The Close button

Paul Lussier
Tue, 24 Jul 2001 09:41:51 -0400

In a message dated: Mon, 23 Jul 2001 21:41:52 CDT
Thomas Cherryhomes said:

>He brought up an interesting point about the nature of the Close Button 
>in GNUCASH, the big huge one on the toolbar. From his standpoint, he 
>believed that it would close the entire document, so he never used it 
>until he tried to close the file.
>IMHO, the different views of GNUCASH need to be expressed similar to 
>Quicken, with separate windows, with a right-justified close button. If 
>for no other reason, than for familiarity.

This reminds me, Sun recently did a Usability Study for the Gnome 
desktop.  I don't know if anyone read through this study, but they 
brought up some very good points of interest where Gnome could use 
some usability improvement.  I know GnuCash is not Gnome, but it 
might be helpful to read this and see what (if anything) applies
to GnuCash as well.

Here's the URL if anyone wishes to read the study in their copious 
spare time :)

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		       Tom Clancy, The Bear and The Dragon

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