[QOF-devel] Outline of new qofevent support

Derek Atkins warlord at MIT.EDU
Sat Feb 25 16:07:18 EST 2006

Quoting Neil Williams <linux at codehelp.co.uk>:

> On Tuesday 21 February 2006 5:07 am, Derek Atkins wrote:
>> Actually, I just thought of something..  I'd like to have events that
>> have both subject AND object..  Right now we just have a Subject +
>> Verb (QofEntity + QofEventId).  I'd like to add an object, too, so we
>> could have an event Subject + Verb + Object (QofEntity + QofEventId +
>> gpointer).
> OK. QOF can do that.

Well, QOF would need to be modified.. but yeah.. ;)

>> The generator and consumer of the QofEventId need to
>> agree on what the object of the event is.
> Absolutely. This would almost certainly mean a different QofEventId for each
> type of object used and expected. That can't be resolved by QOF, it needs to
> be stated in the docs and left to the user to ensure it actually happens that
> way.

Well, maybe.   It would mean defining that a particular QofEventId when
applied to a particular QofEntityId would (or would not) imply a particular
type of argument in the callback.  Nothing says that QOF_EVENT_FOO when
applied to QofTypeFoo implies an argument of X and when applied to a 
implies an argument of Y.

Admittedly, it would be nice to standardize, but in the grand scheme of
things it's just a contract between the event generator and the event

> Do you actually want a gpointer or would a QofEntity be a better choice?

I don't know.  I think passing gpointer is more general..  However all
the uses I have in mind only require a QofEntity (actually a QofInstance).

>> Could we add a second set of APIs that parallel the existing set
>> that let me pass an extra object back to the event handler?
> ... object, rather than argument, yes?

*shrugs*   The Name is unimportant to me...

>> I'd propose:
>>   typedef void (*QofEventHandlerWithArg)(QofEntity*, QofEventId, gpointer);
> WithArg infers non-objects being passed (like a GHashTable or GList, an
> arbitrary struct / iterator, some arbitrary const gchar* or other weird bits
> of memory) - was this your intention or would this be a better, clearer, name
> base?

Actually, yes, this was my intention -- it's closer to the way g_signal
works -- g_signal lets you pass any kind of arguments back to the caller.
Indeed, you can even define signals with MULTIPLE callback arguments!
So, leaving it as a gpointer leaves it a little closer to where we'll
get to be eventually with qof2.

> QofEventHandlerWithObject
> Your use case certainly centres on an item that is more of an Object 
> than some
> arbitrary argument.
> I prefer the idea of restricting it to objects - or more precisely, a
> QofEntity.

Why this restriction?

> Maybe even use QofEventHandlerWithEntity
>>   void qof_event_add_handler_with_arg(QofEventHandlerWithArg);
> qof_event_register_handler_with_object
> or qof_event_register_handler_with_entity
> and ditto below:
>>   void qof_event_del_handler_with_arg(QofEventHandlerWithArg);
> qof_event_unregister_handler_with_object
>>   void qof_event_with_arg(QofEntity*, QofEventId, gpointer);
> qof_event_gen_with_object ?
>> I admit this would be a LOT easier if QOF were based on gobject and we
>> used g_signal...  Mea Culpa.
> Issue postponed until closer to libqof2 which in turn is certainly after G2.
>> What do you think?
> Do you need this for QOF 0.6.2 (which otherwise could be released 
> tomorrow) or
> 0.6.3 which is a likely release in the first week of April (coinciding
> possibly with 1.9.3)? (i.e. as this is something you've just recently thought
> up, is the idea due to an immediate need, educated foresight or wishlist?)
> (I'd like QOF to have a 5-6 week release cycle during the life of gnucash
> 1.9.x and probably beyond during the life of libqof1. There are a lot of
> issues to resolve in libqof1 and I'm tackling them one at a time. I want each
> release to only have one new format added with it's old format being
> deprecated.)

I have an immediate use for it..  I'd like to set up an event handler that
gets called whenever we add a new transaction into a particular account..
The idea is that I can attach this handler to the A/R account and whenever
a new transaction appears (or changes) I can perform business-level processing
on the transaction.  For example, I can tell whether the transaction is tied
to an invoice/lot or not, and if not I can try to figure it out or maybe
ask the user for help...

So, yes, this is something I'd like to see in 0.6.2.


       Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
       Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
       URL: http://web.mit.edu/warlord/    PP-ASEL-IA     N1NWH
       warlord at MIT.EDU                        PGP key available

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