postgres database lock cancelling on closing gnucash

Johann Wöckinger j.woeckinger at
Wed Nov 24 14:21:09 EST 2010


since Version 2.3.16RC1, I notice the following message popup on 
starting gnucash:

GnuCash could not get exclusive write permission to postgres://.........

with some explaination for reasons for that.

It seems, that gnucash does not delete the lock entry in the database 
(table: gnclock) when closing the application (I found the lock entry 
still in the database table after closing gnucash), so it comes up with 
this warning on startup, which can be overridden on selecting "open" - 
but its somewhat annoying.

This behaviour was not observed in former releases of the 2.3.x series.

Would be nice to have the former behavior.


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