Whatever happened to `adjust balance'?

Dave Peticolas dave@krondo.com
02 Sep 2001 12:50:22 -0700

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On Sun, 2001-09-02 at 09:08, Eric Hanchrow wrote:
> 1.4 had a menu option called `adjust balance', with which I could tell
> Gnucash the balance in an account, and it would add a transaction for
> the correct amount.  (I forget which account the other half of the
> transaction pointed to; I think it was an "unbalance" account that
> would be created if needed).  I found this convenient for my wallet:
> I'm always spending money out of my wallet without getting receipts.
> Periodically I'd adjust the balance, and I'd in effect "scrub" the
> added transaction, showing the money as going to "unknown".
> 1.6 doesn't seem to have this feature.  Is it in there somewhere that
> I'm missing, or was it truly removed?  If the latter, is there a
> better way to do what I'd been doing?

It's better to just transfer what you need to a miscellaneous expense
account. GnuCash can do the math for you, in the credit column just
enter 'X - Y' where X is the current gnucash balance and Y is the
actual balance in, say, your wallet.


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