Possible bug in the expenses system

John Schmerge john.schmerge at qlogic.com
Tue Mar 6 06:14:43 EST 2007

Hey all,

I'm seeing some weirdness in the expenses report at the end of the last
month of the report (march)... I'm seeing *big* expense in the report
that doesn't exist... I'm wondering who is the maintainer of this
report... I'm pretty sure that this is an edge case that I'm hitting, no
very basic re-creations of my books demonstrate the discrepancy. Anyway,
I have a bunch of personal data in my books that I'm not willing to give
anyone, but am looking to solve the issue. If anyone can tell me who to
talk to about this, I'd be happy to debug the issue.

Please email me if you're the owner of the expenses report.


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