investment terminology and types

Jon Lapham lapham at
Mon Jul 21 15:31:13 CDT 2003

Steve Wallace wrote:
> I think many people would consider CDs to be investments of a sort.  And
> if you don't include CDs then what about Money Market Mutual Funds and
> cash balances in brokerage accounts?  One commom complaint about Quicken
> is that it is difficult to treat these like investments.  Most people
> seem to want interest from these sources to be included in any
> calculations of investment performance.

Right, I agree.

The point Derek is making (my interpretation of what he thinks... 
hopefully he will clarify) is that *most* of the time people do not 
consider an interest bearing income account an investment.

So, my idea was to put CDs, interest bearing accounts, money markets, 
etc in both the investments section, and in the setting up your bank 
accounts section.  Redundant?  Yes.  Thorough?  Uh, maybe?

Derek, what do you think?  In your email you said "I'm not convinced 
these are really investments" concerning these accounts, are you still 
leaning that way?


  Jon Lapham  <lapham at>          Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
  Work: Extracta Moléculas Naturais SA

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