organizing accounts after import

John Valente johnv02139 at
Sat May 2 13:58:33 EDT 2015

(I did just send another email on a different topic.  I hope it's not considered spamming to send two emails in a row.)
I just finished importing a big QIF file, and I'm faced with an intimidatingly long list of "accounts" (many of which were "categories" in the old program, but the wizard did warn me about that), in alphabetical order.
The screenshot shown on page 1 of the guide looks great.  It has Assets, and then under that Current Assets and Investments, and more categories under Investments, etc.  I'd like my data to look like that.
I see I can edit an account, and choose a new "Parent" from the ensuing dialog box, after clicking to expand the dropdown list and scrolling through to find the new parent.  This seems awfully laborious, though.  Can anyone recommend a more efficient way to organize my accounts into a neat hierarchy?
Thanks again,

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