GnuCash Guide CH8

Dave Herman dvherman at
Thu Apr 20 22:45:46 EDT 2006

Bengt Thuree wrote:
> Hi Dave
> Very nice with some examples for selling with profit as well as with a loss.
> I have not checked, but is there any report(s) that can be included as
> well to illustrate it a bit more?
> Some small comments
> Missed the ".png" for the first screenshot
> 	      <imagedata fileref="figures/invest_AccountsPredef"
> 	      srccredit="Dave Herman" format="PNG"/>
What can I say - I missed that, it never showed an error on "sudo make 
all install" and all the screenshots displayed ...
Will check, fix and submit with next set of changes.
> The Starting Balances should be changed to Opening Balance
> (according to the druid)
> 	Starting Balances --> Opening Balance
I remember checking this, no idea where "Starting Balances" was found.
> Should we really have the following hierarchy (chapter 2.2)
> 	Income
>   	  Investement
>     	    Brokerage Accounts
>       	      Capital Gains
>                 I*Trade
> I mean, the Captial Gains is not a Brokerage Account or
> So perhaps just (which is what you have in Expenses)
> 	Income
>   	  Investement
> 	    Capital Gains
>               I*Trade
I'm mixed about the order, the current mirrors the asset segment of the 
tree, I have the Income:Cap Gains (long): Broker Account in my personal
file.  The text discusses using the Income: Broker:Cap Gains as 
simplifying the generation on reports to match what the Broker sends.  I 
would want to balance
that report against the Tax Report which I find is one of the most 
useful reports (just compare it vs Q....... tax reports).

I did not want to use this complex account tree in the examples, I had 
the impression that this was a example of a realistic tree.  However
the text suggest that the user should build what works best for them.

> Section 3.1 do not follow screenshot in 3.2
> 3.1	Income
> 	  Bank ABC
> 	    Interest
> 3.2	Income
> 	  Interest Income
> 	    CD
> 	    Saving

> Note in 4.1 and 8 do not match sample in 2.2
> 4.2
> 6)	* Type - Change the type from current to the exchange where the
> security/commodity is traded (in this example NASDAQ).
> 		(You can type in a new exchange as well)
> Symbol/abbreviation should have its own "*"
>   Also, this Symbol is the stock ticker in your quote source source, not
> on the Exchange itself.
>   For Amazon on Nasdaq Exchange is AMZN, but Ericsson on Stockholm
> Exchange is ERIC-B while on Yahoo it is ERICB.ST
>   "Get On-Line Quotes" should be highlighted, and if it is not tickable,
> then the F:Q package is not installed.
Didn't know that !  I keep thinking that the installation of F::Q should 
be covered earlier as part of the installation of GnuCash.
Except that ofter GnuCash is installed via apt-get, yum or RPM.

I'll add more explanation about linkage between symbol & Exchange, 
thanks for the information - I'm too US centric.

> 5.1 Screenshot do not match text. Equity:Opening Balances vs Equity:Starting
> 	I am having some problem matching the instruction in the text with the
> screenshot.
> 		transfer from Equity:Opening Balances, Shares (eg: 100), and Price (eg:
> $20).
> 	This sounds like one transaction, but it is two.
> 	How about commission?
I was avoiding Commissions ( and splits) until the selling section - 
should commissions be introduced here?
Not sure how I got "Equity:Starting"  with the account "Equity:Starting 
> 	Title of screenshot is a bit weird. Perhaps "This image shows the initial
> stock purchase"with the account "Equity:Starting Balances"?
Yes - I fix.
> 5.2	Commission? Some people wants to track it, and some don't. Perhaps we
> should show how to track it?
Other members thoughts ?
> 6.3	GnuCash will not display the "Get Quotes" button, as well as the tick
> box for online quotes
> 		if F:Q is not installed.
> 6.3.2	I am still missing clarification on the syntax and what
> $HOME/gnucash.xac is.
> 		Especially since the main datafile is called gnucash or rather
> GuideInvestExample in this case.
> 6.4 Options button?
Don't understand this ??

> 8 Would be nice with two examples with screenshots for dividend with cash
> as well as re-invested.
Working on these - That is why there is mention of NSTAR (NST) they pay 
dividends, have a
DRIP (Dividend ReInvestment Program and recently ha a stock split.
> By the way, the XML file is invalid (according to XMLmind) I think
> something is of in 4.2
Really - I build the "standard" HTML files with "sudo make all install" 
in the ./gnucash-doc-svn directory.
Works here - however I did a svn update today and downloaded a number of 
files.  When I try to MAKE I get
a number of errors, never completes.  The files have <<<<<< & >>>>>> 

> Just my small thoughts here..
> /Bengt 
> p.s.
> I hate screenshots... and redoing them...
Screenshots aren't bad with gimp, sequential are .....


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