reports for 1.6

Dave Peticolas
Wed, 28 Mar 2001 01:48:18 -0800

Here is a list of reports that need to be done for 1.6.

Name                    Type            Status

Account Summary         table            2
Average Balance         table/graph      2
Balance Sheet           table            0
Hello World             misc             3
Income & Expense
  Bar Charts            graph            2
  Pie Charts            graph            2
Invoice                 table            0
Net Worth               graph            0
Portfolio               table            1
Profit & Loss           table            2
Register Report         table            2
Stock Value             graph            0
Transaction Report      table            2

--- Possibly 1.6 ---

Cash Flow               table            0
Investment Income       table            0
Stock Price             graph            0
Tax Report              table            1

Status Codes
  3  = Finished for 1.6
  2  = Mostly done, but could be polished further
  1  = Partially implemented
  0  = Not Started