
John Ralls jralls at
Sun Oct 30 20:09:22 EDT 2011

The most widely used function in the engine is

xaccAccountTreeForEachTransaction (Account *acc,
                                   int (*proc)(Transaction *t, void *data),
                                   void *data)

It's called in 302 places in C functions and 1158 places in Scheme functions. It runs an arbitrary function on every transaction having a split in the account or any descendant account.

The only other functions called in more than 100 places are

gnc_commodity_table_insert() 	C: 235
gnc_commodity_new() 		C: 232 SCM: 2
xaccSplitGetParent () 		C: 105 SCM: 121
xaccAccountGetCommodity () 	C: 115 SCM: 70
gnc_commodity_get_mnemonic() 	C: 106  SCM: 54
xaccAccountGetName () 		C: 66 SCM: 77
xaccSplitGetAccount () 		C: 72 SCM: 61
xaccAccountGetType () 		C: 69 SCM: 62
xaccSplitGetAmount () 		C: 67 SCM: 41
xaccTransCommitEdit () 		C: 93 SCM: 7

Happy Hallowe'en!

John Ralls

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