[gnucash-de] Rechnungsvorlage auf deutsch und Umlaute

Chr. Eichert c at zp1.net
Di Mär 6 07:25:37 EST 2018

Hallo Frank

Danke für den Hinweis
ich will aber nicht herumprobieren und meine Installation zerschießen.
Die Installation ist auf deutsch und die zeigt die Umlaute auch richtig an.

Es geht mit um die Geschichte mit dem "Rechnung drucken".
Die sogenannte "elegante Version" fancy-invoice.scm  (zB) schreibt im 
Rechnungsdatum die Monate aus.
und da scheint der Hund begraben zu sein.

C:\Program Files (x86)\gnucash\share\gnucash\scm\gnucash\

Weiter hat jemand hier eine Option eingebaut die sicherstellt daß man 
dieses Template nie nutzen kann, denn sie läßt in jeder Rechnung immer 
unnötige 29 leere Reihen, die man auf mindestens 4 leere Reihen 
reduzieren kann, aber der Programmierer hat sein Programm so geschrieben 
daß man IMMER mindestens 4 leere reihen haben muß. Dadurch sieht die 
Rechnung ******* aus.

So-was kann man echt nicht versenden.

Daher meine Fragen:
- 1. Was ist das für eine Programmiersprache?  denn LaTeX ist das nicht.
- 2. Kann jemand sagen an welcher Stelle das Datum ausgeschrieben wird ?
- 3. Kann mir jemand helfen das "min 4 Leere Zeile Problem" beheben?

mit freundlichem Gruss
Chr. Eichert

On 05.03.2018 17:06, Frank H. Ellenberger wrote:
> Hallo und Willkommen!
> Am 05.03.2018 um 07:47 schrieb Chr. Eichert:
>> Weiss Jemand wie man in der Druckansicht die umlaute richtig darstellt ?
> Guck mal, ob https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/De/Konfiguration#Zeichensatz
> da weiterhilft.
> Grüße
> Frank

-------------- nächster Teil --------------
;; -*-scheme-*-
;; fancy-invoice.scm -- a Fancy Invoice Report, used to print a GncInvoice
;; Created by:  Derek Atkins <warlord at MIT.EDU>
;; Copyright (c) 2003 Derek Atkins <warlord at MIT.EDU>
;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
;; published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
;; the License, or (at your option) any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this program; if not, contact:
;; Free Software Foundation           Voice:  +1-617-542-5942
;; 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor    Fax:    +1-617-542-2652
;; Boston, MA  02110-1301,  USA       gnu at gnu.org

;; Fancy Invoice customized from "invoice.scm"
;; Customized by:  Oliver Jones <gnucash at oliverstech dot com>
;; WARNING: customizations are hard-coded, some translations might be
;; broken and it won't work for bills/expense vouchers
;; Customizations are marked with "oli-custom".
;; Hint: you may set your default options here until a way to save report
;; options will be implemented.
;; You will need to upgrade to gtkhtml-1.1 for the latest features or
;; it won't look right.  gtkhtml doesn't have support for table
;; colgroup, tbody, thead and rules tags yet. When it will, the
;; invoice will look even better.
;; This is a quick and dirty hack. The proper way to do this (when I
;; or someone else will have time) is to have the user supply an HTML
;; template. The most common used templates will be distributed with
;; gnucash.

;; Modified to use settable options instead of the hard coded ones.
;; modified by Brian Dolbec <dol-sen at telus dot net> Feb. 6, 2006

(define-module (gnucash report fancy-invoice))

(use-modules (srfi srfi-1))
(use-modules (gnucash printf))
(use-modules (gnucash gnc-module))
(use-modules (gnucash gettext))

(gnc:module-load "gnucash/report/report-system" 0)
(use-modules (gnucash report standard-reports))
(use-modules (gnucash report business-reports))

(define-macro (addto! alist element)
  `(set! ,alist (cons ,element ,alist)))

(define (set-last-row-style! table tag . rest)
  (let ((arg-list
         (cons table
               (cons (- (gnc:html-table-num-rows table) 1)
                     (cons tag rest)))))
    (apply gnc:html-table-set-row-style! arg-list)))

(define (date-col columns-used)
  (vector-ref columns-used 0))
(define (description-col columns-used)
  (vector-ref columns-used 1))
(define (action-col columns-used)
  (vector-ref columns-used 2))
(define (quantity-col columns-used)
  (vector-ref columns-used 3))
(define (price-col columns-used)
  (vector-ref columns-used 4))
(define (discount-col columns-used)
  (vector-ref columns-used 5))
(define (tax-col columns-used)
  (vector-ref columns-used 6))
(define (taxvalue-col columns-used)
  (vector-ref columns-used 7))
(define (value-col columns-used)
  (vector-ref columns-used 8))

(define columns-used-size 9)

(define (num-columns-required columns-used)
  (do ((i 0 (+ i 1))
       (col-req 0 col-req))
      ((>= i columns-used-size) col-req)
    (if (vector-ref columns-used i)
        (set! col-req (+ col-req 1)))))

(define (build-column-used options)
  (define (opt-val section name)
     (gnc:lookup-option options section name)))
  (define (make-set-col col-vector)
    (let ((col 0))
      (lambda (used? index)
        (if used?
              (vector-set! col-vector index col)
              (set! col (+ col 1)))
            (vector-set! col-vector index #f)))))

  (let* ((col-vector (make-vector columns-used-size #f))
         (set-col (make-set-col col-vector)))
    (set-col (opt-val "Display Columns" "Date") 0)
    (set-col (opt-val "Display Columns" "Description") 1)
    (set-col (opt-val "Display Columns" "Action") 2)
    (set-col (opt-val "Display Columns" "Quantity") 3)
    (set-col (opt-val "Display Columns" "Price") 4)
    (set-col (opt-val "Display Columns" "Discount") 5)
    (set-col (opt-val "Display Columns" "Taxable") 6)
    (set-col (opt-val "Display Columns" "Tax Amount") 7)
    (set-col (opt-val "Display Columns" "Total") 8)

(define (make-heading-list column-vector)

  (let ((heading-list '()))
    (if (date-col column-vector)
        (addto! heading-list (_ "Date")))
    (if (description-col column-vector)
        (addto! heading-list (_ "Description")))
    (if (action-col column-vector)
	(addto! heading-list (_ "Charge Type")))
    (if (quantity-col column-vector)
	(addto! heading-list (_ "Quantity")))
    (if (price-col column-vector)
	(addto! heading-list (string-expand (_ "Unit Price") #\space " ")))
    (if (discount-col column-vector)
	(addto! heading-list (_ "Discount")))
    (if (tax-col column-vector)
	(addto! heading-list (_ "Taxable")))
    (if (taxvalue-col column-vector)
	(addto! heading-list (_ "Tax Amount")))
    (if (value-col column-vector)
	(addto! heading-list (_ "Total")))
    (reverse heading-list)))

(define (make-account-hash) (make-hash-table 23))

(define (update-account-hash hash values)
   (lambda (item)
     (let* ((acct (car item))
	    (val (cdr item))
	    (ref (hash-ref hash acct)))

       (hash-set! hash acct (if ref (gnc-numeric-add-fixed ref val) val))))

(define (monetary-or-percent numeric currency entry-type)
  (if (gnc:entry-type-percent-p entry-type)
      ;; oli-custom - make a string instead of a table
      (string-append (gnc:default-html-gnc-numeric-renderer numeric #f) " " (_ "%"))
      (gnc:make-gnc-monetary currency numeric)))

(define (add-entry-row table currency entry column-vector row-style cust-doc? credit-note?)
  (let* ((row-contents '())
	 (entry-value (gnc:make-gnc-monetary
		       (gncEntryGetDocValue entry #t cust-doc? credit-note?)))
	 (entry-tax-value (gnc:make-gnc-monetary
			   (gncEntryGetDocTaxValue entry #t cust-doc? credit-note?))))

    (if (date-col column-vector)
        (addto! row-contents
                (gnc-print-date (gncEntryGetDate entry))))

    (if (description-col column-vector)
        (addto! row-contents
		(gncEntryGetDescription entry)))

    (if (action-col column-vector)
        (addto! row-contents
		(gncEntryGetAction entry)))

    (if (quantity-col column-vector)
	(addto! row-contents
		 (gncEntryGetDocQuantity entry credit-note?))))

    (if (price-col column-vector)
	(addto! row-contents
		  currency (if cust-doc? (gncEntryGetInvPrice entry)
			       (gncEntryGetBillPrice entry))))))

    (if (discount-col column-vector)
	(addto! row-contents
		(if cust-doc?
		     (monetary-or-percent (gncEntryGetInvDiscount entry)
					  (gncEntryGetInvDiscountType entry)))

    (if (tax-col column-vector)
	(addto! row-contents
		(if (if cust-doc?
			(and (gncEntryGetInvTaxable entry)
			     (gncEntryGetInvTaxTable entry))
			(and (gncEntryGetBillTaxable entry)
			     (gncEntryGetBillTaxTable entry)))
		    ;; Translators: This "T" is displayed in the taxable column, if this entry contains tax
		    (_ "T") "")))

    (if (taxvalue-col column-vector)
	(addto! row-contents

    (if (value-col column-vector)
	(addto! row-contents

    (gnc:html-table-append-row/markup! table row-style
                                       (reverse row-contents))

    (cons entry-value entry-tax-value)))

;; oli-custom - here you can set your default options

(define (options-generator)

  (define gnc:*report-options* (gnc:new-options))

  (define (gnc:register-inv-option new-option)
    (gnc:register-option gnc:*report-options* new-option))

   (gnc:make-invoice-option gnc:pagename-general gnc:optname-invoice-number "x" ""
			    (lambda () '()) #f))

    gnc:pagename-general (N_ "Custom Title")
    "z" (N_ "A custom string to replace Invoice, Bill or Expense Voucher.")

    (N_ "Display Columns") (N_ "Date")
    "b" (N_ "Display the date?") #f))

    (N_ "Display Columns") (N_ "Description")
    "d" (N_ "Display the description?") #t))

    (N_ "Display Columns") (N_ "Action")
    "g" (N_ "Display the action?") #f))

    (N_ "Display Columns") (N_ "Quantity")
    "ha" (N_ "Display the quantity of items?") #t))

    (N_ "Display Columns") (N_ "Price")
    "hb" (N_ "Display the price per item?") #t))

    (N_ "Display Columns") (N_ "Discount")
    "k" (N_ "Display the entry's discount?") #f))

    (N_ "Display Columns") (N_ "Taxable")
    "l" (N_ "Display the entry's taxable status?") #f))

    (N_ "Display Columns") (N_ "Tax Amount")
    "m" (N_ "Display each entry's total total tax?") #f))

    (N_ "Display Columns") (N_ "Total")
    "n" (N_ "Display the entry's value?") #t))

    (N_ "Display") (N_ "Individual Taxes")
    "o" (N_ "Display all the individual taxes?") #t))

    (N_ "Display") (N_ "Totals")
    "p" (N_ "Display the totals?") #t))

    (N_ "Display") (N_ "References")
    "s" (N_ "Display the invoice references?") #t))

    (N_ "Display") (N_ "Billing Terms")
    "t" (N_ "Display the invoice billing terms?") #t))

    (N_ "Display") (N_ "Billing ID")
    "ta" (N_ "Display the billing id?") #t))

    (N_ "Display") (N_ "Invoice Notes")
    "tb" (N_ "Display the invoice notes?") #f))

    (N_ "Display") (N_ "Payments")
    "tc" (N_ "Display the payments applied to this invoice?") #f))

    (N_ "Display") (N_ "Minimum # of entries")
    "u" (N_ "The minimum number of invoice entries to display.") 23
    5 23 0 2))

    (N_ "Display") (N_ "Extra Notes")
     "u" (N_ "Extra notes to put on the invoice.")
     (_ "Thank you for your patronage!")))

    (N_ "Display") (N_ "Payable to")
     "ua1" (N_ "Display the Payable to: information.") #t #f
     (lambda (x) (gnc-option-db-set-option-selectable-by-name
		  gnc:*report-options* "Display" "Payable to string" x))))

    (N_ "Display") (N_ "Payable to string")
    "ua2" (N_ "The phrase for specifying to whom payments should be made.")
    (_ "Make all cheques Payable to")))

    (N_ "Display") (N_ "Company contact")
     "ub1" (N_ "Display the Company contact information.") #t #f
     (lambda (x) (gnc-option-db-set-option-selectable-by-name
		  gnc:*report-options* "Display" "Company contact string" x))))

    (N_ "Display") (N_ "Company contact string")
    "ub2" (N_ "The phrase used to introduce the company contact.")
    (_ "Direct all inquiries to")))

; not used
;  (gnc:register-inv-option
;   (gnc:make-string-option
;    (N_ "Display") (N_ "Today Date Format")
;    "v" (N_ "The format for the date->string conversion for today's date.")
;    (gnc-default-strftime-date-format)))

  (gnc:options-set-default-section gnc:*report-options* "General")


(define (make-entry-table invoice options add-order cust-doc? credit-note?)
  (define (opt-val section name)
     (gnc:lookup-option options section name)))

  (let ((show-payments (opt-val "Display" "Payments"))
	(display-all-taxes (opt-val "Display" "Individual Taxes"))
	(lot (gncInvoiceGetPostedLot invoice))
	(txn (gncInvoiceGetPostedTxn invoice))
	(currency (gncInvoiceGetCurrency invoice))
	(reverse-payments? (not (gncInvoiceAmountPositive invoice)))
	(entries-added 0))

    (define (colspan monetary used-columns)
       ((value-col used-columns) (value-col used-columns))
       ((taxvalue-col used-columns) (taxvalue-col used-columns))
       (else (price-col used-columns))))

    (define (display-subtotal monetary used-columns)
      (if (value-col used-columns)
	  (let ((amt (gnc:gnc-monetary-amount monetary)))
	    (if amt
		(if (gnc-numeric-negative-p amt)
		    (gnc:monetary-neg monetary)
    (define (get-empty-row colcount)
      (define row-contents '())
      (do ((i 1 (+ i 1)))
        ((> i colcount))
        (addto! row-contents (gnc:make-html-table-cell))    ;;do stuff here

    (define (add-subtotal-row table used-columns
			      subtotal-collector subtotal-style subtotal-label)
      (let ((currency-totals (subtotal-collector
			      'format gnc:make-gnc-monetary #f)))

	(for-each (lambda (currency)
		     ;; oli-custom modified to colspan the subtotal labels
		     ;; instead of the data fields
		     (append (cons (gnc:make-html-table-cell/size/markup
				    1 (colspan currency used-columns)
				    "total-label-cell" subtotal-label)
			     (list (gnc:make-html-table-cell/markup
				    ;; 1 (colspan currency used-columns)
				    (display-subtotal currency used-columns))))))

    (define (add-payment-row table used-columns split total-collector reverse-payments?)
      (let* ((t (xaccSplitGetParent split))
	     (currency (xaccTransGetCurrency t))
	     (invoice (opt-val gnc:pagename-general gnc:optname-invoice-number))
	     (owner '())
	     ;; Depending on the document type, the payments may need to be sign-reversed
	     (amt (gnc:make-gnc-monetary currency
		    (if reverse-payments?
			(gnc-numeric-neg(xaccSplitGetValue split))
			(xaccSplitGetValue split))))
             (payment-style "grand-total")
             (row '()))

	(total-collector 'add
	    (gnc:gnc-monetary-commodity amt)
	    (gnc:gnc-monetary-amount amt))

	(if (date-col used-columns)
	    (addto! row
		    (gnc-print-date (gnc-transaction-get-date-posted t))))

	(if (description-col used-columns)
	    (addto! row (_ "Payment, thank you")))

	 (append (reverse row)
		 (list (gnc:make-html-table-cell/size/markup
			1 (colspan currency used-columns)
			(display-subtotal amt used-columns)))))))

    (define (do-rows-with-subtotals entries
      (if (null? entries)
	    ;; oli-custom - modified to have a minimum of entries per table,
	    ;; currently defaults to 24
	    ;; also, doesn't count payment rows and stuff
            (do ((entries-added entries-added (+ entries-added 1))
                 (odd-row? odd-row? (not odd-row?)))
              ((> entries-added (opt-val "Display" "Minimum # of entries" )))
               table (if odd-row? "normal-row" "alternate-row")
               (get-empty-row (num-columns-required used-columns)))
	    (add-subtotal-row table used-columns value-collector
			      "grand-total" (_ "Net Price"))

	    (if display-all-taxes
		 (lambda (acct value)
		   (let ((collector (gnc:make-commodity-collector))
			 (commodity (xaccAccountGetCommodity acct))
			 (name (xaccAccountGetName acct)))
		     (collector 'add commodity value)
		     (add-subtotal-row table used-columns collector
				       "grand-total" (string-expand
						      name #\space " "))))

		; nope, just show the total tax.
		(add-subtotal-row table used-columns tax-collector
				  "grand-total" (_ "Tax")))

	    (add-subtotal-row table used-columns total-collector
			      "grand-total" (string-expand (_ "Total Price")
							   #\space " "))

	    (if (and show-payments (not (null? lot)))
		(let ((splits (sort-list!
			       (gnc-lot-get-split-list lot)
			       (lambda (s1 s2)
				 (let ((t1 (xaccSplitGetParent s1))
				       (t2 (xaccSplitGetParent s2)))
				   (< (xaccTransOrder t1 t2) 0))))))
		   (lambda (split)
		     (if (not (equal? (xaccSplitGetParent split) txn))
			 (add-payment-row table used-columns
					  split total-collector

	    (add-subtotal-row table used-columns total-collector
			      "grand-total" (string-expand (_ "Amount Due")
							   #\space " ")))

	  ;; End of BEGIN -- now here's the code to handle all the entries!
	  (let* ((current (car entries))
		 (current-row-style (if odd-row? "normal-row" "alternate-row"))
		 (rest (cdr entries))
		 (next (if (null? rest) #f
			   (car rest)))
		 (entry-values (add-entry-row table
					      cust-doc? credit-note?)))

	    (if display-all-taxes
		(let ((tax-list (gncEntryGetDocTaxValues current cust-doc? credit-note?)))
		  (update-account-hash acct-hash tax-list))
		(tax-collector 'add
			       (gnc:gnc-monetary-commodity (cdr entry-values))
			       (gnc:gnc-monetary-amount (cdr entry-values))))

	    (value-collector 'add
			     (gnc:gnc-monetary-commodity (car entry-values))
			     (gnc:gnc-monetary-amount (car entry-values)))

	    (total-collector 'add
			     (gnc:gnc-monetary-commodity (car entry-values))
			     (gnc:gnc-monetary-amount (car entry-values)))
	    (total-collector 'add
			     (gnc:gnc-monetary-commodity (cdr entry-values))
			     (gnc:gnc-monetary-amount (cdr entry-values)))

	    (let ((order (gncEntryGetOrder current)))
	      (if (not (null? order)) (add-order order)))

	    (set! entries-added (+ entries-added 1))

	    (do-rows-with-subtotals rest
				    (not odd-row?)

    (let* ((table (gnc:make-html-table))
	   (used-columns (build-column-used options))
	   (width (num-columns-required used-columns))
	   (entries (gncInvoiceGetEntries invoice))
	   (totals (gnc:make-commodity-collector)))

       (make-heading-list used-columns))

      (do-rows-with-subtotals entries

(define (string-expand string character replace-string)
  (define (car-line chars)
    (take-while (lambda (c) (not (eqv? c character))) chars))
  (define (cdr-line chars)
    (let ((rest (drop-while (lambda (c) (not (eqv? c character))) chars)))
      (if (null? rest)
          (cdr rest))))
  (define (line-helper chars)
    (if (null? chars)
        (let ((first (car-line chars))
              (rest (cdr-line chars)))
          (string-append (list->string first)
                         (if (null? rest) "" replace-string)
                         (line-helper rest)))))
  (line-helper (string->list string)))

(define (make-client-table owner orders)
  (let ((table (gnc:make-html-table))
	(name-cell (gnc:make-html-table-cell)))
     table "table"
     'attribute (list "border" 0)
     'attribute (list "cellspacing" 0)
     'attribute (list "cellpadding" 0))
     name-cell (gnc:owner-get-name-dep owner))
     name-cell "td"
     'font-size "+2")
    (gnc:html-table-append-row! table (list name-cell "" "")) ;;Bert: had a newline and a "<br>"
      (string-expand (gnc:owner-get-address-dep owner) #\newline "<br>")))
     (list "<br>"))
     (lambda (order)
       (let* ((reference (gncOrderGetReference order)))
	 (if (and reference (> (string-length reference) 0))
	       (string-append (_ "REF") ": " reference))))))
     table "td"
     'attribute (list "valign" "top"))

(define (make-date-row! table label date)
    (string-append label ": ")
    ;; oli-custom - modified to display a custom format
    ;; for the invoice date/due date fields
    ;; I could have taken the format from the report options, but... ;)
    (string-expand (strftime (gnc-default-strftime-date-format)
                             (gnc-localtime (car date)))
                   #\space " ")
    ;;(string-expand (gnc-print-date date) #\space " ")

(define (make-date-table)
  (let ((table (gnc:make-html-table)))
     table "table"
     'attribute (list "border" 0)
     'attribute (list "cellpadding" 0))
     table "td"
     'attribute (list "valign" "top"))

(define (make-myname-table book date-format title)
  (let* ((table (gnc:make-html-table))
	 (slots (qof-book-get-slots book))
	 (name (kvp-frame-get-slot-path-gslist
		slots (append gnc:*kvp-option-path*
			      (list gnc:*business-label* gnc:*company-name*))))
;;	 (contact (kvp-frame-get-slot-path-gslist
;;		slots (append gnc:*kvp-option-path*
;;			      (list gnc:*business-label* gnc:*company-contact*))))
	 (addy (kvp-frame-get-slot-path-gslist
		slots (append gnc:*kvp-option-path*
			      (list gnc:*business-label* gnc:*company-addy*))))
	 (id (kvp-frame-get-slot-path-gslist
		slots (append gnc:*kvp-option-path*
			      (list gnc:*business-label* gnc:*company-id*))))
	 (phone (kvp-frame-get-slot-path-gslist
		slots (append gnc:*kvp-option-path*
			      (list gnc:*business-label* gnc:*company-phone*))))
	 (fax (kvp-frame-get-slot-path-gslist
		slots (append gnc:*kvp-option-path*
			      (list gnc:*business-label* gnc:*company-fax*))))
	 (url (kvp-frame-get-slot-path-gslist
		slots (append gnc:*kvp-option-path*
			      (list gnc:*business-label* gnc:*company-url*))))
	 (invoice-cell (gnc:make-html-table-cell))
	 (name-cell (gnc:make-html-table-cell))

    ;; oli-custom - modified the name table to increase the
    ;; font size of the company name
    ;; and add an "INVOICE" title to the upper right, also,
    ;; put some contact information in the middle
    ;; FIXME: "INVOICE" should be translated and support bills/expense vouchers
     table "table"
     'attribute (list "border" 0)
     'attribute (list "cellspacing" 0)
     'attribute (list "cellpadding" 0)
     'attribute (list "width" "100%"))
	invoice-cell title)
	invoice-cell "td"
	'font-size "+2")
	name-cell (if name name ""))
	name-cell "td"
	'font-size "+2")
    (gnc:html-table-append-row! table (list name-cell (gnc:make-html-table-cell) invoice-cell)) ;;(gnc:make-html-table-cell) was ""
	table 1 "td"
	'attribute (list "align" "center")
	'attribute (list "width" "33%"))
	table 2 "td"
	'attribute (list "align" "right")
	'attribute (list "width" "33%"))
     table (list (string-expand (string-append (if addy addy "") (if id (string-append "\n" id) "")) #\newline "<br>")
		  (string-append (if phone
				     (string-append (_ "Phone:") " " phone)
				 (if fax (string-append (if phone "\n" "")
							(_ "Fax:") " " fax)
		  #\newline "<br>" )
		 (if url (string-append (_ "Web:") " " url) "")))

;; oli-custom - I didn't want today's date on the invoice.
;; The invoice already has a date.
;; Today's date can be in the email, fax or letter accompanying the invoice.
;;    (gnc:html-table-append-row! table (list
;;				       (strftime
;;					date-format
;;					(gnc-localtime (car (gnc:get-today))))))

(define (make-break! document)

(define (reg-renderer report-obj)
  (define (opt-val section name)
     (gnc:lookup-option (gnc:report-options report-obj) section name)))

  (define (title-string title custom-title)
    (if (not (equal? "" custom-title))
	(string-expand custom-title
		       #\space " ")

  (let* ((document (gnc:make-html-document))
	 (table '())
	 (orders '())
	 (invoice (opt-val gnc:pagename-general gnc:optname-invoice-number))
	 (owner '())
	 (references? (opt-val "Display" "References"))
	 (default-title (_ "Invoice"))
	 (custom-title (opt-val gnc:pagename-general "Custom Title"))
	 (cust-doc? #f)
	 (credit-note? #f))

    (define (add-order o)
      (if (and references? (not (member o orders)))
	  (addto! orders o)))

    (if (not (null? invoice))
	  (set! owner (gncInvoiceGetOwner invoice))
	  (let ((type (gncInvoiceGetType invoice)))
	      ((eqv? type GNC-INVOICE-CUST-INVOICE)
	       (set! cust-doc? #t))
	      ((eqv? type GNC-INVOICE-VEND-INVOICE)
	       (set! default-title (_ "Bill")))
	      ((eqv? type GNC-INVOICE-EMPL-INVOICE)
	       (set! default-title (_ "Expense Voucher")))
	      ((eqv? type GNC-INVOICE-CUST-CREDIT-NOTE)
	        (set! cust-doc? #t)
	        (set! credit-note? #t)
	        (set! default-title (_ "Credit Note"))))
	      ((eqv? type GNC-INVOICE-VEND-CREDIT-NOTE)
	        (set! credit-note? #t)
	        (set! default-title (_ "Credit Note"))))
	      ((eqv? type GNC-INVOICE-EMPL-CREDIT-NOTE)
	        (set! credit-note? #t)
	        (set! default-title (_ "Credit Note"))))))

    ;; oli-custom - title redundant, "Invoice" moved to myname-table,
    ;; invoice number moved below
    ;;(gnc:html-document-set-title! document title)

    (if (not (null? invoice))
	(let* ((book (gncInvoiceGetBook invoice))
	      (slots (qof-book-get-slots book))
	      (date-object #f)
	      (helper-table (gnc:make-html-table))
	      (title (title-string default-title custom-title)))
	  (set! table (make-entry-table invoice
					(gnc:report-options report-obj)
					add-order cust-doc? credit-note?))

	   table "table"
	   'attribute (list "border" 1)
	   'attribute (list "cellspacing" 0)
	   'attribute (list "cellpadding" 4)
	   ;; oli-custom - make table as wide as possible
	   ;; works fine with simple style sheet templates,
	   ;; doesn't work quite right with fancy ones
	   ;; probably supplying the style sheet with a wide image
	   ;; for the header (even if transparent/white) would fix it
	   'attribute (list "width" "100%"))

	  ;; oli-custom - make the description column big
	  ;; 50% or 60%, depending on whether the first column is
	  ;; displayed or not
	  ;; should actually be something more complicated,
	  ;; it's a really ugly hack right now :)
	   table (if (opt-val "Display Columns" "Date") 1 0) "td"
	   'attribute (list "width" (if (opt-val "Display Columns" "Date")
					"50%" "60%")))

	   document (make-myname-table
		     book ;;(opt-val "Display" "Today Date Format")))
		     "" title))

	  (make-break! document)
	  (make-break! document)
	  (make-break! document)

	  ;; oli-custom - client table and table with invoice
	  ;; number/date/due date both inserted into a table
	   helper-table "table"
	   'attribute (list "border" 0)
	   'attribute (list "cellspacing" 0)
	   'attribute (list "cellpadding" 0)
	   'attribute (list "width" "100%"))

	  (set! date-object (let ((date-table #f)
		(post-date (gncInvoiceGetDatePosted invoice))
		(due-date (gncInvoiceGetDateDue invoice)))

	    (if (not (equal? post-date (cons 0 0)))
		  (set! date-table (make-date-table))
		  ;; oli-custom - moved invoice number here
		   date-table (list (sprintf #f (_ "%s #") title) (gncInvoiceGetID invoice)))
                  ;; Translators: The first %s below is "Invoice" or
                  ;; "Bill" or even the custom title from the
                  ;; options. This string sucks for i18n, but I don't
                  ;; have a better solution right now without breaking
                  ;; other people's invoices.
		  (make-date-row! date-table (sprintf #f (_ "%s Date") title) post-date)
		  (make-date-row! date-table (_ "Due Date") due-date)
		  ;; oli-custom - FIXME: I have a feeling I broke a
		 ;; translation by not using string-expand for  
		  (string-append title "<br>" (_ "Invoice in progress..."))))))

		(list (make-client-table owner orders) date-object))

	  	helper-table 0 "td"
		'attribute (list "valign" "top"))

	  	helper-table 1 "td"
		'attribute (list "valign" "top")
		'attribute (list "align" "right")
		;; oli-custom - "squeeze" the date table,
		;; or else it's spaced out
		'attribute (list "width" "1%"))


	  (make-break! document)

	  (if (opt-val "Display" "Billing ID")
	      (let ((billing-id (gncInvoiceGetBillingID invoice)))
		(if (and billing-id (> (string-length billing-id) 0))
			 (_ "Reference") ": "
			 (string-expand billing-id #\newline "<br>"))))
		      (make-break! document)))))

	  (if (opt-val "Display" "Billing Terms")
	      (let* ((term (gncInvoiceGetTerms invoice))
		     (terms (gncBillTermGetDescription term)))
		(if (and terms (> (string-length terms) 0))
		       (_ "Terms") ": "
		       (string-expand terms #\newline "<br>")))))))

	  (make-break! document)

	  (gnc:html-document-add-object! document table)

	  (make-break! document)
	  (make-break! document)

	  (if (opt-val "Display" "Invoice Notes")
	      (let ((notes (gncInvoiceGetNotes invoice)))
		  (string-expand notes #\newline "<br>")))))

	  (make-break! document)

	  (if (opt-val "Display" "Payable to")
	      (let* ((name (kvp-frame-get-slot-path-gslist
			    slots (append gnc:*kvp-option-path*
					  (list gnc:*business-label*
		     (name-str (opt-val "Display" "Payable to string")))
		(if (and name (> (string-length name) 0))
		  (string-append name-str  ": "
		  (string-expand name #\newline "<br>")))))))

	  (make-break! document)

	  (if (opt-val "Display" "Company contact")
	      (let* ((contact (kvp-frame-get-slot-path-gslist
			       slots (append gnc:*kvp-option-path*
					     (list gnc:*business-label*
		     (contact-str (opt-val "Display" "Company contact string")))
		(if (and contact (> (string-length contact) 0))
		  (string-append contact-str  ": "
		  (string-expand contact #\newline "<br>")))))))

	    (string-expand (opt-val "Display" "Extra Notes") #\newline "<br>")

	; else
	  (_ "No valid invoice selected. Click on the Options button and select the invoice to use."))))


(define fancy-invoice-guid "3ce293441e894423a2425d7a22dd1ac6")

 'version 1
 'name (N_ "Fancy Invoice")
 'report-guid fancy-invoice-guid
 'menu-path (list gnc:menuname-business-reports)
 'options-generator options-generator
 'renderer reg-renderer
 'in-menu? #t)

(define (gnc:fancy-invoice-report-create-internal invoice)
  (let* ((options (gnc:make-report-options fancy-invoice-guid))
         (invoice-op (gnc:lookup-option options gnc:pagename-general gnc:optname-invoice-number)))

    (gnc:option-set-value invoice-op invoice)
    (gnc:make-report fancy-invoice-guid options)))

(export gnc:fancy-invoice-report-create-internal)
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