard", "VANGUARD", "vanguard" }, /* Method of Alphavantage */
     { FALSE, 0, 0, "VWD, DE (unmaintained)", "VWD", "vwd" },
-    { FALSE, 0, 0, "Yahoo USA", "YAHOO", "yahoo" },
-    { FALSE, 0, 0, "Yahoo Asia", "YAHOO_ASIA", "yahoo_asia" },
-    { FALSE, 0, 0, "Yahoo Australia", "YAHOO_AUSTRALIA", "yahoo_australia" },
-    { FALSE, 0, 0, "Yahoo Brasil", "YAHOO_BRASIL", "yahoo_brasil" },
-    { FALSE, 0, 0, "Yahoo Europe", "YAHOO_EUROPE", "yahoo_europe" },
-    { FALSE, 0, 0, "Yahoo New Zealand", "YAHOO_NZ", "yahoo_nz" },
     { FALSE, 0, 0, "Yahoo as JSON", "YAHOO_JSON", "yahoo_json" },
+    { FALSE, 0, 0, "Yahoo as YQL", "YAHOO_YQL", "yahoo_yql" },
 static gnc_quote_source multiple_quote_sources[] =
-    { FALSE, 0, 0, "Asia (Yahoo, ...)", "ASIA", "asia" },
-    { FALSE, 0, 0, "Australia (ASX, Yahoo, ...)", "AUSTRALIA", "australia" },
-    { FALSE, 0, 0, "Brasil (Yahoo, ...)", "BRASIL", "brasil" },
-    { FALSE, 0, 0, "Canada (Yahoo, ...)", "CANADA", "canada" },
-    { FALSE, 0, 0, "Canada Mutual (Fund Library, ...)", "CANADAMUTUAL", "canadamutual" },
+    { FALSE, 0, 0, "Australia (ASX, ...)", "AUSTRALIA", "australia" },
+    { FALSE, 0, 0, "Canada (Alphavantage, TSX, ...)", "CANADA", "canada" },
+    { FALSE, 0, 0, "Canada Mutual (Fund Library, StockHouse, ...)", "CANADAMUTUAL", "canadamutual" },
     { FALSE, 0, 0, "Dutch (AEX, ...)", "DUTCH", "dutch" },
-    { FALSE, 0, 0, "Europe (Yahoo, ...)", "EUROPE", "europe" },
+    { FALSE, 0, 0, "Europe (asegr,.bsero, hex ...)", "EUROPE", "europe" },
     { FALSE, 0, 0, "Greece (ASE, ...)", "GREECE", "greece" },
-    { FALSE, 0, 0, "Hungary (Bamosz, BET)", "HU", "hu" },
+    { FALSE, 0, 0, "Hungary (Bamosz, BET, ...)", "HU", "hu" },
     { FALSE, 0, 0, "India Mutual (AMFI, ...)", "INDIAMUTUAL", "indiamutual" },
     { FALSE, 0, 0, "Fidelity (Fidelity, ...)", "FIDELITY", "fidelity" },
     { FALSE, 0, 0, "Finland (HEX, ...)", "FINLAND", "finland" },
     { FALSE, 0, 0, "First Trust (First Trust, ...)", "FTPORTFOLIOS", "ftportfolios" },
-    { FALSE, 0, 0, "France (Boursorama, ...)", "FRANCE", "france" },
-    { FALSE, 0, 0, "Nasdaq (Yahoo, ...)", "NASDAQ", "nasdaq" },
-    { FALSE, 0, 0, "New Zealand (Yahoo, ...)", "NZ", "nz" },
-    { FALSE, 0, 0, "NYSE (Yahoo, ...)", "NYSE", "nyse" },
-    /*    { FALSE, 0, 0, "South Africa (Sharenet, ...)", "ZA", "za" }, */
+    { FALSE, 0, 0, "France (bourso, ĺerevenu, ...)", "FRANCE", "france" },
+    { FALSE, 0, 0, "Nasdaq (alphavantage, fool, ...)", "NASDAQ", "nasdaq" },
+    { FALSE, 0, 0, "New Zealand (NZX, ...)", "NZ", "nz" },
+    { FALSE, 0, 0, "NYSE (alphavantage, fool, ...)", "NYSE", "nyse" },
+    { FALSE, 0, 0, "South Africa (Sharenet, ...)", "ZA", "za" },
     { FALSE, 0, 0, "Romania (BSE-RO, ...)", "romania", "romania" },
     { FALSE, 0, 0, "T. Rowe Price", "TRPRICE", "troweprice" },
     { FALSE, 0, 0, "U.K. Funds (citywire, FTfunds, MStar, tnetuk, ...)", "ukfunds", "ukfunds" },
     { FALSE, 0, 0, "U.K. Unit Trusts (trustnet, ...)", "UKUNITTRUSTS", "uk_unit_trusts" },
-    { FALSE, 0, 0, "USA (Yahoo, Fool, ...)", "USA", "usa" },
+    { FALSE, 0, 0, "USA (Alphavantage, Fool, ...)", "USA", "usa" },
 static const int num_single_quote_sources =
@@ -1160,7 +1158,7 @@ gnc_commodity_get_default_quote_source(const gnc_commodity *cm)
     if (cm && gnc_commodity_is_iso(cm))
         return &currency_quote_source;
     /* Should make this a user option at some point. */
-    return gnc_quote_source_lookup_by_internal("yahoo");
+    return gnc_quote_source_lookup_by_internal("alphavantage");
diff --git a/src/gnome-utils/gnc-tree-view-commodity.c b/src/gnome-utils/gnc-tree-view-commodity.c
index a6d6f6c..0db663e 100644
--- a/src/gnome-utils/gnc-tree-view-commodity.c
+++ b/src/gnome-utils/gnc-tree-view-commodity.c
@@ -418,7 +418,7 @@ gnc_tree_view_commodity_new (QofBook *book,
     col = gnc_tree_view_add_text_column (
               /* Translators: Again replace CUSIP by the name of your
                  National Securities Identifying Number. */
-              view, _("ISIN/CUSIP"), "cusip_code", NULL, "QWERTYUIOP",
+              view, _("ISIN/CUSIP"), "cusip_code", NULL, "US1234567890",
@@ -440,7 +440,7 @@ gnc_tree_view_commodity_new (QofBook *book,
     col = gnc_tree_view_add_text_column (
-              view, _("Source"), "quote_source", NULL, "yahoo",
+              view, _("Source"), "quote_source", NULL, "alphavantage",
diff --git a/src/quotes/ b/src/quotes/
index 82192e0..220ee27 100755
--- a/src/quotes/
+++ b/src/quotes/
@@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ my $quoter = Finance::Quote->new();
 # -----------------------------------
 # get quotes for two stocks ...
-%quotes = $quoter->fetch("yahoo","IBM", "SGI"); 
+%quotes = $quoter->fetch("alphavantage","IBM", "SGI"); 
 # print some selected values 
-print "NYSE by Yahoo: ", $quotes {"IBM", "name"},  
+print "NYSE by Alphavantage: ", $quotes {"IBM", "name"},  
        " last price: ", $quotes {"IBM", "last"},  "\n";
-print "NYSE by Yahoo: ", $quotes {"SGI", "name"},   
+print "NYSE by Alphavantage: ", $quotes {"SGI", "name"},   
        " last price: ", $quotes {"SGI", "last"},  "\n";
 # loop over and print all values.
diff --git a/src/quotes/gnc-fq-dump b/src/quotes/gnc-fq-dump
index 4203436..935647c 100755
--- a/src/quotes/gnc-fq-dump
+++ b/src/quotes/gnc-fq-dump
@@ -191,8 +191,8 @@ gnc-fq-dump	- Print out data from the F::Q module
 =head1 SYNOPSIS
-    gnc-fq-dump yahoo CSCO JNPR
-    gnc-fq-dump yahoo BAESY.PK
+    gnc-fq-dump alphavantage CSCO JNPR
+    gnc-fq-dump alphavantage BAESY.PK
     gnc-fq-dump europe 48406.PA 13000.PA
     gnc-fq-dump vwd 632034
     gnc-fq-dump ftportfolios FKYGTX
diff --git a/src/quotes/ b/src/quotes/
index 86ba14d..6111ab6 100755
--- a/src/quotes/
+++ b/src/quotes/
@@ -48,16 +48,14 @@ side :>).
 (<method-name> symbol symbol symbol ...)
 where <method-name> indicates the desired Finance::Quote method.
-The currently recognized subset is yahoo, yahoo_europe,
-fidelity_direct, troweprice_direct, vanguard, asx, tiaacref,
-and currency.
+One can list the many methods by running gnc-fq-check.
 For currency quotes, the symbols alternate between the 'from'
 and 'to' currencies.
 For example:
-(yahoo "IBM" "LNUX")
+(alphavantage "IBM" "LNUX")
 (fidelity_direct "FBIOX" "FSELX")
 (currency "USD" "AUD")
@@ -78,7 +76,7 @@ need to convert it to that.
 For example:
- $ echo '(yahoo "CSCO" "JDSU" "^IXIC")' | ./gnc-fq-helper
+ $ echo '(alphavantage "CSCO" "JDSU" "^IXIC")' | ./gnc-fq-helper
 (("CSCO" (symbol . "CSCO")
          (gnc:time-no-zone . "2001-03-13 19:27:00")
          (last . 20.375)
@@ -95,7 +93,7 @@ For example:
 On error, the overall result may be #f, or on individual errors, the
 list sub-item for a given symbol may be #f, like this:
- $ echo '(yahoo "CSCO" "JDSU")' | ./gnc-fq-helper
+ $ echo '(alphavantage "CSCO" "JDSU")' | ./gnc-fq-helper
  ("JDSU" (symbol . "JDSU")
          (gnc:time-no-zone . "2001-03-13 19:27:00")
diff --git a/src/quotes/gnc-value-portfolio b/src/quotes/gnc-value-portfolio
deleted file mode 100755
index 7c27f08..0000000
--- a/src/quotes/gnc-value-portfolio
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,672 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-# $Id$
-# Looks up investment prices on the web, and builds a report
-# to summarize the results
-$newprices = "NO";  # Haven't found *any* new prices so far...
-# Start by initializing the security list
-# My TSE stocks...  
-&add_stock("T", 100, 1670.5, "TSE");
-#&add_stock("NVA", 100, 1345.5, "TSE");
-&add_stock("NVA", 100, -10.16, "TSE");
-&add_stock("TRP", 52, 1345.50, "TSE");
-&add_stock("PCA", 100, 1733, "TSE");
-&add_stock("TOC", 50, 21.035*50, "TSE");
-&add_stock("RY", 50, 32.785*50, "TSE");
-# My Canada Trust Everest funds...
-# Original numbers of units...
-#&add_stock("CTMM", 83.951, 839.51, "CTE");  # Not strictly correct..
-#&add_stock("CTBOND", 121.747, 1315.17, "CTE");
-#&add_stock("CTSTK", 57.177, 832.73, "CTE");
-#&add_stock("CTSPEC", 28.263, 504.07, "CTE");
-#&add_stock("CTAMER", 177.723, 1983.05, "CTE");
-#&add_stock("CTUSEQ", 19.644, 294.91, "CTE");
-#&add_stock("CTASIA", 28.224, 251.99, "CTE");
-#&add_stock("CTEURO", 60.136, 530.50, "CTE");
-#&add_stock("CTEMER", 27.463, 266.67, "CTE");
-#&add_stock("CTIBND", 84.879, 907.37, "CTE");
-# Units as at Oct 31/98
-&add_stock("CTMM", 89.572, 839.51, "CTE"); 
-&add_stock("CTBOND", 137.398, 1315.17, "CTE");
-&add_stock("CTSTK", 62.896, 832.73, "CTE");
-&add_stock("CTSPEC", 28.263, 504.07, "CTE");
-&add_stock("CTAMER", 251.604, 1983.05, "CTE");
-&add_stock("CTUSEQ", 20.467, 294.91, "CTE");
-&add_stock("CTASIA", 28.238, 251.99, "CTE");
-&add_stock("CTEURO", 91.298, 530.50, "CTE");
-&add_stock("CTEMER", 27.463, 266.67, "CTE");
-&add_stock("CTIBND", 94.264, 907.37, "CTE");
-# Stuff on NYSE
-&add_stock("MOT", 15, (62+5/8)*15, "NYSE");
-#&add_stock("IFMXE", 0.1, 0.1, "NYSE");
-&add_stock("TSG", 13.0289, 43.02*5+43.75+44.48, "NYSE");
-&add_stock("TSG", 27.619-13.0289, 44.48*8, "NYSE");
-# SuperSaver 401(k)... Approximate...
-&add_stock("AADBX", 0.3*2115.93/14, 0.3*1604.85, "NYSE");
-&add_stock("AADEX", 0.5*2115.93/19, 0.5*1604.85, "NYSE");
-&add_stock("AAIEX", 0.2*2115.93/15, 0.2*1604.85, "NYSE");
-# SGRP Balances: Approximate...
-&add_stock("AADBX", 712.33/14.9, 700, "NYSE");  # Balanced
-&add_stock("AADEX", 4556.64/22.5 + (533.94+200.24+183.55)/22.5, 3500+(533.94+200.24+183.55), "NYSE");  # Equity
-&add_stock("AAIEX", 1829.63/18.8 + (213.57+80.1+73.41)/18.8, 1700+(213.57+80.1+73.41), "NYSE");  # Int'l Equity
-&add_stock("AASPX", 2104.81/15 + (320.37+120.12+110.13)/15, 1900 + (320.37+120.12+110.13), "NYSE");  # Stock Index
-# Working Ventures fund...  
-&add_stock("WORKVE", 219.701, 3000, "OTHER");
-$PRICE{"WORKVE"} = 3000/219.701;   # Hack in a price for Working Ventures
-$OLD{"WORKVE"} = "yes";  # Indicate that this is *not* a "new" price...
-# Map CT Everest fund names to the "short" IDs 
-# I don't want to get long names; this builds an array that
-# shortens the names used in the CT Everest Funds web page to
-# the ones used above
-&ct_fund_ids;   # Get mapping of CT "long" fund names to "short" names
-&load_prices;   # Load old prices, so that failure to get a price
-                # means we fall back to the previously-found
-                # price
-$CURRNAME{"CDN"} = "Canadian";
-$CURRNAME{"USD"} = "United States";
-$CURRATE{"CDN"} = 1;
-$CURRATE{"USD"} = 1.37;
-# Now, get the current prices by sundry queries of web sites
-&search_web_for_prices();   # Find new closing prices
-&calc_variances();          # Calculate variances
-# Run report that details portfolio value based on the prices, costs
-# and quantities of shares...
-if ($newprices eq "YES") {
-    &show_report();     # Display a report summarizing the results...
-#    &show_variances();
-#    &hilo_portfolios();
-    &save_prices();     # Save prices...
-exit 0;   # Done
-######################## End of the main body #########################
-############################# Subroutines #############################
-############### &add_stock("NVA", 100, 1345.5, "TSE"); ################
-# Add a security to the "active list," including the "ticker symbol,"
-# quantity of shares, original total cost, and the exchange to look it
-# up on. 
-sub add_stock {
-    local($ticker, $num, $cost, $exchange) = @_;
-    $NUM{$ticker} += $num;
-    $COST{$ticker} += $cost;
-    $EXCHANGE{$ticker} = $exchange;
-    local ($currency) = "CDN";
-    if ($exchange eq "TSE") {
-        $currency = "CDN";
-    }
-    if ($exchange eq "NYSE") {
-        $currency = "USD";
-    }
-    if ($exchange eq "NY") {
-        $currency = "USD";
-    }
-    $CURRENCY{$ticker} = $currency;
-######## &get_url_command("");#########
-# Build the appropriate command that accesses (in raw form) the
-# requested URL.  Probably ought to change this to use the w3c
-# "line mode" utility, as it's minscule
-sub get_url_command {
-    local ($url) = @_;
-    return "lynx -source '$url'";
-###################### &search_web_for_prices(); ######################
-# This program searches the %EXCHANGE array, determining how
-# the security price should be searched out, and invokes the
-# appropriate method.
-sub search_web_for_prices {
-    local ($ticker);
-    # Do some per-ticker searching
-    foreach $ticker (keys EXCHANGE) {
-	local($exchange) = $EXCHANGE{$ticker};
-	if ($exchange eq "TSE") {
-	    &get_TSE($ticker);
-	    &get_yahoo($ticker, "TSE");
-	}
-	if ($exchange eq "CTE") {
-	    # Do nothing; data is coming
-	    # in en masse via &get_all_everest_rates;
-	}
-	if ($exchange eq "NYSE") {
-	    &get_yahoo($ticker, $EXCHANGE{$ticker});
-	}
-    }
-    # search for CT Everest fund data
-    &get_CT_Everest;  # Get Everest mutual fund data
-    # Search for Working Ventures fund data
-    &get_WV;
-    # get all of the TSE stock prices
-    #    foreach $ticker (ord("a")..ord("z")) {
-    #      &get_TSE( chr($ticker) );
-    #  }
-########################## &get_TSE ("RY"); ###########################
-# Look up a stock's price on the TSE using the Telenium service
-sub get_TSE {
-    local ($stock) = @_;
-    local ($page) = "" . 
-	lc(
-           substr($stock, 0, 1)
-          ) 
-        . ".html";
-    if ($OLD{$stock} eq "NO!") {  # We've already priced this stock
-	return;
-    }
-    local ($command) = &get_url_command($page) . " | grep ' $stock'";
-    local ($line);
-    open(GETPAGE, "$command |");
-#    open(GETPAGE, "<a:/t~1.htm");
-    while ($line = <GETPAGE>) {
-	chop $line;
-#	print $line, "\n";
-	if ($line =~ /(\d*\.\d*)\D+\d+\S*\s+\d+\s+\S+\s+\d+\/\d+\s+(\S*)\s*$/) {
-	    local($lp, $ls) = (sprintf("%.4f", $1), $2);
-#	    print "Found $ls @ $lp\n";
-            #... 21.3  21.35 21.2  21.2 -0.15   142300  193     02/14    T
-            #... 19.4  19.5  19.2  19.35-0.1    687239  181     02/04    T
-            #... 51.5  52    50.6  51.4  0     1527378  583     02/05    RY
-	    #... 1.18  1.2   1.1   1.2   0.02   44700   29      02/03     NBX
-	    #                      ^^^
-	    #                      Want this "close" value...
-	    if ($lp < 0.001) {
-		# Do nothing
-	    } elsif ($ls eq $stock) {
-		if ((($lp * 1.0) != $PRICE{$stock}) && ($price > 0)) {
-		    $newprices = "YES";
-		    $PRICE{$stock} = sprintf("%.4f", $price);
-		    print "NEW PRICE: $stock, $lp\n";
-		} else {
-		    $price = $PRICE{$stock};
-		}
-		$PRICE{$stock} = sprintf("%.4f", $lp);
-		$OLD{$stock} = "NO!";  # Indicate that this is an update...
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-    close GETPAGE;
-############################ &get_yahoo(); ############################
-# Look up a stock via "yahoo"
-sub get_yahoo {
-    local ($stock, $exchange) = @_;
-    local ($price);
-    if (($exchange eq "NY") || ($exchange eq "NYSE")) {
-	$exchange = "";
-    }
-    if ($exchange eq "TSE") {
-	$exchange = ".TO";
-    }
-    local ($page) = "" . 
-           $stock . $exchange .
-	       "&format=sl1d1t1c1ohgv&ext=.csv";
-    if ($OLD{$stock} eq "NO!") {  # We've already priced this stock
-	return;
-    }
-    local ($command) = &get_url_command($page);
-    local ($line);
-#    print $command, "\n";
-    open(GETPAGE, "$command |");
-    while ($line = <GETPAGE>) {
-#	print "$line";
-	local ($trash, $price)=split(/,/, $line);
-#	print "$trash, $price\n";
-#	print "Old price: ", $PRICE{$stock}, "\n";
-	if ((($price * 1.0) != $PRICE{$stock}) && ($price > 0) ) {
-	    $newprices = "YES";
-	    print "NEW PRICE: $stock, $price\n";
-	} else {
-	    $price = $PRICE{$stock};
-#	    print "Keep old price: $price\n";
-	}
-	$PRICE{$stock} = sprintf("%.4f", $price);
-	$OLD{$stock} = "NO!";  # Indicate that this is an update...
-#	print "Done - ", $stock, $PRICE{$stock}, $OLD{$stock}, "\n";
-    }
-########################## &get_CT_Everest(); #########################
-# Look up all of the CT Everest mutual fund prices
-sub get_CT_Everest {
-    local ($line, $fund, $value);
-    local ($url) = "";
-    local ($command) = &get_url_command($url);
-    open(FUNDS, "$command |");
-    while ($line = <FUNDS>) {
-	if ($line =~ /.*\s+\d+.\d+\s+\d+.\d+\s+.\d+.\d+/) {
-#	    print "CT: $line";
-	    $fund = substr($line, 0, 15);
-#	    print "fund: [", $fund, "]  ID:[", $ID{$fund}, "]\n";
-	    if ($ID{$fund} ne "") {
-		$value = substr($line, 30, 11);
-		if (($value*1.0) != $PRICE{$ID{$fund}}) {
-		    $newprices = "YES";
-		    print "NEW PRICE: $fund, $value\n";
-		}
-		$PRICE{$ID{$fund}} = $value;
-		$OLD{$ID{$fund}} = "NO!";  # Indicate that this is an update...
-#		print "CT Price: $value ", $ID{$fund}, "\n";
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-    close FUNDS;
-############################## &get_WV(); #############################
-# Look up Working Ventures fund price
-sub get_WV {
-    local ($url) = "";
-    local ($command) = &get_url_command($url) . " | grep 'share price' ";
-    open(FUNDS, "$command |");
-    while (<FUNDS>) {
-       if (/\D+\$(\d+\.\d+)\D+/) {
-              # matches .... $13.66 ...
-		if (($1 * 1.0) != $PRICE{"WORKVE"}) {
-		    $newprices = "YES";
-		    print "NEW PRICE: WV, $1\n";
-		}
-		$PRICE{"WORKVE"} = sprintf("%.4f", $1);
-		$OLD{"WORKVE"} = "NO!";  # Indicate that this is an update...
-	}
-    }
-    close FUNDS;
-########################### &ct_fund_ids (); ##########################
-# Build an associative array that lets one take the names used in the
-# CT mutual fund web page, and associate them with the short forms
-# used as "ticker" codes
-sub ct_fund_ids {
-    %ID = ("MONEY MARKET   ", "CTMM", 
-	   "PREMIUM MMF    ", "CTPMM", 
-	   "MORTGAGE       ", "CTMTG", 
-	   "BALANCED       ", "CTBAL", 
-	   "BOND           ", "CTBOND", 
-	   "DIV INCOME     ", "CTDIV", 
-	   "STOCK          ", "CTSTK", 
-	   "INT'L BOND     ", "CTIBND",
-	   "AMERIGROWTH    ", "CTAMER", 
-	   "U.S. EQUITY    ", "CTUSEQ", 
-	   "ASIAGROWTH     ", "CTASIA", 
-	   "EUROGROWTH     ", "CTEURO", 
-	   "INT'L EQUITY   ", "CTINTL", 
-	   );
-############################ &save_prices()############################
-# Dump data out to a file
-sub save_prices {
-    local ($date) = `date '+%Y/%m/%d-%H:%M:%S'`;
-    chop $date;
-    local ($ticker, $price);
-    while ($ticker = each %PRICE) {
-	if ($OLD{$ticker} eq "yes") {
-	    # Don't dump it; we didn't get a new price...
-	} else {
-	    $key = $date . "" . $ticker;
-	    $price = $PRICE{$ticker};
-            print HISTPRICES $date, "|", $ticker, "|", $price, "\n";;
-	}
-    }
-    close HISTPRICES;
-########################### &load_prices();############################
-# Preload prices, thus always keeping around the latest successfully
-# located price.
-# This means that if the web search process fails, we still do have 
-# pricing, even if it's somewhat out of date...
-sub load_prices {
-    local ($date) = `date '+%Y/%m/%d-%H:%M:%S'`;
-    chop $date;
-    local ($ticker, $price, $line);
-    while ($line = <HISTPRICES>) {
-	($date, $ticker, $price) = split(/\|/, $line);
-	$PRICE{$ticker} = $price;
-	$OLD{$ticker} = "yes"; # Indicate that this is an old price
-                               # and thus not to be redumped
-    }
-    close HISTPRICES;
-############################ &show_report();###########################
-# Look up all of the securities, and build a report listing the cost,
-# value, and net profit/loss on each security, along with totals.
-sub show_report {
-    local($date) = `date`;
-    chop $date;
-    local($ticker, $shares, $price, $value, $cost, $profitloss);
-    local ($tp, $tv, $tc);
-format STDOUT_TOP =
-                          Portfolio Valuation
-                  as at @<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
-Ticker     Shares  Recent Price   Value        Cost       Profit/Loss
-format STDOUT = 
-@<<<<<<<  @>>>>>>>  @>>>>>>>>  @>>>>>>>>>>> @>>>>>>>>>>>  @>>>>>>>>>>>>
-$ticker, $shares, $price, $value, $cost, $profitloss
-    foreach $stock (sort keys EXCHANGE) {
-        if ($stock ne "zPortfolio") {
-	    $ticker = $stock;
-	    $shares = sprintf("%.4f", $NUM{$stock});
-	    $price = sprintf("%.4f", $PRICE{$stock});
-	    $value = sprintf("%.2f", $shares * $price * $CURRATE{$CURRENCY{$stock}});
-	    $cost = sprintf("%.2f", $COST{$stock} * $CURRATE{$CURRENCY{$stock} });
-	    $profitloss = sprintf("%.2f", $value - $cost);
-	    $tv += $value;
-	    $tc += $cost;
-	    $tp += $profitloss;
-	    write;
-        }
-    }
-($ticker, $shares, $price, $value, $cost, $profitloss) =
-    ("", "", "", "---------------", "---------------", "---------------");
-($ticker, $shares, $price, $value, $cost, $profitloss) =
-    ("Total", "", "",  sprintf("%.2f", $tv), sprintf("%.2f" ,$tc),
-     sprintf("%.2f" ,$tp));
-($ticker, $shares, $price, $value, $cost, $profitloss) =
-    ("", "", "", "===============", "===============", "===============");
-##############################  Find Variances  #########################=
-sub calc_variances {
-    local ($x);
-    open(PRICEF, "<$HISTORYFILE");
-    while (<PRICEF>) {
-	($date, $id, $price) = split(/\|/, $_);
-	$XCOUNT{$id} ++;
-	$quantity = $NUM{$id};
-        $x = $quantity * $price * $CURRATE{$CURRENCY{$id}};
-	$XSUM{$id} += $x;
-	$XSQUARESUM{$id} += ($x * $x);
-	$DATES{$date} ++;
-	$PRICES{"$date|$id"} = $price;
-#    printf "XC: %9.2f  XSUM: %9.2f  XSQ: %9.2f\n", $XCOUNT{$id}, $XSUM{$id}, $XSQUARESUM{$id};
-    }
-    &complete_price_list();   # Get prices for *every* day
-    &value_portfolios();      # Value the portfolio for every day
-# Need to make sure that we have prices for each stock for each date
-# This is done by (for each stock) going thru all the dates, and
-# inserting prices for dates where prices are missing.  We use the
-# last price present for the stock.
-sub complete_price_list {
-    foreach $stock (keys XCOUNT) {
-	$current_price = $XSUM{$stock} / $XCOUNT{$stock};
-	# Move forwards until a price gets found.  That price
-	# is then used for all "empty" price slots up to the first
-	# actual measurement
-	foreach $date (sort keys DATES) {
-	    if ($PRICES{"$date|$stock"}) {
-		$current_price = $PRICES{"$date|$stock"};
-	    }
-	}
-	# Now, proceed onwards...
-	foreach $date (sort keys DATES) {
-	    if ($PRICES{"$date|$stock"}) {
-		# There's a price
-		$current_price = $PRICES{"$date|$stock"};
-	    } else {
-		$PRICES{"$date|$stock"} = $current_price;
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-sub value_portfolios {
-#    &setup_portfolio_quantities();
-    $NUM{"zPortfolio"}=1;
-    foreach $date (sort keys DATES) {
-	$price = 0;
-	foreach $stock (keys XCOUNT) {
-	    $price += $NUM{$stock} * $PRICES{"$date|$stock"}* $CURRATE{$CURRENCY{$stock}};
-	}
-	$XCOUNT{"zPortfolio"} ++;
-	$XSUM{"zPortfolio"} += $price;
-	$XSQUARESUM{"zPortfolio"} += ($price * $price);
-#    printf "Portfolio on %15s valued at %14.2f\n", $date, $price;
-    }
-sub hilo_portfolios {
-   local($date, $hi, $lo, $hival, $loval);
-   local ($stock, $price, $latest_date);
-   foreach $stock (keys XCOUNT) {
-        $LO{$stock} =  99999999;
-        $HI{$stock} =  -99999999;
-   }
-   $HI{"zPortfolio"} = -99999999;
-   $LO{"zPortfolio"} = 99999999;
-   foreach $date (keys DATES) {
-       local ($pprice);
-       local($dt) = split(/-/, $date);
-       foreach $stock (keys XCOUNT) {
-	   $price = $PRICES{"$date|$stock"};
-	   if ($date >= $latest_date) {
-	       $latest_date = $date;
-	       $CURRENT{$stock} = $price;
-	   }
-	   if ($price > $HI{$stock}) {
-	       ($HI{$stock}, $HIDATE{$stock}) = ($price, $dt);
-	   }
-	   if ($price < $LO{$stock}) {
-	       ($LO{$stock}, $LODATE{$stock}) = ($price, $dt);
-	   }
-	   $pprice += $NUM{$stock} * $price;
-       }
-       if ($date >= $latest_date) {
-	   $latest_date = $date;
-	   $CURRENT{"zPortfolio"} = $pprice;
-       }
-       if ($pprice > $HI{"zPortfolio"}) {
-	   ($HI{"zPortfolio"}, $HIDATE{"zPortfolio"}) = ($pprice, $dt);
-       }
-       if ($pprice > $LO{"zPortfolio"}) {
-	   ($LO{"zPortfolio"}, $LODATE{"zPortfolio"}) = ($pprice, $dt);
-       }
-   }
-   # Report results...
-   print
-         Highs/Lows
-  printf "%10s  %10s %10s  %10s %10s  %10s\n", "Stock", "High Date", "High",
-  "Low Date", "Low Price", "Current";
-   print "-----------------------------------------------------------------------";
-  foreach $stock (sort keys XCOUNT) {
-    printf "%10s  %10s %10.2f  %10s %10.2f %10.2f\n", $stock, $HIDATE{$stock},
-    $HI{$stock}, $LODATE{$stock}, $LO{$stock}, $CURRENT{$stock};
-  }
-   print "-----------------------------------------------------------------------";
-sub show_variances {
-    print
-	"-----------------------------------------------------------------------
-          Variance/Standard Deviations for Portfolio *VALUE*
- Security    Mean           Variance    Std. Dev.  % Std.Dev
-    foreach $i (sort keys XCOUNT) {
-	if ($XCOUNT{$i} > 2) {
-	    $variance = (($XCOUNT{$i} * $XSQUARESUM{$i}) 
-			 - ($XSUM{$i} * $XSUM{$i})) / 
-			     ($XCOUNT{$i} * ($XCOUNT{$i}-1));  
-	}
-	$variance = -$variance if ($variance < 0);
-	$deviation = sqrt($variance);
-#    printf "XC: %5d  XSUM: %9.2f  XSQ: %9.2f\n", $XCOUNT{$i}, $XSUM{$i}, $XSQUARESUM{$i};
-	# Divide by mean price to determine volatility of price
-	if ($XCOUNT{$i} != 0 && $XSUM{$i} != 0) {
-	    $volatility = $deviation / ($XSUM{$i} / $XCOUNT{$i});
-	    printf "%10s %10.2f  %14.3f  %9.3f  %9.3f\n", $i, $XSUM{$i}/$XCOUNT{$i},
-	    $variance, $deviation,
-	    $volatility *100; 
-	    ($VARIANCE{$i}, $STD{$i}, $VOLATILITY{$i}) = ($variance, $deviation,
-							  $volatility);
-	}
-    }
-	print "------------------------------------------------------------------------";
-sub get_currency {
-    local ($to) = @_;
-    local($url) =
-	"$to";
-    local($line, $rate);
-    local ($command) = &get_url_command($url);
-    local($fromname, $toname) = ($CURRNAME{"CDN"}, $CURRNAME{$to});
-    open(CURRS, "$command |");
-    while ($line = <CURRS>) {
-	if ($line =~ /Rate: $fromname.*$toname.*:\s*(\d*.\d+)/) {
-	    $rate = $1;
-	    $CURRATE{$toname} = sprintf("%f", $rate);
-	    return;
-	}
-    }
diff --git a/src/scm/price-quotes.scm b/src/scm/price-quotes.scm
index 2f01ca1..5dcbaa2 100644
--- a/src/scm/price-quotes.scm
+++ b/src/scm/price-quotes.scm
@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@
   ;; (<fq-method> sym sym ...)
-  ;; i.e. (yahoo "RHAT" "LNUX" "IBM")
+  ;; i.e. (alphavantage "RHAT" "LNUX" "IBM")
   ;; for currencies, we have
@@ -210,7 +210,7 @@
     ;; gnc-fq-helper.  Each item will of the list will be of the
     ;; form:
-    ;; (("yahoo" (commodity-1 currency-1 tz-1)
+    ;; (("alphavantage" (commodity-1 currency-1 tz-1)
     ;;           (commodity-2 currency-2 tz-2) ...)
     ;;  ("fidelity_direct" (commodity-3 currency-3 tz-3)
     ;;                     (commodity-4 currency-4 tz-4) ...)
@@ -259,10 +259,10 @@
     ;; their fq-suitable symbol strings.  i.e. turn the former into
     ;; the latter:
-    ;; ("yahoo" (commodity-1 currency-1 tz-1)
+    ;; ("alphavantage" (commodity-1 currency-1 tz-1)
     ;;          (commodity-2 currency-2 tz-2) ...)
-    ;; ("yahoo" "IBM" "AMD" ...)
+    ;; ("alphavantage" "IBM" "AMD" ...)
     (if (equal? (car fq-call-data) "currency")

Summary of changes:
 doc/README-ca.win32-bin.txt                   | 102 +++++++++++-----------
 doc/README-de.win32-bin.txt                   | 112 ++++++++++++-------------
 doc/README-fr.win32-bin.txt                   | 116 +++++++++++++-------------
 doc/README-it.win32-bin.txt                   | 102 +++++++++++-----------
 doc/README-lv.win32-bin.txt                   | 104 +++++++++++------------
 doc/README-nl.win32-bin.txt                   | 102 +++++++++++-----------
 doc/README-zh_CN.win32-bin.txt                |  82 +++++++++---------
 doc/README-zh_TW.win32-bin.txt                |  84 +++++++++----------
 doc/README.win32-bin.txt                      | 104 +++++++++++------------
 doc/examples/downloaded.mt940                 |  18 ++--
 doc/gnc-fq-dump.1                             |   4 +-
 gnucash/gnome-utils/gnc-tree-view-commodity.c |   2 +-
 gnucash/                         |  66 +++++++--------
 libgnucash/doc/design/top-level.texi          |   2 +-
 libgnucash/engine/gnc-commodity.c             |  40 +++++++--
 15 files changed, 531 insertions(+), 509 deletions(-)

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