Feature report

Dave Peticolas dave@krondo.com
19 Jul 2001 13:41:43 -0700

On 19 Jul 2001 12:58:19 +0200, Georg Wilckens wrote:
> Hello hackers,

> 2. General Ledger
>    On hitting the "Report" or the "Print" button, gnucash always
>    crashes with a segfault (gnome error-message-box).

Are there any error messages on the command line?

> 3. Sorting of transactions
>    Many of my transactions are numbered. When I enter a series of say
>    10 transactions from one day, sometimes gnucash seems to get
>    confused and stores later transactions (with higher numbers) above
>    some earlier transactions from the same day. This happens on
>    default sort order. If I change the sort order to go by transaction
>    numbers, this problem goes away but the balance on the right is not
>    adjusted accordingly (the final balance might not show up on the
>    bottom). This is probably not a bug, but handling this differently
>    seems more convenient to me.

The problem here is that the number field is stored and sorted
as a string (it's actually allowed to be anything you want, it
doesn't have to be a number). But it might be better to detect
if it's a number and sort appropriately.
