g-wrap lost - So am I

Christian Stimming stimming@tuhh.de
Thu, 26 Sep 2002 10:00:24 +0200

David Tangye wrote:

> Christopher Hicks wrote:
>  > So!?!  A "may have" doesn't mean that there shouldn't be an intelligent
>  > default.  
> The point raised above touches on a very very important 
> point that techies in IT companies often do not realise the importance 
> of. Specifically, unless an app like Gnucash is made an utter no-brainer 
> to install, with auto-options for us great herd of plebs who do not wish 
> to know the details but rather insist that it either loads with a click 
> or it gets chucked in the bin, then that app will never make it into 
> mainstream.

 > [...]

> Get the idea?

Sure. Why don't you bug your favorite distributor until they provide you 
a CD that comes with everything you need on it? After all, that's what 
distributors are for.

I have no problem in admitting that application developers can't do the 
job of the distributors. For various reasons -- the fact that developers 
are precisely "techies" being not the least of them. So, sure, I totally 
agree with you, but it's just not our job to provide the 
one-click-works-instantly packages. That's the job of the distributors. [1]
