More Problems with fetching prices

Randall Hopper
Sun, 2 Sep 2001 22:37:01 -0400

Viktor Rosenfeld:
 |I tried the price editor for my foreign currency accounts, but I get the
 |following error message: 
 |	"Unable to get quotes or diagnose the problem"
 |At the console, there's only the following output.
 |(handling-request ("currency" "USD" "DEM"))
 |(handling-request ("currency" "ILS" "DEM"))
 |(handling-request ("currency" "RUB" "DEM"))

I hit this yesterday with one of Fidelity's funds.  Surf this URL and
you'll see why:

Whenever the needed values are N/A in yahoo's DB, that seems to be the
message GNUCash gives in response.


Randall Hopper