1.6.0 RPM available for Redhat 6.2 available yet

Jean-David Beyer jdbeyer@exit109.com
Wed, 20 Jun 2001 10:30:47 -0400

Bill Gribble wrote:
> On Wed, Jun 20, 2001 at 09:50:50AM -0400, Jean-David Beyer wrote:
> > I infer that Red Hat 6.2 has been abandonned.
> There's nothing that would prevent gnucash from running on RH6.2 with
> a suitably upgraded Gnome install.  Dave Peticolas has been building
> the RPMs and I think he has moved his personal machine to RH7.

I am trying to download his suggested RPM as I type this, but the
download keeps stalling.
> This may not be a helpful suggestion, but have you tried to install
> the RPM from redhat-7.x on your 6.2 system?

I have learned from bitter experience never to do that. I do not even
download RPMs from Red Hat anymore, nor do I use rpmfind.org (or
whatever it is) anymore either. I find when I do those things, I get
cascading dependencies that I can never resolve. I once had to
download about 5 dozen RPMs to get something to load. Then it did not
work, and the system got so flakey that I had to reinstall the whole
thing system again from my CD-ROM. I now try to get all my RPMs from
the same source, from the vendor of my machine (VA Linux Systems),
because mixing just does not work. Either the dependencies are
incomplete or incorrect, allowing me to load incompatable RPMs, or
they do not allow me to install at all. I cannot resolve the cascading
dependencies because I must usually go to three or more RPM sources to
get everything, and they make different assumptions and do not work

>  That RPM is built against
> guile-1.3.4 which is (I believe) the version RH6.2 comes with.

The guile I have is guile-1.3-10.i386.rpm. I also have guile-devel
with the same extensions. So I assume I am behind (1.3 vs. 1.3.4).
> Thanks,
> Bill Gribble

 .~.  Jean-David Beyer           Registered Linux User 85642.
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