missing schec-xact_strings.c

Josh Sled jsled@asynchronous.org
Mon, 29 Oct 2001 20:59:10 -0800

On Mon, Oct 29, 2001 at 08:52:10PM -0800, Dave Peticolas wrote:

| No, this isn't right. We no longer need to generate the strings file
| for glade widgets -- the strings are pulled directly from the glade
| xml sources by inttool.


|  If you are seeing this error, your 
| po/POTFILES.in is out of date. 

Chris: To regenerate, remove src/gnome/glade/sched-xact_strings.c, and run
'./make-gnucash-potfiles > po/POTFILES.in'.

| If you are working in glade,
| do not turn on the option to generate the translatable strings
| files.

Turned off the in the sched-xact.glade file in CVS.
