Budget report with a different format

Phil Longstaff plongstaff at rogers.com
Sat Nov 27 14:08:01 EST 2010

I have been playing around with the budget report to provide the info I
want in the format I want.  For now, I've just called it "PSL
Budget" (my initials).  I don't know what bugs there might be.

The format.  There are 3 sets of columns.  Each set of columns can have
budget/actual/diff values.  The three sets of columns are (1) current
month (2) all months up to and including this one (3) full year.  This
allows me to see budget room (or over-budget) for the month, accumulated
budget room (or over-budget) from past months and budget room (or
over-budget for the year).

In the general tab of the report options, you can select which month is
the current one.  I haven't tied this in to the date yet.

I don't know what bugs there are or if this will make it into 2.4.0.
I'm interested in any feedback.

For any developers who might want to tweak this or create budget reports
which combine columns: Under the surface, I've done some work in how
budget columns are specified, so that a column set spec is given to the
budget report engine.  Look at lines 500/501.  This is where the column
sets are specified.  The spec is a list.  If a list item is a number,
the column set is the budget/actual/diff for that period.  If the list
item is a list of numbers, the column set is the sum of
budget/actual/diff for those periods.  Thus, (10 (0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10) (0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11)) specifies first set = november, 2nd set
= jan-nov, 3rd set = whole year (indexes start at 0).  You could have
((0 1 2) (3 4 5) (6 7 8) (9 10 11)) for 4 sets, each one being a
quarter.  Eventually, I'd like to see the report engines take a row
specification (what accounts and how to subtotal/total them) and a
column spec (what columns and how to subtotal/total them), both of which
are user-definable.

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