I did some modification of GnuCash website.

Tao Wang dancefire at gmail.com
Fri May 21 08:43:57 EDT 2010


I'm sorry for the CR introduced by my Windows. I recreate patches for
the charset problem. I attached them.

1) htdocs_fix3_step0_header_fix.patch remove '$current_path' or
'$current_page' which is not necessary anymore. It's not related to
charset issue. And should be safe to apply.

2) htdocs_fix3_step1_make_charset.patch add 'nmz.charset' section in
Makefile, so it will convert templates of {de, fr, es, it} to

Please also add following lines in '/etc/namazu/namazurc', so namazu
will use different charset for different language:
ContentType     "text/html"

Charset "en"    "utf-8"
Charset "de"    "ISO-8859-1"
Charset "es"    "ISO-8859-1"
Charset "fr"    "ISO-8859-1"
Charset "it"    "ISO-8859-1"
Charset "ja"    "utf-8"
Charset "nl"    "utf-8"
Charset "nb"    "utf-8"
Charset "pl"    "utf-8"
Charset "pt"    "utf-8"
Charset "zh"    "utf-8"

The charset problem should be fixed now, and the only thing left is to
remove the raw 'ja' templates and generate them. So, the 3rd patch
should be applied.

3) htdocs_fix3_step2_remove_ja_templates.patch will remove
search/templates/*.ja and modified Makefile to generate 'ja' templates
by 'ja.po' file.



Tao Wang
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