Helpful Accounting Tutorials

Tripp Lilley
Mon, 4 Mar 2002 04:01:02 -0500 (EST)

On Mon, 4 Mar 2002, Tripp Lilley wrote:

> I will, of course, post the patterns docs whenever I get around to
> compiling them from my notes. At the very least, I can transcribe my notes
> :)

[Responds to own post]

I should also point out that part of my intent in codifying these
accounting principles in "patterns" form is to give me a good, "formal"
basis for eventually codifying them in Druids or other helper apps. That
is, once I get time to dig into resurrecting the SWIG bindings :) (I'm
sorry! I love Scheme conceptually, I just don't like actually -using- it).