Nothing works on Red Hat

Karl F. Larsen
Sat, 30 Nov 2002 18:22:55 -0700 (MST)

Hi Conrad, at least one thing is wrong with gnucash on Red Hat 8 that I 
cannot find a solution but you might. After removing gnucash and then 
re-loading it the New load has data from an earlier version. If you 
click on File you find 1. /home/karl/cash and 2. 
/home/karl/cash/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx file. I can click on these and a 
panel comes up saying it failed to open these. I can find no way to 
delete them. 

I have looked around and found suppossedly all the files for gnucash in 
the directory /etc/gnucash/ and /usr/share/gnucash/ but it can't be all 
because I deleted both of these directories, then uninstalled gnucash 
and and re-installed it. But the first time I bring it up they are back 
in the same place. Changes I made in preferances stay even when I have 
deleted the stuff.

Can you tell me where these things are stored? Is it somewhere under 
/tmp/ or god knows where? If I can get a true new version to work with I 
might get it working on Red Hat 8. 

On 1 Dec 2002, Conrad Canterford wrote:

> On Sun, 2002-12-01 at 10:26, Karl F. Larsen wrote:
> > I tried to load the gnucash rpm shipped with Red Hat 7.3 on Red 
> > Hat 7.3 and it will not load because there is a library missing that it 
> > needs. Anyone who makes a rpm to be used with Red Hat that fails 
> > dependancy is not trying to make a software for wide use.
> Karl,
> A couple of points for you to consider:
> 1. The gnucash team don't produce the rpms that ship on the redhat CD's
> - redhat make them. We produce the code and documentation, and test it
> all. As an assistance to our users, we do produce rpms of new versions
> that fix bugs when they are released, but we are only able to produce
> binary rpms that work on systems substantially similar to our own. There
> is nothing we can do about this - we do not have a great big farm of
> machines running a whole variety of different configurations, we have
> our own personal workstations, and we need to use these for our own
> personal use (including further improvements to gnucash).
> 2. Having said the above, I can assure you that the gnucash rpms in both
> Redhat 7.3 and Redhat 8.0 DO work with the libraries shipped on those
> CD-ROMs. I know the 7.3 one works because that was what I was using
> until very recently (when an evolution upgrade broke it). If there is a
> library missing, it is on the CD somewhere. If you need assistance to
> find what package it is in, ask. Both the developers and the other users
> on this list are quite happy to help.
> 3. As I have said on this list before, please don't critisise the
> gnucash developers for faults in package management software. We produce
> gnucash. We do not work for Redhat, or any other organisation
> responsible for shipping this software. We're volunteers. We do not have
> control over everything that happens in the linux world.
> > 	So if this was a bond I would rate gnucash a "junk bond". I will 
> > keep my red Hat 7.2 around just to use gnucash that runs well in that 
> > version. 
> Or alternatively, you can consider what I have said above, and rather
> than slagging off at some hard working innocents you could approach this
> list with a positive request for help.
> Conrad
> One of the Gnucash developers.
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               - Karl Larsen k5di Las Cruces,NM Az ScQRPions -