Running GnuCash 1.7.6

Conrad Canterford
26 Dec 2002 21:15:45 +1100

On Thu, 2002-12-26 at 20:10, Chris Vine wrote:
> In order to run GnuCash 1.7.6 I have compiled and installed g-wrap-1.3.4 and 
> then GnuCash 1.7.6, in both cases with an install prefix of /usr (the same as 
> was used for GnuCash 1.6.8), and manual inspection shows that everything 
> appears to be in the right place.  GnuCash compiles without error, but when 
> trying to run it, it bombs out at the start with the message:
> ERROR: In procedure dynamic-link:
> ERROR: file not found

> Does anyone have any other 
> suggestions?

Make absolutely sure you have removed all traces of your previous g-wrap
and gnucash versions from /usr/* - particularly make sure that all
libg-wrap* and libgw* files are removed, then reinstall.
I was getting the same sort of error for a long time while trying to run
with both 1.6.8 and CVS gnucash installed, and the problem only went
away when I uninstalled all g-wraps, and rebuilt and installed them in
very seperate directories. They have rather different names and
structures, but nevertheless, there appears to be something that gets
caught by gnucash from the earlier version that really shouldn't. I was
never able to identify what. 
