g-wrap lost

Christopher Hicks chicks@chicks.net
Wed, 25 Sep 2002 13:17:52 -0400 (EDT)

On Wed, 25 Sep 2002 David Hampton <hampton@employees.org> wrote:
> On Wed, 2002-09-25 at 05:04, John L. Turner wrote:
> > ? Can someone explain to a newbies, why setup / install programs
> > for gnucash and other Linux applications
> > can NOT use:
> >  find / -name "What is needed"
> > to locate the lib??? that the program needs
> >=20
> > ? Why is it the responsibly of the user to know these things
> Because you may have multiple version of the program installed on your
> system.  For example, I have both g-wrap 1.2.1 and g-wrap 1.3.2
> installed in parallel, gnome 1.4 and gnome 2.0 installed in parallel,
> etc.

So!?!  A "may have" doesn't mean that there shouldn't be an intelligent
default.  Leaving this a nob that people HAVE to twiddle just confuses the
newbs.  Most people that have multiple versions of g-wrap will be people
who realize that configure takes lots of options they can play with.  
That's how people usually deal with "may haves".


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