We need your feedback for OFX C++ library

Benoit Grégoire bock@step.polymtl.ca
Thu, 30 May 2002 02:02:33 -0400

On May 29, 2002 07:17 am, Vimal wrote:
> Sir,
> We are in field of mobile communication. We are
> implementing Mobile Payments using OFX, which is to be
>  implemented in C++.
> In reference to your ofc C++ library which i have
> downloaded from your site, the latest version.
> I am getting some compilation in execution "make".
> I am unable to execute "make install ".
> I need your feedback regarding this matter.


I an the author of libofx, assuming this is the library you are refering to.  
I will be happy to help you, if you send me the output of the make command.  

I have not yet frozen the api, so if you have specific suggestions, it might 
be possible to accomodate you.

Good luck
Benoit Grégoire
LibOFX http://step.polymtl.ca/~bock/libofx/