Get PostgreSQL installed as part of the distros

Derek Atkins warlord@MIT.EDU
20 Oct 2000 17:59:03 -0400

Well, at least as recent as RedHat 6.2, there is a PostgreSQL package
set (version 6.5.3).  I installed it, and it does seem to initialize a
database directory if one doesn't exist.  It doesn't actually create
any databases, however it should, at least, have a 'postmaster'
process running.

I know nothing about using Postgres, but based on an empty database
directory, how hard is it to create a new database?  Especially if
Postgress is already installed/running?


"Lars Pind" <> writes:

> Hi Gnucash-people
> I witnessed a talk by Linas at the NYLUG meeting this past Wednesday, =
> and there was some talk about using PostgreSQL as a back-end storage for =
> GNUCash.
> Linas said that one of the major obstacles would be the support issue -- =
> stepping people through installing and setting up PostgreSQL, not to =
> speak of maintaining it.
> We at ArsDigta/OpenACS (, are in a similar =
> situation. We're about to get our product, ACS, included on RedHat and a =
> number of other distros, but we depend on a running PostgreSQL =
> installation. So far, we've planned on installing and setting up =
> PostgreSQL ourselves, with some RPM and shell script magic.=20
> But Linas' talk sparked this idea: Wouldn't it be a lot more clever if =
> we could convince the distros to make a running, configured PostgreSQL =
> installation part of the default install, for the benefit of all? =
> Application developers could then start relying on a working PostgreSQL =
> installation, so they could concentrate on adding value instead.
> We're already trying to use our influence to make this happen, but the =
> more the merrier.=20
> I'd like to hear how interested you would be in this, if we could make =
> it happen.
> Thanks,
> /Lars
> _______________________________________________
> gnucash-devel mailing list

       Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
       Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
       URL:      PP-ASEL      N1NWH
       warlord@MIT.EDU                        PGP key available