Generating a PR buzz for 2.2.0

Christian Stimming stimming at
Fri May 18 16:13:20 EDT 2007

Hi Nathan,

> As I understand it, we currently post notices on our website,
> the lists, and they occasionally get picked up by other tech news websites
> from there (correct me if I'm wrong). 


> When 2.2.0 is released it will be a 
> big deal. With this release we break into the mass market (eg - Windows).
> There are big benefits (as I'm sure you already know): more potential
> developers, larger user base, etc, but that's not the point. The point is,
> that this is "big news" and we need a PR strategy.

Absolutely! I'm all in for some real PR buzz! :-)

For the 2.0.0 release, Matt Townsend had provided an excellent template for a 
press release [1] and we would need something similar (although of course not 
identical) this time.

Nevertheless the "PR buzz" at 2.0.0 was probably not too large. I've collected 
the resulting press coverage [2] which included, for the U.S., and 
slashdot, but not more. In Germany, the top I.T. news site ( and 
some more less important ones covered it, at least.

Now the funny part is: Our tiny little quiet 2.1.0 release got almost the same 
coverage already; if you google for "gnucash windows", you will notice 
several German I.T. news sites and a whole bunch of blogs that mention 
our "GnuCash going Windows" news. For that reason I agree even more with your 
post - we should really try to use this momentum of the official 2.2 release.

> 1. create a list of news sites to submit a story to. If they choose to
> publish it great, if not, we haven't lost anything. We should consider news
> sites in the following categories:
> -tech/IT sites (to raise visibility among IT professionals)
> -accounting/financial sites (to raise visibility among then financial
> industry - we do create financial software!)
> -general interest news sites/ public broadcasters (many have a tech and
> financial sections where an article may fit in.)

Yes, this is by far the easiest part and we should really do this. As usual, I 
suggest some wiki pages to do this. Can you start on or similar? I'll add what I know and 
especially what I know about the situation in Germany.

> We would need to draft up some special announcement beforehand.

Yes. As I'm not a native English speaker, I'll wait for someone else to start 
the first draft...

> 2. Advertise online

If it's possible (is it?), why not? Sounds interesting, to say the least.

> Scheduling: We need to have all the packages released at the same time (or
> at least hold the announcements until all the packages are up and we are
> happy with them). We don't want to get caught unprepared. (yes, I am
> speaking as the person that is building the last package ;) )

Yes, absolutely. We will make sure all packages are in place before any 
announcements are sent out.

Thanks for taking the lead here - that sounds great!



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