Error when running test suite

Geert Janssens janssens-geert at
Wed Nov 27 16:41:51 EST 2013

On Wednesday 27 November 2013 11:31:24 John Ralls wrote:
> The comment ahead of that test function says:
> /*
>  * There are some differences between distros in the way they name
>  * locales, and this can cause trouble with the locale-based
>  * formatting. If you get the assert in this function, run locale -a
>  * and make sure that en_US, en_GB, and fr_FR are installed and that
>  * if a suffix is needed it's in the suffixes array.
>  */
> The reason is that the test exercises the date functions in those
> locales to ensure that the i18n part of the date routines is
> functioning correctly.
> Regards,
> John Ralls

would it make sense for the test to write a similar message to the log in case this assert 
is reached ? Not everybody looks in the test source automatically.


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