Help on setting up accounts

Federico Cozzi
Fri, 26 Apr 2002 17:07:22 +0200 (CEST)

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Hi all,

I recently started using Gnucash and I have some problems in setting up 
accounts for this situation (fake dates and figures):
on 1st Jan, I bought from my bank a "Pronti Contro Termine" (I don't 
know its name in English) at EUR 1000; they tell me that they will rebuy 
it on 31st Dec at EUR 1100. I can not resell the PCT earlier than 31st Dec.

I set up two accounts:
- -"Asset:Investments:PCT" of type "Asset"
- -"Income:PCT" of type "Income"

and then enter these transactions:
- - 1st Jan: EUR 1000 from "Asset:Current assets:My bank account" into
- - 1st Apr: a split transaction of EUR 1000 from "Asset:Investments:PCT"
  and EUR 100 from "Income:PCT" into"Asset:Current assets:My bank account"

Is this the right way? The chapter of the manual on capital gain is very 
hard to understand, I guess my situation is simpler.

By the way, if I set up my accounts this way Gnucash behaves strangely: in 
the main window it shows my FUTURE situation, not the current one (i.e. it 
shows my "Asset:Investments:PCT" empty), but on the other hand if I open 
that account it does understand the difference between present and future.
How can I change Gnucash to show my PRESENT situation in the main window?

Thanks in advance.

- -- 
Federico Cozzi
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Per informazioni si veda
