No, 1.8.10 does not require kde

Christian Stimming stimming at
Sun Dec 19 08:34:22 EST 2004

Am Sonntag, 19. Dezember 2004 14:30 schrieb Peter O'Gorman:
> Christian Stimming wrote:
> > And yet again:  There is no source or binary requirement of kde or qt
> > inside gnucash. If and only if someone intends to setup the HBCI account
> > with his HBCI bank, then this person will need an additional qt-based
> > program to be installed.
> If the app kde_wizard does not exist and one presses the button, gnucash
> crashes, not a good thing. 

That's indeed not a good thing, but on my system (when I reproduce this 
configuration) I do not get a crash. Instead, simply nothing happens (maybe 
some console warning). That's what was intended to happen. In src/
import-export/hbci/druid-hbci-initial.c line 491, an execl() call with the 
kde_wizard application is executed, and if it fails (e.g. because there is no 
executable with this name), on line 492 an error message is printed to stdout 
and the fork()d process exits on line 493.

So I would like to know more about your actual system configuration (you run 
Mac OSX and Fink?), or maybe even a stack trace from this crash. Of course a 
crash should not happen.

> In packaging terms, gnucash requires qt because
> I am not going to release a package where a user can press a button and
> crash the app. 

Well, we all know that this is our goal. However, the 20 major bugs in 
bugzilla just will and will not go away... :-(

> Make it not crash if the wizard does not exist and I can
> change make the package "Suggest" the wizard.

On Linux, this is precisely the behaviour that can be observed.


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