Translation line-wraps (was: Trans. Question as usual)

Christian Stimming stimming at
Sun Jan 1 15:09:34 EST 2006

Am Sonntag, 1. Januar 2006 20:12 schrieb linux at
> Hello, and Happy New Year!!

Happy New Year to you too!

> A little question.... & Updated norwagian bokmaal file.
> 2012 out of 3417 translated.

Thanks a lot. Applied. (How do you count 3417 and not approx. 4000? Are you 
ignoring the hbci directory and the help-topic.scm file? That would be a 
correct and good decision, but I'm just curious :-)

> Isn't the \n the same as "line change" in these po files?

In the po files, yes, but you're referring to a larger text in a GtkLabel. In 
a GtkLabel it depends on whether the property "wrap" is set to true or not. 
If it's set to true, then the GtkLabel will print a line break 1. at all 
"\n", and 2. everytime when the line gets too long. The result looks ugly if 
and only if the text of the GtkLabel still contains manual "\n" line breaks, 
but it looks just fine if the text doesn't contain any "\n" anymore, except 
for new paragraphs and empty lines between paragraphs. 

(Historical note: In gtk1 this feature of GtkLabel didn't work nicely enough, 
so we used manual line-breaks in gtk1. In gtk2, the GtkLabel is all-improved 
and we would like to use its line-wrapping everywhere.)

> Take a look at the "Actions" -> "close books" ("kommandoer" -> "periode
> avsluttning" in norwegian) dialog with the norwegian translation
> installed.... it is cutting the line some words before the \n and AT the
> \n. I have seen this several places, and it doesn't look werry pretty when
> it is cutting the text whereever it feels like it... Any advices?

The original text is wrong and shouldn't contain any newlines anymore, except 
for the paragraph-separating empty lines. You can already translate it this 
way: Don't use any manual newlines except for paragraph separation. 

Eventually the original english texts should switch to this behaviour 
everywhere (i.e. there shouldn't be any manual line-breaks but everything 
should be done by the automatic GtkLabel line-wrap), but we're not there yet.

> And a last one, how do i intstall the newly created norwegian accounts for
> testing? (I copyed the C folder to a newly created nb folder...) I tryed
> make install in the account folder, but it didn't work.

Either you just submit it here: we'll commit your initial version and add the 
necessary installation stuff. Other than that: you need to adapt 
accounts/ accordingly and in nb/ you need to change the 
accountdir. That should be sufficient.


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