Question regarding transaction display

Raymond J. Huber
01 Dec 2002 11:43:31 -0500


I have been using gnucash for about a year and find it very useful. 
However, there is one bit of behavior that I find annoying.

Here is the situation.  Suppose I go to Wal-Mart and buy an air filter
and fuel filter for the car and a shirt for myself.  I pay cash.  I
enter the transactions into my Assets:Current Assets:Cash in Wallet
account as a split with a line for each item.  The air filter and fuel
filter are associated with the Expenses:Automotive:Repair and
Maintenance account, the shirt is associated with the Expenses:Clothing
account, and the sales tax is associated with the Expenses:Sales Tax
account.  When I go to the Expenses:Automotive:Repair and Maintenance
account, I will see two entires for Wal-Mart instead of an entry for an
air filter and a fuel filter.  I can select the entry for Wal-Mart,
select split and that will show me the entire transaction, including the
shirt and the sales tax.  How can I adjust the display so that the
Expenses:Automotive:Repair and Maintenance account will show only the
items pertaining to itself and not other items that I happened to get on
the same shopping trip?
