Byte order mark always make some files modified

John Ralls jralls at
Sat Dec 27 12:22:12 EST 2014

> On Dec 27, 2014, at 3:50 AM, Chenxiong Qi <qcxhome at> wrote:
> Hi,
> Following files are always marked as modified in my repos when swtich
> between maint and master back and forth, sometimes these modified
> files prevent git from git-checkout, meanwhile they cannot be stashed
> or checked out with `checkout --`.
> modified:   doc/README-de.win32-bin.txt
> modified:   doc/README-fr.win32-bin.txt
> modified:   doc/README-it.win32-bin.txt
> modified:   doc/README-nl.win32-bin.txt
> modified:   doc/README-zh_CN.win32-bin.txt
> modified:   doc/README-zh_TW.win32-bin.txt
> modified:   doc/README.win32-bin.txt
> modified:   doc/examples/downloaded.mt940
> I searched archived mails in gnucash-devel, set `git config --global
> core.autocrlf input`. However, this only affects the first time when
> checkout branch from master to maint. Above issue happens again when
> checkout back to master from maint. Really confused, have no idea why
> this happens and not sure whether it's an CRLF-related issue.

Those files' line endings are supposed to be controlled by .gitattributes, which overrides the core.autocrlf setting.
I tweaked the globs in .gitattributes 2 Dec., and Mike Alexander removed the line endings from the repo on the 8th. This worked correctly for me just now, with no core.autocrlf setting. Did you experience the problem with a fresh checkout
or an older one?

README.win32-bin.txt and downloaded.mt940 don't have BOMs.

John Ralls

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