[Fwd: QIF Date/Number import errors]

David Hampton hampton@employees.org
23 Dec 2002 23:51:51 -0800

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On Sun, 2002-12-22 at 10:45, Renan J. Felix wrote:
> Hello everyone! I figured out the problem importing my bank-generated
> qif file. I compared a file from another financial institution that had
> no problems importing and I noticed a difference. My banks adds a +
> character to any deposits and a - to any withdrawals. I removed the +
> character but left the negative ones untouched and voila! no problems
> importing! I hope this message helps with anyone having similar issues
> or that its addressed in any future release of the importer. No I can
> work on my full migration to GNUCash!
> P.S. I was using GNUCash 1.7.5 when I figured out how to fix this import
> issue. Thanks!

Thanks for tracking this down.  I fixed gnucash to allow the leading '+'
sign.  This should appear in the next release (it missed 1.7.6).


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