Customer payments not working in v2.0.5

Derek Atkins warlord at MIT.EDU
Fri Aug 3 11:17:48 EDT 2007

Graham Leggett <minfrin at> writes:

> Derek Atkins wrote:
>> Sounds like a Currency issue..  Make sure all the currencies are
>> correct and THE SAME!
> Yes, all the currencies are the same, as they have been for the last 5
> years.

If it's been working for the last five years then what changed between
the last time it worked and the when it stopped working?

> Digging further, it looks like an invoice belonging to the same
> customer is also showing up with blank values in the register. In the
> customer report, the values show up - with the correct currency and
> value. In the register, which has the same currency, the values are
> blank.

This implies, to me, that the Customer's "Currency" configuration
is wrong.  I bet you have it set to "Locale Currency" instead of
specifying one.

> The plot thickens... looking inside the XML of the gnucash data file,
> it looks like gnucash has been ignoring the currencies on each
> register, and instead been using the the gnucash-wide currency for
> transactions.

Sorry, but that's incorrect.  Transactions entered through a currency-
based register will use that currency.  Transactions entered through
a STOCK or MUTUAL register (or the GL) will use the locale currency.
How do you enter your transactions?

> This particular gnucash is responsible for loading two xac files, one
> in one currency, and a second xac file in another currency, but this
> should not make any difference to the xac files themselves - it seems
> they do.

Data files don't have an inherent currency, so saying "one in one
currency and one in another" is wrong on many levels.  It most
certainly DOES make a difference in the files, because all the
accounts have to have different currency configurations in order to
maintain the dichotomy.

> I suspect what is happening is that when the certain transactions are
> created, the currency of the transaction is being taken from the
> default currency, instead of the register currency.

This is true.  There ARE certain cases where it uses the locale
currency.  In particular: Stock, Mutual, and GL registers, and when
configured to do so in the business features.

Also keep in mind that many of the currency configurations are stored
in GCONF and not in your data file or data metadata file, so things
like "Report Currency" dont stay with the data file.

> Regards,
> Graham


       Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
       Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
       URL:    PP-ASEL-IA     N1NWH
       warlord at MIT.EDU                        PGP key available

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