Delete Vendor?

Derek Atkins warlord at MIT.EDU
Mon Dec 8 21:12:22 CST 2003


Elizabeth Dodd <edodd at> writes:

> the phrase wheel is a device for autofilling boxes, here people's names and 
> medical diagnoses, of which there are thousands (we have about 19,000 people 
> on our surgery list). you type in the first letter(s) and then it sends to 
> the backend to get the short list of choices. the speed can be modified, so a 
> slow typist will have it slow and a faster typist faster, or it can be 
> (hopefully) modified not to start a lookup until I press enter.
> then there will be a drop down box of your short list of choices.

Thank you for this description.  It is something that I had in mind --
basically instead of just having the 'search' button, you'd be able to
type directly into the Entry.  If you type into the entry and try to
exit (hit return, or tab), it would run a query and try to complete
the text and pop up a list of solutions (I'm not sure if this should
be a combo-box-style popup or an actual search-dialog-style popup).

The other idea I had was to make the Entry be a combo box and only put
the cached entries in the box.  For XML this would be everything.  For
SQL it would be only those items already "seen" (so when you first
start up you would need to click 'select', but subsequent runs though
the dialog would fill those entries into the combobox).

I suspect the latter approach would be too confusing and the
phrase-wheel would be more workable/acceptable to users.

If you have a pointer to the widget it would be greatly appreciated!


> liz

       Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
       Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
       URL:    PP-ASEL-IA     N1NWH
       warlord at MIT.EDU                        PGP key available

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