[gnucash-de] config.user: format of paths on Windows system

Robert Heller heller at deepsoft.com
So Feb 17 16:18:25 EST 2008

At Sun, 17 Feb 2008 20:14:22 +0100 Jannick Asmus <jannick.news at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi All,
> I am encountering problems running the following config.user-file on 
> WinXP together with GC v2.2.3. The problem is that additional tools do 
> not show up as they are supposed to be.
> Here is the config-file saved in .gnucash:
> _____________________
> (printf "Start config.user\n")
> (define ibr-menu-created #f)
> (let (
> 		(path ("C://Dokumente und 
> Einstellungen/user/.gnucash/ibr-gnc-module.scm"))
> 	)
> 	(printf "config.user: loading %s ...\n" path)
> 	(load path)
> )
> (printf "End config.user\n")
> _______________________
> The file stems from http://www.ibrieger.de/misc/linux/gnucash/index.html 
> where the .scm-file is available for download as well.
> At start-up GC looks for the config.user file in .gnucash and starts it. 
> Derek and me, we have already found out that the line defining the hard 
> coded path variable
> 	(path ("C://Dokumente und Einstellungen/user/.gnucash/ibr-gnc-module.scm"))
> does not seem to be correct.
> Does anyone has a clue what format the path should have on a Windows 
> system? Should "\" be used? What is the syntax for calling the hard drive?

I believe that the C Library's fopen() under MS-Windows handles '/' as
a directory separator (internally replaces '/' with '\' before calling
the lower level O/S I/O functions.  Don't know how drive letters are
handled. And I don't know what the MS-Windows port of GnuScheme does
with pathnames.

> The .scm provides a feature to export transactions to a csv-file feeding 
> the interface for a professional accounting software used by German tax 
> accountants.
> Thanks for your thoughts !!!
> Best wishes,
> J.
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Robert Heller             -- Get the Deepwoods Software FireFox Toolbar!
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