Budgeting prototype

Stephen Cuppett scuppett at nc.rr.com
Tue Sep 2 21:52:29 CDT 2003

While I have some minor issues with the screenshots shown, this definitely
is a step in the right direction.  The workbench idea, or the concept of a
separate "view" for budgetary purposes is essential.  One of the things that
makes GNUCash essential is the simplistic "T-account" view provided by the
actual accounts.  This has to remain and tampering with that in anything but
the most trivial ways would be a mistake.  Additional features with either
the corporation or the individual in mind must make use of extra views.

As for the concept of "categories".  This does not exist.  The actual data
has accounts.  The budget should have accounts.  They do not have to be the
same and an account in the budget could be a combination of one or more of
the real accounts.  For the example regarding groceries.  Utilization of a
correct accounting system would generate an Expense account "Grocery
Expense".  On a fictitious budget, an expense account of "Food" may exist
and become a combination of Grocery Expense and Dining Expense with both
accounts' inflation going against the hypothetical expenditure for a given
period of time.

However, I would offer actual/plan comparisons as opposed to some sort of
balance view in the workbench.  This overly confuses the matter as to what
is a good or bad number to see in all instances.  Also, in the related
category view (related accounts by my definition), only accounts of the same
type should be available and that should have to be specified (since you
make the income/expense delineation in a later view this is necessary here).
There are other issues, but those may or may not flesh themselves out.

Stephen Cuppett

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