* GnuCash run and close properly. 1 - Start gnucash First time after deleting all the gconf data. 2 - Start gnucash close without saving. 3 - Start gnucash and close with saving. 4 - Start gnucash Tip of days appear properly. 5 - after disabling it check the tip of day no longer appears. 6 - Open an existing Project. 7 - Gnucash Open the last recent project when it is opened * dialog appear when requesting it (validation here is just we have the dialog opened and dismissed without problems). A - for all these cases the default state gnucash is running test for the following dialogs - File Menu dialogs 1 - Export Dialog. 2 - Export Chart Dialog. 3 - QIF import. 4 - Replay log file. 5 - QSF import - Edit Menu Dialogs 1 - Find Dialog. 2 - Preference. 3 - Select HTML style sheets. 4 - Tax Option - View Menu 1 - reset warning. - Business Menu + Customer 1 - New Customer. 2 - Find Customer. 3 - New Invoice. 4 - Find Invoice. 5 - New Job. 6 - Find Job. + Vendor 1 - New Vendor. 2 - Find Vendor. 3 - New Bill. 4 - Find Bill. 5 - New Job. 6 - Find Job. + Empolyee 1 - New Empolyee. 2 - Find Empolyee. 3 - New Expense Voucher. 4 - Find Expense Voucher. 2 - Tax Table. 3 - Billing Term Editor + Export 1 - QSF Invoice. 2 - QSF Customer. 3 - QSF Vendor. 4 - QSF Empolyee. - Tools. 1 - Price Editor. 2 - Security Editor. 3 - Financial Calculator. - Help. 1 - Contents loaded correctly. 2 - Tip of the day. 3 - About Dialog. B - for all these cases the default state gnucash opened and we have an acount Page, check that the following dailogs appear properly the testcase will be only open and dismiss it. - File 1 - New Account Page 2 - New Account Heirarch durid.Pre 3 - Save Dialog, after press Save. 4 - Save Dialog, after press Save As. 5 - Book Option Dialog. - Action 1 - Transfer funds. * Check the tabs added and Close correctly correctly. - File 1 - new Account tab. 2 - new Budget tab. - Reports (The report Menu generate tab with same name of the menu item could be all done in one testcase) . * All wizard give the expected set of dialogs. 1 - New Account Hierarcy wizards. 2 - Frist Time wizards. * Each Control in the dialog does its effect on the other controls in the same dialogs correctly, generate expected result - Find Dialog 1 - Add new Search Criteria. 2 - Remove Search Criteria. 3 - Using a data driven testcases apply various data and show if it returns expected result. - Select HTML Style sheet. 1 - Add new Style Sheet ( Data Driven testcase may be required). 2 - Edit exiting Style Sheet. 3 - Remove Exting Style Sheet. - Find Customer. 1 - Using a data driven test cases apply various search critiria insure it will returns the correct result. 2 - Edit A customer data from This. 3 - Invoke Find Job Dialog. 4 - Invoke Find Ivoice Dialog. - New Customer. 1 - Add New Customer and Search for it. - Find Invoice. 1 - Same as Find Customer. 2 - Same as Find Customer - New Invoice. 1 - Add new Invoice. - Find Vendor - New Vendor - Find Job - New Job - New Bill - Find Bill - New job - Find job - Find Empolyee - New Empolyee - Find expense voucher - New Expense voucher. * more testing to be considered Reports - Reports < TBD > * Performing Transactions - TBD * follow a complete user happy path, e.g. following the tutorials in the GnuCash doc and automate all of them and confirm that you got the expected result at each step. - Here I'm going to follow the tutorials