First stab at gnucash-docs

Jon Lapham lapham at
Fri Jun 13 14:38:51 CDT 2003

Derek Atkins wrote:
> I honestly don't think we need to go into too much detail here.  Just
> point at the README file.  Users need to know how to use their own
> OSes -- it's not our job to teach them.

Well, this is an important thing to hash out before I put any more work 
into these installation instructions!  :)

Do you think I should simply say "Download the gnucash source code, and 
read the README file for instructions on how to install GnuCash" in the 
installation section of the guide?  It seems to me that we would really 
be turning off the non-geeks with that...

It would seem silly at first glance to include semi-detailed user 
friendly installation instructions in gnucash help (which requires a 
running gnucash installation to read).  However, our documentation is in 
a format which would make for simple packaging into a book or other hard 
form (pamphlets, handouts, etc).  For this situation, I think it would 
be nice to have instructions a non-ubergeek could understand for how to 
install the software.  Also, you could imagine the situation where you 
are showing GnuCash off to someone, they want to install it, so you 
print the installation instructions out for them from the help window.

  Jon Lapham  <lapham at>          Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
  Work: Extracta Moléculas Naturais SA

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