CVS Data Moved; Accounts created.. waiting on DNS

Josh Sled jsled at
Thu Feb 26 21:03:32 CST 2004

On Thu, Feb 26, 2004 at 01:03:48AM -0500, Derek Atkins wrote:

| At this point all the data has been moved, and accounts have been
| created..  So we're just waiting on DNS to get moved.  Once that's
| changed we should be up and running again.

I'm having an issue tagging the tree:

jsled at phoenix$ [~/stuff/programming/projects/gnucash-budget/src-1.8-sx] cvs tag sx-fixes-1-8-bp
cvs server: Tagging gnucash
cvs server: Tagging gnucash/accounts
cvs server: Tagging gnucash/macros
cvs server: Tagging gnucash/po
cvs server: [03:00:17] waiting for root's lock in /home/cvs/cvsroot/gnucash/po
cvs server: [03:00:47] waiting for root's lock in /home/cvs/cvsroot/gnucash/po

This is the second attempt; it doesn't seem to get much further, even
after a few minutes.



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