start all over

Conrad Canterford
13 Oct 2002 10:58:01 +1000

On Sun, 2002-10-13 at 05:46, Vince Herried wrote:
> I didn't see this in the last vew months archieves...
> I have deleted home/gnome/GnuCash
> and all the gnucash fles I could find
> but yet gnucash still is upset.
> I want to clean it all out and start all over....
> where is the magic file I must delete to fix it?

You will need to delete any .gnucash directories too.

What is the specific problem you are having that requires this move

Conrad Canterford  (
Water Sprite Pty Ltd   |  url -
GPO Box 355,           |  - Australian Tour and Event Management (ATEM)
Canberra, ACT 2601     |  - Ticketing Division.
Mobile: +61 402 697054 |  - Catering Services Division.