Gnucash help

Linas Vepstas
Mon, 9 Dec 2002 20:55:06 -0600

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On Mon, Dec 09, 2002 at 07:16:36PM -0600, Matthew Vanecek was heard to rema=
> Damn, I couldn't stop myself...

Please do. I lost my temper, and I lost a bit of time replying to=20
another, private email from Mr. Larsen.  It is my own fault that
I lost a few hours of my life in dealing with this incorrigable
personality, but don't you do it too.=20=20

You don't need to apolgize for not having tried hard enough, or not
having been clear enough, in your replies.  I think your record,
and everyone elses, is positive and speaks for itself.   Damn near
everyone around these parts know that you, and Derek, and Conrad,=20
and I forget who-all was involved in this tragic flamefest, do a
good job.

At this point, we are wasting our own good time being defensive and
apologetic.  It does not make the world a better place to sit here
and defend our replies and our actions any further.=20

When I am confronted with a statement I disagree with, especially
when it is coming from the mouth of a known asshole, I always ask
myself, "is it worth arguing this?".  After calming myself a bit,
I almost always decide that the argument would be pointless, and
not worth the effort.  "Life is too short", I say, or "Disgression
is the better part of valour" (for non-english speakers on this
list: 'disgression' and 'valor' may be hard words, but this phrase
is lovely).

So follow the example I didn't quite set: don't bother arguing=20
unless you really need to.  Just bite your lip, and let it pass.
Or toss an over-ripe tomato if you really have to.  But don't waste
your time.


pub  1024D/01045933 2001-02-01 Linas Vepstas (Labas!) <>
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