[gnucash-de] wechsel von openhbci nach aqhbci Probleme

schnaggy schnaggy at schnaggy.de
Mit Dez 1 06:32:49 EST 2004

Hash: SHA1

Hi *,

habe gerade mein gnucash von 'ner stable 1.8.6 unter Mandrake auf
gnucash 1.8.9 / CVS unter Debian/testing geschoben. Nach dem ganzen HBCI
Wechsel Kram - hat gut funktioniert - will ich nun per HBCI meinen
Kontensaldo und die Umsaetze abfragen. Folgendes passiert:

progressStartCB: Action "Sending jobs to the bank..." started, total 1.
progressLogCB: Logging msg: Started
progressLogCB: Logging msg: Opening dialog
progressLogCB: Logging msg: Encoding queue
3:2004/12/01 12-22-30:aqhbci(4458):ohbci.c:  550: Checking...
3:2004/12/01 12-22-30:aqhbci(4458):ohbci.c:  560: Old OpenHBCI file detected
progressLogCB: Logging msg: Sending queue
progressLogCB: Logging msg: Connection established with
(port 3000)
debug2: channel 1: window 64516 sent adjust 66556
progressLogCB: Logging msg: Waiting for response
progressLogCB: Logging msg: Response received
progressLogCB: Logging msg: HBCI: 0010 - Entgegengenommen (M)
progressLogCB: Progress set to 0 out of 1,000000.
progressLogCB: Logging msg: Encoding queue
progressLogCB: Logging msg: Sending queue
progressLogCB: Logging msg: Waiting for response
progressLogCB: Logging msg: Response received
progressLogCB: Logging msg: HBCI: 0010 - Entgegengenommen (M)
progressLogCB: Logging msg: HBCI: 0010 - Entgegengenommen (S)
progressLogCB: Progress set to 1 out of 1,000000.
progressLogCB: Logging msg: Closing dialog
progressLogCB: Logging msg: Encoding queue
progressLogCB: Logging msg: Sending queue
progressLogCB: Logging msg: Waiting for response
progressLogCB: Logging msg: Response received
progressLogCB: Logging msg: HBCI: 0010 - Entgegengenommen (M)
progressLogCB: Logging msg: Connection closed to (port 3000)
3:2004/12/01 12-22-38:aqhbci(4458):job.c: 1631: Not signed by expected
progressLogCB: Logging msg: Response not signed by the bank
3:2004/12/01 12-22-38:aqhbci(4458):outbox.c: 1655: Error in job
progressLogCB: Logging msg: Error processing job JobGetBalance
progressLogCB: Progress set to 1 out of 1,000000.
progressLogCB: Logging msg: Finished.
3:2004/12/01 12-22-39:aqhbci(4458):provider.c:  523: Looking for id 00000007
3:2004/12/01 12-22-39:aqhbci(4458):provider.c:  526: Comparing 00000007
3:2004/12/01 12-22-39:aqhbci(4458):jobgetbalance.c:  289: No account
status received
3:2004/12/01 12-22-39:aqhbci(4458):provider.c:  588: Error exchanging
3:2004/12/01 12-22-39:aqbanking(4458):banking.c: 1655: Not a single job
successfully executed
OutboxJob status: error, result: Could not exchange results
3:2004/12/01 12-22-39:aqbanking(4458):banking.c: 2457:
open(/home/wagner/.banking/jobs/todo/00000007.job): No such file or
3:2004/12/01 12-22-39:aqbanking(4458):banking.c: 2801: Job can only be
removed by its creator application

Im Log Dialog steht das Folgende:

Opening dialog
Encoding queue
Sending queue
Connection established with (port 3000)
Waiting for response
Response received
HBCI: 0010 - Entgegengenommen (M)
Encoding queue
Sending queue
Waiting for response
Response received
HBCI: 0010 - Entgegengenommen (M)
HBCI: 0010 - Entgegengenommen (S)
Closing dialog
Encoding queue
Sending queue
Waiting for response
Response received
HBCI: 0010 - Entgegengenommen (M)
Connection closed to (port 3000)
Response not signed by the bank
Error processing job JobGetBalance

Hat irgendeiner aehnliche Probleme mit der HASPA?

BTW: Unter Debian bekomme ich zum Verrecken keine deutschen Menues hin.
Selbst mit allen LC_* gesetzt. Mein Locale ist im Moment: de_DE at euro



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