Feature Request: triggers or variable auto-transactions

Karl Hegbloom hegbloom at pdx.edu
Fri Aug 19 15:48:08 EDT 2005

I sometimes take 'direct deposit advances' from my bank.  When my weekly
paycheck is depositted, the bank system triggers an automatic repayment
of the advance plus a finance charge.

In GnuCash, I've learned how to set up an automatic transaction for the
paycheck deposit, but not one for the DDA repayment.  I don't do a DDA
every week, but some weeks I do it twice...  What I want is for GC to
automatically create the repayment transactions when there is an
outstanding DDA after the paycheck transaction is posted.  A static
automatic transaction is not quite the right thing.

Perhaps a special feature for posting a DDA could schedule the repayment
just as the bank does, to have it happen right after posting the
paycheck?  A dialog could take the initial information, like the amount
and the finance charge, then post the amounts to Assets::Current
Assets::Checking Account, Liabilities::Direct Deposit Advance::DDA
Advance and L::Dir::DDA Fees, plus create the one-shot scheduled
transaction.  Q: Can this be done using scheme and current GC features?

In thinking about this, it seems to me that a generalized mechanism for
creating this sort of dialog would be very useful.  If the widgets could
be done in a way that Glade can use them, and if Glade was designed (or
refactored?) so that it could run in a slightly restricted mode for this
sort of application, it would be cool.  By restricted, I mean like
filter the set of available widgets, and restrict it to filling out a
dialog box... ?  Or should it be allowed the full set of features?  I'm
not sure.

Karl Hegbloom <hegbloom at pdx.edu>

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