I guess I must be dense...

Patrick Lawrence pjl@patsoffice.com
Thu, 30 Nov 2000 01:06:35 -0800


I just installed 1.4.8 and am working on getting things set up so that I
can attempt to use GnuCash on a regular basis.

I have set up two accounts.  An "Income" account (of type "Income"
approprately enough ;-) and a "Checking" account (of type "Bank".)

Creating an entry in the "Income" account for my paycheck is not a
problem.  However, when I want to transfer the check from my "Income"
account to my "Checking" account, I cannot get the money to be charged
from my "Income" account.

The steps that I took to transfer the money were:

1) In the "Income" register, click on "Transfer"
2) The transfer dialog info was as follows:

Amount: 100.00
Date: 11/30/2000
Description: Test 1
Memo: Test 2
Transfer From: Income
Transfer To: Checking

Then I clicked on "Ok"

An entry was created in both the "Income" and the "Checking" registers.

What I ended up with in both registers was a multi-line transaction.  The
"Income" register now looked like the following (with the "check" that I
got on the first line.)

Date        Num  Description    Account     Charge    Income    Balance
11/29/2000       Dummy paycheck Income                100       100
11/30/2000       Test 1         Income                100       200
                 Test 2         Checking              100

Shouldn't "Test 1" have 100 under the charge column???  If I try to put it
there, it moves the "Test 2" number to the charge column as well (and then
that account ends up with a negative balance! :-)

What the heck am I missing?  Is there a FAQ out there with this info?
This mailing list doesn't appear to be archived so I couldn't check there
before possibly making myself look like a total idiot!


       "You are not a beautiful and unique snowflake!" - Tyler Durden