Minor feature suggestions

Josh Sled jsled@asynchronous.org
Wed, 22 May 2002 19:49:07 -0700

On Sat, May 18, 2002 at 07:06:18PM +0200, Rainer Dorsch wrote:

| recently I was showing the gnucash package to my dad and after a while, he 
| was sitting very happy in for of a linux pc, asking questions and making 

Excellent! :)

| - I saw in the mailing list, that some developers are working on scheduled 
| transactions. With this the first feature (and most comprehensive) is 
| probably relatively easy to build. He wanted to enter an interest rate per 
| account and wanted gnucash to predict the interest transactions 
| automatically. If someone looks into that, please take into account, that the 
| payment might be done on a different account.

Just to clarify: this is the interest rate of the account, so I think you're
saying the account is then a interest-bearing Checking acco unt or perhaps a
credit card?  Interest should then be calculated based on the balance of the
account at some specific day of month?

I'm trying to figure out how he/everyone wants it to work...  the template
transactions can already contain ad-hoc variables [type in any non-numeric
string, and it will be a variable, which the user will be prompted to bind a
value to at creation-time], but not functions... and this seems like the
first and most important function people want.

| - In the "Account Summary", it is not possible to select that the description 
| field of the accounts is printed

I assume you mean the Account Summary report...  no, it doesn't seem to be.
If you see the announcement that there's a GnuCash product in GNOME bugzilla,
please file a bug against that... it should be a relatively easy fix.

| - In  the  "Accounts" window, the total value of each account is printed. But 
| the user has maybe already entered future transactions and wants to display 
| the current value of the accounts (should at least be an option)

Sounds great to me ... please file a bug at the appropriate point.  With
Scheduled Transactions on the horizon, this is a very reaonsable thing to
[optionally] have.  I'll try and remember this when I have free moment, but
filing a bug is probably The Right Thing.

Thanks for the feedback!


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